Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D), 49th District - 97th General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB43Jennifer Bertino-TarrantFINANCE AUTHORITY-PACE PROJECTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09198/17/2018
SB862Jennifer Bertino-TarrantWORKERS' COMP-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB863Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSCH CD-TRAINED OTHER STATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05844/6/2018
SB927Jennifer Bertino-TarrantCICAA-BOARD POWERS:ASSESSMENTSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB928Jennifer Bertino-TarrantCICAA-NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1382Jennifer Bertino-TarrantINC TX-STUDENT ASSISTANCESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1764Jennifer Bertino-TarrantINC TX-APPRENTICESHIPSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1857Jennifer Bertino-TarrantEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1858Jennifer Bertino-TarrantEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1859Jennifer Bertino-TarrantEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1860Jennifer Bertino-TarrantEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1861Jennifer Bertino-TarrantEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2236Jennifer Bertino-TarrantINVEST IN KIDS-FUNDINGSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2396Jennifer Bertino-TarrantREVENUE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2501Jennifer Bertino-TarrantINC TX-APPRENTICESHIPSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2502Jennifer Bertino-TarrantUSE/OCC TX-NOTIFICATIONSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2645Jennifer Bertino-TarrantUSE/OCC-MOTOR FUEL-LOCAL GOVSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2838Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSCH CD-THIRD PARTY SUB TEACHERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10498/23/2018
SB3099Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSTUDENT ONLINE PROTECTIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3100Jennifer Bertino-TarrantEQUAL PAY-SALARY HISTORYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3190Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSCHOOL BOARD-REPORT-RESERVESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3241Jennifer Bertino-TarrantDISTINCT PLATE-COVERED FARMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07348/3/2018
SB3645Jennifer Bertino-TarrantDUAL CREDIT COURSE-FEESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3646Jennifer Bertino-TarrantOCCUPATIONAL BOARD REFORMSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR405Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL - EDWARD A. DRYSCHSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR547Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL - DONALD WALDEN SR.SResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR689Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL - JOHN C. GRANDESResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR690Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL - C. R. MCFADDENSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR968Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-ANGELO A. MARCHIOSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1045Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-JOHN ZLOGAR SR.SResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1064Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-LEROY BROWN SR.SResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1079Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-PETRINA M. RAGUSASResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1274Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-GREGORY B. BOTTSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1279Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-HELEN L. DUNNSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1307Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-TOMMY GLISSONSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1666Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-LAWRENCE BERTINOSResolution Adopted5/3/2018
SR1804Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-PAMELA KETTWIGSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR2125Jennifer Bertino-TarrantMEMORIAL-THOMAS C. RUSSELLSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SJR28Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSCH CD MANDATE WAIVER REPORTSAdopted Both Houses4/28/2017
SJRCA3Jennifer Bertino-TarrantCONAMEND- LEGISLATURE LIMITSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
HB1262Barbara Flynn CurrieEDUCATION-TECHHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken11/29/2018
HB1447Natalie A. ManleyHEALTH-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07448/10/2018
HB2470Lawrence Walsh, Jr.SCH CD-TECHNICAL EDUCATOR TESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00086/30/2017
HB2612Robert W. PritchardSCH CD-BOUNDARY CHANGESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03748/25/2017
HB3059Robert W. PritchardSCH CD-AVERAG DAILY ATTENDANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01478/18/2017
HB3161Natalie A. ManleyDHS-OPIOID ABUSE-WEBSITEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04949/8/2017
HB3820Fred CrespoSCH CD-EDUCATOR LICENSUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00136/30/2017
HB4284Linda Chapa LaViaSCH CD-ST BD ED-EDUCATOR MEMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-113511/30/2018
HJR24Kathleen WillisKINDERGARTEN ADVISE COMMITTEEHAdopted Both Houses5/31/2017