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2    WHEREAS, Stanley D. Moore, a native of Washington, D.C.,
3began working for the federal government on December 20, 1956,
4and within four years he started his lifelong career with the
5United States Census Bureau on July 24, 1960; and; and
6    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore began with the Census Bureau as a
7Systems Analyst and served as District Office Manager, Special
8Assistant to the Chief, Assistant Regional Director, and
9Associate Director for Field Operations; and
10    WHEREAS, In 1974, Stanley Moore and his family moved to
11Chicago, where he was appointed as the Regional Director of the
12Chicago Regional Office of the U. S. Census Bureau; as Regional
13Director, he was responsible for overseeing all Census
14operations in Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
15Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin; and
16    WHEREAS, In the 1970s, Stanley Moore was instrumental in
17the desegregation of Chicago housing; he fought a successful
18four-year legal battle against racial discrimination and
19purchased a home in the Beverly community; in recognition of
20this fact he was selected as a Most Valuable Community Player
21by the Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities;
22this has been his family home for the past 42 years and the



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1street that it sits on has been renamed Stanley D. Moore Way;
3    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore's expertise and experience in the
4Special Census Program have been critical to the development
5and implementation of the program; during the 1990s, he was the
6administrative coordinator for the nationwide Special Census
7Program; and
8    WHEREAS, In 1998, Stanley Moore represented the United
9States at the 9th International Population Conference in Tokyo,
10Japan; and
11    WHEREAS, During the following decade, Stanley Moore
12assisted in the development of a new method for data collection
13to improve the accuracy of the information proved by the Census
14Bureau; and
15    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore's design known as Operation RESPOND
16(Reaching Every Single Person on the Nation's Decennial) began
17as his region's operational and outreach program for Census
182000; this project involved coordinating the efforts of every
19department in the region to solicit the support of, and work
20with, the Complete Count Committees; and
21    WHEREAS, The 2010 Census added a sixth census to Stanley



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1Moore's column of accomplishments; he expanded the Complete
2Count Committee Model to involve trusted voices to promote
3cooperation at the grassroots level; as Associate Director of
4the Field Division, he is instrumental in advancing another new
5innovation: TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic
6Encoding and Referencing), a technologically advanced database
7system that maps all geographic data for the entire United
8States, this has become an essential component in the
9compilation and tabulation of census data; and
10    WHEREAS, In 2013, Stanley Moore was asked by Director John
11Thompson of the U.S. Census Bureau to serve as his Senior
12Advisor; he is currently responsible for developing a
13data-driven national outreach program to strengthen the
14relationship between government and community, resulting in
15greater public participation in the 2020 Census; and
16    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore has received numerous awards for his
17service at the Census Bureau including the U.S. Department of
18Commerce Bronze Medal for Superior Service, the U.S. Department
19of Commerce Silver Medal Award for Meritorious Service, the
20U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award for Exceptional
21Service, and the National Partnership for Reinventing
22Government Hammer Award; and
23    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore has been a member of the Chicago



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1Federal Executive Board since 1973, serving as its Chair from
22002 to 2003; and
3    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore was featured on the covers of
4Positive Note and N-DIGO magazines; and
5    WHEREAS, Stanley Moore's accomplishments have been
6acknowledged and honored by Northeastern University as a 2010
7Distinguished Alumni; additionally, Chicago State University
8has nominated him for an honorary doctorate; therefore, be it
11SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we congratulate Stanley D. Moore
12on celebrating 60 years of dedication and service to the United
13States Census Bureau; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to Stanley Moore as a symbol of our appreciation of
16his hard work and commitment to the U.S. Census Bureau.