Date | Chamber | Action |
3/31/2004 | House | Tabled By Sponsor Rep. Kevin A. McCarthy |
New Act |
Fiscal Note (Illinois Board of Higher Education) | |
Potential Fiscal Impact to the State - Assuming that the work of the commission is to be done within existing agency resources, there will be an operating impact to the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) and the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) associated with this bill due to the need to reallocate staffing and other agency operating resources (e.g., travel costs) during the development of the commission's plan. Potential Fiscal Impact to Institutions - Institutions will face similar operating impacts under this legislation as noted for the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Community College Board. |
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/5/2004 | House | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Kevin A. McCarthy |
2/5/2004 | House | Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Susana Mendoza |
2/5/2004 | House | Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. William B. Black |
2/5/2004 | House | Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. William Davis |
2/5/2004 | House | Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Eileen Lyons |
2/5/2004 | House | First Reading |
2/5/2004 | House | Referred to Rules Committee |
2/19/2004 | House | Assigned to Higher Education Committee |
2/24/2004 | House | Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Mike Bost |
3/4/2004 | House | Do Pass / Short Debate Higher Education Committee; 012-000-000 |
3/4/2004 | House | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate |
3/18/2004 | House | Fiscal Note Filed |
3/31/2004 | House | Tabled By Sponsor Rep. Kevin A. McCarthy |
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