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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Warren O. Hughes on the
4occasion of his retirement and thank him for his many years of
5service; and
6    WHEREAS, Warren Hughes is the Associate Pastor at the
7Havana Church of Christ; he is retiring after 65 years in the
8ministry; and
9    WHEREAS, Warren Hughes was raised in Richland Center,
10Wisconsin; he entered the ministry in 1950 when he and his
11wife, Mary Lou, moved to Minneapolis so Warren could attend
12Minnesota Bible College; and
13    WHEREAS, While Warren Hughes attended college, he began his
14preaching career at 2 small country churches outside
15Minneapolis; in 1954, Warren and his wife moved to Granola,
16Kansas, where he started his full-time ministry; the couple
17excelled in starting up new churches; and
18    WHEREAS, Warren Hughes served in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa
19before coming to Woodstock, where he started his last church at
20the age of 65; and



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1    WHEREAS, In 1988, Warren Hughes and his wife moved to
2Havana, where he was hired at the Havana Church of Christ as an
3Associate Pastor; his primary duties were to minister to the
4senior citizens in the church and the community; and
5    WHEREAS, During his time at the Havana Church of Christ,
6Warren Hughes developed a vibrant jail ministry, calling on
7those who were incarcerated; he made visits to those who were
8confined to their homes or in a nursing home, often leading
9Sunday services at the facilities; he and his wife would also
10visit the downtrodden, helping them buy groceries or passing
11along items provided from local gardens; and
12    WHEREAS, Warren Hughes, now 92 years old, still likes to
13dabble in his garden; when he was younger, he loved helping on
14the farm and participating in outdoor pursuits, such as
15hunting; and
16    WHEREAS, Warren Hughes remains outspoken against drug,
17alcohol, and gambling addiction and has never shied away from
18voicing concern, support, or opposition to issues before the
19General Assembly; and
20    WHEREAS, Warren Hughes serves as an example of faith,
21passion, and dedication; his work throughout his career has
22benefited many; therefore, be it



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3SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we thank Warren O. Hughes for
4his many years of service, congratulate him on the occasion of
5his retirement, and wish him all the best in his future
6endeavors; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to Warren Hughes as an expression of our
9congratulations and appreciation for a job well done.