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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate the Christian County Agricultural Fair on its
4100-year anniversary; and
5    WHEREAS, The Christian County Agricultural Fair started as
6a small fair and livestock show held in Manners Park for a few
7years and was officially founded on April 29, 1924, organized
8as the Christian Count Agricultural Fair Association with a
9mission to promote and hold an educational and agricultural
10fair and exhibit; and
11    WHEREAS, The Christian County Agricultural Fair has stayed
12strong for 100 years because of the outstanding support of the
13community and is run completely by volunteers; and
14    WHEREAS, The Christian County Agricultural Fair stays true
15to tradition while also embracing modernity; while some older
16events, including the calf scramble, the majorette contest,
17and the rodeo, have been replaced with new experiences, many
18older fair traditions have persisted, including the Miss
19Christian County Pageant, with records of the event dating
20back to 1931; and
21    WHEREAS, Features of the Christian County Agricultural



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1Fair this year included carnival rides, the Miss Christian
2County Pageant, a chili cook off, the junior livestock show,
3the young America day tot-rod pedal pull, multiple magic
4shows, a classic car cruise, charcuterie provided by the
5Botanical Boards of Taylorville, wine and spirits with live
6music, the Scovill mobile zoo, demolition derbies, and much
7more; and
8    WHEREAS, To make this milestone year extra special, the
9Christian County Agricultural Fair, for the first time in over
1030 years, included a concert, with Rodney Atkins playing on
11July 19th, 2024; and
12    WHEREAS, The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 100th annual
13Christian County Agricultural Fair was held on July 9, 2024
14and in celebration of the 100th year of the fair a
15commemorative plaque will be permanently displayed in the fair
16office; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the
19Christian County Agricultural Fair on its 100-year anniversary
20and wish it continued success; and be it further
21    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
22presented to the Christian County Agricultural Fair Board as a



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1symbol of our esteem and respect.