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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Louis Steven "Steve" Moore of
4Washburn, who passed away on June 3, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Steve Moore, the son of Louis Joseph Moore and
6Mary Lee Schnabel Moore, was born on May 18, 1961; he was
7raised in Reno Beach and Northwood, both of Ohio, along the
8shores of Lake Erie; he graduated from Northwood High School
9in 1979, where he set multiple track records; just before he
10turned 30, he relocated to central Illinois, then moving to
11central Indiana before finally settling in Washburn, Illinois
12in 2012; and
13    WHEREAS, Steve Moore worked as a school bus driver for
14Lowpoint Washburn Community Unit School District #21 for many
15years; prior to that, he worked as a cook, held a position with
16the Water Department for the Village of Washburn, served as a
17computer network technician, and was a woodworker and a union
18carpenter; and
19    WHEREAS, Steve Moore was a man of many talents and
20interests; from a young age, he was interested in astronomy,
21the unknown, and science fiction; he enjoyed using his
22telescope and reading about the latest space discoveries, and



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1he was an avid lover of all things Star Trek; he enjoyed
2playing Dungeons and Dragons and multiplayer online games; in
3his younger days, he was very active in the Society for
4Creative Anachronisms (SCA), where he went by his character
5name "Wigard", shot archery, served as a swordsman, and co-led
6a group of members in House Circle Wolf; and
7    WHEREAS, Steve Moore was preceded in death by his father
8and his son, Steven B. Moore; and
9    WHEREAS, Steve Moore is survived by his daughter, Amanda
10(Christopher) Franklin; his wife, Danna GE Moore; his mother;
11his siblings, Lorri (Duane) French, Charlie (Justin)
12Yaney-Johnston, Joel (Bobbi) Moore, Noel (Erin) Moore, Dani
13Leasure, and Amanda (Tim) Meadors; his grandchildren, Austin,
14Piper, and Sadie; and numerous nieces and nephews; therefore,
15be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
18Louis Steven "Steve" Moore and extend our sincere condolences
19to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
20it further
21    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
22presented to the family of Steve Moore as an expression of our



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1deepest sympathy.