Bill # |
Chief Sponsor |
ABR - Short Description |
Chamber |
Last Action |
Last Action Date |
HB239 | Mary E. Flowers | DRUG MANUFACTURER-DISCLOSURES | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB240 | Mary E. Flowers | PRESCRIPTION DATA PRIVACY | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB241 | Mary E. Flowers | DHS-FOSTER CARE-MENTAL HEALTH | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB242 | Mary E. Flowers | COLLEGE ADMISSION INQUIRIES | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB243 | Mary E. Flowers | SCH-POLICE JOB TRAINING PROG | H | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0331 | 8/25/2017 |
HB244 | Mary E. Flowers | PENALTIES-SCHOOL DEFINITION | H | Third Reading - Short Debate - Lost 044-068-001 | 4/5/2017 |
HB262 | Mary E. Flowers | MIN WAGE-$15 PER HOUR | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB264 | Mary E. Flowers | CD CORR-SENTENCING HEARING | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB265 | Mary E. Flowers | SCH REPORT CARD-LEAD-CHICAGO | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB266 | Mary E. Flowers | SCH CD-ST ASSESSMENTS-OPT OUT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB267 | Mary E. Flowers | $ISBE-AUTISM PROGRAMS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB268 | Mary E. Flowers | SCH CD-CHI-SCH NURSE REQUIRED | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB269 | Mary E. Flowers | SCH CD-SUMMER SCHOOL-NO CHARGE | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB281 | Mary E. Flowers | FOSTER CHILD-PSYCH DRUGS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB453 | Mary E. Flowers | FINANCIAL TRANSACT-TECH | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB454 | Mary E. Flowers | COMMUNITY BANK OF IL ACT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB455 | Mary E. Flowers | INCOME TAX-EARNED INC CREDIT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB458 | Mary E. Flowers | PRETRIAL DETENTION-INNOCENCE | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB735 | Mary E. Flowers | MEDICAID REDETERMINATIONS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB736 | Mary E. Flowers | DHS-SMALL BUSINESS GRANT PGRAM | H | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0347 | 8/25/2017 |
HB1781 | Mary E. Flowers | WRONGFUL PROSECUTION COMM'N | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB1782 | Mary E. Flowers | COERCED CONFESSION-INNOCENCE | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB1786 | Mary E. Flowers | CHLD MNTL HLTH LOCL INTEG FUND | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2375 | Mary E. Flowers | POLICE STOP WITHOUT ARREST | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2376 | Mary E. Flowers | FAMILY LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAM | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2380 | Mary E. Flowers | POLICE DISCIPLINARY COMPLAINT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2381 | Mary E. Flowers | RACIAL TERMS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2392 | Mary E. Flowers | PHARMACY-PRESCRIPTION LIMITS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2393 | Mary E. Flowers | ST CONTRACTS-MINORITY BUSINESS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2409 | Mary E. Flowers | DRUG ASSET FORFEITURE-PUB DEF | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2436 | Mary E. Flowers | MEDICARE FOR ALL HEALTH CARE | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2457 | Mary E. Flowers | DCFS-JUV JUST-SUPPORT SERVICES | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2458 | Mary E. Flowers | HOME RULE COMMODITY TAX | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2504 | Mary E. Flowers | WAGE INSURANCE ACT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2800 | Mary E. Flowers | PERINATAL HIV PREVENTION | H | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0265 | 8/22/2017 |
HB2857 | Mary E. Flowers | COMMUNITY-INTEGRATED LIVING | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2858 | Mary E. Flowers | PEACE OFFICER ACCOUNTABILITY | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2859 | Mary E. Flowers | DCEO-JOB TRAINING-UNEMPLOYMENT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB2979 | Mary E. Flowers | REGULATION-TECH | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB3830 | Mary E. Flowers | PERSONNEL-LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLD | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB3831 | Mary E. Flowers | CD CORR-JOB TRAINING AND EDUCA | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4105 | Mary E. Flowers | ORIG NATL ANTHEM EDUC MONTH | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4123 | Mary E. Flowers | VEH CD-FINE WAIVER | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4126 | Mary E. Flowers | DNA SPECIMENS-SUBMISSION | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4153 | Mary E. Flowers | FREESTANDING EMERGENCY CENTERS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4264 | Mary E. Flowers | CD CORR-FINES-DEFAULT-WARRANT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4265 | Mary E. Flowers | CD CORR-FINES-DEFAULT-WARRANT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4266 | Mary E. Flowers | IMPLEMENT LEGISLATION REPORT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4267 | Mary E. Flowers | DEPARTMENT IMPLEMENTING REPORT | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB4362 | Mary E. Flowers | PRETRIAL DETENTION-INNOCENCE | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB5062 | Mary E. Flowers | SCH CD-TECHNICAL SKILLS PROGRM | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB5135 | Mary E. Flowers | TANF-GRANT AMOUNT INCREASES | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HB5850 | Mary E. Flowers | PEN CD-PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR19 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS - JOANN JOHNSON | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/24/2017 |
HR75 | Mary E. Flowers | RATIFY CONVENTION ON CHILD RTS | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR76 | Mary E. Flowers | PASS SOC SEC LEGISLATION | H | Resolution Adopted | 6/22/2017 |
HR77 | Mary E. Flowers | GUN VIOLENCE CONFERENCE | H | Resolution Adopted | 5/9/2017 |
HR88 | Mary E. Flowers | PRESCRIPT DRUGS COST - FEDS | H | Resolution Adopted | 5/11/2017 |
HR89 | Mary E. Flowers | CPS - REPURPOSE SCHOOLS | H | Resolution Adopted | 6/22/2017 |
HR90 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL - EDNA M. LAMBERT | H | Resolution Adopted | 2/8/2017 |
HR211 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL - CAROLYN RUSH | H | Resolution Adopted | 3/16/2017 |
HR217 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS - CHIEF N. GAILIUS | H | Resolution Adopted | 3/21/2017 |
HR325 | Mary E. Flowers | RECOGNIZE M. WALKER COMMUNITY | H | Resolution Adopted | 4/24/2017 |
HR326 | Mary E. Flowers | ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AGENDA | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR351 | Mary E. Flowers | SCHOOL DIVERSITY - CHICAGO | H | Resolution Adopted | 6/25/2017 |
HR474 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS - REP. MONIQUE DAVIS | H | Resolution Adopted | 5/31/2017 |
HR513 | Mary E. Flowers | TANF-INCREASE STATE FUNDING | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR537 | Mary E. Flowers | CELEBRATE MEDICARE ANNIVERSARY | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR542 | Mary E. Flowers | SOCIAL SECURITY WEP-ELIMINATE | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR624 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS-ISAIAH CURRY | H | Resolution Adopted | 10/24/2017 |
HR625 | Mary E. Flowers | ORIGINAL NAT. ANTHEM LYRICS | H | Resolution Adopted | 11/8/2017 |
HR635 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS-NOEL B. CUMMINGS | H | Resolution Adopted | 10/24/2017 |
HR738 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL-HERBERT L. HEDGEMAN | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/30/2018 |
HR757 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS-COL. JOANN D. JOHNSON | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/31/2018 |
HR770 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL-DR. RUDY HORNE | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/30/2018 |
HR850 | Mary E. Flowers | MEDICAID OVERSIGHT TASK FORCE | H | Resolution Adopted as Amended 098-002-000 | 5/10/2018 |
HR999 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL-IVY L. PARKER | H | Resolution Adopted | 4/20/2018 |
HR1024 | Mary E. Flowers | WITHHOLD PATRONAGE FORD PROD. | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HR1195 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS-KEITH KELLEHER | H | Resolution Adopted | 11/13/2018 |
HR1198 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRATS-KEITH KELLEHER | H | Resolution Adopted | 11/13/2018 |
HR1224 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL-LOUISE MCKINNEY | H | Resolution Adopted | 11/13/2018 |
HR1265 | Mary E. Flowers | MEMORIAL-G. GUFFIE JONES | H | Resolution Adopted | 11/13/2018 |
HJR28 | Mary E. Flowers | AMERICAN RECOVERY PROGRAM | H | Session Sine Die | 1/8/2019 |
HJR80 | Mary E. Flowers | CONGRESS-PASS U.S. HR 2574 | H | Resolution Adopted | 11/8/2017 |
SB1696 | Jacqueline Y. Collins | MUSLIM ADVISORY COUNCIL | S | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0459 | 8/25/2017 |
SB3112 | Mattie Hunter | DCFS-FAMILY PRESERVATION SRVCS | S | Session Sine Die | 1/9/2019 |
SB3115 | Mattie Hunter | TANF-GRANT AMOUNT INCREASES | S | Session Sine Die | 1/9/2019 |