SR0084LRB098 08223 GRL 40791 r


2    WHEREAS, Rare diseases and disorders are those which affect
3small patient populations, typically populations smaller than
4200,000 individuals in the United States; and
5    WHEREAS, Nearly 7,000 rare diseases affect millions of
6Americans and their families; and
7    WHEREAS, Children with rare genetic diseases account for
8more than half of the population affected by rare diseases in
9the United States; and
10    WHEREAS, Many rare diseases are serious, life-threatening,
11and lack an effective treatment; and
12    WHEREAS, Rare diseases and conditions include
13epidermolysis bullosa, progeria, sickle cell anemia,
14Tay-Sachs, cystic fibrosis, many childhood cancers,
15fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, and Williams Syndrome;
17    WHEREAS, People with rare diseases experience challenges
18that include difficulty in obtaining an accurate diagnosis,
19limited treatment options, and difficulty finding physicians
20or treatment centers with expertise in their disease; and



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1    WHEREAS, Great strides have been made in research and
2treatment for rare diseases as a result of the Orphan Drug Act
3and other acts of Congress; and
4    WHEREAS, The United States Food and Drug Administration and
5National Institutes of Health have established special offices
6to advocate for rare disease research and treatments; and
7    WHEREAS, The National Organization for Rare Disorders, an
8organization established in 1983 to provide services to, and
9advocate on behalf of, patients with rare diseases, was a
10primary force behind the enactment of the Orphan Drug Act and
11remains a critical public voice for people with rare diseases;
13    WHEREAS, The National Organization for Rare Disorders
14sponsors Rare Disease Day nationwide to increase public
15awareness of rare diseases; and
16    WHEREAS, Rare Disease Day has become a global event
17occurring annually on the last day of February; and
18    WHEREAS, Rare Disease Day was observed in the United States
19for the first time on February 28, 2009; and



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1    WHEREAS, Rare Disease Day is anticipated to be observed
2globally in years to come, providing hope and information for
3rare disease patients around the world; and
4    WHEREAS, It is fitting that the Illinois Senate joins in
5this global observance and takes part in the fight against rare
6diseases; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we designate the last
9day of February in 2013 and 2014 as Rare Disease Day in the
10State of Illinois; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That we recognize the importance of improving
12awareness and encouraging accurate and early diagnosis of rare
13diseases and disorders; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That we wholeheartedly support a State,
15national, and global commitment to improving access to and
16developing new treatments, diagnostics, and cures for rare
17diseases and disorders.