Bill # |
Chief Sponsor |
ABR - Short Description |
Chamber |
Last Action |
Last Action Date |
SB55 | Karina Villa | INS CD-MENTAL HEALTH PARITY | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/13/2025 |
SB145 | Bill Cunningham | INC TX-FOREIGN TAX | S | Assigned to Revenue | 1/28/2025 |
SB146 | Bill Cunningham | INC TX-SMALL BUSINESS CREDIT | S | Assigned to Revenue | 1/28/2025 |
SB147 | Bill Cunningham | PEACE OFFICER&FIREARMS-ETRACE | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/17/2025 |
SB1179 | Bill Cunningham | ENERGY-INSULATION REQ IN HOMES | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 2/4/2025 |
SB1180 | Bill Cunningham | IL RACING BOARD-VARIOUS | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/4/2025 |
SB1292 | Bill Cunningham | GAMBLING DATA COLLECTION ACT | S | To Gaming, Wagering, and Racing | 2/19/2025 |
SB1348 | Bill Cunningham | SHERIFF-PROCESS SERVICE FEES | S | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 6, 2025 | 3/5/2025 |
SB1349 | Bill Cunningham | GAMING-SPORTS WAGERING LICENSE | S | To Gaming, Wagering, and Racing | 2/19/2025 |
SB1350 | Bill Cunningham | UTILITIES-COST RECOVERY | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/28/2025 |
SB1361 | Bill Cunningham | HIGH VOLTAGE CONVERTER STATION | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 2/4/2025 |
SB1417 | Steve McClure | NEW SALEM PRESERVATION | S | Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading February 25, 2025 | 2/20/2025 |
SB1418 | Napoleon Harris, III | INS CD-PERIPHERAL ARTERY TEST | S | Assigned to Insurance | 2/11/2025 |
SB1431 | Bill Cunningham | COOK CTY SHERIFF'S MERIT BOARD | S | Assigned to Criminal Law | 2/11/2025 |
SB1496 | Steve McClure | $DNR-NEW SALEM | S | Assigned to Appropriations | 2/11/2025 |
SB1505 | Willie Preston | SMALL BUSINESS TAX CREDIT | S | Assigned to Revenue | 2/11/2025 |
SB1527 | Sue Rezin | NUCLEAR MORATORIUM REPEAL | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/4/2025 |
SB1562 | Bill Cunningham | ILLINOIS-IRELAND TRADE COMM | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/4/2025 |
SB1693 | Robert F. Martwick | COM COL-CHICAGO-ELECT BOARD | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/5/2025 |
SB1700 | Bill Cunningham | DEPUTY SHERIFF-APPOINTMENT AGE | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/5/2025 |
SB1701 | Bill Cunningham | PUBLIC LABOR-POLICE SUPERVISOR | S | Assigned to Labor | 2/18/2025 |
SB1702 | Bill Cunningham | WORKERS COMP-PTSD PRESUMPTION | S | Postponed - Judiciary | 3/6/2025 |
SB1703 | Bill Cunningham | CONDO-COM INT-RESERVE STUDY | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/5/2025 |
SB1704 | Bill Cunningham | RACING BD/GAMING BD EMPLOYEES | S | To Gaming, Wagering, and Racing | 2/19/2025 |
SB1705 | Bill Cunningham | VID GM&CRIM CD-GAMBLING DEVICE | S | To Gaming, Wagering, and Racing | 2/19/2025 |
SB1706 | Bill Cunningham | OMA-POLICE OFFICERS PENSION | S | To Government Operations | 2/19/2025 |
SB1766 | Bill Cunningham | HEMP BEVERAGE COMMISSION | S | To Liquor | 2/19/2025 |
SB1767 | Bill Cunningham | MUNI CD-EMS VEHICLE FUNDS | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/18/2025 |
SB1768 | Bill Cunningham | IAPA-ADOPTION BY FILING | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/18/2025 |
SB1773 | Julie A. Morrison | CONTROLLED SUB-FENTANYL | S | Assigned to Criminal Law | 2/18/2025 |
SB1807 | Willie Preston | PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZE | S | Assigned to Revenue | 2/18/2025 |
SB1816 | Bill Cunningham | RENEWABLE ENERGY PROCUREMENT | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 2/18/2025 |
SB1979 | Willie Preston | SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/6/2025 |
SB2005 | Laura M. Murphy | SMALL BUSINESS INCENTIVES | S | Assigned to Appropriations | 2/25/2025 |
SB2143 | Bill Cunningham | VEH CD-TOWING | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2144 | Bill Cunningham | COMPETITIVELY NEUTRAL ENERGY | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 2/25/2025 |
SB2145 | Bill Cunningham | SPORTS WAGER-FANTASY CONTEST | S | Assigned to Executive | 3/4/2025 |
SB2146 | Bill Cunningham | IL TRANSMISSION PROJECTS ACT | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 2/25/2025 |
SB2147 | Bill Cunningham | LOTTERY-VARIOUS | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/25/2025 |
SB2198 | Adriane Johnson | STATE CONTRACTS-SMALL BUSINESS | S | Assigned to Appropriations | 2/25/2025 |
SB2323 | Julie A. Morrison | HUMAN TRAFFICKING-VICTIMS | S | Assigned to Criminal Law | 3/4/2025 |
SB2394 | Bill Cunningham | FIRST 2025 GENERAL REVISORY | S | Assigned to State Government | 3/4/2025 |
SB2395 | Bill Cunningham | RES AUTOMATED SOLAR PLATFORM | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 3/4/2025 |
SB2396 | Bill Cunningham | POLICE-ENFORCEMENT UNIT | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2397 | Bill Cunningham | HGWY CD-IDOT HEARINGS | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2398 | Bill Cunningham | SPORTS WAGERING-AI RESTRICTION | S | Assigned to Executive | 3/4/2025 |
SB2399 | Bill Cunningham | SPORTS WAGER-AFFORD PROTECT | S | Assigned to Executive | 3/4/2025 |
SB2400 | Bill Cunningham | HOSPICE DATA COLLECTION | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2402 | Willie Preston | NEW OCCUPATION REGULATION | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2473 | Bill Cunningham | UTIL-TIME-OF-USE PRICING | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 3/4/2025 |
SB2489 | Bill Cunningham | VIRTUAL POWER PLANT PROGRAM | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2490 | Bill Cunningham | GAMING-ILLEGAL MARKETS | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2491 | Bill Cunningham | STRETCH ENERGY CODE | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 3/4/2025 |
SB2497 | Bill Cunningham | ENERGY-VARIOUS | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 3/4/2025 |
SB2498 | Bill Cunningham | INS-PUBLIC ADJUSTER BOARD | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SB2499 | Bill Cunningham | GAMING-ILLEGAL MARKETS | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/7/2025 |
SR2 | Bill Cunningham | SENATE ORGANIZED | S | Resolution Adopted | 1/8/2025 |
SR80 | Bill Cunningham | MEMORIAL-JAMES "ZEKE" LOUGHREY | S | Resolution Adopted | 2/5/2025 |
SR99 | Bill Cunningham | CONGRATS-CHICAGO CHRISTIAN | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/5/2025 |
SR116 | Kimberly A. Lightford | EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/18/2025 |
SR125 | Bill Cunningham | WATER SAFETY EDUCATION | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/25/2025 |
SJR13 | Michael W. Halpin | LIBRARY ACCESS TASK FORCE | S | Placed on Calendar Order of Secretary's Desk Resolutions March 6, 2025 | 3/5/2025 |