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2    WHEREAS, On February 14, 2018, 17 people lost their lives
3at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida in
4the 9th deadliest mass shooting in modern United States'
5history; and
6    WHEREAS, In the aftermath of the shooting, survivors banded
7together to exercise their first amendment rights and call for
8action to prevent similar tragedies from occurring; and
9    WHEREAS, In response to Parkland survivors exercising
10their first amendment rights, some have gone beyond policy
11disagreements with the survivors and resorted to ad hominem
12attacks; and
13    WHEREAS, Breibart collected and published memes comparing
14survivor and activist David Hogg to Hitler; and
15    WHEREAS, National Rifle Association board member Ted
16Nugent claimed Parkland survivors are liars, poor mush-brained
17children, and soulless; and
18    WHEREAS, Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones created a video of
19survivor David Hogg's March for Our Lives Speech dubbed with an
20Adolf Hitler speech as well as another video comparing Emma



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1Gonzalez and other March for Our Lives attendees as Hitler
2Youth; he has pushed theories that March for Our Lives
3organizers are being given scripts, insinuating that they are
4actors; and
5    WHEREAS, Congressman Steve King of Iowa posted a meme
6mocking survivor Emma Gonzalez for her Cuban heritage; and
7    WHEREAS, A photo-shopped image of Emma Gonzalez ripping up
8the constitution has gone viral on the fringe websites of the
9internet; and
10    WHEREAS, There have been countless other attacks on
11Parkland survivors including, but not limited to, calling them
12crisis actors or skinheads; and
13    WHEREAS, Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocked David Hogg for
14getting rejected by universities; and
15    WHEREAS, Parkland is not the first time conspiratorial and
16character attacks have been directed towards victims of mass
17shootings which is reflected by a defamation lawsuit filed by
18parents of Sandy Hook victims against Alex Jones; and
19    WHEREAS, These attacks on victims and survivors of mass
20shootings not only inflict psychological pain, but also may



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1compromise the safety of those involved; and
2    WHEREAS, Conversations regarding policy disagreements
3strengthen public discourse, and ad hominem attacks on victims
4of mass shootings have no place in civilized discourse; and
5    WHEREAS, As a nation we should support victims and
6survivors of mass shootings in their time of suffering;
7therefore, be it
10express our deepest condolences to the victims and survivors of
11the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and their
12families; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That we condemn those who inflict undue suffering
14on them through ad hominem attacks which go beyond the realm of
15reasonable policy disagreements; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That it is the opinion of the Illinois House of
17Representatives that this type of discourse has no place in
18civilized society.