Sen. Martin A. Sandoval
Filed: 5/29/2017
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 386 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 3-402.1 and 20-101 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (625 ILCS 5/3-402.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-402.1)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 3-402.1. Proportional Registration. Any owner
or | ||||||
8 | rental owner engaged in operating a fleet of apportionable
| ||||||
9 | vehicles in this state and one or more other states may, in
| ||||||
10 | lieu of registration of such vehicles under the general
| ||||||
11 | provisions of sections 3-402, 3-815, 3-815.1, and 3-819, | ||||||
12 | register
and license such fleet for operations in this state by
| ||||||
13 | filing an application statement, signed under penalties
of | ||||||
14 | perjury, with the Secretary of State which shall be in
such | ||||||
15 | form and contain such information as the Secretary of
State | ||||||
16 | shall require, declaring the total mileage operated
in all |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | states by such fleet, the total mileage operated
in this state | ||||||
2 | by such fleet during the preceding year,
and describing and | ||||||
3 | identifying each apportionable vehicle
to be operated in this | ||||||
4 | state during the ensuing year. If
mileage data is not available | ||||||
5 | for the preceding year, the
Secretary of State may accept the | ||||||
6 | latest 12-month period
"Preceding year" means the | ||||||
7 | period of 12 consecutive months immediately prior
to July 1st | ||||||
8 | of the year immediately preceding the registration or license | ||||||
9 | year
for which proportional registration is sought.
| ||||||
10 | Such owner shall determine the proportion of in-state
miles | ||||||
11 | to total fleet miles. Such percentage figure shall
be such | ||||||
12 | owner's apportionment factor. In determining the
total fee | ||||||
13 | payment, such owner shall first compute the license
fee or fees | ||||||
14 | for each vehicle within the fleet which would otherwise be
| ||||||
15 | required,
and then multiply the said amount by the Illinois | ||||||
16 | apportionment
factor adding the fees for each vehicle to arrive | ||||||
17 | at a total amount for
the fleet. Apportionable trailers and | ||||||
18 | semitrailers will be registered in
accordance with the | ||||||
19 | provisions of Section 3-813 of this Code.
| ||||||
20 | Upon receipt of the appropriate fees from such owner
as | ||||||
21 | computed under the provisions of this section, the Secretary
of | ||||||
22 | State shall, when this state is the base jurisdiction,
issue to | ||||||
23 | such owner number plates or other distinctive tags
or such | ||||||
24 | evidence of registration as the Secretary of State
shall deem | ||||||
25 | appropriate to identify each vehicle in the fleet
as a part of | ||||||
26 | a proportionally registered interstate fleet.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Vehicles registered under the provision of this section
| ||||||
2 | shall be considered fully licensed and properly registered in
| ||||||
3 | Illinois for any type of movement or operation. The | ||||||
4 | proportional
registration and licensing provisions of this | ||||||
5 | section shall apply
to vehicles added to fleets and operated in | ||||||
6 | this state during
the registration year, applying the same | ||||||
7 | apportionment factor
to such fees as would be payable for the | ||||||
8 | remainder of the
registration year.
| ||||||
9 | Apportionment factors for apportionable vehicles not
| ||||||
10 | operated in this state during the preceding year shall be
| ||||||
11 | determined by the Secretary of State on the basis of
a full | ||||||
12 | statement of the proposed methods of operation and in | ||||||
13 | conformity
with an estimated mileage chart as calculated by the | ||||||
14 | Secretary of State.
An established fleet adding states at the | ||||||
15 | time of renewal shall estimate
mileage for the added states in | ||||||
16 | conformity with a mileage chart developed
by the Secretary of | ||||||
17 | State.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 93-23, eff. 6-20-03.)
| ||||||
19 | (625 ILCS 5/20-101) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 20-101)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 20-101.
Moneys derived from registration, operation | ||||||
21 | and use of
automobiles and from fuel taxes - Use. From and | ||||||
22 | after the effective date
of this Act , except as provided in | ||||||
23 | Section 3-815.1 of this Code , no public
moneys derived from | ||||||
24 | fees, excises or license
taxes relating to registration, | ||||||
25 | operation and use of vehicles on public
highways or to fuels |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | used for the propulsion of such vehicles, shall be
appropriated | ||||||
2 | or expended other than for costs of administering the laws
| ||||||
3 | imposing such fees, excises and license taxes, statutory | ||||||
4 | refunds and
adjustments allowed thereunder, administrative | ||||||
5 | costs of the
Department of Transportation, payment of
debts and | ||||||
6 | liabilities incurred in construction and reconstruction of
| ||||||
7 | public highways and bridges, acquisition of rights-of-way for, | ||||||
8 | and the
cost of construction, reconstruction, maintenance, | ||||||
9 | repair and operation
of public highways and bridges under the | ||||||
10 | direction and supervision of
the State, political subdivision | ||||||
11 | or municipality collecting such moneys,
and the costs for | ||||||
12 | patrolling and policing the public highways (by the
State, | ||||||
13 | political subdivision or municipality collecting such money) | ||||||
14 | for
enforcement of traffic laws; provided, that such
moneys may | ||||||
15 | be used for the retirement of and interest on bonds
heretofore | ||||||
16 | issued for purposes other than the construction of public
| ||||||
17 | highways or bridges but not to a greater extent, nor a greater | ||||||
18 | length of
time, than is provided in acts heretofore adopted and | ||||||
19 | now in force.
Further the separation of grades of such highways | ||||||
20 | with railroads and costs
associated with protection of at-grade | ||||||
21 | highway and railroad crossings shall
also be permissible.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 93-23, eff. 6-20-03.)
| ||||||
23 | (625 ILCS 5/3-815.1 rep.)
| ||||||
24 | Section 10. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by | ||||||
25 | repealing Section 3-815.1.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, | ||||||
2 | 2019.".