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2     WHEREAS, Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) effectively deny
3 nearly 85.5% of the U.S. private construction workforce (those
4 who do not belong to a labor union) the ability to gain
5 employment on almost all public work projects; PLAs reduce
6 competition and significantly drive up costs for taxpayers; and
7     WHEREAS, PLAs put special interests ahead of the public
8 interest by essentially restricting the bidding process to
9 contractors backed by big labor unions, while denying others
10 the opportunity to perform the job at a better price; and
11     WHEREAS, PLAs require contractors, including construction
12 contractors, to agree to the terms of a one-time collective
13 bargaining agreement with labor unions, without regard to the
14 wishes of the employees, as a condition of performing work on a
15 particular construction project; and
16     WHEREAS, Numerous academic studies have compared the
17 impact of PLAs on bid and final construction costs when
18 compared to similar non-PLA projects and have found that PLAs
19 cost 10% to 18% more per square foot; and
20     WHEREAS, PLAs force construction employees who are not
21 members of a union to be shut out of working on PLA projects;



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1 PLAs also force construction employees to pay union dues and
2 fees, follow union hiring hall guidelines, and obey inefficient
3 union work rules for their craft for the life of a PLA project,
4 even though they have freely chosen to NOT belong to a union;
5 and
6     WHEREAS, Associations that represent small, disadvantaged,
7 minority and women-owned businesses, such as the National Black
8 Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Women
9 Business Owners, are publicly opposed to PLAs; local minority
10 workers are shut out of PLA projects because they are
11 overwhelmingly under-represented in members of key unions,
12 including trade unions and craft unions; and
13     WHEREAS, PLAs deny taxpayers the accountability they
14 deserve from government while encouraging waste and
15 discrimination in contracting; and
16     WHEREAS, PLAs significantly limit and, in some instances,
17 prohibit the majority of the taxpaying construction
18 contractors from working on a public or private construction
19 project because of their non-union affiliation; these
20 agreements are a form of discrimination against law-abiding,
21 taxpaying Illinois citizens and employers; and
22     WHEREAS, Free and open competition is conducive to



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1 production, economic growth, and efficient use of limited
2 resources; it is in the public interest, especially when public
3 contracts and tax dollars are concerned, that all qualified and
4 capable contractors and workers are fairly considered; and
5     WHEREAS, Union affiliation should not be one of the
6 determining factors in awarding construction contracts; free
7 and open competition is the only way to protect public and
8 private interests, stretch scarce construction dollars, and
9 maximize product quality; therefore, be it
12 urge the Governor to withdraw Executive Order 2010 - 03 and
13 discontinue the use of PLAs on State and Federal Public Works
14 Projects in Illinois; and be it further
15     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16 presented to the Governor.