SR1103LRB103 41195 MST 74412 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Fred H. "Fritz" Greenwald of
4Springfield, who passed away on June 11, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Fred Greenwald was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin
6to Alfred and Viola Broeker Greenwald on October 17, 1928; he
7graduated from St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin and
8received his graduate degree from the University of
9Wisconsin-Madison; he served with the U.S. Army during the
10Korean War; he married Rita A. Harlow on November 17, 1951; and
11    WHEREAS, Fred Greenwald taught in the music department at
12Springfield College in Illinois for 31 years; he also gave
13private lessons and served as an adjunct instructor at Lincoln
14Land Community College and Sangamon State University; he
15retired in 1999, but he maintained contact with many of his
16former students throughout the years; and
17    WHEREAS, Fred Greenwald was a member of the Springfield
18Municipal Band for 44 years and the Capital Area Concert Band
19for 25 years, including many years as director; he was musical
20director of several Springfield Municipal Opera shows and
21played in numerous others; he loved playing and listening to
22all music, especially classical, big band, and jazz; and



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1    WHEREAS, Fred Greenwald was a member of the Cathedral of
2the Immaculate Conception; and
3    WHEREAS, Fred Greenwald was preceded in death by his wife,
4Rita; his parents; his daughter, Jean Reno; his sister, Eunice
5Lochmann; his brothers, Daniel and Alfred Greenwald; and his
6infant son, Patrick; and
7    WHEREAS, Fred Greenwald is survived by his daughters, Mary
8(Tom) Cartwright and Margaret "Maggie" (Mark) DeTardo; his
9sons, Mark (Terri), John (Natalie), Peter (Anne), and Dr.
10James Greenwald; his grandchildren, Elizabeth Cartwright,
11Catherine Cartwright, Christopher (Cara) Greenwald, Lynde
12Greenwald, Matt Hatcher, Jon (Alexis) Embrey, Teresa
13Greenwald, Janie Mei Greenwald, Steven (Cori) DeTardo, Laura
14DeTardo, Katie DeTardo, Katrina (Chris) Hadnot, Nate
15Greenwald, Jacqueline Greenwald, and Molly Greenwald; his
16great-grandchildren, Abby, Maddie, Aubrey, Sydney, Olivia,
17Aubrey, Harrison, Stella, Yakabo, Eli, Hannah, and Bella; his
18son-in-law, Jeff Reno; his sister-in-law, Catherine Greenwald;
19and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins; therefore, be it
21ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
22Fred H. "Fritz" Greenwald and extend our sincere condolences



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1to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
2it further
3    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
4presented to the family of Fred Greenwald as an expression of
5our deepest sympathy.