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2    WHEREAS, Senior members of Congress are seeking major
3changes to the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) when
4the program's funding expires in September 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, Their proposal, labeled a "discussion draft" for
6legislation, is being circulated by Senator Orrin Hatch of
7Utah, chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance;
8Representative Fred Upton of Michigan, chairman of the House
9Energy and Commerce Committee; and Representative Joe Pitts of
10Pennsylvania, chairman of the Subcommittee on Health; and
11    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal would reduce federal
12financing of CHIP for families with incomes above 250% of the
13federal poverty level and eliminate federal help for those with
14incomes above 300% of the federal poverty level; and
15    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal would also eliminate an
16increase in the federal matching rate for CHIP that is
17scheduled to go into effect in 2016 in all states; and
18    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal could deprive more than a
19million children of insurance or force their families to pay
20higher out-of-pocket costs for their coverage; and



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1    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal threatens to undermine
2the progress made in reducing the number of uninsured children,
3gains that came from enrolling more children in Medicaid and in
4CHIP, which covers children whose families earn too much to
5qualify for Medicaid; and
6    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal would eliminate the
7Affordable Care Act's requirement that states keep the
8family-income eligibility levels stable until 2019; and
9    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal could make it more
10difficult for families to prove their eligibility; and
11    WHEREAS, Faced with a loss of federal funds for CHIP, as
12suggested in the legislative proposal, many states would
13probably shrink their CHIP programs and reduce their own
14financial contributions; and
15    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal would also eliminate a
16requirement that states enroll children who are just above the
17poverty line in Medicaid; and enable states to move them from
18Medicaid back to CHIP, where enrollments are often limited by
19budget caps; and
20    WHEREAS, The legislative proposal would allow states to
21impose a 12-month waiting period (up from the current 90 days)



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1before children who lose coverage from a parent's insurance
2plan can be enrolled in CHIP; and
3    WHEREAS, By contrast, bills introduced in the U.S. House of
4Representatives and U.S. Senate would extend federal CHIP
5financing for the next 4 years and essentially continue the
6program along current lines; therefore, be it
9SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge all members of the
10Illinois congressional delegation to support legislation which
11would extend federal financing for the Children's Health
12Insurance Program for the next 4 years and continue the program
13along current lines and to oppose legislation which would
14restrict children's access to health care; and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
16delivered to the Governor, the members of the Illinois
17congressional delegation, and President Barack Obama.