Illinois General Assembly - Representative Committees
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Cynthia Soto (D), 4th District
096th General Assembly
Committee Code Chairman Members
Agreed Labor Bills, Subcommittee HLBR-AGLB Larry McKeon (D)Members
Appropriations-General Service HAPG Monique D. Davis (D)Members
Appropriations-Higher Education HAPI David E. Miller (D)Members
Child Support Enforcement HCSE Cynthia Soto (D)Members
Committee of the Whole HCWL Gary Hannig (D)Members
Labor HLBR Larry McKeon (D)Members
Licenses and Registration, SubcommiHTRN-LICN Deborah L. Graham (D),
Cynthia Soto (D)
Mass Transit HMAS Julie Hamos (D)Members
Pension Fund Management ProcurementPFMP Edward J. Acevedo (D),
David E. Miller (D)
Transit Management and Performance HMAS-TMAP Julie Hamos (D)Members
Transportation & Motor Vehicles HTRN Jay C. Hoffman (D)Members