| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning courts.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Sections 1-7, 1-8, and 5-915 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (705 ILCS 405/1-7) (from Ch. 37, par. 801-7)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 1-7. Confidentiality of law enforcement and municipal | ||||||
8 | ordinance violation records.
| ||||||
9 | (A) All juvenile records which have not been expunged are | ||||||
10 | sealed and may never be disclosed to the general public or | ||||||
11 | otherwise made widely available. Sealed records may be obtained | ||||||
12 | only under this Section and Section 1-8 and 5-915 of this Act, | ||||||
13 | when their use is needed for good cause and with an order from | ||||||
14 | the juvenile court, as required by those not authorized to | ||||||
15 | retain them. Inspection and copying of law enforcement records | ||||||
16 | maintained by law
enforcement agencies or records of municipal | ||||||
17 | ordinance violations maintained by any State, local, or | ||||||
18 | municipal agency that relate to a minor who has been | ||||||
19 | investigated, arrested, or taken
into custody before his or her | ||||||
20 | 18th birthday shall be restricted to the
| ||||||
21 | (1) Any local, State or federal law enforcement | ||||||
22 | officers of any
jurisdiction or agency when necessary for | ||||||
23 | the discharge of their official
duties during the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | investigation or prosecution of a crime or relating to a
| ||||||
2 | minor who has been adjudicated delinquent and there has | ||||||
3 | been a previous finding
that the act which constitutes the | ||||||
4 | previous offense was committed in
furtherance of criminal | ||||||
5 | activities by a criminal street gang, or, when necessary | ||||||
6 | for the discharge of its official duties in connection with | ||||||
7 | a particular investigation of the conduct of a law | ||||||
8 | enforcement officer, an independent agency or its staff | ||||||
9 | created by ordinance and charged by a unit of local | ||||||
10 | government with the duty of investigating the conduct of | ||||||
11 | law enforcement officers. For purposes of
this Section, | ||||||
12 | "criminal street gang" has the meaning ascribed to it in
| ||||||
13 | Section 10 of the Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus | ||||||
14 | Prevention Act.
| ||||||
15 | (2) Prosecutors, probation officers, social workers, | ||||||
16 | or other
individuals assigned by the court to conduct a | ||||||
17 | pre-adjudication or
pre-disposition investigation, and | ||||||
18 | individuals responsible for supervising
or providing | ||||||
19 | temporary or permanent care and custody for minors pursuant | ||||||
20 | to
the order of the juvenile court, when essential to | ||||||
21 | performing their
| ||||||
22 | (3) Prosecutors and probation officers:
| ||||||
23 | (a) in the course of a trial when institution of | ||||||
24 | criminal proceedings
has been permitted or required | ||||||
25 | under Section 5-805; or
| ||||||
26 | (b) when institution of criminal proceedings has |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | been permitted or required under Section 5-805 and such | ||||||
2 | minor is the
of a proceeding to determine the | ||||||
3 | amount of bail; or
| ||||||
4 | (c) when criminal proceedings have been permitted
| ||||||
5 | or
required under Section 5-805 and such minor is the | ||||||
6 | subject of a
investigation, pre-sentence | ||||||
7 | investigation, fitness hearing, or proceedings
on an | ||||||
8 | application for probation.
| ||||||
9 | (4) Adult and Juvenile Prisoner Review Board.
| ||||||
10 | (5) Authorized military personnel.
| ||||||
11 | (6) Persons engaged in bona fide research, with the | ||||||
12 | permission of the
Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court and | ||||||
13 | the chief executive of the respective
law enforcement | ||||||
14 | agency; provided that publication of such research results
| ||||||
15 | in no disclosure of a minor's identity and protects the | ||||||
16 | confidentiality
of the minor's record.
| ||||||
17 | (7) Department of Children and Family Services child | ||||||
18 | protection
investigators acting in their official | ||||||
19 | capacity.
| ||||||
20 | (8) The appropriate school official only if the agency | ||||||
21 | or officer believes that there is an imminent threat of | ||||||
22 | physical harm to students, school personnel, or others who | ||||||
23 | are present in the school or on school grounds. | ||||||
24 | (A) Inspection and copying
shall be limited to law | ||||||
25 | enforcement records transmitted to the appropriate
| ||||||
26 | school official or officials whom the school has |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | determined to have a legitimate educational or safety | ||||||
2 | interest by a local law enforcement agency under a | ||||||
3 | reciprocal reporting
system established and maintained | ||||||
4 | between the school district and the local law
| ||||||
5 | enforcement agency under Section 10-20.14 of the | ||||||
6 | School Code concerning a minor
enrolled in a school | ||||||
7 | within the school district who has been arrested or | ||||||
8 | taken
into custody for any of the following offenses:
| ||||||
9 | (i) any violation of Article 24 of the Criminal | ||||||
10 | Code of
1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012;
| ||||||
11 | (ii) a violation of the Illinois Controlled | ||||||
12 | Substances Act;
| ||||||
13 | (iii) a violation of the Cannabis Control Act;
| ||||||
14 | (iv) a forcible felony as defined in Section | ||||||
15 | 2-8 of the Criminal Code
of 1961 or the Criminal | ||||||
16 | Code of 2012; | ||||||
17 | (v) a violation of the Methamphetamine Control | ||||||
18 | and Community Protection Act;
| ||||||
19 | (vi) a violation of Section 1-2 of the | ||||||
20 | Harassing and Obscene Communications Act; | ||||||
21 | (vii) a violation of the Hazing Act; or | ||||||
22 | (viii) a violation of Section 12-1, 12-2, | ||||||
23 | 12-3, 12-3.05, 12-3.1, 12-3.2, 12-3.4, 12-3.5, | ||||||
24 | 12-5, 12-7.3, 12-7.4, 12-7.5, 25-1, or 25-5 of the | ||||||
25 | Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012. | ||||||
26 | The information derived from the law enforcement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | records shall be kept separate from and shall not | ||||||
2 | become a part of the official school record of that | ||||||
3 | child and shall not be a public record. The information | ||||||
4 | shall be used solely by the appropriate school official | ||||||
5 | or officials whom the school has determined to have a | ||||||
6 | legitimate educational or safety interest to aid in the | ||||||
7 | proper rehabilitation of the child and to protect the | ||||||
8 | safety of students and employees in the school. If the | ||||||
9 | designated law enforcement and school officials deem | ||||||
10 | it to be in the best interest of the minor, the student | ||||||
11 | may be referred to in-school or community based social | ||||||
12 | services if those services are available. | ||||||
13 | "Rehabilitation services" may include interventions by | ||||||
14 | school support personnel, evaluation for eligibility | ||||||
15 | for special education, referrals to community-based | ||||||
16 | agencies such as youth services, behavioral healthcare | ||||||
17 | service providers, drug and alcohol prevention or | ||||||
18 | treatment programs, and other interventions as deemed | ||||||
19 | appropriate for the student. | ||||||
20 | (B) Any information provided to appropriate school | ||||||
21 | officials whom the school has determined to have a | ||||||
22 | legitimate educational or safety interest by local law | ||||||
23 | enforcement officials about a minor who is the subject | ||||||
24 | of a current police investigation that is directly | ||||||
25 | related to school safety shall consist of oral | ||||||
26 | information only, and not written law enforcement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | records, and shall be used solely by the appropriate | ||||||
2 | school official or officials to protect the safety of | ||||||
3 | students and employees in the school and aid in the | ||||||
4 | proper rehabilitation of the child. The information | ||||||
5 | derived orally from the local law enforcement | ||||||
6 | officials shall be kept separate from and shall not | ||||||
7 | become a part of the official school record of the | ||||||
8 | child and shall not be a public record. This limitation | ||||||
9 | on the use of information about a minor who is the | ||||||
10 | subject of a current police investigation shall in no | ||||||
11 | way limit the use of this information by prosecutors in | ||||||
12 | pursuing criminal charges arising out of the | ||||||
13 | information disclosed during a police investigation of | ||||||
14 | the minor. For purposes of this paragraph, | ||||||
15 | "investigation" means an official systematic inquiry | ||||||
16 | by a law enforcement agency into actual or suspected | ||||||
17 | criminal activity. | ||||||
18 | (9) Mental health professionals on behalf of the | ||||||
19 | Illinois Department of
Corrections or the Department of | ||||||
20 | Human Services or prosecutors who are
evaluating, | ||||||
21 | prosecuting, or investigating a potential or actual | ||||||
22 | petition
under the Sexually Violent Persons | ||||||
23 | Commitment Act relating to a person who is
subject of | ||||||
24 | juvenile law enforcement records or the respondent to a | ||||||
25 | petition
brought under the Sexually Violent Persons | ||||||
26 | Commitment Act who is the subject of
juvenile law |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | enforcement records sought.
Any records and any | ||||||
2 | information obtained from those records under this
| ||||||
3 | paragraph (9) may be used only in sexually violent persons | ||||||
4 | commitment
| ||||||
5 | (10) The president of a park district. Inspection and | ||||||
6 | copying shall be limited to law enforcement records | ||||||
7 | transmitted to the president of the park district by the | ||||||
8 | Illinois State Police under Section 8-23 of the Park | ||||||
9 | District Code or Section 16a-5 of the Chicago Park District | ||||||
10 | Act concerning a person who is seeking employment with that | ||||||
11 | park district and who has been adjudicated a juvenile | ||||||
12 | delinquent for any of the offenses listed in subsection (c) | ||||||
13 | of Section 8-23 of the Park District Code or subsection (c) | ||||||
14 | of Section 16a-5 of the Chicago Park District Act. | ||||||
15 | (B)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), no law | ||||||
16 | enforcement
officer or other person or agency may knowingly | ||||||
17 | transmit to the Department of
Corrections or the Department | ||||||
18 | of State Police or to the Federal
Bureau of Investigation | ||||||
19 | any fingerprint or photograph relating to a minor who
has | ||||||
20 | been arrested or taken into custody before his or her 18th | ||||||
21 | birthday,
unless the court in proceedings under this Act | ||||||
22 | authorizes the transmission or
enters an order under | ||||||
23 | Section 5-805 permitting or requiring the
institution of
| ||||||
24 | criminal proceedings.
| ||||||
25 | (2) Law enforcement officers or other persons or | ||||||
26 | agencies shall transmit
to the Department of State Police |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | copies of fingerprints and descriptions
of all minors who | ||||||
2 | have been arrested or taken into custody before their
18th | ||||||
3 | birthday for the offense of unlawful use of weapons under | ||||||
4 | Article 24 of
the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal | ||||||
5 | Code of 2012, a Class X or Class 1 felony, a forcible | ||||||
6 | felony as
defined in Section 2-8 of the Criminal Code of | ||||||
7 | 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a Class 2 or greater
| ||||||
8 | felony under the Cannabis Control Act, the Illinois | ||||||
9 | Controlled Substances Act, the Methamphetamine Control and | ||||||
10 | Community Protection Act,
or Chapter 4 of the Illinois | ||||||
11 | Vehicle Code, pursuant to Section 5 of the
Criminal | ||||||
12 | Identification Act. Information reported to the Department | ||||||
13 | pursuant
to this Section may be maintained with records | ||||||
14 | that the Department files
pursuant to Section 2.1 of the | ||||||
15 | Criminal Identification Act. Nothing in this
Act prohibits | ||||||
16 | a law enforcement agency from fingerprinting a minor taken | ||||||
17 | into
custody or arrested before his or her 18th birthday | ||||||
18 | for an offense other than
those listed in this paragraph | ||||||
19 | (2).
| ||||||
20 | (C) The records of law enforcement officers, or of an | ||||||
21 | independent agency created by ordinance and charged by a unit | ||||||
22 | of local government with the duty of investigating the conduct | ||||||
23 | of law enforcement officers, concerning all minors under
18 | ||||||
24 | years of age must be maintained separate from the records of | ||||||
25 | arrests and
may not be open to public inspection or their | ||||||
26 | contents disclosed to the
public except by order of the court |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | presiding over matters pursuant to this Act or when the | ||||||
2 | institution of criminal
proceedings has been permitted or | ||||||
3 | required under Section
5-805 or such a person has been | ||||||
4 | convicted of a crime and is the
subject of
pre-sentence | ||||||
5 | investigation or proceedings on an application for probation
or | ||||||
6 | when provided by law. For purposes of obtaining documents under | ||||||
7 | pursuant to this Section, a civil subpoena is not an order of | ||||||
8 | the court. | ||||||
9 | (1) In cases where the law enforcement, or independent | ||||||
10 | agency, records concern a pending juvenile court case, the | ||||||
11 | party seeking to inspect the records shall provide actual | ||||||
12 | notice to the attorney or guardian ad litem of the minor | ||||||
13 | whose records are sought. | ||||||
14 | (2) In cases where the records concern a juvenile court | ||||||
15 | case that is no longer pending, the party seeking to | ||||||
16 | inspect the records shall provide actual notice to the | ||||||
17 | minor or the minor's parent or legal guardian, and the | ||||||
18 | matter shall be referred to the chief judge presiding over | ||||||
19 | matters pursuant to this Act. | ||||||
20 | (3) In determining whether the records should be | ||||||
21 | available for inspection, the court shall consider the | ||||||
22 | minor's interest in confidentiality and rehabilitation | ||||||
23 | over the moving party's interest in obtaining the | ||||||
24 | information. Any records obtained in violation of this | ||||||
25 | subsection (C) shall not be admissible in any criminal or | ||||||
26 | civil proceeding, or operate to disqualify a minor from |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsequently holding public office or securing employment, | ||||||
2 | or operate as a forfeiture of any public benefit, right, | ||||||
3 | privilege, or right to receive any license granted by | ||||||
4 | public authority.
| ||||||
5 | (D) Nothing contained in subsection (C) of this Section | ||||||
6 | shall prohibit
the inspection or disclosure to victims and | ||||||
7 | witnesses of photographs
contained in the records of law | ||||||
8 | enforcement agencies when the
inspection and disclosure is | ||||||
9 | conducted in the presence of a law enforcement
officer for the | ||||||
10 | purpose of the identification or apprehension of any person
| ||||||
11 | subject to the provisions of this Act or for the investigation | ||||||
12 | or
prosecution of any crime.
| ||||||
13 | (E) Law enforcement officers, and personnel of an | ||||||
14 | independent agency created by ordinance and charged by a unit | ||||||
15 | of local government with the duty of investigating the conduct | ||||||
16 | of law enforcement officers, may not disclose the identity of | ||||||
17 | any minor
in releasing information to the general public as to | ||||||
18 | the arrest, investigation
or disposition of any case involving | ||||||
19 | a minor.
| ||||||
20 | (F) Nothing contained in this Section shall prohibit law | ||||||
21 | enforcement
agencies from communicating with each other by | ||||||
22 | letter, memorandum, teletype or
intelligence alert bulletin or | ||||||
23 | other means the identity or other relevant
information | ||||||
24 | pertaining to a person under 18 years of age if there are
| ||||||
25 | reasonable grounds to believe that the person poses a real and | ||||||
26 | present danger
to the safety of the public or law enforcement |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | officers. The information
provided under this subsection (F) | ||||||
2 | shall remain confidential and shall not
be publicly disclosed, | ||||||
3 | except as otherwise allowed by law.
| ||||||
4 | (G) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the right of a | ||||||
5 | Civil Service
Commission or appointing authority of any state, | ||||||
6 | county or municipality
examining the character and fitness of | ||||||
7 | an applicant for employment with a law
enforcement agency, | ||||||
8 | correctional institution, or fire department
from obtaining | ||||||
9 | and examining the
records of any law enforcement agency | ||||||
10 | relating to any record of the applicant
having been arrested or | ||||||
11 | taken into custody before the applicant's 18th
| ||||||
12 | (H) The changes made to this Section by Public Act 98-61 | ||||||
13 | apply to law enforcement records of a minor who has been | ||||||
14 | arrested or taken into custody on or after January 1, 2014 (the | ||||||
15 | effective date of Public Act 98-61). | ||||||
16 | (I) Willful violation of this Section is a Class C | ||||||
17 | misdemeanor and each violation is subject to a fine of $1,000. | ||||||
18 | This subsection (I) shall not apply to the person who is the | ||||||
19 | subject of the record. | ||||||
20 | (J) A person convicted of violating this Section is liable | ||||||
21 | for damages in the amount of $1,000 or actual damages, | ||||||
22 | whichever is greater. | ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 98-61, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; 99-298, | ||||||
24 | eff. 8-6-15.)
| ||||||
25 | (705 ILCS 405/1-8) (from Ch. 37, par. 801-8)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 1-8. Confidentiality and accessibility of juvenile | ||||||
2 | court records.
| ||||||
3 | (A) A juvenile adjudication shall never be considered a | ||||||
4 | conviction nor shall an adjudicated individual be considered a | ||||||
5 | criminal. Unless expressly allowed by law, a juvenile | ||||||
6 | adjudication shall not operate to impose upon the individual | ||||||
7 | any of the civil disabilities ordinarily imposed by or | ||||||
8 | resulting from conviction. Unless expressly allowed by law, | ||||||
9 | adjudications shall not prejudice or disqualify the individual | ||||||
10 | in any civil service application or appointment, from holding | ||||||
11 | public office, or from receiving any license granted by public | ||||||
12 | authority. All juvenile records which have not been expunged | ||||||
13 | are sealed and may never be disclosed to the general public or | ||||||
14 | otherwise made widely available. Sealed records may be obtained | ||||||
15 | only under this Section and Section 1-7 and Section 5-915 of | ||||||
16 | this Act, when their use is needed for good cause and with an | ||||||
17 | order from the juvenile court, as required by those not | ||||||
18 | authorized to retain them. Inspection and copying of juvenile | ||||||
19 | court records relating to a minor
who is the subject of a | ||||||
20 | proceeding under this Act shall be restricted to the
| ||||||
21 | (1) The minor who is the subject of record, his | ||||||
22 | parents, guardian
and counsel.
| ||||||
23 | (2) Law enforcement officers and law enforcement | ||||||
24 | agencies when such
information is essential to executing an | ||||||
25 | arrest or search warrant or other
compulsory process, or to | ||||||
26 | conducting an ongoing investigation
or relating to a minor |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | who
has been adjudicated delinquent and there has been a | ||||||
2 | previous finding that
the act which constitutes the | ||||||
3 | previous offense was committed in furtherance
of criminal | ||||||
4 | activities by a criminal street gang.
| ||||||
5 | Before July 1, 1994, for the purposes of this Section, | ||||||
6 | "criminal street
gang" means any ongoing
organization, | ||||||
7 | association, or group of 3 or more persons, whether formal | ||||||
8 | or
informal, having as one of its primary activities the | ||||||
9 | commission of one or
more criminal acts and that has a | ||||||
10 | common name or common identifying sign,
symbol or specific | ||||||
11 | color apparel displayed, and whose members individually
or | ||||||
12 | collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of | ||||||
13 | criminal activity.
| ||||||
14 | Beginning July 1, 1994, for purposes of this Section, | ||||||
15 | "criminal street
gang" has the meaning ascribed to it in | ||||||
16 | Section 10 of the Illinois Streetgang
Terrorism Omnibus | ||||||
17 | Prevention Act.
| ||||||
18 | (3) Judges, hearing officers, prosecutors, probation | ||||||
19 | officers, social
workers or other
individuals assigned by | ||||||
20 | the court to conduct a pre-adjudication or
predisposition | ||||||
21 | investigation, and individuals responsible for supervising
| ||||||
22 | or providing temporary or permanent care and custody for | ||||||
23 | minors pursuant
to the order of the juvenile court when | ||||||
24 | essential to performing their
| ||||||
25 | (4) Judges, prosecutors and probation officers:
| ||||||
26 | (a) in the course of a trial when institution of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | criminal proceedings
has been permitted or required | ||||||
2 | under Section 5-805; or
| ||||||
3 | (b) when criminal proceedings have been permitted
| ||||||
4 | or
required under Section 5-805 and a minor is the | ||||||
5 | subject of a
proceeding to
determine the amount of | ||||||
6 | bail; or
| ||||||
7 | (c) when criminal proceedings have been permitted
| ||||||
8 | or
required under Section 5-805 and a minor is the | ||||||
9 | subject of a
investigation, pre-sentence | ||||||
10 | investigation or fitness hearing, or
proceedings on an | ||||||
11 | application for probation; or
| ||||||
12 | (d) when a minor becomes 18 years of age or older, | ||||||
13 | and is the subject
of criminal proceedings, including a | ||||||
14 | hearing to determine the amount of
bail, a pre-trial | ||||||
15 | investigation, a pre-sentence investigation, a fitness
| ||||||
16 | hearing, or proceedings on an application for | ||||||
17 | probation.
| ||||||
18 | (5) Adult and Juvenile Prisoner Review Boards.
| ||||||
19 | (6) Authorized military personnel.
| ||||||
20 | (7) Victims, their subrogees and legal | ||||||
21 | representatives; however, such
persons shall have access | ||||||
22 | only to the name and address of the minor and
information | ||||||
23 | pertaining to the disposition or alternative adjustment | ||||||
24 | plan
of the juvenile court.
| ||||||
25 | (8) Persons engaged in bona fide research, with the | ||||||
26 | permission of the
presiding judge of the juvenile court and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the chief executive of the agency
that prepared the | ||||||
2 | particular records; provided that publication of such
| ||||||
3 | research results in no disclosure of a minor's identity and | ||||||
4 | protects the
confidentiality of the record.
| ||||||
5 | (9) The Secretary of State to whom the Clerk of the | ||||||
6 | Court shall report
the disposition of all cases, as | ||||||
7 | required in Section 6-204 of the Illinois
Vehicle Code. | ||||||
8 | However, information reported relative to these offenses | ||||||
9 | shall
be privileged and available only to the Secretary of | ||||||
10 | State, courts, and police
| ||||||
11 | (10) The administrator of a bonafide substance abuse | ||||||
12 | student
assistance program with the permission of the | ||||||
13 | presiding judge of the
juvenile court.
| ||||||
14 | (11) Mental health professionals on behalf of the | ||||||
15 | Illinois Department of
Corrections or the Department of | ||||||
16 | Human Services or prosecutors who are
evaluating, | ||||||
17 | prosecuting, or investigating a potential or actual | ||||||
18 | petition
under the Sexually Violent Persons | ||||||
19 | Commitment Act relating to a person who is the
subject of
| ||||||
20 | juvenile court records or the respondent to a petition | ||||||
21 | brought under
Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act, | ||||||
22 | who is the subject of juvenile
court records
sought. Any | ||||||
23 | records and any information obtained from those records | ||||||
24 | under this
paragraph (11) may be used only in sexually | ||||||
25 | violent persons commitment
| ||||||
26 | (A-1) Findings and exclusions of paternity entered in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | proceedings occurring under Article II of this Act shall be | ||||||
2 | disclosed, in a manner and form approved by the Presiding Judge | ||||||
3 | of the Juvenile Court, to the Department of Healthcare and | ||||||
4 | Family Services when necessary to discharge the duties of the | ||||||
5 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services under Article X of | ||||||
6 | the Illinois Public Aid Code. | ||||||
7 | (B) A minor who is the victim in a juvenile proceeding | ||||||
8 | shall be
provided the same confidentiality regarding | ||||||
9 | disclosure of identity as the
minor who is the subject of | ||||||
10 | record.
| ||||||
11 | (C) Juvenile Except as otherwise provided in this | ||||||
12 | subsection (C), juvenile court
records shall not be made | ||||||
13 | available to the general public. Subject to the limitations in | ||||||
14 | paragraphs (0.1) through (0.4) of this subsection (C), the | ||||||
15 | judge presiding over a juvenile court proceeding brought under | ||||||
16 | this Act, in his or her discretion, may order that juvenile | ||||||
17 | court records of an individual case be made available for | ||||||
18 | inspection upon request by a representative of an agency, | ||||||
19 | association, or news media entity or by a properly interested | ||||||
20 | person. For purposes of inspecting documents under this Section | ||||||
21 | subsection (C) , a civil subpoena is not an order of the court.
| ||||||
22 | (0.1) In cases where the records concern a pending | ||||||
23 | juvenile court case, the requesting party seeking to | ||||||
24 | inspect the juvenile court records shall provide actual | ||||||
25 | notice to the attorney or guardian ad litem of the minor | ||||||
26 | whose records are sought. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (0.2) In cases where the records concern a juvenile | ||||||
2 | court case that is no longer pending, the requesting party | ||||||
3 | seeking to inspect the juvenile court records shall provide | ||||||
4 | actual notice to the minor or the minor's parent or legal | ||||||
5 | guardian, and the matter shall be referred to the chief | ||||||
6 | judge presiding over matters pursuant to this Act. | ||||||
7 | (0.3) In determining whether records should be made | ||||||
8 | available for inspection and whether inspection should be | ||||||
9 | limited to certain parts of the file, the court shall | ||||||
10 | consider the minor's interest in confidentiality and | ||||||
11 | rehabilitation over the requesting party's interest in | ||||||
12 | obtaining the information. The State's Attorney, the | ||||||
13 | minor, and the minor's parents, guardian, and counsel shall | ||||||
14 | at all times have the right to examine court files and | ||||||
15 | records. | ||||||
16 | (0.4) Any records obtained in violation of this Section | ||||||
17 | subsection (C) shall not be admissible in any criminal or | ||||||
18 | civil proceeding, or operate to disqualify a minor from | ||||||
19 | subsequently holding public office, or operate as a | ||||||
20 | forfeiture of any public benefit, right, privilege, or | ||||||
21 | right to receive any license granted by public authority.
| ||||||
22 | (1) The
court shall allow the general public to have | ||||||
23 | access to the name, address, and offense of a minor
who is | ||||||
24 | adjudicated a delinquent minor under this Act under either | ||||||
25 | of the
following circumstances:
| ||||||
26 | (A) The
adjudication of
delinquency was based upon |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the
commission of first degree murder, attempt | ||||||
2 | to commit first degree
murder, aggravated criminal | ||||||
3 | sexual assault, or criminal sexual assault; or
| ||||||
4 | (B) The court has made a finding that the minor was | ||||||
5 | at least 13 years of
at the time the act was | ||||||
6 | committed and the adjudication of delinquency was | ||||||
7 | based
upon the minor's commission of: (i)
an act in | ||||||
8 | furtherance of the commission of a felony as a member | ||||||
9 | of or on
behalf of a criminal street
gang, (ii) an act | ||||||
10 | involving the use of a firearm in the commission of a
| ||||||
11 | felony, (iii) an act that would be a Class X felony | ||||||
12 | offense
under or
the minor's second or subsequent
Class | ||||||
13 | 2 or greater felony offense under the Cannabis Control | ||||||
14 | Act if committed by an adult,
(iv) an act that would be | ||||||
15 | a second or subsequent offense under Section 402 of
the | ||||||
16 | Illinois Controlled Substances Act if committed by an | ||||||
17 | adult, (v) an act
that would be an offense under | ||||||
18 | Section 401 of the Illinois Controlled
Substances Act | ||||||
19 | if committed by an adult, (vi) an act that would be a | ||||||
20 | second or subsequent offense under Section 60 of the | ||||||
21 | Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, | ||||||
22 | or (vii) an act that would be an offense under another | ||||||
23 | Section of the Methamphetamine Control and Community | ||||||
24 | Protection Act.
| ||||||
25 | (2) The court
shall allow the general public to have | ||||||
26 | access to the name, address, and offense of a minor who is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | at least 13 years of age at
the time the offense
is | ||||||
2 | committed and who is convicted, in criminal proceedings
| ||||||
3 | permitted or required under Section 5-4, under either of | ||||||
4 | the following
| ||||||
5 | (A) The minor has been convicted of first degree | ||||||
6 | murder, attempt
to commit first degree
murder, | ||||||
7 | aggravated criminal sexual
assault, or criminal sexual | ||||||
8 | assault,
| ||||||
9 | (B) The court has made a finding that the minor was | ||||||
10 | at least 13 years
of age
at the time the offense was | ||||||
11 | committed and the conviction was based upon the
minor's | ||||||
12 | commission of: (i)
an offense in
furtherance of the | ||||||
13 | commission of a felony as a member of or on behalf of a
| ||||||
14 | criminal street gang, (ii) an offense
involving the use | ||||||
15 | of a firearm in the commission of a felony, (iii)
a | ||||||
16 | Class X felony offense under or a second or subsequent | ||||||
17 | Class 2 or
greater felony offense under the Cannabis | ||||||
18 | Control Act, (iv) a
second or subsequent offense under | ||||||
19 | Section 402 of the Illinois
Controlled Substances Act, | ||||||
20 | (v) an offense under Section 401 of the Illinois
| ||||||
21 | Controlled Substances Act, (vi) an act that would be a | ||||||
22 | second or subsequent offense under Section 60 of the | ||||||
23 | Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, | ||||||
24 | or (vii) an act that would be an offense under another | ||||||
25 | Section of the Methamphetamine Control and Community | ||||||
26 | Protection Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (D) Pending or following any adjudication of delinquency | ||||||
2 | for
any offense defined
in Sections 11-1.20 through 11-1.60 or | ||||||
3 | 12-13 through 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
4 | Criminal Code of 2012,
the victim of any such offense shall | ||||||
5 | receive the
rights set out in Sections 4 and 6 of the Bill of
| ||||||
6 | Rights for Victims and Witnesses of Violent Crime Act; and the
| ||||||
7 | juvenile who is the subject of the adjudication, | ||||||
8 | notwithstanding any other
provision of this Act, shall be | ||||||
9 | treated
as an adult for the purpose of affording such rights to | ||||||
10 | the victim.
| ||||||
11 | (E) Nothing in this Section shall affect the right of a | ||||||
12 | Civil Service
Commission or appointing authority of any state, | ||||||
13 | county or municipality
examining the character and fitness of
| ||||||
14 | an applicant for employment with a law enforcement
agency, | ||||||
15 | correctional institution, or fire department to
| ||||||
16 | whether that applicant was ever adjudicated to be a delinquent | ||||||
17 | minor and,
if so, to examine the records of disposition or | ||||||
18 | evidence which were made in
proceedings under this Act.
| ||||||
19 | (F) Following any adjudication of delinquency for a crime | ||||||
20 | which would be
a felony if committed by an adult, or following | ||||||
21 | any adjudication of delinquency
for a violation of Section | ||||||
22 | 24-1, 24-3, 24-3.1, or 24-5
of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
23 | Criminal Code of 2012, the State's Attorney shall ascertain
| ||||||
24 | whether the minor respondent is enrolled in school and, if so, | ||||||
25 | shall provide
a copy of the dispositional order to the | ||||||
26 | principal or chief administrative
officer of the school. Access |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to such juvenile records shall be limited
to the principal or | ||||||
2 | chief administrative officer of the school and any guidance
| ||||||
3 | counselor designated by him.
| ||||||
4 | (G) Nothing contained in this Act prevents the sharing or
| ||||||
5 | disclosure of information or records relating or pertaining to | ||||||
6 | juveniles
subject to the provisions of the Serious Habitual | ||||||
7 | Offender Comprehensive
Action Program when that information is | ||||||
8 | used to assist in the early
identification and treatment of | ||||||
9 | habitual juvenile offenders.
| ||||||
10 | (H) When a Court hearing a proceeding under Article II of | ||||||
11 | this Act becomes
aware that an earlier proceeding under Article | ||||||
12 | II had been heard in a different
county, that Court shall | ||||||
13 | request, and the Court in which the earlier
proceedings were | ||||||
14 | initiated shall transmit, an authenticated copy of the Court
| ||||||
15 | record, including all documents, petitions, and orders filed | ||||||
16 | therein and the
minute orders, transcript of proceedings, and | ||||||
17 | docket entries of the Court.
| ||||||
18 | (I) The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall report to the | ||||||
19 | Department of
Police, in the form and manner required by | ||||||
20 | the Department of State Police, the
final disposition of each | ||||||
21 | minor who has been arrested or taken into custody
before his or | ||||||
22 | her 18th birthday for those offenses required to be reported
| ||||||
23 | under Section 5 of the Criminal Identification Act. Information | ||||||
24 | reported to
the Department under this Section may be maintained | ||||||
25 | with records that the
Department files under Section 2.1 of the | ||||||
26 | Criminal Identification Act.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (J) The changes made to this Section by Public Act 98-61 | ||||||
2 | apply to law enforcement records of a minor who has been | ||||||
3 | arrested or taken into custody on or after January 1, 2014 (the | ||||||
4 | effective date of Public Act 98-61). | ||||||
5 | (K) Willful violation of this Section is a Class C | ||||||
6 | misdemeanor and each violation is subject to a fine of $1,000. | ||||||
7 | This subsection (K) shall not apply to the person who is the | ||||||
8 | subject of the record. | ||||||
9 | (L) A person convicted of violating this Section is liable | ||||||
10 | for damages in the amount of $1,000 or actual damages, | ||||||
11 | whichever is greater. | ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; | ||||||
13 | 98-61, eff. 1-1-14; 98-552, eff. 8-27-13; 98-756, eff. | ||||||
14 | 7-16-14.)
| ||||||
15 | (705 ILCS 405/5-915)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 5-915. Expungement of juvenile law enforcement and | ||||||
17 | court records.
| ||||||
18 | (0.05) For purposes of this Section and Section 5-622: | ||||||
19 | "Dissemination" or "disseminate" means to publish, | ||||||
20 | produce, print, manufacture, distribute, sell, lease, | ||||||
21 | exhibit, broadcast, display, transmit, or otherwise share | ||||||
22 | information in any format so as to make the information | ||||||
23 | accessible to others. | ||||||
24 | "Expunge" means to physically destroy the records and | ||||||
25 | to obliterate the minor's name and juvenile court records |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | from any official index , or public record, or electronic | ||||||
2 | database both . No evidence of the juvenile court records | ||||||
3 | may be retained by any law enforcement agency, the juvenile | ||||||
4 | court, or by any municipal, county, or State agency or | ||||||
5 | department. Nothing in this Act shall require the physical | ||||||
6 | destruction of the internal office records, files, or | ||||||
7 | databases maintained by a State's Attorney's Office or | ||||||
8 | other prosecutor or by the Office of the Secretary of | ||||||
9 | State . | ||||||
10 | "Juvenile court record" includes, but is not limited | ||||||
11 | to: | ||||||
12 | (a) all documents filed in or maintained by the | ||||||
13 | juvenile court pertaining to a specific incident, | ||||||
14 | proceeding, or individual; | ||||||
15 | (b) all documents relating to a specific incident, | ||||||
16 | proceeding, or individual made available to or maintained | ||||||
17 | by probation officers; | ||||||
18 | (c) all documents, video or audio tapes, | ||||||
19 | photographs, and exhibits admitted into evidence at | ||||||
20 | juvenile court hearings; or | ||||||
21 | (d) all documents, transcripts, records, reports | ||||||
22 | or other evidence prepared by, maintained by, or released | ||||||
23 | by any municipal, county, or state agency or department, in | ||||||
24 | any format, if indicating involvement with the juvenile | ||||||
25 | court relating to a specific incident, proceeding, or | ||||||
26 | individual. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | "Law enforcement record" includes but is not limited to | ||||||
2 | records of arrest, station adjustments, fingerprints, | ||||||
3 | probation adjustments, the issuance of a notice to appear, | ||||||
4 | or any other records or documents maintained by any a law | ||||||
5 | enforcement agency relating to a minor suspected of | ||||||
6 | committing an offense or evidence of interaction with law | ||||||
7 | enforcement . | ||||||
8 | (0.1) (a) The Department of State Police and all law | ||||||
9 | enforcement agencies within the State shall automatically | ||||||
10 | expunge, on or before January 1 of each year, all law | ||||||
11 | enforcement records relating to events occurring before an | ||||||
12 | individual's 18th birthday if: | ||||||
13 | (1) one year or more has elapsed since the date of the | ||||||
14 | arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the | ||||||
15 | records; | ||||||
16 | (2) no petition for delinquency or criminal charges | ||||||
17 | were filed with the clerk of the circuit court relating to | ||||||
18 | the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the | ||||||
19 | records; and | ||||||
20 | (3) 6 months have elapsed without an additional | ||||||
21 | subsequent arrest or filing of a petition for delinquency | ||||||
22 | or criminal charges whether related or not to the arrest or | ||||||
23 | law enforcement interaction documented in the records. | ||||||
24 | (b) If the law enforcement agency is unable to verify | ||||||
25 | satisfaction of conditions (2) and (3) of this subsection | ||||||
26 | (0.1), records that satisfy condition (1) of this subsection |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (0.1) shall be automatically expunged if the records relate to | ||||||
2 | an offense that if committed by an adult would not be an | ||||||
3 | offense classified as Class 2 felony or higher, an offense | ||||||
4 | under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or Criminal Code | ||||||
5 | of 2012, or an offense under 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, or | ||||||
6 | 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961. | ||||||
7 | (0.2) (a) Upon dismissal of a petition alleging delinquency | ||||||
8 | or upon a finding of not delinquent, the successful termination | ||||||
9 | of an order of supervision, or an adjudication for an offense | ||||||
10 | which would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a | ||||||
11 | petty or business offense if committed by an adult, the court | ||||||
12 | shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court | ||||||
13 | and law enforcement records within 60 business days. | ||||||
14 | (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or | ||||||
15 | his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain | ||||||
16 | information is needed for a pending investigation involving the | ||||||
17 | commission of a felony, that information, and information | ||||||
18 | identifying the juvenile, may be retained in an intelligence | ||||||
19 | file until the investigation is terminated or for one | ||||||
20 | additional year, whichever is sooner. Retention of a portion of | ||||||
21 | a juvenile's law enforcement record does not disqualify the | ||||||
22 | remainder of his or her record from immediate automatic | ||||||
23 | expungement. | ||||||
24 | (0.3) (a) Upon an adjudication of delinquency based on any | ||||||
25 | offense except a disqualified offense, the juvenile court shall | ||||||
26 | automatically order the expungement of the juvenile records 2 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | years after the juvenile's case was closed if no delinquency or | ||||||
2 | criminal proceeding is pending and the person has had no | ||||||
3 | subsequent delinquency adjudication or criminal conviction. | ||||||
4 | The court shall automatically order the expungement of the | ||||||
5 | juvenile court and law enforcement records within 60 business | ||||||
6 | days. For the purposes of this subsection (0.3), "disqualified | ||||||
7 | offense" means any of the following offenses: Section 8-1.2, | ||||||
8 | 9-1, 9-1.2, 9-2, 9-2.1, 9-3, 9-3.2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-3.1, | ||||||
9 | 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, | ||||||
10 | 11-6, 11-6.5, 12-2, 12-3.05, 12-3.3, 12-4.4a, 12-5.02, 12-6.2, | ||||||
11 | 12-6.5, 12-7.1, 12-7.5, 12-32, 12-33, 12-34, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, | ||||||
12 | 18-4, 18-6, 19-3, 19-6, 20-1, 20-1.1, 24-1.2, 24-1.2-5, 24-3.2, | ||||||
13 | 29D-14.9, 29D-20, 30-1, 31-1a, 32-4a, or 33A-2 of the Criminal | ||||||
14 | Code of 2012, or subsection (b) of Section 8-1, paragraph (4) | ||||||
15 | of subsection (a) of Section 11-14.4, subsection (a-5) of | ||||||
16 | Section 12-3.1, paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a) of | ||||||
17 | Section 12-6, subsection (a-3) or (a-5) of Section 12-7.3, | ||||||
18 | paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Section 12-7.4, | ||||||
19 | subparagraph (i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section | ||||||
20 | 12-9, subparagraph (H) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of | ||||||
21 | Section 24-1.6, paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section | ||||||
22 | 25-1, or subsection (a-7) of Section 31-1 of the Criminal Code | ||||||
23 | of 2012. | ||||||
24 | (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or | ||||||
25 | his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain | ||||||
26 | information is needed for a pending investigation involving the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | commission of a felony, that information, and information | ||||||
2 | identifying the juvenile, may be retained in an intelligence | ||||||
3 | file until the investigation is terminated or for one | ||||||
4 | additional year, whichever is sooner. Retention of a portion of | ||||||
5 | a juvenile's law enforcement record does not disqualify the | ||||||
6 | remainder of his or her record from immediate automatic | ||||||
7 | expungement. | ||||||
8 | (1) Nothing in this subsection (1) precludes an eligible | ||||||
9 | minor from obtaining expungement under subsections (0.1), | ||||||
10 | (0.2), or (0.3). Whenever a person has been arrested, charged, | ||||||
11 | or adjudicated delinquent for an incident occurring before his | ||||||
12 | or her 18th birthday that if committed by an adult would be an | ||||||
13 | offense, and that person's records are not eligible for | ||||||
14 | automatic expungement under subsections (0.1), (0.2), or | ||||||
15 | (0.3), the
person may petition the court at any time for | ||||||
16 | expungement of law
enforcement records and juvenile court | ||||||
17 | records relating to the incident and upon termination of all | ||||||
18 | juvenile
court proceedings relating to that incident, the court | ||||||
19 | shall order the expungement of all records in the possession of | ||||||
20 | the Department of State Police, the clerk of the circuit court, | ||||||
21 | and law enforcement agencies relating to the incident, but only | ||||||
22 | in any of the following circumstances:
| ||||||
23 | (a) the minor was arrested and no petition for | ||||||
24 | delinquency was filed with
the clerk of the circuit court; | ||||||
25 | (a-5) the minor was charged with an offense and the | ||||||
26 | petition or petitions were dismissed without a finding of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | delinquency;
| ||||||
2 | (b) the minor was charged with an offense and was found | ||||||
3 | not delinquent of
that offense;
| ||||||
4 | (c) the minor was placed under supervision pursuant to | ||||||
5 | Section 5-615, and
the order of
supervision has since been | ||||||
6 | successfully terminated; or
| ||||||
7 | (d)
the minor was adjudicated for an offense which | ||||||
8 | would be a Class B
misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a | ||||||
9 | petty or business offense if committed by an adult.
| ||||||
10 | (1.5) Commencing 180 days after the effective date of this | ||||||
11 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, the Department of | ||||||
12 | State Police shall automatically expunge, on or before January | ||||||
13 | 1 of each year, a person's law enforcement records which are | ||||||
14 | not subject to subsection (1) relating to incidents occurring | ||||||
15 | before his or her 18th birthday in the Department's possession | ||||||
16 | or control and which contains the final disposition which | ||||||
17 | pertain to the person when arrested as a minor if:
| ||||||
18 | (a) the minor was arrested for an eligible offense and | ||||||
19 | no petition for delinquency was filed with the clerk of the | ||||||
20 | circuit court; and | ||||||
21 | (b) the person attained the age of 18 years during the | ||||||
22 | last calendar year; and | ||||||
23 | (c) since the date of the minor's most recent arrest, | ||||||
24 | at least 6 months have elapsed without an additional | ||||||
25 | arrest, filing of a petition for delinquency whether | ||||||
26 | related or not to a previous arrest, or filing of charges |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not initiated by arrest. | ||||||
2 | The Department of State Police shall allow a person to use | ||||||
3 | the Access and Review process, established in the Department of | ||||||
4 | State Police, for verifying that his or her law enforcement | ||||||
5 | records relating to incidents occurring before his or her 18th | ||||||
6 | birthday eligible under this Act subsection have been expunged | ||||||
7 | as provided in this subsection. | ||||||
8 | The Department of State Police shall provide by rule the | ||||||
9 | process for access, review, and automatic expungement. | ||||||
10 | (1.6) (Blank). Commencing on the effective date of this | ||||||
11 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, a person whose law | ||||||
12 | enforcement records are not subject to subsection (1) or (1.5) | ||||||
13 | of this Section and who has attained the age of 18 years may | ||||||
14 | use the Access and Review process, established in the | ||||||
15 | Department of State Police, for verifying his or her law | ||||||
16 | enforcement records relating to incidents occurring before his | ||||||
17 | or her 18th birthday in the Department's possession or control | ||||||
18 | which pertain to the person when arrested as a minor, if the | ||||||
19 | incident occurred no earlier than 30 years before the effective | ||||||
20 | date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly. If | ||||||
21 | the person identifies a law enforcement record of an eligible | ||||||
22 | offense that meets the requirements of this subsection, | ||||||
23 | paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (1.5) of this Section, and | ||||||
24 | all juvenile court proceedings related to the person have been | ||||||
25 | terminated, the person may file a Request for Expungement of | ||||||
26 | Juvenile Law Enforcement Records, in the form and manner |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prescribed by the Department of State Police, with the | ||||||
2 | Department and the Department shall consider expungement of the | ||||||
3 | record as otherwise provided for automatic expungement under | ||||||
4 | subsection (1.5) of this Section. The person shall provide | ||||||
5 | notice and a copy of the Request for Expungement of Juvenile | ||||||
6 | Law Enforcement Records to the arresting agency, prosecutor | ||||||
7 | charged with the prosecution of the minor, or the State's | ||||||
8 | Attorney of the county that prosecuted the minor. The | ||||||
9 | Department of State Police shall provide by rule the process | ||||||
10 | for access, review, and Request for Expungement of Juvenile Law | ||||||
11 | Enforcement Records. | ||||||
12 | (1.7) (Blank). Nothing in subsections (1.5) and (1.6) of | ||||||
13 | this Section precludes a person from filing a petition under | ||||||
14 | subsection (1) for expungement of records subject to automatic | ||||||
15 | expungement under that subsection (1) or subsection (1.5) or | ||||||
16 | (1.6) of this Section. | ||||||
17 | (1.8) (Blank). For the purposes of subsections (1.5) and | ||||||
18 | (1.6) of this Section, "eligible offense" means records | ||||||
19 | relating to an arrest or incident occurring before the person's | ||||||
20 | 18th birthday that if committed by an adult is not an offense | ||||||
21 | classified as a Class 2 felony or higher offense, an offense | ||||||
22 | under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal | ||||||
23 | Code of 2012, or an offense under Section 12-13, 12-14, | ||||||
24 | 12-14.1, 12-15, or 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961. | ||||||
25 | (2) Any person whose delinquency adjudications are not | ||||||
26 | eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.3) of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Section may petition the court to expunge all law | ||||||
2 | enforcement records
relating to any
incidents occurring before | ||||||
3 | his or her 18th birthday which did not result in
proceedings in | ||||||
4 | criminal court and all juvenile court records with respect to
| ||||||
5 | any adjudications except those based upon first degree
murder | ||||||
6 | or an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012 if | ||||||
7 | the person is required to register under the Sex Offender | ||||||
8 | Registration Act; provided that: and
sex offenses which would | ||||||
9 | be felonies if committed by an adult, if the person
for whom | ||||||
10 | expungement is sought has had no
convictions for any crime | ||||||
11 | since his or her 18th birthday and:
| ||||||
12 | (a) (blank); or has attained the age of 21 years; or
| ||||||
13 | (b) 2 5 years have elapsed since all juvenile court | ||||||
14 | proceedings relating to
him or her have been terminated and | ||||||
15 | or his or her commitment to the Department of
Juvenile | ||||||
16 | Justice
under pursuant to this Act has been terminated . ;
| ||||||
17 | whichever is later of (a) or (b). Nothing in this Section 5-915 | ||||||
18 | precludes a minor from obtaining expungement under Section | ||||||
19 | 5-622. | ||||||
20 | (2.5) If a minor is arrested and no petition for | ||||||
21 | delinquency is filed with the clerk of the circuit court as | ||||||
22 | provided in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) at the time the | ||||||
23 | minor is released from custody, the youth officer, if | ||||||
24 | applicable, or other designated person from the arresting | ||||||
25 | agency, shall notify verbally and in writing to the minor or | ||||||
26 | the minor's parents or guardians that the minor has a right to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | petition to have his or her arrest record expunged when all | ||||||
2 | juvenile court proceedings relating to that minor have been | ||||||
3 | terminated and that unless a petition to expunge is filed, that | ||||||
4 | the minor shall have an arrest record and shall provide the | ||||||
5 | minor and the minor's parents or guardians with an expungement | ||||||
6 | information packet, information regarding this State's | ||||||
7 | expungement laws including a petition to expunge juvenile | ||||||
8 | records obtained from the clerk of the circuit court. | ||||||
9 | (2.6) If a minor is referred to court charged with an | ||||||
10 | offense and is found not delinquent of that offense; or if a | ||||||
11 | minor is placed under supervision under Section 5-615, and the | ||||||
12 | order of supervision is successfully terminated; or if a minor | ||||||
13 | is adjudicated for an offense that would be a Class B | ||||||
14 | misdemeanor, a Class C misdemeanor, or a business or petty | ||||||
15 | offense if committed by an adult; or if a minor has incidents | ||||||
16 | occurring before his or her 18th birthday that have not | ||||||
17 | resulted in proceedings in criminal court, or resulted in | ||||||
18 | proceedings in juvenile court, and the adjudications were not | ||||||
19 | based upon first degree murder or sex offenses that would be | ||||||
20 | felonies if committed by an adult; then at the time of | ||||||
21 | sentencing or dismissal of the case, or successful completion | ||||||
22 | of supervision, the judge shall inform the delinquent minor of | ||||||
23 | his or her rights regarding expungement right to petition for | ||||||
24 | expungement as provided by law, and the clerk of the circuit | ||||||
25 | court shall provide an expungement information packet to the | ||||||
26 | delinquent minor, written in plain language, including |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | information regarding this State's expungement laws and a | ||||||
2 | petition for expungement, a sample of a completed petition, | ||||||
3 | expungement instructions that shall include information | ||||||
4 | informing the minor that (i) once the case is expunged, it | ||||||
5 | shall be treated as if it never occurred, (ii) he or she may | ||||||
6 | apply to have petition fees waived, (iii) once he or she | ||||||
7 | obtains an expungement, he or she may not be required to | ||||||
8 | disclose that he or she had a juvenile record, and (iv) if | ||||||
9 | petitioning he or she may file the petition on his or her own | ||||||
10 | or with the assistance of an attorney. The failure of the judge | ||||||
11 | to inform the delinquent minor of his or her right to petition | ||||||
12 | for expungement as provided by law does not create a | ||||||
13 | substantive right, nor is that failure grounds for: (i) a | ||||||
14 | reversal of an adjudication of delinquency, (ii) a new trial; | ||||||
15 | or (iii) an appeal. | ||||||
16 | (2.7) (Blank). For counties with a population over | ||||||
17 | 3,000,000, the clerk of the circuit court shall send a | ||||||
18 | "Notification of a Possible Right to Expungement" post card to | ||||||
19 | the minor at the address last received by the clerk of the | ||||||
20 | circuit court on the date that the minor attains the age of 18 | ||||||
21 | based on the birthdate provided to the court by the minor or | ||||||
22 | his or her guardian in cases under paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) | ||||||
23 | of subsection (1); and when the minor attains the age of 21 | ||||||
24 | based on the birthdate provided to the court by the minor or | ||||||
25 | his or her guardian in cases under subsection (2). | ||||||
26 | (2.8) The petition for expungement for subsection (1) and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) may include multiple offenses on the same petition and | ||||||
2 | shall be substantially in the following form: | ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
6 | )
| ||||||
7 | )
| ||||||
8 | ...................)
| ||||||
9 | (Name of Petitioner) | ||||||
11 | (705 ILCS 405/5-915 (SUBSECTION 1 AND 2 )) | ||||||
12 | Now comes ............., petitioner, and respectfully requests
| ||||||
13 | that this Honorable Court enter an order expunging all juvenile | ||||||
14 | law enforcement and court records of petitioner and in support | ||||||
15 | thereof states that:
Petitioner has attained the age of ...., | ||||||
16 | his/her birth date being ......, or all
Juvenile Court | ||||||
17 | proceedings terminated as of ......, whichever occurred later.
| ||||||
18 | Petitioner was arrested on ..... by the ....... Police | ||||||
19 | Department for the offense or offenses of ......., and:
| ||||||
20 | (Check All That Apply:)
| ||||||
21 | ( ) a. no petition or petitions were filed with the Clerk of | ||||||
22 | the Circuit Court. | ||||||
23 | ( ) b. was charged with ...... and was found not delinquent
of | ||||||
24 | the offense or offenses. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ( ) c. a petition or petitions were filed and the petition or | ||||||
2 | petitions were dismissed without a finding of delinquency on | ||||||
3 | ..... | ||||||
4 | ( ) d. on ....... placed under supervision pursuant to Section | ||||||
5 | 5-615 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 and such order of | ||||||
6 | supervision successfully terminated on ........ | ||||||
7 | ( ) e. was adjudicated for the offense or offenses, which would | ||||||
8 | have been a Class B misdemeanor, a Class C misdemeanor, or a | ||||||
9 | petty offense or business offense if committed by an adult. | ||||||
10 | ( ) f. was adjudicated for a Class A misdemeanor or felony, | ||||||
11 | except first degree murder or an offense under Article 11 of | ||||||
12 | the Criminal Code of 2012 if the person is required to register | ||||||
13 | under the Sex Offender Registration Act, and 2 years have | ||||||
14 | passed since the case was closed.
| ||||||
15 | Petitioner .... has .... has not been arrested on charges in | ||||||
16 | this or any county other than the charges listed above. If | ||||||
17 | petitioner has been arrested on additional charges, please list | ||||||
18 | the charges below:
| ||||||
19 | Charge(s): ...... | ||||||
20 | Arresting Agency or Agencies: ........... | ||||||
21 | Disposition/Result: (choose from a. through f e ., above): .....
| ||||||
22 | WHEREFORE, the petitioner respectfully requests this Honorable | ||||||
23 | Court to (1) order all law enforcement agencies to expunge all | ||||||
24 | records of petitioner to this incident or incidents, and (2) to | ||||||
25 | order the Clerk of the Court to expunge all records concerning | ||||||
26 | the petitioner regarding this incident or incidents. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ......................
| ||||||
2 | Petitioner (Signature)
| ||||||
3 | ..........................
| ||||||
4 | Petitioner's Street Address | ||||||
5 | .....................
| ||||||
6 | City, State, Zip Code | ||||||
7 | ............................. | ||||||
8 | Petitioner's Telephone Number | ||||||
9 | Pursuant to the penalties of perjury under the Code of Civil | ||||||
10 | Procedure, 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I hereby certify that the | ||||||
11 | statements in this petition are true and correct, or on | ||||||
12 | information and belief I believe the same to be true. | ||||||
13 | ...................... | ||||||
14 | Petitioner (Signature)
| ||||||
15 | The Petition for Expungement for subsection (2) shall be | ||||||
16 | substantially in the following form: | ||||||
17 | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ........, ILLINOIS | ||||||
18 | ........ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT |
| |||||||
| |||||||
| ||||||
2 | )
| ||||||
3 | )
| ||||||
4 | ...................)
| ||||||
5 | (Name of Petitioner) | ||||||
| ||||||
7 | (705 ILCS 405/5-915 (SUBSECTION 2))
| ||||||
8 | (Please prepare a separate petition for each offense)
| ||||||
9 | Now comes ............, petitioner, and respectfully requests | ||||||
10 | that this Honorable Court enter an order expunging all Juvenile | ||||||
11 | Law Enforcement and Court records of petitioner and in support | ||||||
12 | thereof states that: | ||||||
13 | The incident for which the Petitioner seeks expungement | ||||||
14 | occurred before the Petitioner's 18th birthday and did not | ||||||
15 | result in proceedings in criminal court and the Petitioner has | ||||||
16 | not had any convictions for any crime since his/her 18th | ||||||
17 | birthday; and
| ||||||
18 | The incident for which the Petitioner seeks expungement | ||||||
19 | occurred before the Petitioner's 18th birthday and the | ||||||
20 | adjudication was not based upon first-degree murder or sex | ||||||
21 | offenses which would be felonies if committed by an adult, and | ||||||
22 | the Petitioner has not had any convictions for any crime since | ||||||
23 | his/her 18th birthday. | ||||||
24 | Petitioner was arrested on ...... by the ....... Police | ||||||
25 | Department for the offense of ........, and: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Check whichever one occurred the latest:) | ||||||
2 | ( ) a. The Petitioner has attained the age of 21 years, his/her | ||||||
3 | birthday being .......; or | ||||||
4 | ( ) b. 5 years have elapsed since all juvenile court | ||||||
5 | proceedings relating to the Petitioner have been terminated; or | ||||||
6 | the Petitioner's commitment to the Department of Juvenile | ||||||
7 | Justice
pursuant to the expungement of juvenile law enforcement | ||||||
8 | and court records provisions of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 | ||||||
9 | has been terminated.
Petitioner ...has ...has not been arrested | ||||||
10 | on charges in this or any other county other than the charge | ||||||
11 | listed above. If petitioner has been arrested on additional | ||||||
12 | charges, please list the charges below: | ||||||
13 | Charge(s): .......... | ||||||
14 | Arresting Agency or Agencies: ....... | ||||||
15 | Disposition/Result: (choose from a or b, above): .......... | ||||||
16 | WHEREFORE, the petitioner respectfully requests this Honorable | ||||||
17 | Court to (1) order all law enforcement agencies to expunge all | ||||||
18 | records of petitioner related to this incident, and (2) to | ||||||
19 | order the Clerk of the Court to expunge all records concerning | ||||||
20 | the petitioner regarding this incident. | ||||||
21 | .......................
| ||||||
22 | Petitioner (Signature) | ||||||
23 | ...................... | ||||||
24 | Petitioner's Street Address
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ..................... | ||||||
2 | City, State, Zip Code | ||||||
3 | ............................. | ||||||
4 | Petitioner's Telephone Number
| ||||||
5 | Pursuant to the penalties of perjury under the Code of Civil | ||||||
6 | Procedure, 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I hereby certify that the | ||||||
7 | statements in this petition are true and correct, or on | ||||||
8 | information and belief I believe the same to be true. | ||||||
9 | ...................... | ||||||
10 | Petitioner (Signature)
| ||||||
11 | (3) The chief judge of the circuit in which an arrest was | ||||||
12 | made or a charge
was brought or any
judge of that circuit | ||||||
13 | designated by the chief judge
may, upon verified petition
of a | ||||||
14 | person who is the subject of an arrest or a juvenile court | ||||||
15 | proceeding
under subsection (1) or (2) of this Section, order | ||||||
16 | the law enforcement
records or official court file, or both, to | ||||||
17 | be expunged from the official
records of the arresting | ||||||
18 | authority, the clerk of the circuit court and the
Department of | ||||||
19 | State Police. The person whose records are to be expunged shall | ||||||
20 | petition the court using the appropriate form containing his or | ||||||
21 | her current address and shall promptly notify the clerk of the | ||||||
22 | circuit court of any change of address. Notice
of the petition | ||||||
23 | shall be served upon the State's Attorney or prosecutor charged | ||||||
24 | with the duty of prosecuting the offense, the Department of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State Police, and the arresting agency or agencies by the clerk | ||||||
2 | of the circuit court. If an objection is filed within 45
days | ||||||
3 | of the notice of the petition, the clerk of the circuit court | ||||||
4 | shall set a date for hearing after the 45-day 45
day objection | ||||||
5 | period. At the hearing the court shall hear evidence on whether | ||||||
6 | the expungement should or should not be granted. Unless the | ||||||
7 | State's Attorney or prosecutor, the Department of State Police, | ||||||
8 | or an arresting agency objects to the expungement within 45
| ||||||
9 | days of the notice, the court may enter an order granting | ||||||
10 | expungement. The clerk shall forward a certified copy of the | ||||||
11 | order to the Department of State Police and deliver a certified | ||||||
12 | copy of the order to the arresting agency.
| ||||||
13 | (3.1) The Notice of Expungement shall be in substantially | ||||||
14 | the following form: | ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
18 | )
| ||||||
19 | )
| ||||||
20 | ...................)
| ||||||
21 | (Name of Petitioner) | ||||||
| ||||||
23 | TO: State's Attorney
| ||||||
24 | TO: Arresting Agency
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 |
| ||||||
2 | ................
| ||||||
3 | ................
| ||||||
4 |
| ||||||
5 | ................
| ||||||
6 | ................
| ||||||
7 | TO: Illinois State Police
| ||||||
8 |
| ||||||
9 | .....................
| ||||||
10 |
| ||||||
11 | .....................
| ||||||
12 | ATTENTION: Expungement
| ||||||
13 | You are hereby notified that on ....., at ....., in courtroom | ||||||
14 | ..., located at ..., before the Honorable ..., Judge, or any | ||||||
15 | judge sitting in his/her stead, I shall then and there present | ||||||
16 | a Petition to Expunge Juvenile records in the above-entitled | ||||||
17 | matter, at which time and place you may appear. | ||||||
18 | ...................... | ||||||
19 | Petitioner's Signature | ||||||
20 | ...........................
| ||||||
21 | Petitioner's Street Address | ||||||
22 | .....................
| ||||||
23 | City, State, Zip Code | ||||||
24 | ............................. | ||||||
25 | Petitioner's Telephone Number | ||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | On the ....... day of ......, 20..., I on oath state that I | ||||||
2 | served this notice and true and correct copies of the | ||||||
3 | above-checked documents by: | ||||||
4 | (Check One:) | ||||||
5 | delivering copies personally to each entity to whom they are | ||||||
6 | directed; | ||||||
7 | or | ||||||
8 | by mailing copies to each entity to whom they are directed by | ||||||
9 | depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, proper postage fully | ||||||
10 | prepaid, before the hour of 5:00 p.m., at the United States | ||||||
11 | Postal Depository located at ................. | ||||||
12 | .........................................
| ||||||
13 |
| ||||||
14 | Signature | ||||||
15 | Clerk of the Circuit Court or Deputy Clerk | ||||||
16 | Printed Name of Delinquent Minor/Petitioner: .... | ||||||
17 | Address: ........................................ | ||||||
18 | Telephone Number: ............................... | ||||||
19 | (3.2) The Order of Expungement shall be in substantially | ||||||
20 | the following form: | ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
24 | )
| ||||||
25 | )
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | ...................)
| ||||||
2 | (Name of Petitioner)
| ||||||
3 | DOB ................ | ||||||
4 | Arresting Agency/Agencies ...... | ||||||
| ||||||
6 | (705 ILCS 405/5-915 (SUBSECTION 3))
| ||||||
7 | This matter having been heard on the petitioner's motion and | ||||||
8 | the court being fully advised in the premises does find that | ||||||
9 | the petitioner is indigent or has presented reasonable cause to | ||||||
10 | waive all costs in this matter, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: | ||||||
11 | ( ) 1. Clerk of Court and Department of State Police costs | ||||||
12 | are hereby waived in this matter. | ||||||
13 | ( ) 2. The Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification | ||||||
14 | and the following law enforcement agencies expunge all records | ||||||
15 | of petitioner relating to an arrest dated ...... for the | ||||||
16 | offense of ...... | ||||||
17 | Law Enforcement Agencies:
| ||||||
18 | .........................
| ||||||
19 | .........................
| ||||||
20 | ( ) 3. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of the Circuit | ||||||
21 | Court expunge all records regarding the above-captioned case. | ||||||
22 | ENTER: ......................
| ||||||
23 |
| ||||||
24 | JUDGE | ||||||
25 | DATED: ....... |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Name:
| ||||||
2 | Attorney for:
| ||||||
3 | Address:
| ||||||
4 | Attorney Number: | ||||||
5 | (3.3) The Notice of Objection shall be in substantially the | ||||||
6 | following form: | ||||||
| ||||||
8 | ....................... JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
| ||||||
| ||||||
10 | )
| ||||||
11 | )
| ||||||
12 | ...................)
| ||||||
13 | (Name of Petitioner) | ||||||
| ||||||
15 | TO:(Attorney, Public Defender, Minor)
| ||||||
16 | .................................
| ||||||
17 | .................................
| ||||||
18 | TO:(Illinois State Police)
| ||||||
19 | .................................
| ||||||
20 | ................................. | ||||||
21 | TO:(Clerk of the Court)
| ||||||
22 | .................................
| ||||||
23 | .................................
| ||||||
24 | TO:(Judge)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | .................................
| ||||||
2 | .................................
| ||||||
3 | TO:(Arresting Agency/Agencies)
| ||||||
4 | .................................
| ||||||
5 | ................................. | ||||||
You are hereby notified that an objection has been | ||||||
7 | filed by the following entity regarding the above-named minor's | ||||||
8 | petition for expungement of juvenile records: | ||||||
9 | ( ) State's Attorney's Office;
| ||||||
10 | ( ) Prosecutor (other than State's Attorney's Office) charged | ||||||
11 | with the duty of prosecuting the offense sought to be expunged;
| ||||||
12 | ( ) Department of Illinois State Police; or
| ||||||
13 | ( ) Arresting Agency or Agencies.
| ||||||
14 | The agency checked above respectfully requests that this case | ||||||
15 | be continued and set for hearing on whether the expungement | ||||||
16 | should or should not be granted.
| ||||||
17 | DATED: ....... | ||||||
18 | Name: | ||||||
19 | Attorney For:
| ||||||
20 | Address: | ||||||
21 | City/State/Zip:
| ||||||
22 | Telephone:
| ||||||
23 | Attorney No.:
| ||||||
| ||||||
25 | This matter has been set for hearing on the foregoing | ||||||
26 | objection, on ...... in room ...., located at ....., before the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Honorable ....., Judge, or any judge sitting in his/her stead.
| ||||||
2 | (Only one hearing shall be set, regardless of the number of | ||||||
3 | Notices of Objection received on the same case).
| ||||||
4 | A copy of this completed Notice of Objection containing the | ||||||
5 | court date, time, and location, has been sent via regular U.S. | ||||||
6 | Mail to the following entities. (If more than one Notice of | ||||||
7 | Objection is received on the same case, each one must be | ||||||
8 | completed with the court date, time and location and mailed to | ||||||
9 | the following entities):
| ||||||
10 | ( ) Attorney, Public Defender or Minor;
| ||||||
11 | ( ) State's Attorney's Office; | ||||||
12 | ( ) Prosecutor (other than State's Attorney's Office) charged | ||||||
13 | with the duty of prosecuting the offense sought to be expunged; | ||||||
14 | ( ) Department of Illinois State Police; and | ||||||
15 | ( ) Arresting agency or agencies.
| ||||||
16 | Date: ...... | ||||||
17 | Initials of Clerk completing this section: .....
| ||||||
18 | (4) (a) Upon entry of an order expunging records or files, | ||||||
19 | the offense, which
the records or files concern shall be | ||||||
20 | treated as if it never occurred. Law
enforcement officers and | ||||||
21 | other public offices and agencies shall properly reply
on | ||||||
22 | inquiry that no record or file exists with respect to the
| ||||||
23 | person.
| ||||||
24 | (a-5) Local law enforcement agencies shall send written | ||||||
25 | notice to the minor of the expungement of any records within 60 | ||||||
26 | days of automatic expungement or the date of service of an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expungement order, whichever applies. If a minor's court file | ||||||
2 | has been expunged, the clerk of the circuit court shall send | ||||||
3 | written notice to the minor of the expungement of any records | ||||||
4 | within 60 days of automatic expungement or the date of service | ||||||
5 | of an expungement order, whichever applies. | ||||||
6 | (b) Except with respect to authorized military personnel, | ||||||
7 | an expunged juvenile record may not be considered by any | ||||||
8 | private or public entity in employment matters, certification, | ||||||
9 | licensing, revocation of certification or licensure, or | ||||||
10 | registration. Applications for employment within the State | ||||||
11 | must contain specific language that states that the applicant | ||||||
12 | is not obligated to disclose expunged juvenile records of | ||||||
13 | adjudication or arrest. Employers may not ask, in any format or | ||||||
14 | context, if an applicant has had a juvenile record expunged. | ||||||
15 | Information about an expunged record obtained by a potential | ||||||
16 | employer, even inadvertently, from an employment application | ||||||
17 | that does not contain specific language that states that the | ||||||
18 | applicant is not obligated to disclose expunged juvenile | ||||||
19 | records of adjudication or arrest, shall be treated as | ||||||
20 | dissemination of an expunged record by the employer. | ||||||
21 | (c) A person whose juvenile records have been expunged is | ||||||
22 | not entitled to remission of any fines, costs, or other money | ||||||
23 | paid as a consequence of expungement. | ||||||
24 | (5) (Blank). Records which have not been expunged are | ||||||
25 | sealed, and may be obtained
only under the provisions of | ||||||
26 | Sections 5-901, 5-905 and 5-915.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5.5) Whether or not expunged, records eligible for | ||||||
2 | automatic expungement under subdivision (0.1)(a), (0.2)(a), or | ||||||
3 | (0.3)(a) may be treated as expunged by the individual subject | ||||||
4 | to the records. | ||||||
5 | (6) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit | ||||||
6 | the maintenance
of information relating to an offense after | ||||||
7 | records or files concerning the
offense have been expunged if | ||||||
8 | the information is kept in a manner that does not
enable | ||||||
9 | identification of the individual offender . This information | ||||||
10 | may only be used for anonymous
statistical and bona fide | ||||||
11 | research purposes. | ||||||
12 | (6.5) The Department of State Police or any employee of the | ||||||
13 | Department shall be immune from civil or criminal liability for | ||||||
14 | failure to expunge any records of arrest that are subject to | ||||||
15 | expungement under subsection (1.5) or (1.6) of this Section | ||||||
16 | because of inability to verify a record. Nothing in subsection | ||||||
17 | (1.5) or (1.6) of this Section shall create Department of State | ||||||
18 | Police liability or responsibility for the expungement of law | ||||||
19 | enforcement records it does not possess. | ||||||
20 | (7)(a) The State Appellate Defender shall establish, | ||||||
21 | maintain, and carry out, by December 31, 2004, a juvenile | ||||||
22 | expungement program
to provide information and assistance to | ||||||
23 | minors eligible to have their juvenile records expunged.
| ||||||
24 | (b) The State Appellate Defender shall develop brochures, | ||||||
25 | pamphlets, and
materials in
printed form and through the | ||||||
26 | agency's World Wide Web site. The pamphlets and
other materials |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall
include at a minimum the following information:
| ||||||
2 | (i) An explanation of the State's juvenile expungement | ||||||
3 | laws, including both automatic expungement and expungement | ||||||
4 | by petition process ; | ||||||
5 | (ii) The circumstances under which juvenile | ||||||
6 | expungement may occur; | ||||||
7 | (iii) The juvenile offenses that may be expunged; | ||||||
8 | (iv) The steps necessary to initiate and complete the | ||||||
9 | juvenile expungement process;
and | ||||||
10 | (v) Directions on how to contact the State Appellate | ||||||
11 | Defender. | ||||||
12 | (c) The State Appellate Defender shall establish and | ||||||
13 | maintain a statewide
toll-free telephone
number that a person | ||||||
14 | may use to receive information or assistance concerning
the | ||||||
15 | expungement of juvenile records. The State Appellate
Defender | ||||||
16 | shall advertise
the toll-free telephone number statewide. The | ||||||
17 | State Appellate Defender shall
develop an expungement
| ||||||
18 | information packet that may be sent to eligible persons seeking | ||||||
19 | expungement of
their juvenile records,
which may include, but | ||||||
20 | is not limited to, a pre-printed expungement petition
with | ||||||
21 | instructions on how
to complete the petition and a pamphlet | ||||||
22 | containing information that would
assist individuals through
| ||||||
23 | the juvenile expungement process. | ||||||
24 | (d) The State Appellate Defender shall compile a statewide | ||||||
25 | list of volunteer
attorneys willing
to assist eligible | ||||||
26 | individuals through the juvenile expungement process. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e) This Section shall be implemented from funds | ||||||
2 | appropriated by the General
Assembly to the State
Appellate | ||||||
3 | Defender
for this purpose. The State Appellate Defender shall | ||||||
4 | employ the necessary staff
and adopt the
necessary rules for | ||||||
5 | implementation of this Section. | ||||||
6 | (7.5) (a) Willful dissemination of any information | ||||||
7 | contained in an expunged record shall be treated as a Class C | ||||||
8 | misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $1,000 per violation. | ||||||
9 | (b) Willful dissemination for financial gain of any | ||||||
10 | information contained in an expunged record shall be treated as | ||||||
11 | a Class 4 felony. Dissemination for financial gain by an | ||||||
12 | employee of any municipal, county, or State agency, including | ||||||
13 | law enforcement, shall result in immediate termination. | ||||||
14 | (c) The person whose record was expunged has a right of | ||||||
15 | action against any person who intentionally disseminates an | ||||||
16 | expunged record. In the proceeding, punitive damages up to an | ||||||
17 | amount of $1,000 may be sought in addition to any actual | ||||||
18 | damages. The prevailing party shall be entitled to costs and | ||||||
19 | reasonable attorney fees. | ||||||
20 | (d) The punishments for dissemination of an expunged record | ||||||
21 | shall never apply to the person whose record was expunged. | ||||||
22 | (8)(a) An Except with respect to law enforcement agencies, | ||||||
23 | the Department of Corrections, State's Attorneys, or other | ||||||
24 | prosecutors, an expunged juvenile record may not be considered | ||||||
25 | by any private or public entity in employment matters, | ||||||
26 | certification, licensing, revocation of certification or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | licensure, or registration. Applications for employment must | ||||||
2 | contain specific language that states that the applicant is not | ||||||
3 | obligated to disclose expunged juvenile records of | ||||||
4 | adjudication, conviction , or arrest. Employers may not ask if | ||||||
5 | an applicant has had a juvenile record expunged. Effective | ||||||
6 | January 1, 2005, the Department of Labor shall develop a link | ||||||
7 | on the Department's website to inform employers that employers | ||||||
8 | may not ask if an applicant had a juvenile record expunged and | ||||||
9 | that application for employment must contain specific language | ||||||
10 | that states that the applicant is not obligated to disclose | ||||||
11 | expunged juvenile records of adjudication, arrest , or | ||||||
12 | conviction. | ||||||
13 | (b) A person whose juvenile records have been expunged is | ||||||
14 | not entitled to remission of any fines, costs, or other money | ||||||
15 | paid as a consequence of expungement. This amendatory Act of | ||||||
16 | the 93rd General Assembly does not affect the right of the | ||||||
17 | victim of a crime to prosecute or defend a civil action for | ||||||
18 | damages.
| ||||||
19 | (c) The expungement of juvenile records under subsections | ||||||
20 | 0.1, 0.2, or 0.3 of this Section Section 5-622 shall be funded | ||||||
21 | by the additional fine imposed under Section 5-9-1.17 of the | ||||||
22 | Unified Code of Corrections and additional appropriations made | ||||||
23 | by the General Assembly for such purpose . | ||||||
24 | (9) (Blank). The changes made to this Section by Public Act | ||||||
25 | 98-61 apply to law enforcement records of a minor who has been | ||||||
26 | arrested or taken into custody on or after January 1, 2014 (the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | effective date of Public Act 98-61). | ||||||
2 | (10) (Blank). The changes made in subsection (1.5) of this | ||||||
3 | Section by this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly | ||||||
4 | apply to law enforcement records of a minor who has been | ||||||
5 | arrested or taken into custody on or after January 1, 2015. The | ||||||
6 | changes made in subsection (1.6) of this Section by this | ||||||
7 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly apply to law | ||||||
8 | enforcement records of a minor who has been arrested or taken | ||||||
9 | into custody before January 1, 2015. | ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 98-61, eff. 1-1-14; 98-637, eff. 1-1-15; 98-756, | ||||||
11 | eff. 7-16-14; 99-835, eff. 1-1-17; 99-881, eff. 1-1-17; revised | ||||||
12 | 9-2-16.)
| ||||||
13 | (705 ILCS 405/5-622 rep.) | ||||||
14 | Section 10. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | ||||||
15 | repealing Section 5-622.