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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Nanci L. Vanderweel of Elk Grove
4Village, who passed away on July 6, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Nanci Vanderweel was a public servant and a
6longtime resident of Elk Grove Village; in 1971, she became
7the first woman trustee elected to the Elk Grove Village Board
8of Trustees, and she subsequently served for three terms;
9after taking a short break from politics, she was asked to
10serve on the Elk Grove Township Board; during her tenure, she
11became enamored with the township and authored a book on its
12history; upon the passing of then-Supervisor Dick Hall, she
13was appointed as supervisor, becoming the first female
14supervisor of Elk Grove Township, a position she held until
15her retirement at the age of 76; and
16    WHEREAS, Nanci Vanderweel was successful in making
17positive, lasting changes to her community; she was the
18driving force behind the creation of the I-290 interchange at
19Biesterfield Road in the late 1980s, established a blood
20donation program that still exists today, arranged the move of
21the historical farmhouse that now serves as headquarters to
22the Elk Grove Historical Museum & Society from its original
23location on Arlington Heights Road to its current location on



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1Biesterfield Road, and supported Elk Grove gaining its own
2funeral home; and
3    WHEREAS, Nanci Vanderweel belonged to many organizations,
4commissions, and boards, which included serving as a charter
5member of the Friends of Harper College, a member of the
6Alexian Brothers Medical Center Board of Directors, and a
7member of the 214 Education Foundation Board; she was also a
8firm and vocal supporter of the Kenneth Young Center operating
9in Elk Grove Village; and
10    WHEREAS, Nanci Vanderweel loved her community fiercely,
11believed in helping others and the concept of paying it
12forward, and was devoted to her family; she will be remembered
13as a public servant who brought immeasurable gifts and vision
14to Elk Grove Village and Township; and
15    WHEREAS, Nanci Vanderweel was the wife of Leonard
16Vanderweel; the mother of Kitty Weiner; the grandmother of
17Jacob Weiner and Ellie (Adam) Weiner; the great-grandmother of
18Evie; the sister-in-law of Donald (Karen) Vanderweel; and an
19extended family member of Joanne (Paul) Dorn and their
20daughters, Paula and Jeanine; therefore, be it
22ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of



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1Nanci L. Vanderweel and extend our sincere condolences to her
2family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the family of Nanci Vanderweel as an expression
6of our deepest sympathy.