SR1210LRB103 42456 ECR 75686 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Richard J. McKinlay of Oak Park, who
4passed away on May 27, 2024 at the age of 87; and
5    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay was born to John Forsyth
6McKinlay and Vivian (Johnson) McKinlay in Chicago on April 11,
71937; and
8    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay grew up in Chicago before moving
9to Niles during high school; and
10    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay continued his studies at the
11University of Illinois and then earned a master's degree in
12sociology at the University of Chicago; and
13    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay met his wife, Peg, while
14studying at the University of Illinois, and they were married
15in 1959; they lived in Hyde Park before moving to Oak Park in
161970; and
17    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay began his career working at the
18National Opinion Research Center before starting his own
19marketing firm, McKinlay Marketing; and



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1    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay was the president of the Mental
2Health Association of Greater Chicago as well as president of
3the Parks Foundation of Oak Park, where he established dog
4parks across the village and supported the renovation of
5Ridgeland Commons; and
6    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay was an active parent in his
7daughter's life, working from home while she was young so he
8could spend more time with her; and
9    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay loved spending his time at his
10cottage in Door County, Wisconsin and reuniting with family at
11reunions; and
12    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay was an early champion of
13electronic and avant garde music, even holding seasonal
14tickets for classical live performances; his love for quality
15sound systems, cars, clothing, and furniture designs of all
16kinds extended throughout his life; and
17    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay will be remembered for his love
18and devotion towards his family and his dedication to Oak
19Park; and
20    WHEREAS, Richard McKinlay is survived by his wife, Peg
21(Margaret Malm) McKinlay; his daughter, Kristin (Hugh French)



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1McKinlay; his granddaughter, Winnie McKinlay French; his
2sister Susan (Patrick) Wnek; his sister-in-law, Sandra Malm;
3his nephews, Michael (Niki) and John (Julie) Wnek; his nieces,
4Karen (Joe) DiMario and Susan Malm; two great-nieces; three
5great-nephews; and many cousins and dear friends; therefore,
6be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
9Richard J. McKinlay and extend our sincere condolences to his
10family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to the family of Richard McKinlay as an expression
14of our deepest sympathy.