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11:00 O'CLOCK A.M.
NO. 130
[May 9, 2002] 2
Daily Journal Index
130th Legislative Day
Action Page(s)
Adjournment........................................ 158
Change of Sponsorship.............................. 151
Committee on Rules Referrals....................... 8
Home Rule Notes Supplied........................... 9
Judicial Note Supplied............................. 9
Quorum Roll Call................................... 4
Reports............................................ 4
State Mandate Note Requested....................... 9
Temporary Committee Assignments.................... 4
Bill Number Legislative Action Page(s)
HB 0136 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HB 0207 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 15
HB 0909 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 17
HB 1033 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 17
HB 1081 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 18
HB 1436 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 51
HB 1889 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 55
HB 1961 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HB 1975 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 59
HB 2271 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HB 3212 Motion Submitted................................... 9
HB 3212 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 62
HB 3336 Motion Submitted................................... 9
HB 3673 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 65
HB 3713 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 70
HB 3812 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 149
HB 3938 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 71
HB 3999 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 72
HB 4081 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 78
HB 4117 Motion Submitted................................... 9
HB 4117 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 79
HB 4157 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HB 4179 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 84
HB 4220 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 84
HB 4228 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 86
HB 4230 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 87
HB 4344 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 88
HB 4357 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HB 4409 Motion Submitted................................... 9
HB 4667 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 89
HB 4725 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 89
HB 4879 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 101
HB 4912 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 101
HB 4926 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 103
HB 4933 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 103
HB 4948 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 104
HB 4953 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HB 4975 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 111
HB 5000 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 116
HB 5002 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 127
HB 5076 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 118
HB 5255 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 128
HB 5343 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 128
HB 5368 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 130
HB 5530 Motion Submitted................................... 9
3 [May 9, 2002]
Bill Number Legislative Action Page(s)
HB 5596 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 131
HB 5608 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 149
HB 5610 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 132
HB 5625 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 133
HB 5631 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 133
HB 5652 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 134
HB 5823 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 135
HB 5906 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 136
HB 5941 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 141
HB 5961 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 142
HB 5965 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 143
HB 5996 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 145
HB 6041 Motion Submitted................................... 9
HB 6041 Senate Message - Passage w/ SA..................... 148
HJR 0076 Committee Report................................... 9
HR 0527 Adoption........................................... 153
HR 0527 Committee Report................................... 10
HR 0659 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0659 Motion............................................. 156
HR 0659 Motion Submitted................................... 8
HR 0776 Adoption........................................... 156
HR 0776 Committee Report................................... 8
HR 0880 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0880 Agreed Resolution.................................. 10
HR 0881 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0881 Agreed Resolution.................................. 11
HR 0882 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0882 Agreed Resolution.................................. 12
HR 0883 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0883 Agreed Resolution.................................. 12
HR 0884 Resolution......................................... 151
HR 0885 Agreed Resolution.................................. 13
HR 0886 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0886 Agreed Resolution.................................. 13
HR 0887 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0887 Agreed Resolution.................................. 14
HR 0888 Adoption........................................... 157
HR 0888 Agreed Resolution.................................. 14
SB 1622 Second Reading - Amendment/s....................... 154
SB 1690 Second Reading - Amendment/s....................... 154
SB 2068 Third Reading...................................... 152
SB 2117 Third Reading...................................... 152
SB 2198 Third Reading...................................... 152
SB 2204 Third Reading...................................... 152
SB 2209 Third Reading...................................... 153
SB 2211 Third Reading...................................... 153
SB 2223 Third Reading...................................... 153
SB 2224 Third Reading...................................... 153
SJR 0058 Adoption........................................... 153
SJR 0078 Senate Message..................................... 151
SJR 0079 Senate Message..................................... 157
[May 9, 2002] 4
The House met pursuant to adjournment.
The Speaker in the Chair.
Prayer by Pastor Steven Theiss of the St. Paul Lutheran Church in
Colombia, Illinois.
Representative Reitz led the House in the Pledge of Allegiance.
By direction of the Speaker, a roll call was taken to ascertain the
attendance of Members, as follows:
113 present. (ROLL CALL 1)
By unanimous consent, Representatives Boland, Durkin, Murphy and
O'Brien were excused from attendance.
The Speaker announced the following temporary committee
Representative Lang replaced Representative Hannig in the Committee
on Rules on May 7, 2002.
Representative Lindner replaced Representative Bellock in the
Committee on Human Services on May 7, 2002.
The Clerk of the House acknowledges receipt of the following
Annual Report 2000, IL Child Death Review Teams, submitted by
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.
Report on Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, submitted by Illinois
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.
Compliance Audit report, submitted by Northeastern Illinois
University Foundation.
Financial and Compliance Audit report, submitted by the State of
Illinois Governors State University Foundation.
Compliance Audit report, submitted by the Northeastern Illinois
Financial Audit report, submitted by the Northeastern Illinois
Compliance Audit report, submitted by the state of Illinois
Governors State University.
Financial Audit report, submitted by the State of Illinois
Governors State University.
Financial and Compliance Audit report, submitted by the State of
Illinois Governors State University Alumni Association.
Compliance Audit report, submitted by the Illinois Housing
Development Authority.
Financial Audit report, submitted by the Illinois Housing
Development Authority.
Compliance Audit report, submitted by Illinois Development Finance
Financial Audit report, submitted by the Illinois Development
Finance Authority.
5 [May 9, 2002]
Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Grant Program Annual
report, submitted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Illinois Documents List #2, submitted by the Illinois State
Construction Progress and Quality Control report, submitted by the
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act.
State and Federal Compliance Audits report, submitted by the
University of Illinois.
Supplementary Financial Information and Special Data Requirements,
submitted by the University of Illinois.
Annual Financial Audit, submitted by the State of Illinois.
Financial and Compliance Audit, submitted by Western Illinois
Compliance Audit, submitted by the Eastern Illinois University.
Financial Audit, submitted by Eastern Illinois University.
Financial and Compliance Audit, submitted by Northern Illinois
Financial Audit, submitted by Eastern Illinois University Alumni
Association, Inc.
Financial Audit, submitted by Eastern Illinois University
Compliance Audit, submitted by Western Illinois University
Financial Audit, submitted by Western Illinois University
Compliance Audit, submitted by Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville Foundation.
Financial Audit, submitted by Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville Foundation.
Compliance Audit, submitted by Illinois State University.
Financial Audit, submitted by Illinois State University.
Financial Audit, submitted by Illinois State University Foundation.
Compliance Audit, submitted by the Association of Alumni, Former
Students and Friends of Southern Illinois University, Inc.
Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' report, submitted by
the Association of Alumni, Former Students and Friends of Southern
Illinois University, Inc.
Compliance Audit, submitted by the Alumni Association of Southern
Illinois University at Edwardsville.
Financial Audit, submitted by the Alumni Association of Southern
Illinois University at Edwardsville.
Financial and Compliance Audit, submitted by University Park
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Inc.
[May 9, 2002] 6
Compliance Audit, submitted by Southern Illinois University
Foundation at Carbondale.
Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report, submitted by
Southern Illinois University Foundation at Carbondale.
Financial Statements and Supplementary Information, submitted by
Southern Illinois University Foundation, Carbondale.
Annual report, submitted by Illinois Sports Facilities Authority.
Report on Child Abuse Prevention, submitted by Illinois Department
of Children and Family Services.
Quarterly Procurement Activity Report, submitted by Metropolitan
Pier and Exposition Authority.
2001 Annual Report, submitted by Illinois Department of Public Aid.
Flex-Time Annual Report 2001, submitted by Illinois Department of
Central Management Services.
2002 Annual Element, 2003-2006 Multi-Year Program report, submitted
by Illinois Tollway.
Illinois Emergency Food & Shelter Program FY 2001, submitted by
Illinois Department of Human Services.
Social Services Block Grant FY 2001 report, submitted by Illinois
Department of Human Services.
Parcel Appraisals for SB 2214 report, submitted by Illinois
Department of Transportation.
Bonded Indebtedness and Long Term Obligations FY 2001, submitted by
Illinois Comptroller.
Financial Audit, submitted by Illinois State Board of Education.
Financial Audit, submitted by Illinois Department of
Financial and Compliance Audit, submitted by Illinois Department of
Professional Regulation.
Financial and Compliance Audit, submitted by Illinois Council on
Developmental Disabilities.
Financial and Compliance Audit, submitted by Illinois Department of
Public Health.
Financial Audit, submitted by Illinois Department of Employment
Biennial Comprehensive Status and Self-Assessment Report, submitted
by Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
2000 Annual Report on Nonhazardous Solid Waste Management and
Landfill Capacity in Illinois, submitted by Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency.
2001 Annual Report, submitted by Illinois Department of Veteran's
Report for FY 2003 and revised estimate for FY 2002, submitted by
Economic and Fiscal Commission.
7 [May 9, 2002]
Executive Summary FY 2001, submitted by the Illinois Comptroller.
Preliminary FY 2003 Revenue Estimate and Updated FY 2002 Revenue
Outlook, submitted by Illinois Economic and Fiscal Commission.
State Assistance to Local Governments 2001, submitted by Illinois
Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation.
Audit report, submitted by Civil Service Commission.
Audit report, submitted by Illinois Labor Relations Board.
Audit report, submitted by Illinois Supreme Court.
Audit report, submitted by Marriage Divisions of the Illinois
Audit report, submitted by Board of Higher Education.
Audit report, submitted by Department of Nuclear Safety.
Annual report, submitted by Illinois Farm Development Authority.
2001 Annual report, submitted by Illinois State Fire Marshal.
2001 Educational Mandates Report, submitted by Illinois State Board
of Education.
Annual Report on School Breakfast Incentives, submitted by Illinois
State Board of Education.
Compliance Audit, submitted by State Universities Retirement
Compliance Audit, submitted by Teachers Retirement System.
Compliance Audit, submitted by State Employees Retirement System.
Compliance Audit, submitted by Judges Retirement System.
Compliance Audit, submitted by General Assembly Retirement System.
Compliance Audit, submitted by Illinois State Board of Investment.
Report on Bilingual Needs and Pay Survey 2001, submitted by
Illinois Department of Central Management Services.
FY 2001 report, submitted by Illinois Housing Development
9-1-1 Implementation Report, submitted by Gridley Telephone.
2001 Annual Report, submitted by Illinois Sports Facilities
Audit report, submitted by Department of the Lottery.
Audit report, submitted by Department of Insurance.
Audit report, submitted by Department of Labor.
Audit report, submitted by Illinois Commerce Commission.
[May 9, 2002] 8
Representative Currie, Chairperson, from the Committee on Rules to
which the following were referred, action taken earlier today, and
reported the same back with the following recommendations:
That the resolution be reported "recommends be adopted" and be
placed on the House Calendar: HOUSE RESOLUTION 776.
The committee roll call vote on HOUSE RESOLUTION 738 is as follows:
5, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
Y Currie, Chair Y Hannig
Y Cross Y Tenhouse, Spkpn
Y Turner, Art
Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Chairperson of the Committee
on Rules, reported the following legislative measures and/or joint
action motions have been assigned as follows:
Committee on Computer Technology: HOUSE RESOLUTION 638.
Representative Bellock submitted the following written motion,
which was placed on the order of Motions:
Pursuant to Rule 58(a), I move to discharge the Committee on State
Government Administration from further consideration of HOUSE
RESOLUTION 659 and advance to the order of appropriate order of
Representative Schoenberg submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 136.
Representative Dart submitted the following written motion, which
was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 1961.
Representative Coulson submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 2271.
Representative Joseph M. Lyons submitted the following written
motion, which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4357.
Representative Schoenberg submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4157.
Representative Jefferson submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4953.
9 [May 9, 2002]
Representative Schoenberg submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 3212.
Representative Wirsing submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5530.
Representative Wright submitted the following written motion, which
was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendments numbered 1 and 3 to HOUSE
BILL 4117.
Representative Leitch submitted the following written motion, which
was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendments numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE
BILL 6041.
Representative Rutherford submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 3336.
Representative Lindner submitted the following written motion,
which was referred to the Committee on Rules:
I move to concur with Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4409.
Representative Cross requested that a State Mandate Note be
supplied for SENATE BILL 2067, as amended.
A Judicial Note has been supplied for SENATE BILL 2067, as amended.
Home Rule Notes have been supplied for SENATE BILLS 1849, as
amended and 2067, as amended.
Representative Giles, Chairperson, from the Committee on Elementary
& Secondary Education to which the following were referred, action
taken on May 8, 2002, and reported the same back with the following
That the resolution be reported "recommends be adopted" and be
placed on the House Calendar: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 76.
The committee roll call vote on HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 76 is as
18, Yeas; 1, Nays; 1, Answering Present.
Y Giles, Chair Y Johnson
Y Bassi Y Kosel
Y Collins Y Krause
N Cowlishaw, Spkpn P Miller
[May 9, 2002] 10
Y Crotty Y Mitchell, Jerry
Y Davis, Monique, V-Chair Y Moffitt
Y Delgado Y Mulligan
Y Fowler A Murphy
Y Garrett Y Osterman
Y Hoeft Y Smith, Michael
Y Winkel
Representative Kenner, Chairperson, from the Committee on State
Government Administration to which the following were referred, action
taken earlier today, and reported the same back with the following
That the resolution be reported "recommends be adopted" and be
placed on the House Calendar: HOUSE RESOLUTION 527.
The committee roll call vote on HOUSE RESOLUTION 527 is as follows:
6, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
Y Kenner, Chair Y Franks
A Collins, V-Chair A O'Connor, Spkpn
Y Forby Y Pankau
Y Fowler A Righter
Y Wirsing
The following resolutions were offered and placed on the Calendar
on the order of Agreed Resolutions.
Offered by Representative Delgado:
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are
proud to congratulate Viva La Gente of Chicago for their positive
influence on the youth of Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Viva La Gente, which means, "Up With People", was
established in 1989 and is the biggest cultural youth group in Chicago,
with members ranging in age from 4 through 16; the sole purpose of Viva
La Gente is to spread the message of love and brotherhood to the world
through music, without political or religious motivation; the group
sings and dances to music that only carries a positive message; and
WHEREAS, Viva La Gente has represented youth in many public
presentations throughout Chicago and various states; they have
performed at The Field Museum, the Pan American Festivals, Viva
Chicago, Taste of Chicago, Channel 44 Brechita, Wright College, the
Soccer League Opening, the Shore Drive Country Club, the McCormick
Place Hotel, the Norwegian American Hospital Festival, and the 1995
Viva Chicago opening; Viva La Gente had the honor of being present at
the Richard J. Daley Plaza for special events, and at the Inaugural
Ceremony of the Honorable Governor Jim Edgar; and
WHEREAS, Recently, Viva La Gente reached out to the youth in their
community by bringing presentations to grammar schools and high schools
such as Churrs, Clemente, Kelvyn Park, Duprey, H.I.P.P.Y., Sabin,
Lozano, as well as the Chicago Park District Yamborines; and
WHEREAS, Viva La Gente has completed tours to Indiana's Puerto
Rican Festival, Cleveland, Orlando, and four different towns in Puerto
Rico; where they were welcomed with much warmth and re-invited for
future visits; and
WHEREAS, Viva La Gente's most prestigious performances were during
June 1996, at the Sheraton Hotel for the Honorable First Lady Mrs.
Hilary Clinton, and in 1997 in Dallas at the Texas State Fair; in 1998,
Viva La Gente was invited to perform in Puepla, Mexico and surrounding
towns for the more needy families; in 1999, the group was invited to
Universal Studios to perform; and
11 [May 9, 2002]
WHEREAS, Viva La Gente was the proud recipient of two first place
prizes at the Hispanic Star Search of 1992, one in each category they
represented, the Duo/Group Vocal and Best Youth Performer, and, in
1993, the group received two first place prizes in Outstanding Youth
Performer and Duo/Group Vocal; Viva La Gente's most recent
accomplishment was the recording of their new CD titled, "Abriendo
Caminos Para Un Nuevo Destino"; and
WHEREAS, Viva La Gente also enjoys making presentations at churches
and social agencies and welcome new prospective members; and
WHEREAS, Without the help of Jose R. Quiles, Director and Founder
of Viva La Gente, and Damaressa Quiles, Diamariluz Quiles, Jaslene
Gonzalez, Lydia Sanchez, Iraida Sanchez, Veronica Mercado, Jessica
Gutierrez, Sandra, Heather White, Iris, Saby, Dinely Ayala, Vanessa,
and Sonia Padilla, the success of Viva La Gente would surely not be so
great; therefore, be it
Gente of Chicago on their success as the largest cultural youth group
in Chicago, and wish them all the best in their future performances;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
Jose R. Quiles, Director and Founder Viva La Gente of Chicago, as an
expression of our esteem.
Offered by Representative Schoenberg:
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives wish
to recognize milestone events in the lives of the citizens of the State
of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, John W. McCarter, Jr. is President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Field Museum, one of the great natural history museums
in the world; and
WHEREAS, The Field Museum is an international leader in
environmental conservation evolutionary biology, paleontology, and
anthropology; its collections number over 21 million specimens, and the
staff includes 72 Ph.Ds; the Field Museum has activities in 98
countries; and
WHEREAS, The Field Museum's educational programs and exhibits
attracted more than 4 million visitors during the last two years
including 700,000 students, and its distance learning program over the
Internet and public television stations has reached 12 million
students; its close ties with the University of Chicago and the
University of Illinois are models for institutional alliances; and
WHEREAS, A native Chicagoan, John W. McCarter, Jr., previously was
Senior Vice President of Booz Allen & Hamilton, Inc.; earlier in his
career, he served as President of DeKalb Corporation and was Budget
Director of the State of Illinois under Governor Richard B. Ogilvie; in
addition, he was a White House Fellow during the administration of
Lyndon B. Johnson; and
WHEREAS, Mr. McCarter is a Director of W.W. Grainger, A.M. Castle,
and Harris Insight Funds and Divergence L.L.C.; he is a board member
and former Chairman of Chicago's Public Television Station Channel 11,
a trustee of the University of Chicago, and a director of the Chicago
Public Education Fund; and
WHEREAS, Mr. McCarter is a graduate of Princeton University and
Harvard Business School, and also attended the London School of
Economics; and
WHEREAS, John McCarter, Jr. and his wife, Judy, live in Northfield
and have three children and one grandchild; and
WHEREAS, On May 23, 2002, John W. McCarter, Jr. will be presented
the Field Museum's Civic Leadership Award in recognition of his
dedication and contribution as President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Field Museum; therefore be it
[May 9, 2002] 12
McCarter on receiving the Civic Leadership Award presented by the Field
Museum of Chicago; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
John W. McCarter as an expression of our esteem.
Offered by Representative Crotty:
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are
proud to congratulate Karen Koch of Oak Forest, who is retiring this
school year as D.A.R.E. officer; and
WHEREAS, Karen Koch has been a resident of the City of Oak Forest
for 33 years where she resides with her husband of 26 years, John, and
their two daughters, Kristina and Cynthia; and
WHEREAS, Karen Koch earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal
Justice, a Masters Degree in Health Science, and is currently pursuing
a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Chicago School for
Professional Psychology; and
WHEREAS, Karen Koch began working with children for the Oak Forest
Police Department in 1970, first as a community service officer for six
years, then as a police officer and D.A.R.E. officer; and
WHEREAS, The first D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)
programs were piloted in 46 Illinois school districts in the 1986-87
school year; Arbor Park School District 145 in Oak Forest was fortunate
to be one of the first districts selected to start the D.A.R.E program;
WHEREAS, The D.A.R.E. program was under the leadership of Officer
Karen Koch from 1987 to the present year; and
WHEREAS, In May 1992, Karen Koch was recognized as the "Illinois
D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year"; and
WHEREAS, Karen Koch formed a partnership with Arbor Park School
District 145, and expanded that opportunity to children in School
Districts 142 and 144, and St. Damien School; therefore, be it
D.A.R.E. Officer Karen Koch of Oak Forest on her retirement and wish
her all the best in her future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
Karen Koch as an expression of our esteem.
Offered by Representative Crotty:
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are
proud to congratulate Dr. Thomas Keith Buell for his years of service
as superintendent of Forest Ridge School District 142; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Buell and his family, wife, Carole; his daughter,
Erian; and his son, Tyler, reside in Palos Heights; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Buell earned his Bachelor's degree in music education
from Wheaton College, his Master's degree in music education from the
American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, and his doctorate degree in
educational administration from Loyola University; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Buell entered education in 1968 at Prairie Hills
Elementary School District 144, where he taught music at Fieldcrest
School in Oak Forest; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Buell was appointed principal of Fieldcrest School in
1976 and served for ten years; and
WHEREAS, In 1987, Dr. Buell was appointed Assistant Superintendent
for Business of Prairie Hills Elementary School District 144; during
his years there, he initiated and developed a self-improvement and
evaluation program for teachers, "The Science of Teaching", which won
him national recognition from the American Association of School
Administrators and the National Center for Improvement of Learning; in
addition, he received local recognition from Governors State University
and Prairie Hills School District; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Buell was named Superintendent of Schools in the
13 [May 9, 2002]
Forest Ridge School District 142 in January, 1990; in that position, he
has been instrumental in developing a pre-kindergarten program that has
been funded by the State since 1991 and has now evolved into the Focus
on Families program; Dr. Buell has overseen the development of the
English as a Second Language program, which began nine years ago; he
has worked with the staff to support the development of an extremely
successful technology program; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Thomas Keith Buell will resign as Superintendent of
Forest Ridge School District 142 on June 30, 2002; therefore be it
Thomas Keith Buell of Palos Heights on his achievements as
Superintendent of Schools for Forest Ridge School District 142 and wish
him all the best in his future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
Dr. Thomas Keith Buell of Palos Heights as an expression of our esteem.
Offered by Representative Biggins:
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are
proud to congratulate those citizens of this State who have committed
themselves to helping the less fortunate; and
WHEREAS, It has come to our attention that Patricia Elizabeth
Condon of Chicago has dedicated herself to enriching the lives of
mentally-handicapped citizens through the Special Olympics; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Condon was born on June 16, 1923, in Sioux Falls,
South Dakota; she was educated at Providence High School in Chicago and
attended 2 years of college; she married the late David Rensing Condon
on March 29, 1948; they had six children together, Kathleen Anne Irene,
Barbara Leona Marie, Susan Joanne Margaret, Mary Elizabeth Louise,
David Anthony Paul, and Patricia Colleen Moira; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Condon's initial input and leadership was
instrumental in the development of what has become the Illinois Special
Olympics, and her many years of direct service to the Chicago Park
District with the Special Olympics has developed into a program that is
a model for the nation; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Condon serves on the Board of the Illinois
Special Olympics and has worked effectively for a number of years with
the Special Children's Charities Foundation to establish a program
model to provide direct services for individuals with mental handicaps;
WHEREAS, Patricia Condon has dedicated her professional career to
serving individuals with mental handicaps; her leadership has led to a
much richer lifestyle and community access for the Chicago Special
Olympians; therefore, be it
Elizabeth Condon for her leadership in the development of the Illinois
Special Olympics program and her lifelong commitment to services for
Special Olympians; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
Patricia Elizabeth Condon of Chicago as an expression of our esteem.
Offered by Representative Wright:
WHEREAS, It has come to our attention that Abraham Lincoln Memorial
Hospital in Lincoln is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year; and
WHEREAS, The hospital was begun in 1902 as St. John's Evangelical
Home and Hospital under the auspices of St. John's Evangelical Church
(now St. John's United Church of Christ) and was later known as
Evangelical Deaconess Hospital; the old hospital celebrated its 50th
anniversary in June 1952 but the facilities had become inadequate; the
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital project began as an ecumenical
movement and in May 1952 ground was broken for the new hospital
[May 9, 2002] 14
building; the new hospital was dedicated on April 2, 1954 and has been
added to three times and extensively remodeled; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital is a 66-bed,
not-for-profit, community-based general hospital; it is an affiliate of
Memorial Health System of Springfield and serves 17 communities in
Logan and eastern Mason County; and
WHEREAS, On May 5, 2002, a crowd of 75 gathered near the hospital's
Eighth Street entrance for the rededication ceremony; Emil Stahlhut,
hospital administrator from 1953 to 1983, recalled his years at the
hospital and emphasized that the spirit of the staff has brought the
hospital to it's centennial; therefore, be it
Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Lincoln on its 100th anniversary and wish
it many more years of successful service to the community; and be it
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
Woody Hester, President and CEO of Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital.
Offered by Representative Steve Davis:
WHEREAS, Helen L. Hunt was born on May 26, 1912; and
WHEREAS, Helen L. Hunt was married to Ralph Hunt for over 50 years;
WHEREAS, Helen L. Hunt has three children, Buddy Davis, Betty
McDonald, and Gary Hunt; and
WHEREAS, Helen L. Hunt is a compassionate and caring mother,
grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother; and
WHEREAS, Helen L. Hunt and her husband were actively involved in
various business ventures including the tavern business, grocery
business, hardware business, lawn mower sales and repair, and dog
grooming and breeding; and
WHEREAS, Helen L. Hunt is a member in good standing at the Holiday
Shores Baptist Church; therefore, be it
L. Hunt on the celebration of her 90th birthday; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
Helen L. Hunt as an expression of our esteem.
Offered by Representative Kosel:
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are
pleased to recognize notable achievements in school sports in the State
of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, It has come to our attention that the New Lenox Martino
Junior High School Boys Wrestling Team recently won the 2002 Illinois
Elementary School Association State Wrestling Title; and
WHEREAS, The team totaled 193 points with nine individual
placewinners in the two-day meet at Northern Illinois University;
Bloomington Junior High School was second with 184 points, followed by
Sandwich with 174 points, Mahamet-Seymour with 134 points, Coal City
with 94 points, and Troy Middle School with 88 points; and
WHEREAS, Team placewinners include Eddie Ewing (second, 135
pounds), Mike Knowles (second, 75 pounds), Luis Mejia (third, 105
pounds), John Hackenjos (third, 145 pounds), Brennan Novak (fourth, 90
pounds), Jake Beechy (fourth, 80 pounds), Brad Musil (fourth, 105
pounds), Bobby Brodinski (fifth, 70 pounds), and Cory Ryan (fifth, 155
pounds); and
WHEREAS, The member of the team are Kyle Casey, Bob Brodinski, John
Janus, Mike Knowles, Kyle Conrad, Jake Beechy, Tyler Gagan, Kurt Watt,
William Fenogllo, Brennan Novak, Mike Plechocinski, Adam Seliga, Rich
Olszewski, Zack Grasse, Pat Morfeld, Brad Musil, Luis Mejia, Eric
Scanlan, Nico Calvi, Derek Rybak, Brian Lenard, Gavin Kurtz, Eddie
15 [May 9, 2002]
Ewing, Kyle Siwinski, John Hakenjos, Brett Coffon, Cory Ryan, Ted
Wiersema, Kevin Clark, Adam Briggs, Ed Cochran, T.J. Hall, and Harrison
Harnisch; and the coaches are Steve DeNeut, Jim Havlin, Dave Ulstad,
Jeff Klotz, and Nick Plechocinski; therefore, be it
Lenox Martino Junior High School Boys Wrestling Team on winning the
Illinois Elementary School Association State Wrestling Title; and be it
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to
coaches Steve DeNeut, Jim Havlin, Dave Ulstad, Jeff Klotz, and Nick
Plechocinski and to each member of the team as an expression of our
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning unclaimed property.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 207.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 207 on page 3 by replacing lines
25 and 26 with the following:
"Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on January 1,
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 207 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to the Illinois work force.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 909.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 909.
[May 9, 2002] 16
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 909 on page 1, by deleting lines
6 through 31; and
by deleting all of pages 2 and 3.
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 909 on page 1, line 1, by
changing "the Illinois work force" to "construction"; and
on page 1, by replacing lines 4 through 5 with the following:
"Section 5. The Public Construction Bond Act is amended by
changing Section 1 as follows:
(30 ILCS 550/1) (from Ch. 29, par. 15)
Sec. 1. Except as otherwise provided by this Act, all officials,
boards, commissions or agents of this State, or of any political
subdivision thereof in making contracts for public work of any kind
costing over $5,000 to be performed for the State, or a political
subdivision thereof shall require every contractor for the work to
furnish, supply and deliver a bond to the State, or to the political
subdivision thereof entering into the contract, as the case may be,
with good and sufficient sureties. The amount of the bond shall be
fixed by the officials, boards, commissions, commissioners or agents,
and the bond, among other conditions, shall be conditioned for the
completion of the contract, for the payment of material used in the
work and for all labor performed in the work, whether by subcontractor
or otherwise.
If the contract is for emergency repairs as provided in the
Illinois Procurement Code, proof of payment for all labor, materials,
apparatus, fixtures, and machinery may be furnished in lieu of the bond
required by this Section.
Each such bond is deemed to contain the following provisions
whether such provisions are inserted in such bond or not:
"The principal and sureties on this bond agree that all the
undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of the
contract or contracts entered into between the principal and the State
or any political subdivision thereof will be performed and fulfilled
and to pay all persons, firms and corporations having contracts with
the principal or with subcontractors, all just claims due them under
the provisions of such contracts for labor performed or materials
furnished in the performance of the contract on account of which this
bond is given, when such claims are not satisfied out of the contract
price of the contract on account of which this bond is given, after
final settlement between the officer, board, commission or agent of the
State or of any political subdivision thereof and the principal has
been made."
The bond required by this Section may be acquired from the company,
agent or broker of the contractor's choice. Except in a political
subdivision of this State with a population over 1,000,000, the form of
the bond may be, at the contractor's choosing, a cash bond, letter of
credit, or surety bond. The bond and sureties shall be subject to the
right of reasonable approval or disapproval, including suspension, by
the State or political subdivision thereof concerned.
When other than motor fuel tax funds, federal-aid funds, or other
funds received from the State are used, a political subdivision may
allow the contractor to provide a non-diminishing irrevocable bank
letter of credit, in lieu of the bond required by this Section, on
contracts under $100,000 to comply with the requirements of this
Section. Any such bank letter of credit shall contain all provisions
required for bonds by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 91-456, eff. 8-6-99.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
17 [May 9, 2002]
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 909 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning Gulf War Veterans.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1033.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1033.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 1033 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 1. This Act may be cited as the Gulf War Veterans Act.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 1033, AS AMENDED, by inserting
after the end of Section 1 the following:
"Section 5. Gulf War Veterans Memorial. A Gulf War Veterans
Memorial may be constructed by a private entity on a portion of the
State property in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 1033 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning open burning.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1081.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
[May 9, 2002] 18
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 1081 on page 1, by replacing
lines 9 through 11 with the following:
"incorporated under this Act may, by ordinance,"; and
on page 1, line 12, after "open burning" by inserting "within the
district"; and
on page 1, line 16, after "corporate limits of a", by inserting the
"county with a population of 3,000,000 or more or a".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 1081 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to education.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1436.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1436.
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1436.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 1436 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections 21-2,
21-14, and 21-16 as follows:
(105 ILCS 5/21-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-2)
Sec. 21-2. Grades of certificates.
(a) Until February 15, 2000, All certificates issued under this
Article shall be State certificates valid, except as limited in Section
21-1, in every school district coming under the provisions of this Act
and shall be limited in time and designated as follows: Provisional
vocational certificate, temporary provisional vocational certificate,
early childhood certificate, elementary school certificate, special
certificate, secondary high school certificate, school service
personnel certificate, administrative certificate, provisional
certificate, and substitute certificate. The requirement of student
teaching under close and competent supervision for obtaining a teaching
certificate may be waived by the State Teacher Certification Board upon
presentation to the Board by the teacher of evidence of 5 years
successful teaching experience on a valid certificate and graduation
from a recognized institution of higher learning with a bachelor's
degree with not less than 120 semester hours and a minimum of 16
semester hours in professional education.
(b) Initial Teaching Certificate. Beginning February 15, 2000,
Persons who (1) have completed an approved teacher preparation program,
(2) are recommended by an approved teacher preparation program, (3)
have successfully completed the Initial Teaching Certification
19 [May 9, 2002]
examinations required by the State Board of Education, and (4) have met
all other criteria established by the State Board of Education in
consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board, shall be
issued an Initial Teaching Certificate valid for 4 years of teaching,
as defined in Section 21-14 of this Code. Initial Teaching
Certificates shall be issued for categories corresponding to Early
Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Special K-12, with special
certification designations for Special Education, Bilingual Education,
fundamental learning areas (including Language Arts, Reading,
Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Physical Development and Health,
Fine Arts, and Foreign Language), and other areas designated by the
State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Teacher
Certification Board.
(c) Standard Certificate. Beginning February 15, 2000,
(1) Persons who (i) (1) have completed 4 years of teaching, as
defined in Section 21-14 of this Code, with an Initial Certificate or
an Initial Alternative Teaching Certificate and have met all other
criteria established by the State Board of Education in consultation
with the State Teacher Certification Board, (ii) (2) have completed 4
years of teaching on a valid equivalent certificate in another State or
territory of the United States, or have completed 4 years of teaching
in a nonpublic Illinois elementary or secondary school with an Initial
Certificate or an Initial Alternative Teaching Certificate, and have
met all other criteria established by the State Board of Education, in
consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board, or (iii) (3)
were issued teaching certificates prior to February 15, 2000 and are
renewing those certificates after February 15, 2000, shall be issued a
Standard Certificate valid for 5 years, which may be renewed thereafter
every 5 years by the State Teacher Certification Board based on proof
of continuing education or professional development. Beginning July 1,
2003, persons who have completed 4 years of teaching, as described in
clauses (i) (1) and (ii) (2) of this paragraph (1) subsection (c),
have successfully completed the requirements of paragraphs (2) through
(4) of this subsection (c) Standard Teaching Certificate Examinations,
and have met all other criteria established by the State Board of
Education, in consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board,
shall be issued Standard Certificates. Standard Certificates shall be
issued for categories corresponding to Early Childhood, Elementary,
Secondary, and Special K-12, with special certification designations
for Special Education, Bilingual Education, fundamental learning areas
(including Language Arts, Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social
Science, Physical Development and Health, Fine Arts, and Foreign
Language), and other areas designated by the State Board of Education,
in consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
(2) This paragraph (2) applies only to those persons required to
successfully complete the requirements of this paragraph under
paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). In order to receive a Standard
Teaching Certificate, a person must satisfy one of the following
requirements, which the person must identify, in writing, as the
requirement that the person has chosen to satisfy to the responsible
local professional development committee established pursuant to
subsection (f) of Section 21-14 of this Code:
(A) Completion of a program of induction and mentoring for
new teachers that is based upon a specific plan approved by the
State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Teacher
Certification Board. The plan must describe the role of mentor
teachers, the criteria and process for their selection, and how all
the following components are to be provided:
(i) Assignment of a formally trained mentor teacher to
each new teacher for a specified period of time, which shall
be established by the employing school or school district but
shall be at least 2 school years in duration, provided that a
mentor teacher may not directly or indirectly participate in
the evaluation of a new teacher pursuant to Article 24A of
this Code or the evaluation procedure of the school.
(ii) Formal mentoring for each new teacher.
[May 9, 2002] 20
(iii) Support for each new teacher in relation to the
Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, the content-area
standards applicable to the new teacher's area of
certification, and any applicable local school improvement and
professional development plans.
(iv) Professional development specifically designed to
foster the growth of each new teacher's knowledge and skills.
(v) Formative assessment that is based on the Illinois
Professional Teaching Standards and designed to provide
feedback to the new teacher and opportunities for reflection
on his or her performance, which must not be used directly or
indirectly in any evaluation of a new teacher pursuant to
Article 24A of this Code or the evaluation procedure of the
school and which must include the activities specified in
clauses (B)(i), (B)(ii), and (B)(iii) of this paragraph (2).
(vi) Assignment of responsibility for coordination of
the induction and mentoring program within each school
district participating in the program.
(B) Successful completion of 4 semester hours of
graduate-level coursework on the assessment of one's own
performance in relation to the Illinois Professional Teaching
Standards. The coursework must be approved by the State Board of
Education, in consultation with the State Teacher Certification
Board; must be offered either by an institution of higher
education, by such an institution in partnership with a teachers'
association or union or with a regional office of education, or by
another entity authorized to issue college credit; and must include
demonstration of performance through all of the following
activities for each of the Illinois Professional Teaching
(i) Observation, by the course instructor or another
experienced teacher, of the new teacher's classroom practice
(the observation may be recorded for later viewing) for the
purpose of identifying and describing how the new teacher made
content meaningful for students; how the teacher motivated
individuals and the group and created an environment conducive
to positive social interactions, active learning, and
self-motivation; what instructional strategies the teacher
used to encourage students' development of critical thinking,
problem solving, and performance; how the teacher communicated
using written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards of
professional conduct and provided leadership to improve
students' learning.
(ii) Review and analysis, by the course instructor or
another experienced teacher, of written documentation (i.e.,
lesson plans, assignments, assessment instruments, and samples
of students' work) prepared by the new teacher for at least 2
lessons. The documentation must provide evidence of classroom
performance related to Illinois Professional Teaching
Standards 1 through 9, with an emphasis on how the teacher
used his or her understanding of students, assessment data,
and subject matter to decide on learning goals; how the
teacher designed or selected activities and instructional
materials and aligned instruction to the relevant Illinois
Learning Standards; how the teacher adapted or modified
curriculum to meet individual students' needs; and how the
teacher sequenced instruction and designed or selected student
assessment strategies.
(iii) Demonstration of professional expertise on the
part of the new teacher in reflecting on his or her practice,
which was observed under clause (B)(i) of this paragraph (2)
and documented under clause (B)(ii) of this paragraph (2), in
terms of teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
improvement according to the Illinois Professional Teaching
21 [May 9, 2002]
(C) Successful completion of a minimum of 4 semester hours of
graduate-level coursework addressing preparation to meet the
requirements for certification by the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). The coursework must be
approved by the State Board of Education, in consultation with the
State Teacher Certification Board, and must be offered either by an
institution of higher education, by such an institution in
partnership with a teachers' association or union or with a
regional office of education, or by another entity authorized to
issue college credit. The course must address the 5 NBPTS Core
Propositions and relevant standards through such means as the
(i) Observation, by the course instructor or another
experienced teacher, of the new teacher's classroom practice
(the observation may be recorded for later viewing) for the
purpose of identifying and describing how the new teacher made
content meaningful for students; how the teacher motivated
individuals and the group and created an environment conducive
to positive social interactions, active learning, and
self-motivation; what instructional strategies the teacher
used to encourage students' development of critical thinking,
problem solving, and performance; how the teacher communicated
using written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards of
professional conduct and provided leadership to improve
students' learning.
(ii) Review and analysis, by the course instructor or
another experienced teacher, of written documentation (i.e.,
lesson plans, assignments, assessment instruments, and samples
of students' work) prepared by the new teacher for at least 2
lessons. The documentation must provide evidence of classroom
performance, including how the teacher used his or her
understanding of students, assessment data, and subject matter
to decide on learning goals; how the teacher designed or
selected activities and instructional materials and aligned
instruction to the relevant Illinois Learning Standards; how
the teacher adapted or modified curriculum to meet individual
students' needs; and how the teacher sequenced instruction and
designed or selected student assessment strategies.
(iii) Demonstration of professional expertise on the
part of the new teacher in reflecting on his or her practice,
which was observed under clause (C)(i) of this paragraph (2)
and documented under clause (C)(ii) of this paragraph (2), in
terms of teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
(D) Receipt of an advanced degree from an accredited
institution of higher education in an education-related field,
provided that at least 8 semester hours of the coursework completed
count toward a degree, certificate, or endorsement in a teaching
(E) Accumulation of 60 continuing professional development
units (CPDUs), earned by completing selected activities that comply
with paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection (c). However, for an
individual who holds an Initial Teaching Certificate on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,
the number of CPDUs shall be reduced to reflect the teaching time
remaining on the Initial Teaching Certificate.
(F) Completion of a nationally normed, performance-based
assessment, if made available by the State Board of Education in
consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board, provided
that the cost to the person shall not exceed the cost of the
coursework described in clause (B) of this paragraph (2).
(3) This paragraph (3) applies only to those persons required to
successfully complete the requirements of this paragraph under
paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). At least one-half the CPDUs a
person must accrue in order to qualify for a Standard Teaching
[May 9, 2002] 22
Certificate must be earned through completion of coursework, workshops,
seminars, conferences, and other similar training events that are
pre-approved by the State Board of Education, in consultation with the
State Teacher Certification Board, for the purpose of reflection on
teaching practices in order to address all of the Illinois Professional
Teaching Standards necessary to obtain a Standard Teaching Certificate.
These activities must meet all of the following requirements:
(A) Each activity must be designed to advance a person's
knowledge and skills in relation to one or more of the Illinois
Professional Teaching Standards or in relation to the content-area
standards applicable to the teacher's field of certification.
(B) Taken together, the activities completed must address
each of the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards as provided in
clauses (B)(i), (B)(ii), and (B)(iii) of paragraph (2) of this
subsection (c).
(C) Each activity must be provided by an entity approved by
the State Board of Education, in consultation with the State
Teacher Certification Board, for this purpose.
(D) Each activity, integral to its successful completion,
must require participants to demonstrate the degree to which they
have acquired new knowledge or skills, such as through performance,
through preparation of a written product, through assembling
samples of students' or teachers' work, or by some other means that
is appropriate to the subject matter of the activity.
(E) One CPDU shall be available for each hour of direct
participation by a holder of an Initial Teaching Certificate in a
qualifying activity. An activity may be attributed to more than one
of the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, but credit for any
activity shall be counted only once.
(4) This paragraph (4) applies only to those persons required to
successfully complete the requirements of this paragraph under
paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). The balance of the CPDUs a person
must accrue in order to qualify for a Standard Teaching Certificate, in
combination with those earned pursuant to paragraph (3) of this
subsection (c), may be chosen from among the following, provided that
an activity listed in clause (C) of this paragraph (4) shall be
creditable only if its provider is approved for this purpose by the
State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Teacher
Certification Board:
(A) Collaboration and partnership activities related to
improving a person's knowledge and skills as a teacher, including
all of the following:
(i) Peer review and coaching.
(ii) Mentoring in a formal mentoring program, including
service as a consulting teacher participating in a remediation
process formulated under Section 24A-5 of this Code.
(iii) Facilitating parent education programs directly
related to student achievement for a school, school district,
or regional office of education.
(iv) Participating in business, school, or community
partnerships directly related to student achievement.
(B) Teaching college or university courses in areas relevant
to a teacher's field of certification, provided that the teaching
may only be counted once during the course of 4 years.
(C) Conferences, workshops, institutes, seminars, and
symposiums related to improving a person's knowledge and skills as
a teacher, including all of the following:
(i) Completing non-university credit directly related to
student achievement, the Illinois Professional Teaching
Standards, or content-area standards.
(ii) Participating in or presenting at workshops,
seminars, conferences, institutes, and symposiums.
(iii) Training as external reviewers for the State Board
of Education.
(iv) Training as reviewers of university teacher
preparation programs.
23 [May 9, 2002]
(D) Other educational experiences related to improving a
person's knowledge and skills as a teacher, including all of the
(i) Participating in action research and inquiry
(ii) Observing programs or teaching in schools, related
businesses, or industry that is systematic, purposeful, and
relevant to a teacher's field of certification.
(iii) Participating in study groups related to student
achievement, the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, or
content-area standards.
(iv) Participating in work/learn programs or
(v) Developing a portfolio of students' and teacher's
(E) Professional leadership experiences related to improving
a person's knowledge and skills as a teacher, including all of the
(i) Participating in curriculum development or
assessment activities at the school, school district, regional
office of education, State, or national level.
(ii) Participating in team or department leadership in a
school or school district.
(iii) Participating on external or internal school or
school district review teams.
(iv) Publishing educational articles, columns, or books
relevant to a teacher's field of certification.
(v) Participating in non-strike related activities of a
professional association or labor organization that are
related to professional development.
(5) A person must complete his or her chosen requirement under
paragraph (2) of this subsection (c) before the expiration of his or
her Initial Teaching Certificate and must submit evidence of having
done so to the local professional development committee. Within 30 days
after receipt of a person's evidence of completion, the local
professional development committee shall forward the evidence of
completion to the responsible regional superintendent of schools along
with the local professional development committee's recommendation,
based on that evidence, as to whether the person is eligible to receive
a Standard Teaching Certificate. The local professional development
committee shall provide a copy of this recommendation to the affected
The regional superintendent of schools shall review the evidence of
completion submitted by a person and, based upon compliance with all of
the requirements for receipt of a Standard Teaching Certificate, shall
forward to the State Board of Education a recommendation for issuance
or non-issuance. The regional superintendent of schools shall notify
the affected person of the recommendation forwarded.
Upon review of a regional superintendent of school's
recommendations, the State Board of Education shall issue Standard
Teaching Certificates to those who qualify and shall notify a person,
in writing, of a decision denying a Standard Teaching Certificate. Any
decision denying issuance of a Standard Teaching Certificate to a
person may be appealed to the State Teacher Certification Board.
(6) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the State
Teacher Certification Board, may adopt rules to implement this
subsection (c) and may periodically evaluate any of the methods of
qualifying for a Standard Teaching Certificate described in this
subsection (c).
(d) Master Certificate. Beginning February 15, 2000, Persons who
have successfully achieved National Board certification through the
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be issued a
Master Certificate, valid for 10 years and renewable thereafter every
10 years through compliance with requirements set forth by the State
Board of Education, in consultation with the State Teacher
Certification Board. However, each teacher who holds a Master
[May 9, 2002] 24
Certificate shall be eligible for a teaching position in this State in
the areas for which he or she holds a Master Certificate without
satisfying any other requirements of this Code, except for those
requirements pertaining to criminal background checks. A teacher who
holds a Master Certificate shall be deemed to meet State certification
renewal requirements in the area or areas for which he or she holds a
Master Certificate for the 10-year term of the teacher's Master
(Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 91-606, eff. 8-16-99; 91-609, eff.
1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)
(105 ILCS 5/21-14) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-14)
(Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 92-510)
Sec. 21-14. Registration and renewal of certificates.
(a) A limited four-year certificate or a certificate issued after
July 1, 1955, shall be renewable at its expiration or within 60 days
thereafter by the county superintendent of schools having supervision
and control over the school where the teacher is teaching upon
certified evidence of meeting the requirements for renewal as required
by this Act and prescribed by the State Board of Education in
consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board. An elementary
supervisory certificate shall not be renewed at the end of the first
four-year period covered by the certificate unless the holder thereof
has filed certified evidence with the State Teacher Certification Board
that he has a master's degree or that he has earned 8 semester hours of
credit in the field of educational administration and supervision in a
recognized institution of higher learning. The holder shall continue
to earn 8 semester hours of credit each four-year period until such
time as he has earned a master's degree.
All certificates not renewed or registered as herein provided shall
lapse after a period of 5 years from the expiration of the last year of
registration. Such certificates may be reinstated for a one year
period upon payment of all accumulated registration fees. Such
reinstated certificates shall only be renewed: (1) by earning 5
semester hours of credit in a recognized institution of higher learning
in the field of professional education or in courses related to the
holder's contractual teaching duties; or (2) by presenting evidence of
holding a valid regular certificate of some other type. Any
certificate may be voluntarily surrendered by the certificate holder.
A voluntarily surrendered certificate shall be treated as a revoked
(b) When those teaching certificates issued before February 15,
2000 are renewed for the first time after February 15, 2000, all such
teaching certificates shall be exchanged for Standard Teaching
Certificates as provided in subsection (c) of Section 21-2. All
Initial and Standard Teaching Certificates, including those issued to
persons who previously held teaching certificates issued before
February 15, 2000, shall be renewable under the conditions set forth in
this subsection (b).
Initial Teaching Certificates are nonrenewable and are valid for 4
years of teaching. Standard Teaching Certificates are renewable every
5 years as provided in subsection (c) of Section 21-2 and subsection
(c) of this Section. For purposes of this Section, "teaching" is
defined as employment and performance of services in an Illinois public
or State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative
or joint agreement with a governing body or board of control, in a
certificated teaching position, or a charter school operating in
compliance with the Charter Schools Law.
(c) In compliance with subsection (c) of Section 21-2 of this
Code, which provides that a Standard Teaching Certificate may be
renewed by the State Teacher Certification Board based upon proof of
continuing professional development, the State Board of Education and
the State Teacher Certification Board shall jointly:
(1) establish a procedure for renewing Standard Teaching
Certificates, which shall include but not be limited to annual
timelines for the renewal process and the components set forth in
subsections (d) through (k) of this Section;
25 [May 9, 2002]
(2) establish the standards for certificate renewal;
(3) approve the providers of continuing professional
development activities;
(4) determine the maximum credit for each category of
continuing professional development activities, based upon
recommendations submitted by a continuing professional development
activity task force, which shall consist of 6 staff members from
the State Board of Education, appointed by the State Superintendent
of Education, and 6 teacher representatives, 3 of whom are selected
by the Illinois Education Association and 3 of whom are selected by
the Illinois Federation of Teachers;
(5) designate the type and amount of documentation required
to show that continuing professional development activities have
been completed; and
(6) provide, on a timely basis to all Illinois teachers,
certificate holders, regional superintendents of schools, school
districts, and others with an interest in continuing professional
development, information about the standards and requirements
established pursuant to this subsection (c).
(d) Any Standard Teaching Certificate held by an individual
employed and performing services in an Illinois public or
State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative or
joint agreement with a governing body or board of control in a
certificated teaching position or a charter school in compliance with
the Charter Schools Law must be maintained Valid and Active through
certificate renewal activities specified in the certificate renewal
procedure established pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section,
provided that a holder of a Valid and Active certificate who is only
employed on either a part-time basis or day-to-day basis as a
substitute teacher shall pay only the required registration fee to
renew his or her certificate and maintain it as Valid and Active. All
other Standard Teaching Certificates held may be maintained as Valid
and Exempt through the registration process provided for in the
certificate renewal procedure established pursuant to subsection (c) of
this Section. A Valid and Exempt certificate must be immediately
activated, through procedures developed jointly by the State Board of
Education and the State Teacher Certification Board, upon the
certificate holder becoming employed and performing services in an
Illinois public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school,
or cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or board of
control in a certificated teaching position or a charter school
operating in compliance with the Charter Schools Law. A holder of a
Valid and Exempt certificate may activate his or her certificate
through procedures provided for in the certificate renewal procedure
established pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section.
(e)(1) A Standard Teaching Certificate that has been maintained as
Valid and Active for the 5 years of the certificate's validity shall be
renewed as Valid and Active upon the certificate holder: (i) completing
an advanced degree from an approved institution in an education-related
field; (ii) completing at least 8 semester hours of coursework as
described in subdivision (B) (A) of paragraph (3) of this subsection
(e); (iii) (ii) earning at least 24 continuing education units as
described in subdivision (C) (B) of paragraph (3) of this subsection
(e); (iv) (iii) completing the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards process as described in subdivision (D) (C) of paragraph (3)
of this subsection (e); or (v) (iv) earning 120 continuing professional
development units ("CPDU") as described in subdivision (E) (D) of
paragraph (3) of this subsection (e). The maximum continuing
professional development units for each continuing professional
development activity identified in subdivisions (F) (E) through (J) (I)
of paragraph (3) of this subsection (e) shall be jointly determined by
the State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board.
If, however, the certificate holder has maintained the certificate as
Valid and Exempt for a portion of the 5-year period of validity, the
number of continuing professional development units needed to renew the
certificate as Valid and Active shall be proportionately reduced by the
[May 9, 2002] 26
amount of time the certificate was Valid and Exempt. Furthermore, if a
certificate holder is employed and performs teaching services on a
part-time basis for all or a portion of the certificate's 5-year period
of validity, the number of continuing professional development units
needed to renew the certificate as Valid and Active shall be reduced by
50% for the amount of time the certificate holder has been employed and
performed teaching services on a part-time basis. Part-time shall be
defined as less than 50% of the school day or school term.
(2) Each Valid and Active Standard Teaching Certificate holder
shall develop a certificate renewal plan for satisfying the continuing
professional development requirement provided for in subsection (c) of
Section 21-2 of this Code. Certificate holders with multiple
certificates shall develop a certificate renewal plan that addresses
only that certificate or those certificates that are required of his or
her certificated teaching position, if the certificate holder is
employed and performing services in an Illinois public or
State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative or
joint agreement with a governing body or board of control, or that
certificate or those certificates most closely related to his or her
teaching position, if the certificate holder is employed in a charter
school. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (e), a
certificate renewal plan shall include a minimum of 3 individual
improvement goals developed by the certificate holder and shall reflect
purposes (A), (B), and (C) and may reflect purpose (D) of the following
continuing professional development purposes:
(A) Advance both the certificate holder's knowledge and
skills as a teacher consistent with the Illinois Professional
Teaching Standards and the Illinois Content Area Standards in the
certificate holder's areas of certification, endorsement, or
teaching assignment in order to keep the certificate holder current
in those areas.
(B) Develop the certificate holder's knowledge and skills in
areas determined to be critical for all Illinois teachers, as
defined by the State Board of Education, known as "State
(C) Address the knowledge, skills, and goals of the
certificate holder's local school improvement plan, if the teacher
is employed in an Illinois public or State-operated elementary
school, secondary school, or cooperative or joint agreement with a
governing body or board of control.
(D) Expand the certificate holder's knowledge and skills in
an additional teaching field or toward the acquisition of another
teaching certificate, endorsement, or relevant education degree.
A certificate renewal plan must include a description of how these
goals are to be achieved and an explanation of selected continuing
professional development activities to be completed, each of which must
meet one or more of the continuing professional development purposes
specified in this paragraph (2). The plan shall identify potential
activities and include projected timelines for those activities that
will assure completion of the plan before the expiration of the 5-year
validity of the Standard Teaching Certificate. Except as otherwise
provided in this subsection (e), at least 50% of continuing
professional development units must relate to purposes (A) and (B) set
forth in this paragraph (2): the advancement of a certificate holder's
knowledge and skills as a teacher consistent with the Illinois
Professional Teaching Standards and the Illinois Content Area Standards
in the certificate holder's areas of certification, endorsement, or
teaching assignment in order to keep the certificate holder current in
those areas and the development of a certificate holder's knowledge and
skills in the State priorities that exist at the time the certificate
renewal plan is developed.
(3) Continuing professional development activities included in a
certificate renewal plan may include, but are not limited to, the
following activities:
(A) completion of an advanced degree from an approved
institution in an education-related field;
27 [May 9, 2002]
(B) (A) at least 8 semester hours of coursework in an
approved education-related program, of which at least 2 semester
hours relate to the continuing professional development purpose set
forth in purpose (A) of paragraph (2) of this subsection (e),
provided that such a plan need not include any other continuing
professional development activities nor reflect or contain
activities related to the other continuing professional development
purposes set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection (e);
(C) (B) continuing education units that satisfy the
continuing professional development purposes set forth in paragraph
(2) of this subsection (e), with each continuing education unit
equal to 5 clock hours, provided that a plan that includes at least
24 continuing education units (or 120 clock/contact hours) need not
include any other continuing professional development activities;
(D) (C) completion of the National Board of Professional
Teaching Standards ("NBPTS") process, provided that a plan that
includes completion of the NBPTS process need not include any other
continuing professional development activities nor reflect or
contain activities related to the continuing professional
development purposes set forth in paragraph (2) of subsection (e)
of this Section;
(E) (D) completion of 120 continuing professional development
units that satisfy the continuing professional development purposes
set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection (e) and may include
without limitation the activities identified in subdivisions (F)
(E) through (J) (I) of this paragraph (3);
(F) (E) collaboration and partnership activities related to
improving the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
including the following:
(i) participating on collaborative planning and
professional improvement teams and committees;
(ii) peer review and coaching;
(iii) mentoring in a formal mentoring program, including
service as a consulting teacher participating in a remediation
process formulated under Section 24A-5 of this Code;
(iv) participating in site-based management or decision
making teams, relevant committees, boards, or task forces
directly related to school improvement plans;
(v) coordinating community resources in schools, if the
project is a specific goal of the school improvement plan;
(vi) facilitating parent education programs for a
school, school district, or regional office of education
directly related to student achievement or school improvement
(vii) participating in business, school, or community
partnerships directly related to student achievement or school
improvement plans; or
(viii) supervising a student teacher or teacher
education candidate in clinical supervision, provided that the
supervision may only be counted once during the course of 5
(G) (F) college or university coursework related to improving
the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher as follows:
(i) completing undergraduate or graduate credit earned
from a regionally accredited institution in coursework
relevant to the certificate area being renewed, including
coursework that incorporates induction activities and
development of a portfolio of both student and teacher work
that provides experience in reflective practices, provided the
coursework meets Illinois Professional Teaching Standards or
Illinois Content Area Standards and supports the essential
characteristics of quality professional development; or
(ii) teaching college or university courses in areas
relevant to the certificate area being renewed, provided that
the teaching may only be counted once during the course of 5
[May 9, 2002] 28
(H) (G) conferences, workshops, institutes, seminars, and
symposiums related to improving the teacher's knowledge and skills
as a teacher, including the following:
(i) completing non-university credit directly related to
student achievement, school improvement plans, or State
(ii) participating in or presenting at workshops,
seminars, conferences, institutes, and symposiums;
(iii) training as external reviewers for Quality
Assurance; or
(iv) training as reviewers of university teacher
preparation programs;
(I) (H) other educational experiences related to improving
the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher, including the
(i) participating in action research and inquiry
(ii) observing programs or teaching in schools, related
businesses, or industry that is systematic, purposeful, and
relevant to certificate renewal;
(iii) traveling related to ones teaching assignment,
directly related to student achievement or school improvement
plans and approved at least 30 days prior to the travel
experience, provided that the traveling shall not include time
spent commuting to destinations where the learning experience
will occur;
(iv) participating in study groups related to student
achievement or school improvement plans;
(v) serving on a statewide education-related committee,
including but not limited to the State Teacher Certification
Board, State Board of Education strategic agenda teams, or the
State Advisory Council on Education of Children with
(vi) participating in work/learn programs or
internships; or
(vii) developing a portfolio of student and teacher
work; or
(J) (I) professional leadership experiences related to
improving the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
including the following:
(i) participating in curriculum development or
assessment activities at the school, school district, regional
office of education, State, or national level;
(ii) participating in team or department leadership in a
school or school district;
(iii) participating on external or internal school or
school district review teams;
(iv) publishing educational articles, columns, or books
relevant to the certificate area being renewed; or
(v) participating in non-strike related professional
association or labor organization service or activities
related to professional development.
(4) A certificate renewal plan must initially be approved by the
certificate holder's local professional development committee, as
provided for in subsection (f) of this Section. If the local
professional development committee does not approve the certificate
renewal plan, the certificate holder may appeal that determination to
the regional professional development review committee, as provided for
in paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of this Section. If the regional
professional development review committee disagrees with the local
professional development committee's determination, the certificate
renewal plan shall be deemed approved and the certificate holder may
begin satisfying the continuing professional development activities set
forth in the plan. If the regional professional development review
committee agrees with the local professional development committee's
determination, the certificate renewal plan shall be deemed disapproved
29 [May 9, 2002]
and shall be returned to the certificate holder to develop a revised
certificate renewal plan. In all cases, the regional professional
development review committee shall immediately notify both the local
professional development committee and the certificate holder of its
(5) A certificate holder who wishes to modify the continuing
professional development activities or goals in his or her certificate
renewal plan must submit the proposed modifications to his or her local
professional development committee for approval prior to engaging in
the proposed activities. If the local professional development
committee does not approve the proposed modification, the certificate
holder may appeal that determination to the regional professional
development review committee, as set forth in paragraph (4) of this
subsection (e).
(6) When a certificate holder changes assignments or school
districts during the course of completing a certificate renewal plan,
the professional development and continuing education credit earned
pursuant to the plan shall transfer to the new assignment or school
district and count toward the total requirements. This certificate
renewal plan must be reviewed by the appropriate local professional
development committee and may be modified to reflect the certificate
holder's new work assignment or the school improvement plan of the new
school district or school building.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, each school
district, charter school, and cooperative or joint agreement with a
governing body or board of control that employs certificated staff,
shall establish and implement, in conjunction with its exclusive
representative, if any, one or more local professional development
committees, as set forth in this subsection (f), which shall perform
the following functions:
(1) review and approve certificate renewal plans and any
modifications made to these plans, including transferred plans;
(2) maintain a file of approved certificate renewal plans;
(3) monitor certificate holders' progress in completing
approved certificate renewal plans, provided that a local
professional development committee shall not be required to
maintain materials submitted by certificate holders to demonstrate
their progress in completing their certificate renewal plans after
the committee has reviewed the materials and the credits have been
(4) assist in the development of professional development
plans based upon needs identified in certificate renewal plans;
(5) determine whether certificate holders have met the
requirements of their certificate renewal plans and notify
certificate holders of its determination;
(6) provide a certificate holder with the opportunity to
address the committee when it has determined that the certificate
holder has not met the requirements of his or her certificate
renewal plan;
(7) issue and forward recommendations for renewal or
nonrenewal of certificate holders' Standard Teaching Certificates
to the appropriate regional superintendent of schools, based upon
whether certificate holders have met the requirements of their
approved certificate renewal plans, with 30-day written notice of
its recommendation provided to the certificate holder prior to
forwarding the recommendation to the regional superintendent of
schools, provided that if the local professional development
committee's recommendation is for certificate nonrenewal, the
written notice provided to the certificate holder shall include a
return receipt; and
(8) reconsider its recommendation of certificate nonrenewal,
upon request of the certificate holder within 30 days of receipt of
written notification that the local professional development
committee will make such a recommendation, and forward to the
regional superintendent of schools its recommendation within 30
days of receipt of the certificate holder's request.
[May 9, 2002] 30
Each local professional development committee shall consist of at
least 3 classroom teachers; one superintendent or chief administrator
of the school district, charter school, or cooperative or joint
agreement or his or her designee; and one at-large member who shall be
either (i) a parent, (ii) a member of the business community, (iii) a
community member, or (iv) an administrator, with preference given to an
individual chosen from among those persons listed in items (i), (ii),
and (iii) in order to secure representation of an interest not already
represented on the committee. Except in a school district in a city
having a population exceeding 500,000, a local professional development
committee shall be responsible for no more than 200 certificate renewal
plans annually unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the school
district, charter school, or governing body or board of control of a
cooperative or joint agreement and its exclusive representative, if
any. If mutually agreed upon by the school district, charter school,
or governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint
agreement and its exclusive representative, if any, additional members
may be added to a local professional development committee, provided
that a majority of members are classroom teachers. Except in a school
district in a city having a population exceeding 500,000, if additional
members are added to a local professional development committee, the
maximum number of certificate renewal plans for which the committee
shall annually be responsible may be increased by 50 plans for each
additional member, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the school
district, charter school, or governing body or board of control of a
cooperative or joint agreement and its exclusive representative, if
any. The school district, charter school, or governing body or board
of control of a cooperative or joint agreement and its exclusive
representative, if any, shall determine the term of service of the
members of a local professional development committee. All individuals
selected to serve on local professional development committees must be
known to demonstrate the best practices in teaching or their respective
field of practice.
The exclusive representative, if any, shall select the classroom
teacher members of the local professional development committee. If no
exclusive representative exists, then the classroom teacher members of
a local professional development committee shall be selected by the
classroom teachers that come within the local professional development
committee's authority. The school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement
shall select the 2 non-classroom teacher members (the superintendent or
chief administrator of the school district, charter school, or
cooperative or joint agreement or his or her designee and the at-large
member) of a local professional development committee. Vacancies in
positions on a local professional development committee shall be filled
in the same manner as the original selections. The members of a local
professional development committee shall select a chairperson. Local
professional development committee meetings shall be scheduled so as
not to interfere with committee members' regularly scheduled teaching
duties, except when otherwise permitted by the policies of or agreed to
or approved by the school district, charter school, or governing body
or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement, or its
The board of education or governing board shall convene the first
meeting of the local professional development committee. All actions
taken by the local professional development committee shall require
that a majority of committee members be present, and no committee
action may be taken unless 50% or more of those present are teacher
The State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification
Board shall jointly provide local professional development committee
members with a training manual, and the members shall certify that they
have received and read the manual.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subsection (f), for a
teacher employed and performing services in a nonpublic or
State-operated elementary or secondary school, all references to a
31 [May 9, 2002]
local professional development committee shall mean the regional
superintendent of schools of the regional office of education for the
geographic area where the teaching is done.
(g)(1) Each regional superintendent of schools shall review and
concur or nonconcur with each recommendation for renewal or nonrenewal
of a Standard Teaching Certificate he or she receives from a local
professional development committee or, if a certificate holder appeals
the recommendation to the regional professional development review
committee, the recommendation for renewal or nonrenewal he or she
receives from a regional professional development review committee and,
within 14 days of receipt of the recommendation, shall provide the
State Teacher Certification Board with verification of the following,
if applicable:
(A) a certificate renewal plan was filed and approved by the
appropriate local professional development committee;
(B) the professional development and continuing education
activities set forth in the approved certificate renewal plan have
been satisfactorily completed;
(C) the local professional development committee has
recommended the renewal of the certificate holder's Standard
Teaching Certificate and forwarded the recommendation, along with
all supporting documentation as jointly required by the State Board
of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board, to the
regional superintendent of schools;
(D) the certificate holder has appealed his or her local
professional development committee's recommendation of nonrenewal
to the regional professional development review committee and the
result of that appeal;
(E) the regional superintendent of schools has concurred or
nonconcurred with the local professional development committee's or
regional professional development review committee's recommendation
to renew or nonrenew the certificate holder's Standard Teaching
Certificate and made a recommendation to that effect; and
(F) the established registration fee for the Standard
Teaching Certificate has been paid.
At the same time the regional superintendent of schools provides the
State Teacher Certification Board with the notice required by this
subsection (g), he or she shall also notify the certificate holder in
writing that this notice has been provided to the State Teacher
Certification Board, provided that if the notice provided by the
regional superintendent of schools to the State Teacher Certification
Board includes a recommendation of certificate nonrenewal, the written
notice provided to the certificate holder shall be by certified mail,
return receipt requested.
(2) Each certificate holder shall have the right to appeal his or
her local professional development committee's recommendation of
nonrenewal to the regional professional development review committee,
within 14 days of receipt of notice that the recommendation has been
sent to the regional superintendent of schools. Each regional
superintendent of schools shall establish a regional professional
development review committee or committees for the purpose of advising
the regional superintendent of schools, upon request, and handling
certificate holder appeals. This committee shall consist of at least 4
classroom teachers, one non-administrative certificated educational
employee, 2 administrators, and one at-large member who shall be either
(i) a parent, (ii) a member of the business community, (iii) a
community member, or (iv) an administrator, with preference given to an
individual chosen from among those persons listed in items (i), (ii),
and (iii) in order to secure representation of an interest not already
represented on the committee. The teacher and non-administrative
certificated educational employee members of the review committee shall
be selected by their exclusive representative, if any, and the
administrators and at-large member shall be selected by the regional
superintendent of schools. A regional superintendent of schools may add
additional members to the committee, provided that the same proportion
of teachers to administrators and at-large members on the committee is
[May 9, 2002] 32
maintained. Any additional teacher and non-administrative certificated
educational employee members shall be selected by their exclusive
representative, if any. Vacancies in positions on a regional
professional development review committee shall be filled in the same
manner as the original selections. Committee members shall serve
staggered 3-year terms. All individuals selected to serve on regional
professional development review committees must be known to demonstrate
the best practices in teaching or their respective field of practice.
The exclusive representative responsible for choosing the
individuals that serve on a regional professional development review
committee shall notify each school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement
employing the individuals chosen to serve and provide their names to
the appropriate regional superintendent of schools. Regional
professional development review committee meetings shall be scheduled
so as not to interfere with the committee members' regularly scheduled
teaching duties, except when otherwise permitted by the policies of or
agreed to or approved by the school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement,
or its designee, provided that the school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control shall not unreasonably withhold
permission for a committee member to attend regional professional
development review committee meetings.
In a city having a population exceeding 500,000 that does not have
a regional office of education, one or more separate regional
professional development review committees shall be established as
mutually agreed upon by the board of education of the school district
organized under Article 34 of this Code and the exclusive
representative. The composition of each committee shall be the same as
for a regional professional development review committee, except that
members of the committee shall be jointly appointed by the board of
education and the exclusive representative. All other provisions of
this Section concerning regional professional development review
committees shall apply to these committees.
The regional professional development review committee may require
information in addition to that received from a certificate holder's
local professional development committee or request that the
certificate holder appear before it, shall either concur or nonconcur
with a local professional development committee's recommendation of
nonrenewal, and shall forward to the regional superintendent of schools
its recommendation of renewal or nonrenewal. All actions taken by the
regional professional development review committee shall require a
quorum and be by a simple majority of those present and voting. A
record of all votes shall be maintained. The committee shall have 45
days from receipt of a certificate holder's appeal to make its
recommendation to the regional superintendent of schools.
The State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification
Board shall jointly provide regional professional development review
committee members with a training manual, and the members shall be
required to attend one training seminar sponsored jointly by the State
Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board.
(h)(1) The State Teacher Certification Board shall review the
regional superintendent of schools' recommendations to renew or
nonrenew Standard Teaching Certificates and notify certificate holders
in writing whether their certificates have been renewed or nonrenewed
within 90 days of receipt of the recommendations, unless a certificate
holder has appealed a regional superintendent of schools'
recommendation of nonrenewal, as provided in paragraph (2) of this
subsection (h). The State Teacher Certification Board shall verify
that the certificate holder has met the renewal criteria set forth in
paragraph (1) of subsection (g) of this Section.
(2) Each certificate holder shall have the right to appeal a
regional superintendent of school's recommendation to nonrenew his or
her Standard Teaching Certificate to the State Teacher Certification
Board, within 14 days of receipt of notice that the decision has been
sent to the State Teacher Certification Board, which shall hold an
33 [May 9, 2002]
appeal hearing within 60 days of receipt of the appeal. When such an
appeal is taken, the certificate holder's Standard Teaching Certificate
shall continue to be valid until the appeal is finally determined. The
State Teacher Certification Board shall review the regional
superintendent of school's recommendation, the regional professional
development review committee's recommendation, if any, and the local
professional development committee's recommendation and all relevant
documentation to verify whether the certificate holder has met the
renewal criteria set forth in paragraph (1) of subsection (g) of this
Section. The State Teacher Certification Board may request that the
certificate holder appear before it. All actions taken by the State
Teacher Certification Board shall require a quorum and be by a simple
majority of those present and voting. A record of all votes shall be
maintained. The State Teacher Certification Board shall notify the
certificate holder in writing, within 7 days of completing the review,
whether his or her Standard Teaching Certificate has been renewed or
nonrenewed, provided that if the State Teacher Certification Board
determines to nonrenew a certificate, the written notice provided to
the certificate holder shall be by certified mail, return receipt
requested. All certificate renewal or nonrenewal decisions of the
State Teacher Certification Board are final and subject to
administrative review, as set forth in Section 21-24 of this Code.
(i) Holders of Master Teaching Certificates shall meet the same
requirements and follow the same procedures as holders of Standard
Teaching Certificates, except that their renewal cycle shall be as set
forth in subsection (d) of Section 21-2 of this Code.
(j) Holders of Valid and Exempt Standard and Master Teaching
Certificates who are not employed and performing services in an
Illinois public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school,
or cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or board of
control, in a certificated teaching position, may voluntarily activate
their certificates by developing and submitting a certificate renewal
plan to the regional superintendent of schools of the regional office
of education for the geographic area where their teaching is done, who,
or whose designee, shall approve the plan and serve as the certificate
holder's local professional development committee. These certificate
holders shall follow the same renewal criteria and procedures as all
other Standard and Master Teaching Certificate holders, except that
their continuing professional development plans shall not be required
to reflect or address the knowledge, skills, and goals of a local
school improvement plan.
(k) Each school district, charter school, or cooperative or joint
agreement shall be paid an annual amount of not less than $1,000, as
determined by a formula based on the number of Standard Teaching and
Master Teaching Certificate holders, subject to renewal and established
by rule, not to exceed $1,000,000 annually for all school districts,
charter schools, and cooperatives or joint agreements, for
administrative costs associated with conducting the meetings of the
local professional development committee, as determined in consultation
with the committee. Each regional office of education shall receive
$2,000 annually to pay school districts, charter schools, or
cooperatives or joint agreements for costs, as defined by rule,
incurred in staff attendance at regional professional development
review committee meetings and the training seminar required under
paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of this Section.
(l) The State Board of Education and the State Teacher
Certification Board shall jointly contract with an independent party to
conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the certificate renewal system
pursuant to this Section. The first report of this evaluation shall be
presented to the General Assembly on January 1, 2005 and on January 1
of every third year thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 90-653, eff. 7-29-98; 90-811, eff.
1-26-99; 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)
(Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 92-510)
Sec. 21-14. Registration and renewal of certificates.
(a) A limited four-year certificate or a certificate issued after
[May 9, 2002] 34
July 1, 1955, shall be renewable at its expiration or within 60 days
thereafter by the county superintendent of schools having supervision
and control over the school where the teacher is teaching upon
certified evidence of meeting the requirements for renewal as required
by this Act and prescribed by the State Board of Education in
consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board. An elementary
supervisory certificate shall not be renewed at the end of the first
four-year period covered by the certificate unless the holder thereof
has filed certified evidence with the State Teacher Certification Board
that he has a master's degree or that he has earned 8 semester hours of
credit in the field of educational administration and supervision in a
recognized institution of higher learning. The holder shall continue
to earn 8 semester hours of credit each four-year period until such
time as he has earned a master's degree.
All certificates not renewed or registered as herein provided shall
lapse after a period of 5 years from the expiration of the last year of
registration. Such certificates may be reinstated for a one year
period upon payment of all accumulated registration fees. Such
reinstated certificates shall only be renewed: (1) by earning 5
semester hours of credit in a recognized institution of higher learning
in the field of professional education or in courses related to the
holder's contractual teaching duties; or (2) by presenting evidence of
holding a valid regular certificate of some other type. Any
certificate may be voluntarily surrendered by the certificate holder.
A voluntarily surrendered certificate shall be treated as a revoked
(b) When those teaching certificates issued before February 15,
2000 are renewed for the first time after February 15, 2000, all such
teaching certificates shall be exchanged for Standard Teaching
Certificates as provided in subsection (c) of Section 21-2. All
Initial and Standard Teaching Certificates, including those issued to
persons who previously held teaching certificates issued before
February 15, 2000, shall be renewable under the conditions set forth in
this subsection (b).
Initial Teaching Certificates are nonrenewable and are valid for 4
years of teaching. Standard Teaching Certificates are renewable every
5 years as provided in subsection (c) of Section 21-2 and subsection
(c) of this Section. For purposes of this Section, "teaching" is
defined as employment and performance of services in an Illinois public
or State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative
or joint agreement with a governing body or board of control, in a
certificated teaching position, or a charter school operating in
compliance with the Charter Schools Law.
(c) In compliance with subsection (c) of Section 21-2 of this
Code, which provides that a Standard Teaching Certificate may be
renewed by the State Teacher Certification Board based upon proof of
continuing professional development, the State Board of Education and
the State Teacher Certification Board shall jointly:
(1) establish a procedure for renewing Standard Teaching
Certificates, which shall include but not be limited to annual
timelines for the renewal process and the components set forth in
subsections (d) through (k) of this Section;
(2) establish the standards for certificate renewal;
(3) approve the providers of continuing professional
development activities;
(4) determine the maximum credit for each category of
continuing professional development activities, based upon
recommendations submitted by a continuing professional development
activity task force, which shall consist of 6 staff members from
the State Board of Education, appointed by the State Superintendent
of Education, and 6 teacher representatives, 3 of whom are selected
by the Illinois Education Association and 3 of whom are selected by
the Illinois Federation of Teachers;
(5) designate the type and amount of documentation required
to show that continuing professional development activities have
been completed; and
35 [May 9, 2002]
(6) provide, on a timely basis to all Illinois teachers,
certificate holders, regional superintendents of schools, school
districts, and others with an interest in continuing professional
development, information about the standards and requirements
established pursuant to this subsection (c).
(d) Any Standard Teaching Certificate held by an individual
employed and performing services in an Illinois public or
State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative or
joint agreement with a governing body or board of control in a
certificated teaching position or a charter school in compliance with
the Charter Schools Law must be maintained Valid and Active through
certificate renewal activities specified in the certificate renewal
procedure established pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section,
provided that a holder of a Valid and Active certificate who is only
employed on either a part-time basis or day-to-day basis as a
substitute teacher shall pay only the required registration fee to
renew his or her certificate and maintain it as Valid and Active. All
other Standard Teaching Certificates held may be maintained as Valid
and Exempt through the registration process provided for in the
certificate renewal procedure established pursuant to subsection (c) of
this Section. A Valid and Exempt certificate must be immediately
activated, through procedures developed jointly by the State Board of
Education and the State Teacher Certification Board, upon the
certificate holder becoming employed and performing services in an
Illinois public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school,
or cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or board of
control in a certificated teaching position or a charter school
operating in compliance with the Charter Schools Law. A holder of a
Valid and Exempt certificate may activate his or her certificate
through procedures provided for in the certificate renewal procedure
established pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section.
(e)(1) A Standard Teaching Certificate that has been maintained as
Valid and Active for the 5 years of the certificate's validity shall be
renewed as Valid and Active upon the certificate holder: (i) completing
an advanced degree from an approved institution in an education-related
field; (ii) completing at least 8 semester hours of coursework as
described in subdivision (B) (A) of paragraph (3) of this subsection
(e); (iii) (ii) earning at least 24 continuing education units as
described in subdivision (C) (B) of paragraph (3) of this subsection
(e); (iv) (iii) completing the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards process as described in subdivision (D) (C) of paragraph (3)
of this subsection (e); or (v) (iv) earning 120 continuing professional
development units ("CPDU") as described in subdivision (E) (D) of
paragraph (3) of this subsection (e). The maximum continuing
professional development units for each continuing professional
development activity identified in subdivisions (F) (E) through (J) (I)
of paragraph (3) of this subsection (e) shall be jointly determined by
the State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board.
If, however, the certificate holder has maintained the certificate as
Valid and Exempt for a portion of the 5-year period of validity, the
number of continuing professional development units needed to renew the
certificate as Valid and Active shall be proportionately reduced by the
amount of time the certificate was Valid and Exempt. Furthermore, if a
certificate holder is employed and performs teaching services on a
part-time basis for all or a portion of the certificate's 5-year period
of validity, the number of continuing professional development units
needed to renew the certificate as Valid and Active shall be reduced by
50% for the amount of time the certificate holder has been employed and
performed teaching services on a part-time basis. Part-time shall be
defined as less than 50% of the school day or school term.
(2) Each Valid and Active Standard Teaching Certificate holder
shall develop a certificate renewal plan for satisfying the continuing
professional development requirement provided for in subsection (c) of
Section 21-2 of this Code. Certificate holders with multiple
certificates shall develop a certificate renewal plan that addresses
only that certificate or those certificates that are required of his or
[May 9, 2002] 36
her certificated teaching position, if the certificate holder is
employed and performing services in an Illinois public or
State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative or
joint agreement with a governing body or board of control, or that
certificate or those certificates most closely related to his or her
teaching position, if the certificate holder is employed in a charter
school. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (e), a
certificate renewal plan shall include a minimum of 3 individual
improvement goals developed by the certificate holder and shall reflect
purposes (A), (B), and (C) and may reflect purpose (D) of the following
continuing professional development purposes:
(A) Advance both the certificate holder's knowledge and
skills as a teacher consistent with the Illinois Professional
Teaching Standards and the Illinois Content Area Standards in the
certificate holder's areas of certification, endorsement, or
teaching assignment in order to keep the certificate holder current
in those areas.
(B) Develop the certificate holder's knowledge and skills in
areas determined to be critical for all Illinois teachers, as
defined by the State Board of Education, known as "State
(C) Address the knowledge, skills, and goals of the
certificate holder's local school improvement plan, if the teacher
is employed in an Illinois public or State-operated elementary
school, secondary school, or cooperative or joint agreement with a
governing body or board of control.
(D) Expand the certificate holder's knowledge and skills in
an additional teaching field or toward the acquisition of another
teaching certificate, endorsement, or relevant education degree.
A certificate renewal plan must include a description of how these
goals are to be achieved and an explanation of selected continuing
professional development activities to be completed, each of which must
meet one or more of the continuing professional development purposes
specified in this paragraph (2). The plan shall identify potential
activities and include projected timelines for those activities that
will assure completion of the plan before the expiration of the 5-year
validity of the Standard Teaching Certificate. Except as otherwise
provided in this subsection (e), at least 50% of continuing
professional development units must relate to purposes (A) and (B) set
forth in this paragraph (2): the advancement of a certificate holder's
knowledge and skills as a teacher consistent with the Illinois
Professional Teaching Standards and the Illinois Content Area Standards
in the certificate holder's areas of certification, endorsement, or
teaching assignment in order to keep the certificate holder current in
those areas and the development of a certificate holder's knowledge and
skills in the State priorities that exist at the time the certificate
renewal plan is developed.
A speech-language pathologist or audiologist who is licensed under
the Illinois Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act and
who has met the continuing education requirements of that Act and the
rules promulgated under that Act shall be deemed to have satisfied the
continuing professional development requirements established by the
State Board of Education and the Teacher Certification Board to renew a
Standard Certificate.
(3) Continuing professional development activities included in a
certificate renewal plan may include, but are not limited to, the
following activities:
(A) completion of an advanced degree from an approved
institution in an education-related field;
(B) (A) at least 8 semester hours of coursework in an
approved education-related program, of which at least 2 semester
hours relate to the continuing professional development purpose set
forth in purpose (A) of paragraph (2) of this subsection (e),
provided that such a plan need not include any other continuing
professional development activities nor reflect or contain
activities related to the other continuing professional development
37 [May 9, 2002]
purposes set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection (e);
(C) (B) continuing education units that satisfy the
continuing professional development purposes set forth in paragraph
(2) of this subsection (e), with each continuing education unit
equal to 5 clock hours, provided that a plan that includes at least
24 continuing education units (or 120 clock/contact hours) need not
include any other continuing professional development activities;
(D) (C) completion of the National Board of Professional
Teaching Standards ("NBPTS") process, provided that a plan that
includes completion of the NBPTS process need not include any other
continuing professional development activities nor reflect or
contain activities related to the continuing professional
development purposes set forth in paragraph (2) of subsection (e)
of this Section;
(E) (D) completion of 120 continuing professional development
units that satisfy the continuing professional development purposes
set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection (e) and may include
without limitation the activities identified in subdivisions (F)
(E) through (J) (I) of this paragraph (3);
(F) (E) collaboration and partnership activities related to
improving the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
including the following:
(i) participating on collaborative planning and
professional improvement teams and committees;
(ii) peer review and coaching;
(iii) mentoring in a formal mentoring program, including
service as a consulting teacher participating in a remediation
process formulated under Section 24A-5 of this Code;
(iv) participating in site-based management or decision
making teams, relevant committees, boards, or task forces
directly related to school improvement plans;
(v) coordinating community resources in schools, if the
project is a specific goal of the school improvement plan;
(vi) facilitating parent education programs for a
school, school district, or regional office of education
directly related to student achievement or school improvement
(vii) participating in business, school, or community
partnerships directly related to student achievement or school
improvement plans; or
(viii) supervising a student teacher or teacher
education candidate in clinical supervision, provided that the
supervision may only be counted once during the course of 5
(G) (F) college or university coursework related to improving
the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher as follows:
(i) completing undergraduate or graduate credit earned
from a regionally accredited institution in coursework
relevant to the certificate area being renewed, including
coursework that incorporates induction activities and
development of a portfolio of both student and teacher work
that provides experience in reflective practices, provided the
coursework meets Illinois Professional Teaching Standards or
Illinois Content Area Standards and supports the essential
characteristics of quality professional development; or
(ii) teaching college or university courses in areas
relevant to the certificate area being renewed, provided that
the teaching may only be counted once during the course of 5
(H) (G) conferences, workshops, institutes, seminars, and
symposiums related to improving the teacher's knowledge and skills
as a teacher, including the following:
(i) completing non-university credit directly related to
student achievement, school improvement plans, or State
(ii) participating in or presenting at workshops,
[May 9, 2002] 38
seminars, conferences, institutes, and symposiums;
(iii) training as external reviewers for Quality
Assurance; or
(iv) training as reviewers of university teacher
preparation programs;
(I) (H) other educational experiences related to improving
the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher, including the
(i) participating in action research and inquiry
(ii) observing programs or teaching in schools, related
businesses, or industry that is systematic, purposeful, and
relevant to certificate renewal;
(iii) traveling related to ones teaching assignment,
directly related to student achievement or school improvement
plans and approved at least 30 days prior to the travel
experience, provided that the traveling shall not include time
spent commuting to destinations where the learning experience
will occur;
(iv) participating in study groups related to student
achievement or school improvement plans;
(v) serving on a statewide education-related committee,
including but not limited to the State Teacher Certification
Board, State Board of Education strategic agenda teams, or the
State Advisory Council on Education of Children with
(vi) participating in work/learn programs or
internships; or
(vii) developing a portfolio of student and teacher
work; or
(J) (I) professional leadership experiences related to
improving the teacher's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
including the following:
(i) participating in curriculum development or
assessment activities at the school, school district, regional
office of education, State, or national level;
(ii) participating in team or department leadership in a
school or school district;
(iii) participating on external or internal school or
school district review teams;
(iv) publishing educational articles, columns, or books
relevant to the certificate area being renewed; or
(v) participating in non-strike related professional
association or labor organization service or activities
related to professional development.
(4) A certificate renewal plan must initially be approved by the
certificate holder's local professional development committee, as
provided for in subsection (f) of this Section. If the local
professional development committee does not approve the certificate
renewal plan, the certificate holder may appeal that determination to
the regional professional development review committee, as provided for
in paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of this Section. If the regional
professional development review committee disagrees with the local
professional development committee's determination, the certificate
renewal plan shall be deemed approved and the certificate holder may
begin satisfying the continuing professional development activities set
forth in the plan. If the regional professional development review
committee agrees with the local professional development committee's
determination, the certificate renewal plan shall be deemed disapproved
and shall be returned to the certificate holder to develop a revised
certificate renewal plan. In all cases, the regional professional
development review committee shall immediately notify both the local
professional development committee and the certificate holder of its
(5) A certificate holder who wishes to modify the continuing
professional development activities or goals in his or her certificate
39 [May 9, 2002]
renewal plan must submit the proposed modifications to his or her local
professional development committee for approval prior to engaging in
the proposed activities. If the local professional development
committee does not approve the proposed modification, the certificate
holder may appeal that determination to the regional professional
development review committee, as set forth in paragraph (4) of this
subsection (e).
(6) When a certificate holder changes assignments or school
districts during the course of completing a certificate renewal plan,
the professional development and continuing education credit earned
pursuant to the plan shall transfer to the new assignment or school
district and count toward the total requirements. This certificate
renewal plan must be reviewed by the appropriate local professional
development committee and may be modified to reflect the certificate
holder's new work assignment or the school improvement plan of the new
school district or school building.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, each school
district, charter school, and cooperative or joint agreement with a
governing body or board of control that employs certificated staff,
shall establish and implement, in conjunction with its exclusive
representative, if any, one or more local professional development
committees, as set forth in this subsection (f), which shall perform
the following functions:
(1) review and approve certificate renewal plans and any
modifications made to these plans, including transferred plans;
(2) maintain a file of approved certificate renewal plans;
(3) monitor certificate holders' progress in completing
approved certificate renewal plans, provided that a local
professional development committee shall not be required to
maintain materials submitted by certificate holders to demonstrate
their progress in completing their certificate renewal plans after
the committee has reviewed the materials and the credits have been
(4) assist in the development of professional development
plans based upon needs identified in certificate renewal plans;
(5) determine whether certificate holders have met the
requirements of their certificate renewal plans and notify
certificate holders of its determination;
(6) provide a certificate holder with the opportunity to
address the committee when it has determined that the certificate
holder has not met the requirements of his or her certificate
renewal plan;
(7) issue and forward recommendations for renewal or
nonrenewal of certificate holders' Standard Teaching Certificates
to the appropriate regional superintendent of schools, based upon
whether certificate holders have met the requirements of their
approved certificate renewal plans, with 30-day written notice of
its recommendation provided to the certificate holder prior to
forwarding the recommendation to the regional superintendent of
schools, provided that if the local professional development
committee's recommendation is for certificate nonrenewal, the
written notice provided to the certificate holder shall include a
return receipt; and
(8) reconsider its recommendation of certificate nonrenewal,
upon request of the certificate holder within 30 days of receipt of
written notification that the local professional development
committee will make such a recommendation, and forward to the
regional superintendent of schools its recommendation within 30
days of receipt of the certificate holder's request.
Each local professional development committee shall consist of at
least 3 classroom teachers; one superintendent or chief administrator
of the school district, charter school, or cooperative or joint
agreement or his or her designee; and one at-large member who shall be
either (i) a parent, (ii) a member of the business community, (iii) a
community member, or (iv) an administrator, with preference given to an
individual chosen from among those persons listed in items (i), (ii),
[May 9, 2002] 40
and (iii) in order to secure representation of an interest not already
represented on the committee. Except in a school district in a city
having a population exceeding 500,000, a local professional development
committee shall be responsible for no more than 200 certificate renewal
plans annually unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the school
district, charter school, or governing body or board of control of a
cooperative or joint agreement and its exclusive representative, if
any. If mutually agreed upon by the school district, charter school,
or governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint
agreement and its exclusive representative, if any, additional members
may be added to a local professional development committee, provided
that a majority of members are classroom teachers. Except in a school
district in a city having a population exceeding 500,000, if additional
members are added to a local professional development committee, the
maximum number of certificate renewal plans for which the committee
shall annually be responsible may be increased by 50 plans for each
additional member, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the school
district, charter school, or governing body or board of control of a
cooperative or joint agreement and its exclusive representative, if
any. The school district, charter school, or governing body or board
of control of a cooperative or joint agreement and its exclusive
representative, if any, shall determine the term of service of the
members of a local professional development committee. All individuals
selected to serve on local professional development committees must be
known to demonstrate the best practices in teaching or their respective
field of practice.
The exclusive representative, if any, shall select the classroom
teacher members of the local professional development committee. If no
exclusive representative exists, then the classroom teacher members of
a local professional development committee shall be selected by the
classroom teachers that come within the local professional development
committee's authority. The school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement
shall select the 2 non-classroom teacher members (the superintendent or
chief administrator of the school district, charter school, or
cooperative or joint agreement or his or her designee and the at-large
member) of a local professional development committee. Vacancies in
positions on a local professional development committee shall be filled
in the same manner as the original selections. The members of a local
professional development committee shall select a chairperson. Local
professional development committee meetings shall be scheduled so as
not to interfere with committee members' regularly scheduled teaching
duties, except when otherwise permitted by the policies of or agreed to
or approved by the school district, charter school, or governing body
or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement, or its
The board of education or governing board shall convene the first
meeting of the local professional development committee. All actions
taken by the local professional development committee shall require
that a majority of committee members be present, and no committee
action may be taken unless 50% or more of those present are teacher
The State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification
Board shall jointly provide local professional development committee
members with a training manual, and the members shall certify that they
have received and read the manual.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subsection (f), for a
teacher employed and performing services in a nonpublic or
State-operated elementary or secondary school, all references to a
local professional development committee shall mean the regional
superintendent of schools of the regional office of education for the
geographic area where the teaching is done.
(g)(1) Each regional superintendent of schools shall review and
concur or nonconcur with each recommendation for renewal or nonrenewal
of a Standard Teaching Certificate he or she receives from a local
professional development committee or, if a certificate holder appeals
41 [May 9, 2002]
the recommendation to the regional professional development review
committee, the recommendation for renewal or nonrenewal he or she
receives from a regional professional development review committee and,
within 14 days of receipt of the recommendation, shall provide the
State Teacher Certification Board with verification of the following,
if applicable:
(A) a certificate renewal plan was filed and approved by the
appropriate local professional development committee;
(B) the professional development and continuing education
activities set forth in the approved certificate renewal plan have
been satisfactorily completed;
(C) the local professional development committee has
recommended the renewal of the certificate holder's Standard
Teaching Certificate and forwarded the recommendation, along with
all supporting documentation as jointly required by the State Board
of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board, to the
regional superintendent of schools;
(D) the certificate holder has appealed his or her local
professional development committee's recommendation of nonrenewal
to the regional professional development review committee and the
result of that appeal;
(E) the regional superintendent of schools has concurred or
nonconcurred with the local professional development committee's or
regional professional development review committee's recommendation
to renew or nonrenew the certificate holder's Standard Teaching
Certificate and made a recommendation to that effect; and
(F) the established registration fee for the Standard
Teaching Certificate has been paid.
At the same time the regional superintendent of schools provides the
State Teacher Certification Board with the notice required by this
subsection (g), he or she shall also notify the certificate holder in
writing that this notice has been provided to the State Teacher
Certification Board, provided that if the notice provided by the
regional superintendent of schools to the State Teacher Certification
Board includes a recommendation of certificate nonrenewal, the written
notice provided to the certificate holder shall be by certified mail,
return receipt requested.
(2) Each certificate holder shall have the right to appeal his or
her local professional development committee's recommendation of
nonrenewal to the regional professional development review committee,
within 14 days of receipt of notice that the recommendation has been
sent to the regional superintendent of schools. Each regional
superintendent of schools shall establish a regional professional
development review committee or committees for the purpose of advising
the regional superintendent of schools, upon request, and handling
certificate holder appeals. This committee shall consist of at least 4
classroom teachers, one non-administrative certificated educational
employee, 2 administrators, and one at-large member who shall be either
(i) a parent, (ii) a member of the business community, (iii) a
community member, or (iv) an administrator, with preference given to an
individual chosen from among those persons listed in items (i), (ii),
and (iii) in order to secure representation of an interest not already
represented on the committee. The teacher and non-administrative
certificated educational employee members of the review committee shall
be selected by their exclusive representative, if any, and the
administrators and at-large member shall be selected by the regional
superintendent of schools. A regional superintendent of schools may
add additional members to the committee, provided that the same
proportion of teachers to administrators and at-large members on the
committee is maintained. Any additional teacher and non-administrative
certificated educational employee members shall be selected by their
exclusive representative, if any. Vacancies in positions on a regional
professional development review committee shall be filled in the same
manner as the original selections. Committee members shall serve
staggered 3-year terms. All individuals selected to serve on regional
professional development review committees must be known to demonstrate
[May 9, 2002] 42
the best practices in teaching or their respective field of practice.
The exclusive representative responsible for choosing the
individuals that serve on a regional professional development review
committee shall notify each school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement
employing the individuals chosen to serve and provide their names to
the appropriate regional superintendent of schools. Regional
professional development review committee meetings shall be scheduled
so as not to interfere with the committee members' regularly scheduled
teaching duties, except when otherwise permitted by the policies of or
agreed to or approved by the school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control of a cooperative or joint agreement,
or its designee, provided that the school district, charter school, or
governing body or board of control shall not unreasonably withhold
permission for a committee member to attend regional professional
development review committee meetings.
In a city having a population exceeding 500,000 that does not have
a regional office of education, one or more separate regional
professional development review committees shall be established as
mutually agreed upon by the board of education of the school district
organized under Article 34 of this Code and the exclusive
representative. The composition of each committee shall be the same as
for a regional professional development review committee, except that
members of the committee shall be jointly appointed by the board of
education and the exclusive representative. All other provisions of
this Section concerning regional professional development review
committees shall apply to these committees.
The regional professional development review committee may require
information in addition to that received from a certificate holder's
local professional development committee or request that the
certificate holder appear before it, shall either concur or nonconcur
with a local professional development committee's recommendation of
nonrenewal, and shall forward to the regional superintendent of schools
its recommendation of renewal or nonrenewal. All actions taken by the
regional professional development review committee shall require a
quorum and be by a simple majority of those present and voting. A
record of all votes shall be maintained. The committee shall have 45
days from receipt of a certificate holder's appeal to make its
recommendation to the regional superintendent of schools.
The State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification
Board shall jointly provide regional professional development review
committee members with a training manual, and the members shall be
required to attend one training seminar sponsored jointly by the State
Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board.
(h)(1) The State Teacher Certification Board shall review the
regional superintendent of schools' recommendations to renew or
nonrenew Standard Teaching Certificates and notify certificate holders
in writing whether their certificates have been renewed or nonrenewed
within 90 days of receipt of the recommendations, unless a certificate
holder has appealed a regional superintendent of schools'
recommendation of nonrenewal, as provided in paragraph (2) of this
subsection (h). The State Teacher Certification Board shall verify
that the certificate holder has met the renewal criteria set forth in
paragraph (1) of subsection (g) of this Section.
(2) Each certificate holder shall have the right to appeal a
regional superintendent of school's recommendation to nonrenew his or
her Standard Teaching Certificate to the State Teacher Certification
Board, within 14 days of receipt of notice that the decision has been
sent to the State Teacher Certification Board, which shall hold an
appeal hearing within 60 days of receipt of the appeal. When such an
appeal is taken, the certificate holder's Standard Teaching Certificate
shall continue to be valid until the appeal is finally determined. The
State Teacher Certification Board shall review the regional
superintendent of school's recommendation, the regional professional
development review committee's recommendation, if any, and the local
professional development committee's recommendation and all relevant
43 [May 9, 2002]
documentation to verify whether the certificate holder has met the
renewal criteria set forth in paragraph (1) of subsection (g) of this
Section. The State Teacher Certification Board may request that the
certificate holder appear before it. All actions taken by the State
Teacher Certification Board shall require a quorum and be by a simple
majority of those present and voting. A record of all votes shall be
maintained. The State Teacher Certification Board shall notify the
certificate holder in writing, within 7 days of completing the review,
whether his or her Standard Teaching Certificate has been renewed or
nonrenewed, provided that if the State Teacher Certification Board
determines to nonrenew a certificate, the written notice provided to
the certificate holder shall be by certified mail, return receipt
requested. All certificate renewal or nonrenewal decisions of the
State Teacher Certification Board are final and subject to
administrative review, as set forth in Section 21-24 of this Code.
(i) Holders of Master Teaching Certificates shall meet the same
requirements and follow the same procedures as holders of Standard
Teaching Certificates, except that their renewal cycle shall be as set
forth in subsection (d) of Section 21-2 of this Code.
A holder of a teaching certificate endorsed as a speech-language
pathologist who has been granted the Certificate of Clinical Competence
by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association may renew his or
her Standard Teaching Certificate pursuant to the 10-year renewal cycle
set forth in subsection (d) of Section 21-2 of this Code.
(j) Holders of Valid and Exempt Standard and Master Teaching
Certificates who are not employed and performing services in an
Illinois public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school,
or cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or board of
control, in a certificated teaching position, may voluntarily activate
their certificates by developing and submitting a certificate renewal
plan to the regional superintendent of schools of the regional office
of education for the geographic area where their teaching is done, who,
or whose designee, shall approve the plan and serve as the certificate
holder's local professional development committee. These certificate
holders shall follow the same renewal criteria and procedures as all
other Standard and Master Teaching Certificate holders, except that
their continuing professional development plans shall not be required
to reflect or address the knowledge, skills, and goals of a local
school improvement plan.
(k) Each school district, charter school, or cooperative or joint
agreement shall be paid an annual amount of not less than $1,000, as
determined by a formula based on the number of Standard Teaching and
Master Teaching Certificate holders, subject to renewal and established
by rule, not to exceed $1,000,000 annually for all school districts,
charter schools, and cooperatives or joint agreements, for
administrative costs associated with conducting the meetings of the
local professional development committee, as determined in consultation
with the committee. Each regional office of education shall receive
$2,000 annually to pay school districts, charter schools, or
cooperatives or joint agreements for costs, as defined by rule,
incurred in staff attendance at regional professional development
review committee meetings and the training seminar required under
paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of this Section.
(l) The State Board of Education and the State Teacher
Certification Board shall jointly contract with an independent party to
conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the certificate renewal system
pursuant to this Section. The first report of this evaluation shall be
presented to the General Assembly on January 1, 2005 and on January 1
of every third year thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 92-510, eff. 6-1-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/21-16) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-16)
Sec. 21-16. Fees - Requirement for registration.
(a) Until February 15, 2000, every applicant when issued a
certificate shall pay to the regional superintendent of schools a fee
of $1, which shall be paid into the institute fund. Every certificate
issued under the provisions of this Act shall be registered annually
[May 9, 2002] 44
or, at the option of the holder of the certificate, once every 3 years.
The regional superintendent of schools having supervision and control
over the school where the teaching is done shall register the
certificate before the holder begins to teach, otherwise it shall be
registered in any county in the State of Illinois; and one fee of $4
per year for registration or renewal of one or more certificates which
have been issued to the same holder shall be paid into the institute
Until February 15, 2000, requirements for registration of any
certificate limited in time shall include evidence of professional
growth defined as successful teaching experience since last
registration of certificate, attendance at professional meetings,
membership in professional organizations, additional credits earned in
recognized teacher-training institutions, travel specifically for
educational experience, reading of professional books and periodicals,
filing all reports as required by the regional superintendent of
schools and the State Superintendent of Education or such other
professional experience or combination of experiences as are presented
by the teacher and are approved by the State Superintendent of
Education in consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board. A
duplicate certificate may be issued to the holder of a valid life
certificate or valid certificate limited in time by the State
Superintendent of Education; however, it shall only be issued upon
request of a regional superintendent of schools and upon payment to the
regional superintendent of schools who requests such duplicate a fee of
(b) Beginning February 15, 2000, all persons who are issued
Standard Teaching Certificates pursuant to clause (ii) of paragraph (1)
(2) of subsection (c) of Section 21-2 and all persons who renew
Standard Teaching Certificates shall pay a $25 fee for registration of
all certificates held. All persons who are issued Standard Teaching
Certificates under clause (i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of
Section 21-2 and all other applicants for Standard Teaching
Certificates shall pay an original application fee, pursuant to Section
21-12, and a $25 fee for registration of all certificates held. These
certificates shall be registered and the registration fee paid once
every 5 years. Standard Teaching Certificate applicants and holders
shall not be required to pay any other registration fees for issuance
or renewal of their certificates, except as provided in Section 21-17
of this Code. Beginning February 15, 2000, Master Teaching
Certificates shall be issued and renewed upon payment by the applicant
or certificate holder of a $50 fee for registration of all certificates
held. These certificates shall be registered and the fee paid once
every 10 years. Master Teaching Certificate applicants and holders
shall not be required to pay any other application or registration fees
for issuance or renewal of their certificates, except as provided in
Section 21-17 of this Code. All other certificates issued under the
provisions of this Code shall be registered for the validity period of
the certificate at the rate of $5 per year for the total number of
years for which the certificate is valid for registration of all
certificates held, or for a maximum of 5 years for life certificates.
The regional superintendent of schools having supervision and control
over the school where the teaching is done shall register the
certificate before the holder begins to teach, otherwise it shall be
registered in any county in the State of Illinois. Each holder shall
pay the appropriate registration fee to the regional superintendent of
schools. The regional superintendent of schools shall deposit the
registration fees into the institute fund. Any certificate holder who
teaches in more than one educational service region shall register the
certificate or certificates in all regions where the teaching is done,
but shall be required to pay one registration fee for all certificates
held, provided holders of certificates issued pursuant to Section 21-9
of this Code shall be required to pay one registration fee, in each
educational service region in which his or her certificate or
certificates are registered, for all certificates held.
A duplicate certificate may be issued to the holder of a valid life
45 [May 9, 2002]
certificate or valid certificate limited in time by the State
Superintendent of Education; however, it shall only be issued upon
request of a regional superintendent of schools and upon payment to the
regional superintendent of schools who requests the duplicate a fee of
$4, which shall be deposited into the institute fund.
(Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)
Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes
changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text that is
not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section represented by
multiple versions), the use of that text does not accelerate or delay
the taking effect of (i) the changes made by this Act or (ii)
provisions derived from any other Public Act.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 1436, AS AMENDED, by inserting
immediately after the enacting clause the following:
"Section 3. The School Code is amended by changing Sections 21-7.1
and 21-27 as follows:
(105 ILCS 5/21-7.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-7.1)
Sec. 21-7.1. Administrative certificate.
(a) After July 1, 1999, an administrative certificate valid for 5
years of supervising and administering in the public common schools
(unless changed under subsection (a-5) of this Section) may be issued
to persons who have graduated from a regionally accredited institution
of higher learning with a master's degree and who have been recommended
by a recognized institution of higher learning as having completed a
program of preparation for one or more of these endorsements. Such
programs of academic and professional preparation required for
endorsement shall be administered by the institution in accordance with
standards set forth by the State Superintendent of Education in
consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
(a-5) Beginning July 1, 2003, if an administrative certificate
holder holds a Standard Teaching Certificate, the validity period of
the administrative certificate shall be changed, if necessary, so that
the validity period of the administrative certificate coincides with
the validity period of the Standard Teaching Certificate. Beginning
July 1, 2003, if an administrative certificate holder holds a Master
Teaching Certificate, the validity period of the administrative
certificate shall be changed so that the validity period of the
administrative certificate coincides with the validity period of the
Master Teaching Certificate.
(b) No administrative certificate shall be issued for the first
time after June 30, 1987 and no endorsement provided for by this
Section shall be made or affixed to an administrative certificate for
the first time after June 30, 1987 unless the person to whom such
administrative certificate is to be issued or to whose administrative
certificate such endorsement is to be affixed has been required to
demonstrate as a part of a program of academic or professional
preparation for such certification or endorsement: (i) an understanding
of the knowledge called for in establishing productive parent-school
relationships and of the procedures fostering the involvement which
such relationships demand; and (ii) an understanding of the knowledge
required for establishing a high quality school climate and promoting
good classroom organization and management, including rules of conduct
and instructional procedures appropriate to accomplishing the tasks of
schooling; and (iii) a demonstration of the knowledge and skills called
for in providing instructional leadership. The standards for
demonstrating an understanding of such knowledge shall be set forth by
the State Board of Education in consultation with the State Teacher
Certification Board, and shall be administered by the recognized
institutions of higher learning as part of the programs of academic and
professional preparation required for certification and endorsement
under this Section. As used in this subsection: "establishing
productive parent-school relationships" means the ability to maintain
effective communication between parents and school personnel, to
[May 9, 2002] 46
encourage parental involvement in schooling, and to motivate school
personnel to engage parents in encouraging student achievement,
including the development of programs and policies which serve to
accomplish this purpose; and "establishing a high quality school
climate" means the ability to promote academic achievement, to maintain
discipline, to recognize substance abuse problems among students and
utilize appropriate law enforcement and other community resources to
address these problems, to support teachers and students in their
education endeavors, to establish learning objectives and to provide
instructional leadership, including the development of policies and
programs which serve to accomplish this purpose; and "providing
instructional leadership" means the ability to effectively evaluate
school personnel, to possess general communication and interpersonal
skills, and to establish and maintain appropriate classroom learning
environments. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to or
affect the initial issuance or making on or before June 30, 1987 of any
administrative certificate or endorsement provided for under this
Section, nor shall such provisions apply to or affect the renewal after
June 30, 1987 of any such certificate or endorsement initially issued
or made on or before June 30, 1987.
(c) Administrative certificates shall be renewed every 5 five
years with the first renewal being 5 five years following the initial
receipt of an administrative certificate, unless the validity period
for the administrative certificate has been changed under subsection
(a-5) of this Section, in which case the certificate shall be renewed
at the same time that the Standard or Master Teaching Certificate is
(c-5) Before July 1, 2003, renewal requirements for administrators
whose positions require certification shall be based upon evidence of
continuing professional education which promotes the following goals:
(1) improving administrators' knowledge of instructional practices and
administrative procedures; (2) maintaining the basic level of
competence required for initial certification; and (3) improving the
mastery of skills and knowledge regarding the improvement of teaching
performance in clinical settings and assessment of the levels of
student performance in their schools. Evidence of continuing
professional education must include verification of biennial attendance
in a program developed by the Illinois Administrators' Academy and
verification of annual participation in a school district approved
activity which contributes to continuing professional education.
(c-10) Beginning July 1, 2003, persons holding administrative
certificates must follow the certificate renewal procedure set forth in
this subsection (c-10), provided that those persons holding
administrative certificates on June 30, 2003 who are renewing those
certificates on or after July 1, 2003 shall be issued new
administrative certificates valid for 5 years (unless changed under
subsection (a-5) of this Section), which may be renewed thereafter as
set forth in this subsection (c-10).
(1) A person holding an administrative certificate and
employed in a position requiring administrative certification,
including a regional superintendent of schools, must develop an
administrative certificate renewal plan for satisfying the
continuing professional development required to renew his or her
administrative certificate. An administrative certificate renewal
plan must include a minimum of 3 individual improvement goals
developed by the certificate holder and must include without
limitation the following continuing professional development
(A) To improve the administrator's knowledge of
instructional practices and administrative procedures in
accordance with the Illinois Professional School Leader
(B) To maintain the basic level of competence required
for initial certification.
(C) To improve the administrator's mastery of skills and
knowledge regarding the improvement of teaching performance in
47 [May 9, 2002]
clinical settings and assessment of the levels of student
performance in the schools.
An administrative certificate renewal plan must include a
description of how the improvement goals are to be achieved and an
explanation of the selected continuing professional development
activities to be completed, each of which must meet one or more of
the continuing professional development purposes specified in this
paragraph (1).
(2) In addition to the requirements in paragraph (1) of this
subsection (c-10), the administrative certificate renewal plan must
include the following in order for the certificate to be renewed:
(A) Participation in continuing professional development
activities, which must total a minimum of 100 hours of
continuing professional development and which must meet all of
the following requirements:
(i) The participation must consist of a minimum of
5 activities per validity period of the certificate.
(ii) The activities must address the goals in the
certificate holder's professional development plan.
(iii) The activities must be aligned with the
Illinois Professional School Leader Standards.
(iv) A portion of the activities must address the
certificate holder's school improvement plan at either
the district or school level.
(v) The participation must include a communication,
dissemination, or application component.
(vi) There must be documentation of completion of
each activity.
(B) Participation every year in an Illinois
Administrators' Academy course, which participation must total
a minimum of 36 continuing professional development hours
during the period of the certificate's validity and which must
include all of the following:
(i) Completion of applicable required coursework,
as defined by the State Board of Education.
(ii) Completion of a communication, dissemination,
or application component.
(iii) Documentation of completion of each activity.
(3) Each administrator who is subject to the requirements of
this subsection (c-10) but who is not serving as a district or
regional superintendent, a director of a cooperative program or
special education program, or a director of a State-operated school
must submit his or her administrative certificate renewal plan for
review to the superintendent of the employing school district or to
the director of the cooperative or special education program or
State-operated school (or to the superintendent's or director's
designee). Each district or regional superintendent, director of a
cooperative program or special education program, or director of a
State-operated school must submit his or her administrative
certificate renewal plan for review to a review panel comprised of
peers established by the regional superintendent of schools for the
geographic area where the certificate holder is employed as an
(4) If the certificate holder's plan does not conform to the
requirements of this subsection (c-10), the reviewer or review
panel must notify the certificate holder, who must revise the
administrative certificate renewal plan. A certificate holder who
is not a regional superintendent of schools may appeal that
determination to the regional superintendent of schools for the
geographic area where the certificate holder is employed as an
administrator. A certificate holder who is a regional
superintendent of schools may appeal that determination to the
State Superintendent of Education. The regional superintendent of
schools or the State Superintendent of Education (or the regional
superintendent's or State Superintendent's designee) shall
facilitate any modification of the plan, if necessary, to make it
[May 9, 2002] 48
(5) A certificate holder may modify his or her administrative
certificate renewal plan at any time during the validity period of
the administrative certificate through the process outlined in
paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection (c-10).
(6) Evidence of completion of the activities in the
administrative certificate renewal plan must be submitted to the
responsible reviewer or review panel. Before the expiration of the
administrative certificate, the certificate holder must request
from the responsible reviewer or review panel a signed verification
form developed by the State Board of Education confirming that the
certificate holder has met the requirements for renewal contained
in this Section. A certificate holder who is not a regional
superintendent of schools must submit this form to the responsible
regional superintendent of schools (or his or her designee) at the
time of application for renewal of the certificate. A certificate
holder who is a regional superintendent of schools must submit this
form for validation to the State Superintendent of Education (or
his or her designee) at the time of application for renewal of the
(7) The regional superintendent of schools shall review and
validate the verification form for a certificate holder. Based on
compliance with all of the requirements for renewal, the regional
superintendent of schools shall forward a recommendation for
renewal or non-renewal to the State Superintendent of Education and
shall notify the certificate holder of the recommendation. The
State Superintendent of Education shall review the recommendation
to renew or non-renew and shall notify, in writing, the certificate
holder of a decision denying renewal of his or her certificate. Any
decision regarding non-renewal of an administrative certificate may
be appealed to the State Teacher Certification Board.
The State Board of Education, in consultation with the State
Teacher Certification Board, shall adopt rules to implement this
subsection (c-10).
The regional superintendent of schools shall monitor the process
for renewal of administrative certificates established in this
subsection (c-10).
(c-15) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the
State Teacher Certification Board, shall develop procedures for
implementing this Section and shall administer the renewal of
administrative certificates. Failure to submit satisfactory evidence of
continuing professional education which contributes to promoting the
goals of this Section shall result in a loss of administrative
(d) Any limited or life supervisory certificate issued prior to
July 1, 1968 shall continue to be valid for all administrative and
supervisory positions in the public schools for which it is valid as of
that date as long as its holder meets the requirements for registration
or renewal as set forth in the statutes or until revoked according to
(e) The administrative or supervisory positions for which the
certificate shall be valid shall be determined by one or more of 3
endorsements: general supervisory, general administrative and
Subject to the provisions of Section 21-1a, endorsements shall be
made under conditions set forth in this Section. The State Board of
Education shall, in consultation with the State Teacher Certification
Board, adopt rules pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure
Act, establishing requirements for obtaining administrative
certificates where the minimum administrative or supervisory
requirements surpass those set forth in this Section.
The State Teacher Certification Board shall file with the State
Board of Education a written recommendation when considering additional
administrative or supervisory requirements. All additional
requirements shall be based upon the requisite knowledge necessary to
perform those tasks required by the certificate. The State Board of
49 [May 9, 2002]
Education shall in consultation with the State Teacher Certification
Board, establish standards within its rules which shall include the
academic and professional requirements necessary for certification.
These standards shall at a minimum contain, but not be limited to,
those used by the State Board of Education in determining whether
additional knowledge will be required. Additionally, the State Board
of Education shall in consultation with the State Teacher Certification
Board, establish provisions within its rules whereby any member of the
educational community or the public may file a formal written
recommendation or inquiry regarding requirements.
(1) Until July 1, 2003, the general supervisory endorsement
shall be affixed to the administrative certificate of any holder
who has at least 16 semester hours of graduate credit in
professional education including 8 semester hours of graduate
credit in curriculum and research and who has at least 2 years of
full-time teaching experience or school service personnel
experience in public schools, schools under the supervision of the
Department of Corrections, schools under the administration of the
Department of Rehabilitation Services, or nonpublic schools meeting
the standards established by the State Superintendent of Education
or comparable out-of-state recognition standards approved by the
State Superintendent of Education.
Such endorsement shall be required for supervisors, curriculum
directors and for such similar and related positions as determined
by the State Superintendent of Education in consultation with the
State Teacher Certification Board.
(2) The general administrative endorsement shall be affixed
to the administrative certificate of any holder who has at least 20
semester hours of graduate credit in educational administration and
supervision and who has at least 2 years of full-time teaching
experience or school service personnel experience in public
schools, schools under the supervision of the Department of
Corrections, schools under the administration of the Department of
Rehabilitation Services, or nonpublic schools meeting the standards
established by the State Superintendent of Education or comparable
out-of-state recognition standards approved by the State
Superintendent of Education.
Such endorsement shall be required for principal, assistant
principal, assistant or associate superintendent, junior college
dean and for related or similar positions as determined by the
State Superintendent of Education in consultation with the State
Teacher Certification Board.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, after
January 1, 1990 and until January 1, 1991, any teacher employed by
a district subject to Article 34 shall be entitled to receive an
administrative certificate with a general administrative
endorsement affixed thereto if he or she: (i) had at least 3 years
of experience as a certified teacher for such district prior to
August 1, 1985; (ii) obtained a Master's degree prior to August 1,
1985; (iii) completed at least 20 hours of graduate credit in
education courses (including at least 12 hours in educational
administration and supervision) prior to September 1, 1987; and
(iv) has received a rating of superior for at least each of the
last 5 years. Any person who obtains an administrative certificate
with a general administrative endorsement affixed thereto under
this paragraph shall not be qualified to serve in any
administrative position except assistant principal.
(3) The chief school business official endorsement shall be
affixed to the administrative certificate of any holder who
qualifies by having a Master's degree, two years of administrative
experience in school business management, and a minimum of 20
semester hours of graduate credit in a program established by the
State Superintendent of Education in consultation with the State
Teacher Certification Board for the preparation of school business
administrators. Such endorsement shall also be affixed to the
administrative certificate of any holder who qualifies by having a
[May 9, 2002] 50
Master's Degree in Business Administration, Finance or Accounting
from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
After June 30, 1977, such endorsement shall be required for
any individual first employed as a chief school business official.
(4) The superintendent endorsement shall be affixed to the
administrative certificate of any holder who has completed 30
semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master's degree in a
program for the preparation of superintendents of schools including
16 semester hours of graduate credit in professional education and
who has at least 2 years experience as an administrator or
supervisor in the public schools or the State Board of Education
or education service regions or in nonpublic schools meeting the
standards established by the State Superintendent of Education or
comparable out-of-state recognition standards approved by the State
Superintendent of Education and holds general supervisory or
general administrative endorsement, or who has had 2 years of
experience as a supervisor or administrator while holding an
all-grade supervisory certificate or a certificate comparable in
validity and educational and experience requirements.
After June 30, 1968, such endorsement shall be required for a
superintendent of schools, except as provided in the second
paragraph of this Section and in Section 34-6.
Any person appointed to the position of superintendent between
the effective date of this Act and June 30, 1993 in a school
district organized pursuant to Article 32 with an enrollment of at
least 20,000 pupils shall be exempt from the provisions of this
paragraph Subsection (4) until June 30, 1996.
(f) All official interpretations or acts of issuing or denying
administrative certificates or endorsements by the State Teacher's
Certification Board, State Board of Education or the State
Superintendent of Education, from the passage of P.A. 81-1208 on
November 8, 1979 through September 24, 1981 are hereby declared valid
and legal acts in all respects and further that the purported repeal of
the provisions of this Section by P.A. 81-1208 and P.A. 81-1509 is
declared null and void.
(Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/21-27)
Sec. 21-27. The Illinois Teaching Excellence Program. The
Illinois Teaching Excellence Program is hereby established to provide
categorical funding for monetary incentives and bonuses for teachers
who are employed by school districts and who hold a Master Certificate.
The State Board of Education shall allocate and distribute to each
school district an amount as annually appropriated by the General
Assembly from federal funds for the Illinois Teaching Excellence
Program. Unless otherwise provided by appropriation, each school
district's annual allocation shall be the sum of the amounts earned for
the following incentives and bonuses:
(1) An annual A one-time payment of $3,000 to be paid to each
teacher who successfully completes the program leading to and who
receives a Master Certificate and is employed as a teacher by a
school district. The school district shall distribute this payment
to each eligible teacher as a single payment or in not more than 3
(2) An annual incentive equal to $1,000 shall be paid to each
teacher who holds a Master Certificate, who is employed as a
teacher by a school district, and who agrees, in writing, to
provide 60 hours of mentoring during that year to classroom
teachers. This mentoring may include, either singly or in
combination, (i) providing high quality professional development
for new and experienced teachers, and (ii) assisting National Board
for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) candidates through the
NBPTS certification process. The school district shall distribute
50% of each annual incentive payment upon completion of 30 hours of
the required mentoring and the remaining 50% of the incentive upon
completion of the required 60 hours of mentoring. Credit may not
be granted by a school district for mentoring or related services
51 [May 9, 2002]
provided during a regular school day or during the total number of
days of required service for the school year.
(3) An annual incentive equal to $3,000 shall be paid to each
teacher who holds a Master Certificate, who is employed as a
teacher by a school district, and who agrees, in writing, to
provide 60 hours of mentoring during that year to classroom
teachers in schools on the Academic Early Warning List or in
schools in which 50% or more of the students receive free or
reduced price lunches, or both. The school district shall
distribute 50% of each annual incentive payment upon completion of
30 hours of the required mentoring and the remaining 50% of the
incentive upon completion of the required 60 hours of mentoring.
Credit may not be granted by a school district for mentoring or
related services provided during a regular school day or during the
total number of days of required service for the school year.
Each regional superintendent of schools shall provide information
about the Master Certificate Program of the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and this amendatory Act of the
91st General Assembly to each individual seeking to register or renew a
certificate under Section 21-14 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-606, eff. 8-16-99.)"; and
by replacing Section 99 with the following:
"Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
law, except that Section 3 takes effect on July 1, 2002.".
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 1436, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment No. 2, as follows:
on page 4, line 19, after "2003,", by inserting "except as otherwise
provided in subsection (c-15) of this Section,"; and
on page 9, immediately below line 2, by inserting the following:
"(c-15) This subsection (c-15) applies to the first period of an
administrative certificate's validity during which the holder becomes
subject to the requirements of subsection (c-10) of this Section if the
certificate has less than 5 years' validity or has less than 5 years'
validity remaining when the certificate holder becomes subject to the
requirements of subsection (c-10) of this Section. With respect to this
period, the 100 hours of continuing professional development and 5
activities per validity period specified in clause (A) of paragraph (2)
of subsection (c-10) of this Section shall instead be deemed to mean 20
hours of continuing professional development and one activity per year
of the certificate's validity or remaining validity and the 36
continuing professional development hours specified in clause (B) of
paragraph (2) of subsection (c-10) of this Section shall instead be
deemed to mean completion of at least one course per year of the
certificate's validity or remaining validity. If the certificate has 3
or fewer years of validity or 3 or fewer years of validity remaining,
the certificate holder is not subject to the requirements for
submission and approval of plans for continuing professional
development described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection
(c-10) of this Section with respect to that period of the certificate's
validity."; and
on page 9, by replacing "(c-15)" with "(c-20)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1, 2 and 3 to HOUSE BILL 1436 was placed on the Calendar on
the order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
[May 9, 2002] 52
A bill for AN ACT concerning insurance coverage.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1889.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1889.
Senate Amendment No. 4 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1889.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 1889 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by adding
Section 356z.2 as follows:
(215 ILCS 5/356z.2 new)
Sec. 356z.2 Coverage of medical services ancillary to dental
services for the disabled.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 1889, AS AMENDED, by replacing
everything after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 is
amended by changing Section 6.11 as follows:
(5 ILCS 375/6.11)
Sec. 6.11. Required health benefits; Illinois Insurance Code
requirements. The program of health benefits shall provide the
post-mastectomy care benefits required to be covered by a policy of
accident and health insurance under Section 356t of the Illinois
Insurance Code. The program of health benefits shall provide the
coverage required under Sections 356u, 356w, and 356x, and 356z.2 of
the Illinois Insurance Code. The program of health benefits must comply
with Section 155.37 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-440, eff. 8-17-01.)
Section 10. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by adding
Section 356z.2 as follows:
(215 ILCS 5/356z.2 new)
Sec. 356z.2. Coverage for adjunctive services in dental care.
(a) An individual or group policy of accident and health insurance
amended, delivered, issued, or renewed after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly shall cover charges
incurred, and anesthetics provided, in conjunction with dental care
that is provided to a covered individual in a hospital or an ambulatory
surgical treatment center if any of the following applies:
(1) the individual is a child age 6 or under;
(2) the individual has a medical condition that requires
hospitalization or general anesthesia for dental care; or
(3) the individual is disabled.
(b) For purposes of this Section, "ambulatory surgical treatment
center" has the meaning given to that term in Section 3 of the
Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act.
For purposes of this Section, "disabled" means a person, regardless
of age, with a chronic disability if the chronic disability meets all
of the following conditions:
(1) It is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or
combination of mental and physical impairments.
(2) It is likely to continue.
(3) It results in substantial functional limitations in one or
more of the following areas of major life activity:
(A) self-care;
53 [May 9, 2002]
(B) eating;
(C) receptive and expressive language;
(D) learning;
(E) mobility;
(F) capacity for independent living; or
(G) economic self-sufficiency.
(c) The coverage required under this Section may be subject to any
limitations, exclusions, or cost-sharing provisions that apply
generally under the insurance policy.
(d) This Section does not apply to a policy that covers only
dental care.
(e) Nothing in this Section requires that the dental services be
(f) The provisions of this Section do not apply to short-term
travel, accident-only, limited, or specified disease policies, nor to
policies or contracts designed for issuance to persons eligible for
coverage under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, known as
Medicare, or any other similar coverage under State or federal
governmental plans.
Section 15. The Health Maintenance Organization Act is amended by
changing Section 5-3 as follows:
(215 ILCS 125/5-3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1411.2)
Sec. 5-3. Insurance Code provisions.
(a) Health Maintenance Organizations shall be subject to the
provisions of Sections 133, 134, 137, 140, 141.1, 141.2, 141.3, 143,
143c, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 154.5, 154.6, 154.7, 154.8,
155.04, 355.2, 356m, 356v, 356w, 356x, 356y, 356z.2, 367i, 368a, 401,
401.1, 402, 403, 403A, 408, 408.2, 409, 412, 444, and 444.1, paragraph
(c) of subsection (2) of Section 367, and Articles IIA, VIII 1/2, XII,
XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, and XXVI of the Illinois Insurance Code.
(b) For purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code, except for
Sections 444 and 444.1 and Articles XIII and XIII 1/2, Health
Maintenance Organizations in the following categories are deemed to be
"domestic companies":
(1) a corporation authorized under the Dental Service Plan
Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act;
(2) a corporation organized under the laws of this State; or
(3) a corporation organized under the laws of another state,
30% or more of the enrollees of which are residents of this State,
except a corporation subject to substantially the same requirements
in its state of organization as is a "domestic company" under
Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
(c) In considering the merger, consolidation, or other acquisition
of control of a Health Maintenance Organization pursuant to Article
VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code,
(1) the Director shall give primary consideration to the
continuation of benefits to enrollees and the financial conditions
of the acquired Health Maintenance Organization after the merger,
consolidation, or other acquisition of control takes effect;
(2)(i) the criteria specified in subsection (1)(b) of Section
131.8 of the Illinois Insurance Code shall not apply and (ii) the
Director, in making his determination with respect to the merger,
consolidation, or other acquisition of control, need not take into
account the effect on competition of the merger, consolidation, or
other acquisition of control;
(3) the Director shall have the power to require the
following information:
(A) certification by an independent actuary of the
adequacy of the reserves of the Health Maintenance
Organization sought to be acquired;
(B) pro forma financial statements reflecting the
combined balance sheets of the acquiring company and the
Health Maintenance Organization sought to be acquired as of
the end of the preceding year and as of a date 90 days prior
to the acquisition, as well as pro forma financial statements
reflecting projected combined operation for a period of 2
[May 9, 2002] 54
(C) a pro forma business plan detailing an acquiring
party's plans with respect to the operation of the Health
Maintenance Organization sought to be acquired for a period of
not less than 3 years; and
(D) such other information as the Director shall
(d) The provisions of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance
Code and this Section 5-3 shall apply to the sale by any health
maintenance organization of greater than 10% of its enrollee population
(including without limitation the health maintenance organization's
right, title, and interest in and to its health care certificates).
(e) In considering any management contract or service agreement
subject to Section 141.1 of the Illinois Insurance Code, the Director
(i) shall, in addition to the criteria specified in Section 141.2 of
the Illinois Insurance Code, take into account the effect of the
management contract or service agreement on the continuation of
benefits to enrollees and the financial condition of the health
maintenance organization to be managed or serviced, and (ii) need not
take into account the effect of the management contract or service
agreement on competition.
(f) Except for small employer groups as defined in the Small
Employer Rating, Renewability and Portability Health Insurance Act and
except for medicare supplement policies as defined in Section 363 of
the Illinois Insurance Code, a Health Maintenance Organization may by
contract agree with a group or other enrollment unit to effect refunds
or charge additional premiums under the following terms and conditions:
(i) the amount of, and other terms and conditions with
respect to, the refund or additional premium are set forth in the
group or enrollment unit contract agreed in advance of the period
for which a refund is to be paid or additional premium is to be
charged (which period shall not be less than one year); and
(ii) the amount of the refund or additional premium shall not
exceed 20% of the Health Maintenance Organization's profitable or
unprofitable experience with respect to the group or other
enrollment unit for the period (and, for purposes of a refund or
additional premium, the profitable or unprofitable experience shall
be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the Health
Maintenance Organization's administrative and marketing expenses,
but shall not include any refund to be made or additional premium
to be paid pursuant to this subsection (f)). The Health
Maintenance Organization and the group or enrollment unit may agree
that the profitable or unprofitable experience may be calculated
taking into account the refund period and the immediately preceding
2 plan years.
The Health Maintenance Organization shall include a statement in
the evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee describing the
possibility of a refund or additional premium, and upon request of any
group or enrollment unit, provide to the group or enrollment unit a
description of the method used to calculate (1) the Health Maintenance
Organization's profitable experience with respect to the group or
enrollment unit and the resulting refund to the group or enrollment
unit or (2) the Health Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
experience with respect to the group or enrollment unit and the
resulting additional premium to be paid by the group or enrollment
In no event shall the Illinois Health Maintenance Organization
Guaranty Association be liable to pay any contractual obligation of an
insolvent organization to pay any refund authorized under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 90-25, eff. 1-1-98; 90-177, eff. 7-23-97; 90-372, eff.
7-1-98; 90-583, eff. 5-29-98; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-741, eff.
1-1-99; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-406, eff. 1-1-00; 91-549, eff.
8-14-99; 91-605, eff. 12-14-99; 91-788, eff. 6-9-00.)
Section 20. The Voluntary Health Services Plans Act is amended by
changing Section 10 as follows:
(215 ILCS 165/10) (from Ch. 32, par. 604)
55 [May 9, 2002]
Sec. 10. Application of Insurance Code provisions. Health
services plan corporations and all persons interested therein or
dealing therewith shall be subject to the provisions of Articles IIA
and XII 1/2 and Sections 3.1, 133, 140, 143, 143c, 149, 155.37, 354,
355.2, 356r, 356t, 356u, 356v, 356w, 356x, 356y, 356z.1, 356z.2, 367.2,
368a, 401, 401.1, 402, 403, 403A, 408, 408.2, and 412, and paragraphs
(7) and (15) of Section 367 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-406, eff. 1-1-00; 91-549, eff. 8-14-99; 91-605, eff.
12-14-99; 91-788, eff. 6-9-00; 92-130, eff. 7-20-01; 92-440, eff.
8-17-01; revised 9-12-01.)".
AMENDMENT NO. 4. Amend House Bill 1889, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment No. 2, on page 2 by
replacing lines 29 through 34 with the following:
"(B) receptive and expressive language;
(C) learning;
(D) mobility;
(E) capacity for independent living; or
(F) economic self-sufficiency.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1, 2 and 4 to HOUSE BILL 1889 was placed on the Calendar on
the order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning taxes.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1975.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1975.
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1975.
Senate Amendment No. 4 to HOUSE BILL NO. 1975.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 1975 as follows:
on page 2, by replacing lines 1 and 2 with the following:
"which the taxes are imposed until the taxes are paid or until a court
order transfers ownership of the mobile home."; and
on page 2, by replacing line 7 with the following:
"forfeited to the State and there is not an open scavenger buy. The
mobile home may be sold under"; and
on page 4, by replacing line 27 with the following:
"the mobile home dangerous or hazardous, when the mobile home is in
violation of mobile home park rules and regulations, when taxes on
the"; and
on page 5, by replacing line 27 with the following:
"title to the mobile home and upon acquisition of the certificate of
[May 9, 2002] 56
title may manage and operate the"; and
on page 6, by replacing line 4 with the following:
"notice. The notice shall list the street or common address, and the
mobile home park where the mobile home is sited,"; and
on page 9, by replacing line 1 with the following:
"owners, and the street, common address, and mobile home park where the
mobile home is sited, if known, the vehicle identification number,
the"; and
on page 13, by replacing line 28 with the following:
"The record shall set forth the name of the owner and the street,
common address, and mobile home park where the mobile home is sited,
if"; and
by replacing line 26 on page 20 through line 17 on page 21 with the
"inhabitants, only the published taxes, interest, and costs as
advertised in the sale shall be required to be paid forthwith. The
purchaser"; and
on page 34, by replacing line 27 with the following:
"Local Services Tax Act. Mobile home park owners are not deemed to
have an ownership interest as defined in this Section."; and
on page 57, by replacing lines 17 and 18 with the following:
"provided in Sections 375 and 380 by a special process server."; and
on page 59, by replacing line 12 with the following:
"If the mobile home sold is abandoned or if any mobile home park
owner,"; and
on page 64, by replacing line 28 with the following:
"Section 380. In addition, the notice shall be served by a process
server or"; and
by replacing line 33 on page 64 through line 4 on page 65 with the
"In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants where the petitioner
is a petitioner for tax certificate of title pursuant to Section 35, in
lieu of service by the sheriff or coroner, the notice may be served by
a process server."; and
on page 72, by replacing lines 6 through 16 with the following:
"Section 402. Mobile homes located in manufactured home community;
requirements. The person who has a certificate of purchase and obtains
a court order directing the issuance of a tax certificate of title
under Section 400 for a mobile home located on a lot in a manufactured
home community is liable for lot rent (at the prevailing rate)
beginning on the date of the entry of the court order and shall either
(i) qualify for tenancy in the manufactured home community in
accordance with the community's normal tenant qualification and
screening procedures or (ii) remove the mobile home from the lot no
later than 30 days after the date of the entry of the court order.";
on page 79, line 7, by replacing "2002" with "2003"; and
on page 79, line 10, by replacing "2002" with "2003"; and
on page 79, by replacing line 15 with the following:
"the tax bill to the address of record. The first tax bill mailed for
taxable year 2003 shall include the following notice: "The manner in
which delinquent taxes on mobile homes are collected has been changed
by the enactment of the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Enforcement Act.
Failure to pay this tax can result in a penalty of $25 per month." The
county treasurer"; and
on page 81, line 5, by replacing "2002" with "2003"; and
on page 81, line 10, by replacing "2002" with "2003"; and
on page 81, by replacing line 13 with the following:
"shall be required to pay a penalty of $25 per month, or any portion
thereof, not to exceed $100. If such failure"; and
on page 105, line 2, by replacing "2002" with "2003".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 1975 on page 59, in lines 15 and
16, by deleting the following:
"or mobile home park rules and regulations,".
57 [May 9, 2002]
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 1975, AS AMENDED, with reference
to the page and line numbers of Senate Amendment #1, on page 1, by
replacing lines 11 and 12 with the following:
" "the mobile home dangerous or hazardous,".
AMENDMENT NO. 4. Amend House Bill 1975, AS AMENDED, in Section 55,
by deleting "When the mobile home is in a city with more than 1,000,000
inhabitants, the advertisement may be in any newspaper published in the
same county."; and
in Section 90, in the sentence beginning "At the same time", by
replacing "it is mandatory for the collector in counties with 3,000,000
or more inhabitants, and in other counties if the county board so
orders by resolution, to" with "the collector, if the county board so
orders by resolution, must "; and
in Section 95, by deleting "In the 10 years next following the
completion of a general reassessment of property in any county with
3,000,000 or more inhabitants, made under an order of the Department,
applications for judgment and order of sale shall be made as soon as
may be and on the day specified in the advertisement required by
Sections 55 and 60. If for any cause the court is not held on the day
specified, the cause shall stand continued, and it shall be unnecessary
to re-advertise the list or notice."; and
in Section 105, by deleting ", or in counties with 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants, the taxes, interest, and costs due,"; and
in Section 145, by deleting "However, in any county with 3,000,000 or
more inhabitants, the offer for sale shall be made between 8:00 a.m.
and 8:00 p.m."; and
in Section 155, by replacing "Section 155. Letter of credit or bond in
counties of 3,000,000 or more; registration in other counties. In
counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, no person shall make an
offer to pay the amount due on any mobile home and the collector shall
not accept or acknowledge an offer from any person who has not
deposited with the collector, not less than 10 days prior to making
such offer, an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit or such
other unconditional bond payable to the order of the collector in an
amount not less than 1.5 times the amount of any tax due upon the
mobile home. The collector may without notice draw upon the letter of
credit or bond in the event payment of the amount due together with
interest and costs thereon is not made forthwith by the person
purchasing any mobile home. At all times during the sale, any person
making an offer or offers to pay the amount or amounts due on any
mobile homes shall maintain the letter of credit or bond with the
collector in an amount not less than 1.5 times the amount due on the
mobile homes which he or she has purchased and for which he or she has
not paid." with "Section 155. Registration."; and
in Section 175, by deleting "In counties with 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants, only the published taxes, interest, and costs as
advertised in the sale shall be required to be paid forthwith."; and
in Section 180, in the sentence beginning "The county collector", by
deleting "in all counties"; and
in Section 210, in the sentence that begins "The collector may charge",
by deleting "and not more than $100 in counties of 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants"; and
in Section 215, in the sentence that begins, "The schedule or schedules
shall", by deleting "and $20 in counties with 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants"; and
in Section 240, in subsection (a), in the sentence that begins "The
county board in each", by deleting ", and not greater than $2,000,000
in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants"; and
by replacing Section 270 with the following:
"Section 270. Orders for payment of interest. The county treasurer
may determine in his or her discretion whether payment of interest and
costs shall be made as provided in Section 275, 280, or 285. If the
treasurer determines not to make payment as provided in those Sections,
the treasurer shall pay any interest or costs awarded under this
Section pro rata from those accounts where the principal refund of the
[May 9, 2002] 58
tax sale purchase price under Section 275 is taken."; and
in Section 275, by deleting "Each person purchasing any mobile home at
a sale held under this Act in a county with 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants shall pay to the county collector, prior to the issuance of
any certificate of purchase, a fee of $15 for each item purchased.";
in Section 335, by deleting "However, when a certificate of purchase
has been recorded in the office of the county recorder by any city,
incorporated town, or village with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants in
which the mobile home is situated, the recording of a certificate by
the county clerk, reciting the cancellation of the certificate of
purchase on the tax judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record,
shall operate as a release of the lien of the city, incorporated town,
or village under the certificate of purchase."; and
in Section 345, by deleting "In counties with 3,000,000 or more
inhabitants, if an order is entered setting aside a redemption made
within the time allowed by law after a petition for tax certificate of
title has been filed, the holder of the certificate of purchase shall
mail a copy of the order within 7 days of entry of the order by
registered or certified mail to the county clerk, to the person who
made the redemption, and to all parties entitled to notice of the
petition under Section 370, 375, or 385."; and
in Section 370, by deleting the last sentence, which reads "In counties
with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the notice shall also state the
address, room number and time at which the matter is set for hearing.";
in Section 375, in the paragraph beginning "In counties of 3,000,000",
by deleting "In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants where the
petitioner is a petitioner for tax certificate of title pursuant to
Section 35, in lieu of service by the sheriff or coroner, the notice
may be served by a process server. The taxing district may move prior
to filing one or more petitions for tax certificate of title for
appointment of such a special process server. The court, upon being
satisfied that the person named in the motion is at least 18 years of
age and is capable of serving notice as required under this Act, shall
enter an order appointing such person as a special process server for a
period of one year. The appointment may be renewed for successive
periods of one year each by motion and order, and a copy of the
original and any subsequent order shall be filed in each tax
certificate of title case in which a notice is served by the appointed
person. Delivery of the notice to and service of the notice by the
special process server shall have the same force and effect as its
delivery to and service by the sheriff or coroner."; and
in Section 380, in the paragraph beginning, "If the mobile home is
located", in the sentence beginning "If the mobile home is not in a
municipality", by deleting "or if the mobile home is in a county with
3,000,000 or more inhabitants,"; and
in Section 405, in the paragraph beginning "In cases of the sale of a
mobile home in counties with 3,000,000", by deleting "In cases of the
sale of a mobile home in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, a
tax certificate of title may also be voided by the court upon petition,
filed not more than 3 months after an order for tax certificate of
title was entered, if the court finds that the mobile home was owner
occupied on the expiration date of the period of redemption and that
the order for certificate of title was effectuated pursuant to a
negligent or willful error made by an employee of the county clerk or
county collector during the period of redemption from the sale that was
reasonably relied upon to the detriment of any person having a
redeemable interest. In such a case, the tax purchaser shall be
entitled to the original amount required to redeem the mobile home plus
interest from the sale as of the last date of redemption together with
costs actually expended subsequent to the expiration of the period of
redemption and reasonable attorney's fees, all of which shall be
dispensed from the fund created by Section 235. In those cases of error
where the court vacates the tax certificate of title, it may award the
petitioner reasonable attorney's fees and court costs actually
59 [May 9, 2002]
expended, payable from that fund."; and
in Section 405, in the last sentence, by replacing "Act" with "Code".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 to HOUSE BILL 1975 was placed on the Calendar on
the order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning technology.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3212.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 3212 by replacing the title with
the following:
"AN ACT concerning the State Treasurer."; and
by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Technology
Development Act.
Section 5. Policy. The Illinois General Assembly finds that it is
important for the State to encourage technology development in the
State. The purpose of this Act is to attract, assist, and retain
quality technology businesses in Illinois. The creation of the
Technology Development Account will allow the State to bring together,
and add to, Illinois' rich science, technology, and business
Section 10. Technology Development Account.
(a) The State Treasurer may segregate a portion of the Treasurer's
investment portfolio, that at no time shall be greater than 1% of the
portfolio, in the Technology Development Account, an account that shall
be maintained separately and apart from other moneys invested by the
Treasurer. The Treasurer may make investments from the Account that
help attract, assist, and retain quality technology businesses in
Illinois. The earnings on the Account shall be accounted for
separately from other investments made by the Treasurer.
(b) Moneys in the Account may be invested by the State Treasurer
to provide venture capital to technology businesses seeking to locate,
expand, or remain in Illinois by placing money with Illinois venture
capital firms for investment by the venture capital firms in technology
businesses. "Venture capital", as used in this Act, means equity
financing that is provided for starting up, expanding, or relocating a
company, or related purposes such as financing for seed capital,
research and development, introduction of a product or process into the
marketplace, or similar needs requiring risk capital. "Technology
business", as used in this Act, means a company that has as its
principal function the providing of services including computer,
information transfer, communication, distribution, processing,
administrative, laboratory, experimental, developmental, technical,
testing services, manufacture of goods or materials, the processing of
[May 9, 2002] 60
goods or materials by physical or chemical change, computer related
activities, robotics, biological or pharmaceutical industrial activity,
or technology oriented or emerging industrial activity. "Illinois
venture capital firms", as used in this Act, means an entity that has a
majority of its employees in Illinois or that has at least one managing
partner domiciled in Illinois that has made significant capital
investments in Illinois companies and that provides equity financing
for starting up or expanding a company, or related purposes such as
financing for seed capital, research and development, introduction of a
product or process into the marketplace, or similar needs requiring
risk capital.
(c) Any fund created by an Illinois venture capital firm in which
the State Treasurer places money pursuant to this Act shall be required
by the State Treasurer to seek investments in technology businesses
seeking to locate, expand, or remain in Illinois.
(d) The investment of the State Treasurer in any fund created by
an Illinois venture capital firm in which the State Treasurer places
money pursuant to this Act shall not exceed 10% of the total
investments in the fund.
(e) The State Treasurer shall not invest more than one-third of
the Technology Development Account in any given calendar year.
Section 15. Rules. The State Treasurer may promulgate rules to
implement this Act.
Section 90. The Deposit of State Moneys Act is amended by changing
Section 22.5 as follows:
(15 ILCS 520/22.5) (from Ch. 130, par. 41a)
Sec. 22.5. The State Treasurer may, with the approval of the
Governor, invest and reinvest any State money in the treasury which is
not needed for current expenditures due or about to become due, in
obligations of the United States government or its agencies or of
National Mortgage Associations established by or under the National
Housing Act, 1201 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., or in mortgage participation
certificates representing undivided interests in specified, first-lien
conventional residential Illinois mortgages that are underwritten,
insured, guaranteed, or purchased by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation or in Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes
as defined in and issued pursuant to the Illinois Housing Development
Act. All such obligations shall be considered as cash and may be
delivered over as cash by a State Treasurer to his successor.
The State Treasurer may, with the approval of the Governor,
purchase any state bonds with any money in the State Treasury that has
been set aside and held for the payment of the principal of and
interest on the bonds. The bonds shall be considered as cash and may be
delivered over as cash by the State Treasurer to his successor.
The State Treasurer may, with the approval of the Governor, invest
or reinvest any State money in the treasury that is not needed for
current expenditure due or about to become due, or any money in the
State Treasury that has been set aside and held for the payment of the
principal of and the interest on any State bonds, in shares,
withdrawable accounts, and investment certificates of savings and
building and loan associations, incorporated under the laws of this
State or any other state or under the laws of the United States;
provided, however, that investments may be made only in those savings
and loan or building and loan associations the shares and withdrawable
accounts or other forms of investment securities of which are insured
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
The State Treasurer may not invest State money in any savings and
loan or building and loan association unless a commitment by the
savings and loan (or building and loan) association, executed by the
president or chief executive officer of that association, is submitted
in the following form:
The .................. Savings and Loan (or Building and Loan)
Association pledges not to reject arbitrarily mortgage loans for
residential properties within any specific part of the community
served by the savings and loan (or building and loan) association
because of the location of the property. The savings and loan (or
61 [May 9, 2002]
building and loan) association also pledges to make loans available
on low and moderate income residential property throughout the
community within the limits of its legal restrictions and prudent
financial practices.
The State Treasurer may, with the approval of the Governor, invest
or reinvest, at a price not to exceed par, any State money in the
treasury that is not needed for current expenditures due or about to
become due, or any money in the State Treasury that has been set aside
and held for the payment of the principal of and interest on any State
bonds, in bonds issued by counties or municipal corporations of the
State of Illinois.
The State Treasurer may, with the approval of the Governor, invest
or reinvest any State money in the Treasury which is not needed for
current expenditure, due or about to become due, or any money in the
State Treasury which has been set aside and held for the payment of the
principal of and the interest on any State bonds, in participations in
loans, the principal of which participation is fully guaranteed by an
agency or instrumentality of the United States government; provided,
however, that such loan participations are represented by certificates
issued only by banks which are incorporated under the laws of this
State or any other state or under the laws of the United States, and
such banks, but not the loan participation certificates, are insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
The State Treasurer may, with the approval of the Governor, invest
or reinvest any State money in the Treasury that is not needed for
current expenditure, due or about to become due, or any money in the
State Treasury that has been set aside and held for the payment of the
principal of and the interest on any State bonds, in any of the
(1) Bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, Treasury
bills, or other securities now or hereafter issued that are
guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States of
America as to principal and interest.
(2) Bonds, notes, debentures, or other similar obligations of
the United States of America, its agencies, and instrumentalities.
(3) Interest-bearing savings accounts, interest-bearing
certificates of deposit, interest-bearing time deposits, or any
other investments constituting direct obligations of any bank as
defined by the Illinois Banking Act.
(4) Interest-bearing accounts, certificates of deposit, or
any other investments constituting direct obligations of any
savings and loan associations incorporated under the laws of this
State or any other state or under the laws of the United States.
(5) Dividend-bearing share accounts, share certificate
accounts, or class of share accounts of a credit union chartered
under the laws of this State or the laws of the United States;
provided, however, the principal office of the credit union must be
located within the State of Illinois.
(6) Bankers' acceptances of banks whose senior obligations
are rated in the top 2 rating categories by 2 national rating
agencies and maintain that rating during the term of the
(7) Short-term obligations of corporations organized in the
United States with assets exceeding $500,000,000 if (i) the
obligations are rated at the time of purchase at one of the 3
highest classifications established by at least 2 standard rating
services and mature not later than 180 days from the date of
purchase, (ii) the purchases do not exceed 10% of the corporation's
outstanding obligations, and (iii) no more than one-third of the
public agency's funds are invested in short-term obligations of
(8) Money market mutual funds registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, provided that the portfolio of the money
market mutual fund is limited to obligations described in this
Section and to agreements to repurchase such obligations.
(9) The Public Treasurers' Investment Pool created under
[May 9, 2002] 62
Section 17 of the State Treasurer Act or in a fund managed,
operated, and administered by a bank.
(10) Repurchase agreements of government securities having
the meaning set out in the Government Securities Act of 1986
subject to the provisions of that Act and the regulations issued
(11) Investments made in accordance with the Technology
Development Act.
For purposes of this Section, "agencies" of the United States
Government includes:
(i) the federal land banks, federal intermediate credit
banks, banks for cooperatives, federal farm credit banks, or any
other entity authorized to issue debt obligations under the Farm
Credit Act of 1971 (12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.) and Acts amendatory
(ii) the federal home loan banks and the federal home loan
mortgage corporation;
(iii) the Commodity Credit Corporation; and
(iv) any other agency created by Act of Congress.
The Treasurer may, with the approval of the Governor, lend any
securities acquired under this Act. However, securities may be lent
under this Section only in accordance with Federal Financial
Institution Examination Council guidelines and only if the securities
are collateralized at a level sufficient to assure the safety of the
securities, taking into account market value fluctuation. The
securities may be collateralized by cash or collateral acceptable under
Sections 11 and 11.1.
(Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 3212 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to schools.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3673.
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3673.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 3673 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section 18-9 as
(105 ILCS 5/18-9) (from Ch. 122, par. 18-9)
Sec. 18-9. Requirement for special equalization and supplementary
63 [May 9, 2002]
State aid.
(a) Any school district claiming an equalization quota may not
increase its annual net cash balance in the educational fund for the
fiscal school year by failing to expend for educational purposes the
total of (1) the general grant, (2) the equalization quota, and (3) the
amount determined by applying the qualifying rate to the equalized
assessed valuation of the district. Any district which increases such
annual net cash balance by failing to expend the amount received from
the sum of (1) the general grant, (2) the equalization quota, and (3)
the amount determined by applying the qualifying rate to the equalized
assessed valuation of the district, shall have its next claim for an
equalization quota reduced in an amount equal to the difference between
its expenditures for educational purposes and that sum.
Current expenditures made in any district receiving a special
equalization quota and governed by a board of directors must be
approved in advance by the regional superintendent.
If, as a result of tax objections based on inequities of
assessment, a final decision of any court, entered not more than one
year before or 3 years after August 26, 1963, reduces the taxes
received by the educational fund of a school district, for any given
year, in an amount equal to or more than 3% of the total amount of
taxes extended for educational purposes of the district, that district
may amend its claim for equalization aid for that year by adding
thereto an amount determined by multiplying the deficiency in tax
receipts by a percentage computed by dividing the tax rate required in
Section 18-8 to receive an equalization quota by the tax rate
originally extended for educational purposes. The amended claim
including any additional monies to which the district may be entitled
shall be filed within three years of the date of such decision and the
additional amount paid as supplementary state equalization aid.
(b) Any elementary, high school or unit district which for the year
1971, as compared to the year 1970, has a decrease of more than 40% in
the value of all its taxable property as equalized or assessed by the
Department of Revenue, shall be entitled to file a claim for
supplementary State aid with the Office of the State Superintendent of
Education. The amount of such aid shall be determined by multiplying
the amount of the decrease in the value of the district's taxable
property times the total of the 1972 tax rates for school purposes less
the sum of the district's qualifying tax rates for educational and
transportation purposes extended by such district. Such claims shall
be filed on forms prescribed by the Superintendent, and the
Superintendent upon receipt of such claims shall adjust the claim of
each such district in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
(c) Where property comprising an aggregate assessed valuation
equal to 3% or more of the total assessed valuation of all taxable
property in the district is owned by a person or corporation who is the
subject of bankruptcy proceedings or has been adjudged a bankrupt and,
as a result thereof, has not paid taxes on that property for 2 or more
years, that district may amend its claim back to the inception of such
bankruptcy, not to exceed 6 years, in which time such taxes were not
paid and for each succeeding year that such taxes remain unpaid by
adding to that claim an amount determined by multiplying the assessed
valuation of the property on which taxes have not been paid due to
bankruptcy by the tax rate required in Section 18-8 to receive an
equalization quota or after July 1, 1973, by the district's operating
tax rate for general state aid purposes. If at any time a district
which receives additional State aid under the provisions of this
paragraph receives tax revenue from such property for the years that
taxes were not paid, its next claim for State aid shall be reduced in
an amount equal to the taxes paid on such property, not to exceed the
additional State aid received under the provisions of this subsection
(c) paragraph. Such claims shall be filed on forms prescribed by the
Superintendent, and the Superintendent upon receipt of such claims
shall adjust the claim of each such district in accordance with the
provisions of this subsection (c) paragraph.
(d) If property comprising an aggregate assessed valuation equal
[May 9, 2002] 64
to 6% or more of the total assessed valuation of all taxable property
in a school district is owned by a person or corporation that is the
subject of bankruptcy proceedings or that has been adjudged a bankrupt
and, as a result thereof, has not paid taxes on the property, then the
district may amend its general State aid claim (i) back to the
inception of the bankruptcy, not to exceed 6 years, in which time those
taxes were not paid and (ii) for each succeeding year that those taxes
remain unpaid, by adding to the claim an amount determined by
multiplying the assessed valuation of the property on which taxes have
not been paid due to the bankruptcy by the lesser of the total tax rate
for the district for the tax year for which the taxes are unpaid or the
applicable rate used in calculating the district's general State aid
under paragraph (3) of subsection (D) of Section 18-8.05 of this Code.
If at any time a district that receives additional State aid under this
subsection (d) receives tax revenue from the property for the years
that taxes were not paid, the district's next claim for State aid shall
be reduced in an amount equal to the taxes paid on the property, not to
exceed the additional State aid received under this subsection (d).
Claims under this subsection (d) shall be filed on forms prescribed by
the State Superintendent of Education, and the State Superintendent of
Education, upon receipt of a claim, shall adjust the claim in
accordance with the provisions of this subsection (d). Supplementary
State aid for each succeeding year under this subsection (d) shall be
paid beginning with the first general State aid claim paid after the
district has filed a completed claim in accordance with this subsection
(Source: P.A. 81-1509.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 3673, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment No. 2, on page 1, line 5,
by replacing "Section 18-9" with "Sections 18-9 and 18-12"; and
on page 4, immediately below line 27, by inserting the following:
"(105 ILCS 5/18-12) (from Ch. 122, par. 18-12)
Sec. 18-12. Dates for filing State aid claims.) The school board
of each school district shall require teachers, principals, or
superintendents to furnish from records kept by them such data as it
needs in preparing and certifying under oath or affirmation to the
regional superintendent its school district report of claims provided
in Sections 18-8 through 18-10 on blanks to be provided by the State
Superintendent of Education. The district claim shall be based on the
latest available equalized assessed valuation and tax rates, as
provided in Section 18-8.05 18-8 and shall use the average daily
attendance as determined by the method outlined in Section 18-8.05 18-8
and shall be certified and filed with the regional superintendent by
July 1. Failure to so file by July 1 constitutes a forfeiture of the
right to receive payment by the State until such claim is filed and
vouchered for payment. The regional superintendent of schools shall
certify the county report of claims by July 15; and the State
Superintendent of Education shall voucher for payment those claims to
the State Comptroller as provided in Section 18-11.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, if any school
district fails to provide the minimum school term specified in Section
10-19, the State aid claim for that year shall be reduced by the State
Superintendent of Education in an amount equivalent to .56818% for each
day less than the number of days required by this Code Act. However,
If the State Superintendent of Education determines that the such
failure to provide the minimum school term was occasioned by an act or
acts of God, or was occasioned by conditions beyond the control of the
school district which posed a hazardous threat to the health and safety
of pupils, the State aid claim need not be reduced.
If the State Superintendent of Education determines that the
failure to provide the minimum school term was due to a school being
closed on or after September 11, 2001 for more than one-half day of
attendance due to a bioterrorism or terrorism threat that was
65 [May 9, 2002]
investigated by a law enforcement agency, the State aid claim shall not
be reduced.
If, during any school day, (i) a school district has provided at
least one clock hour of instruction but must close the schools due to
adverse weather conditions or due to a condition beyond the control of
the school district that poses a hazardous threat to the health and
safety of pupils prior to providing the minimum hours of instruction
required for a full day of attendance, or (ii) the school district must
delay the start of the school day due to adverse weather conditions and
this delay prevents the district from providing the minimum hours of
instruction required for a full day of attendance, the partial day of
attendance may be counted as a full day of attendance. The partial day
of attendance and the reasons therefor shall be certified in writing
within a month of the closing or delayed start by the local school
district superintendent to the Regional Superintendent of Schools for
forwarding to the State Superintendent of Education for approval.
If a school building is ordered to be closed by the school board,
in consultation with a local emergency response agency, due to a
condition that poses a hazardous threat to the health and safety of
pupils, then the school district shall have a grace period of 4 days in
which the general State aid claim shall not be reduced so that
alternative housing of the pupils may be located.
No exception to the requirement of providing a minimum school term
may be approved by the State Superintendent of Education pursuant to
this Section unless a school district has first used all emergency days
provided for in its regular calendar.
If the State Superintendent of Education declares that an energy
shortage exists during any part of the school year for the State or a
designated portion of the State, a district may operate the school
attendance centers within the district 4 days of the week during the
time of the shortage by extending each existing school day by one clock
hour of school work, and the State aid claim shall not be reduced, nor
shall the employees of that district suffer any reduction in salary or
benefits as a result thereof. A district may operate all attendance
centers on this revised schedule, or may apply the schedule to selected
attendance centers, taking into consideration such factors as pupil
transportation schedules and patterns and sources of energy for
individual attendance centers.
No State aid claim may be filed for any district unless the clerk
or secretary of the school board executes and files with the State
Superintendent of Education, on forms prescribed by the Superintendent,
a sworn statement that the district has complied with the requirements
of Section 10-22.5 in regard to the nonsegregation of pupils on account
of color, creed, race, sex or nationality.
No State aid claim may be filed for any district unless the clerk
or secretary of the school board executes and files with the State
Superintendent of Education, on forms prescribed by the Superintendent,
a sworn statement that to the best of his or her knowledge or belief
the employing or assigning personnel have complied with Section 24-4 in
all respects.
(Source: P.A. 90-98, eff. 7-11-97.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 2 and 3 to HOUSE BILL 3673 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to vehicles.
[May 9, 2002] 66
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3713.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3713.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 3713 on page 1, by replacing
line 9 with "adding Section 3-654 as follows:"; and
on page 2, by deleting lines 21 through 33; and
by deleting page 3.
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 3713, AS AMENDED, in Section 10,
in the introductory clause, after "Section 3-654", by inserting "and
changing Section 11-208.3"; and
in Section 10, below Sec. 3-654, by inserting the following:
"(625 ILCS 5/11-208.3) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-208.3)
Sec. 11-208.3. Administrative adjudication of violations of
traffic regulations concerning the standing, parking, or condition of
(a) Any municipality may provide by ordinance for a system of
administrative adjudication of vehicular standing and parking
violations and vehicle compliance violations as defined in this
subsection. The administrative system shall have as its purpose the
fair and efficient enforcement of municipal regulations through the
administrative adjudication of violations of municipal ordinances
regulating the standing and parking of vehicles, the condition and use
of vehicle equipment, and the display of municipal wheel tax licenses
within the municipality's borders. The administrative system shall
only have authority to adjudicate civil offenses carrying fines not in
excess of $250 that occur after the effective date of the ordinance
adopting such a system under this Section. For purposes of this
Section, "compliance violation" means a violation of a municipal
regulation governing the condition or use of equipment on a vehicle or
governing the display of a municipal wheel tax license.
(b) Any ordinance establishing a system of administrative
adjudication under this Section shall provide for:
(1) A traffic compliance administrator authorized to adopt,
distribute and process parking and compliance violation notices and
other notices required by this Section, collect money paid as fines
and penalties for violation of parking and compliance ordinances,
and operate an administrative adjudication system. The traffic
compliance administrator also may make a certified report to the
Secretary of State under Section 6-306.5.
(2) A parking, standing, or compliance violation notice that
shall specify the date, time, and place of violation of a parking,
standing, or compliance regulation; the particular regulation
violated; the fine and any penalty that may be assessed for late
payment, when so provided by ordinance; the vehicle make and state
registration number; and the identification number of the person
issuing the notice. With regard to municipalities with a population
of 1 million or more, it shall be grounds for dismissal of a
parking violation if the State registration number or vehicle make
specified is incorrect. The violation notice shall state that the
payment of the indicated fine, and of any applicable penalty for
late payment, shall operate as a final disposition of the
violation. The notice also shall contain information as to the
availability of a hearing in which the violation may be contested
on its merits. The violation notice shall specify the time and
67 [May 9, 2002]
manner in which a hearing may be had.
(3) Service of the parking, standing, or compliance violation
notice by affixing the original or a facsimile of the notice to an
unlawfully parked vehicle or by handing the notice to the operator
of a vehicle if he or she is present. A person authorized by
ordinance to issue and serve parking, standing, and compliance
violation notices shall certify as to the correctness of the facts
entered on the violation notice by signing his or her name to the
notice at the time of service or in the case of a notice produced
by a computerized device, by signing a single certificate to be
kept by the traffic compliance administrator attesting to the
correctness of all notices produced by the device while it was
under his or her control. The original or a facsimile of the
violation notice or, in the case of a notice produced by a
computerized device, a printed record generated by the device
showing the facts entered on the notice, shall be retained by the
traffic compliance administrator, and shall be a record kept in the
ordinary course of business. A parking, standing, or compliance
violation notice issued, signed and served in accordance with this
Section, or a copy of the notice, or the computer generated record
shall be prima facie correct and shall be prima facie evidence of
the correctness of the facts shown on the notice. The notice, or
copy, or computer generated record shall be admissible in any
subsequent administrative or legal proceedings.
(4) An opportunity for a hearing for the registered owner of
the vehicle cited in the parking, standing, or compliance violation
notice in which the owner may contest the merits of the alleged
violation, and during which formal or technical rules of evidence
shall not apply; provided, however, that under Section 11-1306 of
this Code the lessee of a vehicle cited in the violation notice
likewise shall be provided an opportunity for a hearing of the same
kind afforded the registered owner. The hearings shall be
recorded, and the person conducting the hearing on behalf of the
traffic compliance administrator shall be empowered to administer
oaths and to secure by subpoena both the attendance and testimony
of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers.
Persons appearing at a hearing under this Section may be
represented by counsel at their expense. The ordinance may also
provide for internal administrative review following the decision
of the hearing officer.
(5) Service of additional notices, sent by first class United
States mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the registered
owner of the cited vehicle as recorded with the Secretary of State
or, under Section 11-1306 of this Code, to the lessee of the cited
vehicle at the last address known to the lessor of the cited
vehicle at the time of lease. The service shall be deemed
complete as of the date of deposit in the United States mail. The
notices shall be in the following sequence and shall include but
not be limited to the information specified herein:
(i) A second notice of violation. This notice shall
specify the date and location of the violation cited in the
parking, standing, or compliance violation notice, the
particular regulation violated, the vehicle make and state
registration number, the fine and any penalty that may be
assessed for late payment when so provided by ordinance, the
availability of a hearing in which the violation may be
contested on its merits, and the time and manner in which the
hearing may be had. The notice of violation shall also state
that failure either to pay the indicated fine and any
applicable penalty, or to appear at a hearing on the merits in
the time and manner specified, will result in a final
determination of violation liability for the cited violation
in the amount of the fine or penalty indicated, and that, upon
the occurrence of a final determination of violation liability
for the failure, and the exhaustion of, or failure to exhaust,
available administrative or judicial procedures for review,
[May 9, 2002] 68
any unpaid fine or penalty will constitute a debt due and
owing the municipality.
(ii) A notice of final determination of parking,
standing, or compliance violation liability. This notice shall
be sent following a final determination of parking, standing,
or compliance violation liability and the conclusion of
judicial review procedures taken under this Section. The
notice shall state that the unpaid fine or penalty is a debt
due and owing the municipality. The notice shall contain
warnings that failure to pay any fine or penalty due and owing
the municipality within the time specified may result in the
municipality's filing of a petition in the Circuit Court to
have the unpaid fine or penalty rendered a judgment as
provided by this Section, or may result in suspension of the
person's drivers license for failure to pay fines or penalties
for 10 or more parking violations under Section 6-306.5.
(6) A Notice of impending drivers license suspension. This
notice shall be sent to the person liable for any fine or penalty
that remains due and owing on 10 or more parking violations. The
notice shall state that failure to pay the fine or penalty owing
within 45 days of the notice's date will result in the municipality
notifying the Secretary of State that the person is eligible for
initiation of suspension proceedings under Section 6-306.5 of this
Code. The notice shall also state that the person may obtain a
photostatic copy of an original ticket imposing a fine or penalty
by sending a self addressed, stamped envelope to the municipality
along with a request for the photostatic copy. The notice of
impending drivers license suspension shall be sent by first class
United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address recorded with
the Secretary of State.
(7) Final determinations of violation liability. A final
determination of violation liability shall occur following failure
to pay the fine or penalty after a hearing officer's determination
of violation liability and the exhaustion of or failure to exhaust
any administrative review procedures provided by ordinance. Where
a person fails to appear at a hearing to contest the alleged
violation in the time and manner specified in a prior mailed
notice, the hearing officer's determination of violation liability
shall become final: (A) upon denial of a timely petition to set
aside that determination, or (B) upon expiration of the period for
filing the petition without a filing having been made.
(8) A petition to set aside a determination of parking,
standing, or compliance violation liability that may be filed by a
person owing an unpaid fine or penalty. The petition shall be filed
with and ruled upon by the traffic compliance administrator in the
manner and within the time specified by ordinance. The grounds for
the petition may be limited to: (A) the person not having been the
owner or lessee of the cited vehicle on the date the violation
notice was issued, (B) the person having already paid the fine or
penalty for the violation in question, and (C) excusable failure to
appear at or request a new date for a hearing. With regard to
municipalities with a population of 1 million or more, it shall be
grounds for dismissal of a parking violation if the State
registration number or vehicle make specified is incorrect. After
the determination of parking, standing, or compliance violation
liability has been set aside upon a showing of just cause, the
registered owner shall be provided with a hearing on the merits for
that violation.
(9) Procedures for non-residents. Procedures by which persons
who are not residents of the municipality may contest the merits of
the alleged violation without attending a hearing.
(10) A schedule of civil fines for violations of vehicular
standing, parking, and compliance regulations enacted by ordinance
pursuant to this Section, and a schedule of penalties for late
payment of the fines, provided, however, that the total amount of
the fine and penalty for any one violation shall not exceed $250.
69 [May 9, 2002]
(11) Other provisions as are necessary and proper to carry
into effect the powers granted and purposes stated in this Section.
(c) Any municipality establishing vehicular standing, parking, and
compliance regulations under this Section may also provide by ordinance
for a program of vehicle immobilization for the purpose of facilitating
enforcement of those regulations. The program of vehicle
immobilization shall provide for immobilizing any eligible vehicle upon
the public way by presence of a restraint in a manner to prevent
operation of the vehicle. Any ordinance establishing a program of
vehicle immobilization under this Section shall provide:
(1) Criteria for the designation of vehicles eligible for
immobilization. A vehicle shall be eligible for immobilization
when the registered owner of the vehicle has accumulated the number
of unpaid final determinations of parking, standing, or compliance
violation liability as determined by ordinance.
(2) A notice of impending vehicle immobilization and a right
to a hearing to challenge the validity of the notice by disproving
liability for the unpaid final determinations of parking, standing,
or compliance violation liability listed on the notice.
(3) The right to a prompt hearing after a vehicle has been
immobilized or subsequently towed without payment of the
outstanding fines and penalties on parking, standing, or compliance
violations for which final determinations have been issued. An
order issued after the hearing is a final administrative decision
within the meaning of Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(4) A post immobilization and post-towing notice advising the
registered owner of the vehicle of the right to a hearing to
challenge the validity of the impoundment.
(d) Judicial review of final determinations of parking, standing,
and compliance violations and final administrative decisions issued
after hearings regarding vehicle immobilization and impoundment made
under this Section shall be subject to the provisions of the
Administrative Review Law.
(e) Any fine, penalty, or part of any fine or any penalty
remaining unpaid after the exhaustion of, or the failure to exhaust,
administrative remedies created under this Section and the conclusion
of any judicial review procedures shall be a debt due and owing the
municipality and, as such, may be collected in accordance with
applicable law. Payment in full of any fine or penalty resulting from
a standing, parking, or compliance violation shall constitute a final
disposition of that violation.
(f) After the expiration of the period within which judicial
review may be sought for a final determination of parking, standing, or
compliance violation, the municipality may commence a proceeding in the
Circuit Court for purposes of obtaining a judgment on the final
determination of violation. Nothing in this Section shall prevent a
municipality from consolidating multiple final determinations of
parking, standing, or compliance violation against a person in a
proceeding. Upon commencement of the action, the municipality shall
file a certified copy of the final determination of parking, standing,
or compliance violation, which shall be accompanied by a certification
that recites facts sufficient to show that the final determination of
violation was issued in accordance with this Section and the applicable
municipal ordinance. Service of the summons and a copy of the petition
may be by any method provided by Section 2-203 of the Code of Civil
Procedure or by certified mail, return receipt requested, provided that
the total amount of fines and penalties for final determinations of
parking, standing, or compliance violations does not exceed $2500. If
the court is satisfied that the final determination of parking,
standing, or compliance violation was entered in accordance with the
requirements of this Section and the applicable municipal ordinance,
and that the registered owner or the lessee, as the case may be, had an
opportunity for an administrative hearing and for judicial review as
provided in this Section, the court shall render judgment in favor of
the municipality and against the registered owner or the lessee for the
amount indicated in the final determination of parking, standing, or
[May 9, 2002] 70
compliance violation, plus costs. The judgment shall have the same
effect and may be enforced in the same manner as other judgments for
the recovery of money.
(Source: P.A. 88-415; 88-437; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94; 89-190, eff.
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 3713 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning schools.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3938.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 3938 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections
10-20.28 and 34-18.14 as follows:
(105 ILCS 5/10-20.28) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-20.28)
Sec. 10-20.28. Cellular radio telecommunication devices
(a) The General Assembly finds and declares that the educational
development of all persons to the limits of their capacities is a
fundamental goal of the people of this State and that to achieve such
goal it is essential to provide a safe and secure learning environment
within the public schools. While recognizing that cellular radio
telecommunication devices may be used for inappropriate activities
during school hours and on school property and may, on occasion, cause
disruption to the classroom environment, the General Assembly also
recognizes that the use of cellular radio telecommunication devices can
decrease the response time of officials to emergency situations. In
addition, cellular radio telecommunication devices allow parents an
additional and timely method of contacting their children should an
emergency situation arise. Therefore, it is the purpose and intention
of the General Assembly in enacting this legislation to (i) reduce the
occurrence of inappropriate and disruptive activities during school
hours and on school property occurring through the use of cellular
radio telecommunication devices and (ii) increase the safety of
students and school personnel during school hours and on school
(b) The school board may establish appropriate rules and
disciplinary procedures governing the use or possession of cellular
radio telecommunication devices by a student while in a school or on
school property, during regular school hours, or at any other time. To
prohibit the use or possession of any cellular radio telecommunication
device by any pupil while such pupil is in any school building or on
any school property, during regular school hours or at any other time,
71 [May 9, 2002]
and to by rule provide for the imposition of appropriate discipline
upon any pupil who violates such prohibition. Exceptions may be made by
the school board with the approval of the school principal.
(Source: P.A. 86-1391.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.14) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.14)
Sec. 34-18.14. Cellular radio telecommunication devices
(a) The General Assembly finds and declares that the educational
development of all persons to the limits of their capacities is a
fundamental goal of the people of this State and that to achieve such
goal it is essential to provide a safe and secure learning environment
within the public schools. While recognizing that cellular radio
telecommunication devices may be used for inappropriate activities
during school hours and on school property and may, on occasion, cause
disruption to the classroom environment, the General Assembly also
recognizes that the use of cellular radio telecommunication devices can
decrease the response time of officials to emergency situations. In
addition, cellular radio telecommunication devices allow parents an
additional and timely method of contacting their children should an
emergency situation arise. Therefore, it is the purpose and intention
of the General Assembly in enacting this legislation to (i) reduce the
occurrence of inappropriate and disruptive activities during school
hours and on school property occurring through the use of cellular
radio telecommunication devices and (ii) increase the safety of
students and school personnel during school hours and on school
(b) The board may establish appropriate rules and disciplinary
procedures governing the use or possession of cellular radio
telecommunication devices by a student while in a school or on school
property, during regular school hours, or at any other time. The board
shall prohibit the use or possession of any cellular radio
telecommunication device by any pupil while such pupil is in any school
building or on any school property, during regular school hours or at
any other time, and shall by rule provide for the imposition of
appropriate discipline upon any pupil who violates such prohibition.
Exceptions may be made by the board of education with the approval of
the school principal.
(Source: P.A. 86-1391.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 3938 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning the regulation of professions.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3999.
[May 9, 2002] 72
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 3999 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Funeral Directors and Embalmers Licensing Code is
amended by changing Section 1-5 as follows:
(225 ILCS 41/1-5)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2002)
Sec. 1-5. Legislative intent. The practice of funeral directing
and embalming in this the State of Illinois is declared to be a
practice affecting the public health, safety and welfare and subject to
regulation and control in the public interest. It is further declared
to be a matter of public interest and concern that the preparation,
care, and final disposal of a deceased human body be attended with
appropriate observance and understanding, having due regard and respect
for the reverent care of the human body and for those bereaved and the
overall spiritual dignity of man. It is further a matter of public
interest that the practice of funeral directing and embalming as
defined in this Code merit and receive the confidence of the public and
that only qualified persons be authorized to practice funeral directing
and embalming in the State of Illinois. This Code shall be liberally
construed to best carry out these subjects and purposes.
(Source: P.A. 87-966.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 3999 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to criminal law.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4081.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4081.
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4081.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4081 on page 3, by replacing
lines 26 through 32 with the following:
"(a-5) A person commits stalking when he or she has
previously been convicted of stalking another person and knowingly
and without lawful justification on one occasion:
(1) follows that same person or places that same person
under surveillance; and
73 [May 9, 2002]
(2) transmits a threat of immediate or future bodily
harm, sexual assault, confinement or restraint; and
(3) the threat is directed towards that person or a
family member of that person.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 4081 as follows:
on page 1, by replacing line 5 with the following:
"changing Sections 11-20.1, 12-3.2, 12-7.3, 12-30, and 33D-1 as
(720 ILCS 5/11-20.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 11-20.1)
Sec. 11-20.1. Child pornography.
(a) A person commits the offense of child pornography who:
(1) films, videotapes, photographs, or otherwise depicts or
portrays by means of any similar visual medium or reproduction or
depicts by computer any child whom he knows or reasonably should
know to be under the age of 18 or any severely or profoundly
mentally retarded person where such child or severely or profoundly
mentally retarded person is:
(i) actually or by simulation engaged in any act of
sexual penetration or sexual conduct intercourse with any
person or animal; or
(ii) actually or by simulation engaged in any act of
sexual penetration or sexual conduct contact involving the sex
organs of the child or severely or profoundly mentally
retarded person and the mouth, anus, or sex organs of another
person or animal; or which involves the mouth, anus or sex
organs of the child or severely or profoundly mentally
retarded person and the sex organs of another person or
animal; or
(iii) actually or by simulation engaged in any act of
masturbation; or
(iv) actually or by simulation portrayed as being the
object of, or otherwise engaged in, any act of lewd fondling,
touching, or caressing involving another person or animal; or
(v) actually or by simulation engaged in any act of
excretion or urination within a sexual context; or
(vi) actually or by simulation portrayed or depicted as
bound, fettered, or subject to sadistic, masochistic, or
sadomasochistic abuse in any sexual context; or
(vii) depicted or portrayed in any pose, posture or
setting involving a lewd exhibition of the unclothed genitals,
pubic area, buttocks, or, if such person is female, a fully or
partially developed breast of the child or other person; or
(2) with the knowledge of the nature or content thereof,
reproduces, disseminates, offers to disseminate, exhibits or
possesses with intent to disseminate any film, videotape,
photograph or other similar visual reproduction or depiction by
computer of any child or severely or profoundly mentally retarded
person whom the person knows or reasonably should know to be under
the age of 18 or to be a severely or profoundly mentally retarded
person, engaged in any activity described in subparagraphs (i)
through (vii) of paragraph (1) of this subsection; or
(3) with knowledge of the subject matter or theme thereof,
produces any stage play, live performance, film, videotape or other
similar visual portrayal or depiction by computer which includes a
child whom the person knows or reasonably should know to be under
the age of 18 or a severely or profoundly mentally retarded person
engaged in any activity described in subparagraphs (i) through
(vii) of paragraph (1) of this subsection; or
(4) solicits, uses, persuades, induces, entices, or coerces
any child whom he knows or reasonably should know to be under the
age of 18 or a severely or profoundly mentally retarded person to
appear in any stage play, live presentation, film, videotape,
photograph or other similar visual reproduction or depiction by
computer in which the child or severely or profoundly mentally
retarded person is or will be depicted, actually or by simulation,
[May 9, 2002] 74
in any act, pose or setting described in subparagraphs (i) through
(vii) of paragraph (1) of this subsection; or
(5) is a parent, step-parent, legal guardian or other person
having care or custody of a child whom the person knows or
reasonably should know to be under the age of 18 or a severely or
profoundly mentally retarded person and who knowingly permits,
induces, promotes, or arranges for such child or severely or
profoundly mentally retarded person to appear in any stage play,
live performance, film, videotape, photograph or other similar
visual presentation, portrayal or simulation or depiction by
computer of any act or activity described in subparagraphs (i)
through (vii) of paragraph (1) of this subsection; or
(6) with knowledge of the nature or content thereof,
possesses any film, videotape, photograph or other similar visual
reproduction or depiction by computer of any child or severely or
profoundly mentally retarded person whom the person knows or
reasonably should know to be under the age of 18 or to be a
severely or profoundly mentally retarded person, engaged in any
activity described in subparagraphs (i) through (vii) of paragraph
(1) of this subsection; or
(7) solicits, uses, persuades, induces, entices, or coerces a
person to provide a child under the age of 18 or a severely or
profoundly mentally retarded person to appear in any videotape,
photograph, film, stage play, live presentation, or other similar
visual reproduction or depiction by computer in which the child or
severely or profoundly mentally retarded person will be depicted,
actually or by simulation, in any act, pose, or setting described
in subparagraphs (i) through (vii) of paragraph (1) of this
(b) (1) It shall be an affirmative defense to a charge of child
pornography that the defendant reasonably believed, under all of the
circumstances, that the child was 18 years of age or older or that the
person was not a severely or profoundly mentally retarded person but
only where, prior to the act or acts giving rise to a prosecution under
this Section, he took some affirmative action or made a bonafide
inquiry designed to ascertain whether the child was 18 years of age or
older or that the person was not a severely or profoundly mentally
retarded person and his reliance upon the information so obtained was
clearly reasonable.
(2) (Blank).
(3) The charge of child pornography shall not apply to the
performance of official duties by law enforcement or prosecuting
officers, court personnel or attorneys, nor to bonafide treatment
or professional education programs conducted by licensed
physicians, psychologists or social workers.
(4) Possession by the defendant of more than one of the same
film, videotape or visual reproduction or depiction by computer in
which child pornography is depicted shall raise a rebuttable
presumption that the defendant possessed such materials with the
intent to disseminate them.
(5) The charge of child pornography does not apply to a
person who does not voluntarily possess a film, videotape, or
visual reproduction or depiction by computer in which child
pornography is depicted. Possession is voluntary if the defendant
knowingly procures or receives a film, videotape, or visual
reproduction or depiction for a sufficient time to be able to
terminate his or her possession.
(c) Violation of paragraph (1), (4), (5), or (7) of subsection (a)
is a Class 1 felony with a mandatory minimum fine of $2,000 and a
maximum fine of $100,000. Violation of paragraph (3) of subsection (a)
is a Class 1 felony with a mandatory minimum fine of $1500 and a
maximum fine of $100,000. Violation of paragraph (2) of subsection (a)
is a Class 1 felony with a mandatory minimum fine of $1000 and a
maximum fine of $100,000. Violation of paragraph (6) of subsection (a)
is a Class 3 felony with a mandatory minimum fine of $1000 and a
maximum fine of $100,000.
75 [May 9, 2002]
(d) If a person is convicted of a second or subsequent violation
of this Section within 10 years of a prior conviction, the court shall
order a presentence psychiatric examination of the person. The
examiner shall report to the court whether treatment of the person is
(e) Any film, videotape, photograph or other similar visual
reproduction or depiction by computer which includes a child under the
age of 18 or a severely or profoundly mentally retarded person engaged
in any activity described in subparagraphs (i) through (vii) or
paragraph 1 of subsection (a), and any material or equipment used or
intended for use in photographing, filming, printing, producing,
reproducing, manufacturing, projecting, exhibiting, depiction by
computer, or disseminating such material shall be seized and forfeited
in the manner, method and procedure provided by Section 36-1 of this
Code for the seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles and aircraft.
(e-5) Upon the conclusion of a case brought under this Section,
the court shall seal all evidence depicting a victim or witness that is
sexually explicit. The evidence may be unsealed and viewed, on a
motion of the party seeking to unseal and view the evidence, only for
good cause shown and in the discretion of the court. The motion must
expressly set forth the purpose for viewing the material. The State's
attorney and the victim, if possible, shall be provided reasonable
notice of the hearing on the motion to unseal the evidence. Any
person entitled to notice of a hearing under this subsection (e-5) may
object to the motion.
(f) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section:
(1) "Disseminate" means (i) to sell, distribute, exchange or
transfer possession, whether with or without consideration or (ii)
to make a depiction by computer available for distribution or
downloading through the facilities of any telecommunications
network or through any other means of transferring computer
programs or data to a computer;
(2) "Produce" means to direct, promote, advertise, publish,
manufacture, issue, present or show;
(3) "Reproduce" means to make a duplication or copy;
(4) "Depict by computer" means to generate or create, or
cause to be created or generated, a computer program or data that,
after being processed by a computer either alone or in conjunction
with one or more computer programs, results in a visual depiction
on a computer monitor, screen, or display.
(5) "Depiction by computer" means a computer program or data
that, after being processed by a computer either alone or in
conjunction with one or more computer programs, results in a visual
depiction on a computer monitor, screen, or display.
(6) "Computer", "computer program", and "data" have the
meanings ascribed to them in Section 16D-2 of this Code.
(7) "Child" includes a film, videotape, photograph, or other
similar visual medium or reproduction or depiction by computer that
is, or appears to be, that of a person, either in part, or in
total, under the age of 18, regardless of the method by which the
film, videotape, photograph, or other similar visual medium or
reproduction or depiction by computer is created, adopted, or
modified to appear as such. "Child" also includes a film,
videotape, photograph, or other similar visual medium or
reproduction or depiction by computer that is advertised, promoted,
presented, described, or distributed in such a manner that conveys
the impression that the film, videotape, photograph, or other
similar visual medium or reproduction or depiction by computer is
of a person under the age of 18.
(8) "Sexual penetration" and "sexual conduct" have the
meanings ascribed to them in Section 12-12 of this Code.
(g) Re-enactment; findings; purposes.
(1) The General Assembly finds and declares that:
(i) Section 50-5 of Public Act 88-680, effective January
1, 1995, contained provisions amending the child pornography
statute, Section 11-20.1 of the Criminal Code of 1961.
[May 9, 2002] 76
Section 50-5 also contained other provisions.
(ii) In addition, Public Act 88-680 was entitled "AN ACT
to create a Safe Neighborhoods Law". (A) Article 5 was
entitled JUVENILE JUSTICE and amended the Juvenile Court Act
of 1987. (B) Article 15 was entitled GANGS and amended
various provisions of the Criminal Code of 1961 and the
Unified Code of Corrections. (C) Article 20 was entitled
ALCOHOL ABUSE and amended various provisions of the Illinois
Vehicle Code. (D) Article 25 was entitled DRUG ABUSE and
amended the Cannabis Control Act and the Illinois Controlled
Substances Act. (E) Article 30 was entitled FIREARMS and
amended the Criminal Code of 1961 and the Code of Criminal
Procedure of 1963. (F) Article 35 amended the Criminal Code of
1961, the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act, and the
Unified Code of Corrections. (G) Article 40 amended the
Criminal Code of 1961 to increase the penalty for compelling
organization membership of persons. (H) Article 45 created the
Secure Residential Youth Care Facility Licensing Act and
amended the State Finance Act, the Juvenile Court Act of 1987,
the Unified Code of Corrections, and the Private Correctional
Facility Moratorium Act. (I) Article 50 amended the WIC
Vendor Management Act, the Firearm Owners Identification Card
Act, the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, the Criminal Code of
1961, the Wrongs to Children Act, and the Unified Code of
(iii) On September 22, 1998, the Third District
Appellate Court in People v. Dainty, 701 N.E. 2d 118, ruled
that Public Act 88-680 violates the single subject clause of
the Illinois Constitution (Article IV, Section 8 (d)) and was
unconstitutional in its entirety. As of the time this
amendatory Act of 1999 was prepared, People v. Dainty was
still subject to appeal.
(iv) Child pornography is a vital concern to the people
of this State and the validity of future prosecutions under
the child pornography statute of the Criminal Code of 1961 is
in grave doubt.
(2) It is the purpose of this amendatory Act of 1999 to
prevent or minimize any problems relating to prosecutions for child
pornography that may result from challenges to the constitutional
validity of Public Act 88-680 by re-enacting the Section relating
to child pornography that was included in Public Act 88-680.
(3) This amendatory Act of 1999 re-enacts Section 11-20.1 of
the Criminal Code of 1961, as it has been amended. This
re-enactment is intended to remove any question as to the validity
or content of that Section; it is not intended to supersede any
other Public Act that amends the text of the Section as set forth
in this amendatory Act of 1999. The material is shown as existing
text (i.e., without underscoring) because, as of the time this
amendatory Act of 1999 was prepared, People v. Dainty was subject
to appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court.
(4) The re-enactment by this amendatory Act of 1999 of
Section 11-20.1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 relating to child
pornography that was amended by Public Act 88-680 is not intended,
and shall not be construed, to imply that Public Act 88-680 is
invalid or to limit or impair any legal argument concerning whether
those provisions were substantially re-enacted by other Public
(Source: P.A. 91-54, eff. 6-30-99; 91-229, eff. 1-1-00; 91-357, eff.
7-29-99; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-434, eff. 1-1-02.)"; and
on page 7, by inserting below line 34 the following:
"(720 ILCS 5/33D-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 33D-1)
Sec. 33D-1. (a) Contributing to the criminal delinquency of a
juvenile. Any person of the age of 17 21 years and upwards, who with
the intent to promote or facilitate the commission of an offense that
is either a felony or misdemeanor, solicits, compels or directs any
person under the age of 17 years in the commission of the offense
77 [May 9, 2002]
commits the offense of contributing to the criminal delinquency of a
(b) Sentence. Contributing to the criminal delinquency of a
juvenile is a felony one grade higher than the offense committed, if
the offense committed is a felony, except when the offense committed is
first degree murder or a Class X felony. When the offense committed is
first degree murder or a Class X felony, the penalty for contributing
to the criminal delinquency of a juvenile is the same as the penalty
for first degree murder or a Class X felony, respectively. Contributing
to the criminal delinquency of a juvenile is a misdemeanor one grade
higher than the offense committed, if the offense committed is a
misdemeanor, except when the offense committed is a Class A
misdemeanor. If the offense committed is a Class A misdemeanor, the
penalty for contributing to the criminal delinquency of a juvenile is a
Class 4 felony.
(Source: P.A. 91-337, eff. 1-1-00.)
Section 10. The Wrongs to Children Act is amended by changing
Section 5.1 as follows:
(720 ILCS 150/5.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 2355.1)
Sec. 5.1. Permitting sexual abuse of a child.
(a) A person responsible for a child's welfare commits the offense
of permitting sexual abuse of a child if he or she has actual knowledge
of and permits an act of sexual abuse upon the child, or permits the
child to engage in prostitution as defined in Section 11-14 of the
Criminal Code of 1961.
(b) In this Section:
"Child" means a minor under the age of 17 years.
"Person responsible for the child's welfare" means the child's
parent, step-parent, legal guardian, or other person having custody of
a child, who is responsible for the child's care at the time of the
alleged sexual abuse.
"Sexual abuse" includes criminal sexual abuse or criminal sexual
assault as defined in Section 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, or 12-16 of
the Criminal Code of 1961.
"Prostitution" means prostitution as defined in Section 11-14 of
the Criminal Code of 1961.
"Actual knowledge" includes credible allegations made by the child.
(c) This Section does not apply to a person responsible for the
child's welfare who, having reason to believe that sexual abuse has
occurred, makes timely and reasonable efforts to stop the sexual abuse
by reporting the sexual abuse in conformance with the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act or by reporting the sexual abuse, or
causing a report to be made, to medical or law enforcement authorities
or anyone who is a mandated reporter under Section 4 of the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act.
(d) Whenever a law enforcement officer has reason to believe that
the child or the person responsible for the child's welfare has been
abused by a family or household member as defined by the Illinois
Domestic Violence Act of 1986, the officer shall immediately use all
reasonable means to prevent further abuse under Section 112A-30 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
(e) An order of protection under Section 111-8 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure of 1963 shall be sought in all cases where there is
reason to believe that a child has been sexually abused by a family or
household member. In considering appropriate available remedies, it
shall be presumed that awarding physical care or custody to the abuser
is not in the child's best interest.
(f) A person may not be charged with the offense of permitting
sexual abuse of a child under this Section until the person who
committed the offense is charged with criminal sexual assault,
aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault
of a child, criminal sexual abuse, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, or
(g) A person convicted of permitting the sexual abuse of a child
is guilty of a Class 4 felony. A second or subsequent offense is a
Class 2 felony, except that when the sexual abuse involved sexual
[May 9, 2002] 78
penetration causing bodily harm to the child, it is a Class 1 felony.
As a condition of any sentence of supervision, probation, conditional
discharge, or mandatory supervised release, any person convicted under
this Section shall be ordered to undergo child sexual abuse, domestic
violence, or other appropriate counseling for a specified duration with
a qualified social or mental health worker.
(h) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of permitting sexual
abuse of a child under this Section that the person responsible for the
child's welfare had a reasonable apprehension that timely action to
stop the abuse or prostitution would result in the imminent infliction
of death, great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement, or permanent
disability to that person or another in retaliation for reporting. A. A
parent, step-parent, legal guardian, or other person having custody of
a child who knowingly allows or permits an act of criminal sexual abuse
or criminal sexual assault as defined in Section 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1,
12-15 or 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961, upon his or her child, or
knowingly permits, induces, promotes, or arranges for the child to
engage in prostitution as defined in Section 11-14 of the Criminal Code
of 1961, and fails to take reasonable steps to prevent its commission
or future occurrences of such acts commits the offense of permitting
the sexual abuse of a child. For purposes of this Section, "child"
means a minor under the age of 17 years.
B. Any person convicted of permitting the sexual abuse of a child
is guilty of a Class 1 felony.
(Source: P.A. 91-696, eff. 4-13-00.)".
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 4081, AS AMENDED, in the
introductory clause of Section 5, by replacing "12-30, and 33D-1" with
"and 12-30"; and
in Section 5, by deleting all of Sec. 33D-1; and
in Section 10, in Sec. 5.1, by replacing subsec. (g) with the
"(g) A person convicted of permitting the sexual abuse of a child
is guilty of a Class 1 felony. As a condition of any sentence of
supervision, probation, conditional discharge, or mandatory supervised
release, any person convicted under this Section shall be ordered to
undergo child sexual abuse, domestic violence, or other appropriate
counseling for a specified duration with a qualified social or mental
health worker.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1, 2 and 3 to HOUSE BILL 4081 was placed on the Calendar on
the order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning schools.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4117.
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4117.
79 [May 9, 2002]
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4117 as follows:
on page 1, line 11, by replacing "Student-initiated" with "Voluntarily
initiated"; and
on page 1, by replacing lines 17 through 19 with the following:
"voluntarily engage in individually initiated, non-disruptive prayer
that, consistent with the constitutional principle of freedom of
religion and the Supreme Court rulings on the separation of church and
State, is not sponsored, promoted, or endorsed in any manner by the
school or any school employee.".
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 4117, AS AMENDED, in Section 5,
Sec. 5, in the caption, by replacing "Voluntarily initiated" with
"Student"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 5, the sentence beginning "In order", by replacing
"constitutional principle of freedom of religion and the Supreme Court
rulings on the separation of church and State" with "Free Exercise and
Establishment Clauses of the United States and Illinois Constitutions".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 3 to HOUSE BILL 4117 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to criminal law.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4179.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4179.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4179 as follows:
on page 1, line 5, by changing "Section 12-2" to "Sections 12-2 and
12-4"; and
on page 3, by replacing lines 3 through 5 with the following:
"assistance or first aid personnel employed by a municipality or other
governmental unit engaged in the execution of any of his official
duties, or to prevent"; and
on page 3, line 10, by changing "official" to "official"; and
on page 3, line 14, by changing "official" to "official"; and
on page 4, line 8, by replacing "or" with "or"; and
on page 4, line 17, by replacing "." with the following:
"; or.
(16) Knows the individual assaulted to be an employee of a
police or sheriff's department engaged in the performance of his or
her authorized duties as such employee."; and
[May 9, 2002] 80
on page 4, line 31, by changing "(6) and (7)" to "(6), (7), and (16)";
on page 4, line 34, by changing "(6) and (7)" to "(6), (7), and (16)";
on page 5, by inserting below line 4 the following:
"(720 ILCS 5/12-4) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-4)
Sec. 12-4. Aggravated Battery.
(a) A person who, in committing a battery, intentionally or
knowingly causes great bodily harm, or permanent disability or
disfigurement commits aggravated battery.
(b) In committing a battery, a person commits aggravated battery
if he or she:
(1) Uses a deadly weapon other than by the discharge of a
(2) Is hooded, robed or masked, in such manner as to conceal
his identity;
(3) Knows the individual harmed to be a teacher or other
person employed in any school and such teacher or other employee is
upon the grounds of a school or grounds adjacent thereto, or is in
any part of a building used for school purposes;
(4) Knows the individual harmed to be a supervisor, director,
instructor or other person employed in any park district and such
supervisor, director, instructor or other employee is upon the
grounds of the park or grounds adjacent thereto, or is in any part
of a building used for park purposes;
(5) Knows the individual harmed to be a caseworker,
investigator, or other person employed by the State Department of
Public Aid, a County Department of Public Aid, or the Department of
Human Services (acting as successor to the Illinois Department of
Public Aid under the Department of Human Services Act) and such
caseworker, investigator, or other person is upon the grounds of a
public aid office or grounds adjacent thereto, or is in any part of
a building used for public aid purposes, or upon the grounds of a
home of a public aid applicant, recipient, or any other person
being interviewed or investigated in the employee's discharge of
his duties, or on grounds adjacent thereto, or is in any part of a
building in which the applicant, recipient, or other such person
resides or is located;
(6) Knows the individual harmed to be a peace officer, a
community policing volunteer, a correctional institution employee,
or a fireman while such officer, volunteer, employee or fireman is
engaged in the execution of any official duties including arrest or
attempted arrest, or to prevent the officer, volunteer, employee or
fireman from performing official duties, or in retaliation for the
officer, volunteer, employee or fireman performing official duties,
and the battery is committed other than by the discharge of a
(7) Knows the individual harmed to be an emergency medical
technician - ambulance, emergency medical technician -
intermediate, emergency medical technician - paramedic, ambulance
driver, other medical assistance, first aid personnel, or hospital
emergency room personnel engaged in the performance of any of his
or her official duties, or to prevent the emergency medical
technician - ambulance, emergency medical technician -
intermediate, emergency medical technician - paramedic, ambulance
driver, other medical assistance, first aid personnel, or hospital
emergency room personnel from performing official duties, or in
retaliation for performing official duties;
(8) Is, or the person battered is, on or about a public way,
public property or public place of accommodation or amusement;
(9) Knows the individual harmed to be the driver, operator,
employee or passenger of any transportation facility or system
engaged in the business of transportation of the public for hire
and the individual assaulted is then performing in such capacity or
then using such public transportation as a passenger or using any
area of any description designated by the transportation facility
81 [May 9, 2002]
or system as a vehicle boarding, departure, or transfer location;
(10) Knowingly and without legal justification and by any
means causes bodily harm to an individual of 60 years of age or
(11) Knows the individual harmed is pregnant;
(12) Knows the individual harmed to be a judge whom the
person intended to harm as a result of the judge's performance of
his or her official duties as a judge;
(13) Knows the individual harmed to be an employee of the
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services engaged in the
performance of his authorized duties as such employee;
(14) Knows the individual harmed to be a person who is
physically handicapped;
(15) Knowingly and without legal justification and by any
means causes bodily harm to a merchant who detains the person for
an alleged commission of retail theft under Section 16A-5 of this
Code. In this item (15), "merchant" has the meaning ascribed to it
in Section 16A-2.4 of this Code; or
(16) Is, or the person battered is, in any building or other
structure used to provide shelter or other services to victims or
to the dependent children of victims of domestic violence pursuant
to the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or the Domestic
Violence Shelters Act, or the person battered is within 500 feet of
such a building or other structure while going to or from such a
building or other structure. "Domestic violence" has the meaning
ascribed to it in Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act
of 1986. "Building or other structure used to provide shelter" has
the meaning ascribed to "shelter" in Section 1 of the Domestic
Violence Shelters Act; or.
(17) Knows the individual harmed to be an employee of a
police or sheriff's department in the performance of his or her
authorized duties as such employee.
For the purpose of paragraph (14) of subsection (b) of this
Section, a physically handicapped person is a person who suffers from a
permanent and disabling physical characteristic, resulting from
disease, injury, functional disorder or congenital condition.
(c) A person who administers to an individual or causes him to
take, without his consent or by threat or deception, and for other than
medical purposes, any intoxicating, poisonous, stupefying, narcotic,
anesthetic, or controlled substance commits aggravated battery.
(d) A person who knowingly gives to another person any food that
contains any substance or object that is intended to cause physical
injury if eaten, commits aggravated battery.
(d-3) A person commits aggravated battery when he or she knowingly
and without lawful justification shines or flashes a laser gunsight or
other laser device that is attached or affixed to a firearm, or used in
concert with a firearm, so that the laser beam strikes upon or against
the person of another.
(d-5) An inmate of a penal institution who causes or attempts to
cause a correctional employee of the penal institution to come into
contact with blood, seminal fluid, urine, or feces, by throwing,
tossing, or expelling that fluid or material commits aggravated
battery. For purposes of this subsection (d-5), "correctional
employee" means a person who is employed by a penal institution.
(e) Sentence.
Aggravated battery is a Class 3 felony.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-488, eff. 1-1-00; 91-619, eff.
1-1-00; 91-672, eff. 1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-516, eff.
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 4179 as follows:
on page 1, line 5, by changing "Section 12-2" to "Sections 12-2 and
12-4"; and
on page 3, by replacing lines 3 through 5 with the following:
"assistance or first aid personnel employed by a municipality or other
governmental unit engaged in the execution of any of his official
[May 9, 2002] 82
duties, or to prevent"; and
on page 4, line 8, by replacing "or" with "or"; and
on page 4, line 17, by replacing "." with the following:
"; or.
(16) Knows the individual assaulted to be an employee of a
police or sheriff's department engaged in the performance of his or
her authorized duties as such employee."; and
on page 4, line 31, by changing "(6) and (7)" to "(6), (7), and (16)";
on page 4, line 34, by changing "(6) and (7)" to "(6), (7), and (16)";
on page 5, by inserting below line 4 the following:
"(720 ILCS 5/12-4) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-4)
Sec. 12-4. Aggravated Battery.
(a) A person who, in committing a battery, intentionally or
knowingly causes great bodily harm, or permanent disability or
disfigurement commits aggravated battery.
(b) In committing a battery, a person commits aggravated battery
if he or she:
(1) Uses a deadly weapon other than by the discharge of a
(2) Is hooded, robed or masked, in such manner as to conceal
his identity;
(3) Knows the individual harmed to be a teacher or other
person employed in any school and such teacher or other employee is
upon the grounds of a school or grounds adjacent thereto, or is in
any part of a building used for school purposes;
(4) Knows the individual harmed to be a supervisor, director,
instructor or other person employed in any park district and such
supervisor, director, instructor or other employee is upon the
grounds of the park or grounds adjacent thereto, or is in any part
of a building used for park purposes;
(5) Knows the individual harmed to be a caseworker,
investigator, or other person employed by the State Department of
Public Aid, a County Department of Public Aid, or the Department of
Human Services (acting as successor to the Illinois Department of
Public Aid under the Department of Human Services Act) and such
caseworker, investigator, or other person is upon the grounds of a
public aid office or grounds adjacent thereto, or is in any part of
a building used for public aid purposes, or upon the grounds of a
home of a public aid applicant, recipient, or any other person
being interviewed or investigated in the employee's discharge of
his duties, or on grounds adjacent thereto, or is in any part of a
building in which the applicant, recipient, or other such person
resides or is located;
(6) Knows the individual harmed to be a peace officer, a
community policing volunteer, a correctional institution employee,
or a fireman while such officer, volunteer, employee or fireman is
engaged in the execution of any official duties including arrest or
attempted arrest, or to prevent the officer, volunteer, employee or
fireman from performing official duties, or in retaliation for the
officer, volunteer, employee or fireman performing official duties,
and the battery is committed other than by the discharge of a
(7) Knows the individual harmed to be an emergency medical
technician - ambulance, emergency medical technician -
intermediate, emergency medical technician - paramedic, ambulance
driver, other medical assistance, first aid personnel, or hospital
emergency room personnel engaged in the performance of any of his
or her official duties, or to prevent the emergency medical
technician - ambulance, emergency medical technician -
intermediate, emergency medical technician - paramedic, ambulance
driver, other medical assistance, first aid personnel, or hospital
emergency room personnel from performing official duties, or in
retaliation for performing official duties;
(8) Is, or the person battered is, on or about a public way,
83 [May 9, 2002]
public property or public place of accommodation or amusement;
(9) Knows the individual harmed to be the driver, operator,
employee or passenger of any transportation facility or system
engaged in the business of transportation of the public for hire
and the individual assaulted is then performing in such capacity or
then using such public transportation as a passenger or using any
area of any description designated by the transportation facility
or system as a vehicle boarding, departure, or transfer location;
(10) Knowingly and without legal justification and by any
means causes bodily harm to an individual of 60 years of age or
(11) Knows the individual harmed is pregnant;
(12) Knows the individual harmed to be a judge whom the
person intended to harm as a result of the judge's performance of
his or her official duties as a judge;
(13) Knows the individual harmed to be an employee of the
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services engaged in the
performance of his authorized duties as such employee;
(14) Knows the individual harmed to be a person who is
physically handicapped;
(15) Knowingly and without legal justification and by any
means causes bodily harm to a merchant who detains the person for
an alleged commission of retail theft under Section 16A-5 of this
Code. In this item (15), "merchant" has the meaning ascribed to it
in Section 16A-2.4 of this Code; or
(16) Is, or the person battered is, in any building or other
structure used to provide shelter or other services to victims or
to the dependent children of victims of domestic violence pursuant
to the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 or the Domestic
Violence Shelters Act, or the person battered is within 500 feet of
such a building or other structure while going to or from such a
building or other structure. "Domestic violence" has the meaning
ascribed to it in Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act
of 1986. "Building or other structure used to provide shelter" has
the meaning ascribed to "shelter" in Section 1 of the Domestic
Violence Shelters Act; or.
(17) Knows the individual harmed to be an employee of a
police or sheriff's department in the performance of his or her
authorized duties as such employee.
For the purpose of paragraph (14) of subsection (b) of this
Section, a physically handicapped person is a person who suffers from a
permanent and disabling physical characteristic, resulting from
disease, injury, functional disorder or congenital condition.
(c) A person who administers to an individual or causes him to
take, without his consent or by threat or deception, and for other than
medical purposes, any intoxicating, poisonous, stupefying, narcotic,
anesthetic, or controlled substance commits aggravated battery.
(d) A person who knowingly gives to another person any food that
contains any substance or object that is intended to cause physical
injury if eaten, commits aggravated battery.
(d-3) A person commits aggravated battery when he or she knowingly
and without lawful justification shines or flashes a laser gunsight or
other laser device that is attached or affixed to a firearm, or used in
concert with a firearm, so that the laser beam strikes upon or against
the person of another.
(d-5) An inmate of a penal institution who causes or attempts to
cause a correctional employee of the penal institution to come into
contact with blood, seminal fluid, urine, or feces, by throwing,
tossing, or expelling that fluid or material commits aggravated
battery. For purposes of this subsection (d-5), "correctional
employee" means a person who is employed by a penal institution.
(e) Sentence.
Aggravated battery is a Class 3 felony.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-488, eff. 1-1-00; 91-619, eff.
1-1-00; 91-672, eff. 1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-516, eff.
[May 9, 2002] 84
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 4179 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning insurance.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4220.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4220 on page 1 by replacing
lines 26 and 27 with the following:
"participating primary care physician. "Participating primary care
physician" for health care plans and subcontractors that do not require
coordination of care by a primary care physician means the
participating physician treating the patient. All health care plans
shall inform enrollees of any"; and
on page 2 by deleting lines 4 through 24.
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4220 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning corporation.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4228.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4228.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4228 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
85 [May 9, 2002]
"Section 5. The Business Corporation Act of 1983 is amended by
changing Section 7.05 as follows:
(805 ILCS 5/7.05) (from Ch. 32, par. 7.05)
Sec. 7.05. Meetings of shareholders. Meetings of shareholders may
be held at such place, either within or without this State, as may be
provided in the by-laws or in a resolution of the board of directors
pursuant to authority granted in the by-laws. In the absence of any
such provision, all meetings shall be held at the registered office of
the corporation in this State.
An annual meeting of the shareholders shall be held at such time as
may be provided in the by-laws or in a resolution of the board of
directors pursuant to authority granted in the by-laws. Failure to
hold the annual meeting at the designated time shall not work a
forfeiture or dissolution of the corporation nor affect the validity of
corporate action. If an annual meeting has not been held within the
earlier of six months after the end of the corporation's fiscal year or
fifteen months after its last annual meeting and if, after a request in
writing directed to the president of the corporation, a notice of
meeting is not given within 60 days of such request, then any
shareholder entitled to vote at an annual meeting may apply to the
circuit court of the county in which the registered office or principal
place of business of the corporation is located for an order directing
that the meeting be held and fixing the time and place of the meeting.
The court may issue such additional orders as may be necessary or
appropriate for the holding of the meeting.
Unless specifically prohibited by the articles of incorporation or
by-laws, shareholders may participate in and act at any meeting of the
shareholders through the use of a conference telephone or interactive
technology, including but not limited to electronic transmission,
Internet usage, or remote communication, by means of which all persons
participating in the meeting can communicate with each other.
Participation in such meeting shall constitute attendance and presence
in person at the meeting of the person or persons so participating.
Special meetings of the shareholders may be called by the
president, by the board of directors, by the holders of not less than
one-fifth of all the outstanding shares entitled to vote on the matter
for which the meeting is called or by such other officers or persons as
may be provided in the articles of incorporation or the by-laws.
(Source: P.A. 83-1025.)
Section 10. The General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986 is
amended by changing Section 107.05 as follows:
(805 ILCS 105/107.05) (from Ch. 32, par. 107.05)
Sec. 107.05. Meeting of members. (a) Meetings of members may be
held at such place, either within or without this State, as may be
provided in the bylaws or in a resolution of the board of directors
pursuant to authority granted in the bylaws. In the absence of any
such provision, all meetings shall be held at the registered office of
the corporation in this State.
(b) An annual meeting of the members entitled to vote may be held
at such time as may be provided in the bylaws or in a resolution of the
board of directors pursuant to authority granted in the bylaws.
Failure to hold the annual meeting at the designated time shall not
work a forfeiture or dissolution of the corporation nor affect the
validity of corporate action. If an annual meeting has not been held
within the earlier of six months after the end of the corporation's
fiscal year or fifteen months after its last annual meeting and if,
after a request in writing directed to the president of the
corporation, a notice of meeting is not delivered to members entitled
to vote within 60 days of such request, then any member entitled to
vote at an annual meeting may apply to the circuit court of the county
in which the registered office or principal place of business of the
corporation is located for an order directing that the meeting be held
and fixing the time and place of the meeting. The court may issue such
additional orders as may be necessary or appropriate for the holding of
the meeting.
(c) Special meetings of the members may be called by the president
[May 9, 2002] 86
or by the board of directors. Special meetings of the members may also
be called by such other officers or persons or number or proportion of
members entitled to vote as may be provided in the articles of
incorporation or the bylaws. In the absence of a provision fixing the
number or proportion of members entitled to vote who are entitled to
call a meeting, a special meeting of members entitled to vote may be
called by such members having one-twentieth of the votes entitled to be
cast at such meeting.
(d) Unless specifically prohibited by the articles of
incorporation or bylaws, members entitled to vote may participate in
and act at any meeting through the use of a conference telephone or
interactive technology, including but not limited to electronic
transmission, Internet usage, or remote communication, other
communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in
the meeting can communicate with each other. Participation in such
meeting shall constitute attendance and presence in person at the
meeting of the person or persons so participating.
(e) For meetings of a not-for-profit corporation organized for the
purpose of residential cooperative housing, consisting of 50 or more
single family dwellings with individual unit legal descriptions based
upon a recorded plat of a subdivision, and located in a county
containing a population between 780,000 and 3,000,000 inhabitants, any
member may record by tape, film, or other means the proceedings at the
meetings. The board or the membership may prescribe reasonable rules
and regulations to govern the making of the recordings. The portion of
any meeting held to discuss violations of rules and regulations of the
corporation by a residential shareholder shall be recorded only with
the affirmative assent of that shareholder.
(Source: P.A. 91-465, eff. 8-6-99.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 4228, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment No. 1, on page 2, line 12
by changing "shareholders may" to "a corporation may allow shareholders
to"; and
on page 4, line 2 by changing "members entitled to vote may" to "a
corporation may allow members entitled to vote to may".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 4228 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to taxation.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4230.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
87 [May 9, 2002]
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4230 on page 1, in line 9, by
inserting after "grants" the following:
"to organizations that are located in the State of Illinois".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4230 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to vehicles.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4344.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4344 on page 1, line 6 by
deleting "3-104,"; and
on page 1, by replacing lines 11 through 13 with the following:
"least 25 years of age and of a model year after 1948 or a vehicle that
has been certified by an inspector of the National Street Rod
Association, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, to be a
custom vehicle manufactured to resemble a vehicle at least 25 years of
age and of a model year after 1948 and has been"; and
on page 1, by replacing lines 21 and 22 with the following:
"1948 or older vehicle or a vehicle that has been certified by an
inspector of the National Street Rod Association, on a form prescribed
by the Secretary of State, to be a street rod that was manufactured
after 1948 to resemble a vehicle that was manufactured before"; and
by deleting lines 29 and 30 on page 1, all of pages 2 through 4, and
lines 1 through 10 on page 5; and
on page 6, by replacing line 33 with the following:
"cycle, or pedalcycle, and obtain a custom vehicle plate. An applicant
for the special plate shall be charged, in addition to the standard
registration fee, $15 for original issuance to be deposited into the
Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund, to be used by the
Secretary to help defray administrative costs. For each renewal period,
in addition to the standard registration fee, the applicant shall be
charged $2, which shall be deposited into the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund. The"; and
on page 7, by replacing lines 9 through 11 with the following:
"generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. Any person requesting
custom"; and
on page 7, by replacing line 31 with the following:
"pedalcycle, and obtain a street rod plate. An applicant for the
special plate shall be charged, in addition to the standard
registration fee, $15 for original issuance to be deposited into the
Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund, to be used by the
Secretary to help defray administrative costs. For each renewal period,
in addition to the standard registration fee, the applicant shall be
charged $2, which shall be deposited into the Secretary of State
[May 9, 2002] 88
Special License Plate Fund. The application"; and
on page 8, by replacing lines 7 and 8 with the following:
"3-414.1. Any person".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4344 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to utilities.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4667.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4667.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4667 on page 1 by replacing line
6 with the following:
"adding Sections 7-208, 7-209, 19-125, 19-130, and 19-135 as follows:
(220 ILCS 5/7-208 new)
Sec. 7-208. HVAC affiliate marketing.
(a) "HVAC affiliate" means all affiliated interests of a gas
utility that provide heating, ventilating, or air conditioning services
to customers within the service territory of the affiliated gas
(b) When an HVAC affiliate advertises or markets heating,
ventilating, or air conditioning services to the public, it shall
include a disclaimer that, if audible, is conspicuous and if printed is
of sufficient size to be clearly legible, and that states:
(Insert name of affiliate) is an affiliate of (insert name of gas
utility) and is not regulated by the Illinois Commerce Commission.
Customers are not required to buy products or services from (insert
name of affiliate) in order to receive the same quality of service from
the gas utility.
(c) The requirements in subsection (b) apply to all forms of
advertising and marketing, including, but not limited to, print,
television, radio, internet, telephonic, bill inserts, and newsletters.
(220 ILCS 5/7-209 new)
Sec. 7-209. Marketing limitation; gas utilities. If a gas utility
has an HVAC affiliate, the prohibition contained in this Section
applies to the employees of the gas utility. While a gas utility
employee is responding to a service call related to services provided
under tariffs on file with the Illinois Commerce Commission, the
employee of the gas utility is prohibited from marketing the services
of an HVAC affiliate; provided, however, the gas utility employee may
refer the customer to the telephone directory in response to specific
requests for referrals. If a customer's gas appliance or gas service
has been disconnected due to an emergency situation that requires
immediate attention, a gas utility employee may provide to that
89 [May 9, 2002]
customer a list, including contact phone numbers, that includes HVAC
affiliates and non-affiliated entities that provide heating
ventilating, or air conditioning services.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 4667 on page 10 by inserting
immediately below line 17 the following:
"(d) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit, restrict, or
mitigate in any way the power and authority of the State's Attorneys or
the Attorney General under the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
Practices Act.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 4667 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning insurance.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4725.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4725 on page 1, line 8, by
changing "which" to "that which".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4725 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning the regulation of professions.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4879.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4879.
[May 9, 2002] 90
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4879 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private
Security, and Locksmith Act of 1993 is amended by changing Section 75
as follows:
(225 ILCS 446/75)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2003)
Sec. 75. Qualifications for licensure and agency certification.
(a) Private Detective. A person is qualified to receive a license
as a private detective if he or she meets all of the following
(1) Is at least 21 years of age.
(2) Has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of any felony
or at least 10 years have expired from the time of discharge from
any sentence imposed for a felony.
(3) Is of good moral character. Good character is a
continuing requirement of licensure. Conviction of crimes not
listed in paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this Section may be
used in determining moral character, but does not operate as an
absolute bar to licensure.
(4) Has not been declared by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be incompetent by reason of mental or physical
defect or disease unless a court has since declared him or her to
be competent.
(5) Is not suffering from habitual drunkenness or from
narcotic addiction or dependence.
(6) Has a minimum of 3 years experience out of the 5 years
immediately preceding his or her application working full-time for
a licensed private detective agency as a registered private
detective employee or with 3 years experience out of the 5 years
immediately preceding his or her application employed as a
full-time investigator for a licensed attorney or in a law
enforcement agency of a federal or State political subdivision,
which shall include a State's Attorney's office or a Public
Defender's office, such full-time investigator experience to be
approved by the Board and the Department. An applicant who has
obtained a baccalaureate degree in police science or a related
field or a business degree from an accredited college or university
shall be given credit for 2 of the 3 years experience required
under this Section. An applicant who has obtained an associate
degree in police science or a related field or in business from an
accredited college or university shall be given credit for one of
the 3 years experience required under this Section.
(7) Has not been dishonorably discharged from the armed
services of the United States.
(8) Has successfully passed an examination authorized by the
Department. The examination shall include subjects reasonably
related to the activities licensed so as to provide for the
protection of the health and safety of the public.
(9) Has not violated Section 15, 20, or 25 of this Act, but
this requirement does not operate as an absolute bar to licensure.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain liability
insurance in an amount and coverage type appropriate as determined by
rule for the applicant's individual business circumstances. The
applicant shall provide evidence of insurance to the Department before
being issued a license. This insurance requirement is a continuing
requirement for licensure. Failure to maintain insurance shall result
in cancellation of the license by the Department.
(b) Private security contractor. A person is qualified to receive
a license as a private security contractor if he or she meets all of
91 [May 9, 2002]
the following requirements:
(1) Is at least 21 years of age.
(2) Has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of any felony
or at least 10 years have expired from the time of discharge from
any sentence imposed for a felony.
(3) Is of good moral character. Good moral character is a
continuing requirement of licensure. Convictions of crimes not
listed in paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of this Section may be
used in determining moral character, but do not operate as an
absolute bar to licensure.
(4) Has not been declared by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be incompetent by reason of mental or physical
defect or disease unless a court has since declared him or her to
be competent.
(5) Is not suffering from habitual drunkenness or from
narcotic addiction or dependence.
(6) Has a minimum of 3 years experience out of the 5 years
immediately preceding his or her application as a full-time manager
or administrator for a licensed private security contractor agency
or a manager or administrator of a proprietary security force of 30
or more persons registered with the Department, or with 3 years
experience out of the 5 years immediately preceding his or her
application as a full-time supervisor in a law enforcement agency
of a federal or State political subdivision, which shall include a
State's Attorney's office or Public Defender's office, such
full-time supervisory experience to be approved by the Board and
the Department. An applicant who has obtained a baccalaureate
degree in police science or a related field or a business degree
from an accredited college or university shall be given credit for
2 of the 3 years experience required under this Section. An
applicant who has obtained an associate degree in police science or
a related field or in business from an accredited college or
university shall be given credit for one of the 3 years experience
required under this Section.
(7) Has not been dishonorably discharged from the armed
services of the United States.
(8) Has successfully passed an examination authorized by the
Department. The examination shall include subjects reasonably
related to the activities licensed so as to provide for the
protection of the health and safety of the public.
(9) Has not violated Section 15, 20, or 25 of this Act, but
this requirement does not operate as an absolute bar to licensure.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain liability
insurance in amount and coverage type appropriate as determined by rule
for the applicant's individual business circumstances. The applicant
shall provide evidence of insurance to the Department before being
issued a license. This insurance requirement is a continuing
requirement for licensure. Failure to maintain insurance shall result
in cancellation of the license by the Department.
(c) Private alarm contractor. A person is qualified to receive a
license as a private alarm contractor if he or she meets all of the
following requirements:
(1) Is at least 21 years of age.
(2) Has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of any felony
or at least 10 years have expired from the time of discharge from
any sentence imposed for a felony.
(3) Is of good moral character. Good moral character is a
continuing requirement of licensure. Convictions of crimes not
listed in paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this Section may be
used in determining moral character, but do not operate as an
absolute bar to licensure.
(4) Has not been declared by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be incompetent by reason of mental or physical
defect or disease unless a court has since declared him or her to
be competent.
(5) Is not suffering from habitual drunkenness or from
[May 9, 2002] 92
narcotic addiction or dependence.
(6) Has not been dishonorably discharged from the armed
services of the United States.
(7) Has a minimum of 3 years experience out of the 5 years
immediately preceding application as a full time manager or
administrator for an agency licensed as a private alarm contractor
agency, or for an entity that designs, sells, installs, services,
or monitors alarm systems which in the judgment of the Board
satisfies standards of alarm industry competence. An individual
who has received a 4 year degree in electrical engineering or a
related field from a program approved by the Board shall be given
credit for 2 years of experience under this item (7). An
individual who has successfully completed a national certification
program approved by the Board shall be given credit for one year of
experience under this item (7).
(8) Has successfully passed an examination authorized by the
Department. The examination shall include subjects reasonably
related to the activities licensed so as to provide for the
protection of the health and safety of the public.
(9) Has not violated Section 15, 20, or 25 of this Act, but
this requirement does not operate as an absolute bar to licensure.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain liability
insurance in an amount and coverage type appropriate as determined by
rule for the applicant's individual business circumstances. The
applicant shall provide evidence of insurance to the Department before
being issued a license. This insurance requirement is a continuing
requirement for licensure. Failure to maintain insurance shall result
in cancellation of the license by the Department.
Alternatively, a person is qualified to receive a license as a
private alarm contractor without meeting the requirements of items (7),
(8), and (9) of this subsection, if he or she:
(i) applies for a license between September 2, 2002 July 1,
2000 and September 5, 2002 August 31, 2000, in writing, on forms
supplied by the Department;
(ii) provides proof to the Department that he or she was
engaged in the alarm contracting business on or before July 1, 1975
January 1, 1984;
(iii) submits the photographs, fingerprints, proof of
insurance, and current license fee required by the Department; and
(iv) has not violated Section 25 of this Act; and.
(v) has held a Permanent Employee Registration Card for a
minimum of 12 months.
(d) Locksmith. A person is qualified to receive a license as a
locksmith if he or she meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Is at least 18 years of age.
(2) Has not violated any provisions of Section 120 of this
(3) Has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of any felony
or at least 10 years have expired from the time of discharge from
any sentence imposed for a felony.
(4) Is of good moral character. Good moral character is a
continuing requirement of licensure. Convictions of crimes not
listed in paragraph (3) of subsection (d) of this Section may be
used in determining moral character, but do not operate as an
absolute bar to licensure.
(5) Has not been declared by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be incompetent by reason of mental or physical
defect or disease unless a court has since declared him or her to
be competent.
(6) Is not suffering from habitual drunkenness or from
narcotic addiction or dependence.
(7) Has not been dishonorably discharged from the armed
services of the United States.
(8) Has passed an examination authorized by the Department in
the theory and practice of the profession.
(9) Has submitted to the Department proof of insurance
93 [May 9, 2002]
sufficient for the individual's business circumstances. The
Department, with input from the Board, shall promulgate rules
specifying minimum insurance requirements. This insurance
requirement is a continuing requirement for licensure. Failure to
maintain insurance shall result in the cancellation of the license
by the Department. A locksmith employed by a licensed locksmith
agency or employed by a private concern may provide proof that his
or her actions as a locksmith are covered by the insurance of his
or her employer.
(e) Private detective agency. Upon payment of the required fee
and proof that the applicant has a full-time Illinois licensed private
detective in charge, which is a continuing requirement for agency
certification, the Department shall issue, without examination, a
certificate as a private detective agency to any of the following:
(1) An individual who submits an application in writing and
who is a licensed private detective under this Act.
(2) A firm or association that submits an application in
writing and all of the members of the firm or association are
licensed private detectives under this Act.
(3) A duly incorporated or registered corporation allowed to
do business in Illinois that is authorized by its articles of
incorporation to engage in the business of conducting a detective
agency, provided at least one officer or executive employee is
licensed as a private detective under this Act and all unlicensed
officers and directors of the corporation are determined by the
Department to be persons of good moral character.
No private detective may be the private detective in charge for
more than one agency. Upon written request by a representative of an
agency within 10 days after the loss of a licensee in charge of an
agency because of the death of that individual or because of an
unanticipated termination of the employment of that individual, the
Department shall issue a temporary permit allowing the continuing
operation of a previously licensed agency. No temporary permit shall
be valid for more than 90 days. An extension of an additional 90 days
may be granted by the Department for good cause shown upon written
request by the representative of the agency. No more than 2 extensions
may be granted to any agency. No temporary permit shall be issued for
the loss of the detective in charge because of disciplinary action by
the Department.
(f) Private alarm contractor agency. Upon receipt of the required
fee and proof that the applicant has a full-time Illinois licensed
private alarm contractor in charge, which is a continuing requirement
for agency certification, the Department shall issue, without
examination, a certificate as a private alarm contractor agency to any
of the following:
(1) An individual who submits an application in writing and
who is a licensed private alarm contractor under this Act.
(2) A firm or association that submits an application in
writing that all of the members of the firm or association are
licensed private alarm contractors under this Act.
(3) A duly incorporated or registered corporation allowed to
do business in Illinois that is authorized by its articles of
incorporation to engage in the business of conducting a private
alarm contractor agency, provided at least one officer or executive
employee is licensed as a private alarm contractor under this Act
and all unlicensed officers and directors of the corporation are
determined by the Department to be persons of good moral character.
No private alarm contractor may be the private alarm contractor
in charge for more than one agency. Upon written request by a
representative of an agency within 10 days after the loss of a licensed
private alarm contractor in charge of an agency because of the death of
that individual or because of the unanticipated termination of the
employment of that individual, the Department shall issue a temporary
permit allowing the continuing operation of a previously licensed
agency. No temporary permit shall be valid for more than 90 days. An
extension of an additional 90 days may be granted by the Department for
[May 9, 2002] 94
good cause shown and upon written request by the representative of the
agency. No more than 2 extensions may be granted to any agency. No
temporary permit shall be issued for the loss of the licensee in charge
because of disciplinary action by the Department.
(g) Private security contractor agency. Upon receipt of the
required fee and proof that the applicant has a full-time Illinois
licensed private security contractor in charge, which is continuing
requirement for agency certification, the Department shall issue,
without examination, a certificate as a private security contractor
agency to any of the following:
(1) An individual who submits an application in writing and
who is a licensed private security contractor under this Act.
(2) A firm or association that submits an application in
writing that all of the members are licensed private security
contractors under this Act.
(3) A duly incorporated or registered corporation allowed to
do business in Illinois that is authorized by its articles of
incorporation to engage in the business of conducting a private
security contractor agency, provided at least one officer or
executive employee is licensed as a private security contractor
under this Act and all unlicensed officers and directors of the
corporation are determined by the Department to be persons of good
moral character.
No private security contractor may be the private security
contractor in charge for more than one agency. Upon written request by
a representative of the agency within 10 days after the loss of a
licensee in charge of an agency because of the death of that individual
or because of the unanticipated termination of the employment of that
individual, the Department shall issue a temporary permit allowing the
continuing operation of a previously licensed agency. No temporary
permit shall be valid for more than 90 days. An extension of an
additional 90 days may be granted upon written request by the
representative of the agency. No more than 2 extensions may be granted
to any agency. No temporary permit shall be issued for the loss of the
licensee in charge because of disciplinary action by the Department.
(h) Licensed locksmith agency. Upon receipt of the required fee
and proof that the applicant is an Illinois licensed locksmith who
shall assume full responsibility for the operation of the agency and
the directed actions of the agency's employees, which is a continuing
requirement for agency licensure, the Department shall issue, without
examination, a certificate as a Locksmith Agency to any of the
(1) An individual who submits an application in writing and
who is a licensed locksmith under this Act.
(2) A firm or association that submits an application in
writing and certifies that all of the members of the firm or
association are licensed locksmiths under this Act.
(3) A duly incorporated or registered corporation or limited
liability company allowed to do business in Illinois that is
authorized by its articles of incorporation or organization to
engage in the business of conducting a locksmith agency, provided
that at least one officer or executive employee of a corporation or
one member of a limited liability company is licensed as a
locksmith under this Act, and provided that person agrees in
writing on a form acceptable to the Department to assume full
responsibility for the operation of the agency and the directed
actions of the agency's employees, and further provided that all
unlicensed officers and directors of the corporation or members of
the limited liability company are determined by the Department to
be persons of good moral character.
An individual licensed locksmith operating under a business name
other than the licensed locksmith's own name shall not be required to
obtain a locksmith agency license if that licensed locksmith does not
employ any persons to engage in the practice of locksmithing.
An applicant for licensure as a locksmith agency shall submit to
the Department proof of insurance sufficient for the agency's business
95 [May 9, 2002]
circumstances. The Department shall promulgate rules specifying
minimum insurance requirements. This insurance requirement is a
continuing requirement for licensure.
No licensed locksmith may be the licensed locksmith responsible for
the operation of more than one agency except for any individual who
submits proof to the Department that, on the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1995, he or she is actively responsible for the
operations of more than one agency. A licensed private alarm
contractor who is responsible for the operation of a licensed private
alarm contractor agency and who is a licensed locksmith may also be the
licensed locksmith responsible for the operation of a locksmith agency.
Upon written request by a representative of an agency within 10
days after the loss of a responsible licensed locksmith of an agency,
because of the death of that individual or because of the unanticipated
termination of the employment of that individual, the Department shall
issue a temporary permit allowing the continuing operation of a
previously licensed locksmith agency. No temporary permit shall be
valid for more than 90 days. An extension for an additional 90 days
may be granted by the Department for good cause shown and upon written
request by a representative of the agency. No more than 2 extensions
may be granted to any agency. No temporary permit shall be issued to
any agency due to the loss of the responsible locksmith because of
disciplinary action by the Department.
(i) Proprietary Security Force. All commercial or industrial
operations that employ 5 or more persons as armed security guards and
all financial institutions that employ armed security guards shall
register their security forces with the Department on forms provided by
the Department.
All armed security guard employees of the registered proprietary
security force shall be required to complete a 20-hour basic training
course and 20-hour firearm training course in accordance with
administrative rules.
Each proprietary security force shall be required to apply to the
Department, on forms supplied by the Department, for the issuance of a
firearm authorization card, in accordance with administrative rules,
for each armed employee of the security force.
The Department shall prescribe rules for the administration of this
(j) Any licensed agency that operates a branch office as defined
in this Act shall apply for a branch office license.
(Source: P.A. 90-436, eff. 1-1-98; 90-580, eff. 5-21-98; 90-602, eff.
6-26-98; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-815, eff. 6-13-00.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
AMENDMENT NO.2. Amend House Bill 4879, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment No. 1, on page 1, line 6,
by replacing "Section 75" with "Sections 75, 80, and 185"; and
on page 13, by inserting the following after line 27:
"(225 ILCS 446/80)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2003)
Sec. 80. Employee requirements. All employees of a licensed
agency, other than those exempted, shall apply for a Permanent Employee
Registration Card. The holder of an agency certificate issued under
this Act, known in this Act as "employer", may employ in the conduct of
his or her business employees under the following provisions:
(a) No person shall be issued a permanent employee registration
card who:
(1) Is under 18 years of age.
(2) Is under 21 years of age if the services will include
being armed.
(3) Has been determined by the Department to be unfit by
reason of conviction of an offense in this or another state, other
than a minor traffic offense. The Department shall promulgate
rules for procedures by which those circumstances shall be
determined and that afford the applicant due process of law.
[May 9, 2002] 96
(4) Has had a license or permanent employee registration card
refused, denied, suspended, or revoked under this Act.
(5) Has been declared incompetent by any court of competent
jurisdiction by reason of mental disease or defect and has not been
(6) Has been dishonorably discharged from the armed services
of the United States.
(b) No person may be employed by a private detective agency,
private security contractor agency, or private alarm contractor agency,
or locksmith agency under this Section until he or she has executed and
furnished to the employer, on forms furnished by the Department, a
verified statement to be known as "Employee's Statement" setting forth:
(1) The person's full name, age, and residence address.
(2) The business or occupation engaged in for the 5 years
immediately before the date of the execution of the statement, the
place where the business or occupation was engaged in, and the
names of employers, if any.
(3) That the person has not had a license or employee
registration refused, revoked, or suspended under this Act.
(4) Any conviction of a felony or misdemeanor.
(5) Any declaration of incompetency by a court of competent
jurisdiction that has not been restored.
(6) Any dishonorable discharge from the armed services of the
United States.
(7) Any other information as may be required by any rule of
the Department to show the good character, competency, and
integrity of the person executing the statement.
(c) Each applicant for a permanent employee registration card
shall have his or her fingerprints submitted to the Department of State
Police in an electronic format that complies with the form and manner
for requesting and furnishing criminal history record information as
prescribed by the Department of State Police. These fingerprints shall
be checked against the Department of State Police and Federal Bureau of
Investigation criminal history record databases now and hereafter
filed. The Department of State Police shall charge applicants a fee for
conducting the criminal history records check, which shall be deposited
in the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual cost
of the records check. The Department of State Police shall furnish,
pursuant to positive identification, records of Illinois convictions to
the Department. The Department may require applicants to pay a separate
fingerprinting fee, either to the Department or directly to the vendor.
The Department, in its discretion, may allow an applicant who does not
have reasonable access to a designated vendor to provide his or her
fingerprints in an alternative manner. The Department, in its
discretion, may also use other procedures in performing or obtaining
criminal background checks of applicants. submit to the Department with
the applicable fees, on fingerprint cards furnished by the Department,
2 complete sets of fingerprints that are verified to be those of the
applicant. If an applicant's fingerprint cards are returned to the
Department as unclassifiable by the screening agency, the applicant has
90 days after notification is sent by the Department to submit
additional fingerprint cards taken by a different technician to replace
the unclassifiable fingerprint cards.
The Department shall notify the submitting licensed agency within
10 days if the applicant's fingerprint cards are returned to the
Department as unclassifiable. However, Instead of submitting his or
her fingerprints, an individual may submit proof that is satisfactory
to the Department that an equivalent security clearance has been
conducted. Also, a full-time peace officer or an individual who has
retired as a peace officer within 12 months of application may submit
verification, on forms provided by the Department and signed by one's
employer, of his or her full-time employment as a peace officer.
"Peace officer" means any person who by virtue of his or her office or
public employment is vested by law with a duty to maintain public order
or to make arrests for offenses, whether that duty extends to all
offenses or is limited to specific offenses; officers, agents, or
97 [May 9, 2002]
employees of the federal government commissioned by federal statute to
make arrests for violations of federal criminal laws are considered
peace officers.
(d) Upon receipt of the verified fingerprint cards, the Department
shall cause the fingerprints to be compared with fingerprints of
criminals now or hereafter filed with the Illinois Department of State
Police. The Department may also cause the fingerprints to be checked
against the fingerprints of criminals now or hereafter filed in the
records of other official fingerprint files within or without this
State. The Department shall issue a permanent employee registration
card, in a form the Department prescribes, to all qualified applicants.
The Department shall notify the submitting licensed agency within 10
days upon the issuance of or intent to deny the permanent employee
registration card. The holder of a permanent employee registration
card shall carry the card at all times while actually engaged in the
performance of the duties of his or her employment. Expiration and
requirements for renewal of permanent employee registration cards shall
be established by rule of the Department. Possession of a permanent
employee registration card does not in any way imply that the holder of
the card is employed by an agency unless the permanent employee
registration card is accompanied by the employee identification card
required by subsection (g) of this Section.
(e) (Blank). Within 5 days of the receipt of the application
materials, the Department shall institute an investigation for a
criminal record by checking the applicant's name with immediately
available criminal history information systems.
(f) Each employer shall maintain a record of each employee that is
accessible to the duly authorized representatives of the Department.
The record shall contain the following information:
(1) A photograph taken within 10 days of the date that the
employee begins employment with the employer. The photograph shall
be replaced with a current photograph every 3 calendar years.
(2) The employee's statement specified in subsection (b) of
this Section.
(3) All correspondence or documents relating to the character
and integrity of the employee received by the employer from any
official source or law enforcement agency.
(4) In the case of former employees, the employee
identification card of that person issued under subsection (g) of
this Section.
Each employee record shall duly note if the employee is employed
in an armed capacity. Armed employee files shall contain a copy of an
active Firearm Owners Identification Card and a copy of an active
Firearm Authorization Card.
Each employer shall maintain a record for each armed employee of
each instance in which the employee's weapon was discharged during the
course of his or her professional duties or activities. The record
shall be maintained on forms provided by the Department, a copy of
which must be filed with the Department within 15 days of an instance.
The record shall include the date and time of the occurrence, the
circumstances involved in the occurrence, and any other information as
the Department may require. Failure to provide this information to the
Department or failure to maintain the record as a part of each armed
employee's permanent file is grounds for disciplinary action. The
Department, upon receipt of a report, shall have the authority to make
any investigation it considers appropriate into any occurrence in which
an employee's weapon was discharged and to take disciplinary action as
may be appropriate.
The Department may, by rule, prescribe further record requirements.
(g) Every employer shall furnish an employee identification card
to each of his or her employees. This employee identification card
shall contain a recent photograph of the employee, the employee's name,
the name and agency certification number of the employer, the
employee's personal description, the signature of the employer, the
signature of that employee, the date of issuance, and an employee
identification card number.
[May 9, 2002] 98
(h) No employer may issue an employee identification card to any
person who is not employed by the employer in accordance with this
Section or falsely state or represent that a person is or has been in
his or her employ. It is unlawful for an applicant for registered
employment to file with the Department the fingerprints of a person
other than himself or herself, or to fail to exercise due diligence in
resubmitting replacement fingerprints for those employees who have had
original fingerprint submissions returned as unclassifiable.
(i) Every employer shall obtain the identification card of every
employee who terminates employment with him or her.
(j) Every employer shall maintain a separate roster of the names
of all employees currently working in an armed capacity and submit the
roster to the Department on request.
(k) No agency may employ any person to perform a licensed activity
under this Act unless: (1) the person possesses a valid permanent
employee registration card, or the person has a valid license under
this Act, or the person is exempt pursuant to subsection (o). ; or
(k-5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (k), an agency
may employ a person in a temporary capacity if the following conditions
are met:
(1) The agency completes in its entirety and submits to the
Department an application for a permanent employee registration
card, including the required fingerprint receipt and fees;
(2) The agency has verification from the Department that the
applicant has no record of any criminal conviction pursuant to the
criminal history check conducted by the Department of State Police.
The agency shall maintain the verification of the results of the
Department of State Police criminal history check as part of the
employee record as required under subsection (f) of this Section;
(3) The agency exercises due diligence to ensure that the
person is qualified under the requirements of the Act to be issued
a permanent employee registration card; and
(4) The agency maintains a separate roster of the names of
all employees whose applications are currently pending with the
Department and submits the roster to the Department on a monthly
basis. Rosters are to be maintained by the agency for a period of
at least 24 months.
An agency may employ only a permanent employee applicant for which
it either submitted a permanent employee application and all required
forms and fees or it confirms with the Department that a permanent
employee application and all required forms and fees have been
submitted by another agency and all other requirements of this Section
are met.
The Department shall have the authority to revoke, without a
hearing, the temporary authority of an individual to work upon receipt
of Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint data or a report of
another official authority indicating a criminal conviction. If the
Department has not received a temporary employee's Federal Bureau of
Investigation fingerprint data within 120 days of the date the
Department received the Department of State Police fingerprint data,
the Department may, at its discretion, revoke the employee's temporary
authority to work with 15 days written notice to the individual and the
employing agency.
An agency may not employ a person in a temporary capacity if it
knows or reasonably should have known that the person has been
convicted of a crime under the laws of this State, who has been
convicted in another state of any crime that is a crime under the laws
of this State, who has been convicted of any crime in a federal court,
or who has been posted as an unapproved applicant by the Department.
Notice by the Department to the agency, via certified mail, personal
delivery, electronic mail, or posting on an internet site accessible to
the agency that the person has been convicted of a crime shall be
deemed constructive knowledge of the conviction on the part of the
The Department may adopt rules to implement this subsection (k-5).
(2) The agency:
99 [May 9, 2002]
(i) on behalf of each person completes in its entirety
and submits to the Department an application for a permanent
employee registration card, including the required fingerprint
card and fees;
(ii) exercises due diligence to ensure that the person
is qualified under the requirements of the Act to be issued a
permanent employee registration card; and
(iii) maintains a separate roster of the names of all
employees whose applications are currently pending with the
Department and submits the roster to the Department on a
monthly basis. Rosters are to be maintained by the agency for
a period of at least 24 months.
(l) (Blank). Failure by an agency to submit the application, fees,
and fingerprints specified in this Section before scheduling the person
for work shall result in a fine, in an amount up to $1,000, or other
disciplinary action being imposed against the agency. Failure to
maintain and submit the specified rosters is grounds for discipline
under this Act.
(m) No person may be employed under this Section in any capacity
(i) The person while so employed is being paid by the United
States or any political subdivision for the time so employed in
addition to any payments he or she may receive from the employer.
(ii) The person wears any portion of his or her official
uniform, emblem of authority, or equipment while so employed except
as provided in Section 30.
(n) If information is discovered affecting the registration of a
person whose fingerprints were submitted under this Section, the
Department shall so notify the agency that submitted the fingerprints
on behalf of that person.
(o) Peace officers, as defined in subsection (c), shall be exempt
from the requirements of this Section relating to permanent employee
registration cards. The agency shall remain responsible for any peace
officer employed under this exemption, regardless of whether the peace
officer is compensated as an employee or an independent contractor and
as further defined by rule.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 91-815, eff. 6-13-00.)
(225 ILCS 446/185)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2003)
Sec. 185. Firearm authorization; training courses.
(a) No person shall perform duties that include the use, carrying,
or possession of a firearm in the performance of those duties without
fully complying with this Section and having been issued a valid
firearm authorization card by the Department. This Act permits only the
following to carry firearms while actually engaged in the performance
of their duties or while commuting directly to or from their places of
employment: persons licensed as private alarm contractors; persons
licensed as private detectives; persons licensed as private security
contractors and their registered employees; and registered armed
proprietary security forces and their registered employees.
(b) No employer shall employ any person to perform the duties for
which employee registration is required under Section 80 and allow that
person to carry a firearm in the performance of those duties unless
that person has fully complied with the firearm training requirements
specified in this Section and has been issued a valid firearm
authorization card by the Department.
Actual possession of a valid firearm authorization card allows an
employee to carry a firearm not otherwise prohibited by law, while the
employee is actually engaged in the performance of his or her duties or
while the employee is commuting directly to or from the employee's
place or places of employment, provided that this commuting is
accomplished within one hour from departure from home or a place of
(c) The Department shall evaluate and either approve or disapprove
training programs for the basic firearm training course. The
determination by the Department shall be reasonably made.
[May 9, 2002] 100
The firearm training course shall be taught by an instructor
qualified to give the instruction. Reasonable qualifications shall be
determined by the Department.
The firearm training course may be conducted by agencies or
institutions approved by the Department or may be conducted by a
licensee or any agency certified by this Act so long as the course is
approved by the Department. The firearm course shall consist of the
(1) A minimum of 40 hours of training, 20 of which shall be
as described in Section 180, and 20 of which shall be as follows:
(i) instruction in the dangers of and misuse of the
firearm, safety rules, and care and cleaning of the firearm;
(ii) practice firing on a range with live ammunition;
(iii) instruction in the legal use of firearms under the
provisions of the Criminal Code of 1961, and relevant court
(iv) a forceful presentation of the ethical and moral
consideration assumed by any person who uses a firearm;
(v) a review of the current law regarding arrest,
search, and seizure; and
(vi) liability for acts.
(2) An examination shall be given at the completion of the
course. The examination shall be in 2 parts which shall consist of
a firearms qualification course and a written examination, which
shall be approved by the Department. Successful completion shall
be determined by the Department.
(d) The firearm training requirement shall be waived for an
employee who has completed training provided by the Illinois Law
Enforcement Training Standards Board, or the equivalent public body in
another state, provided supporting documentation showing
requalification with the weapon on the firing range is submitted to the
Department. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
contrary, all requirements relating to firearms authorization cards do
not apply to a peace officer as defined in subsection (c) of Section 80
of this Act. ; or for an employee who is also employed as a law
enforcement officer as defined in the Illinois Police Training Act.
(e) The Department shall issue a firearm authorization card to a
person who has passed an approved basic firearm training course, who is
currently employed by an agency certified under this Act, who is
authorized under subsection (a) of this Section, who has met all the
requirements of the Act, and who possesses a valid Firearm Owner
Identification Card. Application for the card shall be made by the
employer to the Department on forms provided by the Department. The
Department shall forward this card to the employer who shall be
responsible for its issuance. The firearm authorization card shall be
issued by the Department in the form of a pocket card designed by the
Department and shall identify the person holding the card and the name
of the course where the employee received firearm instruction; the card
shall specify the type of weapon or weapons that the person is
authorized by the Department to carry and for which the person has been
(f) Expiration and requirements for renewal of firearm
authorization cards shall be established by rule of the Department.
(g) The Department may, in addition to any other discipline
allowed under this Act, refuse to issue, suspend, or revoke a firearm
authorization card if the applicant or holder has been convicted of any
felony or any crime involving the illegal use, carrying, or possession
of a deadly weapon, or for violation of this Act or rules promulgated
under this Act. The procedures in this Act for disciplining a licensee
shall be followed in taking action under this paragraph.
The Department shall refuse to issue or shall revoke a Firearm
Authorization Card if the applicant or holder fails to hold a valid
Firearm Owners Identification Card.
The Director shall summarily suspend a firearm authorization card
if the Director finds that continued use of the card would constitute
an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare. A prompt
101 [May 9, 2002]
hearing on the charges shall be held before the Board if the Director
summarily suspends a Firearm Authorization Card.
(Source: P.A. 88-363; 88-586, eff. 8-12-94; 89-694, eff. 12-31-96.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 4879 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning higher education student assistance.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4912.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4912 on page 5, by replacing
lines 32 through 34 with "collection fees."; and
on page 6, in line 1, by deleting "amount may not exceed $5,000."; and
on page 9, by replacing lines 31 through 34 with "reasonable collection
fees. The Commission is"; and
on page 13, in line 34, by deleting "(i)"; and
on page 14, by replacing lines 6 through 9 with "legal disability.
Payments received by the".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4912 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to criminal law.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4926.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4926.
[May 9, 2002] 102
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4926 as follows:
on page 1, line 5, by inserting "and by adding Section 12-35" after
"12-14"; and
on page 3, by inserting below line 20 the following:
"(720 ILCS 5/12-35 new)
Sec. 12-35. Sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal.
(a) A person may not knowingly engage in any sexual conduct or
sexual contact with an animal.
(b) A person may not knowingly cause, aid, or abet another person
to engage in any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal.
(c) A person may not knowingly permit any sexual conduct or sexual
contact with an animal to be conducted on any premises under his or her
charge or control.
(d) A person may not knowingly engage in, promote, aid, or abet
any activity involving any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an
animal for a commercial or recreational purpose.
(e) Sentence. A person who violates this Section is guilty of a
Class 4 felony. A person who violates this Section in the presence of a
person under 18 years of age or causes the animal serious physical
injury or death is guilty of a Class 3 felony.
(f) In addition to the penalty imposed in subsection (e), the
court may order that the defendant do any of the following:
(1) Not harbor animals or reside in any household where
animals are present for a reasonable period of time or permanently,
if necessary.
(2) Relinquish and permanently forfeit all animals residing
in the household to a recognized or duly organized animal shelter
or humane society.
(3) Undergo a psychological evaluation and counseling at
defendant's expense.
(4) Reimburse the animal shelter or humane society for any
reasonable costs incurred for the care and maintenance of the
animal involved in the sexual conduct or sexual contact in addition
to any animals relinquished to the animal shelter or humane
(g) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit
accepted animal husbandry practices or accepted veterinary medical
practices by a licensed veterinarian or certified veterinary
(h) If the court has reasonable grounds to believe that a
violation of this Section has occurred, the court may order the seizure
of all animals involved in the alleged violation as a condition of bond
of a person charged with a violation of this Section.
(i) In this Section:
"Animal" means every creature, either alive or dead, other than a
human being.
"Sexual conduct" means any touching or fondling by a person, either
directly or through clothing, of the sex organs or anus of an animal or
any transfer or transmission of semen by the person upon any part of
the animal, for the purpose of sexual gratification or arousal of the
"Sexual contact" means any contact, however slight, between the sex
organ or anus of a person and the sex organ, mouth, or anus of an
animal, or any intrusion, however slight, of any part of the body of
the person into the sex organ or anus of an animal, for the purpose of
sexual gratification or arousal of the person. Evidence of emission of
semen is not required to prove sexual contact.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 4926 as follows:
on page 2, by replacing line 28 with the following:
103 [May 9, 2002]
"is a Class X felony. A violation of subsection (a)(1) is a Class X
felony for which 10 years shall be added to the term of imprisonment
imposed by the court. A violation of subsection".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 4926 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning vehicles.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4933.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4933 on page 1, line 10, by
replacing "600" with "900 600".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4933 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to vehicles.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4948.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4948.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4948 on page 9, by replacing
line 31 with the following:
"(l) A person may not be criminally charged with or convicted of
[May 9, 2002] 104
both a knowing failure to comply with this Section and a knowing
failure to comply with any order, if both offenses involve the same
record keeping violation.
(m) The Secretary shall adopt rules necessary for".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 4948 on page 6, line 11, by
replacing "second" with "fifth second"; and
on page 6, by replacing line 21 with "be recorded in the record book
for essential parts and".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 4948 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT regarding vehicles.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 4975.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 4975 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause:
"Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing
Section 5-101 and 5-102 as follows:
(625 ILCS 5/5-101) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-101)
Sec. 5-101. New vehicle dealers must be licensed.
(a) No person shall engage in this State in the business of
selling or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, new vehicles of any
make, or act as an intermediary or agent or broker for any licensed
dealer or vehicle purchaser other than as a salesperson, or represent
or advertise that he is so engaged or intends to so engage in such
business unless licensed to do so in writing by the Secretary of State
under the provisions of this Section.
(b) An application for a new vehicle dealer's license shall be
filed with the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, on such form
as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe and shall
1. The name and type of business organization of the
applicant and his established and additional places of business,
if any, in this State.
2. If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its officers,
directors, and shareholders having a ten percent or greater
ownership interest in the corporation, setting forth the residence
address of each; if the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a
partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, or any similar
form of business organization, the name and residence address of
the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director,
trustee, or manager.
3. The make or makes of new vehicles which the applicant will
105 [May 9, 2002]
offer for sale at retail in this State.
4. The name of each manufacturer or franchised distributor,
if any, of new vehicles with whom the applicant has contracted for
the sale of such new vehicles. As evidence of this fact, the
application shall be accompanied by a signed statement from each
such manufacturer or franchised distributor. If the applicant is
in the business of offering for sale new conversion vehicles,
trucks or vans, except for trucks modified to serve a special
purpose which includes but is not limited to the following
vehicles: street sweepers, fertilizer spreaders, emergency
vehicles, implements of husbandry or maintenance type vehicles, he
must furnish evidence of a sales and service agreement from both
the chassis manufacturer and second stage manufacturer.
5. A statement that the applicant has been approved for
registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the
Department of Revenue: Provided that this requirement does not
apply to a dealer who is already licensed hereunder with the
Secretary of State, and who is merely applying for a renewal of his
license. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be
accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue
showing that that Department has approved the applicant for
registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
6. A statement that the applicant has complied with the
appropriate liability insurance requirement. A Certificate of
Insurance in a solvent company authorized to do business in the
State of Illinois shall be included with each application covering
each location at which he proposes to act as a new vehicle dealer.
The policy must provide liability coverage in the minimum amounts
of $100,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, any person, $300,000
for bodily injury to, or death of, two or more persons in any one
accident, and $50,000 for damage to property. Such policy shall
expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the
license was issued or renewed. The expiration of the insurance
policy shall not terminate the liability under the policy arising
during the period for which the policy was filed. Trailer and
mobile home dealers are exempt from this requirement.
The liability insurance policy must provide automobile
liability coverage in the minimum amounts of $100,000 for bodily
injury to or death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or
death of 2 or more persons in any one accident, and $50,000 for
damage to property for any permitted user of the new vehicle
dealer's automobile if the permitted user has no automobile
liability insurance of his or her own or if the permitted user has
automobile liability insurance in amounts of less than $100,000 for
bodily injury to or death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury
to or death of 2 or more persons in any one accident, and $50,000
for damage to property.
If the permitted user of the new vehicle dealer's automobile
has automobile liability coverage in the minimum amounts of
$100,000 for bodily injury to or death of any person, $300,000 for
bodily injury to or death of 2 or more persons in any one accident,
and $50,000 for damage to property, the permitted user's insurance
shall be primary and the new vehicle dealer's insurance shall be
secondary, unless the permitted user is "test driving" the new
vehicle dealer's automobile. When a permitted user is "test
driving" a new vehicle dealer's automobile, the new vehicle
dealer's insurance shall be primary and the permitted user's
insurance shall be secondary.
As used in this paragraph 6, "test driving" occurs when a
permitted user who, with the permission of the new vehicle dealer
or an employee of the new vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned
and held for sale or lease by a new vehicle dealer that the person
is considering to purchase or lease, for the exclusive purpose of
evaluating the performance, reliability, or condition of the
vehicle. As used in this paragraph 6, a "permitted user" means a
person who is not an officer, director, or employee or a spouse of
[May 9, 2002] 106
an officer, director, or employee of the new vehicle dealer and is
permitted or authorized to drive a vehicle owned by the new vehicle
7. (A) An application for a new motor vehicle dealer's
license shall be accompanied by the following license fees:
$100 for applicant's established place of business, and
$50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which
the application pertains; but if the application is made after
June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $50 for
applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each
additional place of business, if any, to which the application
pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event
that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. All
moneys received by the Secretary of State as license fees
under this Section shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle
Review Board Fund and shall be used to administer the Motor
Vehicle Review Board under the Motor Vehicle Franchise Act.
(B) An application for a new vehicle dealer's license,
other than for a new motor vehicle dealer's license, shall be
accompanied by the following license fees:
$50 for applicant's established place of business, and
$25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which
the application pertains; but if the application is made after
June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $25 for
applicant's established place of business plus $12.50 for each
additional place of business, if any, to which the application
pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event
that the application is denied by the Secretary of State.
8. A statement that the applicant's officers, directors,
shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein,
proprietor, a partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager
or other principals in the business have not committed in the past
3 years any one violation as determined in any civil, criminal or
administrative proceedings of any one of the following Acts:
(A) The Anti Theft Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(B) The Certificate of Title Laws of the Illinois
Vehicle Code;
(C) The Offenses against Registration and Certificates
of Title Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(D) The Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers and Rebuilders
Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(E) Section 21-2 of the Criminal Code of 1961, Criminal
Trespass to Vehicles; or
(F) The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
9. A statement that the applicant's officers, directors,
shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein,
proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager or
other principals in the business have not committed in any calendar
year 3 or more violations, as determined in any civil, criminal or
administrative proceedings, of any one or more of the following
(A) The Consumer Finance Act;
(B) The Consumer Installment Loan Act;
(C) The Retail Installment Sales Act;
(D) The Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales Act;
(E) The Interest Act;
(F) The Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
(G) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
Procedure; or
(H) The Consumer Fraud Act.
10. A bond or certificate of deposit in the amount of $20,000
for each location at which the applicant intends to act as a new
vehicle dealer. The bond shall be for the term of the license, or
its renewal, for which application is made, and shall expire not
sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was
issued or renewed. The bond shall run to the People of the State
107 [May 9, 2002]
of Illinois, with surety by a bonding or insurance company
authorized to do business in this State. It shall be conditioned
upon the proper transmittal of all title and registration fees and
taxes (excluding taxes under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act)
accepted by the applicant as a new vehicle dealer.
11. Such other information concerning the business of the
applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation
12. A statement that the applicant understands Chapter One
through Chapter Five of this Code.
(c) Any change which renders no longer accurate any information
contained in any application for a new vehicle dealer's license shall
be amended within 30 days after the occurrence of such change on such
form as the Secretary of State may prescribe by rule or regulation,
accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
(d) Anything in this Chapter 5 to the contrary notwithstanding no
person shall be licensed as a new vehicle dealer unless:
1. He is authorized by contract in writing between himself
and the manufacturer or franchised distributor of such make of
vehicle to so sell the same in this State, and
2. Such person shall maintain an established place of
business as defined in this Act.
(e) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after
receipt, examine an application submitted to him under this Section
and unless he makes a determination that the application submitted to
him does not conform with the requirements of this Section or that
grounds exist for a denial of the application, under Section 5-501 of
this Chapter, grant the applicant an original new vehicle dealer's
license in writing for his established place of business and a
supplemental license in writing for each additional place of business
in such form as he may prescribe by rule or regulation which shall
include the following:
1. The name of the person licensed;
2. If a corporation, the name and address of its officers or
if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated
association or any similar form of business organization, the name
and address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer,
director, trustee or manager;
3. In the case of an original license, the established place
of business of the licensee;
4. In the case of a supplemental license, the established
place of business of the licensee and the additional place of
business to which such supplemental license pertains;
5. The make or makes of new vehicles which the licensee is
licensed to sell.
(f) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a
certified copy thereof, provided by the Secretary of State, shall be
kept posted conspicuously in the established place of business of the
licensee and in each additional place of business, if any, maintained
by such licensee.
(g) Except as provided in subsection (h) hereof, all new vehicle
dealer's licenses granted under this Section shall expire by operation
of law on December 31 of the calendar year for which they are granted
unless sooner revoked or cancelled under the provisions of Section
5-501 of this Chapter.
(h) A new vehicle dealer's license may be renewed upon application
and payment of the fee required herein, and submission of proof of
coverage under an approved bond under the "Retailers' Occupation Tax
Act" or proof that applicant is not subject to such bonding
requirements, as in the case of an original license, but in case an
application for the renewal of an effective license is made during the
month of December, the effective license shall remain in force until
the application is granted or denied by the Secretary of State.
(i) All persons licensed as a new vehicle dealer are required to
furnish each purchaser of a motor vehicle:
1. In the case of a new vehicle a manufacturer's statement of
[May 9, 2002] 108
origin and in the case of a used motor vehicle a certificate of
title, in either case properly assigned to the purchaser;
2. A statement verified under oath that all identifying
numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of title
or manufacturer's statement of origin;
3. A bill of sale properly executed on behalf of such person;
4. A copy of the Uniform Invoice-transaction reporting return
referred to in Section 5-402 hereof;
5. In the case of a rebuilt vehicle, a copy of the Disclosure
of Rebuilt Vehicle Status; and
6. In the case of a vehicle for which the warranty has been
reinstated, a copy of the warranty.
(j) Except at the time of sale or repossession of the vehicle, no
person licensed as a new vehicle dealer may issue any other person a
newly created key to a vehicle unless the new vehicle dealer makes a
copy of the driver's license or State identification card of the person
requesting or obtaining the newly created key. The new vehicle dealer
must retain the copy for 30 days.
A new vehicle dealer who violates this subsection (j) is guilty of
a petty offense. Violation of this subsection (j) is not cause to
suspend, revoke, cancel, or deny renewal of the new vehicle dealer's
This amendatory Act of 1983 shall be applicable to the 1984
registration year and thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 92-391, eff. 8-16-01.)
(625 ILCS 5/5-102) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-102)
Sec. 5-102. Used vehicle dealers must be licensed.
(a) No person, other than a licensed new vehicle dealer, shall
engage in the business of selling or dealing in, on consignment or
otherwise, 5 or more used vehicles of any make during the year (except
house trailers as authorized by paragraph (j) of this Section and
rebuilt salvage vehicles sold by their rebuilders to persons licensed
under this Chapter), or act as an intermediary, agent or broker for any
licensed dealer or vehicle purchaser (other than as a salesperson) or
represent or advertise that he is so engaged or intends to so engage in
such business unless licensed to do so by the Secretary of State under
the provisions of this Section.
(b) An application for a used vehicle dealer's license shall be
filed with the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, in such form
as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe and shall
1. The name and type of business organization established and
additional places of business, if any, in this State.
2. If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its officers,
directors, and shareholders having a ten percent or greater
ownership interest in the corporation, setting forth the residence
address of each; if the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a
partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, or any similar
form of business organization, the names and residence address of
the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director,
trustee or manager.
3. A statement that the applicant has been approved for
registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the
Department of Revenue. However, this requirement does not apply to
a dealer who is already licensed hereunder with the Secretary of
State, and who is merely applying for a renewal of his license. As
evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a
certification from the Department of Revenue showing that the
Department has approved the applicant for registration under the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
4. A statement that the applicant has complied with the
appropriate liability insurance requirement. A Certificate of
Insurance in a solvent company authorized to do business in the
State of Illinois shall be included with each application covering
each location at which he proposes to act as a used vehicle dealer.
The policy must provide liability coverage in the minimum amounts
109 [May 9, 2002]
of $100,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, any person, $300,000
for bodily injury to, or death of, two or more persons in any one
accident, and $50,000 for damage to property. Such policy shall
expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the
license was issued or renewed. The expiration of the insurance
policy shall not terminate the liability under the policy arising
during the period for which the policy was filed. Trailer and
mobile home dealers are exempt from this requirement.
The liability insurance policy must provide automobile
liability coverage in the minimum amounts of $100,000 for bodily
injury to or death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or
death of 2 or more persons in any one accident, and $50,000 for
damage to property for any permitted user of the used vehicle
dealer's automobile if the permitted user has no automobile
liability insurance of his or her own or if the permitted user has
automobile liability insurance in amounts of less than $100,000 for
bodily injury to or death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury
to or death of 2 or more persons in any one accident, and $50,000
for damage to property.
If the permitted user of the used vehicle dealer's automobile
has automobile liability coverage in the minimum amounts of
$100,000 for bodily injury to or death of any person, $300,000 for
bodily injury to or death of 2 or more persons in any one accident,
and $50,000 for damage to property, the permitted user's insurance
shall be primary and the used vehicle dealer's insurance shall be
secondary, unless the permitted user is "test driving" the used
vehicle dealer's automobile. When a permitted user is "test
driving" a used vehicle dealer's automobile, the used vehicle
dealer's insurance shall be primary and the permitted user's
insurance shall be secondary.
As used in this paragraph 4, "test driving" occurs when a
permitted user who, with the permission of the used vehicle dealer
or an employee of the used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned
and held for sale or lease by a used vehicle dealer that the person
is considering to purchase or lease, for the exclusive purpose of
evaluating the performance, reliability, or condition of the
vehicle. As used in this paragraph 4, a "permitted user" means a
person who is not an officer, director, or employee or a spouse of
an officer, director, or employee of the used vehicle dealer and is
permitted or authorized to drive a vehicle owned by the used
vehicle dealer.
5. An application for a used vehicle dealer's license shall
be accompanied by the following license fees:
$50 for applicant's established place of business, and $25 for
each additional place of business, if any, to which the application
pertains; however, if the application is made after June 15 of any
year, the license fee shall be $25 for applicant's established
place of business plus $12.50 for each additional place of
business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees
shall be returnable only in the event that the application is
denied by the Secretary of State.
6. A statement that the applicant's officers, directors,
shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein,
proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager or
other principals in the business have not committed in the past 3
years any one violation as determined in any civil, criminal or
administrative proceedings of any one of the following Acts:
(A) The Anti Theft Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(B) The Certificate of Title Laws of the Illinois
Vehicle Code;
(C) The Offenses against Registration and Certificates
of Title Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(D) The Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers and Rebuilders
Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(E) Section 21-2 of the Illinois Criminal Code of 1961,
Criminal Trespass to Vehicles; or
[May 9, 2002] 110
(F) The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
7. A statement that the applicant's officers, directors,
shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein,
proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager or
other principals in the business have not committed in any calendar
year 3 or more violations, as determined in any civil or criminal
or administrative proceedings, of any one or more of the following
(A) The Consumer Finance Act;
(B) The Consumer Installment Loan Act;
(C) The Retail Installment Sales Act;
(D) The Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales Act;
(E) The Interest Act;
(F) The Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
(G) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
Procedure; or
(H) The Consumer Fraud Act.
8. A bond or Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $20,000
for each location at which the applicant intends to act as a used
vehicle dealer. The bond shall be for the term of the license, or
its renewal, for which application is made, and shall expire not
sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was
issued or renewed. The bond shall run to the People of the State
of Illinois, with surety by a bonding or insurance company
authorized to do business in this State. It shall be conditioned
upon the proper transmittal of all title and registration fees and
taxes (excluding taxes under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act)
accepted by the applicant as a used vehicle dealer.
9. Such other information concerning the business of the
applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation
10. A statement that the applicant understands Chapter 1
through Chapter 5 of this Code.
(c) Any change which renders no longer accurate any information
contained in any application for a used vehicle dealer's license shall
be amended within 30 days after the occurrence of each change on such
form as the Secretary of State may prescribe by rule or regulation,
accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
(d) Anything in this Chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, no
person shall be licensed as a used vehicle dealer unless such person
maintains an established place of business as defined in this Chapter.
(e) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after
receipt, examine an application submitted to him under this Section.
Unless the Secretary makes a determination that the application
submitted to him does not conform to this Section or that grounds
exist for a denial of the application under Section 5-501 of this
Chapter, he must grant the applicant an original used vehicle dealer's
license in writing for his established place of business and a
supplemental license in writing for each additional place of business
in such form as he may prescribe by rule or regulation which shall
include the following:
1. The name of the person licensed;
2. If a corporation, the name and address of its officers or
if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated
association or any similar form of business organization, the name
and address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer,
director, trustee or manager;
3. In case of an original license, the established place of
business of the licensee;
4. In the case of a supplemental license, the established
place of business of the licensee and the additional place of
business to which such supplemental license pertains.
(f) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a
certified copy thereof, provided by the Secretary of State shall be
kept posted, conspicuously, in the established place of business of the
licensee and in each additional place of business, if any, maintained
111 [May 9, 2002]
by such licensee.
(g) Except as provided in subsection (h) of this Section, all used
vehicle dealer's licenses granted under this Section expire by
operation of law on December 31 of the calendar year for which they are
granted unless sooner revoked or cancelled under Section 5-501 of this
(h) A used vehicle dealer's license may be renewed upon
application and payment of the fee required herein, and submission of
proof of coverage by an approved bond under the "Retailers' Occupation
Tax Act" or proof that applicant is not subject to such bonding
requirements, as in the case of an original license, but in case an
application for the renewal of an effective license is made during the
month of December, the effective license shall remain in force until
the application for renewal is granted or denied by the Secretary of
(i) All persons licensed as a used vehicle dealer are required to
furnish each purchaser of a motor vehicle:
1. A certificate of title properly assigned to the purchaser;
2. A statement verified under oath that all identifying
numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of
3. A bill of sale properly executed on behalf of such person;
4. A copy of the Uniform Invoice-transaction reporting return
referred to in Section 5-402 of this Chapter;
5. In the case of a rebuilt vehicle, a copy of the Disclosure
of Rebuilt Vehicle Status; and
6. In the case of a vehicle for which the warranty has been
reinstated, a copy of the warranty.
(j) A real estate broker holding a valid certificate of
registration issued pursuant to "The Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen
License Act" may engage in the business of selling or dealing in house
trailers not his own without being licensed as a used vehicle dealer
under this Section; however such broker shall maintain a record of the
transaction including the following:
(1) the name and address of the buyer and seller,
(2) the date of sale,
(3) a description of the mobile home, including the vehicle
identification number, make, model, and year, and
(4) the Illinois certificate of title number.
The foregoing records shall be available for inspection by any
officer of the Secretary of State's Office at any reasonable hour.
(k) Except at the time of sale or repossession of the vehicle, no
person licensed as a used vehicle dealer may issue any other person a
newly created key to a vehicle unless the used vehicle dealer makes a
copy of the driver's license or State identification card of the person
requesting or obtaining the newly created key. The used vehicle dealer
must retain the copy for 30 days.
A used vehicle dealer who violates this subsection (k) is guilty of
a petty offense. Violation of this subsection (k) is not cause to
suspend, revoke, cancel, or deny renewal of the used vehicle dealer's
(Source: P.A. 92-391, eff. 8-16-01.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 4975 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
[May 9, 2002] 112
A bill for AN ACT in relation to alcoholic liquor.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5000.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 5000 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by changing
Sections 3-12 and 6-11 as follows:
(235 ILCS 5/3-12) (from Ch. 43, par. 108)
Sec. 3-12. Powers and duties of State Commission.
(a) The State commission shall have the following powers,
functions and duties:
(1) To receive applications and to issue licenses to
manufacturers, foreign importers, importing distributors,
distributors, non-resident dealers, on premise consumption
retailers, off premise sale retailers, special event retailer
licensees, special use permit licenses, auction liquor licenses,
brew pubs, caterer retailers, non-beverage users, railroads,
including owners and lessees of sleeping, dining and cafe cars,
airplanes, boats, brokers, and wine maker's premises licensees in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, and to suspend or
revoke such licenses upon the State commission's determination,
upon notice after hearing, that a licensee has violated any
provision of this Act or any rule or regulation issued pursuant
thereto and in effect for 30 days prior to such violation.
In lieu of suspending or revoking a license, the commission
may impose a fine, upon the State commission's determination and
notice after hearing, that a licensee has violated any provision of
this Act or any rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto and in
effect for 30 days prior to such violation. The fine imposed under
this paragraph may not exceed $500 for each violation. Each day
that the activity, which gave rise to the original fine, continues
is a separate violation. The maximum fine that may be levied
against any licensee, for the period of the license, shall not
exceed $20,000. The maximum penalty that may be imposed on a
licensee for selling a bottle of alcoholic liquor with a foreign
object in it or serving from a bottle of alcoholic liquor with a
foreign object in it shall be the destruction of that bottle of
alcoholic liquor for the first 10 bottles so sold or served from by
the licensee. For the eleventh bottle of alcoholic liquor and for
each third bottle thereafter sold or served from by the licensee
with a foreign object in it, the maximum penalty that may be
imposed on the licensee is the destruction of the bottle of
alcoholic liquor and a fine of up to $50.
(2) To adopt such rules and regulations consistent with the
provisions of this Act which shall be necessary to carry on its
functions and duties to the end that the health, safety and welfare
of the People of the State of Illinois shall be protected and
temperance in the consumption of alcoholic liquors shall be
fostered and promoted and to distribute copies of such rules and
regulations to all licensees affected thereby.
(3) To call upon other administrative departments of the
State, county and municipal governments, county and city police
departments and upon prosecuting officers for such information and
assistance as it deems necessary in the performance of its duties.
(4) To recommend to local commissioners rules and
113 [May 9, 2002]
regulations, not inconsistent with the law, for the distribution
and sale of alcoholic liquors throughout the State.
(5) To inspect, or cause to be inspected, any premises in
this State where alcoholic liquors are manufactured, distributed,
warehoused, or sold.
(5.1) Upon receipt of a complaint or upon having knowledge
that any person is engaged in business as a manufacturer, importing
distributor, distributor, or retailer without a license or valid
license, to notify the local liquor authority, file a complaint
with the State's Attorney's Office of the county where the incident
occurred, or initiate an investigation with the appropriate law
enforcement officials.
(5.2) To issue a cease and desist notice to persons shipping
alcoholic liquor into this State from a point outside of this State
if the shipment is in violation of this Act.
(5.3) To receive complaints from licensees, local officials,
law enforcement agencies, organizations, and persons stating that
any licensee has been or is violating any provision of this Act or
the rules and regulations issued pursuant to this Act. Such
complaints shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the person
making the complaint, and shall state with specificity the facts in
relation to the alleged violation. If the Commission has
reasonable grounds to believe that the complaint substantially
alleges a violation of this Act or rules and regulations adopted
pursuant to this Act, it shall conduct an investigation. If, after
conducting an investigation, the Commission is satisfied that the
alleged violation did occur, it shall proceed with disciplinary
action against the licensee as provided in this Act.
(6) To hear and determine appeals from orders of a local
commission in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as
hereinafter set forth. Hearings under this subsection shall be held
in Springfield or Chicago, at whichever location is the more
convenient for the majority of persons who are parties to the
(7) The commission shall establish uniform systems of
accounts to be kept by all retail licensees having more than 4
employees, and for this purpose the commission may classify all
retail licensees having more than 4 employees and establish a
uniform system of accounts for each class and prescribe the manner
in which such accounts shall be kept. The commission may also
prescribe the forms of accounts to be kept by all retail licensees
having more than 4 employees, including but not limited to accounts
of earnings and expenses and any distribution, payment, or other
distribution of earnings or assets, and any other forms, records
and memoranda which in the judgment of the commission may be
necessary or appropriate to carry out any of the provisions of this
Act, including but not limited to such forms, records and memoranda
as will readily and accurately disclose at all times the beneficial
ownership of such retail licensed business. The accounts, forms,
records and memoranda shall be available at all reasonable times
for inspection by authorized representatives of the State
commission or by any local liquor control commissioner or his or
her authorized representative. The commission, may, from time to
time, alter, amend or repeal, in whole or in part, any uniform
system of accounts, or the form and manner of keeping accounts.
(8) In the conduct of any hearing authorized to be held by
the commission, to appoint, at the Commission's discretion, hearing
officers to conduct hearings involving complex issues or issues
that will require a protracted period of time to resolve, to
examine, or cause to be examined, under oath, any licensee, and to
examine or cause to be examined the books and records of such
licensee; to hear testimony and take proof material for its
information in the discharge of its duties hereunder; to administer
or cause to be administered oaths; and for any such purpose to
issue subpoena or subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses
and the production of books, which shall be effective in any part
[May 9, 2002] 114
of this State, and to adopt rules to implement its powers under
this paragraph (8).
Any Circuit Court may by order duly entered, require the
attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books
subpoenaed by the State commission and the court may compel
obedience to its order by proceedings for contempt.
(9) To investigate the administration of laws in relation to
alcoholic liquors in this and other states and any foreign
countries, and to recommend from time to time to the Governor and
through him or her to the legislature of this State, such
amendments to this Act, if any, as it may think desirable and as
will serve to further the general broad purposes contained in
Section 1-2 hereof.
(10) To adopt such rules and regulations consistent with the
provisions of this Act which shall be necessary for the control,
sale or disposition of alcoholic liquor damaged as a result of an
accident, wreck, flood, fire or other similar occurrence.
(11) To develop industry educational programs related to
responsible serving and selling, particularly in the areas of
overserving consumers and illegal underage purchasing and
consumption of alcoholic beverages.
(11.1) To license persons providing education and training to
alcohol beverage sellers and servers under the Beverage Alcohol
Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) programs and to
develop and administer a public awareness program in Illinois to
reduce or eliminate the illegal purchase and consumption of
alcoholic beverage products by persons under the age of 21.
Application for a license shall be made on forms provided by the
State Commission.
(12) To develop and maintain a repository of license and
regulatory information.
(13) On or before January 15, 1994, the Commission shall
issue a written report to the Governor and General Assembly that is
to be based on a comprehensive study of the impact on and
implications for the State of Illinois of Section 1926 of the
Federal ADAMHA Reorganization Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-321).
This study shall address the extent to which Illinois currently
complies with the provisions of P.L. 102-321 and the rules
promulgated pursuant thereto.
As part of its report, the Commission shall provide the
following essential information:
(i) the number of retail distributors of tobacco
products, by type and geographic area, in the State;
(ii) the number of reported citations and successful
convictions, categorized by type and location of retail
distributor, for violation of the Sale of Tobacco to Minors
Act and the Smokeless Tobacco Limitation Act;
(iii) the extent and nature of organized educational and
governmental activities that are intended to promote,
encourage or otherwise secure compliance with any Illinois
laws that prohibit the sale or distribution of tobacco
products to minors; and
(iv) the level of access and availability of tobacco
products to individuals under the age of 18.
To obtain the data necessary to comply with the provisions of P.L.
102-321 and the requirements of this report, the Commission shall
conduct random, unannounced inspections of a geographically and
scientifically representative sample of the State's retail tobacco
The Commission shall consult with the Department of Public Health,
the Department of Human Services, the Illinois State Police and any
other executive branch agency, and private organizations that may have
information relevant to this report.
The Commission may contract with the Food and Drug Administration
of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to conduct
unannounced investigations of Illinois tobacco vendors to determine
115 [May 9, 2002]
compliance with federal laws relating to the illegal sale of cigarettes
and smokeless tobacco products to persons under the age of 18.
(b) On or before April 30, 1999, the Commission shall present a
written report to the Governor and the General Assembly that shall be
based on a study of the impact of this amendatory Act of 1998 on the
business of soliciting, selling, and shipping alcoholic liquor from
outside of this State directly to residents of this State.
As part of its report, the Commission shall provide the following
(i) the amount of State excise and sales tax revenues
generated as a result of this amendatory Act of 1998;
(ii) the amount of licensing fees received as a result of
this amendatory Act of 1998;
(iii) the number of reported violations, the number of cease
and desist notices issued by the Commission, the number of notices
of violations issued to the Department of Revenue, and the number
of notices and complaints of violations to law enforcement
(Source: P.A. 91-553, eff. 8-14-99; 91-922, eff. 7-7-00; 92-378, eff.
(235 ILCS 5/6-11) (from Ch. 43, par. 127)
Sec. 6-11. No license shall be issued for the sale at retail of
any alcoholic liquor within 100 feet of any church, school other than
an institution of higher learning, hospital, home for aged or indigent
persons or for veterans, their spouses or children or any military or
naval station, provided, that this prohibition shall not apply to
hotels offering restaurant service, regularly organized clubs, or to
restaurants, food shops or other places where sale of alcoholic liquors
is not the principal business carried on if the place of business so
exempted is not located in a municipality of more than 500,000 persons,
unless required by local ordinance; nor to the renewal of a license for
the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor on premises within 100 feet of
any church or school where the church or school has been established
within such 100 feet since the issuance of the original license. In
the case of a church, the distance of 100 feet shall be measured to the
nearest part of any building used for worship services or educational
programs and not to property boundaries.
Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of a retail
license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor to a restaurant, the
primary business of which is the sale of goods baked on the premises if
(i) the restaurant is newly constructed and located on a lot of not
less than 10,000 square feet, (ii) the restaurant costs at least
$1,000,000 to construct, (iii) the licensee is the titleholder to the
premises and resides on the premises, and (iv) the construction of the
restaurant is completed within 18 months of the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1998.
Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of a retail
license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor incidental to a
restaurant if (1) the primary business of the restaurant consists of
the sale of food where the sale of liquor is incidental to the sale of
food and the applicant is a completely new owner of the restaurant, (2)
the immediately prior owner or operator of the premises where the
restaurant is located operated the premises as a restaurant and held a
valid retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor at the
restaurant for at least part of the 24 months before the change of
ownership, and (3) the restaurant is located 75 or more feet from a
In the interest of further developing Illinois' economy in the area
of commerce, tourism, convention, and banquet business, nothing in this
Section shall prohibit issuance of a retail license authorizing the
sale of alcoholic beverages to a restaurant, banquet facility, grocery
store, or hotel having not fewer than 150 guest room accommodations
located in a municipality of more than 500,000 persons, notwithstanding
the proximity of such hotel, restaurant, banquet facility, or grocery
store to any church or school, if the licensed premises described on
the license are located within an enclosed mall or building of a height
[May 9, 2002] 116
of at least 6 stories, or 60 feet in the case of a building that has
been registered as a national landmark, or in a grocery store having a
minimum of 56,010 square feet of floor space in a single story building
in an open mall of at least 3.96 acres that is adjacent to a public
school that opened as a boys technical high school in 1934, and in each
of these cases if the sale of alcoholic liquors is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee.
For purposes of this Section, a "banquet facility" is any part of a
building that caters to private parties and where the sale of alcoholic
liquors is not the principal business.
Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of a license to
a church or private school to sell at retail alcoholic liquor if any
such sales are limited to periods when groups are assembled on the
premises solely for the promotion of some common object other than the
sale or consumption of alcoholic liquors.
Nothing in this Section shall prohibit a church or church
affiliated school located in a home rule municipality or in a
municipality with 75,000 or more inhabitants from locating within 100
feet of a property for which there is a preexisting license to sell
alcoholic liquor at retail. In these instances, the local zoning
authority may, by ordinance adopted simultaneously with the granting of
an initial special use zoning permit for the church or church
affiliated school, provide that the 100-foot restriction in this
Section shall not apply to that church or church affiliated school and
future retail liquor licenses.
(Source: P.A. 90-617, eff. 7-10-98; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 91-357, eff.
7-29-99; 91-623, eff. 1-1-00.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 3 to HOUSE BILL 5000 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to child support.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5076.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5076 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Code of Civil Procedure is amended by changing
Section 2-202 as follows:
(735 ILCS 5/2-202) (from Ch. 110, par. 2-202)
Sec. 2-202. Persons authorized to serve process; Place of service;
Failure to make return.
(a) Process shall be served by a sheriff, or if the sheriff is
disqualified, by a coroner of some county of the State. A sheriff of a
117 [May 9, 2002]
county with a population of less than 1,000,000 may employ civilian
personnel to serve process. In counties with a population of less than
1,000,000, and in counties with a population of 1,000,000 or more when
process is to be served in a case in which a party is receiving child
support enforcement services under Article X of the Illinois Public Aid
Code, process may be served, without special appointment, by a person
who is licensed or registered as a private detective under the Private
Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, and Locksmith Act of 1993
or by a registered employee of a private detective agency certified
under that Act. A private detective or licensed employee must supply
the sheriff of any county in which he serves process with a copy of his
license or certificate; however, the failure of a person to supply the
copy shall not in any way impair the validity of process served by the
person. The court may, in its discretion upon motion, order service to
be made by a private person over 18 years of age and not a party to the
action. It is not necessary that service be made by a sheriff or
coroner of the county in which service is made. If served or sought to
be served by a sheriff or coroner, he or she shall endorse his or her
return thereon, and if by a private person the return shall be by
(a-5) Upon motion and in its discretion, the court may appoint as
a special process server a private detective agency certified under the
Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, and Locksmith Act
of 1993. Under the appointment, any employee of the private detective
agency who is registered under that Act may serve the process. The
motion and the order of appointment must contain the number of the
certificate issued to the private detective agency by the Department of
Professional Regulation under the Private Detective, Private Alarm,
Private Security, and Locksmith Act of 1993.
(b) Summons may be served upon the defendants wherever they may be
found in the State, by any person authorized to serve process. An
officer may serve summons in his or her official capacity outside his
or her county, but fees for mileage outside the county of the officer
cannot be taxed as costs. The person serving the process in a foreign
county may make return by mail.
(c) If any sheriff, coroner, or other person to whom any process
is delivered, neglects or refuses to make return of the same, the
plaintiff may petition the court to enter a rule requiring the sheriff,
coroner, or other person, to make return of the process on a day to be
fixed by the court, or to show cause on that day why that person should
not be attached for contempt of the court. The plaintiff shall then
cause a written notice of the rule to be served on the sheriff,
coroner, or other person. If good and sufficient cause be not shown to
excuse the officer or other person, the court shall adjudge him or her
guilty of a contempt, and shall impose punishment as in other cases of
(d) If process is served by a sheriff or coroner, the court may
tax the fee of the sheriff or coroner as costs in the proceeding. If
process is served by a private person or entity, the court may
establish a fee therefor and tax such fee as costs in the proceedings.
(e) In addition to the powers stated in Section 8.1a of the
Housing Authorities Act, in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or
more inhabitants, members of a housing authority police force may serve
process for forcible entry and detainer actions commenced by that
housing authority and may execute orders of possession for that housing
(f) In counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more, process
may be served, with special appointment by the court, by a private
process server or a law enforcement agency other than the county
sheriff in proceedings instituted under the Forcible Entry and Detainer
Article of this Code as a result of a lessor or lessor's assignee
declaring a lease void pursuant to Section 11 of the Controlled
Substance and Cannabis Nuisance Act.
(Source: P.A. 90-557, eff. 6-1-98; 91-95, eff. 7-9-99.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on July 1,
[May 9, 2002] 118
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5076 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to criminal law.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5002.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 5002 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act is amended
by changing Sections 2, 3, 4, 4.02, 7, 7.1, 7.4, and 7.14 as follows:
(325 ILCS 5/2) (from Ch. 23, par. 2052)
Sec. 2. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
shall, upon receiving reports made under this Act, protect the health,
safety, and best interests of the child in all situations in which the
child is vulnerable to child abuse or neglect, offer protective
services in order to prevent any further harm to the child and to other
children in the same environment or family, stabilize the home
environment, and preserve family life whenever possible. Recognizing
that children also can be abused and neglected while living in public
or private residential agencies or institutions meant to serve them,
while attending day care centers, or schools, or religious activities,
or when in contact with adults who are responsible for the welfare of
the child at that time, this Act also provides for the reporting and
investigation of child abuse and neglect in such instances. In
performing any of these duties, the Department may utilize such
protective services of voluntary agencies as are available.
(Source: P.A. 90-28, eff. 1-1-98.)
(325 ILCS 5/3) (from Ch. 23, par. 2053)
Sec. 3. As used in this Act unless the context otherwise requires:
"Child" means any person under the age of 18 years, unless legally
emancipated by reason of marriage or entry into a branch of the United
States armed services.
"Department" means Department of Children and Family Services.
"Local law enforcement agency" means the police of a city, town,
village or other incorporated area or the sheriff of an unincorporated
area or any sworn officer of the Illinois Department of State Police.
"Abused child" means a child whose parent or immediate family
member, or any person responsible for the child's welfare, or any
individual residing in the same home as the child, or a paramour of the
child's parent:
(a) a. inflicts, causes to be inflicted, or allows to be
inflicted upon such child physical injury, by other than accidental
means, which causes death, disfigurement, impairment of physical or
emotional health, or loss or impairment of any bodily function;
(b) b. creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such
child by other than accidental means which would be likely to cause
119 [May 9, 2002]
death, disfigurement, impairment of physical or emotional health,
or loss or impairment of any bodily function;
(c) c. commits or allows to be committed any sex offense
against such child, as such sex offenses are defined in the
Criminal Code of 1961, as amended, and extending those definitions
of sex offenses to include children under 18 years of age;
(d) d. commits or allows to be committed an act or acts of
torture upon such child;
(e) e. inflicts excessive corporal punishment;
(f) f. commits or allows to be committed the offense of
female genital mutilation, as defined in Section 12-34 of the
Criminal Code of 1961, against the child; or
(g) g. causes to be sold, transferred, distributed, or given
to such child under 18 years of age, a controlled substance as
defined in Section 102 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act
in violation of Article IV of the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act, except for controlled substances that are prescribed in
accordance with Article III of the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act and are dispensed to such child in a manner that substantially
complies with the prescription.
A child shall not be considered abused for the sole reason that the
child has been relinquished in accordance with the Abandoned Newborn
Infant Protection Act.
"Neglected child" means any child who is not receiving the proper
or necessary nourishment or medically indicated treatment including
food or care not provided solely on the basis of the present or
anticipated mental or physical impairment as determined by a physician
acting alone or in consultation with other physicians or otherwise is
not receiving the proper or necessary support or medical or other
remedial care recognized under State law as necessary for a child's
well-being, or other care necessary for his or her well-being,
including adequate food, clothing and shelter; or who is abandoned by
his or her parents or other person responsible for the child's welfare
without a proper plan of care; or who is a newborn infant whose blood,
urine, or meconium contains any amount of a controlled substance as
defined in subsection (f) of Section 102 of the Illinois Controlled
Substances Act or a metabolite thereof, with the exception of a
controlled substance or metabolite thereof whose presence in the
newborn infant is the result of medical treatment administered to the
mother or the newborn infant. A child shall not be considered neglected
for the sole reason that the child's parent or other person responsible
for his or her welfare has left the child in the care of an adult
relative for any period of time. A child shall not be considered
neglected for the sole reason that the child has been relinquished in
accordance with the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act. A child
shall not be considered neglected or abused for the sole reason that
such child's parent or other person responsible for his or her welfare
depends upon spiritual means through prayer alone for the treatment or
cure of disease or remedial care as provided under Section 4 of this
Act. A child shall not be considered neglected or abused solely
because the child is not attending school in accordance with the
requirements of Article 26 of The School Code, as amended.
"Child Protective Service Unit" means certain specialized State
employees of the Department assigned by the Director to perform the
duties and responsibilities as provided under Section 7.2 of this Act.
"Person responsible for the child's welfare" means the child's
parent; guardian; foster parent; relative caregiver; any person
responsible for the child's welfare in a public or private residential
agency or institution; any person responsible for the child's welfare
within a public or private profit or not for profit child care
facility; or any other person responsible for the child's welfare at
the time of the alleged abuse or neglect, or any person who came to
know the child through an official capacity or position of trust,
including but not limited to health care professionals, educational
personnel, recreational supervisors, members of the clergy, and
volunteers or support personnel in any setting where children may be
[May 9, 2002] 120
subject to abuse or neglect.
"Temporary protective custody" means custody within a hospital or
other medical facility or a place previously designated for such
custody by the Department, subject to review by the Court, including a
licensed foster home, group home, or other institution; but such place
shall not be a jail or other place for the detention of criminal or
juvenile offenders.
"An unfounded report" means any report made under this Act for
which it is determined after an investigation that no credible evidence
of abuse or neglect exists.
"An indicated report" means a report made under this Act if an
investigation determines that credible evidence of the alleged abuse or
neglect exists.
"An undetermined report" means any report made under this Act in
which it was not possible to initiate or complete an investigation on
the basis of information provided to the Department.
"Subject of report" means any child reported to the central
register of child abuse and neglect established under Section 7.7 of
this Act and his or her parent, guardian or other person responsible
who is also named in the report.
"Perpetrator" means a person who, as a result of investigation, has
been determined by the Department to have caused child abuse or
"Member of the clergy" means a clergyman or practitioner of any
religious denomination accredited by the religious body to which he or
she belongs.
(Source: P.A. 91-802, eff. 1-1-01; 92-408, eff. 8-17-01; 92-432, eff.
(325 ILCS 5/4) (from Ch. 23, par. 2054)
Sec. 4. Persons required to report; privileged communications;
transmitting false report. Any physician, resident, intern, hospital,
hospital administrator and personnel engaged in examination, care and
treatment of persons, surgeon, dentist, dentist hygienist, osteopath,
chiropractor, podiatrist, physician assistant, substance abuse
treatment personnel, Christian Science practitioner, funeral home
director or employee, coroner, medical examiner, emergency medical
technician, acupuncturist, crisis line or hotline personnel, school
personnel, educational advocate assigned to a child pursuant to the
School Code, truant officers, social worker, social services
administrator, domestic violence program personnel, registered nurse,
licensed practical nurse, respiratory care practitioner, advanced
practice nurse, home health aide, director or staff assistant of a
nursery school or a child day care center, recreational program or
facility personnel, law enforcement officer, registered psychologist
and assistants working under the direct supervision of a psychologist,
psychiatrist, or field personnel of the Illinois Department of Public
Aid, Public Health, Human Services (acting as successor to the
Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities,
Rehabilitation Services, or Public Aid), Corrections, Human Rights, or
Children and Family Services, supervisor and administrator of general
assistance under the Illinois Public Aid Code, probation officer, or
any other foster parent, homemaker or child care worker having
reasonable cause to believe a child known to them in their professional
or official capacity may be an abused child or a neglected child shall
immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Department.
Any member of the clergy having reasonable cause to believe that a
child known to that member of the clergy in his or her professional
capacity may be an abused child as defined in item (c) of the
definition of "abused child" in Section 3 of this Act shall immediately
report or cause a report to be made to the Department.
Whenever such person is required to report under this Act in his
capacity as a member of the staff of a medical or other public or
private institution, school, facility or agency, or as a member of the
clergy, he shall make report immediately to the Department in
accordance with the provisions of this Act and may also notify the
person in charge of such institution, school, facility or agency, or
121 [May 9, 2002]
church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or other religious institution, or
his designated agent that such report has been made. Under no
circumstances shall any person in charge of such institution, school,
facility or agency, or church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or other
religious institution, or his designated agent to whom such
notification has been made, exercise any control, restraint,
modification or other change in the report or the forwarding of such
report to the Department.
The privileged quality of communication between any professional
person required to report and his patient or client shall not apply to
situations involving abused or neglected children and shall not
constitute grounds for failure to report as required by this Act.
A member of the clergy may claim the privilege under Section 8-803
of the Code of Civil Procedure.
In addition to the above persons required to report suspected cases
of abused or neglected children, any other person may make a report if
such person has reasonable cause to believe a child may be an abused
child or a neglected child.
Any person who enters into employment on and after July 1, 1986 and
is mandated by virtue of that employment to report under this Act,
shall sign a statement on a form prescribed by the Department, to the
effect that the employee has knowledge and understanding of the
reporting requirements of this Act. The statement shall be signed
prior to commencement of the employment. The signed statement shall be
retained by the employer. The cost of printing, distribution, and
filing of the statement shall be borne by the employer.
The Department shall provide copies of this Act, upon request, to
all employers employing persons who shall be required under the
provisions of this Section to report under this Act.
Any person who knowingly transmits a false report to the Department
commits the offense of disorderly conduct under subsection (a)(7) of
Section 26-1 of the "Criminal Code of 1961". Any person who violates
this provision a second or subsequent time shall be guilty of a Class 4
Any person who knowingly and willfully violates any provision of
this Section other than a second or subsequent violation of
transmitting a false report as described in the preceding paragraph, is
shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for a first violation and a
Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent violation.
A child whose parent, guardian or custodian in good faith selects
and depends upon spiritual means through prayer alone for the
treatment or cure of disease or remedial care may be considered
neglected or abused, but not for the sole reason that his parent,
guardian or custodian accepts and practices such beliefs.
A child shall not be considered neglected or abused solely because
the child is not attending school in accordance with the requirements
of Article 26 of the School Code, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 91-259, eff. 1-1-00; 91-516, eff. 8-13-99; 92-16, eff.
(325 ILCS 5/4.02) (from Ch. 23, par. 2054.02)
Sec. 4.02. Any physician who willfully fails to report suspected
child abuse or neglect as required by this Act shall be referred to the
Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Board for action in accordance with
paragraph 22 of Section 22 of the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Any
dentist or dental hygienist who willfully fails to report suspected
child abuse or neglect as required by this Act shall be referred to the
Department of Professional Regulation for action in accordance with
paragraph 19 of Section 23 of the Illinois Dental Practice Act. Any
other person required by this Act to report suspected child abuse and
neglect who willfully fails to report such is shall be guilty of a
Class A misdemeanor for a first violation and a Class 4 felony for a
second or subsequent violation.
(Source: P.A. 91-197, eff. 1-1-00.)
(325 ILCS 5/7) (from Ch. 23, par. 2057)
Sec. 7. Time and manner of making reports. All reports of
suspected child abuse or neglect made under this Act shall be made
[May 9, 2002] 122
immediately by telephone to the central register established under
Section 7.7 on the single, State-wide, toll-free telephone number
established in Section 7.6, or in person or by telephone through the
nearest Department office. The Department shall, in cooperation with
school officials, distribute appropriate materials in school buildings
listing the toll-free telephone number established in Section 7.6,
including methods of making a report under this Act. The Department
may, in cooperation with appropriate members of the clergy, distribute
appropriate materials in churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, or
other religious buildings listing the toll-free telephone number
established in Section 7.6, including methods of making a report under
this Act.
Wherever the Statewide number is posted, there shall also be posted
the following notice:
"Any person who knowingly transmits a false report to the
Department commits the offense of disorderly conduct under subsection
(a)(7) of Section 26-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961. A first violation
of this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a term of
imprisonment for up to one year, or by a fine not to exceed $1,000, or
by both such term and fine. A second or subsequent violation is a Class
4 felony."
The report required by this Act shall include, if known, the name
and address of the child and his parents or other persons having his
custody; the child's age; the nature of the child's condition including
any evidence of previous injuries or disabilities; and any other
information that the person filing the report believes might be helpful
in establishing the cause of such abuse or neglect and the identity of
the person believed to have caused such abuse or neglect. Reports made
to the central register through the State-wide, toll-free telephone
number shall be immediately transmitted to the appropriate Child
Protective Service Unit. The Department shall within 24 hours orally
notify local law enforcement personnel and the office of the State's
Attorney of the involved county of the receipt of any report alleging
the death of a child, serious injury to a child including, but not
limited to, brain damage, skull fractures, subdural hematomas, and,
internal injuries, torture of a child, malnutrition of a child, and
sexual abuse to a child, including, but not limited to, sexual
intercourse, sexual exploitation, sexual molestation, and sexually
transmitted disease in a child age twelve and under. All oral reports
made by the Department to local law enforcement personnel and the
office of the State's Attorney of the involved county shall be
confirmed in writing within 48 hours of the oral report. All reports
by persons mandated to report under this Act shall be confirmed in
writing to the appropriate Child Protective Service Unit, which may be
on forms supplied by the Department, within 48 hours of any initial
Written confirmation reports from persons not required to report by
this Act may be made to the appropriate Child Protective Service Unit.
Written reports from persons required by this Act to report shall be
admissible in evidence in any judicial proceeding relating to child
abuse or neglect. Reports involving known or suspected child abuse or
neglect in public or private residential agencies or institutions shall
be made and received in the same manner as all other reports made under
this Act.
(Source: P.A. 89-187, eff. 7-19-95.)
(325 ILCS 5/7.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 2057.1)
Sec. 7.1. (a) To the fullest extent feasible, the Department shall
cooperate with and shall seek the cooperation and involvement of all
appropriate public and private agencies, including health, education,
social service and law enforcement agencies, religious institutions,
courts of competent jurisdiction, and agencies, organizations, or
programs providing or concerned with human services related to the
prevention, identification or treatment of child abuse or neglect.
Such cooperation and involvement shall include joint consultation
and services, joint planning, joint case management, joint public
education and information services, joint utilization of facilities,
123 [May 9, 2002]
joint staff development and other training, and the creation of
multidisciplinary case diagnostic, case handling, case management, and
policy planning teams. Such cooperation and involvement shall also
include consultation and planning with the Illinois Department of Human
Services regarding referrals to designated perinatal centers of newborn
children requiring protective custody under this Act, whose life or
development may be threatened by a developmental disability or
handicapping condition.
For implementing such intergovernmental cooperation and
involvement, units of local government and public and private agencies
may apply for and receive federal or State funds from the Department
under this Act or seek and receive gifts from local philanthropic or
other private local sources in order to augment any State funds
appropriated for the purposes of this Act.
(b) The Department may establish up to 5 demonstrations of
multidisciplinary teams to advise, review and monitor cases of child
abuse and neglect brought by the Department or any member of the team.
The Director shall determine the criteria by which certain cases of
child abuse or neglect are brought to the multidisciplinary teams. The
criteria shall include but not be limited to geographic area and
classification of certain cases where allegations are of a severe
nature. Each multidisciplinary team shall consist of 7 to 10 members
appointed by the Director, including, but not limited to
representatives from the medical, mental health, educational, juvenile
justice, law enforcement and social service fields.
(Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97.)
(325 ILCS 5/7.4) (from Ch. 23, par. 2057.4)
Sec. 7.4. (a) The Department shall be capable of receiving reports
of suspected child abuse or neglect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Whenever the Department receives a report alleging that a child is a
truant as defined in Section 26-2a of The School Code, as now or
hereafter amended, the Department shall notify the superintendent of
the school district in which the child resides and the appropriate
superintendent of the educational service region. The notification to
the appropriate officials by the Department shall not be considered an
allegation of abuse or neglect under this Act.
(b) (1) The following procedures shall be followed in the
investigation of all reports of suspected abuse or neglect of a child,
except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section.
(2) If it appears that the immediate safety or well-being of a
child is endangered, that the family may flee or the child disappear,
or that the facts otherwise so warrant, the Child Protective Service
Unit shall commence an investigation immediately, regardless of the
time of day or night. In all other cases, investigation shall be
commenced within 24 hours of receipt of the report. Upon receipt of a
report, the Child Protective Service Unit shall make an initial
investigation and an initial determination whether the report is a good
faith indication of alleged child abuse or neglect.
(3) If the Unit determines the report is a good faith indication
of alleged child abuse or neglect, then a formal investigation shall
commence and, pursuant to Section 7.12 of this Act, may or may not
result in an indicated report. The formal investigation shall include:
direct contact with the subject or subjects of the report as soon as
possible after the report is received; an evaluation of the environment
of the child named in the report and any other children in the same
environment; a determination of the risk to such children if they
continue to remain in the existing environments, as well as a
determination of the nature, extent and cause of any condition
enumerated in such report; the name, age and condition of other
children in the environment; and an evaluation as to whether there
would be an immediate and urgent necessity to remove the child from the
environment if appropriate family preservation services were provided.
After seeing to the safety of the child or children, the Department
shall forthwith notify the subjects of the report in writing, of the
existence of the report and their rights existing under this Act in
regard to amendment or expungement. To fulfill the requirements of this
[May 9, 2002] 124
Section, the Child Protective Service Unit shall have the capability of
providing or arranging for comprehensive emergency services to children
and families at all times of the day or night.
(4) If (i) at the conclusion of the Unit's initial investigation
of a report, the Unit determines the report to be a good faith
indication of alleged child abuse or neglect that warrants a formal
investigation by the Unit, the Department, any law enforcement agency
or any other responsible agency and (ii) the person who is alleged to
have caused the abuse or neglect is employed or otherwise engaged in an
activity resulting in frequent contact with children and the alleged
abuse or neglect are in the course of such employment or activity, then
the Department shall, except in investigations where the Director
determines that such notification would be detrimental to the
Department's investigation, inform the appropriate supervisor or
administrator of that employment or activity that the Unit has
commenced a formal investigation pursuant to this Act, which may or may
not result in an indicated report. The Department shall also notify the
person being investigated, unless the Director determines that such
notification would be detrimental to the Department's investigation.
(c) In an investigation of a report of suspected abuse or neglect
of a child by a school employee at a school or on school grounds, the
Department shall make reasonable efforts to follow the following
(1) Investigations involving teachers shall not, to the
extent possible, be conducted when the teacher is scheduled to
conduct classes. Investigations involving other school employees
shall be conducted so as to minimize disruption of the school day.
The school employee accused of child abuse or neglect may have his
superior, his association or union representative and his attorney
present at any interview or meeting at which the teacher or
administrator is present. The accused school employee shall be
informed by a representative of the Department, at any interview or
meeting, of the accused school employee's due process rights and of
the steps in the investigation process. The information shall
include, but need not necessarily be limited to the right, subject
to the approval of the Department, of the school employee to
confront the accuser, if the accuser is 14 years of age or older,
or the right to review the specific allegations which gave rise to
the investigation, and the right to review all materials and
evidence that have been submitted to the Department in support of
the allegation. These due process rights shall also include the
right of the school employee to present countervailing evidence
regarding the accusations.
(2) If a report of neglect or abuse of a child by a teacher
or administrator does not involve allegations of sexual abuse or
extreme physical abuse, the Child Protective Service Unit shall
make reasonable efforts to conduct the initial investigation in
coordination with the employee's supervisor.
If the Unit determines that the report is a good faith
indication of potential child abuse or neglect, it shall then
commence a formal investigation under paragraph (3) of subsection
(b) of this Section.
(3) If a report of neglect or abuse of a child by a teacher
or administrator involves an allegation of sexual abuse or extreme
physical abuse, the Child Protective Unit shall commence an
investigation under paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of this
(d) If the Department has contact with an employer, or with a
religious institution or religious official having supervisory or
hierarchical authority over a member of the clergy accused of the abuse
of a child, in the course of its investigation, the Department shall
notify the employer or the religious institution or religious official,
in writing, when a report is unfounded so that any record of the
investigation can be expunged from the employee's or member of the
clergy's personnel or other records. The Department shall also notify
the employee or the member of the clergy, in writing, that notification
125 [May 9, 2002]
has been sent to the employer or to the appropriate religious
institution or religious official informing the employer or religious
institution or religious official that the Department's investigation
has resulted in an unfounded report.
(e) Upon request by the Department, the Department of State Police
and law enforcement agencies are authorized to provide criminal history
record information as defined in the Illinois Uniform Conviction
Information Act and information maintained in the adjudicatory and
dispositional record system as defined in Section 2605-355 of the
Department of State Police Law (20 ILCS 2605/2605-355) to properly
designated employees of the Department of Children and Family Services
if the Department determines the information is necessary to perform
its duties under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, the
Child Care Act of 1969, and the Children and Family Services Act. The
request shall be in the form and manner required by the Department of
State Police. Any information obtained by the Department of Children
and Family Services under this Section is confidential and may not be
transmitted outside the Department of Children and Family Services
other than to a court of competent jurisdiction or unless otherwise
authorized by law. Any employee of the Department of Children and
Family Services who transmits confidential information in violation of
this Section or causes the information to be transmitted in violation
of this Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor unless the
transmittal of the information is authorized by this Section or
otherwise authorized by law.
(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(325 ILCS 5/7.14) (from Ch. 23, par. 2057.14)
Sec. 7.14. All reports in the central register shall be classified
in one of three categories: "indicated", "unfounded" or "undetermined",
as the case may be. After the report is classified, the person making
the classification shall determine whether the child named in the
report is the subject of an action under Article II of the Juvenile
Court Act of 1987. If the child is the subject of an action under
Article II of the Juvenile Court Act, the Department shall transmit a
copy of the report to the guardian ad litem appointed for the child
under Section 2-17 of the Juvenile Court Act. All information
identifying the subjects of an unfounded report shall be expunged from
the register forthwith, except as provided in Section 7.7. Unfounded
reports may only be made available to the Child Protective Service Unit
when investigating a subsequent report of suspected abuse or
maltreatment involving a child named in the unfounded report; and to
the subject of the report, provided that the subject requests the
report within 60 days of being notified that the report was unfounded.
The Child Protective Service Unit shall not indicate the subsequent
report solely based upon the existence of the prior unfounded report or
reports. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
an unfounded report shall not be admissible in any judicial or
administrative proceeding or action. Identifying information on all
other records shall be removed from the register no later than 5 years
after the report is indicated. However, if another report is received
involving the same child, his sibling or offspring, or a child in the
care of the persons responsible for the child's welfare, or involving
the same alleged offender, the identifying information may be
maintained in the register until 5 years after the subsequent case or
report is closed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, identifying
information in indicated reports involving the sexual abuse of a child,
the death of a child, or serious physical injury to a child as defined
by the Department in rules, may be retained longer than 5 years after
the report is indicated or after the subsequent case or report is
closed, and may not be removed from the register except as provided by
the Department in rules.
(Source: P.A. 90-15, eff. 6-13-97.)
Section 10. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by changing
Section 3-6 as follows:
(720 ILCS 5/3-6) (from Ch. 38, par. 3-6)
[May 9, 2002] 126
Sec. 3-6. Extended limitations. The period within which a
prosecution must be commenced under the provisions of Section 3-5 or
other applicable statute is extended under the following conditions:
(a) A prosecution for theft involving a breach of a fiduciary
obligation to the aggrieved person may be commenced as follows:
(1) If the aggrieved person is a minor or a person under
legal disability, then during the minority or legal disability or
within one year after the termination thereof.
(2) In any other instance, within one year after the
discovery of the offense by an aggrieved person, or by a person who
has legal capacity to represent an aggrieved person or has a legal
duty to report the offense, and is not himself or herself a party
to the offense; or in the absence of such discovery, within one
year after the proper prosecuting officer becomes aware of the
offense. However, in no such case is the period of limitation so
extended more than 3 years beyond the expiration of the period
otherwise applicable.
(b) A prosecution for any offense based upon misconduct in office
by a public officer or employee may be commenced within one year after
discovery of the offense by a person having a legal duty to report such
offense, or in the absence of such discovery, within one year after the
proper prosecuting officer becomes aware of the offense. However, in no
such case is the period of limitation so extended more than 3 years
beyond the expiration of the period otherwise applicable.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (i) or (j) of this
Section, a prosecution for any offense involving sexual conduct or
sexual penetration, as defined in Section 12-12 of this Code, where the
victim and defendant are family members, as defined in Section 12-12 of
this Code, may be commenced within one year of the victim attaining the
age of 18 years.
(d) A prosecution for child pornography, indecent solicitation of
a child, soliciting for a juvenile prostitute, juvenile pimping or
exploitation of a child may be commenced within one year of the victim
attaining the age of 18 years. However, in no such case shall the time
period for prosecution expire sooner than 3 years after the commission
of the offense. When the victim is under 18 years of age, a
prosecution for criminal sexual abuse may be commenced within one year
of the victim attaining the age of 18 years. However, in no such case
shall the time period for prosecution expire sooner than 3 years after
the commission of the offense.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (j), a prosecution
for any offense involving sexual conduct or sexual penetration, as
defined in Section 12-12 of this Code, where the defendant was within a
professional or fiduciary relationship or a purported professional or
fiduciary relationship with the victim at the time of the commission of
the offense may be commenced within one year after the discovery of the
offense by the victim.
(f) A prosecution for any offense set forth in Section 44 of the
"Environmental Protection Act", approved June 29, 1970, as amended, may
be commenced within 5 years after the discovery of such an offense by a
person or agency having the legal duty to report the offense or in the
absence of such discovery, within 5 years after the proper prosecuting
officer becomes aware of the offense.
(g) (Blank).
(h) (Blank).
(i) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (j), a prosecution
for criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, or
aggravated criminal sexual abuse may be commenced within 10 years of
the commission of the offense if the victim reported the offense to law
enforcement authorities within 2 years after the commission of the
When the victim is under 18 years of age at the time of the offense
and the offender is a family member as defined in Section 12-12, a
prosecution for criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual
assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, or aggravated
criminal sexual abuse may be commenced within 10 years of the victim
127 [May 9, 2002]
attaining the age of 18 years.
When the victim is under 18 years of age at the time of the offense
and the offender is not a family member as defined in Section 12-12, a
prosecution for criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual
assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, or aggravated
criminal sexual abuse may be commenced within 10 years of the victim
attaining the age of 18 years, if the victim reported the offense to
law enforcement authorities before he or she attained the age of 21
years. Nothing in this subdivision (i) shall be construed to shorten a
period within which a prosecution must be commenced under any other
provision of this Section.
(j) When the victim is under 18 years of age at the time of the
offense, a prosecution for criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal
sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, or
aggravated criminal sexual abuse or a prosecution for failure of a
person who is required to report an alleged or suspected commission of
any of these offenses under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
Act may be commenced within 10 years after the child victim attains 18
years of age.
Nothing in this subdivision (j) shall be construed to shorten a
period within which a prosecution must be commenced under any other
provision of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 91-475, eff. 1-1-00; 91-801, eff. 6-13-00.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 3 to HOUSE BILL 5002 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT regarding vehicles.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5255.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5255 on page 3, line 1, after
the period, by inserting "For those vehicles that fail to meet the
standard for the complete on-board computer diagnostic test, the owner
of the vehicle must be informed that he or she has the option to have
the vehicle tested using the less stringent loaded mode exhaust gas
analysis or the idle exhaust gas analysis, as appropriate, for one test
cycle."; and
on page 3, line 21, by replacing "regulations." with "regulations, or
for vehicles with known on-board diagnostic communications or software
problems, as determined by the Agency."; and
on page 3, below line 25, by inserting the following:
"By April 15, 2003, the Agency shall submit to the General Assembly
a report detailing the effectiveness of the use of the on-board
[May 9, 2002] 128
computer diagnostic test. The report shall include the number of
failures, the reason for each failure, the number of vehicle damage
complaints, and the average wait time at the test stations."; and
on page 4, line 10, by replacing "regulations." with "regulations, or
for vehicles with known on-board diagnostic communications or software
problems, as determined by the Agency.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5255 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT relating to education.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5343.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5343.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5343 on page 1, by replacing
lines 30 and 31 with the following:
"non-recurring expenses. Any other permanent interfund transfers
authorized by any provision or judicial interpretation of this Code for
which the transferee fund is not precisely and specifically set forth
in the provision of this Code authorizing such transfer shall be made
to the fund of the school district most in need of the funds being
transferred, as determined by resolution of the school board."; and
on page 2, by deleting lines 1 through 5.
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5343, AS AMENDED, in Section 5,
Sec. 17-2A, by replacing ", provided such transfer is made solely for
the purpose of meeting one-time, non-recurring expenses." with ",
provided such transfer is made solely for the purpose of meeting
one-time, non-recurring expenses.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 5343 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to townships.
129 [May 9, 2002]
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5368.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5368.
Senate Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5368.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5368 on page 1 by replacing
everything after the enacting clause with the following:
"(60 ILCS 1/60-5)
Sec. 60-5. Filling vacancies in township offices. Except for the
office of township or multi-township assessor, if a township fails to
elect the number of township officers that the township is entitled to
by law, or a person elected to any township office fails to qualify, or
a vacancy in any township office occurs for any other reason, then the
township board shall fill the vacancy by appointment, by warrant under
their signatures and seals, and the persons so appointed shall hold
their respective offices for the remainder of the unexpired terms. No
office holder vacating his or her office shall be eligible to vote for
his or her replacement. If a township clerk vacates his or her office
upon death or at the time of his or her resignation or removal from
office, then the township board shall appoint an interim clerk until a
permanent replacement can be appointed. All persons so appointed shall
have the same powers and duties and are subject to the same penalties
as if they had been elected or appointed for a full term of office. A
vacancy in the office of township or multi-township assessor shall be
filled only as provided in the Property Tax Code.
If a vacancy on the township board is not filled within 60 days,
then a special township meeting must be called under Section 35-5 to
select a replacement under Section 35-35.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, whenever any township
or multi-township office becomes vacant or temporarily vacant due to a
physical incapacity of a township officer, the township or
multi-township board may temporarily appoint a deputy to perform the
ministerial functions of the vacant office until the physically
incapacitated township officer submits a written statement to the
appropriate board that he or she is physically able to perform his or
her duty. The statement shall be sworn to before an officer authorized
to administer oaths in this State. A temporary deputy shall not be
permitted to vote at any meeting of the township board on any matter
properly before the board. The compensation of a temporary deputy
shall be determined by the appropriate board. The township board shall
not appoint a deputy clerk if the township clerk has appointed a deputy
clerk under Section 75-45.
Any person appointed to fill a vacancy under this Section shall be
a member of the same political party as the person vacating the office
if the person vacating the office was elected as a member of an
established political party, under Section 10-2 of the Election Code,
that is still in existence at the time of appointment. The appointee
shall establish his or her political party affiliation by his or her
record of voting in party primary elections or by holding or having
held an office in a political party organization before appointment.
If the appointee has not voted in a party primary election or is not
holding or has not held an office in a political party organization
before the appointment, then the appointee shall establish his or her
political party affiliation by his or her record of participating in a
political party's nomination or election caucus.
[May 9, 2002] 130
(Source: P.A. 90-748, eff. 8-14-98.)".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5368, AS AMENDED, by inserting
the following immediately below the enacting clause:
"Section 5. The Township Code is amended by changing Section 60-5
as follows:".
AMENDMENT NO. 3. Amend House Bill 5368, AS AMENDED, by inserting
the following in its proper numeric sequence:
"Section 1. The Township Code is amended by changing Section 35-55
as follows:
(60 ILCS 1/35-55)
Sec. 35-55. Senior citizens services; authorization of tax levy.
(a) The electors may authorize the township board to levy a tax
(at a rate of not more than 0.15% of the value, as equalized and
assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in the
township) for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing services to
senior citizens under Article 220 including, but not limited to, the
construction, maintenance, repair, and operation of a senior citizens
center 270. If the board desires to levy the tax, it shall order a
referendum on the proposition to be held at an election in accordance
with the general election law. The board shall certify the proposition
to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition to
the voters at an election in accordance with the general election law.
If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the
proposition, the board may annually levy the tax in addition to any
other taxes set forth in Article 235 of this Act, but subject to the
extension limitations in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law of
the Property Tax Code.
(b) If the township board of any township authorized to levy a tax
under this Section pursuant to a referendum held before January 1,
1987, desires to increase the maximum rate of the tax to 0.15% of the
value, as equalized and assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all
taxable property in the township, it shall order a referendum on that
proposition to be held at an election in accordance with the general
election law. The board shall certify the proposition to the proper
election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the voters at
an election in accordance with the general election law. If a majority
of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the proposition,
the maximum tax rate shall be so increased.
(Source: P.A. 85-742; 88-62; revised 12-13-01.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1, 2 and 3 to HOUSE BILL 5368 was placed on the Calendar on
the order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning insurance.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5596.
131 [May 9, 2002]
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO.1. Amend House Bill 5596 on page 1, by inserting the
following after line 8:
"(a) A party seeking coverage under a policy as an additional
insured must also tender the defense and indemnity of the claim or loss
to any other insurer that also provides coverage for the claim or loss,
including, but not limited to, that party's own insurer.
(b) The allocation of the defense and indemnity for an insured or
an additional insured who may be covered for a claim or loss under 2 or
more policies of insurance shall be determined by the terms of the
particular policies of insurance and shall not be determined on the
basis of the insured's, additional insured's, or an insurer's selection
of a particular policy of insurance to respond to the claim or loss.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5596 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to vehicles.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5610.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5610.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5610 as follows:
by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by adding
Sections 1-117.7 and 11-1005.1 and changing Section 11-1412.1 as
(625 ILCS 5/1-117.7 new)
Sec. 1-117.7. Electric personal assistive mobility device. A
self-balancing 2 non-tandem wheeled device designed to transport only
one person with an electric propulsion system with average power of 750
watts (one horsepower), whose maximum speed on a paved level surface,
when powered solely by a propulsion system of that type while ridden by
an operator weighing 170 pounds, is less than 20 miles per hour.
(625 ILCS 5/11-1005.1 new)
Sec. 11-1005.1. Electric personal assistive mobility devices.
Every person operating an electric personal assistive mobility device
upon a sidewalk or roadway has all the rights and is subject to all the
duties applicable to a pedestrian.
(625 ILCS 5/11-1412.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1412.1)
[May 9, 2002] 132
Sec. 11-1412.1. Driving upon sidewalk. No person shall drive any
vehicle upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or
duly authorized temporary driveway. This Section does not apply to any
vehicle moved exclusively by human power, to any electric personal
assistive mobility device, nor to any motorized wheelchair.
(Source: P.A. 84-672.)".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5610 as follows:
by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by adding
Sections 1-117.7, 11-1005.1, and 11-1412.2 and changing Section
11-1412.1 as follows:
(625 ILCS 5/1-117.7 new)
Sec. 1-117.7. Electric personal assistive mobility device. A
self-balancing 2 non-tandem wheeled device designed to transport only
one person with an electric propulsion system that limits the maximum
speed of the device to 15 miles per hour or less.
(625 ILCS 5/11-1005.1 new)
Sec. 11-1005.1. Electric personal assistive mobility devices.
Every person operating an electric personal assistive mobility device
upon a sidewalk or roadway has all the rights and is subject to all the
duties applicable to a pedestrian.
(625 ILCS 5/11-1412.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1412.1)
Sec. 11-1412.1. Driving upon sidewalk. No person shall drive any
vehicle upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or
duly authorized temporary driveway. This Section does not apply to any
vehicle moved exclusively by human power, to any electric personal
assistive mobility device, nor to any motorized wheelchair.
(Source: P.A. 84-672.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-1412.2 new)
Sec. 11-1412.2. Operating an electric personal assistive mobility
device on a public sidewalk. A person may not operate an electric
personal assistive mobility upon a public sidewalk at a speed greater
than 8 miles per hour.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 5610 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning animals.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5625.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5625.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5625 on page 1, by replacing
line 20 with the following:
133 [May 9, 2002]
"journalistic, artistic, or historical value; or involves rodeos,
sanctioned livestock events, or normal husbandry practices.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5625 on page 1, line 18, by
deleting "serious"; and
on page 2, line 4, by replacing "must" with "shall".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 5625 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning business corporations.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5631.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5631 on page 1, immediately
below line 9, by inserting the following:
"Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5631 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to criminal law.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5652.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
[May 9, 2002] 134
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5652 as follows:
on page 1, by inserting between lines 3 and 4 the following:
"Section 2. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by changing
Section 18-5 as follows:
(720 ILCS 5/18-5)
Sec. 18-5. Aggravated robbery.
(a) A person commits aggravated robbery when he or she takes
property from the person or presence of another by the use of force or
by threatening the imminent use of force while indicating verbally or
by his or her actions to the victim that he or she is presently armed
with a firearm or other dangerous weapon, including a knife, club, ax,
or bludgeon, and. This offense shall be applicable even though it is
later determined that he or she had no firearm or other dangerous
weapon, including a knife, club, ax, or bludgeon, in his or her
possession when he or she committed the robbery.
(a-5) A person commits aggravated robbery when he or she takes
property from the person or presence of another by delivering (by
injection, inhalation, ingestion, transfer of possession, or any other
means) to the victim without his or her consent, or by threat or
deception, and for other than medical purposes, any controlled
(b) Sentence. Aggravated robbery is a Class 1 felony.
(Source: P.A. 90-593, eff. 1-1-99; 90-735, eff. 8-11-98; 91-357, eff.
7-29-99.)"; and
on page 5, in line 19, after "1999,", by inserting "or if convicted of
reckless homicide as defined in subsection (e-5) of Section 9-3 of the
Criminal Code of 1961 if the offense is committed on or after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,";
on page 16, by inserting below line 28 the following:
"Section 99. Effective date. This Section and Section 2 take
effect upon becoming law.".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5652 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning Illinois servicemen.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5823.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5823 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Military Code of Illinois is amended by adding
Section 100.5 as follows:
(20 ILCS 1805/100.5 new)
Sec. 100.5. Illinois National Guard; Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil
135 [May 9, 2002]
Relief Act of 1940.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who is a
member of the Illinois National Guard and who is on active duty shall
be accorded all of the relief and benefits under the laws of this State
that are accorded to federal military personnel on active duty under
the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as now or
hereafter amended, if the person on active duty provides written notice
of his or her active duty in the same manner that notice is provided
under the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940.
(b) A person who has provided notice under subsection (a) shall,
within 60 days after the termination of his or her active duty, provide
written notice of the termination of his or her active duty to the
person to whom notice was provided under subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this Section, the term "active duty", when
used in reference to the Illinois National Guard, means a period of
active duty in excess of 30 consecutive days pursuant to orders of the
Governor, whether or not for training, either under Title 32 of the
United States Code or under State Active Duty pursuant to the laws of
this State.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5823 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning health facilities.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5906.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5906.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5906, on page 1, after line 23,
by adding the following:
""Licensee" means an individual or entity licensed by the
Department to operate an end stage renal disease facility."; and
on page 2, line 15, by deleting "and"; and
on page 2, line 16, after "physician", by inserting the following:
"; and
(4) a facility licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act"; and
on page 3, line 23 before "or" by inserting "physician assistant,
advanced practice nurse"; and
on page 7, line 32, by replacing "application" with "applicant"; and
on page 8, line 9, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge" ; and
on page 8, line 14, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge" ; and
[May 9, 2002] 136
on page 8, line 19, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge" ; and
on page 8, line 28, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge" ; and
on page 9, line 10, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge"; and
on page 9, line 14, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge"; and
on page 9, by replacing lines 15 through 18 with the following:
"hearing before the Department, may compel the attendance of witnesses
and"; and
on page 9, line 20, by replacing "Hearing Officer" with "administrative
law judge"; and
on page 9, line 24, by replacing "hearing officer" with "administrative
law judge"; and
on page 10, after line 22, by adding the following:
"The Department shall adopt rules for determining the fines for
violations."; and
on page 15, by replacing lines 22 through 23 with the following:
"Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5906, AS AMENDED, in Section 15,
item (2), after "Act;" by inserting "and"; and
in Section 15, item (3) by replacing "; and" with "."; and
in Section 15 by deleting item (4).
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 5906 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to vehicles.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5941.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5941 by replacing the title with
the following:
"AN ACT in relation to alcoholic liquor."; and
by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by changing
Section 4-4 as follows:
(235 ILCS 5/4-4) (from Ch. 43, par. 112)
Sec. 4-4. Each local liquor control commissioner shall also have
the following powers, functions and duties with respect to licenses,
other than licenses to manufacturers, importing distributors,
distributors, foreign importers, non-resident dealers, non-beverage
users, brokers, railroads, airplanes and boats.
137 [May 9, 2002]
1. To grant and or suspend for not more than thirty days or
revoke for cause all local licenses issued to persons for premises
within his jurisdiction;
2. To enter or to authorize any law enforcing officer to
enter at any time upon any premises licensed hereunder to determine
whether any of the provisions of this Act or any rules or
regulations adopted by him or by the State Commission have been or
are being violated, and at such time to examine said premises of
said licensee in connection therewith;
3. To notify the Secretary of State where a club incorporated
under the General Not for Profit Corporation Act of 1986 or a
foreign corporation functioning as a club in this State under a
certificate of authority issued under that Act has violated this
Act by selling or offering for sale at retail alcoholic liquors
without a retailer's license;
4. To receive complaint from any citizen within his
jurisdiction that any of the provisions of this Act, or any rules
or regulations adopted pursuant hereto, have been or are being
violated and to act upon such complaints in the manner hereinafter
5. To receive local license fees and pay the same forthwith
to the city, village, town or county treasurer as the case may be.
Each local liquor commissioner also has the duty to notify the
Secretary of State of any convictions for a violation of Section 6-20
of this Act or a similar provision of a local ordinance.
In counties and municipalities, the local liquor control
commissioners shall also have the power to levy fines in accordance
with Section 7-5 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
Section 10. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing
Section 6-206 as follows:
(625 ILCS 5/6-206) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-206)
Sec. 6-206. Discretionary authority to suspend or revoke license
or permit; Right to a hearing.
(a) The Secretary of State is authorized to suspend or revoke the
driving privileges of any person without preliminary hearing upon a
showing of the person's records or other sufficient evidence that the
1. Has committed an offense for which mandatory revocation of
a driver's license or permit is required upon conviction;
2. Has been convicted of not less than 3 offenses against
traffic regulations governing the movement of vehicles committed
within any 12 month period. No revocation or suspension shall be
entered more than 6 months after the date of last conviction;
3. Has been repeatedly involved as a driver in motor vehicle
collisions or has been repeatedly convicted of offenses against
laws and ordinances regulating the movement of traffic, to a degree
that indicates lack of ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable
care in the safe operation of a motor vehicle or disrespect for the
traffic laws and the safety of other persons upon the highway;
4. Has by the unlawful operation of a motor vehicle caused or
contributed to an accident resulting in death or injury requiring
immediate professional treatment in a medical facility or doctor's
office to any person, except that any suspension or revocation
imposed by the Secretary of State under the provisions of this
subsection shall start no later than 6 months after being convicted
of violating a law or ordinance regulating the movement of traffic,
which violation is related to the accident, or shall start not more
than one year after the date of the accident, whichever date occurs
5. Has permitted an unlawful or fraudulent use of a driver's
license, identification card, or permit;
6. Has been lawfully convicted of an offense or offenses in
another state, including the authorization contained in Section
6-203.1, which if committed within this State would be grounds for
suspension or revocation;
[May 9, 2002] 138
7. Has refused or failed to submit to an examination provided
for by Section 6-207 or has failed to pass the examination;
8. Is ineligible for a driver's license or permit under the
provisions of Section 6-103;
9. Has made a false statement or knowingly concealed a
material fact or has used false information or identification in
any application for a license, identification card, or permit;
10. Has possessed, displayed, or attempted to fraudulently
use any license, identification card, or permit not issued to the
11. Has operated a motor vehicle upon a highway of this State
when the person's driving privilege or privilege to obtain a
driver's license or permit was revoked or suspended unless the
operation was authorized by a judicial driving permit, probationary
license to drive, or a restricted driving permit issued under this
12. Has submitted to any portion of the application process
for another person or has obtained the services of another person
to submit to any portion of the application process for the purpose
of obtaining a license, identification card, or permit for some
other person;
13. Has operated a motor vehicle upon a highway of this State
when the person's driver's license or permit was invalid under the
provisions of Sections 6-107.1 and 6-110;
14. Has committed a violation of Section 6-301, 6-301.1, or
6-301.2 of this Act, or Section 14, 14A, or 14B of the Illinois
Identification Card Act;
15. Has been convicted of violating Section 21-2 of the
Criminal Code of 1961 relating to criminal trespass to vehicles in
which case, the suspension shall be for one year;
16. Has been convicted of violating Section 11-204 of this
Code relating to fleeing from a police officer;
17. Has refused to submit to a test, or tests, as required
under Section 11-501.1 of this Code and the person has not sought a
hearing as provided for in Section 11-501.1;
18. Has, since issuance of a driver's license or permit, been
adjudged to be afflicted with or suffering from any mental
disability or disease;
19. Has committed a violation of paragraph (a) or (b) of
Section 6-101 relating to driving without a driver's license;
20. Has been convicted of violating Section 6-104 relating to
classification of driver's license;
21. Has been convicted of violating Section 11-402 of this
Code relating to leaving the scene of an accident resulting in
damage to a vehicle in excess of $1,000, in which case the
suspension shall be for one year;
22. Has used a motor vehicle in violating paragraph (3), (4),
(7), or (9) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code
of 1961 relating to unlawful use of weapons, in which case the
suspension shall be for one year;
23. Has, as a driver, been convicted of committing a
violation of paragraph (a) of Section 11-502 of this Code for a
second or subsequent time within one year of a similar violation;
24. Has been convicted by a court-martial or punished by
non-judicial punishment by military authorities of the United
States at a military installation in Illinois of or for a traffic
related offense that is the same as or similar to an offense
specified under Section 6-205 or 6-206 of this Code;
25. Has permitted any form of identification to be used by
another in the application process in order to obtain or attempt to
obtain a license, identification card, or permit;
26. Has altered or attempted to alter a license or has
possessed an altered license, identification card, or permit;
27. Has violated Section 6-16 of the Liquor Control Act of
28. Has been convicted of the illegal possession, while
139 [May 9, 2002]
operating or in actual physical control, as a driver, of a motor
vehicle, of any controlled substance prohibited under the Illinois
Controlled Substances Act or any cannabis prohibited under the
provisions of the Cannabis Control Act, in which case the person's
driving privileges shall be suspended for one year, and any driver
who is convicted of a second or subsequent offense, within 5 years
of a previous conviction, for the illegal possession, while
operating or in actual physical control, as a driver, of a motor
vehicle, of any controlled substance prohibited under the
provisions of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act or any
cannabis prohibited under the Cannabis Control Act shall be
suspended for 5 years. Any defendant found guilty of this offense
while operating a motor vehicle, shall have an entry made in the
court record by the presiding judge that this offense did occur
while the defendant was operating a motor vehicle and order the
clerk of the court to report the violation to the Secretary of
29. Has been convicted of the following offenses that were
committed while the person was operating or in actual physical
control, as a driver, of a motor vehicle: criminal sexual assault,
predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal
sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, aggravated criminal sexual
abuse, juvenile pimping, soliciting for a juvenile prostitute and
the manufacture, sale or delivery of controlled substances or
instruments used for illegal drug use or abuse in which case the
driver's driving privileges shall be suspended for one year;
30. Has been convicted a second or subsequent time for any
combination of the offenses named in paragraph 29 of this
subsection, in which case the person's driving privileges shall be
suspended for 5 years;
31. Has refused to submit to a test as required by Section
11-501.6 or has submitted to a test resulting in an alcohol
concentration of 0.08 or more or any amount of a drug, substance,
or compound resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of
cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled
substance as listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or
an intoxicating compound as listed in the Use of Intoxicating
Compounds Act, in which case the penalty shall be as prescribed in
Section 6-208.1;
32. Has been convicted of Section 24-1.2 of the Criminal Code
of 1961 relating to the aggravated discharge of a firearm if the
offender was located in a motor vehicle at the time the firearm was
discharged, in which case the suspension shall be for 3 years;
33. Has as a driver, who was less than 21 years of age on
the date of the offense, been convicted a first time of a violation
of paragraph (a) of Section 11-502 of this Code or a similar
provision of a local ordinance;
34. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1301.5 of this
35. Has committed a violation of Section 11-1301.6 of this
Code; or
36. Is under the age of 21 years at the time of arrest and
has been convicted of not less than 2 offenses against traffic
regulations governing the movement of vehicles committed within
any 24 month period. No revocation or suspension shall be entered
more than 6 months after the date of last conviction; or
37. Has committed a violation of subsection (c) of Section
11-907 of this Code; or.
38. Has been convicted of a violation of Section 6-20 of the
Liquor Control Act of 1934 or a similar provision of a local
For purposes of paragraphs 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 25, 26, and 27 of
this subsection, license means any driver's license, any traffic ticket
issued when the person's driver's license is deposited in lieu of bail,
a suspension notice issued by the Secretary of State, a duplicate or
corrected driver's license, a probationary driver's license or a
[May 9, 2002] 140
temporary driver's license.
(b) If any conviction forming the basis of a suspension or
revocation authorized under this Section is appealed, the Secretary of
State may rescind or withhold the entry of the order of suspension or
revocation, as the case may be, provided that a certified copy of a
stay order of a court is filed with the Secretary of State. If the
conviction is affirmed on appeal, the date of the conviction shall
relate back to the time the original judgment of conviction was entered
and the 6 month limitation prescribed shall not apply.
(c) 1. Upon suspending or revoking the driver's license or permit
of any person as authorized in this Section, the Secretary of State
shall immediately notify the person in writing of the revocation or
suspension. The notice to be deposited in the United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the last known address of the person.
2. If the Secretary of State suspends the driver's license of
a person under subsection 2 of paragraph (a) of this Section, a
person's privilege to operate a vehicle as an occupation shall not
be suspended, provided an affidavit is properly completed, the
appropriate fee received, and a permit issued prior to the
effective date of the suspension, unless 5 offenses were committed,
at least 2 of which occurred while operating a commercial vehicle
in connection with the driver's regular occupation. All other
driving privileges shall be suspended by the Secretary of State.
Any driver prior to operating a vehicle for occupational purposes
only must submit the affidavit on forms to be provided by the
Secretary of State setting forth the facts of the person's
occupation. The affidavit shall also state the number of offenses
committed while operating a vehicle in connection with the driver's
regular occupation. The affidavit shall be accompanied by the
driver's license. Upon receipt of a properly completed affidavit,
the Secretary of State shall issue the driver a permit to operate a
vehicle in connection with the driver's regular occupation only.
Unless the permit is issued by the Secretary of State prior to the
date of suspension, the privilege to drive any motor vehicle shall
be suspended as set forth in the notice that was mailed under this
Section. If an affidavit is received subsequent to the effective
date of this suspension, a permit may be issued for the remainder
of the suspension period.
The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to any
driver required to obtain a commercial driver's license under
Section 6-507 during the period of a disqualification of commercial
driving privileges under Section 6-514.
Any person who falsely states any fact in the affidavit
required herein shall be guilty of perjury under Section 6-302 and
upon conviction thereof shall have all driving privileges revoked
without further rights.
3. At the conclusion of a hearing under Section 2-118 of this
Code, the Secretary of State shall either rescind or continue an
order of revocation or shall substitute an order of suspension; or,
good cause appearing therefor, rescind, continue, change, or extend
the order of suspension. If the Secretary of State does not
rescind the order, the Secretary may upon application, to relieve
undue hardship, issue a restricted driving permit granting the
privilege of driving a motor vehicle between the petitioner's
residence and petitioner's place of employment or within the scope
of his employment related duties, or to allow transportation for
the petitioner, or a household member of the petitioner's family,
to receive necessary medical care and if the professional
evaluation indicates, provide transportation for alcohol remedial
or rehabilitative activity, or for the petitioner to attend
classes, as a student, in an accredited educational institution; if
the petitioner is able to demonstrate that no alternative means of
transportation is reasonably available and the petitioner will not
endanger the public safety or welfare.
If a person's license or permit has been revoked or suspended
due to 2 or more convictions of violating Section 11-501 of this
141 [May 9, 2002]
Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance or a similar
out-of-state offense, arising out of separate occurrences, that
person, if issued a restricted driving permit, may not operate a
vehicle unless it has been equipped with an ignition interlock
device as defined in Section 1-129.1.
If a person's license or permit has been revoked or suspended
2 or more times within a 10 year period due to a single conviction
of violating Section 11-501 of this Code or a similar provision of
a local ordinance or a similar out-of-state offense, and a
statutory summary suspension under Section 11-501.1, or 2 or more
statutory summary suspensions, or combination of 2 offenses, or of
an offense and a statutory summary suspension, arising out of
separate occurrences, that person, if issued a restricted driving
permit, may not operate a vehicle unless it has been equipped with
an ignition interlock device as defined in Section 1-129.1. The
person must pay to the Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund
an amount not to exceed $20 per month. The Secretary shall
establish by rule the amount and the procedures, terms, and
conditions relating to these fees. If the restricted driving permit
was issued for employment purposes, then this provision does not
apply to the operation of an occupational vehicle owned or leased
by that person's employer. In each case the Secretary may issue a
restricted driving permit for a period deemed appropriate, except
that all permits shall expire within one year from the date of
issuance. The Secretary may not, however, issue a restricted
driving permit to any person whose current revocation is the result
of a second or subsequent conviction for a violation of Section
11-501 of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance
relating to the offense of operating or being in physical control
of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, other drug
or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds, or any similar
out-of-state offense, or any combination of those offenses, until
the expiration of at least one year from the date of the
revocation. A restricted driving permit issued under this Section
shall be subject to cancellation, revocation, and suspension by the
Secretary of State in like manner and for like cause as a driver's
license issued under this Code may be cancelled, revoked, or
suspended; except that a conviction upon one or more offenses
against laws or ordinances regulating the movement of traffic shall
be deemed sufficient cause for the revocation, suspension, or
cancellation of a restricted driving permit. The Secretary of State
may, as a condition to the issuance of a restricted driving permit,
require the applicant to participate in a designated driver
remedial or rehabilitative program. The Secretary of State is
authorized to cancel a restricted driving permit if the permit
holder does not successfully complete the program.
(c-5) The Secretary of State may, as a condition of the reissuance
of a driver's license or permit to an applicant whose driver's license
or permit has been suspended before he or she reached the age of 18
years pursuant to any of the provisions of this Section, require the
applicant to participate in a driver remedial education course and be
retested under Section 6-109 of this Code.
(d) This Section is subject to the provisions of the Drivers
License Compact.
(e) The Secretary of State shall not issue a restricted driving
permit to a person under the age of 16 years whose driving privileges
have been suspended or revoked under any provisions of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-283, eff. 1-1-02; 92-418, eff. 8-17-01; 92-458, eff.
8-22-01; revised 8-27-01.)".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 5941 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
[May 9, 2002] 142
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning well water.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5961.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5961 on page 1, line 16 by
replacing "$100,000" with "$30,000".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5961 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning health insurance.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5965.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5965.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5965 on page 1, line 5, by
replacing "Section 97" with "Sections 20 and 97"; and
on page 1, before line 6, by inserting the following:
"(215 ILCS 106/20)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2002)
Sec. 20. Eligibility.
(a) To be eligible for this Program, a person must be a person who
has a child eligible under this Act and who is eligible under a waiver
of federal requirements pursuant to an application made pursuant to
subdivision (a)(1) of Section 40 of this Act or who is a child who:
(1) is a child who is not eligible for medical assistance;
(2) is a child whose annual household income, as determined
by the Department, is above 133% of the federal poverty level and
143 [May 9, 2002]
at or below 185% of the federal poverty level;
(2.5) is a child whose household assets, as determined by the
Department, do not exceed $10,000;
(3) is a resident of the State of Illinois; and
(4) is a child who is either a United States citizen or
included in one of the following categories of non-citizens:
(A) unmarried dependent children of either a United
States Veteran honorably discharged or a person on active
military duty;
(B) refugees under Section 207 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act;
(C) asylees under Section 208 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act;
(D) persons for whom deportation has been withheld under
Section 243(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act;
(E) persons granted conditional entry under Section
203(a)(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act as in effect
prior to April 1, 1980;
(F) persons lawfully admitted for permanent residence
under the Immigration and Nationality Act; and
(G) parolees, for at least one year, under Section
212(d)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Those children who are in the categories set forth in subdivisions
(4)(F) and (4)(G) of this subsection, who enter the United States on or
after August 22, 1996, shall not be eligible for 5 years beginning on
the date the child entered the United States.
(b) A child who is determined to be eligible for assistance shall
remain eligible for 12 months, provided the child maintains his or her
residence in the State, has not yet attained 19 years of age, and is
not excluded pursuant to subsection (c). Eligibility shall be
re-determined by the Department at least annually.
(c) A child shall not be eligible for coverage under this Program
(1) the premium required pursuant to Section 30 of this Act
has not been paid. If the required premiums are not paid the
liability of the Program shall be limited to benefits incurred
under the Program for the time period for which premiums had been
paid. If the required monthly premium is not paid, the child shall
be ineligible for re-enrollment for a minimum period of 3 months.
Re-enrollment shall be completed prior to the next covered medical
visit and the first month's required premium shall be paid in
advance of the next covered medical visit. The Department shall
promulgate rules regarding grace periods, notice requirements, and
hearing procedures pursuant to this subsection;
(2) the child is an inmate of a public institution or a
patient in an institution for mental diseases; or
(3) the child is a member of a family that is eligible for
health benefits covered under the State of Illinois health benefits
plan on the basis of a member's employment with a public agency.
(Source: P.A. 90-736, eff. 8-12-98.)".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 5965, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment No. 1 on page 1, by
replacing lines 20 and 21 with the following:
"(2.5) is a child whose household assets do not exceed an amount as
the Department may establish by rule;".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 5965 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
[May 9, 2002] 144
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning employment.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5996.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5996 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Child Labor Law is amended by adding Section 2.5
and by changing Section 3 as follows:
(820 ILCS 205/2.5 new)
Sec. 2.5. Officiating youth activities. Nothing in this Act
prohibits a minor who is 12 or 13 years of age from officiating youth
sports activities for a not-for-profit youth club, park district, or
municipal parks and recreation department if each of the following
restrictions is met:
(1) The parent or the guardian of the minor who is
officiating shall supervise the minor and must be present while the
minor is officiating.
(2) The employer must obtain certification as provided for in
Section 9 of this Act.
(3) The minor may work as a sports official for a maximum of
3 hours in any day, may not exceed 9 hours of officiating in any
week, and may not work later than 9 p.m.
(4) The minor may only officiate activities in which the
participating children are at least 4 years younger than the minor
or with adults officiating.
(820 ILCS 205/3) (from Ch. 48, par. 31.3)
Sec. 3. Except as hereinafter provided, no minor under 16 years of
age shall be employed, permitted, or allowed to work in any gainful
occupation mentioned in Section 1 of this Act for more than 6
consecutive days in any one week, or more than 48 hours in any one
week, or more than 8 hours in any one day, or be so employed, permitted
or allowed to work between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. from Labor Day until June
1 or between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. from June 1 until Labor Day.
The hours of work of minors under the age of 16 years employed
outside of school hours shall not exceed 3 a day on days when school is
in session, nor shall the combined hours of work outside and in school
exceed a total of 8 a day; except that a minor under the age of 16 may
work both Saturday and Sunday for not more than 8 hours each day if the
following conditions are met: (1) the minor does not work outside
school more than 6 consecutive days in any one week, and (2) the number
of hours worked by the minor outside school in any week does not exceed
A minor 14 or more years of age who is employed in a recreational
or educational activity by a park district, not-for-profit youth club,
or municipal parks and recreation department while school is in session
may work up to 3 hours per school day twice a week no later than 9 p.m.
if the number of hours worked by the minor outside school in any week
does not exceed 24 or between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. during that school
district's summer vacation, or if the school district operates on a 12
month basis, the period during which school is not in session for the
(Source: P.A. 90-410, eff. 1-1-98.)".
145 [May 9, 2002]
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming law.
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5996 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to health facilities.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 6041.
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 6041.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 6041, on page 1, line 5, after
"8", by inserting "and adding Section 8.5"; and
on page 6, immediately below line 14, by inserting the following:
"(210 ILCS 85/8.5 new)
Sec. 8.5. Waiver of compliance with rules or standards. Upon
application by a hospital, the Department may grant or renew the waiver
of the hospital's compliance with a rule or standard for a period not
to exceed the duration of the current license or, in the case of an
application for license renewal, the duration of the renewal period.
The waiver may be conditioned upon the hospital taking action
prescribed by the Department as a measure equivalent to compliance. In
determining whether to grant or renew a waiver, the Department shall
consider the duration and basis for any current waiver with respect to
the same rule or standard and the validity and effect upon patient
health and safety of extending it on the same basis, the effect upon
the health and safety of patients, the quality of patient care, the
hospital's history of compliance with the rules and standards of this
Act, and the hospital's attempts to comply with the particular rule or
standard in question. The Department may provide, by rule, for the
automatic renewal of waivers concerning physical plant requirements
upon the renewal of a license. The Department shall renew waivers
relating to physical plant standards issued pursuant to this Section at
the time of the indicated reviews, unless it can show why such waivers
should not be extended for the following reasons:
(1) the condition of the physical plant has deteriorated or
its use substantially changed so that the basis upon which the
waiver was issued is materially different; or
(2) the hospital is renovated or substantially remodeled in
such a way as to permit compliance with the applicable rules and
standards without substantial increase in cost.
A copy of each waiver application and each waiver granted or
renewed shall be on file with the Department and available for public
The Department shall advise hospitals of any applicable federal
waivers for which the hospital may apply.
[May 9, 2002] 146
This Section shall apply to both new and existing construction.".
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 6041, AS AMENDED, as follows:
by inserting immediately below the enacting clause the following:
"Section 2. The Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law
of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by changing
Section 2310-560 as follows:
(20 ILCS 2310/2310-560) (was 20 ILCS 2310/55.87)
Sec. 2310-560. Advisory committees committee concerning
construction of facilities.
(a) The Director shall appoint an advisory committee. The
committee shall be established by the Department by rule. The Director
and the Department shall consult with the advisory committee concerning
the application of building codes and Department rules related to those
building codes to facilities under the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment
Center Act and, the Nursing Home Care Act, and the Hospital Licensing
(b) The Director shall appoint an advisory committee to advise the
Department and to conduct informal dispute resolution concerning the
application of building codes for new and existing construction and
related Department rules and standards under the Hospital Licensing
Act, including without limitation rules and standards for (i) design
and construction, (ii) engineering and maintenance of the physical
plant, site, equipment, and systems (heating, cooling, electrical,
ventilation, plumbing, water, sewer, and solid waste disposal), and
(iii) fire and safety. The advisory committee shall be composed of all
of the following members:
(1) The chairperson or an elected representative from the
Hospital Licensing Board under the Hospital Licensing Act.
(2) Two health care architects with a minimum of 10 years of
experience in institutional design and building code analysis.
(3) Two engineering professionals (one mechanical and one
electrical) with a minimum of 10 years of experience in
institutional design and building code analysis.
(4) One commercial interior design professional with a
minimum of 10 years of experience.
(5) Two representatives from provider associations.
(6) The Director or his or her designee, who shall serve as
the committee moderator.
Appointments shall be made with the concurrence of the Hospital
Licensing Board. The committee shall submit recommendations concerning
the application of building codes and related Department rules and
standards to the Hospital Licensing Board for review and comment prior
to submission to the Department. The committee shall submit
recommendations concerning informal dispute resolution to the Director.
The Department shall provide per diem and travel expenses to the
committee members.
(Source: P.A. 90-327, eff. 8-8-97; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 91-239, eff.
Section 3. The Illinois Building Commission Act is amended by
changing Sections 5, 25, and 50 and adding Section 47 as follows:
(20 ILCS 3918/5)
Sec. 5. Definitions. When used in this Act:
"Commission" means the Illinois Building Commission.
"State agency" has the same meaning as in Section 1-7 of the
Illinois State Auditing Act.
"State building requirements" means any law, rule, or executive
order implemented by the State of Illinois affecting the construction
of buildings in Illinois.
"Health care provider" means a hospital as defined in the Hospital
Licensing Act.
(Source: P.A. 90-269, eff. 1-1-98.)
(20 ILCS 3918/25)
Sec. 25. Forum; dispute resolution. The Commission shall provide
an ongoing forum for continuing dialogue regarding the purpose and
duties of the Commission. The Commission shall also serve as a forum
147 [May 9, 2002]
to suggest resolution of conflicts between State agencies, or between a
State agency and another entity that consents to the resolution forum,
concerning State building requirements. As used in this Section, for
dispute resolution arising out of Section 8 or 8.5 of the Hospital
Licensing Act, "building requirements" includes the application of
building codes for new and existing construction and related Department
rules and standards under the Hospital Licensing Act, including without
limitation rules and standards for (i) design and construction, (ii)
engineering and maintenance of the physical plant, site, equipment, and
systems (heating, cooling, electrical, ventilation, plumbing, water,
sewer, and solid waste disposal), and (iii) fire and safety.
If the suggested resolution of a conflict between the Department of
Public Health and a health care provider is to (i) accept an
equivalency determined by the Fire Safety Evaluation System, (ii) waive
State rules or standards, or (iii) seek a waiver of federal rules or
standards, the Commission may take steps it deems reasonably necessary
to facilitate the suggested resolution, including preparing a waiver
request and directing the Department of Public Health to recommend the
request to the appropriate federal agency.
(Source: P.A. 90-269, eff. 1-1-98.)
(20 ILCS 3918/47 new)
Sec. 47. Rules. The Commission may adopt any rules necessary for
the administration of this Act.
(20 ILCS 3918/50)
Sec. 50. The Illinois Building Commission Revolving Fund. The
Illinois Building Commission Revolving Fund is created in the State
treasury. The Illinois Building Commission may establish fees, each of
which may not exceed $250 or an amount approved by the Joint Committee
on Administrative Rules, for services provided in fulfilling its
mandate under this Act, except that for dispute resolution between the
Illinois Department of Public Health and a health care provider, the
Commission may establish fees to be paid by the health care provider,
which may not exceed $10,000. All fees collected by the Commission
shall be deposited into the Illinois Building Commission Revolving
Fund. The Commission may also accept donations or moneys from any
other source for deposit into this fund. All interest accrued on the
fees, donations, and other deposits to the Illinois Building Commission
Revolving Fund shall be deposited into the fund. All moneys in the
Illinois Building Commission Revolving Fund may be used, subject to
appropriation by the General Assembly, to carry out the activities of
the Act, including the expenses of the Illinois Building Commission, a
clearinghouse on State building requirements, or other purposes
consistent with this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-581, eff. 8-14-99.)"; and
in Section 5, in the introductory clause, by replacing "Section 8.5"
with "Sections 7.5, 8.5, 9.2, and 9.3"; and
in Section 5, immediately below the introductory clause, by inserting
the following:
"(210 ILCS 85/7.5 new)
Sec. 7.5. Fire Safety Evaluation System. Upon request by a
hospital, the Department, if applicable, must evaluate or allow for an
evaluation of compliance with the Life Safety Code using the Fire
Safety Evaluation System."; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8, subsec. (b), the sentence beginning "If denied,",
after "denial", by inserting "and the applicant may elect to seek
dispute resolution pursuant to Section 25 of the Illinois Building
Commission Act, which the Department must participate in"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, in the caption, after "standards", by inserting
"for construction or physical plant"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, the paragraph and sentence beginning "Upon
application", before "rule", by inserting "construction or physical
plant"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, the paragraph and sentence beginning "Upon
application", after "standard", by inserting the following:
", including without limitation rules and standards for (i) design and
construction, (ii) engineering and maintenance of the physical plant,
[May 9, 2002] 148
site, equipment, and systems (heating, cooling, electrical,
ventilation, plumbing, water, sewer, and solid waste disposal), and
(iii) fire and safety,"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, the paragraph beginning "Upon application", the
sentence beginning "The Department may provide", after "concerning", by
inserting "construction or"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, the paragraph beginning "Upon application", the
sentence beginning "The Department shall renew", after "relating to",
by inserting "construction or"; and
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, the paragraph beginning "The Department shall
advise", after "waivers", by inserting "about which it is aware and";
in Section 5, Sec. 8.5, immediately below the paragraph beginning "The
Department shall advise", by inserting the following:
"In the event that the Department does not grant or renew a waiver
of a rule or standard, the Department must notify the hospital in
writing detailing the specific reasons for not granting or renewing the
waiver and must discuss possible options, if any, the hospital could
take to have the waiver approved."; and
in Section 5, immediately below the end of Sec. 8.5, by inserting the
"(210 ILCS 85/9.2 new)
Sec. 9.2. Disclosure. Prior to conducting a survey of a hospital
operating under an approved waiver, equivalency, or other approval, a
surveyor must be made aware of the waiver, equivalency, or other
approval prior to entering the hospital. Prior to commencing an
inspection, the Department must provide the hospital with documentation
that the survey is being conducted, with consideration of the relevant
waiver, equivalency, or approval. After conducting the survey, the
Department must conduct a comprehensive exit interview with designated
hospital representatives at which the hospital may present additional
information regarding findings.
(210 ILCS 85/9.3 new)
Sec. 9.3. Informal dispute resolution. The Department must offer
an opportunity for informal dispute resolution concerning the
application of building codes for new and existing construction and
related Department rules and standards before the advisory committee
under subsection (b) of Section 2310-560 of the Department of Public
Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of
Illinois. Participants in this process must include representatives
from the Department, representatives of the hospital, and additional
representatives deemed appropriate by both parties with expertise
regarding the contested deficiencies and the management of health care
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 6041 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning townships.
Together with the attached amendments thereto (which amendments
have been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am
instructed to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3812.
149 [May 9, 2002]
Senate Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL NO. 3812.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 3812 on page 2 in line 30 by
adding "either" immediately after "equal to"; and
on page 2 by replacing line 32 with the following:
"property in the township, or 100% of the highest amount levied for
general assistance purposes in any of the three previous fiscal
AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill 3812, AS AMENDED, with reference
to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment 1, on page 1 by replacing
line 7 with the following:
"previous fiscal years. The transfer shall be completed no".
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendments
numbered 1 and 2 to HOUSE BILL 3812 was placed on the Calendar on the
order of Concurrence.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives in the
passage of a bill of the following title to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT concerning insurance.
Together with the attached amendment thereto (which amendment has
been printed by the Senate), in the adoption of which I am instructed
to ask the concurrence of the House, to-wit:
Senate Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL NO. 5608.
Passed the Senate, as amended, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill 5608 on page 3 by inserting
immediately below line 23 the following:
"Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting Senate Amendment
No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5608 was placed on the Calendar on the order of
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has adopted the following Senate Joint Resolution, in
the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the
House of Representatives, to-wit:
[May 9, 2002] 150
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois General Assembly are deeply
saddened to learn of the death of Richard H. Newhouse, Jr., who was a
friend, colleague, mentor and trailblazer to many with whom he served
in the Illinois State Senate;and
WHEREAS, Richard H. Newhouse, Jr., was born January 24, 1924 in
Louisville, Kentucky to Richard H. and Annie Singleton Newhouse; and
WHEREAS He departed this world on Thursday, April 25, 2002; and
WHEREAS, He was educated in public schools in Louisville and
received both his bachelors and master's degrees from Boston University
and graduated from the University of Chicago Law School with a Juris
Doctorate; and
WHEREAS, He was a decoder for the U. S. Air Force intelligence
during World War II and was among the troops in the Normandy invasion;
he also served in the National Guard from 1950 to 1952; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse began his distinguished law career as
legal counsel to the United States Department of Housing and donated
his considerable legal expertise to many community groups in Chicago,
including the Maremount Foundation and the Community Renewal Society;
WHEREAS, He married his beloved wife Katherine in 1958 and their
union was blessed with three children, Suzanne, Holly and Richard; and
WHEREAS, Richard H. Newhouse, Jr., was elected to the Illinois
Senate and served as State Senator from 1967 to 1991; he served as
Assistant Majority Leader, retiring as the Dean of the Senate; and
WHEREAS, During his 24 years in the Illinois Senate, he served as
the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce and Economic
Development, the Senate Committee on Higher Education, the Senate
Committee on Pensions, the Legislative Advisory Committee on Public
Aid, and the subcommittee on Minority Concerns in Higher Education; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse also served on the Senate Committees on
Elementary and Secondary Education, Appropriations I and II, Revenue,
and Consumer Affairs, and served on the Senate Operations Commission;
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse continually sought to open doors and keep
them open for others who came after him; and
WHEREAS, Senator Richard Newhouse, Jr. founded and served as
Chairman of the Black Legislative Clearing House, which became the
National Black Conference of Black Legislators; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse will be forever known as the trailblazer
for minorities in Chicago politics because he holds the distinction of
being the first minority to run for the office of Mayor of the City of
Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse's abilities and accomplishments were
reflected in his many prestigious roles and positions; all of which he
undertook with honor and dedication, including his service as a
Commissioner on the Education Commission of the States, duties as the
legal counsel for the Chief Plaintiffs in the Chicago Ward District
reapportionment case, service on the Board of Directors of the Joint
Center for Political and Economic Studies, membership of the Committees
on Health and Human Resources and Arts, Tourism and Cultural Resources
in the National Conference of State Legislatures, and most recently his
service on the exploratory committee for former Chicago Schools CEO
Paul Vallas in his bid for the Democratic nomination for Governor; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse was the originator of the very successful
Newhouse Architectural Competition for students in Chicago Public High
Schools, now in its 20th year; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse was also honored in 1991 by the National
Conference of Christians and Jews for his long career of public
service; and
WHEREAS, Senator Newhouse is survived by his wife, Katherine;
children, Suzanne, Holly and Richard; and a sister Eloise Frayser;
therefore be it
we mourn the passing of Richard H. Newhouse, Jr., with his family and
all those who knew and loved him; and be it further
151 [May 9, 2002]
RESOLVED That a suitable copy of this joint resolution be presented
to the family of Richard H. Newhouse, Jr., with our most heartfelt
Adopted by the Senate, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting their adoption of
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 78 was placed in the Committee on Rules.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has concurred with the House in the passage of bills of
the following titles to-wit:
A bill for AN ACT in relation to counseling.
A bill for AN ACT in relation to criminal law.
A bill for AN ACT in relation to alcoholic liquor.
A bill for AN ACT concerning municipalities.
A bill for AN ACT concerning public utilities.
Passed by the Senate, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
Representative Daniels asked and obtained unanimous consent to be
removed as chief sponsor and Representative Wirsing asked and obtained
unanimous consent to be shown as chief sponsor of HOUSE BILL 5530.
The following resolution was offered and placed in the Committee on
Offered by Representative Delgado:
WHEREAS, Workers at Carousel Linen in Highwood, Illinois wash and
press linens in hot and unsafe working conditions; several workers have
reported suffering burns and other severe injuries in this strenuous
working environment; and
WHEREAS, The Occupational Health and Safety Administration issued
11 citations against Carousel Linen for serious safety violations
including blocking fire exits, failing to train workers on the use of
hazardous chemicals, and requiring unlicensed workers to operate
forklift trucks; and
WHEREAS, Workers at Carousel Linen work in these hard and dangerous
jobs but only earn $5.15 an hour, well below standards for the laundry
industry, with no family health insurance benefits regardless of their
seniority; and
WHEREAS, The Carousel workers have repeatedly been denied requests
[May 9, 2002] 152
for raises during their tenures on the pretext that they do not deserve
monetary increases because they do not speak English; and
WHEREAS, An overwhelming majority of Carousel Linen workers support
forming a union; and
WHEREAS, Carousel Linen has been found by the National Labor
Relations Board to have repeatedly violated federal labor law; workers
have been on strike in response to these labor law violations since
October, 2001; therefore be it
Representatives supports the right of workers to organize a union free
from harassment and retaliation; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Illinois House of Representatives supports the
striking Carousel Linen workers in their fight to form a union and
improve their wages and working conditions; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Illinois House of Representatives calls on
Carousel Linen to immediately improve the harsh and unsafe working
conditions at its laundry, to voluntarily recognize the workers' union,
and to bargain a fair agreement with their workers to end the six-month
labor dispute; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to Scott Close at
Carousel Linen.
The following bills and any amendments adopted thereto were printed
and laid upon the Members' desks. Any amendments pending were tabled
pursuant to Rule 40(a).
On motion of Representative Schoenberg, SENATE BILL 2068 was taken
up and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
113, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
On motion of Representative Klingler, SENATE BILL 2117 was taken up
and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
113, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
On motion of Representative Mulligan, SENATE BILL 2198 was taken up
and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
113, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
On motion of Representative Stephens, SENATE BILL 2204 was taken up
and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
112, Yeas; 1, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
153 [May 9, 2002]
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
Representative Howard asked and obtained unanimous consent to
suspend the posting requirements on the subject matter for the
Committee on Computer Technology to be heard on Tuesday, May 14, 2002.
On motion of Representative Beaubien, SENATE BILL 2209 was taken up
and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
113, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
On motion of Representative Beaubien, SENATE BILL 2211 was taken up
and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
113, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
On motion of Representative Kosel, SENATE BILL 2223 was taken up
and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
113, Yeas; 0, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
On motion of Representative Jerry Mitchell, SENATE BILL 2224 was
taken up and read by title a third time.
And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in
the affirmative by the following vote:
112, Yeas; 1, Nays; 0, Answering Present.
This bill, having received the votes of a constitutional majority
of the Members elected, was declared passed.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
Having been reported out of the Committee on State Government
Administration earlier today, HOUSE RESOLUTION 527 was taken up for
Representative Delgado moved the adoption of the resolution.
The motion prevailed and the Resolution was adopted.
Having been reported out of the Committee on Human Services on May
8, 2002, SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 58 was taken up for consideration.
Representative Feigenholtz moved the adoption of the resolution.
And on that motion, a vote was taken resulting as follows:
75, Yeas; 35, Nays; 2, Answering Present.
The motion prevailed and the Resolution was adopted.
[May 9, 2002] 154
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
SENATE BILL 1622. Having been printed, was taken up and read by
title a second time.
The following amendment was offered in the Committee on Executive,
adopted and printed:
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend Senate Bill 1622, on page 1, by deleting
lines 7 through 30; and
by deleting pages 2 through 15.
On motion of Representative Saviano, Amendment No. 1 was ordered to
lie on the table.
Representative Saviano offered the following amendment and moved
its adoption:
AMENDMENT NO.2_. Amend Senate Bill 1622 on page 6, line 28, after
"device" by inserting "or detection system"; and
on page 6, line 30, after "device" by inserting "or detection system".
The motion prevailed and the amendment was adopted and ordered
There being no further amendments, the foregoing Amendment No. 2
was adopted and the bill, as amended, was advanced to the order of
Third Reading.
SENATE BILL 1690. Having been printed, was taken up and read by
title a second time.
The following amendment was offered in the Committee on
Registration & Regulation, adopted and printed:
AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend Senate Bill 1690 by replacing everything
after the enacting clause with the following:
"Section 5. The Regulatory Sunset Act is amended by adding Section
4.23 as follows:
(5 ILCS 80/4.23 new)
Sec. 4.23. Section repealed on January 1, 2013. The following
Section is repealed on January 1, 2013:
Section 2.5 of the Illinois Plumbing License Law.
Section 10. The Illinois Plumbing License Law is amended by
changing Section 2.5 as follows:
(225 ILCS 320/2.5)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2003)
Sec. 2.5. Irrigation contractors; lawn sprinkler systems.
(a) Every irrigation contractor doing business in this State shall
annually register with the Department. Every irrigation contractor
shall provide to the Department his or her business name and address,
telephone number, name of principal, and FEIN number. Every irrigation
contractor doing business in this State shall also register with the
Department each and every employee who installs or supervises the
installation of lawn sprinkler systems. The registration shall include
the employee's name, home address, and telephone number. The
155 [May 9, 2002]
Department may provide by rule for the administration of registrations
under this subsection. The annual registration fee shall be set by the
Department pursuant to Section 30 of this Act.
(b) A licensed plumber or licensed apprentice plumber may install
a lawn sprinkler system connected to any water source without
registration under this Section.
(c) A licensed plumber shall inspect every sprinkler system
installed by an irrigation contractor to ensure the provisions of this
Section have been met and that the system works mechanically. A
licensed plumber shall make the physical connection between a lawn
sprinkler system and the backflow prevention device.
Upon the installation of every lawn sprinkler system in this State
from the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General
Assembly forward, a licensed plumber shall affix to the backflow
prevention device a tag certifying that the installation of that system
has been completed in compliance with the minimum code of plumbing
standards promulgated under this Act. The Department shall provide by
rule for the registration of every lawn sprinkler system installed
after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General
Assembly, including the means by which the Department shall be able to
identify by registration number the identity of the responsible
irrigation contractor and by license number the identity of the
responsible licensed plumber. No lawn sprinkler system installed after
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly
may be operated without the certification tag required under this
The registered irrigation contractor and the licensed plumber whose
identifying information is contained on the certification tag shall
both be subject to the penalty provisions of this Act for violations
for improper installation of a lawn sprinkler system installed after
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
(d) An irrigation contractor that has registered with the
Department 7 or fewer persons who are authorized to install or
supervise the installation of lawn sprinkler systems shall either
employ or contract with at least one licensed plumber who shall install
or be responsible for the installation of every lawn sprinkler system
installed after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st
General Assembly. The licensed plumber shall inspect the risers and
sprinkler heads before backfilling.
An irrigation contractor that has registered with the Department 8
to 12 persons who are authorized to install or supervise the
installation of lawn sprinkler systems shall either employ or contract
with at least 2 licensed plumbers who shall install or be responsible
for the installation of every lawn sprinkler system installed after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. A
licensed plumber shall inspect the risers and sprinkler heads before
An irrigation contractor that has registered with the Department 13
to 20 persons who are authorized to install or supervise the
installation of lawn sprinkler systems shall either employ or contract
with at least 3 licensed plumbers who shall install or be responsible
for the installation of every lawn sprinkler system installed after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. A
licensed plumber shall inspect the risers and sprinkler heads before
An irrigation contractor that has registered with the Department 21
to 28 persons who are authorized to install or supervise the
installation of lawn sprinkler systems shall either employ or contract
with at least 4 licensed plumbers who shall install or be responsible
for the installation of every lawn sprinkler system installed after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. A
licensed plumber shall inspect the risers and sprinkler heads before
An irrigation contractor that has registered with the Department 29
to 35 persons who are authorized to install or supervise the
installation of lawn sprinkler systems shall either employ or contract
[May 9, 2002] 156
with at least 5 licensed plumbers who shall install or be responsible
for the installation of every lawn sprinkler system installed after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. A
licensed plumber shall inspect the risers and sprinkler heads before
An irrigation contractor that has registered with the Department 36
or more persons who are authorized to install or supervise the
installation of lawn sprinkler systems shall either employ or contract
with at least 6 licensed plumbers who shall install or be responsible
for the installation of every lawn sprinkler system installed after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. A
licensed plumber shall inspect the risers and sprinkler heads before
The Department may provide by rule for the temporary waiver process
for registered irrigation contractors who are unable to comply with the
requirements of this subsection. When a temporary waiver is granted,
it shall not be for a duration of more than 3 consecutive months. Upon
the expiration of a temporary waiver issued by the Department, the
registered irrigation contractor shall demonstrate that justifiable
reasons exist why he or she is still unable to comply with the
requirements of this subsection, despite good faith efforts to comply
with the requirements. In no case shall a temporary waiver be granted
for an irrigation contractor for more than a total of 6 months in a
two-year period. In no case shall an irrigation contractor be relieved
of the requirement that a licensed plumber shall inspect every
sprinkler system installed by an irrigation contractor to ensure the
provisions of this Section have been met and that the system works
mechanically and make the physical connection between a sprinkler
system and the backflow prevention device.
(e) No person shall attach to a lawn sprinkler system any fixture
intended to supply water for human consumption.
No person shall attach to a lawn sprinkler system any fixture other
than the backflow prevention device, sprinkler heads, valves, and other
parts integral to the operation of the system, unless the fixture is
clearly marked as being for non-potable uses only.
(f) This Section is repealed January 1, 2003, and all
registrations under this Section terminate on that date.
(Source: P.A. 91-678, eff. 1-26-00.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming
There being no further amendments, the foregoing Amendment No. 1
was adopted and the bill, as amended, was advanced to the order of
Third Reading.
Having been reported out of the Committee on Rules earlier today,
HOUSE RESOLUTION 776 was taken up for consideration.
Representative Dart moved the adoption of the resolution.
The motion prevailed and the Resolution was adopted.
Representative Bellock asked and obtained unanimous consent to
suspend the provisions of Rule 58 on HOUSE RESOLUTION 659 so that the
motion to discharge can be heard today.
Representative Bellock then moved to discharge the Committee on
State Government Administration from HOUSE RESOLUTION 659.
The motion prevailed.
Representative Howard asked and obtained unanimous consent to
suspend the postion requirements on HOUSE RESOLUTION 638 to be heard in
157 [May 9, 2002]
the Committee on Computer Technology.
HOUSE RESOLUTIONS 880, 881, 882, 883, 886, 887 and 888 were taken
up for consideration.
Representative Currie moved the adoption of the resolutions.
The motion prevailed and the Resolutions were adopted.
HOUSE RESOLUTION 659 was taken up for consideration.
Representative Bellock moved the adoption of the resolution.
The motion prevailed and the Resolution was adopted.
A message from the Senate by
Mr. Harry, Secretary:
Mr. Speaker -- I am directed to inform the House of Representatives
that the Senate has adopted the following Senate Joint Resolution, in
the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the
House of Representatives, to-wit:
that when the two Houses adjourn on Thursday, May 9, 2002, the Senate
stands adjourned until Monday, May 13, 2002, at 4:00 o'clock p.m.; and
when it adjourns on that day, it stands adjourned until Tuesday, May
14, 2002; and the House of Representatives stands adjourned until
Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 2:00 o'clock p.m.
Adopted by the Senate, May 9, 2002.
Jim Harry, Secretary of the Senate
The foregoing message from the Senate reporting their adoption of
Senate Joint Resolution 79 was taken up for immediate consideration.
Representative Currie moved the adoption of the resolution.
The motion prevailed and SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 79 was adopted.
Ordered that the Clerk inform the Senate.
At the hour of 1:03 o'clock p.m., Representative Currie moved that
the House do now adjourn.
The motion prevailed.
And in accordance therewith and pursuant to SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION
79, the House stood adjourned until Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 2:00
o'clock p.m.
[May 9, 2002] 158
NO. 1
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
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NO. 2
MAY 09, 2002
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NO. 3
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
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NO. 4
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
[May 9, 2002] 162
NO. 5
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
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NO. 6
MAY 09, 2002
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[May 9, 2002] 164
NO. 7
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
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NO. 8
MAY 09, 2002
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[May 9, 2002] 166
NO. 9
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
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NO. 10
MAY 09, 2002
E - Denotes Excused Absence
[ Top ]