Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Mattie Hunter (D), 3rd District
Click Here to see all bills from Mattie Hunter.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB1301Mattie HunterFUNDS-COMMUNITY REINVESTMENTSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 6, 20253/5/2025
SB1302Mattie HunterAGING-BENEFITS ACCESS PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1911Mattie HunterPROP TX-AFFORDABLE HOUSINGSAssigned to Executive3/12/2025
SB1912Mattie HunterHLTH CARE PROVIDER WORKFORCESAssigned to Appropriations- Education2/25/2025
SB1913Mattie HunterCHILD CARE BACKGROUND CHECKSAssigned to Child Welfare3/4/2025
SB2475Mattie HunterDHS-HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATIONSAssigned to Health and Human Services3/4/2025
SB2476Mattie HunterINC TX-DOWNTOWN CREDITSAssigned to Revenue3/4/2025
SB2477Mattie HunterILLINOIS FAMILY COMMISSIONSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2478Mattie HunterUTILITY DATA ACCESS ACTSAssigned to Energy and Public Utilities3/4/2025
SB2479Mattie HunterCONSUMER REPORTING SERVICESReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2480Mattie HunterILLINOIS EQUITY COMMISSIONSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2616Mattie Hunter$DEPT AGR-ALTERNATIVE PROTEINSReferred to Assignments2/25/2025
SR82Mattie HunterCONGRATS-CTPFSReferred to Assignments2/4/2025
SR107Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-MIDGE KIMBERLYSResolution Adopted2/20/2025
SR108Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-LENORA EADDYSResolution Adopted2/20/2025
SR126Mattie HunterCONGRATS-COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHISReferred to Assignments2/25/2025
SR148Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JERRY BUTLERSResolution Adopted3/6/2025
SR149Mattie HunterJERRY BUTLER DAYSResolution Adopted3/6/2025
SR155Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-RAUFU O. I. BELLOSResolution Adopted3/6/2025
HJR22Robyn GabelADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses3/6/2025