Sen. Andy Manar

Filed: 5/17/2017





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 42 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:

5    Section 1-1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
6FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Implementation Act.
7    Section 1-5. Purpose. It is the purpose of this Act to make
8changes in State programs that are necessary to implement the
9budget recommendations for State fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
10    Section 1-10. Designation of reserves.
11    (a) For the purposes of implementing the budget
12recommendations for fiscal year 2018 and balancing the State's
13budget in State fiscal year 2018 only, the Governor may
14designate, by written notice to the Comptroller, a reserve of



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1not more than 4% from the amounts appropriated from funds held
2by the Treasurer for State fiscal year 2018 to any State
3agency. However, the Governor may not designate amounts to be
4set aside as a reserve from amounts that (i) have been
5appropriated for payment of debt service, (ii) have been
6appropriated under a statutory continuing appropriation, (iii)
7are State general funds, (iv) are in the Supplemental
8Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund, or (v) are funds received
9from federal sources.
10    (b) If the Governor designates amounts to be set aside as a
11reserve, the Governor shall give notice of the designation to
12the Auditor General, the State Treasurer, the State
13Comptroller, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
14    (c) As used in this Section:
15    "State agency" means all boards, commissions, agencies,
16institutions, authorities, colleges, universities, and bodies
17politic and corporate of the State, but not other
18constitutional officers, the legislative or judicial branch,
19the office of the Executive Inspector General, or the Executive
20Ethics Commission.
21    "State general funds" has the meaning provided in Section
2250-40 of the State Budget Law.

24    Section 3-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the



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1Medical Assistance Program Modification Act.
2    Section 3-5. Medical Assistance Program modifications.
3Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Governor may
4take any action establishing rates, benefits, or eligibility
5criteria for payments made by an agency to providers of
6services of medical assistance under Title XIX or Title XXI of
7the federal Social Security Act to achieve program savings of
8up to 5% of spending on Medicaid Title XIX or Title XXI
9programs for fiscal year 2018 as estimated by the Governor's
10Office of Management and Budget.
11    Section 3-10. Emergency rules. Notwithstanding any other
12provision of law, an agency may adopt emergency rules pursuant
13to subsection (y) of Section 5-45 of the Illinois
14Administrative Procedure Act to limit, reduce, or adjust
15services, payment rates, expenditures, transfers of funds, and
16eligibility criteria, to the extent permitted by federal law,
17as necessary to implement modifications made by the Governor
18pursuant to Section 3-5. Nothing in this Section shall require
19rulemaking if the limitation, reduction, or adjustment would
20otherwise be within the authority of the agency without
22    Section 3-15. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is
23amended by changing Section 5-45 as follows:



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1    (5 ILCS 100/5-45)  (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-45)
2    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 99-906)
3    Sec. 5-45. Emergency rulemaking.
4    (a) "Emergency" means the existence of any situation that
5any agency finds reasonably constitutes a threat to the public
6interest, safety, or welfare.
7    (b) If any agency finds that an emergency exists that
8requires adoption of a rule upon fewer days than is required by
9Section 5-40 and states in writing its reasons for that
10finding, the agency may adopt an emergency rule without prior
11notice or hearing upon filing a notice of emergency rulemaking
12with the Secretary of State under Section 5-70. The notice
13shall include the text of the emergency rule and shall be
14published in the Illinois Register. Consent orders or other
15court orders adopting settlements negotiated by an agency may
16be adopted under this Section. Subject to applicable
17constitutional or statutory provisions, an emergency rule
18becomes effective immediately upon filing under Section 5-65 or
19at a stated date less than 10 days thereafter. The agency's
20finding and a statement of the specific reasons for the finding
21shall be filed with the rule. The agency shall take reasonable
22and appropriate measures to make emergency rules known to the
23persons who may be affected by them.
24    (c) An emergency rule may be effective for a period of not
25longer than 150 days, but the agency's authority to adopt an



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1identical rule under Section 5-40 is not precluded. No
2emergency rule may be adopted more than once in any 24-month 24
3month period, except that this limitation on the number of
4emergency rules that may be adopted in a 24-month 24 month
5period does not apply to (i) emergency rules that make
6additions to and deletions from the Drug Manual under Section
75-5.16 of the Illinois Public Aid Code or the generic drug
8formulary under Section 3.14 of the Illinois Food, Drug and
9Cosmetic Act, (ii) emergency rules adopted by the Pollution
10Control Board before July 1, 1997 to implement portions of the
11Livestock Management Facilities Act, (iii) emergency rules
12adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health under
13subsections (a) through (i) of Section 2 of the Department of
14Public Health Act when necessary to protect the public's
15health, (iv) emergency rules adopted pursuant to subsection (n)
16of this Section, (v) emergency rules adopted pursuant to
17subsection (o) of this Section, or (vi) emergency rules adopted
18pursuant to subsection (c-5) of this Section, or (vii)
19emergency rules adopted pursuant to subsection (y) of this
20Section. Two or more emergency rules having substantially the
21same purpose and effect shall be deemed to be a single rule for
22purposes of this Section.
23    (c-5) To facilitate the maintenance of the program of group
24health benefits provided to annuitants, survivors, and retired
25employees under the State Employees Group Insurance Act of
261971, rules to alter the contributions to be paid by the State,



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1annuitants, survivors, retired employees, or any combination
2of those entities, for that program of group health benefits,
3shall be adopted as emergency rules. The adoption of those
4rules shall be considered an emergency and necessary for the
5public interest, safety, and welfare.
6    (d) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
7implementation of the State's fiscal year 1999 budget,
8emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 90-587
9or 90-588 or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 1999
10may be adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency
11charged with administering that provision or initiative,
12except that the 24-month limitation on the adoption of
13emergency rules and the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125
14do not apply to rules adopted under this subsection (d). The
15adoption of emergency rules authorized by this subsection (d)
16shall be deemed to be necessary for the public interest,
17safety, and welfare.
18    (e) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
19implementation of the State's fiscal year 2000 budget,
20emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 91-24
21or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2000 may be
22adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
23with administering that provision or initiative, except that
24the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
25the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
26rules adopted under this subsection (e). The adoption of



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1emergency rules authorized by this subsection (e) shall be
2deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
4    (f) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
5implementation of the State's fiscal year 2001 budget,
6emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 91-712
7or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2001 may be
8adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
9with administering that provision or initiative, except that
10the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
11the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
12rules adopted under this subsection (f). The adoption of
13emergency rules authorized by this subsection (f) shall be
14deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
16    (g) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
17implementation of the State's fiscal year 2002 budget,
18emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 92-10
19or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2002 may be
20adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
21with administering that provision or initiative, except that
22the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
23the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
24rules adopted under this subsection (g). The adoption of
25emergency rules authorized by this subsection (g) shall be
26deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and



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2    (h) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
3implementation of the State's fiscal year 2003 budget,
4emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 92-597
5or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2003 may be
6adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
7with administering that provision or initiative, except that
8the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
9the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
10rules adopted under this subsection (h). The adoption of
11emergency rules authorized by this subsection (h) shall be
12deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
14    (i) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
15implementation of the State's fiscal year 2004 budget,
16emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 93-20
17or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2004 may be
18adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
19with administering that provision or initiative, except that
20the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
21the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
22rules adopted under this subsection (i). The adoption of
23emergency rules authorized by this subsection (i) shall be
24deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
26    (j) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely



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1implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
22005 budget as provided under the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
3Implementation (Human Services) Act, emergency rules to
4implement any provision of the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
5Implementation (Human Services) Act may be adopted in
6accordance with this Section by the agency charged with
7administering that provision, except that the 24-month
8limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and the
9provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to rules
10adopted under this subsection (j). The Department of Public Aid
11may also adopt rules under this subsection (j) necessary to
12administer the Illinois Public Aid Code and the Children's
13Health Insurance Program Act. The adoption of emergency rules
14authorized by this subsection (j) shall be deemed to be
15necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
16    (k) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
17implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
182006 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of
19Public Act 94-48 or any other budget initiative for fiscal year
202006 may be adopted in accordance with this Section by the
21agency charged with administering that provision or
22initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the adoption
23of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections 5-115 and
245-125 do not apply to rules adopted under this subsection (k).
25The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may also adopt
26rules under this subsection (k) necessary to administer the



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1Illinois Public Aid Code, the Senior Citizens and Persons with
2Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act, the Senior Citizens and
3Disabled Persons Prescription Drug Discount Program Act (now
4the Illinois Prescription Drug Discount Program Act), and the
5Children's Health Insurance Program Act. The adoption of
6emergency rules authorized by this subsection (k) shall be
7deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
9    (l) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
10implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
112007 budget, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services
12may adopt emergency rules during fiscal year 2007, including
13rules effective July 1, 2007, in accordance with this
14subsection to the extent necessary to administer the
15Department's responsibilities with respect to amendments to
16the State plans and Illinois waivers approved by the federal
17Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services necessitated by the
18requirements of Title XIX and Title XXI of the federal Social
19Security Act. The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
20this subsection (l) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
21public interest, safety, and welfare.
22    (m) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
23implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
242008 budget, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services
25may adopt emergency rules during fiscal year 2008, including
26rules effective July 1, 2008, in accordance with this



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1subsection to the extent necessary to administer the
2Department's responsibilities with respect to amendments to
3the State plans and Illinois waivers approved by the federal
4Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services necessitated by the
5requirements of Title XIX and Title XXI of the federal Social
6Security Act. The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
7this subsection (m) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
8public interest, safety, and welfare.
9    (n) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
10implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
112010 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of
12Public Act 96-45 or any other budget initiative authorized by
13the 96th General Assembly for fiscal year 2010 may be adopted
14in accordance with this Section by the agency charged with
15administering that provision or initiative. The adoption of
16emergency rules authorized by this subsection (n) shall be
17deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
18welfare. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection
19(n) shall apply only to rules promulgated during Fiscal Year
21    (o) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
22implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
232011 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of
24Public Act 96-958 or any other budget initiative authorized by
25the 96th General Assembly for fiscal year 2011 may be adopted
26in accordance with this Section by the agency charged with



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1administering that provision or initiative. The adoption of
2emergency rules authorized by this subsection (o) is deemed to
3be necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare. The
4rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (o) applies
5only to rules promulgated on or after July 1, 2010 (the
6effective date of Public Act 96-958) through June 30, 2011.
7    (p) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
8implementation of the provisions of Public Act 97-689,
9emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 97-689
10may be adopted in accordance with this subsection (p) by the
11agency charged with administering that provision or
12initiative. The 150-day limitation of the effective period of
13emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
14subsection (p), and the effective period may continue through
15June 30, 2013. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of
16emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
17subsection (p). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
18this subsection (p) is deemed to be necessary for the public
19interest, safety, and welfare.
20    (q) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
21implementation of the provisions of Articles 7, 8, 9, 11, and
2212 of Public Act 98-104, emergency rules to implement any
23provision of Articles 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 of Public Act 98-104
24may be adopted in accordance with this subsection (q) by the
25agency charged with administering that provision or
26initiative. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of



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1emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
2subsection (q). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
3this subsection (q) is deemed to be necessary for the public
4interest, safety, and welfare.
5    (r) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
6implementation of the provisions of Public Act 98-651,
7emergency rules to implement Public Act 98-651 may be adopted
8in accordance with this subsection (r) by the Department of
9Healthcare and Family Services. The 24-month limitation on the
10adoption of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted
11under this subsection (r). The adoption of emergency rules
12authorized by this subsection (r) is deemed to be necessary for
13the public interest, safety, and welfare.
14    (s) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
15implementation of the provisions of Sections 5-5b.1 and 5A-2 of
16the Illinois Public Aid Code, emergency rules to implement any
17provision of Section 5-5b.1 or Section 5A-2 of the Illinois
18Public Aid Code may be adopted in accordance with this
19subsection (s) by the Department of Healthcare and Family
20Services. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection
21(s) shall apply only to those rules adopted prior to July 1,
222015. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, any
23emergency rule adopted under this subsection (s) shall only
24apply to payments made for State fiscal year 2015. The adoption
25of emergency rules authorized by this subsection (s) is deemed
26to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.



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1    (t) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
2implementation of the provisions of Article II of Public Act
399-6, emergency rules to implement the changes made by Article
4II of Public Act 99-6 to the Emergency Telephone System Act may
5be adopted in accordance with this subsection (t) by the
6Department of State Police. The rulemaking authority granted in
7this subsection (t) shall apply only to those rules adopted
8prior to July 1, 2016. The 24-month limitation on the adoption
9of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
10subsection (t). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
11this subsection (t) is deemed to be necessary for the public
12interest, safety, and welfare.
13    (u) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
14implementation of the provisions of the Burn Victims Relief
15Act, emergency rules to implement any provision of the Act may
16be adopted in accordance with this subsection (u) by the
17Department of Insurance. The rulemaking authority granted in
18this subsection (u) shall apply only to those rules adopted
19prior to December 31, 2015. The adoption of emergency rules
20authorized by this subsection (u) is deemed to be necessary for
21the public interest, safety, and welfare.
22    (v) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
23implementation of the provisions of Public Act 99-516 this
24amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, emergency rules to
25implement Public Act 99-516 this amendatory Act of the 99th
26General Assembly may be adopted in accordance with this



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1subsection (v) by the Department of Healthcare and Family
2Services. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency
3rules does not apply to rules adopted under this subsection
4(v). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by this
5subsection (v) is deemed to be necessary for the public
6interest, safety, and welfare.
7    (w) (v) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
8implementation of the provisions of Public Act 99-796 this
9amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, emergency rules to
10implement the changes made by Public Act 99-796 this amendatory
11Act of the 99th General Assembly may be adopted in accordance
12with this subsection (w) (v) by the Adjutant General. The
13adoption of emergency rules authorized by this subsection (w)
14(v) is deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety,
15and welfare.
16    (y) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
17implementation of the provisions of the State's budget for
18medical assistance under Title XIX or XXI of the federal Social
19Security Act, emergency rules to implement Section 3-5 of the
20Medical Assistance Program Modification Act may be adopted in
21accordance with this Section by each agency as defined in the
22Budget Management and Control Act. The adoption of emergency
23rules authorized by this subsection (y) shall be deemed to be
24necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
25(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13;
2698-651, eff. 6-16-14; 99-2, eff. 3-26-15; 99-6, eff. 1-1-16;



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199-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-455, eff. 1-1-16; 99-516, eff.
26-30-16; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16; 99-796, eff. 1-1-17; revised
4    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 99-906)
5    Sec. 5-45. Emergency rulemaking.
6    (a) "Emergency" means the existence of any situation that
7any agency finds reasonably constitutes a threat to the public
8interest, safety, or welfare.
9    (b) If any agency finds that an emergency exists that
10requires adoption of a rule upon fewer days than is required by
11Section 5-40 and states in writing its reasons for that
12finding, the agency may adopt an emergency rule without prior
13notice or hearing upon filing a notice of emergency rulemaking
14with the Secretary of State under Section 5-70. The notice
15shall include the text of the emergency rule and shall be
16published in the Illinois Register. Consent orders or other
17court orders adopting settlements negotiated by an agency may
18be adopted under this Section. Subject to applicable
19constitutional or statutory provisions, an emergency rule
20becomes effective immediately upon filing under Section 5-65 or
21at a stated date less than 10 days thereafter. The agency's
22finding and a statement of the specific reasons for the finding
23shall be filed with the rule. The agency shall take reasonable
24and appropriate measures to make emergency rules known to the
25persons who may be affected by them.



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1    (c) An emergency rule may be effective for a period of not
2longer than 150 days, but the agency's authority to adopt an
3identical rule under Section 5-40 is not precluded. No
4emergency rule may be adopted more than once in any 24-month
5period, except that this limitation on the number of emergency
6rules that may be adopted in a 24-month period does not apply
7to (i) emergency rules that make additions to and deletions
8from the Drug Manual under Section 5-5.16 of the Illinois
9Public Aid Code or the generic drug formulary under Section
103.14 of the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, (ii)
11emergency rules adopted by the Pollution Control Board before
12July 1, 1997 to implement portions of the Livestock Management
13Facilities Act, (iii) emergency rules adopted by the Illinois
14Department of Public Health under subsections (a) through (i)
15of Section 2 of the Department of Public Health Act when
16necessary to protect the public's health, (iv) emergency rules
17adopted pursuant to subsection (n) of this Section, (v)
18emergency rules adopted pursuant to subsection (o) of this
19Section, or (vi) emergency rules adopted pursuant to subsection
20(c-5) of this Section, or (vii) emergency rules adopted
21pursuant to subsection (y) of this Section. Two or more
22emergency rules having substantially the same purpose and
23effect shall be deemed to be a single rule for purposes of this
25    (c-5) To facilitate the maintenance of the program of group
26health benefits provided to annuitants, survivors, and retired



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1employees under the State Employees Group Insurance Act of
21971, rules to alter the contributions to be paid by the State,
3annuitants, survivors, retired employees, or any combination
4of those entities, for that program of group health benefits,
5shall be adopted as emergency rules. The adoption of those
6rules shall be considered an emergency and necessary for the
7public interest, safety, and welfare.
8    (d) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
9implementation of the State's fiscal year 1999 budget,
10emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 90-587
11or 90-588 or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 1999
12may be adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency
13charged with administering that provision or initiative,
14except that the 24-month limitation on the adoption of
15emergency rules and the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125
16do not apply to rules adopted under this subsection (d). The
17adoption of emergency rules authorized by this subsection (d)
18shall be deemed to be necessary for the public interest,
19safety, and welfare.
20    (e) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
21implementation of the State's fiscal year 2000 budget,
22emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 91-24
23or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2000 may be
24adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
25with administering that provision or initiative, except that
26the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and



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1the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
2rules adopted under this subsection (e). The adoption of
3emergency rules authorized by this subsection (e) shall be
4deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
6    (f) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
7implementation of the State's fiscal year 2001 budget,
8emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 91-712
9or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2001 may be
10adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
11with administering that provision or initiative, except that
12the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
13the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
14rules adopted under this subsection (f). The adoption of
15emergency rules authorized by this subsection (f) shall be
16deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
18    (g) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
19implementation of the State's fiscal year 2002 budget,
20emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 92-10
21or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2002 may be
22adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
23with administering that provision or initiative, except that
24the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
25the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
26rules adopted under this subsection (g). The adoption of



10000SB0042sam001- 20 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1emergency rules authorized by this subsection (g) shall be
2deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
4    (h) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
5implementation of the State's fiscal year 2003 budget,
6emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 92-597
7or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2003 may be
8adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
9with administering that provision or initiative, except that
10the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
11the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
12rules adopted under this subsection (h). The adoption of
13emergency rules authorized by this subsection (h) shall be
14deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
16    (i) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
17implementation of the State's fiscal year 2004 budget,
18emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 93-20
19or any other budget initiative for fiscal year 2004 may be
20adopted in accordance with this Section by the agency charged
21with administering that provision or initiative, except that
22the 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and
23the provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to
24rules adopted under this subsection (i). The adoption of
25emergency rules authorized by this subsection (i) shall be
26deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and



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2    (j) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
3implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
42005 budget as provided under the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
5Implementation (Human Services) Act, emergency rules to
6implement any provision of the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
7Implementation (Human Services) Act may be adopted in
8accordance with this Section by the agency charged with
9administering that provision, except that the 24-month
10limitation on the adoption of emergency rules and the
11provisions of Sections 5-115 and 5-125 do not apply to rules
12adopted under this subsection (j). The Department of Public Aid
13may also adopt rules under this subsection (j) necessary to
14administer the Illinois Public Aid Code and the Children's
15Health Insurance Program Act. The adoption of emergency rules
16authorized by this subsection (j) shall be deemed to be
17necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
18    (k) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
19implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
202006 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of
21Public Act 94-48 or any other budget initiative for fiscal year
222006 may be adopted in accordance with this Section by the
23agency charged with administering that provision or
24initiative, except that the 24-month limitation on the adoption
25of emergency rules and the provisions of Sections 5-115 and
265-125 do not apply to rules adopted under this subsection (k).



10000SB0042sam001- 22 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may also adopt
2rules under this subsection (k) necessary to administer the
3Illinois Public Aid Code, the Senior Citizens and Persons with
4Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act, the Senior Citizens and
5Disabled Persons Prescription Drug Discount Program Act (now
6the Illinois Prescription Drug Discount Program Act), and the
7Children's Health Insurance Program Act. The adoption of
8emergency rules authorized by this subsection (k) shall be
9deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
11    (l) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
12implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
132007 budget, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services
14may adopt emergency rules during fiscal year 2007, including
15rules effective July 1, 2007, in accordance with this
16subsection to the extent necessary to administer the
17Department's responsibilities with respect to amendments to
18the State plans and Illinois waivers approved by the federal
19Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services necessitated by the
20requirements of Title XIX and Title XXI of the federal Social
21Security Act. The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
22this subsection (l) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
23public interest, safety, and welfare.
24    (m) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
25implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
262008 budget, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services



10000SB0042sam001- 23 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1may adopt emergency rules during fiscal year 2008, including
2rules effective July 1, 2008, in accordance with this
3subsection to the extent necessary to administer the
4Department's responsibilities with respect to amendments to
5the State plans and Illinois waivers approved by the federal
6Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services necessitated by the
7requirements of Title XIX and Title XXI of the federal Social
8Security Act. The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
9this subsection (m) shall be deemed to be necessary for the
10public interest, safety, and welfare.
11    (n) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
12implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
132010 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of
14Public Act 96-45 or any other budget initiative authorized by
15the 96th General Assembly for fiscal year 2010 may be adopted
16in accordance with this Section by the agency charged with
17administering that provision or initiative. The adoption of
18emergency rules authorized by this subsection (n) shall be
19deemed to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and
20welfare. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection
21(n) shall apply only to rules promulgated during Fiscal Year
23    (o) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
24implementation of the provisions of the State's fiscal year
252011 budget, emergency rules to implement any provision of
26Public Act 96-958 or any other budget initiative authorized by



10000SB0042sam001- 24 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the 96th General Assembly for fiscal year 2011 may be adopted
2in accordance with this Section by the agency charged with
3administering that provision or initiative. The adoption of
4emergency rules authorized by this subsection (o) is deemed to
5be necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare. The
6rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (o) applies
7only to rules promulgated on or after July 1, 2010 (the
8effective date of Public Act 96-958) through June 30, 2011.
9    (p) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
10implementation of the provisions of Public Act 97-689,
11emergency rules to implement any provision of Public Act 97-689
12may be adopted in accordance with this subsection (p) by the
13agency charged with administering that provision or
14initiative. The 150-day limitation of the effective period of
15emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
16subsection (p), and the effective period may continue through
17June 30, 2013. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of
18emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
19subsection (p). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
20this subsection (p) is deemed to be necessary for the public
21interest, safety, and welfare.
22    (q) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
23implementation of the provisions of Articles 7, 8, 9, 11, and
2412 of Public Act 98-104, emergency rules to implement any
25provision of Articles 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 of Public Act 98-104
26may be adopted in accordance with this subsection (q) by the



10000SB0042sam001- 25 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1agency charged with administering that provision or
2initiative. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of
3emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
4subsection (q). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
5this subsection (q) is deemed to be necessary for the public
6interest, safety, and welfare.
7    (r) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
8implementation of the provisions of Public Act 98-651,
9emergency rules to implement Public Act 98-651 may be adopted
10in accordance with this subsection (r) by the Department of
11Healthcare and Family Services. The 24-month limitation on the
12adoption of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted
13under this subsection (r). The adoption of emergency rules
14authorized by this subsection (r) is deemed to be necessary for
15the public interest, safety, and welfare.
16    (s) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
17implementation of the provisions of Sections 5-5b.1 and 5A-2 of
18the Illinois Public Aid Code, emergency rules to implement any
19provision of Section 5-5b.1 or Section 5A-2 of the Illinois
20Public Aid Code may be adopted in accordance with this
21subsection (s) by the Department of Healthcare and Family
22Services. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection
23(s) shall apply only to those rules adopted prior to July 1,
242015. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, any
25emergency rule adopted under this subsection (s) shall only
26apply to payments made for State fiscal year 2015. The adoption



10000SB0042sam001- 26 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1of emergency rules authorized by this subsection (s) is deemed
2to be necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
3    (t) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
4implementation of the provisions of Article II of Public Act
599-6, emergency rules to implement the changes made by Article
6II of Public Act 99-6 to the Emergency Telephone System Act may
7be adopted in accordance with this subsection (t) by the
8Department of State Police. The rulemaking authority granted in
9this subsection (t) shall apply only to those rules adopted
10prior to July 1, 2016. The 24-month limitation on the adoption
11of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this
12subsection (t). The adoption of emergency rules authorized by
13this subsection (t) is deemed to be necessary for the public
14interest, safety, and welfare.
15    (u) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
16implementation of the provisions of the Burn Victims Relief
17Act, emergency rules to implement any provision of the Act may
18be adopted in accordance with this subsection (u) by the
19Department of Insurance. The rulemaking authority granted in
20this subsection (u) shall apply only to those rules adopted
21prior to December 31, 2015. The adoption of emergency rules
22authorized by this subsection (u) is deemed to be necessary for
23the public interest, safety, and welfare.
24    (v) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
25implementation of the provisions of Public Act 99-516,
26emergency rules to implement Public Act 99-516 may be adopted



10000SB0042sam001- 27 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1in accordance with this subsection (v) by the Department of
2Healthcare and Family Services. The 24-month limitation on the
3adoption of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted
4under this subsection (v). The adoption of emergency rules
5authorized by this subsection (v) is deemed to be necessary for
6the public interest, safety, and welfare.
7    (w) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
8implementation of the provisions of Public Act 99-796,
9emergency rules to implement the changes made by Public Act
1099-796 may be adopted in accordance with this subsection (w) by
11the Adjutant General. The adoption of emergency rules
12authorized by this subsection (w) is deemed to be necessary for
13the public interest, safety, and welfare.
14    (x) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
15implementation of the provisions of Public Act 99-906 this
16amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, emergency rules to
17implement subsection (i) of Section 16-115D, subsection (g) of
18Section 16-128A, and subsection (a) of Section 16-128B of the
19Public Utilities Act may be adopted in accordance with this
20subsection (x) by the Illinois Commerce Commission. The
21rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (x) shall apply
22only to those rules adopted within 180 days after June 1, 2017
23(the effective date of Public Act 99-906) this amendatory Act
24of the 99th General Assembly. The adoption of emergency rules
25authorized by this subsection (x) is deemed to be necessary for
26the public interest, safety, and welfare.



10000SB0042sam001- 28 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (y) In order to provide for the expeditious and timely
2implementation of the provisions of the State's budget for
3medical assistance under Title XIX or XXI of the federal Social
4Security Act, emergency rules to implement Section 3-5 of the
5Medical Assistance Program Modification Act may be adopted in
6accordance with this Section by each agency as defined in the
7Budget Management and Control Act. The adoption of emergency
8rules authorized by this subsection (y) shall be deemed to be
9necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
10(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13;
1198-651, eff. 6-16-14; 99-2, eff. 3-26-15; 99-6, eff. 1-1-16;
1299-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-455, eff. 1-1-16; 99-516, eff.
136-30-16; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16; 99-796, eff. 1-1-17; 99-906,
14eff. 6-1-17; revised 1-1-17.)
15    Section 3-20. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by
16changing Section 5A-10 as follows:
17    (305 ILCS 5/5A-10)  (from Ch. 23, par. 5A-10)
18    Sec. 5A-10. Applicability.
19    (a) The assessment imposed by subsection (a) of Section
205A-2 shall cease to be imposed and the Department's obligation
21to make payments shall immediately cease, and any moneys
22remaining in the Fund shall be refunded to hospital providers
23in proportion to the amounts paid by them, if:
24        (1) The payments to hospitals required under this



10000SB0042sam001- 29 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Article are not eligible for federal matching funds under
2    Title XIX or XXI of the Social Security Act;
3        (2) For State fiscal years 2009 through 2018, the
4    Department of Healthcare and Family Services adopts any
5    administrative rule change to reduce payment rates or
6    alters any payment methodology that reduces any payment
7    rates made to operating hospitals under the approved Title
8    XIX or Title XXI State plan in effect January 1, 2008
9    except for:
10            (A) any changes for hospitals described in
11        subsection (b) of Section 5A-3;
12            (B) any rates for payments made under this Article
13        V-A;
14            (C) any changes proposed in State plan amendment
15        transmittal numbers 08-01, 08-02, 08-04, 08-06, and
16        08-07;
17            (D) in relation to any admissions on or after
18        January 1, 2011, a modification in the methodology for
19        calculating outlier payments to hospitals for
20        exceptionally costly stays, for hospitals reimbursed
21        under the diagnosis-related grouping methodology in
22        effect on July 1, 2011; provided that the Department
23        shall be limited to one such modification during the
24        36-month period after the effective date of this
25        amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly;
26            (E) any changes affecting hospitals authorized by



10000SB0042sam001- 30 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        Public Act 97-689;
2            (F) any changes authorized by Section 14-12 of this
3        Code, or for any changes authorized under Section 5A-15
4        of this Code; or
5            (G) any changes authorized under Section 5-5b.1;
6        or .
7            (H) any changes authorized under the Medical
8        Assistance Program Modification Act.
9    (b) The assessment imposed by Section 5A-2 shall not take
10effect or shall cease to be imposed, and the Department's
11obligation to make payments shall immediately cease, if the
12assessment is determined to be an impermissible tax under Title
13XIX of the Social Security Act. Moneys in the Hospital Provider
14Fund derived from assessments imposed prior thereto shall be
15disbursed in accordance with Section 5A-8 to the extent federal
16financial participation is not reduced due to the
17impermissibility of the assessments, and any remaining moneys
18shall be refunded to hospital providers in proportion to the
19amounts paid by them.
20    (c) The assessments imposed by subsection (b-5) of Section
215A-2 shall not take effect or shall cease to be imposed, the
22Department's obligation to make payments shall immediately
23cease, and any moneys remaining in the Fund shall be refunded
24to hospital providers in proportion to the amounts paid by
25them, if the payments to hospitals required under Section
265A-12.4 are not eligible for federal matching funds under Title



10000SB0042sam001- 31 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1XIX of the Social Security Act.
2    (d) The assessments imposed by Section 5A-2 shall not take
3effect or shall cease to be imposed, the Department's
4obligation to make payments shall immediately cease, and any
5moneys remaining in the Fund shall be refunded to hospital
6providers in proportion to the amounts paid by them, if:
7        (1) for State fiscal years 2013 through 2018, the
8    Department reduces any payment rates to hospitals as in
9    effect on May 1, 2012, or alters any payment methodology as
10    in effect on May 1, 2012, that has the effect of reducing
11    payment rates to hospitals, except for any changes
12    affecting hospitals authorized in Public Act 97-689 and any
13    changes authorized by Section 14-12 of this Code, and
14    except for any changes authorized under Section 5A-15, and
15    except for any changes authorized under Section 5-5b.1, and
16    except for any changes authorized under the Medical
17    Assistance Program Modification Act;
18        (2) for State fiscal years 2013 through 2018, the
19    Department reduces any supplemental payments made to
20    hospitals below the amounts paid for services provided in
21    State fiscal year 2011 as implemented by administrative
22    rules adopted and in effect on or prior to June 30, 2011,
23    except for any changes affecting hospitals authorized in
24    Public Act 97-689 and any changes authorized by Section
25    14-12 of this Code, and except for any changes authorized
26    under Section 5A-15, and except for any changes authorized



10000SB0042sam001- 32 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    under Section 5-5b.1, and except for any changes authorized
2    under the Medical Assistance Program Modification Act; or
3        (3) for State fiscal years 2015 through 2018, the
4    Department reduces the overall effective rate of
5    reimbursement to hospitals below the level authorized
6    under Section 14-12 of this Code, except for any changes
7    under Section 14-12 or Section 5A-15 of this Code, and
8    except for any changes authorized under Section 5-5b.1, and
9    except for any changes authorized under the Medical
10    Assistance Program Modification Act.
11(Source: P.A. 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 98-651, eff. 6-16-14; 99-2,
12eff. 3-26-15.)

14    Section 5-2. The State Budget Law of the Civil
15Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding Section
1650-40 as follows:
17    (15 ILCS 20/50-40 new)
18    Sec. 50-40. General funds defined. "General funds" or
19"State general funds" means the General Revenue Fund, the
20Common School Fund, the General Revenue Common School Special
21Account Fund, the Education Assistance Fund, the Fund for the
22Advancement of Education, the Commitment to Human Services
23Fund, and the Budget Stabilization Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 33 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Section 5-3. The Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and
2Coal Resources Development Law of 1997 is amended by changing
3Section 6-5 as follows:
4    (20 ILCS 687/6-5)
5    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2020)
6    Sec. 6-5. Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology
7Development Assistance Charge.
8    (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 16-111 of the
9Public Utilities Act but subject to subsection (e) of this
10Section, each public utility, electric cooperative, as defined
11in Section 3.4 of the Electric Supplier Act, and municipal
12utility, as referenced in Section 3-105 of the Public Utilities
13Act, that is engaged in the delivery of electricity or the
14distribution of natural gas within the State of Illinois shall,
15effective January 1, 1998, assess each of its customer accounts
16a monthly Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology
17Development Assistance Charge. The delivering public utility,
18municipal electric or gas utility, or electric or gas
19cooperative for a self-assessing purchaser remains subject to
20the collection of the fee imposed by this Section. The monthly
21charge shall be as follows:
22        (1) $0.05 per month on each account for residential
23    electric service as defined in Section 13 of the Energy
24    Assistance Act;



10000SB0042sam001- 34 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (2) $0.05 per month on each account for residential gas
2    service as defined in Section 13 of the Energy Assistance
3    Act;
4        (3) $0.50 per month on each account for nonresidential
5    electric service, as defined in Section 13 of the Energy
6    Assistance Act, which had less than 10 megawatts of peak
7    demand during the previous calendar year;
8        (4) $0.50 per month on each account for nonresidential
9    gas service, as defined in Section 13 of the Energy
10    Assistance Act, which had distributed to it less than
11    4,000,000 therms of gas during the previous calendar year;
12        (5) $37.50 per month on each account for nonresidential
13    electric service, as defined in Section 13 of the Energy
14    Assistance Act, which had 10 megawatts or greater of peak
15    demand during the previous calendar year; and
16        (6) $37.50 per month on each account for nonresidential
17    gas service, as defined in Section 13 of the Energy
18    Assistance Act, which had 4,000,000 or more therms of gas
19    distributed to it during the previous calendar year.
20    (b) The Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology
21Development Assistance Charge assessed by electric and gas
22public utilities shall be considered a charge for public
23utility service.
24    (c) Fifty percent of the moneys collected pursuant to this
25Section shall be deposited in the Lead Poisoning Screening,
26Prevention, and Abatement Renewable Energy Resources Trust



10000SB0042sam001- 35 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Fund by the Department of Revenue. The remaining 50 percent of
2the moneys collected pursuant to this Section shall be
3deposited in the Coal Technology Development Assistance Fund by
4the Department of Revenue for the exclusive purposes of (1)
5capturing or sequestering carbon emissions produced by coal
6combustion; (2) supporting research on the capture and
7sequestration of carbon emissions produced by coal combustion;
8and (3) improving coal miner safety.
9    (d) By the 20th day of the month following the month in
10which the charges imposed by this Section were collected, each
11utility and alternative retail electric supplier collecting
12charges pursuant to this Section shall remit to the Department
13of Revenue for deposit in the Lead Poisoning Screening,
14Prevention, and Abatement Renewable Energy Resources Trust
15Fund and the Coal Technology Development Assistance Fund all
16moneys received as payment of the charge provided for in this
17Section on a return prescribed and furnished by the Department
18of Revenue showing such information as the Department of
19Revenue may reasonably require.
20    (e) The charges imposed by this Section shall only apply to
21customers of municipal electric or gas utilities and electric
22or gas cooperatives if the municipal electric or gas utility or
23electric or gas cooperative makes an affirmative decision to
24impose the charge. If a municipal electric or gas utility or an
25electric or gas cooperative makes an affirmative decision to
26impose the charge provided by this Section, the municipal



10000SB0042sam001- 36 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1electric or gas utility or electric or gas cooperative shall
2inform the Department of Revenue in writing of such decision
3when it begins to impose the charge. If a municipal electric or
4gas utility or electric or gas cooperative does not assess this
5charge, its customers shall not be eligible for the Renewable
6Energy Resources Program.
7    (f) The Department of Revenue may establish such rules as
8it deems necessary to implement this Section.
9(Source: P.A. 95-481, eff. 8-28-07.)
10    Section 5-5. The Military Code of Illinois is amended by
11changing Section 22-3 as follows:
12    (20 ILCS 1805/22-3)  (from Ch. 129, par. 220.22-3)
13    Sec. 22-3. All monies received from the sale of Illinois
14National Guard facilities and lands pursuant to authority
15contained in Section 22-2, all monies received from the
16transfer or exchange of any realty under the control of the
17Department pursuant to authority contained in Section 22-5, and
18all funds received from the Federal government under terms of
19the Federal Master Cooperative Agreement related to
20constructing and maintaining real property between the
21Department of Military Affairs and the United States Property
22and Fiscal Officer for Illinois shall be paid into the State
23Treasury without delay and shall be deposited covered into a
24special fund to be known as the Illinois National Guard



10000SB0042sam001- 37 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Construction Fund. The monies in this fund shall be used
2exclusively by the Adjutant General for the purpose of
3acquiring building sites, and constructing new facilities,
4rehabilitating existing facilities, and making other capital
5improvements. The provisions directing the distributions from
6the Illinois National Guard Construction Fund provided for in
7this Section shall constitute an irrevocable and continuing
8appropriation of all amounts as provided herein. The State
9Treasurer and State Comptroller are hereby authorized and
10directed to make distributions as provided in this Section.
11Expenditures from this fund shall be subject to appropriation
12by the General Assembly and written release by the Governor.
13(Source: P.A. 97-764, eff. 7-6-12.)
14    (20 ILCS 1805/22-6 rep.)
15    Section 5-10. The Military Code of Illinois is amended by
16repealing Section 22-6.
17    Section 5-12. The Balanced Budget Note Act is amended by
18changing Section 5 as follows:
19    (25 ILCS 80/5)  (from Ch. 63, par. 42.93-5)
20    Sec. 5. Supplemental Appropriation Bill Defined. For
21purposes of this Act, "supplemental appropriation bill" means
22any appropriation bill that is (a) introduced or amended
23(including any changes to legislation by means of the



10000SB0042sam001- 38 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1submission of a conference committee report) on or after July 1
2of a fiscal year and (b) proposes (as introduced or as amended
3as the case may be) to authorize, increase, decrease, or
4reallocate any general funds appropriation for that same fiscal
5year. For purposes of this Section, "general funds" has the
6meaning provided in Section 50-40 of the State Budget Law. The
7general funds consist of the General Revenue Fund, the Common
8School Fund, the General Revenue Common School Special Account
9Fund, and the Education Assistance Fund.
10(Source: P.A. 87-688.)
11    Section 5-15. The State Finance Act is amended by changing
12Sections 5.857, 6t, 6z-30, 6z-32, 6z-45, 6z-52, 6z-100, 8.3,
138.25e, 8g, 8g-1, and 13.2 as follows:
14    (30 ILCS 105/5.857)
15    (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2017)
16    Sec. 5.857. The Capital Development Board Revolving Fund.
17This Section is repealed July 1, 2018 2017.
18(Source: P.A. 98-674, eff. 6-30-14; 99-78, eff. 7-20-15;
1999-523, eff. 6-30-16.)
20    (30 ILCS 105/6t)  (from Ch. 127, par. 142t)
21    Sec. 6t. The Capital Development Board Contributory Trust
22Fund is created and there shall be paid into the Capital
23Development Board Contributory Trust Fund the monies



10000SB0042sam001- 39 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1contributed by and received from Public Community College
2Districts, Elementary, Secondary, and Unit School Districts,
3and Vocational Education Facilities, provided, however, no
4monies shall be required from a participating Public Community
5College District, Elementary, Secondary, or Unit School
6District, or Vocational Education Facility more than 30 days
7prior to anticipated need under the particular contract for the
8Public Community College District, Elementary, Secondary, or
9Unit School District, or Vocational Education Facility. No
10monies in any fund in the State Treasury, nor any funds under
11the control or beneficial control of any state agency,
12university, college, department, commission, board or any
13other unit of state government shall be deposited, paid into,
14or by any other means caused to be placed into the Capital
15Development Board Contributory Trust Fund, except for federal
16funds, bid bond forfeitures, and insurance proceeds as provided
17for below.
18    Except as provided in Section 22-3 of the Military Code of
19Illinois, there There shall be paid into the Capital
20Development Board Contributory Trust Fund all federal funds to
21be utilized for the construction of capital projects under the
22jurisdiction of the Capital Development Board, and all proceeds
23resulting from such federal funds. All such funds shall be
24remitted to the Capital Development Board within 10 working
25days of their receipt by the receiving authority.
26    There shall also be paid into this Fund all monies



10000SB0042sam001- 40 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1designated as gifts, donations or charitable contributions
2which may be contributed by an individual or entity, whether
3public or private, for a specific capital improvement project.
4    There shall also be paid into this Fund all proceeds from
5bid bond forfeitures in connection with any project formally
6bid and awarded by the Capital Development Board.
7    There shall also be paid into this Fund all builders risk
8insurance policy proceeds and all other funds recovered from
9contractors, sureties, architects, material suppliers or other
10persons contracting with the Capital Development Board for
11capital improvement projects which are received by way of
12reimbursement for losses resulting from destruction of or
13damage to capital improvement projects while under
14construction by the Capital Development Board or received by
15way of settlement agreement or court order.
16    The monies in the Capital Development Board Contributory
17Trust Fund shall be expended only for actual contracts let, and
18then only for the specific project for which funds were
19received in accordance with the judgment of the Capital
20Development Board, compatible with the duties and obligations
21of the Capital Development Board in furtherance of the specific
22capital improvement for which such funds were received.
23Contributions, insured-loss reimbursements or other funds
24received as damages through settlement or judgement for damage,
25destruction or loss of capital improvement projects shall be
26expended for the repair of such projects; or if the projects



10000SB0042sam001- 41 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1have been or are being repaired before receipt of the funds,
2the funds may be used to repair other such capital improvement
3projects. Any funds not expended for a project within 36 months
4after the date received shall be paid into the General
5Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund.
6    Contributions or insured-loss reimbursements not expended
7in furtherance of the project for which they were received
8within 36 months of the date received, shall be returned to the
9contributing party. Proceeds from builders risk insurance
10shall be expended only for the amelioration of damage arising
11from the incident for which the proceeds were paid to the State
12or the Capital Development Board Contributory Trust Fund. Any
13residual amounts remaining after the completion of such
14repairs, renovation, reconstruction or other work necessary to
15restore the capital improvement project to acceptable
16condition shall be returned to the proper fund or entity
17financing or contributing towards the cost of the capital
18improvement project. Such returns shall be made in amounts
19proportionate to the contributions made in furtherance of the
21    Any monies received as a gift, donation or charitable
22contribution for a specific capital improvement which have not
23been expended in furtherance of that project shall be returned
24to the contributing party after completion of the project or if
25the legislature fails to authorize the capital improvement.
26    Except as provided in Section 22-3 of the Military Code of



10000SB0042sam001- 42 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Illinois, the The unused portion of any federal funds received
2for a capital improvement project which are not contributed,
3upon its completion, towards the cost of the project, shall
4remain in the Capital Development Board Contributory Trust Fund
5and shall be used for capital projects and for no other
6purpose, subject to appropriation and as directed by the
7Capital Development Board.
8(Source: P.A. 97-792, eff. 1-1-13.)
9    (30 ILCS 105/6z-30)
10    Sec. 6z-30. University of Illinois Hospital Services Fund.
11    (a) The University of Illinois Hospital Services Fund is
12created as a special fund in the State Treasury. The following
13moneys shall be deposited into the Fund:
14        (1) As soon as possible after the beginning of fiscal
15    year 2010, and in no event later than July 30, the State
16    Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall automatically
17    transfer $30,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the
18    University of Illinois Hospital Services Fund.
19        (1.5) Starting in fiscal year 2011 and continuing
20    through fiscal year 2017, as soon as possible after the
21    beginning of each fiscal year, and in no event later than
22    July 30, the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
23    shall automatically transfer $45,000,000 from the General
24    Revenue Fund to the University of Illinois Hospital
25    Services Fund; except that, in fiscal year 2012 only, the



10000SB0042sam001- 43 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    State Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall transfer
2    $90,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the University
3    of Illinois Hospital Services Fund under this paragraph,
4    and, in fiscal year 2013 only, the State Comptroller and
5    the State Treasurer shall transfer no amounts from the
6    General Revenue Fund to the University of Illinois Hospital
7    Services Fund under this paragraph.
8        (1.7) Starting in fiscal year 2018, at the direction of
9    and upon notification from the Director of Healthcare and
10    Family Services, the State Comptroller shall direct and the
11    State Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a
12    total of $45,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the
13    University of Illinois Hospital Services Fund in each
14    fiscal year.
15        (2) All intergovernmental transfer payments to the
16    Department of Healthcare and Family Services by the
17    University of Illinois made pursuant to an
18    intergovernmental agreement under subsection (b) or (c) of
19    Section 5A-3 of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
20        (3) All federal matching funds received by the
21    Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
22    Illinois Department of Public Aid) as a result of
23    expenditures made by the Department that are attributable
24    to moneys that were deposited in the Fund.
25        (4) All other moneys received for the Fund from any
26    other source, including interest earned thereon.



10000SB0042sam001- 44 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (b) Moneys in the fund may be used by the Department of
2Healthcare and Family Services, subject to appropriation and to
3an interagency agreement between that Department and the Board
4of Trustees of the University of Illinois, to reimburse the
5University of Illinois Hospital for hospital and pharmacy
6services, to reimburse practitioners who are employed by the
7University of Illinois, to reimburse other health care
8facilities and health plans operated by the University of
9Illinois, and to pass through to the University of Illinois
10federal financial participation earned by the State as a result
11of expenditures made by the University of Illinois.
12    (c) (Blank).
13(Source: P.A. 97-732, eff. 6-30-12; 98-651, eff. 6-16-14.)
14    (30 ILCS 105/6z-32)
15    Sec. 6z-32. Partners for Planning and Conservation.
16    (a) The Partners for Conservation Fund (formerly known as
17the Conservation 2000 Fund) and the Partners for Conservation
18Projects Fund (formerly known as the Conservation 2000 Projects
19Fund) are created as special funds in the State Treasury. These
20funds shall be used to establish a comprehensive program to
21protect Illinois' natural resources through cooperative
22partnerships between State government and public and private
23landowners. Moneys in these Funds may be used, subject to
24appropriation, by the Department of Natural Resources,
25Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of



10000SB0042sam001- 45 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Agriculture for purposes relating to natural resource
2protection, planning, recreation, tourism, and compatible
3agricultural and economic development activities. Without
4limiting these general purposes, moneys in these Funds may be
5used, subject to appropriation, for the following specific
7        (1) To foster sustainable agriculture practices and
8    control soil erosion and sedimentation, including grants
9    to Soil and Water Conservation Districts for conservation
10    practice cost-share grants and for personnel, educational,
11    and administrative expenses.
12        (2) To establish and protect a system of ecosystems in
13    public and private ownership through conservation
14    easements, incentives to public and private landowners,
15    natural resource restoration and preservation, water
16    quality protection and improvement, land use and watershed
17    planning, technical assistance and grants, and land
18    acquisition provided these mechanisms are all voluntary on
19    the part of the landowner and do not involve the use of
20    eminent domain.
21        (3) To develop a systematic and long-term program to
22    effectively measure and monitor natural resources and
23    ecological conditions through investments in technology
24    and involvement of scientific experts.
25        (4) To initiate strategies to enhance, use, and
26    maintain Illinois' inland lakes through education,



10000SB0042sam001- 46 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    technical assistance, research, and financial incentives.
2        (5) To partner with private landowners and with units
3    of State, federal, and local government and with
4    not-for-profit organizations in order to integrate State
5    and federal programs with Illinois' natural resource
6    protection and restoration efforts and to meet
7    requirements to obtain federal and other funds for
8    conservation or protection of natural resources.
9    (b) The State Comptroller and State Treasurer shall
10automatically transfer on the last day of each month, beginning
11on September 30, 1995 and ending on June 30, 2021, from the
12General Revenue Fund to the Partners for Conservation Fund, an
13amount equal to 1/10 of the amount set forth below in fiscal
14year 1996 and an amount equal to 1/12 of the amount set forth
15below in each of the other specified fiscal years:
16Fiscal Year Amount
171996$ 3,500,000
181997$ 9,000,000
222001 through 2004$14,000,000
232005 $7,000,000
242006 $11,000,000
252007 $0
262008 through 2011........................ $14,000,000



10000SB0042sam001- 47 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

12012 $12,200,000
22013 through 2017 2021.................... $14,000,000
32018 $1,500,000
42019 through 2021 $14,000,000
5    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
6contrary and in addition to any other transfers that may be
7provided for by law, on the last day of each month beginning on
8July 31, 2006 and ending on June 30, 2007, or as soon
9thereafter as may be practical, the State Comptroller shall
10direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer $1,000,000 from
11the Partners for Conservation Fund (formerly known as the Open
12Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund to the
13Conservation 2000 Fund).
14    (d) There shall be deposited into the Partners for
15Conservation Projects Fund such bond proceeds and other moneys
16as may, from time to time, be provided by law.
17(Source: P.A. 97-641, eff. 12-19-11.)
18    (30 ILCS 105/6z-45)
19    Sec. 6z-45. The School Infrastructure Fund.
20    (a) The School Infrastructure Fund is created as a special
21fund in the State Treasury.
22    In addition to any other deposits authorized by law,
23beginning January 1, 2000, on the first day of each month, or
24as soon thereafter as may be practical, the State Treasurer and
25State Comptroller shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the



10000SB0042sam001- 48 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1General Revenue Fund to the School Infrastructure Fund, except
2that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, and in
3addition to any other transfers that may be provided for by
4law, before June 30, 2012, the Comptroller and the Treasurer
5shall transfer $45,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund into
6the School Infrastructure Fund, and, for fiscal year 2013 only,
7the Treasurer and the Comptroller shall transfer $1,250,000
8from the General Revenue Fund to the School Infrastructure Fund
9on the first day of each month; provided, however, that no such
10transfers shall be made from July 1, 2001 through June 30,
12    (a-5) Money in the School Infrastructure Fund may be used
13to pay the expenses of the State Board of Education, the
14Governor's Office of Management and Budget, and the Capital
15Development Board in administering programs under the School
16Construction Law, the total expenses not to exceed $1,315,000
17in any fiscal year.
18    (b) Subject to the transfer provisions set forth below,
19money in the School Infrastructure Fund shall, if and when the
20State of Illinois incurs any bonded indebtedness for the
21construction of school improvements under subsection (e) of
22Section 5 of the General Obligation Bond Act the School
23Construction Law, be set aside and used for the purpose of
24paying and discharging annually the principal and interest on
25that bonded indebtedness then due and payable, and for no other



10000SB0042sam001- 49 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    In addition to other transfers to the General Obligation
2Bond Retirement and Interest Fund made pursuant to Section 15
3of the General Obligation Bond Act, upon each delivery of bonds
4issued for construction of school improvements under the School
5Construction Law, the State Comptroller shall compute and
6certify to the State Treasurer the total amount of principal
7of, interest on, and premium, if any, on such bonds during the
8then current and each succeeding fiscal year. With respect to
9the interest payable on variable rate bonds, such
10certifications shall be calculated at the maximum rate of
11interest that may be payable during the fiscal year, after
12taking into account any credits permitted in the related
13indenture or other instrument against the amount of such
14interest required to be appropriated for that period.
15    On or before the last day of each month, the State
16Treasurer and State Comptroller shall transfer from the School
17Infrastructure Fund to the General Obligation Bond Retirement
18and Interest Fund an amount sufficient to pay the aggregate of
19the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on the
20bonds payable on their next payment date, divided by the number
21of monthly transfers occurring between the last previous
22payment date (or the delivery date if no payment date has yet
23occurred) and the next succeeding payment date. Interest
24payable on variable rate bonds shall be calculated at the
25maximum rate of interest that may be payable for the relevant
26period, after taking into account any credits permitted in the



10000SB0042sam001- 50 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1related indenture or other instrument against the amount of
2such interest required to be appropriated for that period.
3Interest for which moneys have already been deposited into the
4capitalized interest account within the General Obligation
5Bond Retirement and Interest Fund shall not be included in the
6calculation of the amounts to be transferred under this
7subsection. Beginning July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020, no
8transfers shall be required under this subsection (b) from the
9School Infrastructure Fund to the General Obligation Bond
10Retirement and Interest Fund.
11    (b-5) The money deposited into the School Infrastructure
12Fund from transfers pursuant to subsections (c-30) and (c-35)
13of Section 13 of the Riverboat Gambling Act shall be applied,
14without further direction, as provided in subsection (b-3) of
15Section 5-35 of the School Construction Law.
16    (c) The surplus, if any, in the School Infrastructure Fund
17after payments made pursuant to subsections (a-5), (b), and
18(b-5) of this Section shall, subject to appropriation, be used
19as follows:
20    First - to make 3 payments to the School Technology
21Revolving Loan Fund as follows:
22        Transfer of $30,000,000 in fiscal year 1999;
23        Transfer of $20,000,000 in fiscal year 2000; and
24        Transfer of $10,000,000 in fiscal year 2001.
25    Second - to pay the expenses of the State Board of
26Education and the Capital Development Board in administering



10000SB0042sam001- 51 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1programs under the School Construction Law, the total expenses
2not to exceed $1,200,000 in any fiscal year.
3    Second Third - to pay any amounts due for grants for school
4construction projects and debt service under the School
5Construction Law.
6    Third Fourth - to pay any amounts due for grants for school
7maintenance projects under the School Construction Law.
8(Source: P.A. 97-732, eff. 6-30-12; 98-18, eff. 6-7-13.)
9    (30 ILCS 105/6z-52)
10    Sec. 6z-52. Drug Rebate Fund.
11    (a) There is created in the State Treasury a special fund
12to be known as the Drug Rebate Fund.
13    (b) The Fund is created for the purpose of receiving and
14disbursing moneys in accordance with this Section.
15Disbursements from the Fund shall be made, subject to
16appropriation, only as follows:
17        (1) For payments for reimbursement or coverage for
18    prescription drugs and other pharmacy products provided to
19    a recipient of medical assistance under the Illinois Public
20    Aid Code, the Children's Health Insurance Program Act, the
21    Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act, and the Veterans'
22    Health Insurance Program Act of 2008.
23        (1.5) For payments to managed care organizations as
24    defined in Section 5-30.1 of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
25        (2) For reimbursement of moneys collected by the



10000SB0042sam001- 52 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
2    Illinois Department of Public Aid) through error or
3    mistake.
4        (3) For payments of any amounts that are reimbursable
5    to the federal government resulting from a payment into
6    this Fund.
7        (4) For payments of operational and administrative
8    expenses related to providing and managing coverage for
9    prescription drugs and other pharmacy products provided to
10    a recipient of medical assistance under the Illinois Public
11    Aid Code, the Children's Health Insurance Program Act, the
12    Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act, and the Veterans'
13    Health Insurance Program Act of 2008, and the Senior
14    Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and
15    Pharmaceutical Assistance Act.
16    (c) The Fund shall consist of the following:
17        (1) Upon notification from the Director of Healthcare
18    and Family Services, the Comptroller shall direct and the
19    Treasurer shall transfer the net State share (disregarding
20    the reduction in net State share attributable to the
21    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 or any other
22    federal economic stimulus program) of all moneys received
23    by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services
24    (formerly Illinois Department of Public Aid) from drug
25    rebate agreements with pharmaceutical manufacturers
26    pursuant to Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act,



10000SB0042sam001- 53 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    including any portion of the balance in the Public Aid
2    Recoveries Trust Fund on July 1, 2001 that is attributable
3    to such receipts.
4        (2) All federal matching funds received by the Illinois
5    Department as a result of expenditures made by the
6    Department that are attributable to moneys deposited in the
7    Fund.
8        (3) Any premium collected by the Illinois Department
9    from participants under a waiver approved by the federal
10    government relating to provision of pharmaceutical
11    services.
12        (4) All other moneys received for the Fund from any
13    other source, including interest earned thereon.
14(Source: P.A. 96-8, eff. 4-28-09; 96-1100, eff. 1-1-11; 97-689,
15eff. 7-1-12.)
16    (30 ILCS 105/6z-100)
17    (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2017)
18    Sec. 6z-100. Capital Development Board Revolving Fund;
19payments into and use. All monies received by the Capital
20Development Board for publications or copies issued by the
21Board, and all monies received for contract administration
22fees, charges, or reimbursements owing to the Board shall be
23deposited into a special fund known as the Capital Development
24Board Revolving Fund, which is hereby created in the State
25treasury. The monies in this Fund shall be used by the Capital



10000SB0042sam001- 54 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Development Board, as appropriated, for expenditures for
2personal services, retirement, social security, contractual
3services, legal services, travel, commodities, printing,
4equipment, electronic data processing, or telecommunications.
5Unexpended moneys in the Fund shall not be transferred or
6allocated by the Comptroller or Treasurer to any other fund,
7nor shall the Governor authorize the transfer or allocation of
8those moneys to any other fund. This Section is repealed July
91, 2018 2017.
10(Source: P.A. 98-674, eff. 6-30-14; 99-523, eff. 6-30-16.)
11    (30 ILCS 105/8.3)  (from Ch. 127, par. 144.3)
12    Sec. 8.3. Money in the Road Fund shall, if and when the
13State of Illinois incurs any bonded indebtedness for the
14construction of permanent highways, be set aside and used for
15the purpose of paying and discharging annually the principal
16and interest on that bonded indebtedness then due and payable,
17and for no other purpose. The surplus, if any, in the Road Fund
18after the payment of principal and interest on that bonded
19indebtedness then annually due shall be used as follows:
20        first -- to pay the cost of administration of Chapters
21    2 through 10 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except the cost
22    of administration of Articles I and II of Chapter 3 of that
23    Code; and
24        secondly -- for expenses of the Department of
25    Transportation for construction, reconstruction,



10000SB0042sam001- 55 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    improvement, repair, maintenance, operation, and
2    administration of highways in accordance with the
3    provisions of laws relating thereto, or for any purpose
4    related or incident to and connected therewith, including
5    the separation of grades of those highways with railroads
6    and with highways and including the payment of awards made
7    by the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission under the
8    terms of the Workers' Compensation Act or Workers'
9    Occupational Diseases Act for injury or death of an
10    employee of the Division of Highways in the Department of
11    Transportation; or for the acquisition of land and the
12    erection of buildings for highway purposes, including the
13    acquisition of highway right-of-way or for investigations
14    to determine the reasonably anticipated future highway
15    needs; or for making of surveys, plans, specifications and
16    estimates for and in the construction and maintenance of
17    flight strips and of highways necessary to provide access
18    to military and naval reservations, to defense industries
19    and defense-industry sites, and to the sources of raw
20    materials and for replacing existing highways and highway
21    connections shut off from general public use at military
22    and naval reservations and defense-industry sites, or for
23    the purchase of right-of-way, except that the State shall
24    be reimbursed in full for any expense incurred in building
25    the flight strips; or for the operating and maintaining of
26    highway garages; or for patrolling and policing the public



10000SB0042sam001- 56 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    highways and conserving the peace; or for the operating
2    expenses of the Department relating to the administration
3    of public transportation programs; or, during fiscal year
4    2012 only, for the purposes of a grant not to exceed
5    $8,500,000 to the Regional Transportation Authority on
6    behalf of PACE for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit
7    expenses; or, during fiscal year 2013 only, for the
8    purposes of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000 to the
9    Regional Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE for the
10    purpose of ADA/Para-transit expenses; or, during fiscal
11    year 2014 only, for the purposes of a grant not to exceed
12    $3,825,000 to the Regional Transportation Authority on
13    behalf of PACE for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit
14    expenses; or, during fiscal year 2015 only, for the
15    purposes of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000 to the
16    Regional Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE for the
17    purpose of ADA/Para-transit expenses; or, during fiscal
18    year 2016 only, for the purposes of a grant not to exceed
19    $3,825,000 to the Regional Transportation Authority on
20    behalf of PACE for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit
21    expenses; or, during fiscal year 2017 only, for the
22    purposes of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000 to the
23    Regional Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE for the
24    purpose of ADA/Para-transit expenses; or for any of those
25    purposes or any other purpose that may be provided by law.
26    Appropriations for any of those purposes are payable from



10000SB0042sam001- 57 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the Road Fund. Appropriations may also be made from the Road
2Fund for the administrative expenses of any State agency that
3are related to motor vehicles or arise from the use of motor
5    Beginning with fiscal year 1980 and thereafter, no Road
6Fund monies shall be appropriated to the following Departments
7or agencies of State government for administration, grants, or
8operations; but this limitation is not a restriction upon
9appropriating for those purposes any Road Fund monies that are
10eligible for federal reimbursement;
11        1. Department of Public Health;
12        2. Department of Transportation, only with respect to
13    subsidies for one-half fare Student Transportation and
14    Reduced Fare for Elderly, except during fiscal year 2012
15    only when no more than $40,000,000 may be expended and
16    except during fiscal year 2013 only when no more than
17    $17,570,300 may be expended and except during fiscal year
18    2014 only when no more than $17,570,000 may be expended and
19    except during fiscal year 2015 only when no more than
20    $17,570,000 may be expended and except during fiscal year
21    2016 only when no more than $17,570,000 may be expended and
22    except during fiscal year 2017 only when no more than
23    $17,570,000 may be expended;
24        3. Department of Central Management Services, except
25    for expenditures incurred for group insurance premiums of
26    appropriate personnel;



10000SB0042sam001- 58 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        4. Judicial Systems and Agencies.
2    Beginning with fiscal year 1981 and thereafter, no Road
3Fund monies shall be appropriated to the following Departments
4or agencies of State government for administration, grants, or
5operations; but this limitation is not a restriction upon
6appropriating for those purposes any Road Fund monies that are
7eligible for federal reimbursement:
8        1. Department of State Police, except for expenditures
9    with respect to the Division of Operations;
10        2. Department of Transportation, only with respect to
11    Intercity Rail Subsidies, except during fiscal year 2012
12    only when no more than $40,000,000 may be expended and
13    except during fiscal year 2013 only when no more than
14    $26,000,000 may be expended and except during fiscal year
15    2014 only when no more than $38,000,000 may be expended and
16    except during fiscal year 2015 only when no more than
17    $42,000,000 may be expended and except during fiscal year
18    2016 only when no more than $38,300,000 may be expended and
19    except during fiscal year 2017 only when no more than
20    $50,000,000 may be expended and except during fiscal year
21    2018 only when no more than $52,000,000 may be expended,
22    and Rail Freight Services.
23    Beginning with fiscal year 1982 and thereafter, no Road
24Fund monies shall be appropriated to the following Departments
25or agencies of State government for administration, grants, or
26operations; but this limitation is not a restriction upon



10000SB0042sam001- 59 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1appropriating for those purposes any Road Fund monies that are
2eligible for federal reimbursement: Department of Central
3Management Services, except for awards made by the Illinois
4Workers' Compensation Commission under the terms of the
5Workers' Compensation Act or Workers' Occupational Diseases
6Act for injury or death of an employee of the Division of
7Highways in the Department of Transportation.
8    Beginning with fiscal year 1984 and thereafter, no Road
9Fund monies shall be appropriated to the following Departments
10or agencies of State government for administration, grants, or
11operations; but this limitation is not a restriction upon
12appropriating for those purposes any Road Fund monies that are
13eligible for federal reimbursement:
14        1. Department of State Police, except not more than 40%
15    of the funds appropriated for the Division of Operations;
16        2. State Officers.
17    Beginning with fiscal year 1984 and thereafter, no Road
18Fund monies shall be appropriated to any Department or agency
19of State government for administration, grants, or operations
20except as provided hereafter; but this limitation is not a
21restriction upon appropriating for those purposes any Road Fund
22monies that are eligible for federal reimbursement. It shall
23not be lawful to circumvent the above appropriation limitations
24by governmental reorganization or other methods.
25Appropriations shall be made from the Road Fund only in
26accordance with the provisions of this Section.



10000SB0042sam001- 60 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Money in the Road Fund shall, if and when the State of
2Illinois incurs any bonded indebtedness for the construction of
3permanent highways, be set aside and used for the purpose of
4paying and discharging during each fiscal year the principal
5and interest on that bonded indebtedness as it becomes due and
6payable as provided in the Transportation Bond Act, and for no
7other purpose. The surplus, if any, in the Road Fund after the
8payment of principal and interest on that bonded indebtedness
9then annually due shall be used as follows:
10        first -- to pay the cost of administration of Chapters
11    2 through 10 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and
12        secondly -- no Road Fund monies derived from fees,
13    excises, or license taxes relating to registration,
14    operation and use of vehicles on public highways or to
15    fuels used for the propulsion of those vehicles, shall be
16    appropriated or expended other than for costs of
17    administering the laws imposing those fees, excises, and
18    license taxes, statutory refunds and adjustments allowed
19    thereunder, administrative costs of the Department of
20    Transportation, including, but not limited to, the
21    operating expenses of the Department relating to the
22    administration of public transportation programs, payment
23    of debts and liabilities incurred in construction and
24    reconstruction of public highways and bridges, acquisition
25    of rights-of-way for and the cost of construction,
26    reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and operation of



10000SB0042sam001- 61 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    public highways and bridges under the direction and
2    supervision of the State, political subdivision, or
3    municipality collecting those monies, or during fiscal
4    year 2012 only for the purposes of a grant not to exceed
5    $8,500,000 to the Regional Transportation Authority on
6    behalf of PACE for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit
7    expenses, or during fiscal year 2013 only for the purposes
8    of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000 to the Regional
9    Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE for the purpose
10    of ADA/Para-transit expenses, or during fiscal year 2014
11    only for the purposes of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000
12    to the Regional Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE
13    for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit expenses, or during
14    fiscal year 2015 only for the purposes of a grant not to
15    exceed $3,825,000 to the Regional Transportation Authority
16    on behalf of PACE for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit
17    expenses, or during fiscal year 2016 only for the purposes
18    of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000 to the Regional
19    Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE for the purpose
20    of ADA/Para-transit expenses, or during fiscal year 2017
21    only for the purposes of a grant not to exceed $3,825,000
22    to the Regional Transportation Authority on behalf of PACE
23    for the purpose of ADA/Para-transit expenses, and the costs
24    for patrolling and policing the public highways (by State,
25    political subdivision, or municipality collecting that
26    money) for enforcement of traffic laws. The separation of



10000SB0042sam001- 62 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    grades of such highways with railroads and costs associated
2    with protection of at-grade highway and railroad crossing
3    shall also be permissible.
4    Appropriations for any of such purposes are payable from
5the Road Fund or the Grade Crossing Protection Fund as provided
6in Section 8 of the Motor Fuel Tax Law.
7    Except as provided in this paragraph, beginning with fiscal
8year 1991 and thereafter, no Road Fund monies shall be
9appropriated to the Department of State Police for the purposes
10of this Section in excess of its total fiscal year 1990 Road
11Fund appropriations for those purposes unless otherwise
12provided in Section 5g of this Act. For fiscal years 2003,
132004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 only, no Road Fund monies shall be
14appropriated to the Department of State Police for the purposes
15of this Section in excess of $97,310,000. For fiscal year 2008
16only, no Road Fund monies shall be appropriated to the
17Department of State Police for the purposes of this Section in
18excess of $106,100,000. For fiscal year 2009 only, no Road Fund
19monies shall be appropriated to the Department of State Police
20for the purposes of this Section in excess of $114,700,000.
21Beginning in fiscal year 2010, no road fund moneys shall be
22appropriated to the Department of State Police. It shall not be
23lawful to circumvent this limitation on appropriations by
24governmental reorganization or other methods unless otherwise
25provided in Section 5g of this Act.
26    In fiscal year 1994, no Road Fund monies shall be



10000SB0042sam001- 63 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1appropriated to the Secretary of State for the purposes of this
2Section in excess of the total fiscal year 1991 Road Fund
3appropriations to the Secretary of State for those purposes,
4plus $9,800,000. It shall not be lawful to circumvent this
5limitation on appropriations by governmental reorganization or
6other method.
7    Beginning with fiscal year 1995 and thereafter, no Road
8Fund monies shall be appropriated to the Secretary of State for
9the purposes of this Section in excess of the total fiscal year
101994 Road Fund appropriations to the Secretary of State for
11those purposes. It shall not be lawful to circumvent this
12limitation on appropriations by governmental reorganization or
13other methods.
14    Beginning with fiscal year 2000, total Road Fund
15appropriations to the Secretary of State for the purposes of
16this Section shall not exceed the amounts specified for the
17following fiscal years:
18    Fiscal Year 2000$80,500,000;
19    Fiscal Year 2001$80,500,000;
20    Fiscal Year 2002$80,500,000;
21    Fiscal Year 2003$130,500,000;
22    Fiscal Year 2004$130,500,000;
23    Fiscal Year 2005$130,500,000;
24    Fiscal Year 2006 $130,500,000;
25    Fiscal Year 2007 $130,500,000;
26    Fiscal Year 2008$130,500,000;



10000SB0042sam001- 64 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Fiscal Year 2009 $130,500,000.
2    For fiscal year 2010, no road fund moneys shall be
3appropriated to the Secretary of State.
4    Beginning in fiscal year 2011, moneys in the Road Fund
5shall be appropriated to the Secretary of State for the
6exclusive purpose of paying refunds due to overpayment of fees
7related to Chapter 3 of the Illinois Vehicle Code unless
8otherwise provided for by law.
9    It shall not be lawful to circumvent this limitation on
10appropriations by governmental reorganization or other
12    No new program may be initiated in fiscal year 1991 and
13thereafter that is not consistent with the limitations imposed
14by this Section for fiscal year 1984 and thereafter, insofar as
15appropriation of Road Fund monies is concerned.
16    Nothing in this Section prohibits transfers from the Road
17Fund to the State Construction Account Fund under Section 5e of
18this Act; nor to the General Revenue Fund, as authorized by
19this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
20    The additional amounts authorized for expenditure in this
21Section by Public Acts 92-0600, 93-0025, 93-0839, and 94-91
22shall be repaid to the Road Fund from the General Revenue Fund
23in the next succeeding fiscal year that the General Revenue
24Fund has a positive budgetary balance, as determined by
25generally accepted accounting principles applicable to



10000SB0042sam001- 65 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    The additional amounts authorized for expenditure by the
2Secretary of State and the Department of State Police in this
3Section by this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly
4shall be repaid to the Road Fund from the General Revenue Fund
5in the next succeeding fiscal year that the General Revenue
6Fund has a positive budgetary balance, as determined by
7generally accepted accounting principles applicable to
9(Source: P.A. 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-674, eff. 6-30-14;
1099-523, eff. 6-30-16.)
11    (30 ILCS 105/8.25e)  (from Ch. 127, par. 144.25e)
12    Sec. 8.25e. (a) The State Comptroller and the State
13Treasurer shall automatically transfer on the first day of each
14month, beginning on February 1, 1988, from the General Revenue
15Fund to each of the funds then supplemented by the pari-mutuel
16tax pursuant to Section 28 of the Illinois Horse Racing Act of
171975, an amount equal to (i) the amount of pari-mutuel tax
18deposited into such fund during the month in fiscal year 1986
19which corresponds to the month preceding such transfer, minus
20(ii) the amount of pari-mutuel tax (or the replacement transfer
21authorized by subsection (d) of Section 8g Section 8g(d) of
22this Act and subsection (d) of Section 28.1 Section 28.1(d) of
23the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975) deposited into such fund
24during the month preceding such transfer; provided, however,
25that no transfer shall be made to a fund if such amount for



10000SB0042sam001- 66 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1that fund is equal to or less than zero and provided that no
2transfer shall be made to a fund in any fiscal year after the
3amount deposited into such fund exceeds the amount of
4pari-mutuel tax deposited into such fund during fiscal year
6    (b) The State Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall
7automatically transfer on the last day of each month, beginning
8on October 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 2017, from the
9General Revenue Fund to the Metropolitan Exposition,
10Auditorium and Office Building Fund, the amount of $2,750,000
11plus any cumulative deficiencies in such transfers for prior
12months, until the sum of $16,500,000 has been transferred for
13the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989 and until the sum of
14$22,000,000 has been transferred for each fiscal year
16    (b-5) The State Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall
17automatically transfer on the last day of each month, beginning
18on July 1, 2017, from the General Revenue Fund to the
19Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Fund,
20the amount of $1,500,000 plus any cumulative deficiencies in
21such transfers for prior months, until the sum of $12,000,000
22has been transferred for each fiscal year thereafter.
23    (c) After the transfer of funds from the Metropolitan
24Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Fund to the Bond
25Retirement Fund pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 15
26Section 15(b) of the Metropolitan Civic Center Support Act, the



10000SB0042sam001- 67 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1State Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall automatically
2transfer on the last day of each month, beginning on October 1,
31989 and ending on June 30, 2017, from the Metropolitan
4Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Fund to the Park and
5Conservation Fund the amount of $1,250,000 plus any cumulative
6deficiencies in such transfers for prior months, until the sum
7of $7,500,000 has been transferred for the fiscal year
8beginning July 1, 1989 and until the sum of $10,000,000 has
9been transferred for each fiscal year thereafter.
10(Source: P.A. 91-25, eff. 6-9-99.)
11    (30 ILCS 105/8g)
12    Sec. 8g. Fund transfers.
13    (a) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
14for by law, as soon as may be practical after the effective
15date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, the
16State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
17transfer the sum of $10,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund
18to the Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund created by Senate Bill
191028 of the 91st General Assembly.
20    (b) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
21for by law, as soon as may be practical after the effective
22date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, the
23State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
24transfer the sum of $25,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund
25to the Fund for Illinois' Future created by Senate Bill 1066 of



10000SB0042sam001- 68 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the 91st General Assembly.
2    (c) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
3for by law, on August 30 of each fiscal year's license period,
4the Illinois Liquor Control Commission shall direct and the
5State Comptroller and State Treasurer shall transfer from the
6General Revenue Fund to the Youth Alcoholism and Substance
7Abuse Prevention Fund an amount equal to the number of retail
8liquor licenses issued for that fiscal year multiplied by $50.
9    (d) The payments to programs required under subsection (d)
10of Section 28.1 of the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975 shall
11be made, pursuant to appropriation, from the special funds
12referred to in the statutes cited in that subsection, rather
13than directly from the General Revenue Fund.
14    Beginning January 1, 2000, on the first day of each month,
15or as soon as may be practical thereafter, the State
16Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer
17from the General Revenue Fund to each of the special funds from
18which payments are to be made under subsection (d) of Section
1928.1 of the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975 an amount equal
20to 1/12 of the annual amount required for those payments from
21that special fund, which annual amount shall not exceed the
22annual amount for those payments from that special fund for the
23calendar year 1998. The special funds to which transfers shall
24be made under this subsection (d) include, but are not
25necessarily limited to, the Agricultural Premium Fund; the
26Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium and Office Building Fund;



10000SB0042sam001- 69 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the Fair and Exposition Fund; the Illinois Standardbred
2Breeders Fund; the Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders Fund; and the
3Illinois Veterans' Rehabilitation Fund. Except that, during
4State fiscal year 2018 only, the State Comptroller shall direct
5and the State Treasurer shall transfer amounts from the General
6Revenue Fund to the designated funds not exceeding the
7following amounts:
8    Agricultural Premium Fund.....................$0
9    Fair and Exposition Fund......................0
10    Illinois Standardbred Breeders Fund...........0
11    Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders Fund...........0
12    Illinois Veterans' Rehabilitation Fund........ 0
13    (e) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
14for by law, as soon as may be practical after the effective
15date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, but
16in no event later than June 30, 2000, the State Comptroller
17shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of
18$15,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Fund for
19Illinois' Future.
20    (f) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
21for by law, as soon as may be practical after the effective
22date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, but
23in no event later than June 30, 2000, the State Comptroller
24shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of
25$70,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Long-Term Care
26Provider Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 70 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (f-1) In fiscal year 2002, in addition to any other
2transfers that may be provided for by law, at the direction of
3and upon notification from the Governor, the State Comptroller
4shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer amounts not
5exceeding a total of $160,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund
6to the Long-Term Care Provider Fund.
7    (g) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
8for by law, on July 1, 2001, or as soon thereafter as may be
9practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
10Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,200,000 from the General
11Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
12    (h) In each of fiscal years 2002 through 2004, but not
13thereafter, in addition to any other transfers that may be
14provided for by law, the State Comptroller shall direct and the
15State Treasurer shall transfer $5,000,000 from the General
16Revenue Fund to the Tourism Promotion Fund.
17    (i) On or after July 1, 2001 and until May 1, 2002, in
18addition to any other transfers that may be provided for by
19law, at the direction of and upon notification from the
20Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
21Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
22$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
23Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
24re-transferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
25from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
26Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the



10000SB0042sam001- 71 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2002.
2    (i-1) On or after July 1, 2002 and until May 1, 2003, in
3addition to any other transfers that may be provided for by
4law, at the direction of and upon notification from the
5Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
6Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
7$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
8Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
9re-transferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
10from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
11Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
12Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2003.
13    (j) On or after July 1, 2001 and no later than June 30,
142002, in addition to any other transfers that may be provided
15for by law, at the direction of and upon notification from the
16Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
17Treasurer shall transfer amounts not to exceed the following
18sums into the Statistical Services Revolving Fund:
19    From the General Revenue Fund.................$8,450,000
20    From the Public Utility Fund..................1,700,000
21    From the Transportation Regulatory Fund.......2,650,000
22    From the Title III Social Security and
23     Employment Fund..............................3,700,000
24    From the Professions Indirect Cost Fund.......4,050,000
25    From the Underground Storage Tank Fund........550,000
26    From the Agricultural Premium Fund............750,000



10000SB0042sam001- 72 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    From the State Pensions Fund..................200,000
2    From the Road Fund............................2,000,000
3    From the Health Facilities
4     Planning Fund................................1,000,000
5    From the Savings and Residential Finance
6     Regulatory Fund..............................130,800
7    From the Appraisal Administration Fund........28,600
8    From the Pawnbroker Regulation Fund...........3,600
9    From the Auction Regulation
10     Administration Fund..........................35,800
11    From the Bank and Trust Company Fund..........634,800
12    From the Real Estate License
13     Administration Fund..........................313,600
14    (k) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
15for by law, as soon as may be practical after the effective
16date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, the
17State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
18transfer the sum of $2,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to
19the Teachers Health Insurance Security Fund.
20    (k-1) In addition to any other transfers that may be
21provided for by law, on July 1, 2002, or as soon as may be
22practical thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and
23the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $2,000,000 from
24the General Revenue Fund to the Teachers Health Insurance
25Security Fund.
26    (k-2) In addition to any other transfers that may be



10000SB0042sam001- 73 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1provided for by law, on July 1, 2003, or as soon as may be
2practical thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and
3the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $2,000,000 from
4the General Revenue Fund to the Teachers Health Insurance
5Security Fund.
6    (k-3) On or after July 1, 2002 and no later than June 30,
72003, in addition to any other transfers that may be provided
8for by law, at the direction of and upon notification from the
9Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
10Treasurer shall transfer amounts not to exceed the following
11sums into the Statistical Services Revolving Fund:
12    Appraisal Administration Fund.................$150,000
13    General Revenue Fund..........................10,440,000
14    Savings and Residential Finance
15        Regulatory Fund...........................200,000
16    State Pensions Fund...........................100,000
17    Bank and Trust Company Fund...................100,000
18    Professions Indirect Cost Fund................3,400,000
19    Public Utility Fund...........................2,081,200
20    Real Estate License Administration Fund.......150,000
21    Title III Social Security and
22        Employment Fund...........................1,000,000
23    Transportation Regulatory Fund................3,052,100
24    Underground Storage Tank Fund.................50,000
25    (l) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
26for by law, on July 1, 2002, or as soon as may be practical



10000SB0042sam001- 74 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
2Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $3,000,000 from the General
3Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
5    (m) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
6for by law, on July 1, 2002 and on the effective date of this
7amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, or as soon
8thereafter as may be practical, the State Comptroller shall
9direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of
10$1,200,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Violence
11Prevention Fund.
12    (n) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
13for by law, on July 1, 2003, or as soon thereafter as may be
14practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
15Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $6,800,000 from the General
16Revenue Fund to the DHS Recoveries Trust Fund.
17    (o) On or after July 1, 2003, and no later than June 30,
182004, in addition to any other transfers that may be provided
19for by law, at the direction of and upon notification from the
20Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
21Treasurer shall transfer amounts not to exceed the following
22sums into the Vehicle Inspection Fund:
23    From the Underground Storage Tank Fund .......$35,000,000.
24    (p) On or after July 1, 2003 and until May 1, 2004, in
25addition to any other transfers that may be provided for by
26law, at the direction of and upon notification from the



10000SB0042sam001- 75 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
2Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
3$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
4Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
5re-transferred from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the
6General Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification
7from the Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2004.
8    (q) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
9for by law, on July 1, 2003, or as soon as may be practical
10thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
11Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
12Revenue Fund to the Illinois Military Family Relief Fund.
13    (r) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
14for by law, on July 1, 2003, or as soon as may be practical
15thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
16Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,922,000 from the General
17Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
19    (s) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
20for by law, on or after July 1, 2003, the State Comptroller
21shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of
22$4,800,000 from the Statewide Economic Development Fund to the
23General Revenue Fund.
24    (t) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
25for by law, on or after July 1, 2003, the State Comptroller
26shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of



10000SB0042sam001- 76 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1$50,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Budget
2Stabilization Fund.
3    (u) On or after July 1, 2004 and until May 1, 2005, in
4addition to any other transfers that may be provided for by
5law, at the direction of and upon notification from the
6Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
7Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
8$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
9Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
10retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
11from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
12Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
13Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2005.
14    (v) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
15for by law, on July 1, 2004, or as soon thereafter as may be
16practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
17Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,200,000 from the General
18Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
19    (w) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
20for by law, on July 1, 2004, or as soon thereafter as may be
21practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
22Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $6,445,000 from the General
23Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
25    (x) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
26for by law, on January 15, 2005, or as soon thereafter as may



10000SB0042sam001- 77 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1be practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
2Treasurer shall transfer to the General Revenue Fund the
3following sums:
4        From the State Crime Laboratory Fund, $200,000;
5        From the State Police Wireless Service Emergency Fund,
6    $200,000;
7        From the State Offender DNA Identification System
8    Fund, $800,000; and
9        From the State Police Whistleblower Reward and
10    Protection Fund, $500,000.
11    (y) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
12contrary, in addition to any other transfers that may be
13provided for by law on June 30, 2005, or as soon as may be
14practical thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and
15the State Treasurer shall transfer the remaining balance from
16the designated funds into the General Revenue Fund and any
17future deposits that would otherwise be made into these funds
18must instead be made into the General Revenue Fund:
19        (1) the Keep Illinois Beautiful Fund;
20        (2) the Metropolitan Fair and Exposition Authority
21    Reconstruction Fund;
22        (3) the New Technology Recovery Fund;
23        (4) the Illinois Rural Bond Bank Trust Fund;
24        (5) the ISBE School Bus Driver Permit Fund;
25        (6) the Solid Waste Management Revolving Loan Fund;
26        (7) the State Postsecondary Review Program Fund;



10000SB0042sam001- 78 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (8) the Tourism Attraction Development Matching Grant
2    Fund;
3        (9) the Patent and Copyright Fund;
4        (10) the Credit Enhancement Development Fund;
5        (11) the Community Mental Health and Developmental
6    Disabilities Services Provider Participation Fee Trust
7    Fund;
8        (12) the Nursing Home Grant Assistance Fund;
9        (13) the By-product Material Safety Fund;
10        (14) the Illinois Student Assistance Commission Higher
11    EdNet Fund;
12        (15) the DORS State Project Fund;
13        (16) the School Technology Revolving Fund;
14        (17) the Energy Assistance Contribution Fund;
15        (18) the Illinois Building Commission Revolving Fund;
16        (19) the Illinois Aquaculture Development Fund;
17        (20) the Homelessness Prevention Fund;
18        (21) the DCFS Refugee Assistance Fund;
19        (22) the Illinois Century Network Special Purposes
20    Fund; and
21        (23) the Build Illinois Purposes Fund.
22    (z) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
23for by law, on July 1, 2005, or as soon as may be practical
24thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
25Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,200,000 from the General
26Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 79 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (aa) In addition to any other transfers that may be
2provided for by law, on July 1, 2005, or as soon as may be
3practical thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and
4the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $9,000,000 from
5the General Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum
6Operating Fund.
7    (bb) In addition to any other transfers that may be
8provided for by law, on July 1, 2005, or as soon as may be
9practical thereafter, the State Comptroller shall direct and
10the State Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $6,803,600 from
11the General Revenue Fund to the Securities Audit and
12Enforcement Fund.
13    (cc) In addition to any other transfers that may be
14provided for by law, on or after July 1, 2005 and until May 1,
152006, at the direction of and upon notification from the
16Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
17Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
18$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
19Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
20re-transferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
21from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
22Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
23Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2006.
24    (dd) In addition to any other transfers that may be
25provided for by law, on April 1, 2005, or as soon thereafter as
26may be practical, at the direction of the Director of Public



10000SB0042sam001- 80 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Aid (now Director of Healthcare and Family Services), the State
2Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer
3from the Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund amounts not to exceed
4$14,000,000 to the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund.
5    (ee) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, on July 1,
62006, or as soon thereafter as practical, the State Comptroller
7shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the
8remaining balance from the Illinois Civic Center Bond Fund to
9the Illinois Civic Center Bond Retirement and Interest Fund.
10    (ff) In addition to any other transfers that may be
11provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2006 and until June
1230, 2007, at the direction of and upon notification from the
13Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the
14State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
15transfer amounts not exceeding a total of $1,900,000 from the
16General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Capital Revolving Loan
18    (gg) In addition to any other transfers that may be
19provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2006 and until May 1,
202007, at the direction of and upon notification from the
21Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
22Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
23$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
24Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
25retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
26from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General



10000SB0042sam001- 81 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
2Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2007.
3    (hh) In addition to any other transfers that may be
4provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2006 and until June
530, 2007, at the direction of and upon notification from the
6Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
7Treasurer shall transfer amounts from the Illinois Affordable
8Housing Trust Fund to the designated funds not exceeding the
9following amounts:
10    DCFS Children's Services Fund.................$2,200,000
11    Department of Corrections Reimbursement
12        and Education Fund........................$1,500,000
13    Supplemental Low-Income Energy
14        Assistance Fund..............................$75,000
15    (ii) In addition to any other transfers that may be
16provided for by law, on or before August 31, 2006, the Governor
17and the State Comptroller may agree to transfer the surplus
18cash balance from the General Revenue Fund to the Budget
19Stabilization Fund and the Pension Stabilization Fund in equal
20proportions. The determination of the amount of the surplus
21cash balance shall be made by the Governor, with the
22concurrence of the State Comptroller, after taking into account
23the June 30, 2006 balances in the general funds and the actual
24or estimated spending from the general funds during the lapse
25period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum amount that
26may be transferred under this subsection (ii) is $50,000,000.



10000SB0042sam001- 82 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (jj) In addition to any other transfers that may be
2provided for by law, on July 1, 2006, or as soon thereafter as
3practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
4Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $8,250,000 from the General
5Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
7    (kk) In addition to any other transfers that may be
8provided for by law, on July 1, 2006, or as soon thereafter as
9practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
10Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General
11Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
12    (ll) In addition to any other transfers that may be
13provided for by law, on the first day of each calendar quarter
14of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006, or as soon
15thereafter as practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and
16the State Treasurer shall transfer from the General Revenue
17Fund amounts equal to one-fourth of $20,000,000 to the
18Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund.
19    (mm) In addition to any other transfers that may be
20provided for by law, on July 1, 2006, or as soon thereafter as
21practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
22Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,320,000 from the General
23Revenue Fund to the I-FLY Fund.
24    (nn) In addition to any other transfers that may be
25provided for by law, on July 1, 2006, or as soon thereafter as
26practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State



10000SB0042sam001- 83 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $3,000,000 from the General
2Revenue Fund to the African-American HIV/AIDS Response Fund.
3    (oo) In addition to any other transfers that may be
4provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2006 and until June
530, 2007, at the direction of and upon notification from the
6Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
7Treasurer shall transfer amounts identified as net receipts
8from the sale of all or part of the Illinois Student Assistance
9Commission loan portfolio from the Student Loan Operating Fund
10to the General Revenue Fund. The maximum amount that may be
11transferred pursuant to this Section is $38,800,000. In
12addition, no transfer may be made pursuant to this Section that
13would have the effect of reducing the available balance in the
14Student Loan Operating Fund to an amount less than the amount
15remaining unexpended and unreserved from the total
16appropriations from the Fund estimated to be expended for the
17fiscal year. The State Treasurer and Comptroller shall transfer
18the amounts designated under this Section as soon as may be
19practical after receiving the direction to transfer from the
21    (pp) In addition to any other transfers that may be
22provided for by law, on July 1, 2006, or as soon thereafter as
23practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
24Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $2,000,000 from the General
25Revenue Fund to the Illinois Veterans Assistance Fund.
26    (qq) In addition to any other transfers that may be



10000SB0042sam001- 84 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2007 and until May 1,
22008, at the direction of and upon notification from the
3Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
4Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
5$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
6Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
7retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
8from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
9Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
10Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2008.
11    (rr) In addition to any other transfers that may be
12provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2007 and until June
1330, 2008, at the direction of and upon notification from the
14Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
15Treasurer shall transfer amounts from the Illinois Affordable
16Housing Trust Fund to the designated funds not exceeding the
17following amounts:
18    DCFS Children's Services Fund.................$2,200,000
19    Department of Corrections Reimbursement
20        and Education Fund........................$1,500,000
21    Supplemental Low-Income Energy
22        Assistance Fund..............................$75,000
23    (ss) In addition to any other transfers that may be
24provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
25practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
26Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $8,250,000 from the General



10000SB0042sam001- 85 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
3    (tt) In addition to any other transfers that may be
4provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
5practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
6Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General
7Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
8    (uu) In addition to any other transfers that may be
9provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
10practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
11Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,320,000 from the General
12Revenue Fund to the I-FLY Fund.
13    (vv) In addition to any other transfers that may be
14provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
15practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
16Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $3,000,000 from the General
17Revenue Fund to the African-American HIV/AIDS Response Fund.
18    (ww) In addition to any other transfers that may be
19provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
20practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
21Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $3,500,000 from the General
22Revenue Fund to the Predatory Lending Database Program Fund.
23    (xx) In addition to any other transfers that may be
24provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
25practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
26Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General



10000SB0042sam001- 86 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Fund.
2    (yy) In addition to any other transfers that may be
3provided for by law, on July 1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as
4practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
5Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $4,000,000 from the General
6Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Infrastructure
8    (zz) In addition to any other transfers that may be
9provided for by law, on July 1, 2008, or as soon thereafter as
10practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
11Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
12Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Fund.
13    (aaa) In addition to any other transfers that may be
14provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2008 and until May 1,
152009, at the direction of and upon notification from the
16Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
17Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
18$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
19Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
20retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
21from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
22Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
23Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2009.
24    (bbb) In addition to any other transfers that may be
25provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2008 and until June
2630, 2009, at the direction of and upon notification from the



10000SB0042sam001- 87 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
2Treasurer shall transfer amounts from the Illinois Affordable
3Housing Trust Fund to the designated funds not exceeding the
4following amounts:
5        DCFS Children's Services Fund.............$2,200,000
6        Department of Corrections Reimbursement
7        and Education Fund........................$1,500,000
8        Supplemental Low-Income Energy
9        Assistance Fund..............................$75,000
10    (ccc) In addition to any other transfers that may be
11provided for by law, on July 1, 2008, or as soon thereafter as
12practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
13Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $7,450,000 from the General
14Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
16    (ddd) In addition to any other transfers that may be
17provided for by law, on July 1, 2008, or as soon thereafter as
18practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
19Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General
20Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
21    (eee) In addition to any other transfers that may be
22provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
23practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
24Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
25Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Fund.
26    (fff) In addition to any other transfers that may be



10000SB0042sam001- 88 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2009 and until May 1,
22010, at the direction of and upon notification from the
3Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
4Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
5$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
6Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
7retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
8from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
9Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
10Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2010.
11    (ggg) In addition to any other transfers that may be
12provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
13practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
14Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $7,450,000 from the General
15Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
17    (hhh) In addition to any other transfers that may be
18provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
19practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
20Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General
21Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
22    (iii) In addition to any other transfers that may be
23provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
24practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
25Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $100,000 from the General
26Revenue Fund to the Heartsaver AED Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 89 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (jjj) In addition to any other transfers that may be
2provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2009 and until June
330, 2010, at the direction of and upon notification from the
4Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
5Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
6$17,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the DCFS
7Children's Services Fund.
8    (lll) In addition to any other transfers that may be
9provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
10practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
11Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
12Revenue Fund to the Communications Revolving Fund.
13    (mmm) In addition to any other transfers that may be
14provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
15practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
16Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $9,700,000 from the General
17Revenue Fund to the Senior Citizens Real Estate Deferred Tax
18Revolving Fund.
19    (nnn) In addition to any other transfers that may be
20provided for by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
21practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
22Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $565,000 from the FY09
23Budget Relief Fund to the Horse Racing Fund.
24    (ooo) In addition to any other transfers that may be
25provided by law, on July 1, 2009, or as soon thereafter as
26practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State



10000SB0042sam001- 90 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $600,000 from the General
2Revenue Fund to the Temporary Relocation Expenses Revolving
4    (ppp) In addition to any other transfers that may be
5provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
6practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
7Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
8Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Fund.
9    (qqq) In addition to any other transfers that may be
10provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2010 and until May 1,
112011, at the direction of and upon notification from the
12Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
13Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
14$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
15Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
16retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
17from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
18Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
19Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2011.
20    (rrr) In addition to any other transfers that may be
21provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
22practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
23Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $6,675,000 from the General
24Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
26    (sss) In addition to any other transfers that may be



10000SB0042sam001- 91 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
2practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
3Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General
4Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
5    (ttt) In addition to any other transfers that may be
6provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
7practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
8Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $100,000 from the General
9Revenue Fund to the Heartsaver AED Fund.
10    (uuu) In addition to any other transfers that may be
11provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
12practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
13Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
14Revenue Fund to the Communications Revolving Fund.
15    (vvv) In addition to any other transfers that may be
16provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
17practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
18Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $3,000,000 from the General
19Revenue Fund to the Illinois Capital Revolving Loan Fund.
20    (www) In addition to any other transfers that may be
21provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as
22practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
23Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $17,000,000 from the
24General Revenue Fund to the DCFS Children's Services Fund.
25    (xxx) In addition to any other transfers that may be
26provided for by law, on July 1, 2010, or as soon thereafter as



10000SB0042sam001- 92 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
2Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $2,000,000 from the Digital
3Divide Elimination Infrastructure Fund, of which $1,000,000
4shall go to the Workforce, Technology, and Economic Development
5Fund and $1,000,000 to the Public Utility Fund.
6    (yyy) In addition to any other transfers that may be
7provided for by law, on and after July 1, 2011 and until May 1,
82012, at the direction of and upon notification from the
9Governor, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
10Treasurer shall transfer amounts not exceeding a total of
11$80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco
12Settlement Recovery Fund. Any amounts so transferred shall be
13retransferred by the State Comptroller and the State Treasurer
14from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the General
15Revenue Fund at the direction of and upon notification from the
16Governor, but in any event on or before June 30, 2012.
17    (zzz) In addition to any other transfers that may be
18provided for by law, on July 1, 2011, or as soon thereafter as
19practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
20Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,000,000 from the General
21Revenue Fund to the Illinois Veterans Assistance Fund.
22    (aaaa) In addition to any other transfers that may be
23provided for by law, on July 1, 2011, or as soon thereafter as
24practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
25Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $8,000,000 from the General
26Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating



10000SB0042sam001- 93 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

2    (bbbb) In addition to any other transfers that may be
3provided for by law, on July 1, 2011, or as soon thereafter as
4practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
5Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General
6Revenue Fund to the Violence Prevention Fund.
7    (cccc) In addition to any other transfers that may be
8provided for by law, on July 1, 2011, or as soon thereafter as
9practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
10Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $14,100,000 from the
11General Revenue Fund to the State Garage Revolving Fund.
12    (dddd) In addition to any other transfers that may be
13provided for by law, on July 1, 2011, or as soon thereafter as
14practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
15Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $4,000,000 from the General
16Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Fund.
17    (eeee) In addition to any other transfers that may be
18provided for by law, on July 1, 2011, or as soon thereafter as
19practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
20Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $500,000 from the General
21Revenue Fund to the Senior Citizens Real Estate Deferred Tax
22Revolving Fund.
23(Source: P.A. 99-933, eff. 1-27-17.)
24    (30 ILCS 105/8g-1)
25    Sec. 8g-1. Fund transfers.



10000SB0042sam001- 94 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (a) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
2for by law, on and after July 1, 2012 and until May 1, 2013, at
3the direction of and upon notification from the Governor, the
4State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
5transfer amounts not exceeding a total of $80,000,000 from the
6General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund.
7Any amounts so transferred shall be retransferred by the State
8Comptroller and the State Treasurer from the Tobacco Settlement
9Recovery Fund to the General Revenue Fund at the direction of
10and upon notification from the Governor, but in any event on or
11before June 30, 2013.
12    (b) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
13for by law, on and after July 1, 2013 and until May 1, 2014, at
14the direction of and upon notification from the Governor, the
15State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
16transfer amounts not exceeding a total of $80,000,000 from the
17General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund.
18Any amounts so transferred shall be retransferred by the State
19Comptroller and the State Treasurer from the Tobacco Settlement
20Recovery Fund to the General Revenue Fund at the direction of
21and upon notification from the Governor, but in any event on or
22before June 30, 2014.
23    (c) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
24for by law, on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as
25practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
26Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,400,000 from the General



10000SB0042sam001- 95 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Revenue Fund to the ICJIA Violence Prevention Fund.
2    (d) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
3for by law, on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as
4practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
5Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,500,000 from the General
6Revenue Fund to the Illinois Veterans Assistance Fund.
7    (e) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
8for by law, on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as
9practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
10Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $500,000 from the General
11Revenue Fund to the Senior Citizens Real Estate Deferred Tax
12Revolving Fund.
13    (f) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
14for by law, on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as
15practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
16Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $4,000,000 from the General
17Revenue Fund to the Digital Divide Elimination Fund.
18    (g) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
19for by law, on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as
20practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
21Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the General
22Revenue Fund to the Communications Revolving Fund.
23    (h) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
24for by law, on July 1, 2013, or as soon thereafter as
25practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
26Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $9,800,000 from the General



10000SB0042sam001- 96 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum Operating
3    (i) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
4for by law, on and after July 1, 2014 and until May 1, 2015, at
5the direction of and upon notification from the Governor, the
6State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
7transfer amounts not exceeding a total of $80,000,000 from the
8General Revenue Fund to the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund.
9Any amounts so transferred shall be retransferred by the State
10Comptroller and the State Treasurer from the Tobacco Settlement
11Recovery Fund to the General Revenue Fund at the direction of
12and upon notification from the Governor, but in any event on or
13before June 30, 2015.
14    (j) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
15for by law, on July 1, 2014, or as soon thereafter as
16practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
17Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $10,000,000 from the
18General Revenue Fund to the Presidential Library and Museum
19Operating Fund.
20    (k) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided
21for by law, as soon as may be practical after the effective
22date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, the
23State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall
24transfer the sum of $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to
25the Grant Accountability and Transparency Fund.
26    (l) In addition to any other transfers that may be provided



10000SB0042sam001- 97 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1for by law, on July 1, 2017, or as soon thereafter as
2practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
3Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $1,000,000 from the General
4Revenue Fund to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Fund.
5    (m) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition
6to any other transfers that may be provided by law, on July 1,
72017, or as soon thereafter as practical, the State Comptroller
8shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the
9remaining balance from the Performance-enhancing Substance
10Testing Fund into the General Revenue Fund. Upon completion of
11the transfers, the Performance-enhancing Substance Testing
12Fund is dissolved, and any future deposits due to that Fund and
13any outstanding obligations or liabilities of that Fund pass to
14the General Revenue Fund.
15(Source: P.A. 97-732, eff. 6-30-12; 98-24, eff. 6-19-13;
1698-674, eff. 6-30-14.)
17    (30 ILCS 105/13.2)  (from Ch. 127, par. 149.2)
18    Sec. 13.2. Transfers among line item appropriations.
19    (a) Transfers among line item appropriations from the same
20treasury fund for the objects specified in this Section may be
21made in the manner provided in this Section when the balance
22remaining in one or more such line item appropriations is
23insufficient for the purpose for which the appropriation was
25    (a-1) No transfers may be made from one agency to another



10000SB0042sam001- 98 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1agency, nor may transfers be made from one institution of
2higher education to another institution of higher education
3except as provided by subsection (a-4).
4    (a-2) Except as otherwise provided in this Section,
5transfers may be made only among the objects of expenditure
6enumerated in this Section, except that no funds may be
7transferred from any appropriation for personal services, from
8any appropriation for State contributions to the State
9Employees' Retirement System, from any separate appropriation
10for employee retirement contributions paid by the employer, nor
11from any appropriation for State contribution for employee
12group insurance. During State fiscal year 2005, an agency may
13transfer amounts among its appropriations within the same
14treasury fund for personal services, employee retirement
15contributions paid by employer, and State Contributions to
16retirement systems; notwithstanding and in addition to the
17transfers authorized in subsection (c) of this Section, the
18fiscal year 2005 transfers authorized in this sentence may be
19made in an amount not to exceed 2% of the aggregate amount
20appropriated to an agency within the same treasury fund. During
21State fiscal year 2007, the Departments of Children and Family
22Services, Corrections, Human Services, and Juvenile Justice
23may transfer amounts among their respective appropriations
24within the same treasury fund for personal services, employee
25retirement contributions paid by employer, and State
26contributions to retirement systems. During State fiscal year



10000SB0042sam001- 99 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

12010, the Department of Transportation may transfer amounts
2among their respective appropriations within the same treasury
3fund for personal services, employee retirement contributions
4paid by employer, and State contributions to retirement
5systems. During State fiscal years 2010 and 2014 only, an
6agency may transfer amounts among its respective
7appropriations within the same treasury fund for personal
8services, employee retirement contributions paid by employer,
9and State contributions to retirement systems.
10Notwithstanding, and in addition to, the transfers authorized
11in subsection (c) of this Section, these transfers may be made
12in an amount not to exceed 2% of the aggregate amount
13appropriated to an agency within the same treasury fund.
14    (a-2.5) During State fiscal year 2015 only, the State's
15Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor may transfer amounts among its
16respective appropriations contained in operational line items
17within the same treasury fund. Notwithstanding, and in addition
18to, the transfers authorized in subsection (c) of this Section,
19these transfers may be made in an amount not to exceed 4% of
20the aggregate amount appropriated to the State's Attorneys
21Appellate Prosecutor within the same treasury fund.
22    (a-3) Further, if an agency receives a separate
23appropriation for employee retirement contributions paid by
24the employer, any transfer by that agency into an appropriation
25for personal services must be accompanied by a corresponding
26transfer into the appropriation for employee retirement



10000SB0042sam001- 100 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1contributions paid by the employer, in an amount sufficient to
2meet the employer share of the employee contributions required
3to be remitted to the retirement system.
4    (a-4) Long-Term Care Rebalancing. The Governor may
5designate amounts set aside for institutional services
6appropriated from the General Revenue Fund or any other State
7fund that receives monies for long-term care services to be
8transferred to all State agencies responsible for the
9administration of community-based long-term care programs,
10including, but not limited to, community-based long-term care
11programs administered by the Department of Healthcare and
12Family Services, the Department of Human Services, and the
13Department on Aging, provided that the Director of Healthcare
14and Family Services first certifies that the amounts being
15transferred are necessary for the purpose of assisting persons
16in or at risk of being in institutional care to transition to
17community-based settings, including the financial data needed
18to prove the need for the transfer of funds. The total amounts
19transferred shall not exceed 4% in total of the amounts
20appropriated from the General Revenue Fund or any other State
21fund that receives monies for long-term care services for each
22fiscal year. A notice of the fund transfer must be made to the
23General Assembly and posted at a minimum on the Department of
24Healthcare and Family Services website, the Governor's Office
25of Management and Budget website, and any other website the
26Governor sees fit. These postings shall serve as notice to the



10000SB0042sam001- 101 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1General Assembly of the amounts to be transferred. Notice shall
2be given at least 30 days prior to transfer.
3    (b) In addition to the general transfer authority provided
4under subsection (c), the following agencies have the specific
5transfer authority granted in this subsection:
6    The Department of Healthcare and Family Services is
7authorized to make transfers representing savings attributable
8to not increasing grants due to the births of additional
9children from line items for payments of cash grants to line
10items for payments for employment and social services for the
11purposes outlined in subsection (f) of Section 4-2 of the
12Illinois Public Aid Code.
13    The Department of Children and Family Services is
14authorized to make transfers not exceeding 2% of the aggregate
15amount appropriated to it within the same treasury fund for the
16following line items among these same line items: Foster Home
17and Specialized Foster Care and Prevention, Institutions and
18Group Homes and Prevention, and Purchase of Adoption and
19Guardianship Services.
20    The Department on Aging is authorized to make transfers not
21exceeding 2% of the aggregate amount appropriated to it within
22the same treasury fund for the following Community Care Program
23line items among these same line items: purchase of services
24covered by the Community Care Program and Comprehensive Case
26    The State Treasurer is authorized to make transfers among



10000SB0042sam001- 102 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1line item appropriations from the Capital Litigation Trust
2Fund, with respect to costs incurred in fiscal years 2002 and
32003 only, when the balance remaining in one or more such line
4item appropriations is insufficient for the purpose for which
5the appropriation was made, provided that no such transfer may
6be made unless the amount transferred is no longer required for
7the purpose for which that appropriation was made.
8    The State Board of Education is authorized to make
9transfers from line item appropriations within the same
10treasury fund for General State Aid and General State Aid -
11Hold Harmless, provided that no such transfer may be made
12unless the amount transferred is no longer required for the
13purpose for which that appropriation was made, to the line item
14appropriation for Transitional Assistance when the balance
15remaining in such line item appropriation is insufficient for
16the purpose for which the appropriation was made.
17    The State Board of Education is authorized to make
18transfers between the following line item appropriations
19within the same treasury fund: Disabled Student
20Services/Materials (Section 14-13.01 of the School Code),
21Disabled Student Transportation Reimbursement (Section
2214-13.01 of the School Code), Disabled Student Tuition -
23Private Tuition (Section 14-7.02 of the School Code),
24Extraordinary Special Education (Section 14-7.02b of the
25School Code), Reimbursement for Free Lunch/Breakfast Program,
26Summer School Payments (Section 18-4.3 of the School Code), and



10000SB0042sam001- 103 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Transportation - Regular/Vocational Reimbursement (Section
229-5 of the School Code). Such transfers shall be made only
3when the balance remaining in one or more such line item
4appropriations is insufficient for the purpose for which the
5appropriation was made and provided that no such transfer may
6be made unless the amount transferred is no longer required for
7the purpose for which that appropriation was made.
8    The Department of Healthcare and Family Services is
9authorized to make transfers not exceeding 4% of the aggregate
10amount appropriated to it, within the same treasury fund, among
11the various line items appropriated for Medical Assistance.
12    (c) The sum of such transfers for an agency in a fiscal
13year shall not exceed 2% of the aggregate amount appropriated
14to it within the same treasury fund for the following objects:
15Personal Services; Extra Help; Student and Inmate
16Compensation; State Contributions to Retirement Systems; State
17Contributions to Social Security; State Contribution for
18Employee Group Insurance; Contractual Services; Travel;
19Commodities; Printing; Equipment; Electronic Data Processing;
20Operation of Automotive Equipment; Telecommunications
21Services; Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled and
22Discharged Prisoners; Library Books; Federal Matching Grants
23for Student Loans; Refunds; Workers' Compensation,
24Occupational Disease, and Tort Claims; and, in appropriations
25to institutions of higher education, Awards and Grants.
26Notwithstanding the above, any amounts appropriated for



10000SB0042sam001- 104 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1payment of workers' compensation claims to an agency to which
2the authority to evaluate, administer and pay such claims has
3been delegated by the Department of Central Management Services
4may be transferred to any other expenditure object where such
5amounts exceed the amount necessary for the payment of such
7    (c-1) Special provisions for State fiscal year 2003.
8Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the
9contrary, for State fiscal year 2003 only, transfers among line
10item appropriations to an agency from the same treasury fund
11may be made provided that the sum of such transfers for an
12agency in State fiscal year 2003 shall not exceed 3% of the
13aggregate amount appropriated to that State agency for State
14fiscal year 2003 for the following objects: personal services,
15except that no transfer may be approved which reduces the
16aggregate appropriations for personal services within an
17agency; extra help; student and inmate compensation; State
18contributions to retirement systems; State contributions to
19social security; State contributions for employee group
20insurance; contractual services; travel; commodities;
21printing; equipment; electronic data processing; operation of
22automotive equipment; telecommunications services; travel and
23allowance for committed, paroled, and discharged prisoners;
24library books; federal matching grants for student loans;
25refunds; workers' compensation, occupational disease, and tort
26claims; and, in appropriations to institutions of higher



10000SB0042sam001- 105 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1education, awards and grants.
2    (c-2) Special provisions for State fiscal year 2005.
3Notwithstanding subsections (a), (a-2), and (c), for State
4fiscal year 2005 only, transfers may be made among any line
5item appropriations from the same or any other treasury fund
6for any objects or purposes, without limitation, when the
7balance remaining in one or more such line item appropriations
8is insufficient for the purpose for which the appropriation was
9made, provided that the sum of those transfers by a State
10agency shall not exceed 4% of the aggregate amount appropriated
11to that State agency for fiscal year 2005.
12    (c-3) Special provisions for State fiscal year 2015.
13Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, for State
14fiscal year 2015, transfers among line item appropriations to a
15State agency from the same State treasury fund may be made for
16operational or lump sum expenses only, provided that the sum of
17such transfers for a State agency in State fiscal year 2015
18shall not exceed 4% of the aggregate amount appropriated to
19that State agency for operational or lump sum expenses for
20State fiscal year 2015. For the purpose of this subsection,
21"operational or lump sum expenses" includes the following
22objects: personal services; extra help; student and inmate
23compensation; State contributions to retirement systems; State
24contributions to social security; State contributions for
25employee group insurance; contractual services; travel;
26commodities; printing; equipment; electronic data processing;



10000SB0042sam001- 106 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1operation of automotive equipment; telecommunications
2services; travel and allowance for committed, paroled, and
3discharged prisoners; library books; federal matching grants
4for student loans; refunds; workers' compensation,
5occupational disease, and tort claims; lump sum and other
6purposes; and lump sum operations. For the purpose of this
7subsection (c-3), "State agency" does not include the Attorney
8General, the Secretary of State, the Comptroller, the
9Treasurer, or the legislative or judicial branches.
10    (c-4) Special provisions for State fiscal year 2018.
11Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, for State
12fiscal year 2018, transfers among line item appropriations to a
13State agency from the same State treasury fund may be made for
14operational or lump sum expenses only, provided that the sum of
15such transfers for a State agency in State fiscal year 2015
16shall not exceed 4% of the aggregate amount appropriated to
17that State agency for operational or lump sum expenses for
18State fiscal year 2018. For the purpose of this subsection
19(c-4), "operational or lump sum expenses" includes the
20following objects: personal services; extra help; student and
21inmate compensation; State contributions to retirement
22systems; State contributions to social security; State
23contributions for employee group insurance; contractual
24services; travel; commodities; printing; equipment; electronic
25data processing; operation of automotive equipment;
26telecommunications services; travel and allowance for



10000SB0042sam001- 107 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1committed, paroled, and discharged prisoners; library books;
2federal matching grants for student loans; refunds; workers'
3compensation, occupational disease, and tort claims; lump sum
4and other purposes; and lump sum operations. For the purpose of
5this subsection (c-4), "State agency" does not include the
6Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Comptroller, the
7Treasurer, or the legislative or judicial branches.
8    (d) Transfers among appropriations made to agencies of the
9Legislative and Judicial departments and to the
10constitutionally elected officers in the Executive branch
11require the approval of the officer authorized in Section 10 of
12this Act to approve and certify vouchers. Transfers among
13appropriations made to the University of Illinois, Southern
14Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern
15Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois
16State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern
17Illinois University, Western Illinois University, the Illinois
18Mathematics and Science Academy and the Board of Higher
19Education require the approval of the Board of Higher Education
20and the Governor. Transfers among appropriations to all other
21agencies require the approval of the Governor.
22    The officer responsible for approval shall certify that the
23transfer is necessary to carry out the programs and purposes
24for which the appropriations were made by the General Assembly
25and shall transmit to the State Comptroller a certified copy of
26the approval which shall set forth the specific amounts



10000SB0042sam001- 108 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1transferred so that the Comptroller may change his records
2accordingly. The Comptroller shall furnish the Governor with
3information copies of all transfers approved for agencies of
4the Legislative and Judicial departments and transfers
5approved by the constitutionally elected officials of the
6Executive branch other than the Governor, showing the amounts
7transferred and indicating the dates such changes were entered
8on the Comptroller's records.
9    (e) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the
10State Comptroller, may transfer line item appropriations for
11General State Aid between the Common School Fund and the
12Education Assistance Fund. With the advice and consent of the
13Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the State Board of
14Education, in consultation with the State Comptroller, may
15transfer line item appropriations between the General Revenue
16Fund and the Education Assistance Fund for the following
18        (1) Disabled Student Personnel Reimbursement (Section
19    14-13.01 of the School Code);
20        (2) Disabled Student Transportation Reimbursement
21    (subsection (b) of Section 14-13.01 of the School Code);
22        (3) Disabled Student Tuition - Private Tuition
23    (Section 14-7.02 of the School Code);
24        (4) Extraordinary Special Education (Section 14-7.02b
25    of the School Code);
26        (5) Reimbursement for Free Lunch/Breakfast Programs;



10000SB0042sam001- 109 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (6) Summer School Payments (Section 18-4.3 of the
2    School Code);
3        (7) Transportation - Regular/Vocational Reimbursement
4    (Section 29-5 of the School Code);
5        (8) Regular Education Reimbursement (Section 18-3 of
6    the School Code); and
7        (9) Special Education Reimbursement (Section 14-7.03
8    of the School Code).
9(Source: P.A. 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-674, eff. 6-30-14; 99-2,
10eff. 3-26-15.)
11    Section 5-20. The State Revenue Sharing Act is amended by
12changing Section 12 as follows:
13    (30 ILCS 115/12)  (from Ch. 85, par. 616)
14    Sec. 12. Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund. There is
15hereby created the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund, a
16special fund in the State Treasury into which shall be paid all
17revenue realized:
18    (a) all amounts realized from the additional personal
19property tax replacement income tax imposed by subsections (c)
20and (d) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act, except
21for those amounts deposited into the Income Tax Refund Fund
22pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 901 of the Illinois
23Income Tax Act; and
24    (b) all amounts realized from the additional personal



10000SB0042sam001- 110 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1property replacement invested capital taxes imposed by Section
22a.1 of the Messages Tax Act, Section 2a.1 of the Gas Revenue
3Tax Act, Section 2a.1 of the Public Utilities Revenue Act, and
4Section 3 of the Water Company Invested Capital Tax Act, and
5amounts payable to the Department of Revenue under the
6Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Act.
7    As soon as may be after the end of each month, the
8Department of Revenue shall certify to the Treasurer and the
9Comptroller the amount of all refunds paid out of the General
10Revenue Fund through the preceding month on account of
11overpayment of liability on taxes paid into the Personal
12Property Tax Replacement Fund. Upon receipt of such
13certification, the Treasurer and the Comptroller shall
14transfer the amount so certified from the Personal Property Tax
15Replacement Fund into the General Revenue Fund.
16    The payments of revenue into the Personal Property Tax
17Replacement Fund shall be used exclusively for distribution to
18taxing districts, regional offices and officials, and local
19officials as provided in this Section and in the School Code,
20payment of the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Property
21Tax Appeal Board, payment of the expenses of the Department of
22Revenue incurred in administering the collection and
23distribution of monies paid into the Personal Property Tax
24Replacement Fund and transfers due to refunds to taxpayers for
25overpayment of liability for taxes paid into the Personal
26Property Tax Replacement Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 111 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    In addition, moneys in the Personal Property Tax
2Replacement Fund may be used to pay any of the following: (i)
3salary, stipends, and additional compensation as provided by
4law for chief election clerks, county clerks, and county
5recorders; (ii) costs associated with regional offices of
6education and educational service centers; (iii)
7reimbursements payable by the State Board of Elections under
8Section 4-25, 5-35, 6-71, 13-10, 13-10a, or 13-11 of the
9Election Code; (iv) expenses of the Illinois Educational Labor
10Relations Board; and (v) salary, personal services, and
11additional compensation as provided by law for court reporters
12under the Court Reporters Act.
13    As soon as may be after the effective date of this
14amendatory Act of 1980, the Department of Revenue shall certify
15to the Treasurer the amount of net replacement revenue paid
16into the General Revenue Fund prior to that effective date from
17the additional tax imposed by Section 2a.1 of the Messages Tax
18Act; Section 2a.1 of the Gas Revenue Tax Act; Section 2a.1 of
19the Public Utilities Revenue Act; Section 3 of the Water
20Company Invested Capital Tax Act; amounts collected by the
21Department of Revenue under the Telecommunications
22Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Act; and the additional
23personal property tax replacement income tax imposed by the
24Illinois Income Tax Act, as amended by Public Act 81-1st
25Special Session-1. Net replacement revenue shall be defined as
26the total amount paid into and remaining in the General Revenue



10000SB0042sam001- 112 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Fund as a result of those Acts minus the amount outstanding and
2obligated from the General Revenue Fund in state vouchers or
3warrants prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of
41980 as refunds to taxpayers for overpayment of liability under
5those Acts.
6    All interest earned by monies accumulated in the Personal
7Property Tax Replacement Fund shall be deposited in such Fund.
8All amounts allocated pursuant to this Section are appropriated
9on a continuing basis.
10    Prior to December 31, 1980, as soon as may be after the end
11of each quarter beginning with the quarter ending December 31,
121979, and on and after December 31, 1980, as soon as may be
13after January 1, March 1, April 1, May 1, July 1, August 1,
14October 1 and December 1 of each year, the Department of
15Revenue shall allocate to each taxing district as defined in
16Section 1-150 of the Property Tax Code, in accordance with the
17provisions of paragraph (2) of this Section the portion of the
18funds held in the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund which
19is required to be distributed, as provided in paragraph (1),
20for each quarter. Provided, however, under no circumstances
21shall any taxing district during each of the first two years of
22distribution of the taxes imposed by this amendatory Act of
231979 be entitled to an annual allocation which is less than the
24funds such taxing district collected from the 1978 personal
25property tax. Provided further that under no circumstances
26shall any taxing district during the third year of distribution



10000SB0042sam001- 113 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1of the taxes imposed by this amendatory Act of 1979 receive
2less than 60% of the funds such taxing district collected from
3the 1978 personal property tax. In the event that the total of
4the allocations made as above provided for all taxing
5districts, during either of such 3 years, exceeds the amount
6available for distribution the allocation of each taxing
7district shall be proportionately reduced. Except as provided
8in Section 13 of this Act, the Department shall then certify,
9pursuant to appropriation, such allocations to the State
10Comptroller who shall pay over to the several taxing districts
11the respective amounts allocated to them.
12    Any township which receives an allocation based in whole or
13in part upon personal property taxes which it levied pursuant
14to Section 6-507 or 6-512 of the Illinois Highway Code and
15which was previously required to be paid over to a municipality
16shall immediately pay over to that municipality a proportionate
17share of the personal property replacement funds which such
18township receives.
19    Any municipality or township, other than a municipality
20with a population in excess of 500,000, which receives an
21allocation based in whole or in part on personal property taxes
22which it levied pursuant to Sections 3-1, 3-4 and 3-6 of the
23Illinois Local Library Act and which was previously required to
24be paid over to a public library shall immediately pay over to
25that library a proportionate share of the personal property tax
26replacement funds which such municipality or township



10000SB0042sam001- 114 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1receives; provided that if such a public library has converted
2to a library organized under The Illinois Public Library
3District Act, regardless of whether such conversion has
4occurred on, after or before January 1, 1988, such
5proportionate share shall be immediately paid over to the
6library district which maintains and operates the library.
7However, any library that has converted prior to January 1,
81988, and which hitherto has not received the personal property
9tax replacement funds, shall receive such funds commencing on
10January 1, 1988.
11    Any township which receives an allocation based in whole or
12in part on personal property taxes which it levied pursuant to
13Section 1c of the Public Graveyards Act and which taxes were
14previously required to be paid over to or used for such public
15cemetery or cemeteries shall immediately pay over to or use for
16such public cemetery or cemeteries a proportionate share of the
17personal property tax replacement funds which the township
19    Any taxing district which receives an allocation based in
20whole or in part upon personal property taxes which it levied
21for another governmental body or school district in Cook County
22in 1976 or for another governmental body or school district in
23the remainder of the State in 1977 shall immediately pay over
24to that governmental body or school district the amount of
25personal property replacement funds which such governmental
26body or school district would receive directly under the



10000SB0042sam001- 115 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1provisions of paragraph (2) of this Section, had it levied its
2own taxes.
3        (1) The portion of the Personal Property Tax
4    Replacement Fund required to be distributed as of the time
5    allocation is required to be made shall be the amount
6    available in such Fund as of the time allocation is
7    required to be made.
8        The amount available for distribution shall be the
9    total amount in the fund at such time minus the necessary
10    administrative and other authorized expenses as limited by
11    the appropriation and the amount determined by: (a) $2.8
12    million for fiscal year 1981; (b) for fiscal year 1982,
13    .54% of the funds distributed from the fund during the
14    preceding fiscal year; (c) for fiscal year 1983 through
15    fiscal year 1988, .54% of the funds distributed from the
16    fund during the preceding fiscal year less .02% of such
17    fund for fiscal year 1983 and less .02% of such funds for
18    each fiscal year thereafter; (d) for fiscal year 1989
19    through fiscal year 2011 no more than 105% of the actual
20    administrative expenses of the prior fiscal year; (e) for
21    fiscal year 2012 and beyond, a sufficient amount to pay (i)
22    stipends, additional compensation, salary reimbursements,
23    and other amounts directed to be paid out of this Fund for
24    local officials as authorized or required by statute and
25    (ii) no more than 105% of the actual administrative
26    expenses of the prior fiscal year, including payment of the



10000SB0042sam001- 116 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    ordinary and contingent expenses of the Property Tax Appeal
2    Board and payment of the expenses of the Department of
3    Revenue incurred in administering the collection and
4    distribution of moneys paid into the Fund; or (f) for
5    fiscal years 2012 and 2013 only, a sufficient amount to pay
6    stipends, additional compensation, salary reimbursements,
7    and other amounts directed to be paid out of this Fund for
8    regional offices and officials as authorized or required by
9    statute; or (g) for fiscal year 2018 only, a sufficient
10    amount to pay amounts directed to be paid out of this Fund
11    for public community college base operating grants and
12    local health protection grants to certified local health
13    departments as authorized or required by appropriation or
14    statute. Such portion of the fund shall be determined after
15    the transfer into the General Revenue Fund due to refunds,
16    if any, paid from the General Revenue Fund during the
17    preceding quarter. If at any time, for any reason, there is
18    insufficient amount in the Personal Property Tax
19    Replacement Fund for payments for regional offices and
20    officials or local officials or payment of costs of
21    administration or for transfers due to refunds at the end
22    of any particular month, the amount of such insufficiency
23    shall be carried over for the purposes of payments for
24    regional offices and officials, local officials, transfers
25    into the General Revenue Fund, and costs of administration
26    to the following month or months. Net replacement revenue



10000SB0042sam001- 117 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    held, and defined above, shall be transferred by the
2    Treasurer and Comptroller to the Personal Property Tax
3    Replacement Fund within 10 days of such certification.
4        (2) Each quarterly allocation shall first be
5    apportioned in the following manner: 51.65% for taxing
6    districts in Cook County and 48.35% for taxing districts in
7    the remainder of the State.
8    The Personal Property Replacement Ratio of each taxing
9district outside Cook County shall be the ratio which the Tax
10Base of that taxing district bears to the Downstate Tax Base.
11The Tax Base of each taxing district outside of Cook County is
12the personal property tax collections for that taxing district
13for the 1977 tax year. The Downstate Tax Base is the personal
14property tax collections for all taxing districts in the State
15outside of Cook County for the 1977 tax year. The Department of
16Revenue shall have authority to review for accuracy and
17completeness the personal property tax collections for each
18taxing district outside Cook County for the 1977 tax year.
19    The Personal Property Replacement Ratio of each Cook County
20taxing district shall be the ratio which the Tax Base of that
21taxing district bears to the Cook County Tax Base. The Tax Base
22of each Cook County taxing district is the personal property
23tax collections for that taxing district for the 1976 tax year.
24The Cook County Tax Base is the personal property tax
25collections for all taxing districts in Cook County for the
261976 tax year. The Department of Revenue shall have authority



10000SB0042sam001- 118 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1to review for accuracy and completeness the personal property
2tax collections for each taxing district within Cook County for
3the 1976 tax year.
4    For all purposes of this Section 12, amounts paid to a
5taxing district for such tax years as may be applicable by a
6foreign corporation under the provisions of Section 7-202 of
7the Public Utilities Act, as amended, shall be deemed to be
8personal property taxes collected by such taxing district for
9such tax years as may be applicable. The Director shall
10determine from the Illinois Commerce Commission, for any tax
11year as may be applicable, the amounts so paid by any such
12foreign corporation to any and all taxing districts. The
13Illinois Commerce Commission shall furnish such information to
14the Director. For all purposes of this Section 12, the Director
15shall deem such amounts to be collected personal property taxes
16of each such taxing district for the applicable tax year or
18    Taxing districts located both in Cook County and in one or
19more other counties shall receive both a Cook County allocation
20and a Downstate allocation determined in the same way as all
21other taxing districts.
22    If any taxing district in existence on July 1, 1979 ceases
23to exist, or discontinues its operations, its Tax Base shall
24thereafter be deemed to be zero. If the powers, duties and
25obligations of the discontinued taxing district are assumed by
26another taxing district, the Tax Base of the discontinued



10000SB0042sam001- 119 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1taxing district shall be added to the Tax Base of the taxing
2district assuming such powers, duties and obligations.
3    If two or more taxing districts in existence on July 1,
41979, or a successor or successors thereto shall consolidate
5into one taxing district, the Tax Base of such consolidated
6taxing district shall be the sum of the Tax Bases of each of
7the taxing districts which have consolidated.
8    If a single taxing district in existence on July 1, 1979,
9or a successor or successors thereto shall be divided into two
10or more separate taxing districts, the tax base of the taxing
11district so divided shall be allocated to each of the resulting
12taxing districts in proportion to the then current equalized
13assessed value of each resulting taxing district.
14    If a portion of the territory of a taxing district is
15disconnected and annexed to another taxing district of the same
16type, the Tax Base of the taxing district from which
17disconnection was made shall be reduced in proportion to the
18then current equalized assessed value of the disconnected
19territory as compared with the then current equalized assessed
20value within the entire territory of the taxing district prior
21to disconnection, and the amount of such reduction shall be
22added to the Tax Base of the taxing district to which
23annexation is made.
24    If a community college district is created after July 1,
251979, beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of
261995, its Tax Base shall be 3.5% of the sum of the personal



10000SB0042sam001- 120 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1property tax collected for the 1977 tax year within the
2territorial jurisdiction of the district.
3    The amounts allocated and paid to taxing districts pursuant
4to the provisions of this amendatory Act of 1979 shall be
5deemed to be substitute revenues for the revenues derived from
6taxes imposed on personal property pursuant to the provisions
7of the "Revenue Act of 1939" or "An Act for the assessment and
8taxation of private car line companies", approved July 22,
91943, as amended, or Section 414 of the Illinois Insurance
10Code, prior to the abolition of such taxes and shall be used
11for the same purposes as the revenues derived from ad valorem
12taxes on real estate.
13    Monies received by any taxing districts from the Personal
14Property Tax Replacement Fund shall be first applied toward
15payment of the proportionate amount of debt service which was
16previously levied and collected from extensions against
17personal property on bonds outstanding as of December 31, 1978
18and next applied toward payment of the proportionate share of
19the pension or retirement obligations of the taxing district
20which were previously levied and collected from extensions
21against personal property. For each such outstanding bond
22issue, the County Clerk shall determine the percentage of the
23debt service which was collected from extensions against real
24estate in the taxing district for 1978 taxes payable in 1979,
25as related to the total amount of such levies and collections
26from extensions against both real and personal property. For



10000SB0042sam001- 121 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

11979 and subsequent years' taxes, the County Clerk shall levy
2and extend taxes against the real estate of each taxing
3district which will yield the said percentage or percentages of
4the debt service on such outstanding bonds. The balance of the
5amount necessary to fully pay such debt service shall
6constitute a first and prior lien upon the monies received by
7each such taxing district through the Personal Property Tax
8Replacement Fund and shall be first applied or set aside for
9such purpose. In counties having fewer than 3,000,000
10inhabitants, the amendments to this paragraph as made by this
11amendatory Act of 1980 shall be first applicable to 1980 taxes
12to be collected in 1981.
13(Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11; 97-619, eff. 11-14-11;
1497-732, eff. 6-30-12; 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-674, eff.
16    Section 5-25. The General Obligation Bond Act is amended by
17changing Sections 2.5 and 15 as follows:
18    (30 ILCS 330/2.5)
19    Sec. 2.5. Limitation on issuance of Bonds.
20    (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), no Bonds may be
21issued if, after the issuance, in the next State fiscal year
22after the issuance of the Bonds, the amount of debt service
23(including principal, whether payable at maturity or pursuant
24to mandatory sinking fund installments, and interest) on all



10000SB0042sam001- 122 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1then-outstanding Bonds, other than Bonds authorized by Public
2Act 96-43 and other than Bonds authorized by Public Act
396-1497, would exceed 7% of the aggregate appropriations from
4the general funds (which consist of the General Revenue Fund,
5the Common School Fund, the General Revenue Common School
6Special Account Fund, and the Education Assistance Fund) and
7the Road Fund for the fiscal year immediately prior to the
8fiscal year of the issuance. For purposes of this subsection
9(a), "general funds" has the meaning provided in Section 50-40
10of the State Budget Law.
11    (b) If the Comptroller and Treasurer each consent in
12writing, Bonds may be issued even if the issuance does not
13comply with subsection (a). In addition, $2,000,000,000 in
14Bonds for the purposes set forth in Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7,
15and $2,000,000,000 in Refunding Bonds under Section 16, may be
16issued during State fiscal year 2017 without complying with
17subsection (a).
18(Source: P.A. 99-523, eff. 6-30-16.)
19    (30 ILCS 330/15)  (from Ch. 127, par. 665)
20    Sec. 15. Computation of Principal and Interest; transfers.
21    (a) Upon each delivery of Bonds authorized to be issued
22under this Act, the Comptroller shall compute and certify to
23the Treasurer the total amount of principal of, interest on,
24and premium, if any, on Bonds issued that will be payable in
25order to retire such Bonds, the amount of principal of,



10000SB0042sam001- 123 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1interest on and premium, if any, on such Bonds that will be
2payable on each payment date according to the tenor of such
3Bonds during the then current and each succeeding fiscal year,
4and the amount of sinking fund payments needed to be deposited
5in connection with Qualified School Construction Bonds
6authorized by subsection (e) of Section 9. With respect to the
7interest payable on variable rate bonds, such certifications
8shall be calculated at the maximum rate of interest that may be
9payable during the fiscal year, after taking into account any
10credits permitted in the related indenture or other instrument
11against the amount of such interest required to be appropriated
12for such period pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 14 of
13this Act. With respect to the interest payable, such
14certifications shall include the amounts certified by the
15Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget
16under subsection (b) of Section 9 of this Act.
17    On or before the last day of each month the State Treasurer
18and Comptroller shall transfer from (1) the Road Fund with
19respect to Bonds issued under paragraph (a) of Section 4 of
20this Act, or Bonds issued under authorization in Public Act
2198-781, or Bonds issued for the purpose of refunding such
22bonds, and from (2) the General Revenue Fund, with respect to
23all other Bonds issued under this Act, to the General
24Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund an amount
25sufficient to pay the aggregate of the principal of, interest
26on, and premium, if any, on Bonds payable, by their terms on



10000SB0042sam001- 124 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the next payment date divided by the number of full calendar
2months between the date of such Bonds and the first such
3payment date, and thereafter, divided by the number of months
4between each succeeding payment date after the first. Such
5computations and transfers shall be made for each series of
6Bonds issued and delivered. Interest payable on variable rate
7bonds shall be calculated at the maximum rate of interest that
8may be payable for the relevant period, after taking into
9account any credits permitted in the related indenture or other
10instrument against the amount of such interest required to be
11appropriated for such period pursuant to subsection (c) of
12Section 14 of this Act. Computations of interest shall include
13the amounts certified by the Director of the Governor's Office
14of Management and Budget under subsection (b) of Section 9 of
15this Act. Interest for which moneys have already been deposited
16into the capitalized interest account within the General
17Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund shall not be
18included in the calculation of the amounts to be transferred
19under this subsection. Notwithstanding any other provision in
20this Section, the transfer provisions provided in this
21paragraph shall not apply to transfers made in fiscal year 2010
22or fiscal year 2011 with respect to Bonds issued in fiscal year
232010 or fiscal year 2011 pursuant to Section 7.2 of this Act.
24In the case of transfers made in fiscal year 2010 or fiscal
25year 2011 with respect to the Bonds issued in fiscal year 2010
26or fiscal year 2011 pursuant to Section 7.2 of this Act, on or



10000SB0042sam001- 125 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1before the 15th day of the month prior to the required debt
2service payment, the State Treasurer and Comptroller shall
3transfer from the General Revenue Fund to the General
4Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund an amount
5sufficient to pay the aggregate of the principal of, interest
6on, and premium, if any, on the Bonds payable in that next
8    The transfer of monies herein and above directed is not
9required if monies in the General Obligation Bond Retirement
10and Interest Fund are more than the amount otherwise to be
11transferred as herein above provided, and if the Governor or
12his authorized representative notifies the State Treasurer and
13Comptroller of such fact in writing.
14    (b) After the effective date of this Act, the balance of,
15and monies directed to be included in the Capital Development
16Bond Retirement and Interest Fund, Anti-Pollution Bond
17Retirement and Interest Fund, Transportation Bond, Series A
18Retirement and Interest Fund, Transportation Bond, Series B
19Retirement and Interest Fund, and Coal Development Bond
20Retirement and Interest Fund shall be transferred to and
21deposited in the General Obligation Bond Retirement and
22Interest Fund. This Fund shall be used to make debt service
23payments on the State's general obligation Bonds heretofore
24issued which are now outstanding and payable from the Funds
25herein listed as well as on Bonds issued under this Act.
26    (c) Except as provided in Section 22-3 of the Military Code



10000SB0042sam001- 126 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1of Illinois, the The unused portion of federal funds received
2for or as reimbursement for a capital facilities project, as
3authorized by Section 3 of this Act, for which monies from the
4Capital Development Fund have been expended shall remain in the
5Capital Development Board Contributory Trust Fund and shall be
6used for capital projects and for no other purpose, subject to
7appropriation and as directed by the Capital Development Board.
8Any federal funds received as reimbursement for the completed
9construction of a capital facilities project, as authorized by
10Section 3 of this Act, for which monies from the Capital
11Development Fund have been expended shall be deposited in the
12General Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund.
13(Source: P.A. 98-245, eff. 1-1-14.)
14    Section 5-30. The Capital Development Bond Act of 1972 is
15amended by changing Section 9a as follows:
16    (30 ILCS 420/9a)  (from Ch. 127, par. 759a)
17    Sec. 9a. Except as provided in Section 22-3 of the Military
18Code of Illinois, the The unused portion of federal funds
19received for or as reimbursement for a capital improvement
20project for which moneys from the Capital Development Fund have
21been expended shall remain in the Capital Development Board
22Contributory Trust Fund and shall be used for capital projects
23and for no other purpose, subject to appropriation and as
24directed by the Capital Development Board. Any federal funds



10000SB0042sam001- 127 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1received as reimbursement for the completed construction of a
2capital improvement project for which moneys from the Capital
3Development Fund have been expended shall be deposited in the
4Capital Development Bond Retirement and Interest Fund.
5(Source: P.A. 98-245, eff. 1-1-14.)
6    Section 5-32. The State Prompt Payment Act is amended by
7adding Section 3-5 as follows:
8    (30 ILCS 540/3-5 new)
9    Sec. 3-5. Budget Stabilization Fund; insufficient
10appropriation. If an agency incurs an interest liability under
11this Act that is ordinarily payable from the Budget
12Stabilization Fund, but the agency has insufficient
13appropriation authority from the Budget Stabilization Fund to
14make the interest payment at the time the interest payment is
15due, the agency is authorized to pay the interest from its
16available appropriations from the General Revenue Fund.
17    Section 5-35. The Illinois Coal Technology Development
18Assistance Act is amended by changing Section 3 as follows:
19    (30 ILCS 730/3)  (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 8203)
20    Sec. 3. Transfers to Coal Technology Development
21Assistance Fund.
22    (a) As soon as may be practicable after the first day of



10000SB0042sam001- 128 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1each month, the Department of Revenue shall certify to the
2Treasurer an amount equal to 1/64 of the revenue realized from
3the tax imposed by the Electricity Excise Tax Law, Section 2 of
4the Public Utilities Revenue Act, Section 2 of the Messages Tax
5Act, and Section 2 of the Gas Revenue Tax Act, during the
6preceding month. Upon receipt of the certification, the
7Treasurer shall transfer the amount shown on such certification
8from the General Revenue Fund to the Coal Technology
9Development Assistance Fund, which is hereby created as a
10special fund in the State treasury, except that no transfer
11shall be made in any month in which the Fund has reached the
12following balance:
13        (1) $7,000,000 during fiscal year 1994.
14        (2) $8,500,000 during fiscal year 1995.
15        (3) $10,000,000 during fiscal years 1996 and 1997.
16        (4) During fiscal year 1998 through fiscal year 2004,
17    an amount equal to the sum of $10,000,000 plus additional
18    moneys deposited into the Coal Technology Development
19    Assistance Fund from the Renewable Energy Resources and
20    Coal Technology Development Assistance Charge under
21    Section 6.5 of the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and
22    Coal Resources Development Law of 1997.
23        (5) During fiscal year 2005, an amount equal to the sum
24    of $7,000,000 plus additional moneys deposited into the
25    Coal Technology Development Assistance Fund from the
26    Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology Development



10000SB0042sam001- 129 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Assistance Charge under Section 6.5 of the Renewable
2    Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Coal Resources Development
3    Law of 1997.
4        (6) During fiscal year 2006 through fiscal year 2017
5    and each fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to the sum
6    of $10,000,000 plus additional moneys deposited into the
7    Coal Technology Development Assistance Fund from the
8    Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology Development
9    Assistance Charge under Section 6.5 of the Renewable
10    Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Coal Resources Development
11    Law of 1997.
12    (b) Beginning in fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year
13thereafter, the Treasurer shall make no further transfers from
14the General Revenue Fund to the Coal Technology Development
15Assistance Fund.
16(Source: P.A. 99-78, eff. 7-20-15.)
17    Section 5-37. The Downstate Public Transportation Act is
18amended by changing Sections 2-2.04, 2-3, 2-5.1, 2-7, and 2-15
19as follows:
20    (30 ILCS 740/2-2.04)  (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 662.04)
21    Sec. 2-2.04. "Eligible operating expenses" means all
22expenses required for public transportation, including
23employee wages and benefits, materials, fuels, supplies,
24rental of facilities, taxes other than income taxes, payment



10000SB0042sam001- 130 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1made for debt service (including principal and interest) on
2publicly owned equipment or facilities, and any other
3expenditure which is an operating expense according to standard
4accounting practices for the providing of public
5transportation. Eligible operating expenses shall not include
6allowances: (a) for depreciation whether funded or unfunded;
7(b) for amortization of any intangible costs; (c) for debt
8service on capital acquired with the assistance of capital
9grant funds provided by the State of Illinois; (d) for profits
10or return on investment; (e) for excessive payment to
11associated entities; (f) for Comprehensive Employment Training
12Act expenses; (g) for costs reimbursed under Sections 6 and 8
13of the "Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964", as amended; (h)
14for entertainment expenses; (i) for charter expenses; (j) for
15fines and penalties; (k) for charitable donations; (l) for
16interest expense on long term borrowing and debt retirement
17other than on publicly owned equipment or facilities; (m) for
18income taxes; or (n) for such other expenses as the Department
19may determine consistent with federal Department of
20Transportation regulations or requirements. In consultation
21with participants, the Department shall, by October 2008,
22promulgate or update rules, pursuant to the Illinois
23Administrative Procedure Act, concerning eligible expenses to
24ensure consistent application of the Act, and the Department
25shall provide written copies of those rules to all eligible
26recipients. The Department shall review this process in the



10000SB0042sam001- 131 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1same manner no less frequently than every 5 years.
2    With respect to participants other than any Metro-East
3Transit District participant and those receiving federal
4research development and demonstration funds pursuant to
5Section 6 of the "Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964", as
6amended, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979, the
7maximum eligible operating expenses for any such participant in
8any fiscal year after Fiscal Year 1980 shall be the amount
9appropriated for such participant for the fiscal year ending
10June 30, 1980, plus in each year a 10% increase over the
11maximum established for the preceding fiscal year. For Fiscal
12Year 1980 the maximum eligible operating expenses for any such
13participant shall be the amount of projected operating expenses
14upon which the appropriation for such participant for Fiscal
15Year 1980 is based.
16    With respect to participants receiving federal research
17development and demonstration operating assistance funds for
18operating assistance pursuant to Section 6 of the "Urban Mass
19Transportation Act of 1964", as amended, during the fiscal year
20ending June 30, 1979, the maximum eligible operating expenses
21for any such participant in any fiscal year after Fiscal Year
221980 shall not exceed such participant's eligible operating
23expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980, plus in each
24year a 10% increase over the maximum established for the
25preceding fiscal year. For Fiscal Year 1980, the maximum
26eligible operating expenses for any such participant shall be



10000SB0042sam001- 132 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the eligible operating expenses incurred during such fiscal
2year, or projected operating expenses upon which the
3appropriation for such participant for the Fiscal Year 1980 is
4based; whichever is less.
5    With respect to all participants other than any Metro-East
6Transit District participant, the maximum eligible operating
7expenses for any such participant in any fiscal year after
8Fiscal Year 1985 (except Fiscal Year 2008 and Fiscal Year 2009)
9shall be the amount appropriated for such participant for the
10fiscal year ending June 30, 1985, plus in each year a 10%
11increase over the maximum established for the preceding year.
12For Fiscal Year 1985, the maximum eligible operating expenses
13for any such participant shall be the amount of projected
14operating expenses upon which the appropriation for such
15participant for Fiscal Year 1985 is based.
16    With respect to any mass transit district participant that
17has increased its district boundaries by annexing counties
18since 1998 and is maintaining a level of local financial
19support, including all income and revenues, equal to or greater
20than the level in the State fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
21the maximum eligible operating expenses for any State fiscal
22year after 2002 (except State fiscal years 2006 through 2009)
23shall be the amount appropriated for that participant for the
24State fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, plus, in each State
25fiscal year, a 10% increase over the preceding State fiscal
26year. For State fiscal year 2002, the maximum eligible



10000SB0042sam001- 133 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1operating expenses for any such participant shall be the amount
2of projected operating expenses upon which the appropriation
3for that participant for State fiscal year 2002 is based. For
4that participant, eligible operating expenses for State fiscal
5year 2002 in excess of the eligible operating expenses for the
6State fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, plus 10%, must be
7attributed to the provision of services in the newly annexed
8counties. Beginning July 1, 2017 the 10% mandatory
9appropriation increase for each State fiscal year shall no
10longer be applied.
11    With respect to a participant that receives an initial
12appropriation in State fiscal year 2002 or thereafter, the
13maximum eligible operating expenses for any State fiscal year
14after 2003 (except State fiscal years 2006 through 2009) shall
15be the amount appropriated for that participant for the State
16fiscal year in which it received its initial appropriation,
17plus, in each year, a 10% increase over the preceding year. For
18the initial State fiscal year in which a participant received
19an appropriation, the maximum eligible operating expenses for
20any such participant shall be the amount of projected operating
21expenses upon which the appropriation for that participant for
22that State fiscal year is based. Beginning July 1, 2017 the 10%
23mandatory appropriation increase for each State fiscal year
24shall no longer be applied.
25    With respect to the District serving primarily the counties
26of Monroe and St. Clair, beginning July 1, 2005, the St. Clair



10000SB0042sam001- 134 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1County Transit District shall no longer be included for new
2appropriation funding purposes as part of the Metro-East Public
3Transportation Fund and instead shall be included for new
4appropriation funding purposes as part of the Downstate Public
5Transportation Fund; provided, however, that nothing herein
6shall alter the eligibility of that District for previously
7appropriated funds to which it would otherwise be entitled.
8    With respect to the District serving primarily Madison
9County, beginning July 1, 2008, the Madison County Transit
10District shall no longer be included for new appropriation
11funding purposes as part of the Metro-East Public
12Transportation Fund and instead shall be included for new
13appropriation funding purposes as part of the Downstate Public
14Transportation Fund; provided, however, that nothing herein
15shall alter the eligibility of that District for previously
16appropriated funds to which it would otherwise be entitled.
17    With respect to the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and
18thereafter, the following shall be included for new
19appropriation funding purposes as part of the Downstate Public
20Transportation Fund: Bond County; Bureau County; Coles County;
21Edgar County; Stephenson County and the City of Freeport; Henry
22County; Jo Daviess County; Kankakee and McLean Counties; Peoria
23County; Piatt County; Shelby County; Tazewell and Woodford
24Counties; Vermilion County; Williamson County; and Kendall
26(Source: P.A. 94-70, eff. 6-22-05; 95-708, eff. 1-18-08.)



10000SB0042sam001- 135 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (30 ILCS 740/2-3)  (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 663)
2    Sec. 2-3. (a) As soon as possible after the first day of
3each month, beginning July 1, 1984, upon certification of the
4Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order
5transferred, and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General
6Revenue Fund to a special fund in the State Treasury which is
7hereby created, to be known as the "Downstate Public
8Transportation Fund", an amount equal to 2/32 (beginning July
91, 2005, 3/32) (beginning July 1, 2017, 9/132) of the net
10revenue realized from the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act", as
11now or hereafter amended, the "Service Occupation Tax Act", as
12now or hereafter amended, the "Use Tax Act", as now or
13hereafter amended, and the "Service Use Tax Act", as now or
14hereafter amended, from persons incurring municipal or county
15retailers' or service occupation tax liability for the benefit
16of any municipality or county located wholly within the
17boundaries of each participant other than any Metro-East
18Transit District participant certified pursuant to subsection
19(c) of this Section during the preceding month, except that the
20Department shall pay into the Downstate Public Transportation
21Fund 2/32 (beginning July 1, 2005, 3/32) (beginning July 1,
222017, 9/132) of 80% of the net revenue realized under the State
23tax Acts named above within any municipality or county located
24wholly within the boundaries of each participant, other than
25any Metro-East participant, for tax periods beginning on or



10000SB0042sam001- 136 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1after January 1, 1990. Net revenue realized for a month shall
2be the revenue collected by the State pursuant to such Acts
3during the previous month from persons incurring municipal or
4county retailers' or service occupation tax liability for the
5benefit of any municipality or county located wholly within the
6boundaries of a participant, less the amount paid out during
7that same month as refunds or credit memoranda to taxpayers for
8overpayment of liability under such Acts for the benefit of any
9municipality or county located wholly within the boundaries of
10a participant.
11    (b) As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
12beginning July 1, 1989, upon certification of the Department of
13Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
14Treasurer shall transfer, from the General Revenue Fund to a
15special fund in the State Treasury which is hereby created, to
16be known as the "Metro-East Public Transportation Fund", an
17amount equal to 2/32 of the net revenue realized, as above,
18from within the boundaries of Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair
19Counties, except that the Department shall pay into the
20Metro-East Public Transportation Fund 2/32 of 80% of the net
21revenue realized under the State tax Acts specified in
22subsection (a) of this Section within the boundaries of
23Madison, Monroe and St. Clair Counties for tax periods
24beginning on or after January 1, 1990. A local match equivalent
25to an amount which could be raised by a tax levy at the rate of
26.05% on the assessed value of property within the boundaries of



10000SB0042sam001- 137 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Madison County is required annually to cause a total of 2/32 of
2the net revenue to be deposited in the Metro-East Public
3Transportation Fund. Failure to raise the required local match
4annually shall result in only 1/32 being deposited into the
5Metro-East Public Transportation Fund after July 1, 1989, or
61/32 of 80% of the net revenue realized for tax periods
7beginning on or after January 1, 1990.
8    (b-5) As soon as possible after the first day of each
9month, beginning July 1, 2005, upon certification of the
10Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order
11transferred, and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General
12Revenue Fund to the Downstate Public Transportation Fund, an
13amount equal to 3/32 (beginning July 1, 2017, 9/132) of 80% of
14the net revenue realized from within the boundaries of Monroe
15and St. Clair Counties under the State Tax Acts specified in
16subsection (a) of this Section and provided further that,
17beginning July 1, 2005, the provisions of subsection (b) shall
18no longer apply with respect to such tax receipts from Monroe
19and St. Clair Counties.
20    (b-6) As soon as possible after the first day of each
21month, beginning July 1, 2008, upon certification by the
22Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred
23and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General Revenue Fund
24to the Downstate Public Transportation Fund, an amount equal to
253/32 (beginning July 1, 2017, 9/132) of 80% of the net revenue
26realized from within the boundaries of Madison County under the



10000SB0042sam001- 138 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1State Tax Acts specified in subsection (a) of this Section and
2provided further that, beginning July 1, 2008, the provisions
3of subsection (b) shall no longer apply with respect to such
4tax receipts from Madison County.
5    (c) The Department shall certify to the Department of
6Revenue the eligible participants under this Article and the
7territorial boundaries of such participants for the purposes of
8the Department of Revenue in subsections (a) and (b) of this
10    (d) For the purposes of this Article, beginning in fiscal
11year 2009 the General Assembly shall appropriate an amount from
12the Downstate Public Transportation Fund equal to the sum total
13funds projected to be paid to the participants pursuant to
14Section 2-7. If the General Assembly fails to make
15appropriations sufficient to cover the amounts projected to be
16paid pursuant to Section 2-7, this Act shall constitute an
17irrevocable and continuing appropriation from the Downstate
18Public Transportation Fund of all amounts necessary for those
20    (e) Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the
21contrary, amounts transferred from the General Revenue Fund to
22the Downstate Public Transportation Fund pursuant to this
23Section shall not exceed $169,000,000 in State fiscal year
25(Source: P.A. 97-641, eff. 12-19-11.)



10000SB0042sam001- 139 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (30 ILCS 740/2-5.1)
2    Sec. 2-5.1. Additional requirements.
3    (a) Any unit of local government that becomes a participant
4on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
594th General Assembly shall, in addition to any other
6requirements under this Article, meet all of the following
7requirements when applying for grants under this Article:
8        (1) The grant application must demonstrate the
9    participant's plan to provide general public
10    transportation with an emphasis on persons with
11    disabilities and elderly and economically disadvantaged
12    populations.
13        (2) The grant application must demonstrate the
14    participant's plan for interagency coordination that, at a
15    minimum, allows the participation of all State-funded and
16    federally-funded agencies and programs with transportation
17    needs in the proposed service area in the development of
18    the applicant's public transportation program.
19        (3) Any participant serving a nonurbanized area that is
20    not receiving Federal Section 5311 funding must meet the
21    operating and safety compliance requirements as set forth
22    in that federal program.
23        (4) The participant is required to hold public hearings
24    to allow comment on the proposed service plan in all
25    municipalities with populations of 1,500 inhabitants or
26    more within the proposed service area.



10000SB0042sam001- 140 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (b) Service extensions by any participant after July 1,
22005 by either annexation or intergovernmental agreement must
3meet the 4 requirements of subsection (a).
4    (c) In order to receive funding, the Department shall
5certify that the participant has met the requirements of this
6Section. Funding priority shall be given to service extension,
7multi-county, and multi-jurisdictional projects.
8    (d) The Department shall develop an annual application
9process for existing or potential participants to request an
10initial appropriation or an appropriation exceeding the
11formula amount found in subsection (b-10) of Section 2-7 for
12funding service in new areas in the next fiscal year. The
13application shall include, but not be limited to, a description
14of the new service area, proposed service in the new area, and
15a budget for providing existing and new service. The Department
16shall review the application for reasonableness and compliance
17with the requirements of this Section, and, if it approves the
18application, shall recommend to the Governor an appropriation
19for the next fiscal year in an amount sufficient to provide 55%
2065% of projected eligible operating expenses associated with a
21new participant's service area or the portion of an existing
22participant's service area that has been expanded by annexation
23or intergovernmental agreement. The recommended appropriation
24for the next fiscal year may exceed the formula amount found in
25subsection (b-10) of Section 2-7.
26(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)



10000SB0042sam001- 141 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (30 ILCS 740/2-7)  (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 667)
2    Sec. 2-7. Quarterly reports; annual audit.
3    (a) Any Metro-East Transit District participant shall, no
4later than 60 days following the end of each quarter of any
5fiscal year, file with the Department on forms provided by the
6Department for that purpose, a report of the actual operating
7deficit experienced during that quarter. The Department shall,
8upon receipt of the quarterly report, determine whether the
9operating deficits were incurred in conformity with the program
10of proposed expenditures approved by the Department pursuant to
11Section 2-11. Any Metro-East District may either monthly or
12quarterly for any fiscal year file a request for the
13participant's eligible share, as allocated in accordance with
14Section 2-6, of the amounts transferred into the Metro-East
15Public Transportation Fund.
16    (b) Each participant other than any Metro-East Transit
17District participant shall, 30 days before the end of each
18quarter, file with the Department on forms provided by the
19Department for such purposes a report of the projected eligible
20operating expenses to be incurred in the next quarter and 30
21days before the third and fourth quarters of any fiscal year a
22statement of actual eligible operating expenses incurred in the
23preceding quarters. Except as otherwise provided in subsection
24(b-5), within 45 days of receipt by the Department of such
25quarterly report, the Comptroller shall order paid and the



10000SB0042sam001- 142 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Treasurer shall pay from the Downstate Public Transportation
2Fund to each participant an amount equal to one-third of such
3participant's eligible operating expenses; provided, however,
4that in Fiscal Year 1997, the amount paid to each participant
5from the Downstate Public Transportation Fund shall be an
6amount equal to 47% of such participant's eligible operating
7expenses and shall be increased to 49% in Fiscal Year 1998, 51%
8in Fiscal Year 1999, 53% in Fiscal Year 2000, 55% in Fiscal
9Years 2001 through 2007, and 65% in Fiscal Years Year 2008
10through 2017, and 55% in Fiscal Year 2018 and thereafter;
11however, in any year that a participant receives funding under
12subsection (i) of Section 2705-305 of the Department of
13Transportation Law (20 ILCS 2705/2705-305), that participant
14shall be eligible only for assistance equal to the following
15percentage of its eligible operating expenses: 42% in Fiscal
16Year 1997, 44% in Fiscal Year 1998, 46% in Fiscal Year 1999,
1748% in Fiscal Year 2000, and 50% in Fiscal Year 2001 and
18thereafter. Any such payment for the third and fourth quarters
19of any fiscal year shall be adjusted to reflect actual eligible
20operating expenses for preceding quarters of such fiscal year.
21However, no participant shall receive an amount less than that
22which was received in the immediate prior year, provided in the
23event of a shortfall in the fund those participants receiving
24less than their full allocation pursuant to Section 2-6 of this
25Article shall be the first participants to receive an amount
26not less than that received in the immediate prior year.



10000SB0042sam001- 143 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (b-5) (Blank.)
2    (b-10) On July 1, 2008, each participant shall receive an
3appropriation in an amount equal to 65% of its fiscal year 2008
4eligible operating expenses adjusted by the annual 10% increase
5required by Section 2-2.04 of this Act. In no case shall any
6participant receive an appropriation that is less than its
7fiscal year 2008 appropriation. Every fiscal year thereafter,
8each participant's appropriation shall increase by 10% over the
9appropriation established for the preceding fiscal year as
10required by Section 2-2.04 of this Act.
11    (b-15) Beginning on July 1, 2007, and for each fiscal year
12thereafter, each participant shall maintain a minimum local
13share contribution (from farebox and all other local revenues)
14equal to the actual amount provided in Fiscal Year 2006 or, for
15new recipients, an amount equivalent to the local share
16provided in the first year of participation. The local share
17contribution shall be reduced by an amount equal to the total
18amount of lost revenue for services provided under Section
192-15.2 and Section 2-15.3 of this Act.
20    (b-20) Any participant in the Downstate Public
21Transportation Fund may use State operating assistance
22pursuant to this Section to provide transportation services
23within any county that is contiguous to its territorial
24boundaries as defined by the Department and subject to
25Departmental approval. Any such contiguous-area service
26provided by a participant after July 1, 2007 must meet the



10000SB0042sam001- 144 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1requirements of subsection (a) of Section 2-5.1.
2    (c) No later than 180 days following the last day of the
3Fiscal Year each participant shall provide the Department with
4an audit prepared by a Certified Public Accountant covering
5that Fiscal Year. For those participants other than a
6Metro-East Transit District, any discrepancy between the
7grants paid and the percentage of the eligible operating
8expenses provided for by paragraph (b) of this Section shall be
9reconciled by appropriate payment or credit. In the case of any
10Metro-East Transit District, any amount of payments from the
11Metro-East Public Transportation Fund which exceed the
12eligible deficit of the participant shall be reconciled by
13appropriate payment or credit.
14(Source: P.A. 94-70, eff. 6-22-05; 95-708, eff. 1-18-08;
1595-906, eff. 8-26-08.)
16    (30 ILCS 740/2-15)  (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 675.1)
17    Sec. 2-15. Residual fund balance.
18    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all funds
19which remain in the Downstate Public Transportation Fund or the
20Metro-East Public Transportation Fund after the payment of the
21fourth quarterly payment to participants other than Metro-East
22Transit District participants and the last monthly payment to
23Metro-East Transit participants in each fiscal year shall be
24transferred (i) to the General Revenue Fund through fiscal year
252008, and (ii) to the Downstate Transit Improvement Fund for



10000SB0042sam001- 145 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1fiscal year 2009, and (iii) to the General Revenue Fund for
2fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year thereafter. Transfers
3shall be made no later than 90 days following the end of such
4fiscal year. Beginning fiscal year 2010, all moneys each year
5in the Downstate Transit Improvement Fund, held solely for the
6benefit of the participants in the Downstate Public
7Transportation Fund and shall be appropriated to the Department
8to make competitive capital grants to the participants of the
9respective funds. However, such amount as the Department
10determines to be necessary for (1) allocation to participants
11for the purposes of Section 2-7 for the first quarter of the
12succeeding fiscal year and (2) an amount equal to 2% of the
13total allocations to participants in the fiscal year just ended
14to be used for the purpose of audit adjustments shall be
15retained in such Funds to be used by the Department for such
17    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition
18to any other transfers that may be provided by law, on July 1,
192011, or as soon thereafter as practical, the State Comptroller
20shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the
21remaining balance from the Metro East Public Transportation
22Fund into the General Revenue Fund. Upon completion of the
23transfers, the Metro East Public Transportation Fund is
24dissolved, and any future deposits due to that Fund and any
25outstanding obligations or liabilities of that Fund pass to the
26General Revenue Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 146 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1(Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11.)
2    Section 5-40. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by
3changing Section 901 as follows:
4    (35 ILCS 5/901)  (from Ch. 120, par. 9-901)
5    Sec. 901. Collection authority.
6    (a) In general.
7    The Department shall collect the taxes imposed by this Act.
8The Department shall collect certified past due child support
9amounts under Section 2505-650 of the Department of Revenue Law
10(20 ILCS 2505/2505-650). Except as provided in subsections (c),
11(e), (f), (g), and (h) of this Section, money collected
12pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act
13shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund in the State
14treasury; money collected pursuant to subsections (c) and (d)
15of Section 201 of this Act shall be paid into the Personal
16Property Tax Replacement Fund, a special fund in the State
17Treasury; and money collected under Section 2505-650 of the
18Department of Revenue Law (20 ILCS 2505/2505-650) shall be paid
19into the Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund, a special fund
20outside the State Treasury, or to the State Disbursement Unit
21established under Section 10-26 of the Illinois Public Aid
22Code, as directed by the Department of Healthcare and Family
24    (b) Local Government Distributive Fund.



10000SB0042sam001- 147 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Beginning August 1, 1969, and continuing through June 30,
21994, the Treasurer shall transfer each month from the General
3Revenue Fund to a special fund in the State treasury, to be
4known as the "Local Government Distributive Fund", an amount
5equal to 1/12 of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed
6by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act during
7the preceding month. Beginning July 1, 1994, and continuing
8through June 30, 1995, the Treasurer shall transfer each month
9from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government
10Distributive Fund an amount equal to 1/11 of the net revenue
11realized from the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of
12Section 201 of this Act during the preceding month. Beginning
13July 1, 1995 and continuing through January 31, 2011, the
14Treasurer shall transfer each month from the General Revenue
15Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund an amount equal
16to the net of (i) 1/10 of the net revenue realized from the tax
17imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of the
18Illinois Income Tax Act during the preceding month (ii) minus,
19beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2004, $6,666,666,
20and beginning July 1, 2004, zero. Beginning February 1, 2011,
21and continuing through January 31, 2015, the Treasurer shall
22transfer each month from the General Revenue Fund to the Local
23Government Distributive Fund an amount equal to the sum of (i)
246% (10% of the ratio of the 3% individual income tax rate prior
25to 2011 to the 5% individual income tax rate after 2010) of the
26net revenue realized from the tax imposed by subsections (a)



10000SB0042sam001- 148 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1and (b) of Section 201 of this Act upon individuals, trusts,
2and estates during the preceding month and (ii) 6.86% (10% of
3the ratio of the 4.8% corporate income tax rate prior to 2011
4to the 7% corporate income tax rate after 2010) of the net
5revenue realized from the tax imposed by subsections (a) and
6(b) of Section 201 of this Act upon corporations during the
7preceding month. Beginning February 1, 2015 and continuing
8through the last day of the month ending prior to the effective
9date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly
10January 31, 2025, the Treasurer shall transfer each month from
11the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive
12Fund an amount equal to the sum of (i) 8% (10% of the ratio of
13the 3% individual income tax rate prior to 2011 to the 3.75%
14individual income tax rate after 2014) of the net revenue
15realized from the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of
16Section 201 of this Act upon individuals, trusts, and estates
17during the preceding month and (ii) 9.14% (10% of the ratio of
18the 4.8% corporate income tax rate prior to 2011 to the 5.25%
19corporate income tax rate after 2014) of the net revenue
20realized from the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of
21Section 201 of this Act upon corporations during the preceding
22month. Beginning with the first day of the first month
23beginning after the effective date of this amendatory Act of
24the 100th General Assembly and continuing through June 30, 2017
25February 1, 2025, the Treasurer shall transfer each month from
26the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive



10000SB0042sam001- 149 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Fund an amount equal to the sum of (i) 6.02% 9.23% (10% of the
2ratio of the 3% individual income tax rate prior to 2011 to the
34.95% 3.25% individual income tax rate beginning in 2017 after
42024) of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed by
5subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act upon
6individuals, trusts, and estates during the preceding month and
7(ii) 6.86% (10% of the ratio of the 4.8% corporate income tax
8rate prior to 2011 to the 7% corporate income tax rate
9beginning in 2017) 10% of the net revenue realized from the tax
10imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act
11upon corporations during the preceding month. Net revenue
12realized for a month shall be defined as the revenue from the
13tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this
14Act which is deposited in the General Revenue Fund, the
15Education Assistance Fund, the Income Tax Surcharge Local
16Government Distributive Fund, the Fund for the Advancement of
17Education, and the Commitment to Human Services Fund during the
18month minus the amount paid out of the General Revenue Fund in
19State warrants during that same month as refunds to taxpayers
20for overpayment of liability under the tax imposed by
21subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act.
22    Beginning on August 26, 2014 (the effective date of Public
23Act 98-1052), the Comptroller shall perform the transfers
24required by this subsection (b) no later than 60 days after he
25or she receives the certification from the Treasurer as
26provided in Section 1 of the State Revenue Sharing Act.



10000SB0042sam001- 150 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Beginning July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, of the
2amounts collected pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of
3Section 201 of this Act, minus deposits into the Income Tax
4Refund Fund, the Department shall deposit into the Local
5Government Distributive Fund the sum of (i) 5.45% (9.0% of the
6ratio of the 3% income tax rate imposed on individuals, trusts
7and estates prior to 2011 to the 4.95% individual income tax
8rate beginning in 2017) of the amount collected from the tax
9imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act
10upon individuals, trusts and estates plus (ii) 6.17% (9.0% of
11the ratio of the 4.8% corporate income tax rate prior to 2011
12to the 7% corporate income tax rate beginning in 2017) of the
13amount collected from the tax imposed by subsections (a) and
14(b) of Section 201 of this Act upon corporations.
15    Beginning July 1, 2018 and thereafter, of the amounts
16collected pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of
17this Act, minus deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the
18Department shall deposit into the Local Government
19Distributive Fund the sum of (i) 7.6% (9.5% of the ratio of the
203% income tax rate imposed on individuals, trusts and estates
21prior to 2011 to the 3.75% individual income tax rate beginning
22in 2022) of the amount collected from the tax imposed by
23subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act upon
24individuals, trusts and estates plus (ii) 8.7% (9.5% of the
25ratio of the 4.8% corporate income tax rate prior to 2011 to
26the 5.2% corporate income tax rate beginning in 2022) of the



10000SB0042sam001- 151 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1amount collected from the tax imposed by subsections (a) and
2(b) of Section 201 of this Act upon corporations.
3    (c) Deposits Into Income Tax Refund Fund.
4        (1) Beginning on January 1, 1989 and thereafter, the
5    Department shall deposit a percentage of the amounts
6    collected pursuant to subsections (a) and (b)(1), (2), and
7    (3), of Section 201 of this Act into a fund in the State
8    treasury known as the Income Tax Refund Fund. The
9    Department shall deposit 6% of such amounts during the
10    period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending on June 30,
11    1989. Beginning with State fiscal year 1990 and for each
12    fiscal year thereafter, the percentage deposited into the
13    Income Tax Refund Fund during a fiscal year shall be the
14    Annual Percentage. For fiscal years 1999 through 2001, the
15    Annual Percentage shall be 7.1%. For fiscal year 2003, the
16    Annual Percentage shall be 8%. For fiscal year 2004, the
17    Annual Percentage shall be 11.7%. Upon the effective date
18    of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the
19    Annual Percentage shall be 10% for fiscal year 2005. For
20    fiscal year 2006, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For
21    fiscal year 2007, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For
22    fiscal year 2008, the Annual Percentage shall be 7.75%. For
23    fiscal year 2009, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For
24    fiscal year 2010, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For
25    fiscal year 2011, the Annual Percentage shall be 8.75%. For
26    fiscal year 2012, the Annual Percentage shall be 8.75%. For



10000SB0042sam001- 152 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    fiscal year 2013, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.75%. For
2    fiscal year 2014, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.5%. For
3    fiscal year 2015, the Annual Percentage shall be 10%. For
4    fiscal year 2018, the Annual Percentage shall be 9.8%. For
5    all other fiscal years, the Annual Percentage shall be
6    calculated as a fraction, the numerator of which shall be
7    the amount of refunds approved for payment by the
8    Department during the preceding fiscal year as a result of
9    overpayment of tax liability under subsections (a) and
10    (b)(1), (2), and (3) of Section 201 of this Act plus the
11    amount of such refunds remaining approved but unpaid at the
12    end of the preceding fiscal year, minus the amounts
13    transferred into the Income Tax Refund Fund from the
14    Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund, and the denominator of
15    which shall be the amounts which will be collected pursuant
16    to subsections (a) and (b)(1), (2), and (3) of Section 201
17    of this Act during the preceding fiscal year; except that
18    in State fiscal year 2002, the Annual Percentage shall in
19    no event exceed 7.6%. The Director of Revenue shall certify
20    the Annual Percentage to the Comptroller on the last
21    business day of the fiscal year immediately preceding the
22    fiscal year for which it is to be effective.
23        (2) Beginning on January 1, 1989 and thereafter, the
24    Department shall deposit a percentage of the amounts
25    collected pursuant to subsections (a) and (b)(6), (7), and
26    (8), (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this Act into a fund in



10000SB0042sam001- 153 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    the State treasury known as the Income Tax Refund Fund. The
2    Department shall deposit 18% of such amounts during the
3    period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending on June 30,
4    1989. Beginning with State fiscal year 1990 and for each
5    fiscal year thereafter, the percentage deposited into the
6    Income Tax Refund Fund during a fiscal year shall be the
7    Annual Percentage. For fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001,
8    the Annual Percentage shall be 19%. For fiscal year 2003,
9    the Annual Percentage shall be 27%. For fiscal year 2004,
10    the Annual Percentage shall be 32%. Upon the effective date
11    of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the
12    Annual Percentage shall be 24% for fiscal year 2005. For
13    fiscal year 2006, the Annual Percentage shall be 20%. For
14    fiscal year 2007, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For
15    fiscal year 2008, the Annual Percentage shall be 15.5%. For
16    fiscal year 2009, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For
17    fiscal year 2010, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For
18    fiscal year 2011, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For
19    fiscal year 2012, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For
20    fiscal year 2013, the Annual Percentage shall be 14%. For
21    fiscal year 2014, the Annual Percentage shall be 13.4%. For
22    fiscal year 2015, the Annual Percentage shall be 14%. For
23    fiscal year 2018, the Annual Percentage shall be 17.5%. For
24    all other fiscal years, the Annual Percentage shall be
25    calculated as a fraction, the numerator of which shall be
26    the amount of refunds approved for payment by the



10000SB0042sam001- 154 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Department during the preceding fiscal year as a result of
2    overpayment of tax liability under subsections (a) and
3    (b)(6), (7), and (8), (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this
4    Act plus the amount of such refunds remaining approved but
5    unpaid at the end of the preceding fiscal year, and the
6    denominator of which shall be the amounts which will be
7    collected pursuant to subsections (a) and (b)(6), (7), and
8    (8), (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this Act during the
9    preceding fiscal year; except that in State fiscal year
10    2002, the Annual Percentage shall in no event exceed 23%.
11    The Director of Revenue shall certify the Annual Percentage
12    to the Comptroller on the last business day of the fiscal
13    year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which it is
14    to be effective.
15        (3) The Comptroller shall order transferred and the
16    Treasurer shall transfer from the Tobacco Settlement
17    Recovery Fund to the Income Tax Refund Fund (i) $35,000,000
18    in January, 2001, (ii) $35,000,000 in January, 2002, and
19    (iii) $35,000,000 in January, 2003.
20    (d) Expenditures from Income Tax Refund Fund.
21        (1) Beginning January 1, 1989, money in the Income Tax
22    Refund Fund shall be expended exclusively for the purpose
23    of paying refunds resulting from overpayment of tax
24    liability under Section 201 of this Act, for paying rebates
25    under Section 208.1 in the event that the amounts in the
26    Homeowners' Tax Relief Fund are insufficient for that



10000SB0042sam001- 155 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    purpose, and for making transfers pursuant to this
2    subsection (d).
3        (2) The Director shall order payment of refunds
4    resulting from overpayment of tax liability under Section
5    201 of this Act from the Income Tax Refund Fund only to the
6    extent that amounts collected pursuant to Section 201 of
7    this Act and transfers pursuant to this subsection (d) and
8    item (3) of subsection (c) have been deposited and retained
9    in the Fund.
10        (3) As soon as possible after the end of each fiscal
11    year, the Director shall order transferred and the State
12    Treasurer and State Comptroller shall transfer from the
13    Income Tax Refund Fund to the Personal Property Tax
14    Replacement Fund an amount, certified by the Director to
15    the Comptroller, equal to the excess of the amount
16    collected pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of Section
17    201 of this Act deposited into the Income Tax Refund Fund
18    during the fiscal year over the amount of refunds resulting
19    from overpayment of tax liability under subsections (c) and
20    (d) of Section 201 of this Act paid from the Income Tax
21    Refund Fund during the fiscal year.
22        (4) As soon as possible after the end of each fiscal
23    year, the Director shall order transferred and the State
24    Treasurer and State Comptroller shall transfer from the
25    Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund to the Income Tax
26    Refund Fund an amount, certified by the Director to the



10000SB0042sam001- 156 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Comptroller, equal to the excess of the amount of refunds
2    resulting from overpayment of tax liability under
3    subsections (c) and (d) of Section 201 of this Act paid
4    from the Income Tax Refund Fund during the fiscal year over
5    the amount collected pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of
6    Section 201 of this Act deposited into the Income Tax
7    Refund Fund during the fiscal year.
8        (4.5) As soon as possible after the end of fiscal year
9    1999 and of each fiscal year thereafter, the Director shall
10    order transferred and the State Treasurer and State
11    Comptroller shall transfer from the Income Tax Refund Fund
12    to the General Revenue Fund any surplus remaining in the
13    Income Tax Refund Fund as of the end of such fiscal year;
14    excluding for fiscal years 2000, 2001, and 2002 amounts
15    attributable to transfers under item (3) of subsection (c)
16    less refunds resulting from the earned income tax credit.
17        (5) This Act shall constitute an irrevocable and
18    continuing appropriation from the Income Tax Refund Fund
19    for the purpose of paying refunds upon the order of the
20    Director in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
21    (e) Deposits into the Education Assistance Fund and the
22Income Tax Surcharge Local Government Distributive Fund.
23    On July 1, 1991, and thereafter, of the amounts collected
24pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act,
25minus deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the Department
26shall deposit 7.3% into the Education Assistance Fund in the



10000SB0042sam001- 157 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1State Treasury. Beginning July 1, 1991, and continuing through
2January 31, 1993, of the amounts collected pursuant to
3subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income
4Tax Act, minus deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the
5Department shall deposit 3.0% into the Income Tax Surcharge
6Local Government Distributive Fund in the State Treasury.
7Beginning February 1, 1993 and continuing through June 30,
81993, of the amounts collected pursuant to subsections (a) and
9(b) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act, minus
10deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the Department shall
11deposit 4.4% into the Income Tax Surcharge Local Government
12Distributive Fund in the State Treasury. Beginning July 1,
131993, and continuing through June 30, 1994, of the amounts
14collected under subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this
15Act, minus deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, the
16Department shall deposit 1.475% into the Income Tax Surcharge
17Local Government Distributive Fund in the State Treasury.
18    (f) Deposits into the Fund for the Advancement of
19Education. Beginning February 1, 2015, the Department shall
20deposit the following portions of the revenue realized from the
21tax imposed upon individuals, trusts, and estates by
22subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of this Act during the
23preceding month, minus deposits into the Income Tax Refund
24Fund, into the Fund for the Advancement of Education:
25        (1) beginning February 1, 2015, and prior to February
26    1, 2025, 1/30; and



10000SB0042sam001- 158 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (2) beginning February 1, 2025, 1/26.
2    If the rate of tax imposed by subsection (a) and (b) of
3Section 201 is reduced pursuant to Section 201.5 of this Act,
4the Department shall not make the deposits required by this
5subsection (f) on or after the effective date of the reduction.
6    (g) Deposits into the Commitment to Human Services Fund.
7Beginning February 1, 2015, the Department shall deposit the
8following portions of the revenue realized from the tax imposed
9upon individuals, trusts, and estates by subsections (a) and
10(b) of Section 201 of this Act during the preceding month,
11minus deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund, into the
12Commitment to Human Services Fund:
13        (1) beginning February 1, 2015, and prior to February
14    1, 2025, 1/30; and
15        (2) beginning February 1, 2025, 1/26.
16    If the rate of tax imposed by subsection (a) and (b) of
17Section 201 is reduced pursuant to Section 201.5 of this Act,
18the Department shall not make the deposits required by this
19subsection (g) on or after the effective date of the reduction.
20    (h) Deposits into the Tax Compliance and Administration
21Fund. Beginning on the first day of the first calendar month to
22occur on or after August 26, 2014 (the effective date of Public
23Act 98-1098), each month the Department shall pay into the Tax
24Compliance and Administration Fund, to be used, subject to
25appropriation, to fund additional auditors and compliance
26personnel at the Department, an amount equal to 1/12 of 5% of



10000SB0042sam001- 159 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the cash receipts collected during the preceding fiscal year by
2the Audit Bureau of the Department from the tax imposed by
3subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of Section 201 of this Act,
4net of deposits into the Income Tax Refund Fund made from those
5cash receipts.
6(Source: P.A. 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-674, eff. 6-30-14;
798-1052, eff. 8-26-14; 98-1098, eff. 8-26-14; 99-78, eff.
9    Section 5-45. The School Code is amended by changing
10Section 18-8.05 as follows:
11    (105 ILCS 5/18-8.05)
12    Sec. 18-8.05. Basis for apportionment of general State
13financial aid and supplemental general State aid to the common
14schools for the 1998-1999 and subsequent school years.
15(A) General Provisions.
16    (1) The provisions of this Section apply to the 1998-1999
17and subsequent school years. The system of general State
18financial aid provided for in this Section is designed to
19assure that, through a combination of State financial aid and
20required local resources, the financial support provided each
21pupil in Average Daily Attendance equals or exceeds a
22prescribed per pupil Foundation Level. This formula approach
23imputes a level of per pupil Available Local Resources and



10000SB0042sam001- 160 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1provides for the basis to calculate a per pupil level of
2general State financial aid that, when added to Available Local
3Resources, equals or exceeds the Foundation Level. The amount
4of per pupil general State financial aid for school districts,
5in general, varies in inverse relation to Available Local
6Resources. Per pupil amounts are based upon each school
7district's Average Daily Attendance as that term is defined in
8this Section.
9    (2) In addition to general State financial aid, school
10districts with specified levels or concentrations of pupils
11from low income households are eligible to receive supplemental
12general State financial aid grants as provided pursuant to
13subsection (H). The supplemental State aid grants provided for
14school districts under subsection (H) shall be appropriated for
15distribution to school districts as part of the same line item
16in which the general State financial aid of school districts is
17appropriated under this Section.
18    (3) To receive financial assistance under this Section,
19school districts are required to file claims with the State
20Board of Education, subject to the following requirements:
21        (a) Any school district which fails for any given
22    school year to maintain school as required by law, or to
23    maintain a recognized school is not eligible to file for
24    such school year any claim upon the Common School Fund. In
25    case of nonrecognition of one or more attendance centers in
26    a school district otherwise operating recognized schools,



10000SB0042sam001- 161 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    the claim of the district shall be reduced in the
2    proportion which the Average Daily Attendance in the
3    attendance center or centers bear to the Average Daily
4    Attendance in the school district. A "recognized school"
5    means any public school which meets the standards as
6    established for recognition by the State Board of
7    Education. A school district or attendance center not
8    having recognition status at the end of a school term is
9    entitled to receive State aid payments due upon a legal
10    claim which was filed while it was recognized.
11        (b) School district claims filed under this Section are
12    subject to Sections 18-9 and 18-12, except as otherwise
13    provided in this Section.
14        (c) If a school district operates a full year school
15    under Section 10-19.1, the general State aid to the school
16    district shall be determined by the State Board of
17    Education in accordance with this Section as near as may be
18    applicable.
19        (d) (Blank).
20    (4) Except as provided in subsections (H) and (L), the
21board of any district receiving any of the grants provided for
22in this Section may apply those funds to any fund so received
23for which that board is authorized to make expenditures by law.
24    School districts are not required to exert a minimum
25Operating Tax Rate in order to qualify for assistance under
26this Section.



10000SB0042sam001- 162 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (5) As used in this Section the following terms, when
2capitalized, shall have the meaning ascribed herein:
3        (a) "Average Daily Attendance": A count of pupil
4    attendance in school, averaged as provided for in
5    subsection (C) and utilized in deriving per pupil financial
6    support levels.
7        (b) "Available Local Resources": A computation of
8    local financial support, calculated on the basis of Average
9    Daily Attendance and derived as provided pursuant to
10    subsection (D).
11        (c) "Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes":
12    Funds paid to local school districts pursuant to "An Act in
13    relation to the abolition of ad valorem personal property
14    tax and the replacement of revenues lost thereby, and
15    amending and repealing certain Acts and parts of Acts in
16    connection therewith", certified August 14, 1979, as
17    amended (Public Act 81-1st S.S.-1).
18        (d) "Foundation Level": A prescribed level of per pupil
19    financial support as provided for in subsection (B).
20        (e) "Operating Tax Rate": All school district property
21    taxes extended for all purposes, except Bond and Interest,
22    Summer School, Rent, Capital Improvement, and Vocational
23    Education Building purposes.
24(B) Foundation Level.
25    (1) The Foundation Level is a figure established by the



10000SB0042sam001- 163 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1State representing the minimum level of per pupil financial
2support that should be available to provide for the basic
3education of each pupil in Average Daily Attendance. As set
4forth in this Section, each school district is assumed to exert
5a sufficient local taxing effort such that, in combination with
6the aggregate of general State financial aid provided the
7district, an aggregate of State and local resources are
8available to meet the basic education needs of pupils in the
10    (2) For the 1998-1999 school year, the Foundation Level of
11support is $4,225. For the 1999-2000 school year, the
12Foundation Level of support is $4,325. For the 2000-2001 school
13year, the Foundation Level of support is $4,425. For the
142001-2002 school year and 2002-2003 school year, the Foundation
15Level of support is $4,560. For the 2003-2004 school year, the
16Foundation Level of support is $4,810. For the 2004-2005 school
17year, the Foundation Level of support is $4,964. For the
182005-2006 school year, the Foundation Level of support is
19$5,164. For the 2006-2007 school year, the Foundation Level of
20support is $5,334. For the 2007-2008 school year, the
21Foundation Level of support is $5,734. For the 2008-2009 school
22year, the Foundation Level of support is $5,959.
23    (3) For the 2009-2010 school year and each school year
24thereafter, the Foundation Level of support is $6,119 or such
25greater amount as may be established by law by the General



10000SB0042sam001- 164 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1(C) Average Daily Attendance.
2    (1) For purposes of calculating general State aid pursuant
3to subsection (E), an Average Daily Attendance figure shall be
4utilized. The Average Daily Attendance figure for formula
5calculation purposes shall be the monthly average of the actual
6number of pupils in attendance of each school district, as
7further averaged for the best 3 months of pupil attendance for
8each school district. In compiling the figures for the number
9of pupils in attendance, school districts and the State Board
10of Education shall, for purposes of general State aid funding,
11conform attendance figures to the requirements of subsection
13    (2) The Average Daily Attendance figures utilized in
14subsection (E) shall be the requisite attendance data for the
15school year immediately preceding the school year for which
16general State aid is being calculated or the average of the
17attendance data for the 3 preceding school years, whichever is
18greater. The Average Daily Attendance figures utilized in
19subsection (H) shall be the requisite attendance data for the
20school year immediately preceding the school year for which
21general State aid is being calculated.
22(D) Available Local Resources.
23    (1) For purposes of calculating general State aid pursuant
24to subsection (E), a representation of Available Local



10000SB0042sam001- 165 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Resources per pupil, as that term is defined and determined in
2this subsection, shall be utilized. Available Local Resources
3per pupil shall include a calculated dollar amount representing
4local school district revenues from local property taxes and
5from Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes, expressed
6on the basis of pupils in Average Daily Attendance. Calculation
7of Available Local Resources shall exclude any tax amnesty
8funds received as a result of Public Act 93-26.
9    (2) In determining a school district's revenue from local
10property taxes, the State Board of Education shall utilize the
11equalized assessed valuation of all taxable property of each
12school district as of September 30 of the previous year. The
13equalized assessed valuation utilized shall be obtained and
14determined as provided in subsection (G).
15    (3) For school districts maintaining grades kindergarten
16through 12, local property tax revenues per pupil shall be
17calculated as the product of the applicable equalized assessed
18valuation for the district multiplied by 3.00%, and divided by
19the district's Average Daily Attendance figure. For school
20districts maintaining grades kindergarten through 8, local
21property tax revenues per pupil shall be calculated as the
22product of the applicable equalized assessed valuation for the
23district multiplied by 2.30%, and divided by the district's
24Average Daily Attendance figure. For school districts
25maintaining grades 9 through 12, local property tax revenues
26per pupil shall be the applicable equalized assessed valuation



10000SB0042sam001- 166 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1of the district multiplied by 1.05%, and divided by the
2district's Average Daily Attendance figure.
3    For partial elementary unit districts created pursuant to
4Article 11E of this Code, local property tax revenues per pupil
5shall be calculated as the product of the equalized assessed
6valuation for property within the partial elementary unit
7district for elementary purposes, as defined in Article 11E of
8this Code, multiplied by 2.06% and divided by the district's
9Average Daily Attendance figure, plus the product of the
10equalized assessed valuation for property within the partial
11elementary unit district for high school purposes, as defined
12in Article 11E of this Code, multiplied by 0.94% and divided by
13the district's Average Daily Attendance figure.
14    (4) The Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes paid
15to each school district during the calendar year one year
16before the calendar year in which a school year begins, divided
17by the Average Daily Attendance figure for that district, shall
18be added to the local property tax revenues per pupil as
19derived by the application of the immediately preceding
20paragraph (3). The sum of these per pupil figures for each
21school district shall constitute Available Local Resources as
22that term is utilized in subsection (E) in the calculation of
23general State aid.
24(E) Computation of General State Aid.
25    (1) For each school year, the amount of general State aid



10000SB0042sam001- 167 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1allotted to a school district shall be computed by the State
2Board of Education as provided in this subsection.
3    (2) For any school district for which Available Local
4Resources per pupil is less than the product of 0.93 times the
5Foundation Level, general State aid for that district shall be
6calculated as an amount equal to the Foundation Level minus
7Available Local Resources, multiplied by the Average Daily
8Attendance of the school district.
9    (3) For any school district for which Available Local
10Resources per pupil is equal to or greater than the product of
110.93 times the Foundation Level and less than the product of
121.75 times the Foundation Level, the general State aid per
13pupil shall be a decimal proportion of the Foundation Level
14derived using a linear algorithm. Under this linear algorithm,
15the calculated general State aid per pupil shall decline in
16direct linear fashion from 0.07 times the Foundation Level for
17a school district with Available Local Resources equal to the
18product of 0.93 times the Foundation Level, to 0.05 times the
19Foundation Level for a school district with Available Local
20Resources equal to the product of 1.75 times the Foundation
21Level. The allocation of general State aid for school districts
22subject to this paragraph 3 shall be the calculated general
23State aid per pupil figure multiplied by the Average Daily
24Attendance of the school district.
25    (4) For any school district for which Available Local
26Resources per pupil equals or exceeds the product of 1.75 times



10000SB0042sam001- 168 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1the Foundation Level, the general State aid for the school
2district shall be calculated as the product of $218 multiplied
3by the Average Daily Attendance of the school district.
4    (5) The amount of general State aid allocated to a school
5district for the 1999-2000 school year meeting the requirements
6set forth in paragraph (4) of subsection (G) shall be increased
7by an amount equal to the general State aid that would have
8been received by the district for the 1998-1999 school year by
9utilizing the Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed
10Valuation as calculated in paragraph (4) of subsection (G) less
11the general State aid allotted for the 1998-1999 school year.
12This amount shall be deemed a one time increase, and shall not
13affect any future general State aid allocations.
14(F) Compilation of Average Daily Attendance.
15    (1) Each school district shall, by July 1 of each year,
16submit to the State Board of Education, on forms prescribed by
17the State Board of Education, attendance figures for the school
18year that began in the preceding calendar year. The attendance
19information so transmitted shall identify the average daily
20attendance figures for each month of the school year. Beginning
21with the general State aid claim form for the 2002-2003 school
22year, districts shall calculate Average Daily Attendance as
23provided in subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) of this paragraph
25        (a) In districts that do not hold year-round classes,



10000SB0042sam001- 169 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    days of attendance in August shall be added to the month of
2    September and any days of attendance in June shall be added
3    to the month of May.
4        (b) In districts in which all buildings hold year-round
5    classes, days of attendance in July and August shall be
6    added to the month of September and any days of attendance
7    in June shall be added to the month of May.
8        (c) In districts in which some buildings, but not all,
9    hold year-round classes, for the non-year-round buildings,
10    days of attendance in August shall be added to the month of
11    September and any days of attendance in June shall be added
12    to the month of May. The average daily attendance for the
13    year-round buildings shall be computed as provided in
14    subdivision (b) of this paragraph (1). To calculate the
15    Average Daily Attendance for the district, the average
16    daily attendance for the year-round buildings shall be
17    multiplied by the days in session for the non-year-round
18    buildings for each month and added to the monthly
19    attendance of the non-year-round buildings.
20    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, days of
21attendance by pupils shall be counted only for sessions of not
22less than 5 clock hours of school work per day under direct
23supervision of: (i) teachers, or (ii) non-teaching personnel or
24volunteer personnel when engaging in non-teaching duties and
25supervising in those instances specified in subsection (a) of
26Section 10-22.34 and paragraph 10 of Section 34-18, with pupils



10000SB0042sam001- 170 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1of legal school age and in kindergarten and grades 1 through
212. Days of attendance by pupils through verified participation
3in an e-learning program approved by the State Board of
4Education under Section 10-20.56 of the Code shall be
5considered as full days of attendance for purposes of this
7    Days of attendance by tuition pupils shall be accredited
8only to the districts that pay the tuition to a recognized
10    (2) Days of attendance by pupils of less than 5 clock hours
11of school shall be subject to the following provisions in the
12compilation of Average Daily Attendance.
13        (a) Pupils regularly enrolled in a public school for
14    only a part of the school day may be counted on the basis
15    of 1/6 day for every class hour of instruction of 40
16    minutes or more attended pursuant to such enrollment,
17    unless a pupil is enrolled in a block-schedule format of 80
18    minutes or more of instruction, in which case the pupil may
19    be counted on the basis of the proportion of minutes of
20    school work completed each day to the minimum number of
21    minutes that school work is required to be held that day.
22        (b) (Blank).
23        (c) A session of 4 or more clock hours may be counted
24    as a day of attendance upon certification by the regional
25    superintendent, and approved by the State Superintendent
26    of Education to the extent that the district has been



10000SB0042sam001- 171 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    forced to use daily multiple sessions.
2        (d) A session of 3 or more clock hours may be counted
3    as a day of attendance (1) when the remainder of the school
4    day or at least 2 hours in the evening of that day is
5    utilized for an in-service training program for teachers,
6    up to a maximum of 5 days per school year, provided a
7    district conducts an in-service training program for
8    teachers in accordance with Section 10-22.39 of this Code;
9    or, in lieu of 4 such days, 2 full days may be used, in
10    which event each such day may be counted as a day required
11    for a legal school calendar pursuant to Section 10-19 of
12    this Code; (1.5) when, of the 5 days allowed under item
13    (1), a maximum of 4 days are used for parent-teacher
14    conferences, or, in lieu of 4 such days, 2 full days are
15    used, in which case each such day may be counted as a
16    calendar day required under Section 10-19 of this Code,
17    provided that the full-day, parent-teacher conference
18    consists of (i) a minimum of 5 clock hours of
19    parent-teacher conferences, (ii) both a minimum of 2 clock
20    hours of parent-teacher conferences held in the evening
21    following a full day of student attendance, as specified in
22    subsection (F)(1)(c), and a minimum of 3 clock hours of
23    parent-teacher conferences held on the day immediately
24    following evening parent-teacher conferences, or (iii)
25    multiple parent-teacher conferences held in the evenings
26    following full days of student attendance, as specified in



10000SB0042sam001- 172 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    subsection (F)(1)(c), in which the time used for the
2    parent-teacher conferences is equivalent to a minimum of 5
3    clock hours; and (2) when days in addition to those
4    provided in items (1) and (1.5) are scheduled by a school
5    pursuant to its school improvement plan adopted under
6    Article 34 or its revised or amended school improvement
7    plan adopted under Article 2, provided that (i) such
8    sessions of 3 or more clock hours are scheduled to occur at
9    regular intervals, (ii) the remainder of the school days in
10    which such sessions occur are utilized for in-service
11    training programs or other staff development activities
12    for teachers, and (iii) a sufficient number of minutes of
13    school work under the direct supervision of teachers are
14    added to the school days between such regularly scheduled
15    sessions to accumulate not less than the number of minutes
16    by which such sessions of 3 or more clock hours fall short
17    of 5 clock hours. Any full days used for the purposes of
18    this paragraph shall not be considered for computing
19    average daily attendance. Days scheduled for in-service
20    training programs, staff development activities, or
21    parent-teacher conferences may be scheduled separately for
22    different grade levels and different attendance centers of
23    the district.
24        (e) A session of not less than one clock hour of
25    teaching hospitalized or homebound pupils on-site or by
26    telephone to the classroom may be counted as 1/2 day of



10000SB0042sam001- 173 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    attendance, however these pupils must receive 4 or more
2    clock hours of instruction to be counted for a full day of
3    attendance.
4        (f) A session of at least 4 clock hours may be counted
5    as a day of attendance for first grade pupils, and pupils
6    in full day kindergartens, and a session of 2 or more hours
7    may be counted as 1/2 day of attendance by pupils in
8    kindergartens which provide only 1/2 day of attendance.
9        (g) For children with disabilities who are below the
10    age of 6 years and who cannot attend 2 or more clock hours
11    because of their disability or immaturity, a session of not
12    less than one clock hour may be counted as 1/2 day of
13    attendance; however for such children whose educational
14    needs so require a session of 4 or more clock hours may be
15    counted as a full day of attendance.
16        (h) A recognized kindergarten which provides for only
17    1/2 day of attendance by each pupil shall not have more
18    than 1/2 day of attendance counted in any one day. However,
19    kindergartens may count 2 1/2 days of attendance in any 5
20    consecutive school days. When a pupil attends such a
21    kindergarten for 2 half days on any one school day, the
22    pupil shall have the following day as a day absent from
23    school, unless the school district obtains permission in
24    writing from the State Superintendent of Education.
25    Attendance at kindergartens which provide for a full day of
26    attendance by each pupil shall be counted the same as



10000SB0042sam001- 174 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    attendance by first grade pupils. Only the first year of
2    attendance in one kindergarten shall be counted, except in
3    case of children who entered the kindergarten in their
4    fifth year whose educational development requires a second
5    year of kindergarten as determined under the rules and
6    regulations of the State Board of Education.
7        (i) On the days when the assessment that includes a
8    college and career ready determination is administered
9    under subsection (c) of Section 2-3.64a-5 of this Code, the
10    day of attendance for a pupil whose school day must be
11    shortened to accommodate required testing procedures may
12    be less than 5 clock hours and shall be counted towards the
13    176 days of actual pupil attendance required under Section
14    10-19 of this Code, provided that a sufficient number of
15    minutes of school work in excess of 5 clock hours are first
16    completed on other school days to compensate for the loss
17    of school work on the examination days.
18        (j) Pupils enrolled in a remote educational program
19    established under Section 10-29 of this Code may be counted
20    on the basis of one-fifth day of attendance for every clock
21    hour of instruction attended in the remote educational
22    program, provided that, in any month, the school district
23    may not claim for a student enrolled in a remote
24    educational program more days of attendance than the
25    maximum number of days of attendance the district can claim
26    (i) for students enrolled in a building holding year-round



10000SB0042sam001- 175 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    classes if the student is classified as participating in
2    the remote educational program on a year-round schedule or
3    (ii) for students enrolled in a building not holding
4    year-round classes if the student is not classified as
5    participating in the remote educational program on a
6    year-round schedule.
7(G) Equalized Assessed Valuation Data.
8    (1) For purposes of the calculation of Available Local
9Resources required pursuant to subsection (D), the State Board
10of Education shall secure from the Department of Revenue the
11value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of
12all taxable property of every school district, together with
13(i) the applicable tax rate used in extending taxes for the
14funds of the district as of September 30 of the previous year
15and (ii) the limiting rate for all school districts subject to
16property tax extension limitations as imposed under the
17Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
18    The Department of Revenue shall add to the equalized
19assessed value of all taxable property of each school district
20situated entirely or partially within a county that is or was
21subject to the provisions of Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the
22Property Tax Code (a) an amount equal to the total amount by
23which the homestead exemption allowed under Section 15-176 or
2415-177 of the Property Tax Code for real property situated in
25that school district exceeds the total amount that would have



10000SB0042sam001- 176 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1been allowed in that school district if the maximum reduction
2under Section 15-176 was (i) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500 in
3all other counties in tax year 2003 or (ii) $5,000 in all
4counties in tax year 2004 and thereafter and (b) an amount
5equal to the aggregate amount for the taxable year of all
6additional exemptions under Section 15-175 of the Property Tax
7Code for owners with a household income of $30,000 or less. The
8county clerk of any county that is or was subject to the
9provisions of Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code
10shall annually calculate and certify to the Department of
11Revenue for each school district all homestead exemption
12amounts under Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code
13and all amounts of additional exemptions under Section 15-175
14of the Property Tax Code for owners with a household income of
15$30,000 or less. It is the intent of this paragraph that if the
16general homestead exemption for a parcel of property is
17determined under Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax
18Code rather than Section 15-175, then the calculation of
19Available Local Resources shall not be affected by the
20difference, if any, between the amount of the general homestead
21exemption allowed for that parcel of property under Section
2215-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code and the amount that
23would have been allowed had the general homestead exemption for
24that parcel of property been determined under Section 15-175 of
25the Property Tax Code. It is further the intent of this
26paragraph that if additional exemptions are allowed under



10000SB0042sam001- 177 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Section 15-175 of the Property Tax Code for owners with a
2household income of less than $30,000, then the calculation of
3Available Local Resources shall not be affected by the
4difference, if any, because of those additional exemptions.
5    This equalized assessed valuation, as adjusted further by
6the requirements of this subsection, shall be utilized in the
7calculation of Available Local Resources.
8    (2) The equalized assessed valuation in paragraph (1) shall
9be adjusted, as applicable, in the following manner:
10        (a) For the purposes of calculating State aid under
11    this Section, with respect to any part of a school district
12    within a redevelopment project area in respect to which a
13    municipality has adopted tax increment allocation
14    financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation
15    Redevelopment Act, Sections 11-74.4-1 through 11-74.4-11
16    of the Illinois Municipal Code or the Industrial Jobs
17    Recovery Law, Sections 11-74.6-1 through 11-74.6-50 of the
18    Illinois Municipal Code, no part of the current equalized
19    assessed valuation of real property located in any such
20    project area which is attributable to an increase above the
21    total initial equalized assessed valuation of such
22    property shall be used as part of the equalized assessed
23    valuation of the district, until such time as all
24    redevelopment project costs have been paid, as provided in
25    Section 11-74.4-8 of the Tax Increment Allocation
26    Redevelopment Act or in Section 11-74.6-35 of the



10000SB0042sam001- 178 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    Industrial Jobs Recovery Law. For the purpose of the
2    equalized assessed valuation of the district, the total
3    initial equalized assessed valuation or the current
4    equalized assessed valuation, whichever is lower, shall be
5    used until such time as all redevelopment project costs
6    have been paid.
7        (b) The real property equalized assessed valuation for
8    a school district shall be adjusted by subtracting from the
9    real property value as equalized or assessed by the
10    Department of Revenue for the district an amount computed
11    by dividing the amount of any abatement of taxes under
12    Section 18-170 of the Property Tax Code by 3.00% for a
13    district maintaining grades kindergarten through 12, by
14    2.30% for a district maintaining grades kindergarten
15    through 8, or by 1.05% for a district maintaining grades 9
16    through 12 and adjusted by an amount computed by dividing
17    the amount of any abatement of taxes under subsection (a)
18    of Section 18-165 of the Property Tax Code by the same
19    percentage rates for district type as specified in this
20    subparagraph (b).
21    (3) For the 1999-2000 school year and each school year
22thereafter, if a school district meets all of the criteria of
23this subsection (G)(3), the school district's Available Local
24Resources shall be calculated under subsection (D) using the
25district's Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation
26as calculated under this subsection (G)(3).



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1    For purposes of this subsection (G)(3) the following terms
2shall have the following meanings:
3        "Budget Year": The school year for which general State
4    aid is calculated and awarded under subsection (E).
5        "Base Tax Year": The property tax levy year used to
6    calculate the Budget Year allocation of general State aid.
7        "Preceding Tax Year": The property tax levy year
8    immediately preceding the Base Tax Year.
9        "Base Tax Year's Tax Extension": The product of the
10    equalized assessed valuation utilized by the County Clerk
11    in the Base Tax Year multiplied by the limiting rate as
12    calculated by the County Clerk and defined in the Property
13    Tax Extension Limitation Law.
14        "Preceding Tax Year's Tax Extension": The product of
15    the equalized assessed valuation utilized by the County
16    Clerk in the Preceding Tax Year multiplied by the Operating
17    Tax Rate as defined in subsection (A).
18        "Extension Limitation Ratio": A numerical ratio,
19    certified by the County Clerk, in which the numerator is
20    the Base Tax Year's Tax Extension and the denominator is
21    the Preceding Tax Year's Tax Extension.
22        "Operating Tax Rate": The operating tax rate as defined
23    in subsection (A).
24    If a school district is subject to property tax extension
25limitations as imposed under the Property Tax Extension
26Limitation Law, the State Board of Education shall calculate



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1the Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of that
2district. For the 1999-2000 school year, the Extension
3Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of a school district as
4calculated by the State Board of Education shall be equal to
5the product of the district's 1996 Equalized Assessed Valuation
6and the district's Extension Limitation Ratio. Except as
7otherwise provided in this paragraph for a school district that
8has approved or does approve an increase in its limiting rate,
9for the 2000-2001 school year and each school year thereafter,
10the Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of a
11school district as calculated by the State Board of Education
12shall be equal to the product of the Equalized Assessed
13Valuation last used in the calculation of general State aid and
14the district's Extension Limitation Ratio. If the Extension
15Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of a school district as
16calculated under this subsection (G)(3) is less than the
17district's equalized assessed valuation as calculated pursuant
18to subsections (G)(1) and (G)(2), then for purposes of
19calculating the district's general State aid for the Budget
20Year pursuant to subsection (E), that Extension Limitation
21Equalized Assessed Valuation shall be utilized to calculate the
22district's Available Local Resources under subsection (D). For
23the 2009-2010 school year and each school year thereafter, if a
24school district has approved or does approve an increase in its
25limiting rate, pursuant to Section 18-190 of the Property Tax
26Code, affecting the Base Tax Year, the Extension Limitation



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1Equalized Assessed Valuation of the school district, as
2calculated by the State Board of Education, shall be equal to
3the product of the Equalized Assessed Valuation last used in
4the calculation of general State aid times an amount equal to
5one plus the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price
6Index for all Urban Consumers for all items published by the
7United States Department of Labor for the 12-month calendar
8year preceding the Base Tax Year, plus the Equalized Assessed
9Valuation of new property, annexed property, and recovered tax
10increment value and minus the Equalized Assessed Valuation of
11disconnected property. New property and recovered tax
12increment value shall have the meanings set forth in the
13Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
14    Partial elementary unit districts created in accordance
15with Article 11E of this Code shall not be eligible for the
16adjustment in this subsection (G)(3) until the fifth year
17following the effective date of the reorganization.
18    (3.5) For the 2010-2011 school year and each school year
19thereafter, if a school district's boundaries span multiple
20counties, then the Department of Revenue shall send to the
21State Board of Education, for the purpose of calculating
22general State aid, the limiting rate and individual rates by
23purpose for the county that contains the majority of the school
24district's Equalized Assessed Valuation.
25    (4) For the purposes of calculating general State aid for
26the 1999-2000 school year only, if a school district



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1experienced a triennial reassessment on the equalized assessed
2valuation used in calculating its general State financial aid
3apportionment for the 1998-1999 school year, the State Board of
4Education shall calculate the Extension Limitation Equalized
5Assessed Valuation that would have been used to calculate the
6district's 1998-1999 general State aid. This amount shall equal
7the product of the equalized assessed valuation used to
8calculate general State aid for the 1997-1998 school year and
9the district's Extension Limitation Ratio. If the Extension
10Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation of the school district
11as calculated under this paragraph (4) is less than the
12district's equalized assessed valuation utilized in
13calculating the district's 1998-1999 general State aid
14allocation, then for purposes of calculating the district's
15general State aid pursuant to paragraph (5) of subsection (E),
16that Extension Limitation Equalized Assessed Valuation shall
17be utilized to calculate the district's Available Local
19    (5) For school districts having a majority of their
20equalized assessed valuation in any county except Cook, DuPage,
21Kane, Lake, McHenry, or Will, if the amount of general State
22aid allocated to the school district for the 1999-2000 school
23year under the provisions of subsection (E), (H), and (J) of
24this Section is less than the amount of general State aid
25allocated to the district for the 1998-1999 school year under
26these subsections, then the general State aid of the district



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1for the 1999-2000 school year only shall be increased by the
2difference between these amounts. The total payments made under
3this paragraph (5) shall not exceed $14,000,000. Claims shall
4be prorated if they exceed $14,000,000.
5(H) Supplemental General State Aid.
6    (1) In addition to the general State aid a school district
7is allotted pursuant to subsection (E), qualifying school
8districts shall receive a grant, paid in conjunction with a
9district's payments of general State aid, for supplemental
10general State aid based upon the concentration level of
11children from low-income households within the school
12district. Supplemental State aid grants provided for school
13districts under this subsection shall be appropriated for
14distribution to school districts as part of the same line item
15in which the general State financial aid of school districts is
16appropriated under this Section.
17    (1.5) This paragraph (1.5) applies only to those school
18years preceding the 2003-2004 school year. For purposes of this
19subsection (H), the term "Low-Income Concentration Level"
20shall be the low-income eligible pupil count from the most
21recently available federal census divided by the Average Daily
22Attendance of the school district. If, however, (i) the
23percentage decrease from the 2 most recent federal censuses in
24the low-income eligible pupil count of a high school district
25with fewer than 400 students exceeds by 75% or more the



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1percentage change in the total low-income eligible pupil count
2of contiguous elementary school districts, whose boundaries
3are coterminous with the high school district, or (ii) a high
4school district within 2 counties and serving 5 elementary
5school districts, whose boundaries are coterminous with the
6high school district, has a percentage decrease from the 2 most
7recent federal censuses in the low-income eligible pupil count
8and there is a percentage increase in the total low-income
9eligible pupil count of a majority of the elementary school
10districts in excess of 50% from the 2 most recent federal
11censuses, then the high school district's low-income eligible
12pupil count from the earlier federal census shall be the number
13used as the low-income eligible pupil count for the high school
14district, for purposes of this subsection (H). The changes made
15to this paragraph (1) by Public Act 92-28 shall apply to
16supplemental general State aid grants for school years
17preceding the 2003-2004 school year that are paid in fiscal
18year 1999 or thereafter and to any State aid payments made in
19fiscal year 1994 through fiscal year 1998 pursuant to
20subsection 1(n) of Section 18-8 of this Code (which was
21repealed on July 1, 1998), and any high school district that is
22affected by Public Act 92-28 is entitled to a recomputation of
23its supplemental general State aid grant or State aid paid in
24any of those fiscal years. This recomputation shall not be
25affected by any other funding.
26    (1.10) This paragraph (1.10) applies to the 2003-2004



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1school year and each school year thereafter. For purposes of
2this subsection (H), the term "Low-Income Concentration Level"
3shall, for each fiscal year, be the low-income eligible pupil
4count as of July 1 of the immediately preceding fiscal year (as
5determined by the Department of Human Services based on the
6number of pupils who are eligible for at least one of the
7following low income programs: Medicaid, the Children's Health
8Insurance Program, TANF, or Food Stamps, excluding pupils who
9are eligible for services provided by the Department of
10Children and Family Services, averaged over the 2 immediately
11preceding fiscal years for fiscal year 2004 and over the 3
12immediately preceding fiscal years for each fiscal year
13thereafter) divided by the Average Daily Attendance of the
14school district.
15    (2) Supplemental general State aid pursuant to this
16subsection (H) shall be provided as follows for the 1998-1999,
171999-2000, and 2000-2001 school years only:
18        (a) For any school district with a Low Income
19    Concentration Level of at least 20% and less than 35%, the
20    grant for any school year shall be $800 multiplied by the
21    low income eligible pupil count.
22        (b) For any school district with a Low Income
23    Concentration Level of at least 35% and less than 50%, the
24    grant for the 1998-1999 school year shall be $1,100
25    multiplied by the low income eligible pupil count.
26        (c) For any school district with a Low Income



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1    Concentration Level of at least 50% and less than 60%, the
2    grant for the 1998-99 school year shall be $1,500
3    multiplied by the low income eligible pupil count.
4        (d) For any school district with a Low Income
5    Concentration Level of 60% or more, the grant for the
6    1998-99 school year shall be $1,900 multiplied by the low
7    income eligible pupil count.
8        (e) For the 1999-2000 school year, the per pupil amount
9    specified in subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) immediately
10    above shall be increased to $1,243, $1,600, and $2,000,
11    respectively.
12        (f) For the 2000-2001 school year, the per pupil
13    amounts specified in subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d)
14    immediately above shall be $1,273, $1,640, and $2,050,
15    respectively.
16    (2.5) Supplemental general State aid pursuant to this
17subsection (H) shall be provided as follows for the 2002-2003
18school year:
19        (a) For any school district with a Low Income
20    Concentration Level of less than 10%, the grant for each
21    school year shall be $355 multiplied by the low income
22    eligible pupil count.
23        (b) For any school district with a Low Income
24    Concentration Level of at least 10% and less than 20%, the
25    grant for each school year shall be $675 multiplied by the
26    low income eligible pupil count.



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1        (c) For any school district with a Low Income
2    Concentration Level of at least 20% and less than 35%, the
3    grant for each school year shall be $1,330 multiplied by
4    the low income eligible pupil count.
5        (d) For any school district with a Low Income
6    Concentration Level of at least 35% and less than 50%, the
7    grant for each school year shall be $1,362 multiplied by
8    the low income eligible pupil count.
9        (e) For any school district with a Low Income
10    Concentration Level of at least 50% and less than 60%, the
11    grant for each school year shall be $1,680 multiplied by
12    the low income eligible pupil count.
13        (f) For any school district with a Low Income
14    Concentration Level of 60% or more, the grant for each
15    school year shall be $2,080 multiplied by the low income
16    eligible pupil count.
17    (2.10) Except as otherwise provided, supplemental general
18State aid pursuant to this subsection (H) shall be provided as
19follows for the 2003-2004 school year and each school year
21        (a) For any school district with a Low Income
22    Concentration Level of 15% or less, the grant for each
23    school year shall be $355 multiplied by the low income
24    eligible pupil count.
25        (b) For any school district with a Low Income
26    Concentration Level greater than 15%, the grant for each



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1    school year shall be $294.25 added to the product of $2,700
2    and the square of the Low Income Concentration Level, all
3    multiplied by the low income eligible pupil count.
4    For the 2003-2004 school year and each school year
5thereafter through the 2008-2009 school year only, the grant
6shall be no less than the grant for the 2002-2003 school year.
7For the 2009-2010 school year only, the grant shall be no less
8than the grant for the 2002-2003 school year multiplied by
90.66. For the 2010-2011 school year only, the grant shall be no
10less than the grant for the 2002-2003 school year multiplied by
110.33. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to the
12contrary, if for any school year supplemental general State aid
13grants are prorated as provided in paragraph (1) of this
14subsection (H), then the grants under this paragraph shall be
16    For the 2003-2004 school year only, the grant shall be no
17greater than the grant received during the 2002-2003 school
18year added to the product of 0.25 multiplied by the difference
19between the grant amount calculated under subsection (a) or (b)
20of this paragraph (2.10), whichever is applicable, and the
21grant received during the 2002-2003 school year. For the
222004-2005 school year only, the grant shall be no greater than
23the grant received during the 2002-2003 school year added to
24the product of 0.50 multiplied by the difference between the
25grant amount calculated under subsection (a) or (b) of this
26paragraph (2.10), whichever is applicable, and the grant



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1received during the 2002-2003 school year. For the 2005-2006
2school year only, the grant shall be no greater than the grant
3received during the 2002-2003 school year added to the product
4of 0.75 multiplied by the difference between the grant amount
5calculated under subsection (a) or (b) of this paragraph
6(2.10), whichever is applicable, and the grant received during
7the 2002-2003 school year.
8    (3) School districts with an Average Daily Attendance of
9more than 1,000 and less than 50,000 that qualify for
10supplemental general State aid pursuant to this subsection
11shall submit a plan to the State Board of Education prior to
12October 30 of each year for the use of the funds resulting from
13this grant of supplemental general State aid for the
14improvement of instruction in which priority is given to
15meeting the education needs of disadvantaged children. Such
16plan shall be submitted in accordance with rules and
17regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education.
18    (4) School districts with an Average Daily Attendance of
1950,000 or more that qualify for supplemental general State aid
20pursuant to this subsection shall be required to distribute
21from funds available pursuant to this Section, no less than
22$261,000,000 in accordance with the following requirements:
23        (a) The required amounts shall be distributed to the
24    attendance centers within the district in proportion to the
25    number of pupils enrolled at each attendance center who are
26    eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches or



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1    breakfasts under the federal Child Nutrition Act of 1966
2    and under the National School Lunch Act during the
3    immediately preceding school year.
4        (b) The distribution of these portions of supplemental
5    and general State aid among attendance centers according to
6    these requirements shall not be compensated for or
7    contravened by adjustments of the total of other funds
8    appropriated to any attendance centers, and the Board of
9    Education shall utilize funding from one or several sources
10    in order to fully implement this provision annually prior
11    to the opening of school.
12        (c) Each attendance center shall be provided by the
13    school district a distribution of noncategorical funds and
14    other categorical funds to which an attendance center is
15    entitled under law in order that the general State aid and
16    supplemental general State aid provided by application of
17    this subsection supplements rather than supplants the
18    noncategorical funds and other categorical funds provided
19    by the school district to the attendance centers.
20        (d) Any funds made available under this subsection that
21    by reason of the provisions of this subsection are not
22    required to be allocated and provided to attendance centers
23    may be used and appropriated by the board of the district
24    for any lawful school purpose.
25        (e) Funds received by an attendance center pursuant to
26    this subsection shall be used by the attendance center at



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1    the discretion of the principal and local school council
2    for programs to improve educational opportunities at
3    qualifying schools through the following programs and
4    services: early childhood education, reduced class size or
5    improved adult to student classroom ratio, enrichment
6    programs, remedial assistance, attendance improvement, and
7    other educationally beneficial expenditures which
8    supplement the regular and basic programs as determined by
9    the State Board of Education. Funds provided shall not be
10    expended for any political or lobbying purposes as defined
11    by board rule.
12        (f) Each district subject to the provisions of this
13    subdivision (H)(4) shall submit an acceptable plan to meet
14    the educational needs of disadvantaged children, in
15    compliance with the requirements of this paragraph, to the
16    State Board of Education prior to July 15 of each year.
17    This plan shall be consistent with the decisions of local
18    school councils concerning the school expenditure plans
19    developed in accordance with part 4 of Section 34-2.3. The
20    State Board shall approve or reject the plan within 60 days
21    after its submission. If the plan is rejected, the district
22    shall give written notice of intent to modify the plan
23    within 15 days of the notification of rejection and then
24    submit a modified plan within 30 days after the date of the
25    written notice of intent to modify. Districts may amend
26    approved plans pursuant to rules promulgated by the State



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1    Board of Education.
2        Upon notification by the State Board of Education that
3    the district has not submitted a plan prior to July 15 or a
4    modified plan within the time period specified herein, the
5    State aid funds affected by that plan or modified plan
6    shall be withheld by the State Board of Education until a
7    plan or modified plan is submitted.
8        If the district fails to distribute State aid to
9    attendance centers in accordance with an approved plan, the
10    plan for the following year shall allocate funds, in
11    addition to the funds otherwise required by this
12    subsection, to those attendance centers which were
13    underfunded during the previous year in amounts equal to
14    such underfunding.
15        For purposes of determining compliance with this
16    subsection in relation to the requirements of attendance
17    center funding, each district subject to the provisions of
18    this subsection shall submit as a separate document by
19    December 1 of each year a report of expenditure data for
20    the prior year in addition to any modification of its
21    current plan. If it is determined that there has been a
22    failure to comply with the expenditure provisions of this
23    subsection regarding contravention or supplanting, the
24    State Superintendent of Education shall, within 60 days of
25    receipt of the report, notify the district and any affected
26    local school council. The district shall within 45 days of



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1    receipt of that notification inform the State
2    Superintendent of Education of the remedial or corrective
3    action to be taken, whether by amendment of the current
4    plan, if feasible, or by adjustment in the plan for the
5    following year. Failure to provide the expenditure report
6    or the notification of remedial or corrective action in a
7    timely manner shall result in a withholding of the affected
8    funds.
9        The State Board of Education shall promulgate rules and
10    regulations to implement the provisions of this
11    subsection. No funds shall be released under this
12    subdivision (H)(4) to any district that has not submitted a
13    plan that has been approved by the State Board of
14    Education.
15(I) (Blank).
16(J) (Blank).
17(K) Grants to Laboratory and Alternative Schools.
18    In calculating the amount to be paid to the governing board
19of a public university that operates a laboratory school under
20this Section or to any alternative school that is operated by a
21regional superintendent of schools, the State Board of
22Education shall require by rule such reporting requirements as
23it deems necessary.



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1    As used in this Section, "laboratory school" means a public
2school which is created and operated by a public university and
3approved by the State Board of Education. The governing board
4of a public university which receives funds from the State
5Board under this subsection (K) may not increase the number of
6students enrolled in its laboratory school from a single
7district, if that district is already sending 50 or more
8students, except under a mutual agreement between the school
9board of a student's district of residence and the university
10which operates the laboratory school. A laboratory school may
11not have more than 1,000 students, excluding students with
12disabilities in a special education program.
13    As used in this Section, "alternative school" means a
14public school which is created and operated by a Regional
15Superintendent of Schools and approved by the State Board of
16Education. Such alternative schools may offer courses of
17instruction for which credit is given in regular school
18programs, courses to prepare students for the high school
19equivalency testing program or vocational and occupational
20training. A regional superintendent of schools may contract
21with a school district or a public community college district
22to operate an alternative school. An alternative school serving
23more than one educational service region may be established by
24the regional superintendents of schools of the affected
25educational service regions. An alternative school serving
26more than one educational service region may be operated under



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1such terms as the regional superintendents of schools of those
2educational service regions may agree.
3    Each laboratory and alternative school shall file, on forms
4provided by the State Superintendent of Education, an annual
5State aid claim which states the Average Daily Attendance of
6the school's students by month. The best 3 months' Average
7Daily Attendance shall be computed for each school. The general
8State aid entitlement shall be computed by multiplying the
9applicable Average Daily Attendance by the Foundation Level as
10determined under this Section.
11(L) Payments, Additional Grants in Aid and Other Requirements.
12    (1) For a school district operating under the financial
13supervision of an Authority created under Article 34A, the
14general State aid otherwise payable to that district under this
15Section, but not the supplemental general State aid, shall be
16reduced by an amount equal to the budget for the operations of
17the Authority as certified by the Authority to the State Board
18of Education, and an amount equal to such reduction shall be
19paid to the Authority created for such district for its
20operating expenses in the manner provided in Section 18-11. The
21remainder of general State school aid for any such district
22shall be paid in accordance with Article 34A when that Article
23provides for a disposition other than that provided by this
25    (2) (Blank).



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1    (3) Summer school. Summer school payments shall be made as
2provided in Section 18-4.3.
3(M) Education Funding Advisory Board.
4    The Education Funding Advisory Board, hereinafter in this
5subsection (M) referred to as the "Board", is hereby created.
6The Board shall consist of 5 members who are appointed by the
7Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The
8members appointed shall include representatives of education,
9business, and the general public. One of the members so
10appointed shall be designated by the Governor at the time the
11appointment is made as the chairperson of the Board. The
12initial members of the Board may be appointed any time after
13the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997. The regular
14term of each member of the Board shall be for 4 years from the
15third Monday of January of the year in which the term of the
16member's appointment is to commence, except that of the 5
17initial members appointed to serve on the Board, the member who
18is appointed as the chairperson shall serve for a term that
19commences on the date of his or her appointment and expires on
20the third Monday of January, 2002, and the remaining 4 members,
21by lots drawn at the first meeting of the Board that is held
22after all 5 members are appointed, shall determine 2 of their
23number to serve for terms that commence on the date of their
24respective appointments and expire on the third Monday of
25January, 2001, and 2 of their number to serve for terms that



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1commence on the date of their respective appointments and
2expire on the third Monday of January, 2000. All members
3appointed to serve on the Board shall serve until their
4respective successors are appointed and confirmed. Vacancies
5shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments. If
6a vacancy in membership occurs at a time when the Senate is not
7in session, the Governor shall make a temporary appointment
8until the next meeting of the Senate, when he or she shall
9appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a
10person to fill that membership for the unexpired term. If the
11Senate is not in session when the initial appointments are
12made, those appointments shall be made as in the case of
14    The Education Funding Advisory Board shall be deemed
15established, and the initial members appointed by the Governor
16to serve as members of the Board shall take office, on the date
17that the Governor makes his or her appointment of the fifth
18initial member of the Board, whether those initial members are
19then serving pursuant to appointment and confirmation or
20pursuant to temporary appointments that are made by the
21Governor as in the case of vacancies.
22    The State Board of Education shall provide such staff
23assistance to the Education Funding Advisory Board as is
24reasonably required for the proper performance by the Board of
25its responsibilities.
26    For school years after the 2000-2001 school year, the



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1Education Funding Advisory Board, in consultation with the
2State Board of Education, shall make recommendations as
3provided in this subsection (M) to the General Assembly for the
4foundation level under subdivision (B)(3) of this Section and
5for the supplemental general State aid grant level under
6subsection (H) of this Section for districts with high
7concentrations of children from poverty. The recommended
8foundation level shall be determined based on a methodology
9which incorporates the basic education expenditures of
10low-spending schools exhibiting high academic performance. The
11Education Funding Advisory Board shall make such
12recommendations to the General Assembly on January 1 of odd
13numbered years, beginning January 1, 2001.
14(N) (Blank).
15(O) References.
16    (1) References in other laws to the various subdivisions of
17Section 18-8 as that Section existed before its repeal and
18replacement by this Section 18-8.05 shall be deemed to refer to
19the corresponding provisions of this Section 18-8.05, to the
20extent that those references remain applicable.
21    (2) References in other laws to State Chapter 1 funds shall
22be deemed to refer to the supplemental general State aid
23provided under subsection (H) of this Section.



10000SB0042sam001- 199 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1(P) Public Act 93-838 and Public Act 93-808 make inconsistent
2changes to this Section. Under Section 6 of the Statute on
3Statutes there is an irreconcilable conflict between Public Act
493-808 and Public Act 93-838. Public Act 93-838, being the last
5acted upon, is controlling. The text of Public Act 93-838 is
6the law regardless of the text of Public Act 93-808.
7(Q) State Fiscal Year 2015 Payments.
8    For payments made for State fiscal year 2015, the State
9Board of Education shall, for each school district, calculate
10that district's pro-rata share of a minimum sum of $13,600,000
11or additional amounts as needed from the total net General
12State Aid funding as calculated under this Section that shall
13be deemed attributable to the provision of special educational
14facilities and services, as defined in Section 14-1.08 of this
15Code, in a manner that ensures compliance with maintenance of
16State financial support requirements under the federal
17Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Each school
18district must use such funds only for the provision of special
19educational facilities and services, as defined in Section
2014-1.08 of this Code, and must comply with any expenditure
21verification procedures adopted by the State Board of
23(R) State Fiscal Year 2016 Payments.
24    For payments made for State fiscal year 2016, the State



10000SB0042sam001- 200 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Board of Education shall, for each school district, calculate
2that district's pro rata share of a minimum sum of $1 or
3additional amounts as needed from the total net General State
4Aid funding as calculated under this Section that shall be
5deemed attributable to the provision of special educational
6facilities and services, as defined in Section 14-1.08 of this
7Code, in a manner that ensures compliance with maintenance of
8State financial support requirements under the federal
9Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Each school
10district must use such funds only for the provision of special
11educational facilities and services, as defined in Section
1214-1.08 of this Code, and must comply with any expenditure
13verification procedures adopted by the State Board of
15(S) State Fiscal Year 2017 Payments.
16    For payments made for State fiscal year 2017, the State
17Board of Education shall, for each school district, calculate
18that district's pro rata share of a minimum sum of $1 or
19additional amounts as needed from the total net General State
20Aid funding as calculated under this Section that shall be
21deemed attributable to the provision of special educational
22facilities and services, as defined in Section 14-1.08 of this
23Code, in a manner that ensures compliance with maintenance of
24State financial support requirements under the federal
25Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Each school



10000SB0042sam001- 201 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1district must use such funds only for the provision of special
2educational facilities and services, as defined in Section
314-1.08 of this Code, and must comply with any expenditure
4verification procedures adopted by the State Board of
6(T) State Fiscal Year 2018 Payments.
7    For payments made for State fiscal year 2018, the State
8Board of Education shall, for each school district, calculate
9that district's pro rata share of a minimum sum of $1 or
10additional amounts as needed from the total net General State
11Aid funding as calculated under this Section that shall be
12deemed attributable to the provision of special educational
13facilities and services, as defined in Section 14-1.08 of this
14Code, in a manner that ensures compliance with maintenance of
15State financial support requirements under the federal
16Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Each school
17district must use such funds only for the provision of special
18educational facilities and services, as defined in Section
1914-1.08 of this Code, and must comply with any expenditure
20verification procedures adopted by the State Board of
22(Source: P.A. 98-972, eff. 8-15-14; 99-2, eff. 3-26-15; 99-194,
23eff. 7-30-15; 99-523, eff. 6-30-16.)
24    Section 5-50. The Public Community College Act is amended



10000SB0042sam001- 202 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1by changing Section 5-11 as follows:
2    (110 ILCS 805/5-11)  (from Ch. 122, par. 105-11)
3    Sec. 5-11. Any public community college which subsequent to
4July 1, 1972 but before July 1, 2016, commenced construction of
5any facilities approved by the State Board and the Illinois
6Board of Higher Education may, after completion thereof, apply
7to the State for a grant for expenditures made by the community
8college from its own funds for building purposes for such
9facilities in excess of 25% of the cost of such facilities as
10approved by the State Board and the Illinois Board of Higher
11Education. Any public community college that, on or after July
121, 2016, commenced construction of any facilities approved by
13the State Board may, after completion thereof, apply to the
14State for a grant for expenditures made by the community
15college from its own funds for building purposes for such
16facilities in excess of 25% of the cost of such facilities as
17approved by the State Board. A grant shall be contingent upon
18said community college having otherwise complied with Sections
195-3, 5-4, 5-5 and 5-10 of this Act.
20    If any payments or contributions of any kind which are
21based upon, or are to be applied to, the cost of such
22construction are received from the Federal government, or an
23agency thereof, subsequent to receipt of the grant herein
24provided, the amount of such subsequent payment or
25contributions shall be paid over to the Capital Development



10000SB0042sam001- 203 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Board by the community college for deposit in the Capital
2Development Board Contributory Trust Bond Interest and
3Retirement Fund.
4(Source: P.A. 99-655, eff. 7-28-16.)
5    Section 5-55. The Comprehensive Lead Education, Reduction,
6and Window Replacement Program Act is amended by changing
7Sections 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 as follows:
8    (410 ILCS 43/5)
9    Sec. 5. Findings; intent; establishment of program;
11    (a) The General Assembly finds all of the following:
12        (1) Lead-based paint poisoning is a potentially
13    devastating, but preventable disease. It is one of the top
14    environmental threats to children's health in the United
15    States.
16        (2) The number of lead-poisoned children in Illinois is
17    among the highest in the nation, especially in older, more
18    affordable properties.
19        (3) Lead poisoning causes irreversible damage to the
20    development of a child's nervous system. Even at low and
21    moderate levels, lead poisoning causes learning
22    disabilities, problems with speech, shortened attention
23    span, hyperactivity, and behavioral problems. Recent
24    research links low levels of lead exposure to lower IQ



10000SB0042sam001- 204 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    scores and to juvenile delinquency.
2        (4) Older housing is the number one risk factor for
3    childhood lead poisoning. Properties built before 1950 are
4    statistically much more likely to contain lead-based paint
5    hazards than buildings constructed more recently.
6        (5) The State of Illinois ranks 10th out of the 50
7    states in the age of its housing stock. More than 50% of
8    the housing units in Chicago and in Rock Island, Peoria,
9    Macon, Madison, and Kankakee counties were built before
10    1960. More than 43% of the housing units in St. Clair,
11    Winnebago, Sangamon, Kane, and Cook counties were built
12    before 1950.
13        (6) There are nearly 1.4 million households with
14    lead-based paint hazards in Illinois.
15        (7) Most children are lead poisoned in their own homes
16    through exposure to lead dust from deteriorated lead paint
17    surfaces, like windows, and when lead paint deteriorates or
18    is disturbed through home renovation and repainting.
19        (8) Fewer Less than 25% of children in Illinois age 6
20    and under have been tested for lead poisoning. While
21    children are lead poisoned throughout Illinois, counties
22    above the statewide average include: Alexander, Cass,
23    Cook, Fulton, Greene, Kane, Kankakee, Knox, LaSalle,
24    Macon, Mercer, Peoria, Perry, Rock Island, Sangamon, St.
25    Clair, Stephenson, Vermilion, Will, and Winnebago.
26        (9) The control of lead hazards significantly reduces



10000SB0042sam001- 205 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    lead-poisoning rates. Other communities, including New
2    York City and Milwaukee, have successfully reduced
3    lead-poisoning rates by removing lead-based paint hazards
4    on windows.
5        (10) Windows are considered a higher lead exposure risk
6    more often than other components in a housing unit. Windows
7    are a major contributor of lead dust in the home, due to
8    both weathering conditions and friction effects on paint.
9        (11) There is an insufficient pool of licensed lead
10    abatement workers and contractors to address the problem in
11    some areas of the State.
12        (12) Through grants from the U.S. Department of Housing
13    and Urban Development, some communities in Illinois have
14    begun to reduce lead poisoning of children. While this is
15    an ongoing effort, it only addresses a small number of the
16    low-income children statewide in communities with high
17    levels of lead paint in the housing stock.
18    (b) It is the intent of the General Assembly to:
19        (1) address the problem of lead poisoning of children
20    by eliminating lead hazards in homes;
21        (2) provide training within communities to encourage
22    the use of lead paint safe work practices;
23        (3) create job opportunities for community members in
24    the lead abatement industry;
25        (4) support the efforts of small business and property
26    owners committed to maintaining lead-safe housing; and



10000SB0042sam001- 206 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (5) assist in the maintenance of affordable lead-safe
2    housing stock.
3    (c) The General Assembly hereby establishes the
4Comprehensive Lead Education, Reduction, and Window
5Replacement Program to assist residential property owners
6through a Lead Direct Assistance Program to reduce lead hazards
7in residential properties loan and grant programs to reduce
8lead paint hazards through window replacement in pilot area
9communities. Where there is a lack of workers trained to remove
10lead-based paint hazards, job-training programs must be
11initiated. The General Assembly also recognizes that training,
12insurance, and licensing costs are prohibitively high and
13hereby establishes incentives for contractors to do lead
14abatement work.
15    (d) The Department of Public Health is authorized to:
16        (1) make and adopt such rules as necessary to implement
17    this Act;
18        (2) assess administrative fines and penalties, as
19    established by rule, for persons violating rules adopted by
20    the Department;
21        (3) charge $0.25 per page for documents requested by
22    the public, whether in paper or electronic format;
23        (4) make referrals for prosecution to the Illinois
24    Attorney General or the State's Attorney for the county in
25    which a violation occurs for any violation of this Act or
26    the rules adopted under this Act; and



10000SB0042sam001- 207 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (5) establish agreements, pursuant to the
2    Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, with the Department of
3    Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Illinois Housing
4    Development Authority, or any other public agency as
5    required, to implement this Act.
6(Source: P.A. 95-492, eff. 1-1-08.)
7    (410 ILCS 43/10)
8    Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act:
9    "Advisory Council" refers to the Lead Safe Housing Advisory
10Council established under Public Act 93-0789.
11    "CLEAR-WIN Program" refers to the Comprehensive Lead
12Education, Reduction, and Window Replacement Program created
13pursuant to this Act to assist property owners of single family
14homes and multi-unit residential properties in the State,
15through direct assistance programs that reduce lead paint and
16leaded plumbing hazards and, where necessary, through other
17lead hazard control techniques pilot area communities, through
18loan and grant programs that reduce lead paint hazards
19primarily through window replacement and, where necessary,
20through other lead-based paint hazard control techniques.
21    "Department" means the Department of Public Health.
22    "Director" means the Director of Public Health.
23    "Lead Safe Housing Maintenance Standards" refers to the
24standards developed by the Department in conjunction with the
25Lead Safe Housing Advisory Council.



10000SB0042sam001- 208 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    "Leaded Plumbing" means that portion of a building's
2potable water plumbing that is suspected or known to contain
3lead or lead-containing material as indicated by lead in
4potable water samples.
5    "Low-income" means a household at or below 80% of the
6median income level for a given county as determined annually
7by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
8    "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership,
9firm, organization, or association, acting individually or as a
11    "Plumbing" has the meaning ascribed to it in the Illinois
12Plumbing License Law.
13    "Property" means a single-family residence.
14    "Recipient" means a person receiving direct assistance
15pursuant to this Act.
16    "Pilot area communities" means the counties or cities
17selected by the Department, with the advice of the Advisory
18Council, where properties whose owners are eligible for the
19assistance provided by this Act are located.
20    "Window" means the inside, outside, and sides of sashes and
21mullions and the frames to the outside edge of the frame,
22including sides, sash guides, and window wells and sills.
23(Source: P.A. 95-492, eff. 1-1-08.)
24    (410 ILCS 43/15)
25    Sec. 15. Lead Direct Assistance Program Grant and loan



10000SB0042sam001- 209 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

2    (a) Subject to appropriation, the Department, in
3consultation with the Advisory Council, shall establish and
4operate the Lead Direct Assistance Program throughout the State
5CLEAR-WIN Program in two pilot area communities selected by the
6Department with advice from the Advisory Council. Pilot area
7communities shall be selected based upon the prevalence of
8low-income families whose children are lead poisoned, the age
9of the housing stock, and other sources of funding available to
10the communities to address lead-based paint hazards.
11    (b) The Department shall be responsible for administering
12the Lead Direct Assistance Program to remediate lead-based
13paint and leaded plumbing hazards in residential buildings
14CLEAR-WIN grant program. The grant shall be used to correct
15lead-based paint hazards in residential buildings. Conditions
16for receiving direct assistance a grant shall be developed by
17the Department, in consultation with the Department of Commerce
18and Economic Opportunity and the Illinois Housing Development
19Authority based on criteria established by the Advisory
20Council. Criteria, including but not limited to the following
21program components, shall include (i) income of the resident
22eligibility for receipt of the grants, with priority given to
23low-income homeowners tenants or owners who rent to low-income
24tenants; (ii) properties where at least one child has been
25found to have an elevated blood level pursuant to the Lead
26Poisoning Prevention Act to be covered under CLEAR-WIN; and



10000SB0042sam001- 210 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1(iii) properties where the potable water has been tested and
2found to contain lead exceeding levels established by rule the
3number of units to be covered in a property. Recipients of
4direct assistance under this program shall be provided a copy
5of the Department's Prior to making a grant, the Department
6must provide the grant recipient with a copy of the Lead Safe
7Housing Maintenance Standards generated by the Advisory
8Council. The homeowner property owner must certify that he or
9she has received the Standards and intends to comply with them;
10has provided a copy of the Standards to all tenants in the
11building; will continue to rent to the same tenant or other
12low-income tenant for a period of not less than 5 years
13following completion of the work; and will continue to maintain
14the property as lead-safe. Failure to comply with the grant
15conditions of the Lead Direct Assistance Program is a violation
16of this Act may result in repayment of grant funds.
17    (c) (Blank). The Advisory Council shall also consider
18development of a loan program to assist property owners not
19eligible for grants.
20    (d) All lead-based paint hazard control work performed
21pursuant to the Lead Direct Assistance Program shall comply
22with these grant or loan funds shall be conducted in
23conformance with the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act and the
24Illinois Lead Poisoning Prevention Code. All plumbing work
25performed pursuant to the Lead Direct Assistance Program shall
26comply with the Illinois Plumbing Licensing Act and the



10000SB0042sam001- 211 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1Illinois Plumbing Code. Before persons contractors are paid for
2repair work conducted pursuant to this Act under the CLEAR-WIN
3Program, each subject property dwelling unit assisted must be
4inspected by a lead risk assessor or lead inspector licensed in
5Illinois, and an appropriate number of dust samples must be
6collected from in and around the work areas for lead analysis,
7with results in compliance with levels set by the Lead
8Poisoning Prevention Act and the Illinois Lead Poisoning
9Prevention Code or in the case of leaded plumbing work, be
10inspected by an Illinois-certified plumbing inspector. All
11costs associated with such inspections, including laboratory
12fees, of evaluation shall be compensable to the person
13contracted to provide direct assistance, as prescribed by rule
14the responsibility of the property owner who received the grant
15or loan, but will be provided for by the Department for grant
16recipients and may be included in the amount of the loan.
17Additional repairs and clean-up costs associated with a failed
18clearance test, including follow-up tests, shall be the
19responsibility of the person performing the work pursuant to
20the Lead Direct Assistance Program contractor.
21    (e) The Within 6 months after the effective date of this
22Act, the Advisory Council shall recommend to the Department
23shall issue Lead Safe Housing Maintenance Standards pursuant to
24this Act for purposes of the CLEAR-WIN Program. Except for
25properties where all lead-based paint, leaded plumbing, or
26other identified lead hazards have has been removed, the



10000SB0042sam001- 212 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1standards shall describe the responsibilities of property
2owners and tenants in maintaining lead-safe housing, including
3but not limited to, prescribing special cleaning, repair,
4flushing, filtering, and maintenance necessary to minimize the
5risk that subject reduce the chance that properties will cause
6lead poisoning in child occupants. Recipients of CLEAR-WIN
7grants and loans shall be required to continue to maintain
8their properties in compliance with these Lead Safe Housing
9Maintenance Standards. Failure to maintain properties in
10accordance with these Standards is a violation and may subject
11the recipient to fines and penalties prescribed by rule may
12result in repayment of grant funds or termination of the loan.
13    (f) From funds appropriated, the Department may pay its own
14grants and reasonable administrative costs and by agreement,
15the reasonable administrative costs of other public agencies.
16    (g) Failure by any person performing work pursuant to the
17Lead Direct Assistance Program to comply with rules or any
18contractual agreement made thereunder may subject the person to
19administrative action by the Department or other public
20agencies, pursuant to rules adopted hereunder, including, but
21not limited to, civil penalties, retainage of payment, and loss
22of eligibility to participate. Civil actions, including for
23reimbursement, damages and money penalties, and criminal
24actions may be brought by the Attorney General or the state's
25attorney for the county in which the violation occurs.
26(Source: P.A. 95-492, eff. 1-1-08; 96-959, eff. 7-1-10.)



10000SB0042sam001- 213 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (410 ILCS 43/20)
2    Sec. 20. Lead abatement training. The Advisory Council
3shall advise the Department determine whether a sufficient
4number of lead abatement training programs exist to serve the
5State pilot sites. If the Department determines it is
6determined additional training programs are needed, the
7Department may utilize funds appropriated pursuant to this Act
8to address deficiencies Advisory Council shall work with the
9Department to establish the additional training programs for
10purposes of the CLEAR-WIN Program.
11(Source: P.A. 95-492, eff. 1-1-08.)
12    (410 ILCS 43/25)
13    Sec. 25. Insurance assistance. The Department through
14agreements with other public agencies may allow for
15reimbursement of certain insurance costs associated with
16persons performing work pursuant to this Act shall make
17available, for the portion of a policy related to lead
18activities, 100% insurance subsidies to licensed lead
19abatement contractors who primarily target their work to the
20pilot area communities and employ a significant number of
21licensed lead abatement workers from the pilot area
22communities. Receipt of the subsidies shall be reviewed
23annually by the Department. The Department shall adopt rules
24for implementation of these insurance subsidies within 6 months



10000SB0042sam001- 214 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1after the effective date of this Act.
2(Source: P.A. 95-492, eff. 1-1-08.)
3    (410 ILCS 43/30)
4    Sec. 30. Advisory Council. The Advisory Council shall
5assist the Department in developing submit an annual written
6report to the Governor and General Assembly on the operation
7and effectiveness of the CLEAR-WIN Program. The report must
8evaluate the program's effectiveness on reducing the
9prevalence of lead poisoning in children in the pilot area
10communities and in training and employing persons in the pilot
11area communities. The report may also contain information about
12training and employment associated with persons providing
13direct assistance work. The report also must describe the
14numbers of units in which lead hazards were remediated or
15leaded plumbing replaced lead-based paint was abated; specify
16the type of work completed and the types of dwellings and
17demographics of persons assisted; summarize the cost of lead
18lead-based paint hazard control and CLEAR-WIN Program
19administration; rent increases or decreases in the residential
20property affected by direct assistance work pilot area
21communities; rental property ownership changes; and any other
22CLEAR-WIN actions taken by the Department, other public
23agencies, or the Advisory Council and recommend any necessary
24legislation or rule-making to improve the effectiveness of the
25CLEAR-WIN Program.



10000SB0042sam001- 215 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1(Source: P.A. 95-492, eff. 1-1-08.)

3    Section 10-5. The State Finance Act is amended by changing
4Sections 8.12 and 14.1 as follows:
5    (30 ILCS 105/8.12)   (from Ch. 127, par. 144.12)
6    Sec. 8.12. State Pensions Fund.
7    (a) The moneys in the State Pensions Fund shall be used
8exclusively for the administration of the Uniform Disposition
9of Unclaimed Property Act and for the expenses incurred by the
10Auditor General for administering the provisions of Section
112-8.1 of the Illinois State Auditing Act and for the funding of
12the unfunded liabilities of the designated retirement systems.
13Beginning in State fiscal year 2019 2018, payments to the
14designated retirement systems under this Section shall be in
15addition to, and not in lieu of, any State contributions
16required under the Illinois Pension Code.
17    "Designated retirement systems" means:
18        (1) the State Employees' Retirement System of
19    Illinois;
20        (2) the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of
21    Illinois;
22        (3) the State Universities Retirement System;
23        (4) the Judges Retirement System of Illinois; and



10000SB0042sam001- 216 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1        (5) the General Assembly Retirement System.
2    (b) Each year the General Assembly may make appropriations
3from the State Pensions Fund for the administration of the
4Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
5    Each month, the Commissioner of the Office of Banks and
6Real Estate shall certify to the State Treasurer the actual
7expenditures that the Office of Banks and Real Estate incurred
8conducting unclaimed property examinations under the Uniform
9Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act during the immediately
10preceding month. Within a reasonable time following the
11acceptance of such certification by the State Treasurer, the
12State Treasurer shall pay from its appropriation from the State
13Pensions Fund to the Bank and Trust Company Fund, the Savings
14Bank Regulatory Fund, and the Residential Finance Regulatory
15Fund an amount equal to the expenditures incurred by each Fund
16for that month.
17    Each month, the Director of Financial Institutions shall
18certify to the State Treasurer the actual expenditures that the
19Department of Financial Institutions incurred conducting
20unclaimed property examinations under the Uniform Disposition
21of Unclaimed Property Act during the immediately preceding
22month. Within a reasonable time following the acceptance of
23such certification by the State Treasurer, the State Treasurer
24shall pay from its appropriation from the State Pensions Fund
25to the Financial Institution Fund and the Credit Union Fund an
26amount equal to the expenditures incurred by each Fund for that



10000SB0042sam001- 217 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

2    (c) As soon as possible after the effective date of this
3amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the General
4Assembly shall appropriate from the State Pensions Fund (1) to
5the State Universities Retirement System the amount certified
6under Section 15-165 during the prior year, (2) to the Judges
7Retirement System of Illinois the amount certified under
8Section 18-140 during the prior year, and (3) to the General
9Assembly Retirement System the amount certified under Section
102-134 during the prior year as part of the required State
11contributions to each of those designated retirement systems;
12except that amounts appropriated under this subsection (c) in
13State fiscal year 2005 shall not reduce the amount in the State
14Pensions Fund below $5,000,000. If the amount in the State
15Pensions Fund does not exceed the sum of the amounts certified
16in Sections 15-165, 18-140, and 2-134 by at least $5,000,000,
17the amount paid to each designated retirement system under this
18subsection shall be reduced in proportion to the amount
19certified by each of those designated retirement systems.
20    (c-5) For fiscal years 2006 through 2018 2017, the General
21Assembly shall appropriate from the State Pensions Fund to the
22State Universities Retirement System the amount estimated to be
23available during the fiscal year in the State Pensions Fund;
24provided, however, that the amounts appropriated under this
25subsection (c-5) shall not reduce the amount in the State
26Pensions Fund below $5,000,000.



10000SB0042sam001- 218 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (c-6) For fiscal year 2019 2018 and each fiscal year
2thereafter, as soon as may be practical after any money is
3deposited into the State Pensions Fund from the Unclaimed
4Property Trust Fund, the State Treasurer shall apportion the
5deposited amount among the designated retirement systems as
6defined in subsection (a) to reduce their actuarial reserve
7deficiencies. The State Comptroller and State Treasurer shall
8pay the apportioned amounts to the designated retirement
9systems to fund the unfunded liabilities of the designated
10retirement systems. The amount apportioned to each designated
11retirement system shall constitute a portion of the amount
12estimated to be available for appropriation from the State
13Pensions Fund that is the same as that retirement system's
14portion of the total actual reserve deficiency of the systems,
15as determined annually by the Governor's Office of Management
16and Budget at the request of the State Treasurer. The amounts
17apportioned under this subsection shall not reduce the amount
18in the State Pensions Fund below $5,000,000.
19    (d) The Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall
20determine the individual and total reserve deficiencies of the
21designated retirement systems. For this purpose, the
22Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall utilize the
23latest available audit and actuarial reports of each of the
24retirement systems and the relevant reports and statistics of
25the Public Employee Pension Fund Division of the Department of



10000SB0042sam001- 219 -LRB100 04925 JWD 26555 a

1    (d-1) As soon as practicable after the effective date of
2this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the
3Comptroller shall direct and the Treasurer shall transfer from
4the State Pensions Fund to the General Revenue Fund, as funds
5become available, a sum equal to the amounts that would have
6been paid from the State Pensions Fund to the Teachers'
7Retirement System of the State of Illinois, the State
8Universities Retirement System, the Judges Retirement System
9of Illinois, the General Assembly Retirement System, and the
10State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois after the
11effective date of this amendatory Act during the remainder of
12fiscal year 2004 to the designated retirement systems from the
13appropriations provided for in this Section if the transfers
14provided in Section 6z-61 had not occurred. The transfers
15described in this subsection (d-1) are to partially repay the
16General Revenue Fund for the costs associated with the bonds
17used to fund the moneys transferred to the designated
18retirement systems under Section 6z-61.
19    (e) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act
20of 1994 shall first apply to distributions from the Fund for
21State fiscal year 1996.
22(Source: P.A. 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13;
2398-674, eff. 6-30-14; 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15; 99-8, eff. 7-9-15;
2499-78, eff. 7-20