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| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning government.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Sections 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (20 ILCS 3932/5)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 5. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the | ||||||
8 | context
requires otherwise:
| ||||||
9 | "Chairperson" means the Chairperson of the
Deaf and Hard of | ||||||
10 | Hearing Commission.
| ||||||
11 | "Commission" means the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Commission.
| ||||||
12 | "Commissioner" means a resident of the State who is | ||||||
13 | appointed and confirmed by the Senate to govern the Commission. | ||||||
14 | "Director" means the Director of the Deaf
and Hard of | ||||||
15 | Hearing Commission , its Chief Executive Officer .
| ||||||
16 | "Vice-Chairperson" means the Vice-Chairperson of the
Deaf | ||||||
17 | and Hard of Hearing Commission.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 89-680, eff. 1-1-97.)
| ||||||
19 | (20 ILCS 3932/10)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 10. Commission. The Deaf and Hard of Hearing | ||||||
21 | Commission is created as an executive agency of
| ||||||
22 | government.
The Commission shall be composed of 11 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | commissioners members , governed by a chairperson, and
headed by | ||||||
2 | a Director, who shall serve as its chief executive officer | ||||||
3 | director .
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 89-680, eff. 1-1-97.)
| ||||||
5 | (20 ILCS 3932/15)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 15. Commission membership.
| ||||||
7 | (a) The Commission shall be composed of 11 commissioners | ||||||
8 | voting members appointed
by the Governor and confirmed by the | ||||||
9 | Senate from residents of the State whose position, knowledge, | ||||||
10 | or
experience enables them to reasonably represent the | ||||||
11 | concerns, needs, and
recommendations of deaf , deafblind, or | ||||||
12 | hard of hearing persons. At a minimum, 8 commissioners 6
voting | ||||||
13 | members of the Commission shall be persons who are deaf , | ||||||
14 | deafblind,
or hard of hearing , and the Commission shall consist | ||||||
15 | of the following: . | ||||||
16 | (1) one parent or guardian of a deaf, deafblind, or | ||||||
17 | hard of hearing minor child; | ||||||
18 | (2) one licensed sign language interpreter for the deaf | ||||||
19 | or faculty member from an interpreter education program; | ||||||
20 | (3) one educator of the deaf or faculty member from a | ||||||
21 | deaf education program; | ||||||
22 | (4) one Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the | ||||||
23 | deaf or mental health professional for the deaf; | ||||||
24 | (5) one representative from a Center of Independent | ||||||
25 | Living or community-based organization that serves a deaf, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deafblind, and hard of hearing population; | ||||||
2 | (6) one deafblind representative; | ||||||
3 | (7) one late-deafened representative; and | ||||||
4 | (8) four members at large who are deaf or hard of | ||||||
5 | hearing. | ||||||
6 | The Chairperson of the Commission shall be elected from
the | ||||||
7 | Commission's membership by a simple majority vote of the total | ||||||
8 | membership
of the Commission. The
Vice-Chairperson of the | ||||||
9 | Commission shall be elected from the Commission's
membership by | ||||||
10 | a simple majority vote of the total membership of the | ||||||
11 | Commission.
| ||||||
12 | (b) The Governor shall consider nominations made by | ||||||
13 | advocacy groups for the
deaf and hard of hearing and | ||||||
14 | community-based organizations.
| ||||||
15 | (c) Of the initial commissioners members appointed by the | ||||||
16 | Governor, 3 shall be
appointed to terms of one year, 4 shall be | ||||||
17 | appointed to terms of 2 years, and
4 shall be appointed to | ||||||
18 | terms of 3 years. Thereafter, all commissioners members shall | ||||||
19 | be
appointed for terms of 3 years. No commissioner member shall | ||||||
20 | serve more than 2
consecutive terms.
A commissioner member | ||||||
21 | shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and | ||||||
22 | qualified.
| ||||||
23 | (d) Initial commissioners' members' terms of office shall | ||||||
24 | be chosen by lot at the
initial meeting of the Commission.
| ||||||
25 | (e) Vacancies in Commission membership shall be filled in | ||||||
26 | the same manner as
initial appointments. Appointments to fill |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | vacancies occurring before the
expiration of a term shall be | ||||||
2 | for the remainder of the unexpired term.
| ||||||
3 | (f) Commissioners Members shall not receive compensation | ||||||
4 | for their services but shall be
reimbursed for their actual | ||||||
5 | expenses incurred in the performance of their
duties plus up to | ||||||
6 | $50 per day for any actual loss of wages incurred in the
| ||||||
7 | performance of their duties.
| ||||||
8 | (g) Total membership consists of the number of | ||||||
9 | commissioners voting members , as defined in
this Section, | ||||||
10 | excluding any vacant positions. A quorum shall consist of a
| ||||||
11 | simple majority of total membership and shall be sufficient to | ||||||
12 | conduct the
transaction of business of the Commission unless | ||||||
13 | stipulated otherwise in the
by-laws of the Commission.
| ||||||
14 | (h) The Commission shall meet at least quarterly.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 93-647, eff. 6-1-04 .)
| ||||||
16 | (20 ILCS 3932/20)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 20. Director. The Director of the Commission shall | ||||||
18 | have knowledge, experience, and background regarding the | ||||||
19 | unique issues, programs, and services of deaf, deafblind, and | ||||||
20 | hard of hearing individuals; be fluent in American Sign | ||||||
21 | Language; have a minimum of a bachelor's degree; and a minimum | ||||||
22 | of 5 years' experience in a deafness related leadership or | ||||||
23 | management capacity. The foregoing qualifications shall apply | ||||||
24 | to anyone who becomes Director on or after the effective date | ||||||
25 | of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Director shall be employed at-will, serve at the leisure of the | ||||||
2 | Commission and shall be hired,
supervised, evaluated, and | ||||||
3 | terminated by the Commission.
The Director , under the direction | ||||||
4 | of the Commission, shall carry out the policies, programs, and | ||||||
5 | activities of the
Commission. The Director shall employ, in | ||||||
6 | accordance with the provisions of
the Illinois Personnel Code, | ||||||
7 | manage, and organize the staff of the Commission
as he or she | ||||||
8 | deems appropriate.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 93-647, eff. 6-1-04 .)
| ||||||
10 | (20 ILCS 3932/25)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 25. Powers and duties of the Commission.
The | ||||||
12 | Commission shall be a coordinating and advocating body that | ||||||
13 | acts on behalf
of the interests of persons in Illinois who are | ||||||
14 | deaf , deafblind, or hard of hearing,
including children, | ||||||
15 | adults, senior citizens, and those with any additional
| ||||||
16 | disability. The
Commission shall submit an annual report of its | ||||||
17 | activities to the Governor and
the General Assembly on January | ||||||
18 | 1st of each year.
The Commission shall:
| ||||||
19 | (1) Make available and provide an educational and | ||||||
20 | informational program
printed materials, workshop | ||||||
21 | and training sessions, presentations,
demonstrations, and | ||||||
22 | public awareness events about hearing loss for citizens in
| ||||||
23 | Illinois and for public and private entities. The program | ||||||
24 | shall include, but
not be limited to, information | ||||||
25 | concerning information and referral services,
lending |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | libraries, service and resource availability, the | ||||||
2 | interpreter registry,
accessibility and accommodation | ||||||
3 | issues, assistive technology, empowerment
issues, support | ||||||
4 | service providers for the deafblind, obligations of | ||||||
5 | service providers and employers, educational options,
and | ||||||
6 | current federal and State statutes, regulations, and | ||||||
7 | policies regarding
| ||||||
8 | (2) Cooperate and work with public and private agencies | ||||||
9 | and local, State, and
federal governments to coordinate | ||||||
10 | programs for persons who are deaf , deafblind, or hard of
| ||||||
11 | hearing.
| ||||||
12 | (3) Provide technical assistance, consultation, and | ||||||
13 | training support
to start and
enhance existing programs and | ||||||
14 | services for persons who are deaf , deafblind, or hard of
| ||||||
15 | hearing.
| ||||||
16 | (4) Evaluate and monitor State programs delivering | ||||||
17 | services to deaf , deafblind,
and hard of
hearing persons to | ||||||
18 | determine
their effectiveness; identify , advocate for, and | ||||||
19 | promote new
services or programs whenever necessary; and | ||||||
20 | propose solutions make recommendations to
public officials | ||||||
21 | about changes necessary to improve the quality and delivery
| ||||||
22 | of services, programs, and activities and about future | ||||||
23 | financial support to
continue existing programs
| ||||||
24 | establish new programs.
| ||||||
25 | (5) Monitor State funded programs delivering services | ||||||
26 | to persons who are
deaf , deafblind, or hard of hearing to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | determine the extent that promised and mandated
services | ||||||
2 | are delivered.
| ||||||
3 | (6) Review, evaluate, and participate in the | ||||||
4 | development of , and advocate for, proposed and
| ||||||
5 | statutes, rules, regulations, and policies relating to | ||||||
6 | services, programs, and
activities for deaf and hard of | ||||||
7 | hearing persons and make recommendations on
existing | ||||||
8 | statutes, rules, regulations, and policies to the | ||||||
9 | Governor, General
Assembly, and State agencies.
| ||||||
10 | (7) Promote cooperation among State and local agencies | ||||||
11 | providing
programs for deaf and hard of hearing | ||||||
12 | individuals.
| ||||||
13 | (8) Establish rules and regulations related to | ||||||
14 | evaluation,
certification, licensure, and
training | ||||||
15 | standards of interpreters for deaf and hard of
hearing | ||||||
16 | persons.
| ||||||
17 | (9) Receive, coordinate, and monitor complaints filed | ||||||
18 | with the Commission of alleged violations of the rights of | ||||||
19 | deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing individuals; contact | ||||||
20 | appropriate parties involved to obtain additional | ||||||
21 | information, explain the rights of deaf, deafblind, and | ||||||
22 | hard of hearing individuals, and attempt to negotiate a | ||||||
23 | satisfactory resolution of complaints; and refer or assist | ||||||
24 | with filing of complex cases to the Illinois Attorney | ||||||
25 | General, the Illinois Department of Human Rights, the | ||||||
26 | Illinois Human Rights Commission, or to an appropriate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | federal civil rights enforcement agency. | ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 93-647, eff. 6-1-04 .)