Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative David McSweeney (R), 52nd District - 103rd General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from David McSweeney.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB321David McSweeneyVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB326David McSweeneyVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB336David McSweeneyPTELL-EXTENSION LIMITATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB337David McSweeneyPROP TX-ASSESSMENT FREEZEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB338David McSweeneyPEN CD-GARS-G.A. MEMBER ELIGHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB339David McSweeneyREDUCE GA & EXECUTIVE SALARIESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB340David McSweeneyCUT GA OFFICE ALLOWANCE BY 10%HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB341David McSweeneyGA COMPENSATION-COLAHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB342David McSweeneyMUNI CD-TIF BONDSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB343David McSweeneySTATE BUDGET-GA MEMBER SALARYHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB344David McSweeneyBUDGET-GOV SPECIAL SESSIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB345David McSweeneyINC TX-DEDUCT MANUFACTURINGHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB346David McSweeneyGENERAL ASSEMBLY COMPENSATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB347David McSweeneyCITIZENS EMPOWERMENT ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB348David McSweeneyCONSTITUTION AMEND PUBLICATIONHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto10/27/2017
HB349David McSweeneyIPLRA-CONTRACTSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB350David McSweeneyPEN CD-FELONY FORFEITUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03348/25/2017
HB351David McSweeneyCRIM CD-SEXUAL ASSAULTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB352David McSweeneyCONTROLLED SUB-HEROIN DELIVERYHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB353David McSweeneySCH CD-POST-RETIREMENT BONUSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB354David McSweeneySCHOOL WATER SUPPLY TESTINGHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB355David McSweeneyVEH CD-RED LIGHT CAMERA STUDYHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB356David McSweeneyLLC REDUCE ARTICLES FILING FEEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB357David McSweeneyINC TX-RATESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB358David McSweeneyPROP TX-PTELL FREEZEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB460David McSweeneyINC TX-CORPORATE INCOME TAXHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB472David McSweeneyVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB473David McSweeneyVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB474David McSweeneyVEH CD-RED LIGHT CAMERA STUDYHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB1768David McSweeneyPROP TX-PTELL FREEZEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4007David McSweeneyCOMM COLL-VOCATION SCHOLARSHIPHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4039David McSweeneyINC TX-GA MEMBERS-DISCLOSUREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4078David McSweeneyREPEAL/RESTORE VARIOUS-SB9HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4241David McSweeneyOPEN ILLINOIS CHECKBOOK ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4242David McSweeneyFOIA-HARASSMENT SETTLMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10408/23/2018
HB4243David McSweeneyPROHIBIT SEX HARASSMENT PAYOFFHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07488/10/2018
HB4244David McSweeneyMCHENRY COUNTY-TWP DISSOLUTIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4245David McSweeneyOEIG-DUTIESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4246David McSweeneyLOCAL GOV CONVENTION EXPENSESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4247David McSweeneyCONVENTION SPACE APPROPRIATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4248David McSweeneyCONVENTION EXPENSE LIMITATIONSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4262David McSweeneyGA-PER DIEM & COLASHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4637David McSweeneyLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto1/15/2019
HB5300David McSweeneyFALSE CLAIMS-EXCLUSIONS-TAXESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5814David McSweeneyPROMPT PAYMNT-INTEREST PENALTYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10648/24/2018
HB5847David McSweeneyCRIM CD-FIRST DEGREE MURDERHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5849David McSweeneyFIREARM REVOCATION PROCEDUREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5872David McSweeneyGA-COLA & PER DIEM FREEZEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5914David McSweeneySCH CD-SEXUAL ASSAULT/ABUSEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5930David McSweeneyDURABLE MEDICAL SUPPLIES-RATESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5934David McSweeney$ROAD FUND-INFRASTRUCTUREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5938David McSweeneyMUNICIPAL CONVENTION EXPENSESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5953David McSweeneyINC TX-OPPORTUNITY ZONESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5961David McSweeneySCH CD-EMPLOYEE-SEX OFFENSEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5962David McSweeneyTRUTH IN LEGISLATIVE TAXATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5964David McSweeneyRECORDER FEES-BOARD CONTROLHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5966David McSweeneyCRIM ID-CHILD ABDUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5967David McSweeneyCD CORR-CONDITIONS OF PAROLEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5968David McSweeneyLOBBYIST-COUNTY BD PROHIBITIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5976David McSweeneyFINANCE-STACKED ALT BOND DEBTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5981David McSweeneyCRIM CD-CHILD ABDUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5982David McSweeneyJCAR-RULES ECONOMIC IMPACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR27David McSweeneyEDUCATION PENSION COST SHIFTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR28David McSweeneyOPPOSE NEW ADVERTISING TAXESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR29David McSweeneyNO TAXES ON RETIREMENT INCOMEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR116David McSweeneyFOOD & DRUGS - NO SALES TAXHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR148David McSweeneyOPPOSE SUGAR TAXESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR192David McSweeneySALES TAX-VIDEO-AUDIO - OPPOSEHResolution Adopted4/5/2017
HR193David McSweeneySUPPORT JEWISH RESIDENTSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR529David McSweeneyEIU BUDGET EARMARKS - AUDITHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR567David McSweeneyCOOK COUNTY SUGAR TAX - REPEALHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR620David McSweeneyGOVERNOR-VETO HB 40HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR868David McSweeneyTRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTUREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR891David McSweeneyOPPOSES GRADUATED INCOME TAXHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR916David McSweeneyUIUC-JAMES KILGOREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR925David McSweeneyCIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR1280David McSweeneyCOOK COUNTY BOARD-PRECKWINKLEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR1291David McSweeneyCONGRATS-NORTHWESTERN WILDCATSHResolution Adopted11/15/2018
HR1330David McSweeneyCONGRATS-CARY-GROVE H.S.HResolution Adopted11/28/2018
HJR63David McSweeneyNEW STATE LEASES - HALTHAdopted Both Houses6/28/2017
HJR106David McSweeneyNO TAXES ON RETIREMENT INCOMEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJR135David McSweeneyFY19 BUDGET REVENUE ESTIMATESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJR140David McSweeneyISP-FORENSIC SERVICES-AUDITHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJRCA5David McSweeneyCON AMEND-ABOLISH LT GOVERNORHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJRCA6David McSweeneyCON AMEND-ABOLISH LT GOVERNORHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJRCA7David McSweeneyCON AMEND-TERM LIMITSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJRCA8David McSweeneyCONAMEND-REVENUE BILLSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJRCA11David McSweeneyCON AMEND-TERM LIMITSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019