Illinois General Assembly - Representative Committees
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Suzanne Bassi (R), 54th District
Committee Code Chairman Members Current Bills
Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ HAPE Linda Chapa LaVia (D)MembersBills
Approp. Elementary and Second Ed. HAPE-APES Michael K. Smith (D)MembersBills
Elementary & Secondary Education HELM Michael K. Smith (D)MembersBills
Infrastructure HIND Luis Arroyo (D)MembersBills
Mandates of the Elementary & Sec EdHELM-MAND Fred Crespo (D)MembersBills
Mass Transit HMAS Luis Arroyo (D)MembersBills
Minority Procurement HSGA-MPRO William D. Burns (D)MembersBills
Revenue & Finance HREF John E. Bradley (D)MembersBills
Special Investigative Committee HSIC Barbara Flynn Currie (D)MembersBills
State Government Administration HSGA Jack D. Franks (D)MembersBills
Tourism & Conventions HTOR Kenneth Dunkin (D)MembersBills