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2    WHEREAS, For a century, the Decatur Park District has
3served the Decatur community by offering green spaces,
4recreational activities, and opportunities for people of all
5ages; and
6    WHEREAS, The Decatur Park District is a unit of local
7government founded in 1924, with the aid of a donation from the
8Faries family, and the District has since evolved to include
9parks, activity centers, a zoo, an airport, and other
10facilities; and
11    WHEREAS, Decatur Park District facilities now include an
12administrative office, the Decatur Airport, the Decatur Indoor
13Sports Center, the Fairview Tennis Center, Hickory Point Golf
14Course, the Scovill Activity Center, Overlook Adventure Park,
15the Poage Arts & Recreation Center, Red Tail Run Golf Club by
16Raymond Floyd, the Schaub Floral Display Center, the Devon G.
17Buffett Lakeshore Amphitheater, Splash Cove Aquatic Center,
18and the Scovill Zoo; and
19    WHEREAS, Millions of people have utilized Decatur Park
20District facilities; since 1961, people have played nine
21million rounds of golf, and since 1967, more than four million
22people have visited the Scovill Zoo; and



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1    WHEREAS, Recent grants and donations have allowed the
2Decatur Park District to make major renovations; the Scovill
3Zoo recently started work on a new puma exhibit, Garfield Park
4is planned to be renovated, and the District plans to build a
5new playground, a new pavilion, a new parking lot, and an
6interactive ball wall; and
7    WHEREAS, The members of the Board of Commissioners that
8govern the Decatur Park District include Chris Harrison,
9Stacey Young, Bob Brilley II, Dr. Kristin White, and Shelith
10Hansbro; and
11    WHEREAS, The Decatur Park District employs approximately
12100 full-time employees and 500 part-time and seasonal
13employees; and
14    WHEREAS, The mission of the Decatur Park District is to
15enrich the community's quality of life, health and wellness,
16education, and economic vitality by providing outstanding
17parks, facilities, and recreational opportunities; and
18    WHEREAS, The Decatur Park District is celebrating its
19100th anniversary with a year-long series of exciting events
20and activities, including a community breakfast, the "Hardy's
21Highway…Race For the Lake" powerboat racing event, and a Wings



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1and Wheels event at the Decatur Airport featuring live music,
2a car and plane show. fireworks and more; therefore, be it
4ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the
5Decatur Park District on its 100-year anniversary; and be it
7    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to the Decatur Park District as a symbol of our
9esteem and respect.