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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of William
4Thorp "Bill" Buxton of Plainview, Texas, who passed away on
5January 17, 2018; and
6    WHEREAS, Bill Buxton was born in Jackson, Mississippi to
7Richard W. and Joan Myers Buxton on February 25, 1957; in early
8childhood, his family moved to Iowa City, Iowa, where they made
9their longtime home; he proudly attended Longfellow
10Elementary, Southeast Junior High, and graduated from City High
11in 1975; he swam competitively throughout childhood and into
12his college years; he graduated from Western Illinois
13University, where he was a member of the Sigma Pi Fraternity;
14he married Becky Garrett Russell on June 22, 1991; and
15    WHEREAS, Bill Buxton taught high school history and was a
16coach for one year; he then began a career with Pioneer Hi-Bred
17(DuPont) and was moved to the Plainview, Texas Production
18Plant; he continued his work there for over 35 years; and
19    WHEREAS, Bill Buxton was a member of the Congregational
20Church of Christ when he lived in Iowa, and when he moved to
21Texas, was a member of the First Baptist Church in Plainview;
22he was known as a husband, father, papa bull, mentor, coach,



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1and home barber; he loved his fishing crew of friends; he was
2an avid fan of the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Chicago Cubs; he lived
3life with energy and love of family and had a handshake and
4smile for all; and
5    WHEREAS, Bill Buxton was preceded in death by his father;
6his grandparents, Richard and Bess Buxton and Harold (Hank) and
7Gladys Myers; and
8    WHEREAS, Bill Buxton is survived by his wife, Becky; his
9daughter, Amy (fiance Sammy Rivas); his son, Matthew; his
10grandchildren, Ava, Hudson, and Kellen Campbell, their father,
11Chad Campbell, along with Sophie, Seth, and Shelby Rivas; his
12mother; his mother and father-in-law, Raby and Lanell Garrett;
13his brothers and sisters-in-law, Jim and Becky Buxton, Tom and
14Katie Buxton; his sister and brother-in-law, Susan and Brad
15Linn; his nephews, Trevor, Derek, Grant, Zach, Pat, and Connor
16Buxton; his nieces, Carrie and Elisabeth Linn; and his extended
17family of aunts, uncles, and cousins; therefore, be it
20mourn the passing of William Thorp "Bill" Buxton and extend our
21sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
22and loved him; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to the family of Bill Buxton as an expression of our
3deepest sympathy.