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2    WHEREAS, The National Association of Chemical Distributors
3(NACD) has placed the highest priority on the health, safety,
4and security of employees, communities, and the environment,
5and in December 1991, the member companies of NACD undertook as
6its most important mission the inception of the Responsible
7Distribution program; and
8    WHEREAS, NACD celebrates over 25 years of improving safety
9and performance through Responsible Distribution, a verified
10environmental, health, safety and security program committed
11to continuous performance improvement in every phase of
12chemical storage, handling, transportation, and disposal; and
13    WHEREAS, Responsible Distribution verification is
14conducted by an independent, third-party verifier based on the
15Responsible Distribution Guiding Principles and a Code of
16Management Practice, and is required of each NACD member and
17Chemical Handler Affiliate; and
18    WHEREAS, Responsible Distribution's 6th iteration of the
19Code of Management Practice requires each member company to
20have an active program designed to continuously improve safety
21and reduce incidents in 13 separate areas, including Senior
22Management Commitment and Risk Management, Compliance Review



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1and Training, Carrier Selection and Private Fleet, Handling and
2Storage, Job Procedures and Training, Waste Management and
3Resource Conservation, Emergency Response and Public
4Preparedness, Community Outreach, Product Stewardship,
5Internal Audits, Corrective and Preventive Action, Document
6and Records Control, and Security; and
7    WHEREAS, The benefits of Responsible Distribution are
8clearly seen in the statistics; in the past six years, NACD
9member companies, who are trained and verified in Responsible
10Distribution have experienced a significant decrease in
11reportable incidents involving the storage, handling, and
12transportation of chemicals; incident rates are down by 23% per
13firm, down by 36% based on miles traveled and 34% based on tons
14handled; at the same time, overall occupational accident and
15illness rates were down by just 15.8% according to the
16Occupational Safety and Health Administration, with overall
17chemical wholesaling incidents falling by just 3%; and
18    WHEREAS, Illinois consumers and businesses are dependent
19on the safe and efficient distribution of chemical raw
20materials, intermediates, and final products; Illinois is home
21to a significant number of NACD member companies located
22throughout Illinois; and
23    WHEREAS, NACD and many of its Illinois members work in



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1close cooperation with the Chemical Industry Council of
2Illinois to provide an effective means for individual companies
3and organizations engaged in the commerce of chemicals within
4Illinois to combine talents and resources to build
5understanding for programs such as Responsible Distribution
6which foster improved performance and adherence to sound public
7policies; and
8    WHEREAS, That people of the State of Illinois are fortunate
9to be served by an institution of the caliber of NACD and its
10member companies, which have proven to be a healthy and
11positive force within the commerce of chemicals; therefore, be
15commend the National Association of Chemical Distributors and
16its Illinois members for their over 25-year commitment to
17Responsible Distribution including community outreach,
18pollution prevention, and ensuring the safety and security of
19chemical handling and distribution throughout Illinois and we
20extend best wishes for continued success in the future; and be
21it further
22    RESOLVED, That we applaud the success of voluntary
23recognition programs like Responsible Distribution as a way to



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1reduce compliance burdens for the State; and be it further
2    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3presented to NACD as a symbol of our respect and esteem.