Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Fred Crespo (D), 44th District - 102nd General Assembly
Fred Crespo was a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Fred Crespo was a Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB30Fred CrespoINS CD-DEPENDENT COVERAGEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB105Barbara Flynn CurrieCOLLEGE VOTER REGISTRATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06917/1/2014
HB129Emanuel Chris WelchSCH CD-BRING PARENT TO SCH DAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-03048/12/2013
HB149Sara Feigenholtz$DHS- MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB162Linda Chapa LaViaPROBATE-SMALL ESTATE AFFIDAVITHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB189Katherine CloonenPROP TX-RATE CALCULATIONHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB226Carol A. SenteELECTIONS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00517/3/2013
HB494Linda Chapa LaViaEDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00165/24/2013
HB801Sue SchererCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-03698/16/2013
HB923Jay HoffmanEMPLOYMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-01057/23/2013
HB961Anthony DeLucaLOCAL GOV DIST FUND DEPOSITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-10528/26/2014
HB968Fred CrespoPARENT CLASS-GANG VIOLENCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB969Fred CrespoFINANCE-BD MEMBER SALARIESHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB970Fred CrespoETHICS-SUMMARY REPORTS PUBLICHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB971Fred CrespoETHICS-TRAINING FINEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB972Fred CrespoPROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEADHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB1022Lawrence M. Walsh, Jr.DHS-TASC PROBATION-STALKINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-11521/9/2015
HB1195Fred CrespoPROCUREMENT-RESIDENT EMPLOYEESHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB1196Fred CrespoLOBBYING-ELECTED OFFICIALSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB1345Natalie A. ManleyFATAL ACCIDENT MARKERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-03348/13/2013
HB1443Martin J. MoylanCRIM CD-HAZING-REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-03938/16/2013
HB1450Fred CrespoSCH CD-BUDGET-CLASSROOMHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB1451Fred CrespoDIGITAL MEDIA TAX CREDITHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB1538Esther GolarMENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-01958/7/2013
HB1604Ed Sullivan, Jr.REVENUE-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-061512/30/2013
HB1815Tom CrossTRANSPORTATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00967/18/2013
HB1868Michael UnesEDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00286/21/2013
HB1918Robert W. PritchardCORRECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB2239Anthony DeLucaFOREST PRESERVE EASEMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-04078/16/2013
HB2245Linda Chapa LaViaABUSED CHILD REPORTING-SCHOOLHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-04088/16/2013
HB2451Lawrence M. Walsh, Jr.DHFS-ICF/DD-BED RESERVES-PAYMTHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB2585Natalie A. ManleyAGGRAVATED DEVICE USEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-05078/16/2013
HB2606Frank J. MautinoLIQUOR CONTROL-3-TIER SYSTEMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00216/13/2013
HB2647Emily McAseyCRIM CD-CHILD PORNOGRAPHYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-04378/16/2013
HB2653Fred CrespoMEDICAID CARE-CHILDREN'S HOSPHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB2654Darlene J. SengerHOSPITAL BASIC SERVICES FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-04388/16/2013
HB2687Fred CrespoDCEO-CONVENTION AND TOURISMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-02528/9/2013
HB2691David HarrisCRIM CD-THEFT PUBLIC FUNDSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB2747Fred CrespoFOIA-ELECTRONIC REQUESTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-07067/16/2014
HB2768Emanuel Chris WelchSCH CD-REPORT GANG ACTIVITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00597/8/2013
HB2775Donald L. MoffittMOTHER MARY ANN BICKERDYKE DAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-01418/2/2013
HB2893Robert F. MartwickBLUE ALERT SYSTEMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-02638/9/2013
HB3009Jim DurkinCRIM CD- GANG RECRUITMENTHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3039Stephanie A. KifowitINC TX-OPERATION NEW DAWNHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3040Stephanie A. KifowitDFPR-LICENSES-SERVICE MEMBERSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3193Fred CrespoEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3218Fred CrespoPROP TX-HOMESTEAD EXEMPTIONSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3219Fred CrespoETHICS-REPORT PUBLICATIONHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3220Fred CrespoETHICS-TRAINING FINEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3221Fred CrespoEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3222Fred CrespoPROP TX-SENIOR EXEMPTIONHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3232Emanuel Chris WelchSCH CD-CONTRACTS-LOCAL BIDDERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-07837/24/2014
HB3346Barbara WheelerWOMEN VETERANS TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-03108/12/2013
HB3359Patricia R. BellockPAWN-CONSIGN, RECYCLABLE METALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00687/15/2013
HB3413Fred CrespoEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3527Michael J. Madigan$CMS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3528Michael J. Madigan$DEPT AGRIC-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3529Michael J. Madigan$COURT OF CLAIMS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3530Michael J. Madigan$AUDITOR GENERAL-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3531Michael J. Madigan$ATTORNEY GENERAL-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3532Michael J. Madigan$CAPITOL ARCHITECT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3533Michael J. Madigan$COMPTROLLER-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3534Michael J. Madigan$COGFA-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3535Michael J. Madigan$CIVIL SERVICE COMM-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3536Michael J. Madigan$PCB-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3537Michael J. Madigan$PROCUREMENT POLICY BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3538Michael J. Madigan$PROP TAX APP BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3539Michael J. Madigan$SOS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3540Michael J. Madigan$BD ELECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3541Michael J. Madigan$SERS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3542Michael J. Madigan$SURS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3543Michael J. Madigan$TREASURER-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3544Michael J. Madigan$TRS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3545Michael J. Madigan$SUPREME CT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3546Michael J. Madigan$LPU-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3547Michael J. Madigan$LRU-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3548Michael J. Madigan$LT GOV-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3549Michael J. Madigan$LIQ CONTROL COMM-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3550Michael J. Madigan$LEG AUDIT COMMISSION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3551Michael J. Madigan$LEG ETHICS COMM-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3552Michael J. Madigan$LEG IG-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3553Michael J. Madigan$LIS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3554Michael J. Madigan$LRB-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3555Michael J. Madigan$JCAR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3556Michael J. Madigan$JUDGES RETIREMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3557Michael J. Madigan$RACING BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3558Michael J. Madigan$LABOR RELATIONS BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3559Michael J. Madigan$GAMING BOARD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3560Michael J. Madigan$CHIP-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3561Michael J. Madigan$DEPT OF INSURANCE-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3562Michael J. Madigan$DFPR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3563Michael J. Madigan$DES-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3564Michael J. Madigan$DCEO-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3565Michael J. Madigan$ICC-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3566Michael J. Madigan$ARTS COUNCIL-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3567Michael J. Madigan$HIST PRESERV AGCY-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3568Michael J. Madigan$GOMB-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3569Michael J. Madigan$GOVERNOR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3570Michael J. Madigan$GEN ASSEMBLY RET-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3571Michael J. Madigan$GEN ASSEMBLY-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3572Michael J. Madigan$EX IG TREAS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3573Michael J. Madigan$EX IG SOS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3574Michael J. Madigan$EX IG GOV-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3575Michael J. Madigan$EX IG COMPT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3576Michael J. Madigan$EX IG AG-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3577Michael J. Madigan$EX ETHICS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3578Michael J. Madigan$ENVIR PROTECT TRUST FUND-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3579Michael J. Madigan$EPA-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3580Michael J. Madigan$DRYCLEANER ENV-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3581Michael J. Madigan$DEPT REVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3582Michael J. Madigan$DNR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3583Michael J. Madigan$ATTORNEY GENERALHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3584Michael J. Madigan$OFFICE OF EXEC INSPECTOR GENHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3585Michael J. Madigan$COMPTROLLERHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3586Michael J. Madigan$GENERAL ASSEMBLYHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3587Michael J. Madigan$LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICESHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3588Michael J. Madigan$COURT OF CLAIMS FY14HSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3589Michael J. Madigan$STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3590Michael J. Madigan$SOS APPROPRIATIONSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3591Michael J. Madigan$STATE TREASURERHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3592Michael J. Madigan$IL INDEP TAX TRIBNL FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3593Michael J. Madigan$DCEO FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3594Michael J. Madigan$CMS FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3595Michael J. Madigan$DEPT OF AGRICULTURE FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3596Michael J. Madigan$LT GOV FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3597Michael J. Madigan$FY14 GOVERNOR OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3598Michael J. Madigan$DNR FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3599Michael J. Madigan$DFPR FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3600Michael J. Madigan$IDES FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3601Michael J. Madigan$DRYCLNR ERTF FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3602Michael J. Madigan$EXEC ETHICS FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3603Michael J. Madigan$GOMB FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3604Michael J. Madigan$ARTS COUNCIL FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3605Michael J. Madigan$SURS FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3606Michael J. Madigan$ILRB FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3607Michael J. Madigan$SERS FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3608Michael J. Madigan$DOR FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3609Michael J. Madigan$PTAB FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3610Michael J. Madigan$IL RACING BOARD FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3611Michael J. Madigan$LOTTERY FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3612Michael J. Madigan$FY14 DOI OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3613Michael J. Madigan$GAMING BOARD FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3614Michael J. Madigan$PROCUR PLCY BD FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3615Michael J. Madigan$HPA FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3616Michael J. Madigan$EPA FY14 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3617Michael J. Madigan$FY14 DCEO CAPITALHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3618Michael J. Madigan$FY14 CAPITALHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3622Michael J. Madigan$EXECUTIVE ETHICS COMMHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3664Renée KoselFOIA-SEVERANCE AGREEMENTSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3777Michelle MussmanSCH MAINTENANCE GRANT-SPEC EDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-07107/16/2014
HB3791Michael J. Madigan$LEG AUDIT COMMISSION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3820Fred CrespoSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB3939Eddie Lee Jackson, Sr.EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06736/30/2014
HB4123Martin J. MoylanCIVIL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-10628/26/2014
HB4257Linda Chapa LaViaADVANCED PLACEMENT EXAM-CREDITHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB4359Fred CrespoHIGHER ED-PERFORMANCE METRICSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB4440Linda Chapa LaViaSCH CD-EARLY CHILDHOOD GRANTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06456/11/2014
HB4527Linda Chapa LaViaSCH CD-CHARTER SCH-ENG LEARNERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06396/9/2014
HB4535Lou LangREGULATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-09938/18/2014
HB4631Fred CrespoFINANCE-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB4746Fred CrespoETHICS-EIG-SUMMARY REPORTHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB4747Fred CrespoETHICS-DISCLOSE INVESTIGATIONHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5380Rita MayfieldPERSONAL ASSISTNT-MINIMUM WAGEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5414Fred CrespoRTA-FINANCE-GOVERNANCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5416Dan BradyRIGHT OF WAY/EMERGENCY VEHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5634Fred CrespoIDOR-LOCAL GOVERNMENTHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5740Fred CrespoVEH CD - COLD WAR PLATESHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5741Fred CrespoTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5888Fred CrespoDIGITAL MEDIA TAX CREDITHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5934Fred CrespoREV-TOURIST PROMO FUNDHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB5990Michelle MussmanCOUNTIES-CHILD ADVOCACY CTRHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-08098/1/2014
HB6015Patricia R. BellockGRANT ACCOUNTABILITY ACTHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6095Michael J. Madigan$VIOLENCE PREV AUTH-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06796/30/2014
HB6123Michael J. Madigan$STATE TREASURERHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6124Michael J. Madigan$SURS FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6125Michael J. Madigan$GOMB FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6126Michael J. Madigan$EXEC ETHICS FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6127Michael J. Madigan$CSC FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6128Michael J. Madigan$ICC FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6129Michael J. Madigan$DRYCLNR ERTF FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6130Michael J. Madigan$EXEC INSP GENERAL FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6131Michael J. Madigan$EPA FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6132Michael J. Madigan$HPA FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6133Michael J. Madigan$GAMING BOARD FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6134Michael J. Madigan$IL RACING BOARD FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6135Michael J. Madigan$PTAB FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6136Michael J. Madigan$IL INDEP TAX TRIBNL FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6137Michael J. Madigan$PROCUR PLCY BD FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6138Michael J. Madigan$ILRB FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6139Michael J. Madigan$SERS FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6140Michael J. Madigan$SECRETARY OF STATEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6141Michael J. Madigan$AUDITOR GENHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6142Michael J. Madigan$OCE COMPTROLLERHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6143Michael J. Madigan$LEGISLATIVE AGENCIESHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6144Michael J. Madigan$GENERAL ASSEMBLYHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6145Michael J. Madigan$ARTS COUNCIL FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6146Michael J. Madigan$DFPR FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6147Michael J. Madigan$IDES FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6148Michael J. Madigan$DNR FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6149Michael J. Madigan$DCEO FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6150Michael J. Madigan$DOR FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6151Michael J. Madigan$CMS FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6152Michael J. Madigan$DEPT OF AGRICULTURE FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6153Michael J. Madigan$LOTTERY FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6154Michael J. Madigan$FY15 DOI OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6155Michael J. Madigan$LT GOV FY15 OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6156Michael J. Madigan$FY15 GOVERNOR OCEHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6157Michael J. Madigan$COURT OF CLAIMS FY15HSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6158Michael J. Madigan$LABOR RELATIONS BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6159Michael J. Madigan$GAMING BOARD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6160Michael J. Madigan$CHIP-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6161Michael J. Madigan$ICC-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6162Michael J. Madigan$ARTS COUNCIL-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6163Michael J. Madigan$HIST PRESERV AGCY-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6164Michael J. Madigan$RACING BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6165Michael J. Madigan$JCAR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6166Michael J. Madigan$JUDGES RETIREMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6167Michael J. Madigan$CMS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6168Michael J. Madigan$DEPT AGRIC-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6169Michael J. Madigan$COMPTROLLER-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6170Michael J. Madigan$COGFA-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6171Michael J. Madigan$COURT OF CLAIMS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6172Michael J. Madigan$CIVIL SERVICE COMM-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6173Michael J. Madigan$AUDITOR GENERAL-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6174Michael J. Madigan$ATTORNEY GENERAL-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6175Michael J. Madigan$CAPITOL ARCHITECT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6176Michael J. Madigan$GEN ASSEMBLY RET-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6177Michael J. Madigan$LEG AUDIT COMMISSION-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6178Michael J. Madigan$LEG ETHICS COMM-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6179Michael J. Madigan$LEG IG-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6180Michael J. Madigan$LIS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6181Michael J. Madigan$LPU-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6182Michael J. Madigan$LRB-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6183Michael J. Madigan$LRU-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6184Michael J. Madigan$LT GOV-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6185Michael J. Madigan$LIQ CONTROL COMM-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6186Michael J. Madigan$PCB-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6187Michael J. Madigan$PROCUREMENT POLICY BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6188Michael J. Madigan$PROP TAX APP BD-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6189Michael J. Madigan$SOS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6190Michael J. Madigan$BD ELECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6191Michael J. Madigan$SERS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6192Michael J. Madigan$SURS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6193Michael J. Madigan$TREASURER-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6194Michael J. Madigan$TRS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6195Michael J. Madigan$SUPREME CT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6196Michael J. Madigan$GOMB-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6197Michael J. Madigan$GOVERNOR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6198Michael J. Madigan$GEN ASSEMBLY-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6199Michael J. Madigan$DRYCLEANER ENV-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6200Michael J. Madigan$DEPT REVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6201Michael J. Madigan$DNR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6202Michael J. Madigan$DEPT OF INSURANCE-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6203Michael J. Madigan$EX IG TREAS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6204Michael J. Madigan$EX IG SOS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6205Michael J. Madigan$EX IG GOV-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6206Michael J. Madigan$EX IG COMPT-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6207Michael J. Madigan$EX IG AG-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6208Michael J. Madigan$EX ETHICS-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6209Michael J. Madigan$ENVIR PROTECT TRUST FUND-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6210Michael J. Madigan$EPA-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6211Michael J. Madigan$DFPR-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6212Michael J. Madigan$DES-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6213Michael J. Madigan$DCEO-TECHHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6216Michael J. Madigan$STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONSHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6222Michael J. Madigan$ATTORNEY GENERALHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HB6235Dwight KayG.A. COMPENSATION-COLAHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HR14Fred CrespoHONORS - JOYCE HORIUCHIHResolution Adopted1/30/2013
HR20Emily McAseySUPPORTS ILLINOIS READSHResolution Adopted2/27/2013
HR33Fred CrespoCONGRATS MARY COYLEHResolution Adopted1/30/2013
HR163Christian L. MitchellCORP BOARD ETHNIC DIVERSITYHResolution Adopted5/1/2013
HR175Rich BrauerTAP 10TH ANNIVERSARYHResolution Adopted3/20/2013
HR216Emanuel Chris WelchMEMORIAL ANNE SMEDINGHOFFHResolution Adopted4/10/2013
HR263Frances Ann HurleyASTHMA AWARENESS MONTH MAY '13HResolution Adopted5/29/2013
HR303Robert F. MartwickMEMORIAL EDDIE BLAZONCZYKHResolution Adopted5/29/2013
HR337Fred CrespoHONORS ED RAFFERTYHResolution Adopted5/10/2013
HR460Fred CrespoRECOGNIZES BETTIE KIRSCHNERHResolution Adopted6/19/2013
HR464Fred CrespoCONGRATS RICKY STENGERHResolution Adopted6/19/2013
HR537Fred CrespoRECOGNIZES SGT. FRANK LIQUORIHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR538Fred CrespoCONGRATS - PETER CHIODOHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR539Fred CrespoCONGRATS - DANIEL SKIROOCKHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR554Fred CrespoNICHOLAS FORTNEY EAGLE SCTHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR555Fred CrespoCGTS- JUSTIN FORTNEY EGLE SCTHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR568Fred CrespoCONGRATS MICHAEL R. CALENDOHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR618David R. LeitchCONGRATS - WILLIAM OLSONHResolution Adopted10/22/2013
HR733Fred CrespoCONGRATS - CHERI SISSONHResolution Adopted1/29/2014
HR749Sandra M. PihosPAY EQUITY DAYHResolution Adopted3/4/2014
HR763Fred CrespoINDIA'S REPUBLIC DAYHResolution Adopted1/29/2014
HR864Fred CrespoHONORS - TIMOTEO VASQUEZHResolution Adopted2/27/2014
HR1039Fred CrespoRECOGNIZE- WORLD PH DAYHResolution Adopted4/30/2014
HR1049Fred CrespoCONGRATS - RYAN F. HASSETTHResolution Adopted5/1/2014
HR1130Jeanne M IvesRECESS HOUSE - MEMORIAL DAYHSession Sine Die12/3/2014
HR1132Fred CrespoCONGRATS - JOHN TYKOLHResolution Adopted5/22/2014
HR1133Fred CrespoCONGRATS - VERN CASE, JR.HResolution Adopted5/22/2014
HR1143Fred CrespoCONGRATS - DEB PERRYMANHResolution Adopted5/23/2014
HR1172Monique D. DavisMEMORIAL - MAYA ANGELOUHResolution Adopted5/29/2014
HR1232Fred CrespoRECOGNIZES - RICH JANIECHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HR1233Fred CrespoRECOGNIZE - LINDA ZIMMERMANHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HR1247Fred CrespoRECOGNIZE - ABDHEJA MOHANSUNDRHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HR1250Fred CrespoCONGRATS - ROBERT WYSONGHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HR1255Fred CrespoCONGRATS - HILLTOP SCHOOL 10YRHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HR1288Fred CrespoCONGRATS - N. WALTERS-LENOCIHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HJR9Robert RitaTOLL HIGHWAY EXPANSIONHAdopted Both Houses5/23/2013
HJR71Thomas MorrisonRECOGNIZES PLEDGE ANNIVERSARYHResolution Adopted4/7/2014
HJR91Stephanie A. KifowitILL VET SUICIDE TASK FORCEHAdopted Both Houses11/20/2014
HJR108Michael J. MadiganCONGRATS - LOYOLA MENS VOLLEYHResolution Adopted11/19/2014
HJRCA52Michael J. MadiganCON AMEND-VOTER DISCRIMINATIONHAdopted Both Houses4/10/2014
SB41Antonio MuñozPROP TX-ERRONEOUS HOMESTEADSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00937/17/2013
SB204Antonio MuñozSTATE POLICE-COLLEGIATE EDUCSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00547/5/2013
SB226Michael W. FrerichsDCEO-SUPPORT YOUR NEIGHBORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-10318/25/2014
SB741Donne E. TrotterPUB AID-NURSING BASE PER DIEMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06516/16/2014
SB853Andy ManarSAFETY-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-06201/7/2014
SB1550Christine RadognoSCH CD-SPEC ED-TRANSITION SERVSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-05178/22/2013
SB1664Don HarmonPRIVATE DETECTIVES-SUNSETSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-00456/28/2013
SB1778Pamela J. AlthoffBANKING-REGULATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-10968/26/2014
SB1814Pamela J. AlthoffCRIM PRO EVIDENCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-01608/2/2013
SB1845Daniel BissSCH CD-SPEC ED-SOC WORK-BULLYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-060312/12/2013
SB2157Bill CunninghamSCH CD-EXEMPT PHYS ED-DISABLEDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-01167/29/2013
SB2557Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF MILITARY AFFAIRSSSession Sine Die1/13/2015
SB2612Dan KotowskiREVENUE-AUDITORSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-10988/26/2014
SB2694Michael E. HastingsPOSTING INFORMATION-INTERNETSSession Sine Die1/13/2015
SB2905Michael E. HastingsPROP TX-VETERANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-114512/30/2014
SB2955Ira I. SilversteinPROBATE-FINANCIAL EXPLOITATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-08338/1/2014
SB2972Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSCH CD-LICENSE-SUPERINTENDENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-08728/11/2014
SB3255Thomas CullertonVEH CD - DISABLED VET PARKINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-08798/12/2014
SB3405Daniel BissCONSUMER FRAUD-PATENT DEMANDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-11198/26/2014
SB3447Michael NolandIDOR-LOCAL GOVERNMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 98-10498/25/2014
SB3450James F. Clayborne, Jr.NURS HM-MANAGED CARE RIGHTSSSession Sine Die1/13/2015
SJR42William DelgadoU.S. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONSAdopted Both Houses12/3/2014