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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Daniel Joseph "Dan" Nuessen of Quincy,
4who passed away on September 22, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Dan Nuessen was born in Quincy to Carl H. and
6Veneta M. (Veith) Nuessen on June 25, 1950; he graduated from
7Quincy High School in 1968 and attended the University of
8Southern Mississippi; he married Kate Bonebrake in Quincy on
9August 12, 2006; and
10    WHEREAS, Dan Nuessen was the co-founder of Quincy Metal
11Fabricators, along with his brother, David, and their father,
12Carl; he served as president and CEO from the company's
13inception in 1982 until his retirement in 2022; over the
14years, he was instrumental in setting the criteria for
15vocational courses offered at John Wood Community College in
16order to prepare students for high tech industrial positions;
18    WHEREAS, Dan Nuessen served on the boards of the Quincy
19Business and Technology Center, the United Way of Adams
20County, Denman Services, and the Architectural Control of
21Spring Lake Estates Association; and



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1    WHEREAS, Dan Nuessen was a member of the Quincy Country
2Club and the Spring Lake Country Club, where he was chairman of
3the Hal Barton Memorial Golf Tournament for many years; he was
4also a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church; and
5    WHEREAS, Dan Nuessen was preceded in death by his parents;
6his son, Brian Nuessen; his sister, Donna Mitchell; and his
7brother-in-law, Dirk Bonebrake; and
8    WHEREAS, Dan Nuessen is survived by his wife, Kate; his
9daughters, Bethany (Thomas) Cordes and Alexis Bonebrake; his
10grandchildren, Henry, Maggie, and Charlie Cordes; his brother,
11C. David Nuessen; his niece, Suzanne (Sern) Nuessen Andersen;
12his nephews, Thomas Nuessen (Olivia Waterbury), Brayden
13Nuessen, Jack Henry Nuessen, Kenneth Mitchell, and Matthew
14Mitchell; numerous other nieces and nephews through marriage;
15and his beloved dog, Ava; therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
18Daniel Joseph "Dan" Nuessen and extend our sincere condolences
19to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
20it further
21    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
22presented to the family of Dan Nuessen as an expression of our



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1deepest sympathy.