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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Roger Gerald "Jerry" Belt of Morris,
4who passed away on August 9, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Jerry Belt, the son of Roger and Jessie
6(Broderick) Belt, was born in Morris on October 17, 1935; he
7was raised and educated in Morris, graduating from Morris High
8School in 1954, where he was a member of the football team; he
9married Delight Montanus in Morris on December 17, 1960, and
10she preceded him in death on December 15, 2017; and
11    WHEREAS, Jerry Belt began working at Wilson Chevrolet in
12Morris in 1954; he received a draft notice in June 1958; after
13reporting to the Armed Forces Induction Center in Chicago, he
14joined the U.S. Army; he underwent basic training at Fort
15Leonard Wood, Missouri; over the next two years, he served in a
16transportation company near Incheon Harbor in the Republic of
17South Korea; he concluded his required service while stationed
18at Fort Lewis, Washington, where he was honorably discharged
19on June 10, 1960; and
20    WHEREAS, After returning to Morris in 1960, Jerry Belt
21worked as an iron worker on area projects before taking a
22position as a sheet metal worker at R.L. Lyon Heating and



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1Cooling in Morris in 1965; he then joined the Braidwood
2Nuclear Power Station in 1985, where he served as foreman of
3Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 265 until 1994; and
4    WHEREAS, Jerry Belt and his wife, Delight, were best known
5for their band, The Jerry Belt Combo, with him playing drums
6and her serving as vocalist; they performed Dixieland and Big
7Band music throughout the Chicagoland area for over 30 years,
8and they regularly performed at the Morris Country Club, the
9Morris Hospital Ball, the Grundy County Corn Festival, the
10Morris Fire Department, and numerous veteran events throughout
11Grundy County; they also regularly donated performances at
12local nursing homes and local nonprofit fundraising events;
14    WHEREAS, Throughout the 1970s and until 2015, Jerry Belt
15was an active member of the American Federation of Musicians
16Local 323 in Coal City and, later, Local 37 in Joliet, serving
17as the recording secretary and a delegate to the state and
18national conventions; he was also an active member of the
19Morris Color Guard and past commander of the John Martin
20Steele Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6049 in Morris; and
21    WHEREAS, Jerry Belt was an avid fan and a season ticket
22holder of the Morris High School football team, the Redskins;
23he later became a fan of the Montini Catholic High School



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1football team, the Broncos, where his grandson, Josh, played
2on two state championship teams; and
3    WHEREAS, Jerry Belt was preceded in death by his parents
4and his brothers, Donald Belt, Michael Belt, and James Belt;
6    WHEREAS, Jerry Belt is survived by his sons, Greg Belt and
7Scott (Cindy) Belt; his daughter, Joy (Craig Roselieb)
8Belt-Roselieb; his grandchildren, Tara (Jon) Larson, Jessica
9(J.T.) Strube, Jenna (Joshua) Finfrock, Monica (Cody) Frank,
10Joshua (Ella Peterson) Belt, and Abigail Roselieb; four
11great-grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins;
12therefore, be it
14ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
15Roger Gerald "Jerry" Belt and extend our sincere condolences
16to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
17it further
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19presented to the family of Jerry Belt as an expression of our
20deepest sympathy.