| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning public employee benefits.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 7-114 and 7-172 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (40 ILCS 5/7-114) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-114)
| ||||||
7 | (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, | ||||||
8 | which has been
held unconstitutional)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 7-114. Earnings. "Earnings":
| ||||||
10 | (a) An amount to be determined by the board, equal to the | ||||||
11 | sum of:
| ||||||
12 | 1. The total amount of money paid to an employee for | ||||||
13 | personal
services or official duties as an employee (except | ||||||
14 | those employed as
independent contractors) paid out of the | ||||||
15 | general fund, or out of any
special funds controlled by the | ||||||
16 | municipality, or by any instrumentality
thereof, or | ||||||
17 | participating instrumentality, including compensation, | ||||||
18 | fees,
allowances (but not including amounts associated | ||||||
19 | with a vehicle allowance payable to an employee who first | ||||||
20 | becomes a participating employee on or after the effective | ||||||
21 | date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly) , | ||||||
22 | or other emolument paid for official duties (but not
| ||||||
23 | including automobile maintenance, travel expense, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reimbursements for
expenditures incurred in the | ||||||
2 | performance of duties) and, for fee
offices, the fees or | ||||||
3 | earnings of the offices to the extent such fees are
paid | ||||||
4 | out of funds controlled by the municipality, or | ||||||
5 | instrumentality or
participating instrumentality; and
| ||||||
6 | 2. The money value, as determined by rules prescribed | ||||||
7 | by the
governing body of the municipality, or | ||||||
8 | instrumentality thereof, of any
board, lodging, fuel, | ||||||
9 | laundry, and other allowances provided an employee
in lieu | ||||||
10 | of money.
| ||||||
11 | (b) For purposes of determining benefits payable under this | ||||||
12 | fund
payments to a person who is engaged in an independently | ||||||
13 | established
trade, occupation, profession or business and who | ||||||
14 | is paid for his
service on a basis other than a monthly or | ||||||
15 | other regular salary, are not
| ||||||
16 | (c) If a disabled participating employee is eligible to | ||||||
17 | receive Workers'
Compensation for an accidental injury and the | ||||||
18 | participating municipality or
instrumentality which employed | ||||||
19 | the participating employee when injured
continues to pay the | ||||||
20 | participating employee regular salary or other
compensation or | ||||||
21 | pays the employee an amount in excess of the Workers'
| ||||||
22 | Compensation amount, then earnings shall be deemed to be the | ||||||
23 | total payments,
including an amount equal to the Workers' | ||||||
24 | Compensation payments. These
payments shall be subject to | ||||||
25 | employee contributions and allocated as if paid to
the | ||||||
26 | participating employee when the regular payroll amounts would |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | have been
paid if the participating employee had continued | ||||||
2 | working, and creditable
service shall be awarded for this | ||||||
3 | period.
| ||||||
4 | (d) If an elected official who is a participating employee | ||||||
5 | becomes disabled
but does not resign and is not removed from | ||||||
6 | office, then earnings shall include
all salary payments made | ||||||
7 | for the remainder of that term of office and the
official shall | ||||||
8 | be awarded creditable service for the term of office.
| ||||||
9 | (e) If a participating employee is paid pursuant to "An Act | ||||||
10 | to provide for
the continuation of compensation for law | ||||||
11 | enforcement officers, correctional
officers and firemen who | ||||||
12 | suffer disabling injury in the line of duty", approved
| ||||||
13 | September 6, 1973, as amended, the payments shall be deemed | ||||||
14 | earnings, and the
participating employee shall be awarded | ||||||
15 | creditable service for this period.
| ||||||
16 | (f) Additional compensation received by a person while | ||||||
17 | serving as a
supervisor of assessments, assessor, deputy | ||||||
18 | assessor or member of a board of
review from the State of | ||||||
19 | Illinois pursuant to Section 4-10 or 4-15 of the
Property Tax | ||||||
20 | Code shall not be
earnings for purposes of this Article and | ||||||
21 | shall not be included in the
contribution formula or | ||||||
22 | calculation of benefits for such person pursuant to
this | ||||||
23 | Article.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 87-740; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
| ||||||
25 | (40 ILCS 5/7-172) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 7-172)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 7-172. Contributions by participating municipalities | ||||||
2 | and
participating instrumentalities.
| ||||||
3 | (a) Each participating municipality and each participating
| ||||||
4 | instrumentality shall make payment to the fund as follows:
| ||||||
5 | 1. municipality contributions in an amount determined | ||||||
6 | by applying
the municipality contribution rate to each | ||||||
7 | payment of earnings paid to
each of its participating | ||||||
8 | employees;
| ||||||
9 | 2. an amount equal to the employee contributions | ||||||
10 | provided by paragraph
(a) of Section 7-173, whether or not | ||||||
11 | the employee contributions are
withheld as permitted by | ||||||
12 | that Section;
| ||||||
13 | 3. all accounts receivable, together with interest | ||||||
14 | charged thereon,
as provided in Section 7-209, and any | ||||||
15 | amounts due under subsection (a-5) of Section 7-144;
| ||||||
16 | 4. if it has no participating employees with current | ||||||
17 | earnings, an
amount payable which, over a closed period of | ||||||
18 | 20 years for participating municipalities and 10 years for | ||||||
19 | participating instrumentalities, will amortize, at the | ||||||
20 | effective rate for
that year, any unfunded obligation. The | ||||||
21 | unfunded obligation shall be computed as provided in | ||||||
22 | paragraph 2 of subsection (b); | ||||||
23 | 5. if it has fewer than 7 participating employees or a | ||||||
24 | negative balance in its municipality reserve, the greater | ||||||
25 | of (A) an amount payable that, over a period of 20 years, | ||||||
26 | will amortize at the effective rate for that year any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | unfunded obligation, computed as provided in paragraph 2 of | ||||||
2 | subsection (b) or (B) the amount required by paragraph 1 of | ||||||
3 | this subsection (a).
| ||||||
4 | (b) A separate municipality contribution rate shall be | ||||||
5 | determined
for each calendar year for all participating | ||||||
6 | municipalities together
with all instrumentalities thereof. | ||||||
7 | The municipality contribution rate
shall be determined for | ||||||
8 | participating instrumentalities as if they were
participating | ||||||
9 | municipalities. The municipality contribution rate shall
be | ||||||
10 | the sum of the following percentages:
| ||||||
11 | 1. The percentage of earnings of all the participating | ||||||
12 | employees of all
participating municipalities and | ||||||
13 | participating instrumentalities which, if paid
over the | ||||||
14 | entire period of their service, will be sufficient when | ||||||
15 | combined with
all employee contributions available for the | ||||||
16 | payment of benefits, to provide
all annuities for | ||||||
17 | participating employees, and the $3,000 death benefit
| ||||||
18 | payable under Sections 7-158 and 7-164, such percentage to | ||||||
19 | be known as the
normal cost rate.
| ||||||
20 | 2. The percentage of earnings of the participating | ||||||
21 | employees of each
participating municipality and | ||||||
22 | participating instrumentalities necessary
to adjust for | ||||||
23 | the difference between the present value of all benefits,
| ||||||
24 | excluding temporary and total and permanent disability and | ||||||
25 | death benefits, to
be provided for its participating | ||||||
26 | employees and the sum of its accumulated
municipality |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | contributions and the accumulated employee contributions | ||||||
2 | and the
present value of expected future employee and | ||||||
3 | municipality contributions
pursuant to subparagraph 1 of | ||||||
4 | this paragraph (b). This adjustment shall be
spread over a | ||||||
5 | period determined by the Board, not to exceed 30 years for | ||||||
6 | participating municipalities or 10 years for participating | ||||||
7 | instrumentalities.
| ||||||
8 | 3. The percentage of earnings of the participating | ||||||
9 | employees of all
municipalities and participating | ||||||
10 | instrumentalities necessary to provide
the present value | ||||||
11 | of all temporary and total and permanent disability
| ||||||
12 | benefits granted during the most recent year for which | ||||||
13 | information is
| ||||||
14 | 4. The percentage of earnings of the participating | ||||||
15 | employees of all
participating municipalities and | ||||||
16 | participating instrumentalities
necessary to provide the | ||||||
17 | present value of the net single sum death
benefits expected | ||||||
18 | to become payable from the reserve established under
| ||||||
19 | Section 7-206 during the year for which this rate is fixed.
| ||||||
20 | 5. The percentage of earnings necessary to meet any | ||||||
21 | deficiency
arising in the Terminated Municipality Reserve.
| ||||||
22 | (c) A separate municipality contribution rate shall be | ||||||
23 | computed for
each participating municipality or participating | ||||||
24 | instrumentality
for its sheriff's law enforcement employees.
| ||||||
25 | A separate municipality contribution rate shall be | ||||||
26 | computed for the
sheriff's law enforcement employees of each |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | forest preserve district that
elects to have such employees. | ||||||
2 | For the period from January 1, 1986 to
December 31, 1986, such | ||||||
3 | rate shall be the forest preserve district's regular
rate plus | ||||||
4 | 2%.
| ||||||
5 | In the event that the Board determines that there is an | ||||||
6 | actuarial
deficiency in the account of any municipality with | ||||||
7 | respect to a person who
has elected to participate in the Fund | ||||||
8 | under Section 3-109.1 of this Code,
the Board may adjust the | ||||||
9 | municipality's contribution rate so as to make up
that | ||||||
10 | deficiency over such reasonable period of time as the Board may | ||||||
11 | determine.
| ||||||
12 | (d) The Board may establish a separate municipality | ||||||
13 | contribution
rate for all employees who are program | ||||||
14 | participants employed under the
federal Comprehensive | ||||||
15 | Employment Training Act by all of the
participating | ||||||
16 | municipalities and instrumentalities. The Board may also
| ||||||
17 | provide that, in lieu of a separate municipality rate for these
| ||||||
18 | employees, a portion of the municipality contributions for such | ||||||
19 | program
participants shall be refunded or an extra charge | ||||||
20 | assessed so that the
amount of municipality contributions | ||||||
21 | retained or received by the fund
for all CETA program | ||||||
22 | participants shall be an amount equal to that which
would be | ||||||
23 | provided by the separate municipality contribution rate for all
| ||||||
24 | such program participants. Refunds shall be made to prime | ||||||
25 | sponsors of
programs upon submission of a claim therefor and | ||||||
26 | extra charges shall be
assessed to participating |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | municipalities and instrumentalities. In
establishing the | ||||||
2 | municipality contribution rate as provided in paragraph
(b) of | ||||||
3 | this Section, the use of a separate municipality contribution
| ||||||
4 | rate for program participants or the refund of a portion of the
| ||||||
5 | municipality contributions, as the case may be, may be | ||||||
6 | considered.
| ||||||
7 | (e) Computations of municipality contribution rates for | ||||||
8 | the
following calendar year shall be made prior to the | ||||||
9 | beginning of each
year, from the information available at the | ||||||
10 | time the computations are
made, and on the assumption that the | ||||||
11 | employees in each participating
municipality or participating | ||||||
12 | instrumentality at such time will continue
in service until the | ||||||
13 | end of such calendar year at their respective rates
of earnings | ||||||
14 | at such time.
| ||||||
15 | (f) Any municipality which is the recipient of State | ||||||
16 | allocations
representing that municipality's contributions for | ||||||
17 | retirement annuity
purposes on behalf of its employees as | ||||||
18 | provided in Section 12-21.16 of
the Illinois Public Aid Code | ||||||
19 | shall pay the allocations so
received to the Board for such | ||||||
20 | purpose. Estimates of State allocations to
be received during | ||||||
21 | any taxable year shall be considered in the
determination of | ||||||
22 | the municipality's tax rate for that year under Section
7-171. | ||||||
23 | If a special tax is levied under Section 7-171, none of the
| ||||||
24 | proceeds may be used to reimburse the municipality for the | ||||||
25 | amount of State
allocations received and paid to the Board. Any | ||||||
26 | multiple-county or
consolidated health department which |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | receives contributions from a county
under Section 11.2 of "An | ||||||
2 | Act in relation to establishment and maintenance
of county and | ||||||
3 | multiple-county health departments", approved July 9, 1943,
as | ||||||
4 | amended, or distributions under Section 3 of the Department of | ||||||
5 | Public
Health Act, shall use these only for municipality | ||||||
6 | contributions by the
health department.
| ||||||
7 | (g) Municipality contributions for the several purposes | ||||||
8 | specified
shall, for township treasurers and employees in the | ||||||
9 | offices of the
township treasurers who meet the qualifying | ||||||
10 | conditions for coverage
hereunder, be allocated among the | ||||||
11 | several school districts and parts of
school districts serviced | ||||||
12 | by such treasurers and employees in the
proportion which the | ||||||
13 | amount of school funds of each district or part of
a district | ||||||
14 | handled by the treasurer bears to the total amount of all
| ||||||
15 | school funds handled by the treasurer.
| ||||||
16 | From the funds subject to allocation among districts and | ||||||
17 | parts of
districts pursuant to the School Code, the trustees | ||||||
18 | shall withhold the
proportionate share of the liability for | ||||||
19 | municipality contributions imposed
upon such districts by this | ||||||
20 | Section, in respect to such township treasurers
and employees | ||||||
21 | and remit the same to the Board.
| ||||||
22 | The municipality contribution rate for an educational | ||||||
23 | service center shall
initially be the same rate for each year | ||||||
24 | as the regional office of
education or school district
which | ||||||
25 | serves as its administrative agent. When actuarial data become
| ||||||
26 | available, a separate rate shall be established as provided in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subparagraph
(i) of this Section.
| ||||||
2 | The municipality contribution rate for a public agency, | ||||||
3 | other than a
vocational education cooperative, formed under the | ||||||
4 | Intergovernmental
Cooperation Act shall initially be the | ||||||
5 | average rate for the municipalities
which are parties to the | ||||||
6 | intergovernmental agreement. When actuarial data
become | ||||||
7 | available, a separate rate shall be established as provided in
| ||||||
8 | subparagraph (i) of this Section.
| ||||||
9 | (h) Each participating municipality and participating
| ||||||
10 | instrumentality shall make the contributions in the amounts | ||||||
11 | provided in
this Section in the manner prescribed from time to | ||||||
12 | time by the Board and
all such contributions shall be | ||||||
13 | obligations of the respective
participating municipalities and | ||||||
14 | participating instrumentalities to this
fund. The failure to | ||||||
15 | deduct any employee contributions shall not
relieve the | ||||||
16 | participating municipality or participating instrumentality
of | ||||||
17 | its obligation to this fund. Delinquent payments of | ||||||
18 | contributions
due under this Section may, with interest, be | ||||||
19 | recovered by civil action
against the participating | ||||||
20 | municipalities or participating
instrumentalities. | ||||||
21 | Municipality contributions, other than the amount
necessary | ||||||
22 | for employee contributions, for
periods of service by employees | ||||||
23 | from whose earnings no deductions were made
for employee | ||||||
24 | contributions to the fund, may be charged to the municipality
| ||||||
25 | reserve for the municipality or participating instrumentality.
| ||||||
26 | (i) Contributions by participating instrumentalities shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be
determined as provided herein except that the percentage | ||||||
2 | derived under
subparagraph 2 of paragraph (b) of this Section, | ||||||
3 | and the amount payable
under subparagraph 4 of paragraph (a) of | ||||||
4 | this Section, shall be based on
an amortization period of 10 | ||||||
5 | years.
| ||||||
6 | (j) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section, | ||||||
7 | the additional unfunded liability accruing as a result of this | ||||||
8 | amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly
shall be amortized | ||||||
9 | over a period of 30 years beginning on January 1 of the
second | ||||||
10 | calendar year following the calendar year in which this | ||||||
11 | amendatory Act takes effect, except that the employer may | ||||||
12 | provide for a longer amortization period by adopting a | ||||||
13 | resolution or ordinance specifying a 35-year or 40-year period | ||||||
14 | and submitting a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution | ||||||
15 | to the fund no later than June 1 of the calendar year following | ||||||
16 | the calendar year in which this amendatory Act takes effect.
| ||||||
17 | (k) If the amount of a participating employee's reported | ||||||
18 | earnings for any of the 12-month periods used to determine the | ||||||
19 | final rate of earnings exceeds the employee's 12 month reported | ||||||
20 | earnings with the same employer for the previous year by the | ||||||
21 | greater of 6% or 1.5 times the annual increase in the Consumer | ||||||
22 | Price Index-U, as established by the United States Department | ||||||
23 | of Labor for the preceding September, the participating | ||||||
24 | municipality or participating instrumentality that paid those | ||||||
25 | earnings shall pay to the Fund, in addition to any other | ||||||
26 | contributions required under this Article, the present value of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the increase in the pension resulting from the portion of the | ||||||
2 | increase in salary that is in excess of the greater of 6% or | ||||||
3 | 1.5 times the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index-U, as | ||||||
4 | determined by the Fund. This present value shall be computed on | ||||||
5 | the basis of the actuarial assumptions and tables used in the | ||||||
6 | most recent actuarial valuation of the Fund that is available | ||||||
7 | at the time of the computation. | ||||||
8 | Whenever it determines that a payment is or may be required | ||||||
9 | under this subsection (k), the fund shall calculate the amount | ||||||
10 | of the payment and bill the participating municipality or | ||||||
11 | participating instrumentality for that amount. The bill shall | ||||||
12 | specify the calculations used to determine the amount due. If | ||||||
13 | the participating municipality or participating | ||||||
14 | instrumentality disputes the amount of the bill, it may, within | ||||||
15 | 30 days after receipt of the bill, apply to the fund in writing | ||||||
16 | for a recalculation. The application must specify in detail the | ||||||
17 | grounds of the dispute. Upon receiving a timely application for | ||||||
18 | recalculation, the fund shall review the application and, if | ||||||
19 | appropriate, recalculate the amount due.
The participating | ||||||
20 | municipality and participating instrumentality contributions | ||||||
21 | required under this subsection (k) may be paid in the form of a | ||||||
22 | lump sum within 90 days after receipt of the bill. If the | ||||||
23 | participating municipality and participating instrumentality | ||||||
24 | contributions are not paid within 90 days after receipt of the | ||||||
25 | bill, then interest will be charged at a rate equal to the | ||||||
26 | fund's annual actuarially assumed rate of return on investment |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | compounded annually from the 91st day after receipt of the | ||||||
2 | bill. Payments must be concluded within 3 years after receipt | ||||||
3 | of the bill by the participating municipality or participating | ||||||
4 | instrumentality. | ||||||
5 | When assessing payment for any amount due under this | ||||||
6 | subsection (k), the fund shall exclude earnings increases | ||||||
7 | resulting from overload or overtime earnings. | ||||||
8 | When assessing payment for any amount due under this | ||||||
9 | subsection (k), the fund shall exclude earnings increases | ||||||
10 | resulting from payments for unused vacation time, but only for | ||||||
11 | payments for unused vacation time made in the final 3 months of | ||||||
12 | the final rate of earnings period. | ||||||
13 | When assessing payment for any amount due under this | ||||||
14 | subsection (k), the fund shall also exclude earnings increases | ||||||
15 | attributable to standard employment promotions resulting in | ||||||
16 | increased responsibility and workload. | ||||||
17 | This subsection (k) does not apply to earnings increases | ||||||
18 | paid to individuals under contracts or collective bargaining | ||||||
19 | agreements entered into, amended, or renewed before January 1, | ||||||
20 | 2012 (the effective date of Public Act 97-609), earnings | ||||||
21 | increases paid to members who are 10 years or more from | ||||||
22 | retirement eligibility, or earnings increases resulting from | ||||||
23 | an increase in the number of hours required to be worked. | ||||||
24 | When assessing payment for any amount due under this | ||||||
25 | subsection (k), the fund shall also exclude earnings | ||||||
26 | attributable to personnel policies adopted before January 1, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 2012 (the effective date of Public Act 97-609) as long as those | ||||||
2 | policies are not applicable to employees who begin service on | ||||||
3 | or after January 1, 2012 (the effective date of Public Act | ||||||
4 | 97-609). | ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 98-218, eff. 8-9-13; 99-745, eff. 8-5-16.)
| ||||||
6 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
7 | becoming law.