State of Illinois
2005 and 2006
Introduced 2/17/2006, by Rep. Michael J. Madigan - Gary Hannig - Monique D. Davis
Makes appropriations for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006, as follows:
General Revenue Fund $ 87,610,303
Other State Funds $117,414,944
Federal Funds $ 12,698,928
Total $217,724,175
OMB094 00172 SNP 30172 b
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The sum of $6,400,000, new appropriation, is appropriated, and the sum of $11,608,421, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2006, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 31, Section 5 of Public Act 94-15, as amended, and Article 31, Section 7 of Public Act 94-15, are reappropriated from the Conservation 2000 Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Conservation 2000 Program to implement ecosystem-based management for Illinois' natural resources.
Section 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 2,721,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 138,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 419,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 313,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 15,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 48,200
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 208,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 10,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 32,000
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 43,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 103,100
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,457,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 15,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 62,700
For Contractual Services for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 513,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 100,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 237,400
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund................... 16,900
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 40,800
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 53,700
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 57,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 1,600
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 22,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 31,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 38,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 71,600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 4,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 18,300
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 386,200
For Telecommunications Services for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 185,750
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 22,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 96,200
Payable from Aggregate Operations Regulatory
Fund............................................ 16,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 16,900
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 12,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 41,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 17,900
For deposit into the General
Obligation Bond Retirement and
Interest Fund for costs associated
with the debt service payments
of rolling stock and capital equipment
Payable from the General Revenue Fund.................. 0
For furniture, fixtures, equipment, displays,
telecommunications, cabling, network hardware,
software, relays and switches and related
expenses for new DNR Headquarters:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 373,000
For all costs associated with the
Illinois River Sediment Initiative:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 250,000
For expenses of the Park and Conservation
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund............................................ 379,900
For expenses of the Bikeways Program:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund.................................................. 0
For expenses of DNR Headquarters:
Payable from Park and Conservation Fund........... 22,400
Total $8,617,050
Section 15. The sum of $91, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2006, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 31, Section 15 of Public Act 94-15, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the non-federal cost share of a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to establish long-term contracts and permanent conservation easements in the Illinois River Basin; to fund cost-share assistance to landowners to encourage approved conservation practices in environmentally sensitive and highly erodible areas of the Illinois River Basin; and to fund the monitoring of long term improvements of these conservation practices as required in the Memorandum of Agreement between the State of Illinois and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Section 20. The sum of $250,000, new appropriation, is appropriated and the sum of $422,775, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2006, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 31, Section 20 of Public Act 94-15, as amended, and in Article 31, Section 22 of Public Act 94-15, are reappropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the non-federal cost share of a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to establish long-term contracts and permanent conservation easements in the Illinois River Basin; to fund cost share assistance to landowners to encourage approved conservation practices in environmentally sensitive and highly erodible areas of the Illinois River Basin; and to fund the monitoring of long-term improvements of these conservation practices as required in the Memorandum of Agreement between the State of Illinois and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Section 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 101,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 76,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 11,700
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 8,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 5,800
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 16,800
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 20,800
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 3,200
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 4,700
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 100
For Equipment:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 32,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,000
For expenses of the Heavy Equipment Dredging Crew:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 771,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 202,900
For expenses of the OSLAD Program:
Payable from Open Space Lands Acquisition
and Development Fund............................ 789,800
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund.......................................... 2,378,800
For expenses of the Bikeways Program:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund............................................ 115,500
Total $4,564,100
Section 30. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,319,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 207,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 152,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 23,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 100,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 15,900
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 40,500
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 564,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 33,000
For Commodities:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 8,100
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 2,000
For Equipment:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 26,100
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,500
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 20,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
For expenses of the Consultation Program:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 324,800
For expenses of Natural Areas Execution:
Payable from the Natural Areas
Acquisition Fund................................ 202,200
For expenses of the OSLAD Program:
Payable from Open Space Lands Acquisition
and Development Fund............................ 230,600
For Natural Resources Trustee Program:
Payable from Natural Resources
Restoration Trust Fund...................... 1,400,000
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund.......................................... 1,141,600
For expenses of the Bikeways Program:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund............................................ 332,800
Total $6,163,500
Section 35. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,006,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 412,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,224,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 115,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 47,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 141,200
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 76,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 31,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 93,700
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 119,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 396,800
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 750,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 161,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 397,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Fund 5,400
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund................................................. 3,000
For Contractual Services for Postage
Expenses for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 48,700
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 25,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 25,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 12,500
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................. 12,500
For the purpose of remitting funds
collected from the sale of Federal
Duck Stamps to the U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 23,600
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 13,950
For Commodities for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 46,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 3,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 44,000
Payable from Aggregate Operations
Regulatory Fund................................... 2,100
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund.............................. 3,000
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund.............................................. 1,500
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 36,100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 125,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 204,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 36,000
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 681,450
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 101,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 788,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 23,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 117,700
Payable from Illinois Forestry Development Fund... 13,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 117,600
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 3,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 76,100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 4,800
For expenses incurred for the implementation, education
and maintenance of the Point of Sale System:
Payable from the Wildlife & Fish Fund.......... 2,150,000
For expenses incurred in acquiring salmon
stamp designs and printing salmon stamps:
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 10,000
For expenses of Business Services:
Payable from the Natural Areas
Acquisition Fund................................. 77,400
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund............................................ 200,400
Total $10,017,400
Section 40. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 510,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 51,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 58,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 6,000
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 39,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 4,000
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund…............... 9,600
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 40,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 17,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 5,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 30,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 10,000
For Expenses of the Environment and Nature
Training Institute for Conservation
Education (E.N.T.I.C.E.):
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 273,400
For expenses incurred in producing
and distributing site brochures,
public information literature and
other printed materials from revenues
received from the sale of advertising:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 25,000
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 50,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 50,000
For operation and maintenance of
new sites and facilities, including Sparta:
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 50,000
For the purpose of publishing and
distributing a bulletin or magazine
and for purchasing, marketing and
distributing conservation related
products for resale, and refunds for
such purposes:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 600,000
For Educational Publications Services and
Expenses, Contingent upon Revenues
collected for same:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 25,000
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses
of Public Services:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund............................................ 346,500
Total $2,222,000
Section 45. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 83,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 38,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 510,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 9,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 4,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 58,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 6,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 2,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 39,000
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 10,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 153,700
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 84,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 95,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 20,500
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 24,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 24,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 5,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 5,000
For operation and maintenance of the Sparta World Shooting Complex:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,436,300
For the coordination of public events and
promotions from activity fees, donations
and vendor revenue:
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 47,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 47,100
For expenses associated with the
Sportsman Against Hunger Program:
Payable from the Wildlife & Fish Fund............ 100,000
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses of Special Events:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund............................................ 340,400
Total $3,146,000
Section 50. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,935,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund........... 10,261,900
Payable from Salmon Fund......................... 189,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund.......................................... 1,221,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................... 0
Payable from Salmon Fund............................... 0
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund.................................................. 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 223,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,182,800
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 21,900
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................ 140,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 147,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 779,400
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 14,500
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 93,400
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 2,735,900
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 41,000
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................ 303,800
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 623,750
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,867,900
Payable from Salmon Fund........................... 2,900
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 64,300
Payable from Natural Heritage Fund................ 59,200
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 31,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 76,000
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 32,200
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 174,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,253,600
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 40,200
Payable from the Natural Heritage Fund............ 16,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 17,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 133,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 11,600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 9,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 279,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................ 109,200
Payable from Illinois Forestry
Development Fund................................ 108,600
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 105,750
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 251,800
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 34,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 150,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 432,000
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund............................................. 57,700
For the Purposes of the "Illinois
Non-Game Wildlife Protection Act":
Payable from Illinois Wildlife
Preservation Fund.............................. 500,000
For programs beneficial to advancing forests
and forestry in this State as provided for
in Section 7 of the "Illinois Forestry
Development Act", as now or hereafter
Payable from Illinois Forestry Development
Fund......................................... 1,044,100
For Administration of the "Illinois
Natural Areas Preservation Act":
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund......................................... 1,378,100
For payment of the expenses of the Illinois
Forestry Development Council:
Payable from Illinois Forestry Development
Fund........................................... 118,500
For an Urban Fishing Program in
conjunction with the Chicago Park
District to provide fishing and
resource management at the park
district lagoons:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 243,400
For workshops, training and other activities
to improve the administration of fish
and wildlife federal aid programs from
federal aid administrative grants
received for such purposes:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 11,400
For expenses of the Natural Areas
Stewardship Program:
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund......................................... 1,053,300
For expenses of the Natural Areas
Inventory Program:
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
Fund................................................. 0
For expenses of the Urban Forestry Program:
Payable from Illinois Forestry
Development Fund............................... 451,100
For expenses associated with the Inner
City Urban Revitalization program:
Payable from the Illinois Forestry
Development Fund............................... 240,900
Total $30,277,400
Section 55. The sum of $1,314,137, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2006, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 31, Section 25, page 248, line 4, and Article 31, Sections 30 and 32 of Public Act 94-15, as amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Wildlife Preservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for purposes associated with the “Illinois Non-Game Wildlife Protection Act.”
Section 60. The sum of $328,011 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2006, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 31, Section 25, page 249, line 8, and Article 31, Section 33 of Public Act 94-15, as amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Inner City Urban Revitalization Program.
Section 65. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 6,222,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............ 2,063,700
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 813,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 3,659,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.................... 0
Payable from State Parks Fund.......................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 717,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 237,800
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 93,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 421,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 111,100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 27,400
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 13,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 36,200
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 433,300
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 161,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 782,100
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 136,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 76,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 159,900
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 71,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 39,400
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 158,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 14,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 44,200
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 20,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 5,800
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 18,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 112,800
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 122,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 207,800
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 492,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 142,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 197,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 322,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 178,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 181,300
For Snowmobile Programs:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 32,900
For Payment of Timber Buyers bond
Payable from Illinois Forestry
Development Fund:................................. 25,000
For use in enforcing laws regulating
controlled substances and cannabis on
Department of Natural Resources regulated
lands and waterways to the extent funds are
received by the Department:
Payable from the Drug Traffic
Prevention Fund................................... 25,000
For use in alcohol related enforcement
efforts and training to the extent funds
are available to the Department:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund.................. 0
Payable from State Boating Fund................... 20,000
For Operations and Maintenance of Training Facility:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 50,000
Total $18,650,800
Section 70. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............. 15,414,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............ 1,624,600
Payable from State Parks Fund.................. 1,181,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 5,794,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.................... 0
Payable from State Parks Fund.......................... 0
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employee's Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,776,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 187,200
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 136,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 667,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,179,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 124,400
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 90,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 443,100
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 529,200
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 398,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,944,100
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,586,950
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 451,200
Payable from State Parks Fund.................. 2,616,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 693,700
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 4,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 5,900
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 49,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 14,700
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 512,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 51,000
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 443,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 537,700
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 14,600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 53,100
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 711,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 287,300
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 64,150
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 282,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 32,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 323,900
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 258,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 170,700
For Illinois-Michigan Canal:
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 118,000
For Union County and Horseshoe Lake
Conservation Areas, Farming and Wildlife
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 466,100
For operations and maintenance from revenues
derived from the sale of surplus crops
and timber harvest:
Payable from the State Parks Fund.............. 1,000,000
Payable from the Wildlife and Fish Fund........ 1,050,000
For Snowmobile Programs:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 46,900
For expenses related to Pyramid State Park
contingent upon revenues generated at the site:
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 40,000
For operating expenses of the North
Point Marina at Winthrop Harbor:
Payable from the Illinois Beach
Marina Fund................................... 2,004,700
For expenses of the Park and Conservation
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund.......................................... 4,494,400
For expenses of the Bikeways program:
Payable from Park and Conservation
Fund........................................... 1,217,900
For Wildlife Prairie Park Operations and
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 828,200
Payable from Wildlife Prairie Park Fund.......... 100,000
For Operations and Maintenance, including
costs associated with operating new
sites and facilities:
Payable from State Parks Fund.................. 1,521,900
Total $53,546,800
Section 75. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 2,464,000
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund.......................... 153,600
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...... 180,100
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund................... 319,500
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund.......................... 1,506,700
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund.......................................... 1,664,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund................................ 0
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ............ 0
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund......................... 0
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund.................................. 0
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund.................................................. 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 283,900
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 17,700
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 20,800
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 36,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 173,600
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 191,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 188,500
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 11,800
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 13,800
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 24,400
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 115,300
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 127,400
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 52,100
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 44,500
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund................... 123,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 383,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 385,300
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 76,850
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund................................ 0
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 18,700
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 85,700
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 468,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 220,700
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 37,600
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund............................ 5,000
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ........ 5,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund..................... 6,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 31,400
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................. 30,700
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 27,900
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund................................ 0
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ........ 5,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund..................... 9,600
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 12,400
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................. 25,800
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 5,200
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund................................ 0
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund .......... 500
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund..................... 3,300
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 11,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund.............................................. 1,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 80,900
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 20,000
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 38,200
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 47,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 109,600
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................ 118,800
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 13,200
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund................................ 0
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ........ 8,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 31,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 119,800
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................. 84,500
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 54,700
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund................................ 0
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 18,200
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 15,600
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 32,000
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................. 32,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 56,000
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 28,500
Payable from Plugging and Restoration
Fund............................................. 43,200
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 45,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 50,300
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust
Fund............................................. 40,200
For the purpose of coordinating training
and education programs for miners and
laboratory analysis and testing of
coal samples and mine atmospheres:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............. 13,700
Payable from the Coal Mining Regulatory
Fund............................................. 32,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Fund.................... 308,300
For expenses associated with Aggregate
Mining Regulation:
Payable from Aggregate Operations Regulatory
Fund............................................ 261,900
For expenses associated with Explosive
Payable from Explosives Regulatory Fund........... 98,300
For expenses associated with Environmental
Mitigation Projects, Studies, Research,
and Administrative Support:
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal
Trust Fund...................................... 400,000
For the purpose of reclaiming surface
mined lands, with respect to which a
bond has been forfeited:
Payable from Land Reclamation Fund............... 350,000
For expenses associated with
Surface Coal Mining Regulation:
Payable from Coal Mining Regulatory Fund......... 287,600
For the State of Illinois' share of
expenses of Interstate Oil Compact
Commission created under the authority
of "An Act ratifying and approving an
Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and
Gas", approved July 10, 1935, as amended:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 6,600
For State expenses in connection with
the Interstate Mining Compact:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 19,300
For expenses associated with litigation of
Mining Regulatory actions:
Payable from Federal Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Fund..................... 15,000
For Small Operators' Assistance Program:
Payable from Federal Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Fund.................... 150,000
For Plugging & Restoration Projects:
Payable from Plugging & Restoration Fund....... 1,000,000
For Interest Penalty Escrow:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 500
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund....................... 500
For the purpose of carrying out the
Illinois Petroleum Education and
Marketing Act:
Payable from the Petroleum Resources
Revolving Fund.................................. 900,000
Total $14,503,350
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 3,821,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 283,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 440,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 32,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 292,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 21,700
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 106,900
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 229,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 23,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 148,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 6,500
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,000
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 14,200
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 4,600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 30,900
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 53,850
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 7,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 88,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 2,900
For payment of the Department’s share
of operation and maintenance of statewide
stream gauging network, water data
storage and retrieval system, in
cooperation with the U.S. Geological
Payable from the Wildlife and Fish Fund.......... 200,000
For execution of state assistance
programs to improve the administration
of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) and National Dam
Safety Program as approved by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(82 Stat. 572):
Payable from National Flood Insurance
Program Fund.................................... 400,000
For Repairs and Modifications to Facilities:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 53,900
Total $6,280,350
Section 81. Pursuant to Executive Order 2006-01, the sum of $650,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the DNR Special Projects Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Office of Water Resources to develop a comprehensive program for state and regional water supply planning and management and develop a plan for its implementation consistent with existing laws, regulations and property rights, incorporation with local officials and regional planning committees.
Section 82. The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the DNR Special Projects Fund to the Department of Natural Resources to provide for grants to priority regions to recruit and assign responsibilities to Regional Water Supply Planning Committees formed to assist the State agencies in comparing population forecast with water supply needs, establishing a public participation process for plan formulation and developing management options for meeting long-term water supply needs including conservation strategies.
Section 83. The sum of $4,802,528 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the DNR Federal Projects Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for Floodplain Map Modernization as approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Section 85. The sum of $1,480,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for the objects, uses, and purposes specified, including grants for such purposes and electronic data processing expenses, at the approximate costs set forth below:
Corps of Engineers Studies - To jointly
plan local flood protection projects
with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
and to share planning expenses as
required by Section 203 of the U.S.
Water Resources Development Act of
1996 (P.L. 104-303)............................... 70,000
Federal Facilities - For payment of the
State's share of operation and
maintenance costs as local sponsor
of the federal Aquatic Nuisance
Barrier in the Chicago Sanitary
and ship canal and the federal Rend
Lake Reservoir and the federal
projects on the Kaskaskia River................... 600,000
Lake Michigan Management - For studies
carrying out the provisions of the
Level of Lake Michigan Act, 615 ILCS 50
and the Lake Michigan Shoreline Act,
615 ILCS 55........................................ 21,100
National Water Planning - For expenses to
participate in national and regional
water planning programs including
membership in regional and national
associations, commissions and compacts............ 141,800
River Basin Studies - For purchase of
necessary mapping, surveying, test
boring, field work, equipment, studies,
legal fees, hearings, archaeological
and environmental studies, data,
engineering, technical services,
appraisals and other related
expenses to make water resources
reconnaissance and feasibility
studies of river basins, to
identify drainage and flood
problem areas, to determine
viable alternatives for flood
damage reduction and drainage
improvement, and to prepare
project plans and specifications.................. 134,400
Design Investigations - For purchase
of necessary mapping, equipment
test boring, field work for
Geotechnical investigations and
other design and construction
related studies..................................... 2,500
Rivers and Lakes Management - For
purchase of necessary surveying,
equipment, obtaining data, field work
studies, publications, legal fees,
hearings and other expenses in order to
expedite the fulfillment of the
provisions of the 1911 Act in
relation to the "Regulation of
Rivers, Lakes and Streams Act",
615 ILCS 5/4.9 et seq.............................. 20,500
State Facilities - For materials,
equipment, supplies, services,
field vehicles, and heavy
construction equipment required
to operate, maintain, repair,
construct, modify or rehabilitate
facilities controlled or constructed
by the Office of Water Resources,
and to assist local governments
preserve the streams of the State.................. 71,000
State Water Supply and Planning - For
data collection, studies, equipment
and related expenses for analysis
and management of the water resources
of the State, implementation of the
State Water Plan, and management
of state-owned water resources..................... 67,200
USGS Cooperative Program - For
payment of the Department's
share of operation and
maintenance of statewide
stream gauging network,
water data storage and
retrieval system, preparation
of topography mapping, and
water related studies; all
in cooperation with the U.S.
Geological Survey................................. 360,800
Total $1,480,300
Section 90. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,854,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 22,600
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 316,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 16,500
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 88,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 1,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 40,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 24,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 25,000
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
Payable from Toxic Pollution Prevention
Fund............................................. 89,700
Payable from Hazardous Waste Research
Fund............................................ 472,100
Total $2,950,300
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 5,970,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 41,500
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 222,400
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 35,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 73,700
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 5,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 65,150
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 33,600
Total $6,456,950
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 3,300,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 32,300
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 233,100
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 17,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 49,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,200
For Equipment
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 131,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 65,350
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 30,100
For Mosquito Abatement and Research
including the diseases they spread:
Payable from the Emergency Public
Health Fund..................................... 200,000
Payable from Used Tire Management Fund........... 200,000
Total $4,265,950
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 3,485,200
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 27,500
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 176,100
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 9,900
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 27,400
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 1,800
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 92,200
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 50,750
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................... 27,300
Total $3,898,150
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 3,503,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the State:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 0
For State Contributions to State
Employees Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 422,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 265,500
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 632,700
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 29,300
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 140,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 71,200
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 55,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 91,350
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 15,700
Total $5,227,150
Section 95. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
For Payment of Refunds:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 1,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 30,000
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 50,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,150,000
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 25,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 25,000
Payable from Illinois Beach Marina Fund........... 25,000
Total $1,306,500
Section 100. The following named sum, new appropriation, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Multiple Use Facilities and
Programs for conservation purposes
provided by the Department of
Natural Resources, including
construction and development,
all costs for supplies, material
labor, land acquisition, services,
studies and all other expenses
required to comply with the
intent of this appropriation.................. 1,555,200
Section 105. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2006, from appropriations heretofore made for such purposes, are reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for the objects and purposes set forth below:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
(From Article 31, Section 75 of Public Act 94-15, as amended and Article 31, Section 80 of Public Act 94-15)
For Multiple use facilities and programs
for conservation purposes provided by
the Department of Natural Resources,
including construction and development,
all costs for supplies, material
labor, land acquisition, services,
studies and all other expenses required
to comply with the intent of this
appropriation.................................. 1,418,962
Section 110. The amount of $3,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for contributions of funds to park districts and other entities as provided by the "Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975" and to public museums and aquariums located in park districts, as provided by "An Act concerning aquariums and museums in public parks" and the "Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975" as now or hereafter amended.
Section 115. The amount of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants and expenses associated with, but not limited to the development and maintenance of the public museums program.
Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2006.