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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate Julia McClendon on the occasion of her retirement
4as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of YWCA Elgin; and
5    WHEREAS, Julia McClendon has served YWCA Elgin for the
6past 23 years, initially joining the organization excited at
7the prospect of working alongside a brilliant staff to design
8programs that empowered women and families; and
9    WHEREAS, Prior to joining YWCA Elgin, Julia McClendon
10obtained her bachelor's degree in social work and her master's
11degree in sociology from Iowa State University; while earning
12her degrees, she worked as a teaching assistant and a research
13assistant through student housing, and she founded a group for
14working mothers like herself who were attempting to complete
15their degrees; and
16    WHEREAS, During her tenure, Julia McClendon has led YWCA
17Elgin through a variety of changes and projects, including a
18building remodel of the location it has called home for the
19past 125 years, a roof replacement, the implementation of a
20clothing closet, the closure of Camp-Tu-Endi-Wei and the
21indoor pool, and many more; and



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1    WHEREAS, As CEO, Julia McClendon has remained committed to
2providing YWCA Elgin staff with new opportunities, including
3cross-training, the possibility of going from part-time to
4full-time employment, and the chance to develop new skills;
6    WHEREAS, Over the course of her career, Julia McClendon
7has especially enjoyed seeing students and their families
8succeed through her work with the YWCA Elgin youth programs;
9during the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure students remained
10focused on their education, she oversaw the donation of
11materials and goods, the creation of desks for children, and
12the procurement and delivery of noise-cancelling headphones
13for students; and
14    WHEREAS, Julia McClendon has expressed excitement about
15looking forward to YWCA Elgin's future under the leadership of
16interim CEO Felicia King and COO India Smith; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Julia
19McClendon on her retirement from YWCA Elgin, and we thank her
20for her commitment to serving the women, children, and
21families of the Elgin area; and be it further
22    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be



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1presented to Julia McClendon as an expression of our esteem
2and respect.