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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Jesse Dean Rosas on the
4occasion of receiving the Judy Baar Topinka Award from the West
5Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and
6    WHEREAS, Jesse Rosas serves as the Executive Director of
7the Proviso Township Mental Health Commission; he is well known
8by his peers as a results-driven leader with significant and
9progressive experience developing mental health and substance
10abuse programs; and
11    WHEREAS, Jesse Rosas earned a Master of Business
12Administration in Healthcare Administration; and
13    WHEREAS, Jesse Rosas began his career working in Proviso
14Township in 1999 as a contractor, coordinating prevention
15services that helped reduce the impact of drugs and gangs in
16the community; in 2008, after only 3 years as Director of
17Grants, he was appointed to serve as the Executive Director of
18the Proviso Township Mental Health Commission; he is the first
19Hispanic to be appointed to this position in the State of
20Illinois; and
21    WHEREAS, During his tenure, Jesse Rosas has grown the



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1Commission from an 18-agency network to a collaboration of 24
2agencies and 60 program partnerships; he was instrumental in
3securing a $2.7 million grant under the Neighborhood
4Stabilization Program that rehabilitated 9 blighted homes and
5made them available for low-income and special needs families;
6in 2010, he led the development of an electronic billing and
7reporting system so that services for Proviso residents can be
8monitored and billed to Medicaid - the only such system of its
9kind in the State; he was also instrumental in the development
10of a Care Coordination system for Behavioral Health in the
11western suburbs, "Path to Wellness"; and
12    WHEREAS, Under Jesse Rosas' leadership, the Proviso
13Township Mental Health Commission has taken the lead in
14coordinating behavioral healthcare for the Loyola Accountable
15Care Entity to ensure that residents have access to quality,
16community-based healthcare, including behavioral health
17services; and
18    WHEREAS, Jesse Rosas is a 2nd generation military veteran,
19serving in the United States Army Corps of Engineers; his son
20is an active-duty United States Marine and the 3rd generation
21to serve in the armed forces; he also has 2 daughters, both of
22whom are currently in college; therefore, be it



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2SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we congratulate Jesse Dean Rosas
3on the occasion of receiving the Judy Baar Topinka Award from
4the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry and wish him
5continued success and happiness in the future; and be it
7    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to Jesse Rosas as a symbol of our esteem and respect.