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2 | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of | ||||||
3 | Representatives are proud to recognize those citizens who have | ||||||
4 | performed dedicated service to their State and local | ||||||
5 | communities; and
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6 | WHEREAS, Dr. Frank A. Pasquale has served as Mayor of the | ||||||
7 | Village of Bellwood since his first election in 2001; he was | ||||||
8 | reelected in 2005, 2009, and 2013; and
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9 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale is a four-decade resident of the | ||||||
10 | Village of Bellwood; prior to serving as mayor, he served as a | ||||||
11 | Village Trustee for the growing western suburb, and as a | ||||||
12 | commissioner of the Memorial Park District; he also served as | ||||||
13 | chairman of the former Addison Creek Restoration Commission, a | ||||||
14 | State commission charged with flooding and water management | ||||||
15 | issues for a seven-community area; and
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16 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale received a Bachelor of Arts from the | ||||||
17 | University of Illinois, and continued his education at Chicago | ||||||
18 | State University where he earned a master's degree in guidance | ||||||
19 | and counseling; he went on to earn a doctorate in behavioral | ||||||
20 | science from Nova University; and
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21 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale began his teaching career at St. |
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1 | Joseph High School in Westchester, there he served as a teacher | ||||||
2 | and director of guidance and counseling; he later became a | ||||||
3 | vocational counselor at Wright College, one of the City | ||||||
4 | Colleges of Chicago, before being named a Dean's Scholar and | ||||||
5 | Honors Business Coordinator and Counselor Chairman of the | ||||||
6 | Faculty Honors Committee; after four decades of service and | ||||||
7 | devotion to education, he was urged to share his time and | ||||||
8 | talents in elective public service; and
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9 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has made open, honest, and | ||||||
10 | transparent government, intergovernmental cooperation, and | ||||||
11 | public/private partnerships the hallmark of his | ||||||
12 | administration; he has had a strategic focus on economic | ||||||
13 | development and capital improvement projects that are driving | ||||||
14 | new residential and retail development; most recently, his | ||||||
15 | leadership lead to the approval of a modern new Metra train | ||||||
16 | station in Bellwood that will be the catalyst for the creation | ||||||
17 | of a new downtown in the Village; and
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18 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has had numerous and far-reaching | ||||||
19 | accomplishments during his tenure which have been well | ||||||
20 | documented by citizens, other municipalities, and the greater | ||||||
21 | metropolitan area; while running for office in 2001, he pledged | ||||||
22 | to pave every alley in the Village, and to facilitate new, | ||||||
23 | brighter lighting; he kept his promise and completed the task | ||||||
24 | on time and within budget; and
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1 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has addressed long-neglected street | ||||||
2 | projects, solving one of the single biggest issues for Village | ||||||
3 | residents; public safety and security have been priorities for | ||||||
4 | the mayor who closely collaborated with and empowered Village | ||||||
5 | police and fire departments to implement initiatives to ensure | ||||||
6 | the highest degree of public safety possible; state-of-the-art | ||||||
7 | wireless surveillance equipment was installed to assist the | ||||||
8 | police, fire, and public works departments to more efficiently | ||||||
9 | respond to and preempt a wide range of public safety issues; | ||||||
10 | citizens were called to action to help make the community a | ||||||
11 | safer place to live, work, and play through their active | ||||||
12 | participation in regular Neighborhood Watch/Community Policing | ||||||
13 | meetings; as a result of these efforts, crime in the Village | ||||||
14 | has dropped for three consecutive years; and
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15 | WHEREAS, Due to his long service as an educator, Dr. | ||||||
16 | Pasquale was prompted to embark on program initiatives that | ||||||
17 | provide Bellwood students with the opportunity to get the best | ||||||
18 | education possible while recognizing the vital role of computer | ||||||
19 | technology; his commitment to closing the so-called, "digital | ||||||
20 | divide", and his belief that literacy in this generation | ||||||
21 | includes the ability to operate a computer and access to the | ||||||
22 | latest technology and the Internet, the Village began an | ||||||
23 | innovative program which offers a $200 rebate to every Bellwood | ||||||
24 | household that purchases a new computer and computer |
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1 | accessories; and
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2 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale is active and visible in a host of | ||||||
3 | important regional organizations, agencies, and initiatives; | ||||||
4 | he serves as co-chair of the CREATE Task Force of the | ||||||
5 | Metropolitan Mayors Caucus; chairman of the West Cook Railroad | ||||||
6 | Relocation and Redevelopment Authority; commissioner emeritus | ||||||
7 | of Memorial Park District; and as a member of the boards of the | ||||||
8 | West Central Municipal Conference, Illinois Municipal League, | ||||||
9 | and West Cook Boys & Girls Club; and
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10 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has been honored for his service and | ||||||
11 | commitment to his community; he has received the Italian Civic | ||||||
12 | Pride Award from the Italian American Executives of | ||||||
13 | Transportation; the Leonardo da Vinci Award in Government from | ||||||
14 | the Order Sons of Italy in America; the Municipal Leader of the | ||||||
15 | Year Award presented by the Illinois State Crime Commission; | ||||||
16 | the President's Reception Award from the Triton College | ||||||
17 | Foundation; and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Italian | ||||||
18 | American Political Coalition; and many other honors; and
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19 | WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale and his wife of 45 years, Vivian, | ||||||
20 | raised their son, Frank (Marlene) and daughter, Maria (Jason) | ||||||
21 | in Bellwood; and are now the proud grandparents of Ann, | ||||||
22 | Anthony, Olivia, and Luke; therefore, be it
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3 | recognize and honor the service of Dr. Frank A. Pasquale to the | ||||||
4 | people of the Village of Bellwood, and we thank him for his | ||||||
5 | dedication to education, service to his community and the | ||||||
6 | State, and for the active role he has taken in making his | ||||||
7 | community a safe and happy place to live, work, go to school, | ||||||
8 | and raise a family; and be it further
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9 | RESOLVED, That we congratulate Dr. Pasquale on the occasion | ||||||
10 | of his retirement, and wish him health and happiness in his | ||||||
11 | retirement years; and be it further | ||||||
12 | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | ||||||
13 | presented to Dr. Pasquale as a symbol of our esteem and | ||||||
14 | respect.