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| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning State government.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 917 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 5/917) (from Ch. 120, par. 9-917)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 917. Confidentiality and information sharing.
| ||||||
8 | (a) Confidentiality.
Except as provided in this Section, | ||||||
9 | all information received by the Department
from returns filed | ||||||
10 | under this Act, or from any investigation conducted under
the | ||||||
11 | provisions of this Act, shall be confidential, except for | ||||||
12 | official purposes
within the Department or pursuant to official | ||||||
13 | procedures for collection
of any State tax or pursuant to an | ||||||
14 | investigation or audit by the Illinois
State Scholarship | ||||||
15 | Commission of a delinquent student loan or monetary award
or | ||||||
16 | enforcement of any civil or criminal penalty or sanction
| ||||||
17 | imposed by this Act or by another statute imposing a State tax, | ||||||
18 | and any
person who divulges any such information in any manner, | ||||||
19 | except for such
purposes and pursuant to order of the Director | ||||||
20 | or in accordance with a proper
judicial order, shall be guilty | ||||||
21 | of a Class A misdemeanor. However, the
provisions of this | ||||||
22 | paragraph are not applicable to information furnished
to (i) | ||||||
23 | the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department of Public Aid), State's Attorneys, and the Attorney | ||||||
2 | General for child support enforcement purposes and (ii) a | ||||||
3 | licensed attorney representing the taxpayer where an appeal or | ||||||
4 | a protest
has been filed on behalf of the taxpayer. If it is | ||||||
5 | necessary to file information obtained pursuant to this Act in | ||||||
6 | a child support enforcement proceeding, the information shall | ||||||
7 | be filed under seal.
| ||||||
8 | (b) Public information. Nothing contained in this Act shall | ||||||
9 | prevent
the Director from publishing or making available to the | ||||||
10 | public the names
and addresses of persons filing returns under | ||||||
11 | this Act, or from publishing
or making available reasonable | ||||||
12 | statistics concerning the operation of the
tax wherein the | ||||||
13 | contents of returns are grouped into aggregates in such a
way | ||||||
14 | that the information contained in any individual return shall | ||||||
15 | not be
| ||||||
16 | (c) Governmental agencies. The Director may make available | ||||||
17 | to the
Secretary of the Treasury of the United States or his | ||||||
18 | delegate, or the
proper officer or his delegate of any other | ||||||
19 | state imposing a tax upon or
measured by income, for | ||||||
20 | exclusively official purposes, information received
by the | ||||||
21 | Department in the administration of this Act, but such | ||||||
22 | permission
shall be granted only if the United States or such | ||||||
23 | other state, as the case
may be, grants the Department | ||||||
24 | substantially similar privileges. The Director
may exchange | ||||||
25 | information with the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
26 | Services and the
Department of Human Services (acting as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | successor to the Department of Public
Aid under the Department | ||||||
2 | of Human Services Act) for
the purpose of verifying sources and | ||||||
3 | amounts of income and for other purposes
directly connected | ||||||
4 | with the administration of this Act, the Illinois Public Aid | ||||||
5 | Code, and any other health benefit program administered by the | ||||||
6 | State. The Director may exchange information with the Director | ||||||
7 | of
the Department of Employment Security for the purpose of | ||||||
8 | verifying sources
and amounts of income and for other purposes | ||||||
9 | directly connected with the
administration of this Act and Acts | ||||||
10 | administered by the Department of
The | ||||||
11 | Director may make available to the Illinois Workers' | ||||||
12 | Compensation Commission
information regarding employers for | ||||||
13 | the purpose of verifying the insurance
coverage required under | ||||||
14 | the Workers' Compensation Act and Workers'
Occupational | ||||||
15 | Diseases Act. The Director may exchange information with the | ||||||
16 | Illinois Department on Aging for the purpose of verifying | ||||||
17 | sources and amounts of income for purposes directly related to | ||||||
18 | confirming eligibility for participation in the programs of | ||||||
19 | benefits authorized by the Senior Citizens and Persons with | ||||||
20 | Disabilities Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance | ||||||
21 | Act. The Director may exchange information with the State | ||||||
22 | Treasurer's Office and the Department of Employment Security | ||||||
23 | for the purpose of implementing, administering, and enforcing | ||||||
24 | the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act. The Director | ||||||
25 | may exchange information with the State Treasurer's Office for | ||||||
26 | the purpose of administering the Uniform Disposition of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Unclaimed Property Act or successor Acts.
| ||||||
2 | The Director may make available to any State agency, | ||||||
3 | including the
Illinois Supreme Court, which licenses persons to | ||||||
4 | engage in any occupation,
information that a person licensed by | ||||||
5 | such agency has failed to file
returns under this Act or pay | ||||||
6 | the tax, penalty and interest shown therein,
or has failed to | ||||||
7 | pay any final assessment of tax, penalty or interest due
under | ||||||
8 | this Act.
The Director may make available to any State agency, | ||||||
9 | including the Illinois
Court, information regarding | ||||||
10 | whether a bidder, contractor, or an affiliate of a
bidder or
| ||||||
11 | contractor has failed to file returns under this Act or pay the | ||||||
12 | tax, penalty,
and interest
shown therein, or has failed to pay | ||||||
13 | any final assessment of tax, penalty, or
interest due
under | ||||||
14 | this Act, for the limited purpose of enforcing bidder and | ||||||
15 | contractor
For purposes of this Section, the | ||||||
16 | term "affiliate" means any entity that (1)
| ||||||
17 | indirectly, or constructively controls another entity, (2) is | ||||||
18 | directly,
indirectly, or
constructively controlled by another | ||||||
19 | entity, or (3) is subject to the control
a common
entity. | ||||||
20 | For purposes of this subsection (a), an entity controls another | ||||||
21 | entity
it owns,
directly or individually, more than 10% of | ||||||
22 | the voting securities of that
As used in
this | ||||||
23 | subsection (a), the term "voting security" means a security | ||||||
24 | that (1)
confers upon the
holder the right to vote for the | ||||||
25 | election of members of the board of directors
or similar
| ||||||
26 | governing body of the business or (2) is convertible into, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | entitles the
holder to receive
upon its exercise, a security | ||||||
2 | that confers such a right to vote. A general
| ||||||
3 | interest is a voting security.
| ||||||
4 | The Director may make available to any State agency, | ||||||
5 | including the
Supreme Court, units of local | ||||||
6 | government, and school districts, information
| ||||||
7 | whether a bidder or contractor is an affiliate of a person who | ||||||
8 | is not
remitting Illinois Use taxes, for the | ||||||
9 | limited purpose of enforcing bidder and
| ||||||
10 | certifications.
| ||||||
11 | The Director may also make available to the Secretary of | ||||||
12 | State
information that a corporation which has been issued a | ||||||
13 | certificate of
incorporation by the Secretary of State has | ||||||
14 | failed to file returns under
this Act or pay the tax, penalty | ||||||
15 | and interest shown therein, or has failed
to pay any final | ||||||
16 | assessment of tax, penalty or interest due under this Act.
An | ||||||
17 | assessment is final when all proceedings in court for
review of | ||||||
18 | such assessment have terminated or the time for the taking
| ||||||
19 | thereof has expired without such proceedings being instituted. | ||||||
20 | For
taxable years ending on or after December 31, 1987, the | ||||||
21 | Director may make
available to the Director or principal | ||||||
22 | officer of any Department of the
State of Illinois, information | ||||||
23 | that a person employed by such Department
has failed to file | ||||||
24 | returns under this Act or pay the tax, penalty and
interest | ||||||
25 | shown therein. For purposes of this paragraph, the word
| ||||||
26 | "Department" shall have the same meaning as provided in Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 3 of the
State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971.
| ||||||
2 | (d) The Director shall make available for public
inspection | ||||||
3 | in the Department's principal office and for publication, at | ||||||
4 | cost,
administrative decisions issued on or after January
1, | ||||||
5 | 1995. These decisions are to be made available in a manner so | ||||||
6 | that the
taxpayer information is not disclosed:
| ||||||
7 | (1) The names, addresses, and identification numbers | ||||||
8 | of the taxpayer,
related entities, and employees.
| ||||||
9 | (2) At the sole discretion of the Director, trade | ||||||
10 | secrets
or other confidential information identified as | ||||||
11 | such by the taxpayer, no later
than 30 days after receipt | ||||||
12 | of an administrative decision, by such means as the
| ||||||
13 | Department shall provide by rule.
| ||||||
14 | The Director shall determine the
appropriate extent of the
| ||||||
15 | deletions allowed in paragraph (2). In the event the taxpayer | ||||||
16 | does not submit
the Director shall make only the | ||||||
17 | deletions specified in paragraph (1).
| ||||||
18 | The Director shall make available for public inspection and | ||||||
19 | publication an
administrative decision within 180 days after | ||||||
20 | the issuance of the
decision. The term | ||||||
21 | "administrative decision" has the same meaning as defined in
| ||||||
22 | Section 3-101 of Article III of the Code of Civil Procedure. | ||||||
23 | Costs collected
under this Section shall be paid into the Tax | ||||||
24 | Compliance and Administration
| ||||||
25 | (e) Nothing contained in this Act shall prevent the | ||||||
26 | Director from
information to any person pursuant to a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | request or authorization made by the
taxpayer, by an authorized | ||||||
2 | representative of the taxpayer, or, in the case of
information | ||||||
3 | related to a joint return, by the spouse filing the joint | ||||||
4 | return
with the taxpayer.
| ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-571, eff. 7-15-16.)
| ||||||
6 | Section 10. The Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property | ||||||
7 | Act is amended by adding Section 19.5 as follows: | ||||||
8 | (765 ILCS 1025/19.5 new) | ||||||
9 | Sec. 19.5. Tax return identification of apparent owners of | ||||||
10 | abandoned property. | ||||||
11 | (a) At least annually the State Treasurer shall notify the | ||||||
12 | Department of Revenue of the names of persons appearing to be | ||||||
13 | owners of abandoned property held by the State Treasurer. The | ||||||
14 | State Treasurer shall also provide to the Department of Revenue | ||||||
15 | the social security numbers of such persons, if available. | ||||||
16 | (b) The Department of Revenue shall notify the State | ||||||
17 | Treasurer if any person under subsection (a) has filed an | ||||||
18 | Illinois income tax return and shall provide the State | ||||||
19 | Treasurer with the last known address of the person as it | ||||||
20 | appears in Department of Revenue records. The Department of | ||||||
21 | Revenue may also provide additional addresses for the same | ||||||
22 | taxpayer from the records of the Department. | ||||||
23 | (c) In order to facilitate the return of property under | ||||||
24 | this subsection, the State Treasurer and the Department of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Revenue may enter into an interagency agreement concerning | ||||||
2 | protection of confidential information, data match rules, and | ||||||
3 | other issues. | ||||||
4 | (d) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (f), if | ||||||
5 | the value of the property that is owed the person is $2,000 or | ||||||
6 | less, the person is not required to file a claim under Section | ||||||
7 | 19 and the State Treasurer shall deliver the property or pay | ||||||
8 | the amount owing to the person as provided under Section 20. | ||||||
9 | (e) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (f), if | ||||||
10 | the value of the property that is owed the person is greater | ||||||
11 | than $2,000, the State Treasurer shall provide notice to the | ||||||
12 | person informing the person that he or she is the owner of | ||||||
13 | abandoned or unclaimed property held by the State and may file | ||||||
14 | a claim with the State Treasurer for return of the property. | ||||||
15 | (f) The State Treasurer may by rule change the $2,000 | ||||||
16 | threshold in subsections (d) and (e).
| ||||||
17 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
18 | becoming law.