SR1197LRB103 42498 LAW 75729 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of John H. Kube of Petersburg, who passed
4away on August 1, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, John Kube was born to Adolph H. and Hazel O.
6(Larson) Kube in Whitehall, Wisconsin on March 27, 1944; after
7high school, he trained and apprenticed as a steamfitter,
8becoming a journeyman steamfitter; he returned to school,
9earning his bachelor's degree and his Master of Science in
10Natural Resource Management at the University of Wisconsin -
11Stevens Point; he married Diane Sobotta in Arcadia, Wisconsin
12on November 26, 1964; and
13    WHEREAS, John Kube was a longtime forest wildlife
14biologist for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources
15(IDNR); after completing his master's degree, he was hired by
16the Illinois Department of Conservation's Division of Wildlife
17in 1973; he worked for the Department of Conservation, now the
18Department of Natural Resources, until 2002; and
19    WHEREAS, During his tenure, John Kube and his fellow
20biologists spent countless hours trapping wild turkeys and
21relocating them to parts of Illinois with suitable habitats
22but no turkeys; they also trapped ruffed grouse from other



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1states and transplanted them into the Shawnee National Forest;
2he served as deer project leader for many years, during which
3he was charged with managing the statewide deer herd, setting
4county deer harvest quotas, and overseeing the State's system
5of county deer check stations; through his efforts, deer herds
6continued to increase over time, allowing management goals to
7shift from growing the herd to controlling numbers at levels
8acceptable to a wide variety of Illinoisans, including
9hunters, farmers, and motorists, leading Illinois to become a
10destination state for deer hunters all over the country; and
11    WHEREAS, John Kube was an avid hunter and fisherman,
12enjoying many activities with friends centered around those
13seasons, and he always had Labrador Retrievers as part of his
14family; he loved catfishing on the Sangamon River and enjoyed
15spending time at a floating cabin called "The Shack" that was
16located on the backwaters of the Mississippi River in
17Wisconsin, which he built with his late brother, Franklin, and
18three friends in 1972; and
19    WHEREAS, John Kube was preceded in death by his daughter,
20Mary; and
21    WHEREAS, John Kube is survived by his wife, Diane Kube;
22his daughters, Brenda Kube and Barbra (Gary) Webber; three
23grandchildren; and his sister, Alice Bledig; therefore, be it



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
3John H. Kube and extend our sincere condolences to his family,
4friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it further
5    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
6presented to the family of John Kube as an expression of our
7deepest sympathy.