Bill Status of SB 863   99th General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Antonio Muñoz

Last Action  View All Actions

DateChamber Action
  1/10/2017SenateSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
225 ILCS 447/40-5

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004. Provides that a licensee, interested party, or injured party successfully obtaining injunctive relief against an individual practicing without a license shall be awarded attorney's fees and costs. Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  2/11/2015SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Antonio Muñoz
  2/11/2015SenateFirst Reading
  2/11/2015SenateReferred to Assignments
  2/17/2015SenateAssigned to Judiciary
  3/5/2015SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Antonio Muñoz
  3/5/2015SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
  3/10/2015SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Judiciary
  3/27/2015SenateRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments
  3/27/2015SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments
  1/10/2017SenateSession Sine Die

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