| | HB0711 | - 2 - | LRB100 06656 HEP 16697 b |
1 | | respect to the other resident judgeships of the Circuit
of Cook |
2 | | County, for election from the various subcircuits until there |
3 | | are
11 resident judges to be
elected from each of the 15 |
4 | | subcircuits (for a total of 165). A resident
judgeship |
5 | | authorized before the effective date of this amendatory Act of
6 | | 1990 that became vacant and was filled by appointment by the |
7 | | Supreme Court
before that effective date shall be filled by |
8 | | election at the general
election in November of 1992 from the |
9 | | unit of the Circuit of Cook County
within Chicago or the unit |
10 | | of that Circuit outside Chicago, as the case may
be, in which |
11 | | the vacancy occurred.
12 | | (d) As soon as practicable after the subcircuits are |
13 | | created by law, the
Supreme Court shall determine by lot a |
14 | | numerical order for the 15
subcircuits. That numerical order |
15 | | shall be the basis for the order in which resident
judgeships |
16 | | are assigned to the subcircuits. After the first round of
17 | | assignments, the second and all later rounds shall be based on |
18 | | the same
numerical order. Once a resident judgeship is assigned |
19 | | to a subcircuit,
it shall continue to be assigned to that |
20 | | subcircuit for all purposes.
21 | | (e) A resident judge elected from a subcircuit shall |
22 | | continue to reside
in that subcircuit as long as he or she |
23 | | holds that office. A resident judge elected from a subcircuit |
24 | | after January 1, 2008, must retain residency as a registered |
25 | | voter in the subcircuit to run for retention from the circuit |
26 | | at large thereafter.