Sen. Dale A. Righter
Filed: 5/19/2017
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| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1033 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | ||||||
5 | Citizens Empowerment Act. | ||||||
6 | Section 5. Scope. The method of dissolution of a unit of | ||||||
7 | local government under this Act shall be in addition to any | ||||||
8 | other method of dissolving a unit of local government provided | ||||||
9 | by law or otherwise. | ||||||
10 | Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act: | ||||||
11 | "Dissolving unit of local government" means the unit of | ||||||
12 | local government proposed to be dissolved by referendum under | ||||||
13 | this Act.
| ||||||
14 | "Electors" means the registered voters of the dissolving | ||||||
15 | unit of local government and the registered voters of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | receiving unit of local government.
| ||||||
2 | "Receiving unit of local government" means the unit of | ||||||
3 | local government receiving the rights, duties, and liabilities | ||||||
4 | of the unit of local government proposed be dissolved by | ||||||
5 | referendum under this Act. | ||||||
6 | "Special district" means any political subdivision other | ||||||
7 | than a county, municipality, or township. "Special district" | ||||||
8 | includes school districts. | ||||||
9 | "Unit of local government" has the same meaning as found in | ||||||
10 | Section 1 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution and also | ||||||
11 | include school districts.
| ||||||
12 | Section 15. Petition requirements; notice.
| ||||||
13 | (a) Subject to the petition requirements of Section 28-3 of | ||||||
14 | the Election Code and the dissolution limitations of Section | ||||||
15 | 35, petitions for a referendum to dissolve any unit of local | ||||||
16 | government must be filed both with the governing board of the | ||||||
17 | dissolving unit of local governmental and the governing board | ||||||
18 | of the receiving unit of local government not less than 122 | ||||||
19 | days prior to a general election. Petitions must include:
| ||||||
20 | (1) the dissolving unit of local government;
| ||||||
21 | (2) the receiving unit of local government;
| ||||||
22 | (3) the date of dissolution;
| ||||||
23 | (4) signatures of a number of electors equal to or | ||||||
24 | greater than 5% of the total votes cast in the preceding | ||||||
25 | general election; and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) an affidavit of publication, attesting that notice | ||||||
2 | of the petition to dissolve a local unit of government was | ||||||
3 | published in a newspaper of general circulation within the | ||||||
4 | territory of the dissolving unit of local government and | ||||||
5 | the receiving unit of local government at least 122 days | ||||||
6 | and no more than 152 days prior to the general election at | ||||||
7 | which the referendum is to be voted upon.
| ||||||
8 | All signatures gathered under paragraph (4) of this | ||||||
9 | subsection (a) must be signed within 365 days prior to the | ||||||
10 | filing of a petition. A unit of local government may, by | ||||||
11 | ordinance or resolution, limit the time in which signatures | ||||||
12 | must be signed to less than 365 days prior to the filing of the | ||||||
13 | petition but no less than 180 days before the filing of a | ||||||
14 | petition. If either the dissolving unit of local government or | ||||||
15 | receiving unit of local government has such an ordinance or | ||||||
16 | resolution, the petition shall not be placed on the ballot if | ||||||
17 | any signatures do not meet the requirements of any ordinance or | ||||||
18 | resolution. | ||||||
19 | (b) The proposed date of dissolution shall be at least 90 | ||||||
20 | days after the date of the election at which the referendum is | ||||||
21 | to be voted upon.
| ||||||
22 | (c) The parties filing a petition under this Section shall | ||||||
23 | give notice in substantially the following form: | ||||||
24 | NOTICE OF PETITION TO DISSOLVE [dissolving unit of local | ||||||
25 | government].
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Residents of [dissolving unit of local government] and | ||||||
2 | [receiving unit of local government] are notified that a | ||||||
3 | petition will be filed with [dissolving unit of local | ||||||
4 | government] and [receiving unit of local government] | ||||||
5 | requesting a referendum to dissolve [dissolving unit of | ||||||
6 | local government] on [date of dissolution] with all real | ||||||
7 | and personal property, and any other assets, together with | ||||||
8 | all personnel, contractual obligations, and liabilities | ||||||
9 | being transferred to [receiving unit of local government].
| ||||||
10 | Section 20. Ballot placement. A petition that meets the | ||||||
11 | requirements of Section 15 shall be placed on the ballot in the | ||||||
12 | form provided for in Section 25 at the general election next | ||||||
13 | following. Failure to publish the required notice of petition | ||||||
14 | shall render the petition, and the results of any referendum | ||||||
15 | held on the petition, null and void. | ||||||
16 | Section 25. Referendum; voting. | ||||||
17 | (a) Subject to the requirements of Section 16-7 of the | ||||||
18 | Election Code, the referendum described in Section 20 shall be | ||||||
19 | in substantially the following form on the ballot: | ||||||
20 | -----------
| ||||||
21 | Shall the [dissolving
| ||||||
22 | unit of local government] be
| ||||||
23 | dissolved on [date of dissolution] YES
| ||||||
24 | with all of its property,
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | assets, personnel, obligations, and -------------------------
| ||||||
2 | liabilities being transferred to
| ||||||
3 | [receiving unit of local government]? NO
| ||||||
4 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||
5 | (b) The referendum is approved when:
| ||||||
6 | (1) three-fifths of the electors of the dissolving unit | ||||||
7 | of local government approve the referendum; and
| ||||||
8 | (2) three-fifths of the electors of the receiving unit | ||||||
9 | of local government approve the referendum.
| ||||||
10 | Section 30. Dissolution; transfer of rights and duties. | ||||||
11 | When the dissolution of a unit of local government has been | ||||||
12 | approved under Section 25:
| ||||||
13 | (1) On or before the date of dissolution, all real and | ||||||
14 | personal property, and any other assets, together with all | ||||||
15 | personnel, contractual obligations, and liabilities of the | ||||||
16 | dissolving unit of local government shall be transferred to | ||||||
17 | the receiving unit of local government.
| ||||||
18 | (2) On the date of dissolution, the dissolving unit of | ||||||
19 | local government is dissolved.
| ||||||
20 | (3) On and after the date of dissolution, all rights | ||||||
21 | and duties of the dissolved unit of local government, | ||||||
22 | including, but not limited to, the authority to tax (if | ||||||
23 | any), may be exercised by the governing board of the | ||||||
24 | receiving unit of local government. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 35. Limitations on dissolution. | ||||||
2 | (a) A special district may only dissolve into another | ||||||
3 | special district under this Act if: (1) the special districts | ||||||
4 | are contiguous; and (2) the special districts are organized | ||||||
5 | under the same statutory authority. However, public library | ||||||
6 | districts organized under the Illinois Local Library Act or the | ||||||
7 | Public Library District Act of 1991 that are completely within | ||||||
8 | a school district may be dissolved into that school district. | ||||||
9 | This subsection (a) does not apply when a county, municipality, | ||||||
10 | or township dissolves all units of local government within the | ||||||
11 | county. | ||||||
12 | (b) A county, municipality, or township may not be | ||||||
13 | dissolved into a special district. | ||||||
14 | (c) Special districts may only be dissolved into a county | ||||||
15 | or township if the special district is completely within the | ||||||
16 | borders of that county or township. | ||||||
17 | (d) Special districts may be dissolved into a municipality | ||||||
18 | as long as the special district is at least partially within, | ||||||
19 | or contiguous to, the municipality's borders.
| ||||||
20 | Section 905. The Election Code is amended by adding Section | ||||||
21 | 3-7 and by changing Sections 28-1 and 28-7 as follows: | ||||||
22 | (10 ILCS 5/3-7 new) | ||||||
23 | Sec. 3-7. Voters in consolidating and merging townships. | ||||||
24 | (a) In the consolidated election where township trustees |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | are elected next following the certification of a successful | ||||||
2 | referendum to consolidate townships under Article 22 of the | ||||||
3 | Township Code, the qualified electors entitled to caucus, vote | ||||||
4 | for, be nominated for, and run for offices in the consolidated | ||||||
5 | township that is to be formed are those registered voters | ||||||
6 | residing in any of the townships identified in the referendum | ||||||
7 | as they exist prior to consolidation. | ||||||
8 | (b) In the consolidated election where township trustees | ||||||
9 | are elected next following the certification of a successful | ||||||
10 | referendum to dissolve a township and merge its territory into | ||||||
11 | 2 adjacent townships under Article 23 of the Township Code, the | ||||||
12 | qualified electors entitled to caucus, vote for, be nominated | ||||||
13 | for, and run for offices in a receiving township shall also | ||||||
14 | include those registered voters residing in the territory of | ||||||
15 | the dissolving township described in the resolutions adopted | ||||||
16 | under Section 23-10 of the Township Code as the territory to be | ||||||
17 | merged with the receiving township. For purposes of this | ||||||
18 | subsection (b) only, "dissolving township" and "receiving | ||||||
19 | township" have the meaning provided in Section 23-5 of the | ||||||
20 | Township Code.
| ||||||
21 | (10 ILCS 5/28-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 28-1)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 28-1.
The initiation and submission of all public | ||||||
23 | questions to
be voted upon by the electors of the State or of | ||||||
24 | any political
subdivision or district or precinct or | ||||||
25 | combination of precincts shall be
subject to the provisions of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Article.
| ||||||
2 | Questions of public policy which have any legal effect | ||||||
3 | shall be
submitted to referendum only as authorized by a | ||||||
4 | statute which so
provides or by the Constitution. Advisory | ||||||
5 | questions of public policy
shall be submitted to referendum | ||||||
6 | pursuant to Section 28-5 or pursuant to
a statute which so | ||||||
7 | provides.
| ||||||
8 | The method of initiating the submission of a public | ||||||
9 | question shall be
as provided by the statute authorizing such | ||||||
10 | public question, or as
provided by the Constitution.
| ||||||
11 | All public questions shall be initiated, submitted and | ||||||
12 | printed on the
ballot in the form required by Section 16-7 of | ||||||
13 | this Act, except as may
otherwise be specified in the statute | ||||||
14 | authorizing a public question.
| ||||||
15 | Whenever a statute provides for the initiation of a public | ||||||
16 | question
by a petition of electors, the provisions of such | ||||||
17 | statute shall govern
with respect to the number of signatures | ||||||
18 | required, the qualifications of
persons entitled to sign the | ||||||
19 | petition, the contents of the petition, the
officer with whom | ||||||
20 | the petition must be filed, and the form of the
question to be | ||||||
21 | submitted. If such statute does not specify any of the
| ||||||
22 | foregoing petition requirements, the corresponding petition | ||||||
23 | requirements
of Section 28-6 shall govern such petition.
| ||||||
24 | Irrespective of the method of initiation, not more than 3 | ||||||
25 | public
questions other than (a) back door referenda, (b) | ||||||
26 | referenda to
determine whether a disconnection may take place |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | where a city coterminous
with a township is proposing to annex | ||||||
2 | territory from an adjacent township, (c) referenda held under | ||||||
3 | the provisions of the Property Tax Extension
Limitation Law in | ||||||
4 | the Property Tax Code, or (d) referenda held under
Section | ||||||
5 | 2-3002 of the Counties Code , or (e) referenda held under | ||||||
6 | Article 22, 23, or 29 of the Township Code may be submitted to
| ||||||
7 | referendum with respect to a political
subdivision at the same | ||||||
8 | election.
| ||||||
9 | If more than 3 propositions are timely initiated or | ||||||
10 | certified for
submission at an election with respect to a | ||||||
11 | political subdivision, the
first 3 validly initiated, by the | ||||||
12 | filing of a petition or by the
adoption of a resolution or | ||||||
13 | ordinance of a political subdivision, as the
case may be, shall | ||||||
14 | be printed on the ballot and submitted at that
election. | ||||||
15 | However, except as expressly authorized by law not more than
| ||||||
16 | one proposition to change the form of government of a | ||||||
17 | municipality
pursuant to Article VII of the Constitution may be | ||||||
18 | submitted at an
election. If more than one such proposition is | ||||||
19 | timely initiated or
certified for submission at an election | ||||||
20 | with respect to a municipality,
the first validly initiated | ||||||
21 | shall be the one printed on the ballot and
submitted at that | ||||||
22 | election.
| ||||||
23 | No public question shall be submitted to the voters of a | ||||||
24 | political
subdivision at any regularly scheduled election at | ||||||
25 | which such voters are
not scheduled to cast votes for any | ||||||
26 | candidates for nomination for, election
to or retention in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | public office, except that if, in any existing or proposed
| ||||||
2 | political subdivision in which the submission of a public | ||||||
3 | question at a
regularly scheduled election is desired, the | ||||||
4 | voters of only a portion of
such existing or proposed political | ||||||
5 | subdivision are not scheduled to cast votes
for nomination for, | ||||||
6 | election to or retention in public office at such election,
but | ||||||
7 | the voters in one or more other portions of such existing or | ||||||
8 | proposed
political subdivision are scheduled to cast votes for | ||||||
9 | nomination for, election
to or retention in public office at | ||||||
10 | such election, the public question shall be
voted upon by all | ||||||
11 | the qualified voters of the entire existing or proposed
| ||||||
12 | political subdivision at the election.
| ||||||
13 | Not more than 3 advisory public questions may be submitted | ||||||
14 | to the
voters of the entire state at a general election. If | ||||||
15 | more than 3 such advisory
propositions are initiated, the first | ||||||
16 | 3 timely and validly initiated
shall be the questions printed | ||||||
17 | on the ballot and submitted at that
election; provided however, | ||||||
18 | that a question for a proposed amendment to
Article IV of the | ||||||
19 | Constitution pursuant to Section 3, Article XIV of the
| ||||||
20 | Constitution, or for a question submitted under the Property | ||||||
21 | Tax Cap
Referendum Law, shall not be included in the foregoing | ||||||
22 | limitation.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 93-308, eff. 7-23-03.)
| ||||||
24 | (10 ILCS 5/28-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 28-7)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 28-7.
Except as provided in the Citizens Empowerment |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Act, in In any case in which Article VII or paragraph (a) of | ||||||
2 | Section 5 of
Transition Schedule of the Constitution | ||||||
3 | authorizes any action to be
taken by or with respect to any | ||||||
4 | unit of local government, as defined in
Section 1 of Article | ||||||
5 | VII of the Constitution, by or subject to approval
by | ||||||
6 | referendum, any such public question shall be initiated in
| ||||||
7 | accordance with this Section.
| ||||||
8 | Any such public question may be initiated by the governing | ||||||
9 | body of the
unit of local government by resolution or by the | ||||||
10 | filing with the clerk or
secretary of the
governmental unit of | ||||||
11 | a petition signed by a number of qualified electors
equal to or | ||||||
12 | greater than at least 8% of the total votes cast for candidates | ||||||
13 | for Governor in the preceding gubernatorial election, | ||||||
14 | requesting the submission of the proposal
for such action to | ||||||
15 | the voters
of the governmental unit at a regular election.
| ||||||
16 | If the action to be taken requires a referendum involving 2 | ||||||
17 | or more
units of local government, the proposal shall be | ||||||
18 | submitted to the voters
of such governmental units by the | ||||||
19 | election authorities with jurisdiction
over the territory of | ||||||
20 | the governmental units. Such multi-unit proposals
may be | ||||||
21 | initiated by appropriate
resolutions by the respective | ||||||
22 | governing bodies or by
petitions of the voters of the several | ||||||
23 | governmental units filed with the
respective clerks or | ||||||
24 | secretaries.
| ||||||
25 | This Section is intended to provide a method of submission | ||||||
26 | to
referendum in all cases of proposals for actions which are |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authorized by
Article VII of the Constitution by or subject to | ||||||
2 | approval by referendum
and supersedes any conflicting | ||||||
3 | statutory provisions except those
contained in Division 2-5 of | ||||||
4 | the Counties Code or the Citizens Empowerment Act the "County | ||||||
5 | Executive
Act" .
| ||||||
6 | Referenda provided for in this Section may not be held more | ||||||
7 | than once
in any 23-month period on the same proposition, | ||||||
8 | provided that in any
municipality a referendum to elect not to | ||||||
9 | be a home rule unit may be held
only once within
any 47-month | ||||||
10 | period.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 97-81, eff. 7-5-11.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 910. The Counties Code is amended by changing the | ||||||
13 | heading of Division 2-4, and by changing Sections 2-4006, | ||||||
14 | 5-44010, 5-44020, and by adding Section 5-44043 as follows:
| ||||||
15 | (55 ILCS 5/Div. 2-4 heading) | ||||||
16 | Division 2-4. Counties not under | ||||||
17 | Township Organization
| ||||||
18 | Organized as a Commission | ||||||
19 | Form of Government
| ||||||
20 | (55 ILCS 5/2-4006)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 2-4006. Terms of commissioners.
| ||||||
22 | (a) In every county not under
township organization that is | ||||||
23 | organized as a commission form of government having 3 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | commissioners elected at large as described in
subsection (b) | ||||||
2 | or (c), the commissioners shall be elected as provided in this
| ||||||
3 | Section.
| ||||||
4 | (b) In a county in which one commissioner was elected at | ||||||
5 | the general
election in 1992 to serve for a term of 4 years and | ||||||
6 | in which 2 commissioners
will be elected at the general | ||||||
7 | election in 1994, the commissioner elected in
1994 and | ||||||
8 | receiving the greatest number of votes shall serve for a term | ||||||
9 | of 6
years. The other commissioner elected in 1994 shall serve | ||||||
10 | for a term of 4
years. At the general election in 1996 and at | ||||||
11 | each general election
thereafter, one commissioner shall be | ||||||
12 | elected to serve for a term of 6 years.
| ||||||
13 | (c) In a county in which 2 commissioners were elected at | ||||||
14 | the general
election in 1992 to serve for terms of 4 years and | ||||||
15 | in which one commissioner
will be elected at the general | ||||||
16 | election in 1994, the commissioner elected in
1994 shall serve | ||||||
17 | for a term of 4 years. The commissioner elected in 1996 and
| ||||||
18 | receiving the greatest number of votes shall serve for a term | ||||||
19 | of 6 years. The
other commissioner elected in 1996 shall serve | ||||||
20 | for a term of 4 years. At the
general election in 1998 and at | ||||||
21 | each general election thereafter, one
commissioner shall be | ||||||
22 | elected to serve for a term of 6 years. | ||||||
23 | (c-5) In Calhoun County, Edwards County, and Union County, | ||||||
24 | the registered voters of the county may, upon referendum
| ||||||
25 | initiated by (i) the adoption of a resolution of the
board of | ||||||
26 | county commissioners or (ii) a petition signed by not less than |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 10% of the registered voters in the county, determine that the | ||||||
2 | board of
county commissioners shall consist of 5
commissioners | ||||||
3 | elected at large. The commissioners must certify
the question | ||||||
4 | to the proper election authority, which must
submit the | ||||||
5 | question at an election in accordance with the
general election | ||||||
6 | law. | ||||||
7 | The question shall be submitted in substantially the
| ||||||
8 | following form: | ||||||
9 | "Shall the board of county commissioners of (county) | ||||||
10 | consist of 5 commissioners elected at large?" | ||||||
11 | Votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No". If a majority of | ||||||
12 | the electors voting on the question vote in the affirmative, | ||||||
13 | then a 5-member board of county commissioners shall be | ||||||
14 | established beginning with the next general election. The | ||||||
15 | County Clerk, in consultation with the State's Attorney for the | ||||||
16 | county, shall develop and present to the board of county | ||||||
17 | commissioners, to implement by the adoption of a resolution, | ||||||
18 | the transition of terms for the current 3-member board of | ||||||
19 | commissioners and the addition of 2 commissioners for 6-year | ||||||
20 | terms. Thereafter, commissioners shall be elected at each | ||||||
21 | general election to fill expired terms.
| ||||||
22 | (d) The provisions of this Section do not apply to | ||||||
23 | commissioners elected
under Section 2-4006.5 of this Code.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 96-175, eff. 8-10-09.)
| ||||||
25 | (55 ILCS 5/5-44010) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 5-44010. Applicability. The powers and authorities | ||||||
2 | provided by this Division 5-44 apply to all counties DuPage, | ||||||
3 | Lake, and McHenry Counties and units of local government within | ||||||
4 | such counties.
| ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 98-126, eff. 8-2-13; 99-709, eff. 8-5-16.) | ||||||
6 | (55 ILCS 5/5-44020) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 5-44020. Definitions. In this Division 5-44: | ||||||
8 | "Fire protection jurisdiction" means a fire protection | ||||||
9 | district, municipal fire department, or service organized | ||||||
10 | under Section 5-1056.1 of the Counties Code, Sections 195 and | ||||||
11 | 200 of the Township Code, Section 10-2.1 of the Illinois | ||||||
12 | Municipal Code, or the Illinois Fire Protection District Act. | ||||||
13 | "Governing board" means the individual or individuals who | ||||||
14 | constitute the
corporate authorities of a unit of local | ||||||
15 | government. | ||||||
16 | "Unit of local government" or "unit" means any unit of | ||||||
17 | local government located entirely within one county, to which | ||||||
18 | the county board chairman or county executive directly appoints | ||||||
19 | a majority of its governing board with the advice and consent | ||||||
20 | of the county board, but shall not include a fire protection | ||||||
21 | district that directly employs any regular full-time | ||||||
22 | employees, a conservation district organized under the | ||||||
23 | Conservation District Act, or a special district organized | ||||||
24 | under the Water Commission Act of 1985 , a community mental | ||||||
25 | health board established under the Community Mental Health |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Board Act, or a board established under the County Care for | ||||||
2 | Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act .
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 98-126, eff. 8-2-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; | ||||||
4 | 99-709, eff. 8-5-16.) | ||||||
5 | (55 ILCS 5/5-44043 new) | ||||||
6 | Sec. 5-44043. Rights and obligations of employees. | ||||||
7 | (a) The status and rights of employees represented by an | ||||||
8 | exclusive bargaining representative shall not be affected by | ||||||
9 | the dissolution of a unit of local government under this | ||||||
10 | Division, except that this subsection does not apply in DuPage, | ||||||
11 | Lake, and McHenry Counties for actions taken before the | ||||||
12 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General | ||||||
13 | Assembly. | ||||||
14 | (b) Obligations of the dissolving unit of local government | ||||||
15 | assumed by the trustee-in-dissolution, county, or governing | ||||||
16 | body of a special service area include the obligation to honor | ||||||
17 | representation rights under the Illinois Public Labor | ||||||
18 | Relations Act and any collective bargaining agreements | ||||||
19 | existing on the date of dissolution of the unit of local | ||||||
20 | government. | ||||||
21 | (c) The rights of employees under any pensions, retirement | ||||||
22 | plans, or annuity plans existing on the date of dissolution of | ||||||
23 | the unit of local government are not affected by the | ||||||
24 | dissolution of a unit of local government under this Division.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 915. The Township Code is amended by adding | ||||||
2 | Articles 22, 23, and 29 and by changing Sections 10-25, 25-15, | ||||||
3 | 25-25, and 65-20 as follows:
| ||||||
4 | (60 ILCS 1/10-25)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 10-25. Plan for changes in townships.
| ||||||
6 | (a) The county board of each county may, subject to a | ||||||
7 | referendum in the
townships affected as provided in this | ||||||
8 | Section, adopt a plan for altering the
boundaries of townships, | ||||||
9 | changing township lines, dividing, enlarging, or
consolidating | ||||||
10 | townships, or creating new townships, so that each township | ||||||
11 | shall
possess an equalized assessed valuation of not less than | ||||||
12 | $10,000,000 as of the
1982 assessment year or an area of not | ||||||
13 | more than 126 square miles .
| ||||||
14 | (b) No alteration or change in boundaries shall be | ||||||
15 | effective unless
approved by a referendum in each township | ||||||
16 | affected. The election authority
shall submit to the voters of | ||||||
17 | each township affected, at a regular
election to be held not | ||||||
18 | less than 60 days after the plan is adopted,
the question of | ||||||
19 | approving the alteration or change. The alterations or changes,
| ||||||
20 | if approved by the voters, shall take effect on the date of the | ||||||
21 | next township
election and shall be applicable to that | ||||||
22 | election. If there is doubt as to the
township clerk with whom | ||||||
23 | nomination papers for that election should be filed,
the county | ||||||
24 | board shall designate the clerk. In the alteration of | ||||||
25 | boundaries, a
county board may not disturb urban or coterminous |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | townships in existence on
October 1, 1978.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 84-1308; 88-62.)
| ||||||
3 | (60 ILCS 1/Art. 22 heading new) | ||||||
6 | (60 ILCS 1/22-5 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 22-5. Resolution for consolidation; notice. | ||||||
8 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the | ||||||
9 | contrary, the township boards of any 2 or more adjacent | ||||||
10 | townships may, by identical resolutions of each board, propose | ||||||
11 | consolidation by referendum: (i) into a new township; or (ii) | ||||||
12 | into an existing township. Each resolution shall include, but | ||||||
13 | is not limited to, the following: | ||||||
14 | (1) the name of the proposed new consolidated township | ||||||
15 | or the name of the existing township into which all | ||||||
16 | townships will be consolidated; | ||||||
17 | (2) a description of how each road district or road | ||||||
18 | districts of a dissolving township shall comply with | ||||||
19 | subsection (c) of Section 22-20 if a township will be | ||||||
20 | consolidating into an existing township; | ||||||
21 | (3) the names of all townships that will be | ||||||
22 | consolidating and a description of the area of | ||||||
23 | consolidation; and | ||||||
24 | (4) the date of the general election at which the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | referendum shall be held. | ||||||
2 | All resolutions shall be passed not less than 79 days | ||||||
3 | before the general election stated in the resolutions. For | ||||||
4 | purposes of this Section, 3 or more townships are adjacent when | ||||||
5 | each township shares a boundary with at least one of the other | ||||||
6 | townships which are to be consolidated. | ||||||
7 | (b) Before passing a resolution under subsection (a), each | ||||||
8 | township board shall hold a public hearing on those matters | ||||||
9 | after notice of the hearing has been published in a newspaper | ||||||
10 | having a general circulation in the townships affected. The | ||||||
11 | notice shall be published at least 30 days before the date of | ||||||
12 | the hearing. The notice shall contain, at a minimum, the name | ||||||
13 | of all townships that will be consolidating and a description | ||||||
14 | of the area of consolidation. | ||||||
15 | (60 ILCS 1/22-10 new) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 22-10. Referendum. | ||||||
17 | (a) Upon the adoption of resolutions under Section 22-5 by | ||||||
18 | each township, the township boards shall certify the question | ||||||
19 | to the election authority and the authority shall cause to be | ||||||
20 | submitted to the voters of each township at the general | ||||||
21 | election specified in the resolutions a referendum to | ||||||
22 | consolidate the townships. The referendum shall be | ||||||
23 | substantially in the following form: | ||||||
24 | Shall (names of townships) be consolidated into [a new | ||||||
25 | township called (name of proposed consolidated |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | township)/the township of (name of existing township)]? | ||||||
2 | The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No". The | ||||||
3 | referendum is approved when a majority of the voters, in each | ||||||
4 | of the affected townships, approve the referendum. | ||||||
5 | (b) Before a referendum appears on the ballot under | ||||||
6 | subsection (a), each township board shall publish a copy of the | ||||||
7 | adopted resolution in a newspaper having a general circulation | ||||||
8 | in each of the townships affected. The notice shall be | ||||||
9 | published at least 30 days before the date of the general | ||||||
10 | election in which the referendum will appear. | ||||||
11 | Each township board shall additionally mail a copy of the | ||||||
12 | adopted resolution, along with a copy of the referendum | ||||||
13 | language and a list of all taxes levied for general township | ||||||
14 | purposes in the affected townships, to every registered voter | ||||||
15 | in each township affected. The notice shall be mailed at least | ||||||
16 | 30 days before the date of the general election in which the | ||||||
17 | referendum will appear. | ||||||
18 | (c) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, | ||||||
19 | no tax rate may be extended for any fund of the consolidated | ||||||
20 | district for the first levy year of the consolidated district | ||||||
21 | that exceeds any statutory maximum set forth for that fund, | ||||||
22 | unless the referendum also conforms to the requirements of the | ||||||
23 | Property Tax Extension Limitation Law or other statutory | ||||||
24 | provision setting forth that limitation. | ||||||
25 | (60 ILCS 1/22-15 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 22-15. Transition. Notwithstanding any other | ||||||
2 | provision of law to the contrary, upon the approval of a | ||||||
3 | referendum under Section 22-10: | ||||||
4 | (a) There shall be no further nominations or elections for | ||||||
5 | clerks, assessors, collectors, highway commissioners, | ||||||
6 | supervisors, or trustees of any of the separate townships or | ||||||
7 | highway commissions, and the terms of all such officers | ||||||
8 | currently serving shall continue until the third Monday of May | ||||||
9 | of the year in which township officials are elected next | ||||||
10 | following the approval of a referendum under Section 22-10. | ||||||
11 | (b) A Transition Township Board is formed and is composed | ||||||
12 | of the members of the separate townships boards. The Transition | ||||||
13 | Township Board shall have only the following powers: (1) to | ||||||
14 | propose and approve the compensation of all officials of the | ||||||
15 | consolidated township that will be elected at the consolidated | ||||||
16 | election next following the passage of the referendum under | ||||||
17 | Section 22-10; and (2) to propose and approve additional debt | ||||||
18 | to be taken on by any of the separate townships. | ||||||
19 | (c) The Transition Township Board shall hold a public | ||||||
20 | hearing no later than the last Tuesday in December before the | ||||||
21 | consolidated township board of trustees are elected next | ||||||
22 | following the approval of a referendum under Section 22-10. If | ||||||
23 | the Board cannot agree on the compensation for an official by | ||||||
24 | the first Tuesday in April before the consolidated election of | ||||||
25 | township officials next following the approval of a referendum | ||||||
26 | under Section 22-10, then the compensation for that official |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall be equal to the lowest compensation for the same office | ||||||
2 | between the separate townships in the previous calendar year. | ||||||
3 | (d) The separate townships shall not incur any additional | ||||||
4 | debt without the approval of the Transition Township Board. For | ||||||
5 | purposes of this Section, "debt" shall have the meaning | ||||||
6 | ascribed to that term in Section 23-5. | ||||||
7 | (e) Section 3-7 of the Election Code shall govern those | ||||||
8 | individuals entitled to caucus, vote for, be nominated for, and | ||||||
9 | run for offices for the consolidated township at the | ||||||
10 | consolidated election of township officials next following the | ||||||
11 | approval of a referendum under Section 22-10. | ||||||
12 | (60 ILCS 1/22-20 new) | ||||||
13 | Sec. 22-20. Consolidated township. | ||||||
14 | (a) On the third Monday of May of the year in which | ||||||
15 | township officials are elected following the approval of a | ||||||
16 | referendum under Section 22-10, the following shall occur: | ||||||
17 | (1) the separate townships cease and the consolidated | ||||||
18 | township is created; | ||||||
19 | (2) all rights, powers, duties, assets, and property, | ||||||
20 | together with all personnel, contractual obligations, | ||||||
21 | other obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities of | ||||||
22 | the separate townships are transferred to the consolidated | ||||||
23 | township; those rights include, but are not limited to, the | ||||||
24 | authority to continue to collect, receive, and expend the | ||||||
25 | proceeds of any tax levied by any of the separate townships |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | prior to the creation of the consolidated township without | ||||||
2 | an additional ordinance, resolution, or referendum; the | ||||||
3 | proceeds of any tax levied by any of the separate townships | ||||||
4 | prior to the creation of the consolidated township shall be | ||||||
5 | expended or disposed of by the consolidated township in the | ||||||
6 | same manner as such assessments might have been expended or | ||||||
7 | disposed of by the separate townships; however, if the | ||||||
8 | consolidated township board determines that there is a | ||||||
9 | surplus in the fund for general township purposes on | ||||||
10 | December 31 of the calendar year in which the consolidation | ||||||
11 | occurs, then any portion of the surplus that is solely | ||||||
12 | attributable to the consolidation shall be refunded to the | ||||||
13 | owners of record of taxable property within the | ||||||
14 | consolidated district on a pro rata basis; and | ||||||
15 | (3) road districts located within the separate | ||||||
16 | townships are abolished. | ||||||
17 | (b) When a new township is created, a new road district | ||||||
18 | encompassing the consolidated township is created. All the | ||||||
19 | rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, | ||||||
20 | obligations, and responsibilities of the separate road | ||||||
21 | districts shall vest in and be assumed by the new road district | ||||||
22 | as provided for in the resolutions adopted under Section 22-5. | ||||||
23 | The new township board of trustees shall exercise the taxing | ||||||
24 | authority of a road district abolished under this Section. The | ||||||
25 | highway commissioners of the abolished road districts shall | ||||||
26 | cease to hold office on the date the road district is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | abolished. The new township board shall exercise all duties and | ||||||
2 | responsibilities of the highway commissioner as provided in the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Highway Code. For purposes of distribution of revenue, | ||||||
4 | the new township shall assume the powers, duties, and | ||||||
5 | obligations of the road district of the dissolving road | ||||||
6 | district. The new township board may enter into a contract with | ||||||
7 | the county, a municipality, or a private contractor
to | ||||||
8 | administer the roads under the new road district. | ||||||
9 | (c) When a township consolidates into an existing township, | ||||||
10 | all the rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, | ||||||
11 | obligations, and responsibilities of the abolished road | ||||||
12 | districts shall vest in and be assumed by the existing | ||||||
13 | township's road district as provided for in the resolutions | ||||||
14 | adopted under Section 22-5. The consolidated township board of | ||||||
15 | trustees shall exercise the taxing authority of a road district | ||||||
16 | abolished under this Section. Highway commissioners of the | ||||||
17 | abolished road districts shall cease to hold office on the date | ||||||
18 | the road district is abolished. The consolidated township shall | ||||||
19 | exercise all duties and responsibilities of the highway | ||||||
20 | commissioner as provided in the Illinois Highway Code. For | ||||||
21 | purposes of distribution of revenue, the existing township's | ||||||
22 | road district or districts shall assume the powers, duties, and | ||||||
23 | obligations of the road district of the dissolving road | ||||||
24 | district. | ||||||
25 | (60 ILCS 1/Art. 23 heading new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
3 | (60 ILCS 1/23-5 new) | ||||||
4 | Sec. 23-5. Definitions. As used in this Article: | ||||||
5 | "Dissolving road district" means a road district in a | ||||||
6 | dissolving township, which is dissolved under subsection (c) of | ||||||
7 | Section 23-25. | ||||||
8 | "Dissolving township" means a township which is proposed to | ||||||
9 | be dissolved into and be merged with 2 other adjacent | ||||||
10 | townships. | ||||||
11 | "Equalized assessed value" has the meaning provided in | ||||||
12 | Section 18-213 of the Property Tax Code. | ||||||
13 | "Debt" means indebtedness incurred by a dissolving | ||||||
14 | township including, but not limited to, mortgages, judgments, | ||||||
15 | and moneys due through the issuance and sale of bonds, or | ||||||
16 | through an equivalent manner of borrowing for which notes or | ||||||
17 | other evidences of indebtedness are issued fixing the amount of | ||||||
18 | principal and interest from time to time payable to retire the | ||||||
19 | indebtedness. | ||||||
20 | "Receiving township" means a township into which a portion | ||||||
21 | of the dissolving township will be merged. | ||||||
22 | (60 ILCS 1/23-10 new) | ||||||
23 | Sec. 23-10. Resolution for merger; notice. | ||||||
24 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | contrary, the township boards of any 3 adjacent townships may, | ||||||
2 | by identical resolutions of each board, propose that a township | ||||||
3 | which borders the other 2 townships be dissolved by referendum | ||||||
4 | and all rights, powers, duties, assets, and property, together | ||||||
5 | with all personnel, contractual obligations, other | ||||||
6 | obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities of the | ||||||
7 | dissolving township transferred to the receiving townships. | ||||||
8 | Each resolution shall include, but is not limited to, the | ||||||
9 | following: | ||||||
10 | (1) a legal description of the former territory of the | ||||||
11 | dissolving township each receiving township will take upon | ||||||
12 | the dissolution of the dissolving township; | ||||||
13 | (2) a description of how all assets and property, | ||||||
14 | together with all personnel, contractual obligations, | ||||||
15 | other obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities of | ||||||
16 | the dissolving township will be transferred to the | ||||||
17 | receiving townships; | ||||||
18 | (3) the tax rates for general township purposes for the | ||||||
19 | immediately preceding levy year, as extended and collected | ||||||
20 | in the year in which the resolution is adopted, for the | ||||||
21 | dissolving township and each receiving township; | ||||||
22 | (4) a description and amount of all debt each receiving | ||||||
23 | township shall assume after the dissolving township | ||||||
24 | dissolves. The debt shall be assumed by each receiving | ||||||
25 | township in equal proportion to the equalized assessed | ||||||
26 | value of the land and property that will be received by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | each receiving township from the dissolving township | ||||||
2 | unless otherwise agreed to in the resolutions; | ||||||
3 | (5) a description of how each road district or road | ||||||
4 | districts of a dissolving township shall comply with | ||||||
5 | subsection (c) of Section 23-25; and | ||||||
6 | (6) the date of the general election at which the | ||||||
7 | referendum shall be held. | ||||||
8 | All resolutions shall be passed not less than 79 days | ||||||
9 | before the general election stated in the resolutions. | ||||||
10 | (b) Before passing a resolution under this Section, each | ||||||
11 | township board shall hold a public hearing on those matters | ||||||
12 | after notice of the hearing has been published in a newspaper | ||||||
13 | having a general circulation in the townships affected. The | ||||||
14 | notice shall be published at least 30 days before the date of | ||||||
15 | the hearing. The notice shall contain, at a minimum, the name | ||||||
16 | of the dissolving township and receiving townships and a | ||||||
17 | description of the area each receiving township will receive | ||||||
18 | from the dissolving township. | ||||||
19 | (60 ILCS 1/23-15 new) | ||||||
20 | Sec. 23-15. Referendum and notices. | ||||||
21 | (a) Upon the adoption of resolutions under Section 23-10 by | ||||||
22 | all townships, the township boards shall certify the question | ||||||
23 | to the election authority and the authority shall cause to be | ||||||
24 | submitted to the voters of all townships at the general | ||||||
25 | election specified in the resolutions a referendum to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | consolidate the townships. The referendum shall be | ||||||
2 | substantially in the following form: | ||||||
3 | Shall (name of dissolving township) be dissolved into | ||||||
4 | (names of receiving townships)? | ||||||
5 | The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No". The | ||||||
6 | referendum is approved when a majority of the voters, in each | ||||||
7 | of the affected townships, approve the referendum. | ||||||
8 | (b) Before a referendum appears on the ballot under | ||||||
9 | subsection (a), the township boards shall publish a copy of the | ||||||
10 | adopted resolution in a newspaper having a general circulation | ||||||
11 | in each of the townships affected. The notice shall be | ||||||
12 | published at least 30 days before the date of the general | ||||||
13 | election. | ||||||
14 | Each township board shall additionally mail a copy of the | ||||||
15 | adopted resolution, along with a copy of the referendum | ||||||
16 | language and a list of all taxes levied for general township | ||||||
17 | purposes in the affected townships, to every registered voter | ||||||
18 | in each township affected. The notice shall be mailed at least | ||||||
19 | 30 days before the date of the general election in which the | ||||||
20 | referendum will appear. | ||||||
21 | (60 ILCS 1/23-20 new) | ||||||
22 | Sec. 23-20. Transition. | ||||||
23 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the | ||||||
24 | contrary, upon the approval of a referendum under Section | ||||||
25 | 23-15: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) there shall be no further nominations or elections | ||||||
2 | for clerks, assessors, collectors, highway commissioners, | ||||||
3 | supervisors, or trustees of the dissolving township or | ||||||
4 | highway commissions and the terms of all such officers | ||||||
5 | currently serving shall continue until the third Monday of | ||||||
6 | May of the year in which township officials are elected | ||||||
7 | following the approval of a referendum under Section 23-15; | ||||||
8 | (2) a Transition Township Board is formed for each | ||||||
9 | receiving township. Each Transition Township Board shall | ||||||
10 | be composed of the members of the dissolving township | ||||||
11 | boards plus the members of the receiving township board. | ||||||
12 | The Transition Township Board shall only have authority to | ||||||
13 | do the following under paragraphs (3) and (4) of this | ||||||
14 | Section: provide for the compensation for all receiving | ||||||
15 | township officials that will be elected at the consolidated | ||||||
16 | election next following the approval of a referendum under | ||||||
17 | Section 23-15; and approving additional debt to be taken on | ||||||
18 | by the dissolving township; | ||||||
19 | (3) each Transition Township Board shall hold a public | ||||||
20 | meeting no later than the first Tuesday in April before the | ||||||
21 | receiving townships' boards of trustees are elected at the | ||||||
22 | consolidated election next following the approval of a | ||||||
23 | referendum under Section 23-15. At this public meeting, the | ||||||
24 | Transition Township Board shall provide for the | ||||||
25 | compensation for all township officials that will be | ||||||
26 | elected at the consolidated election. If the Board cannot |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agree on the compensation for an official, then the | ||||||
2 | compensation for the same office between the receiving and | ||||||
3 | dissolving townships shall be the lower compensation for | ||||||
4 | the office in the dissolving township or receiving | ||||||
5 | township; | ||||||
6 | (4) the dissolving township shall not incur any | ||||||
7 | additional debt without the approval of the Transition | ||||||
8 | Township Board of each receiving township that would assume | ||||||
9 | such debt after dissolution of the dissolving township; and | ||||||
10 | (5) Section 3-7 of the Election Code shall govern those | ||||||
11 | individuals entitled to caucus, vote for, be nominated for, | ||||||
12 | and run for offices for the receiving townships at the | ||||||
13 | consolidated election of township officials next following | ||||||
14 | the approval of a referendum under Section 23-15. | ||||||
15 | (b) Upon the approval of a referendum under Section 23-15, | ||||||
16 | the receiving townships may enter into an intergovernmental | ||||||
17 | agreement under the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act for any | ||||||
18 | lawful purpose relating to the land or property contained in | ||||||
19 | the dissolving township after the township is dissolved. | ||||||
20 | (60 ILCS 1/23-25 new) | ||||||
21 | Sec. 23-25. Merged township. On the third Monday of May of | ||||||
22 | the year in which township officials are elected following the | ||||||
23 | approval of a referendum under Section 23-15, the following | ||||||
24 | shall occur: | ||||||
25 | (a) The dissolving township ceases. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) All rights, powers, duties, assets, and property, | ||||||
2 | together with all personnel, contractual obligations, | ||||||
3 | other obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities of | ||||||
4 | the dissolving township are transferred to the receiving | ||||||
5 | townships as provided in the resolution adopted under | ||||||
6 | Section 23-10. The rights include, but are not limited to, | ||||||
7 | the authority to continue to collect and receive any tax | ||||||
8 | levied prior to the creation of the merged townships | ||||||
9 | without an additional ordinance, resolution, or | ||||||
10 | referendum. | ||||||
11 | (c) Road districts located within the dissolving | ||||||
12 | township are abolished and all the rights, powers, duties, | ||||||
13 | assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and | ||||||
14 | responsibilities of the dissolving road districts shall | ||||||
15 | vest in and be assumed by the receiving townships' road | ||||||
16 | districts as provided for in the resolutions adopted under | ||||||
17 | Section 23-10; the boards of trustees of the receiving | ||||||
18 | townships shall exercise the taxing authority of a road | ||||||
19 | district dissolved under this Section and shall exercise | ||||||
20 | all duties and responsibilities of the highway | ||||||
21 | commissioner as provided in the Illinois Highway Code | ||||||
22 | unless a road district in the receiving township has a | ||||||
23 | highway commissioner who shall assume all duties and | ||||||
24 | responsibilities of the highway commissioner of the | ||||||
25 | dissolving road districts if so resolved by the receiving | ||||||
26 | township board; highway commissioners of the dissolving |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | road districts shall cease to hold office on the date the | ||||||
2 | road district is abolished; and for purposes of | ||||||
3 | distribution of revenue, the receiving townships' road | ||||||
4 | districts, or the township board if no road districts | ||||||
5 | exist, shall assume the powers, duties, and obligations of | ||||||
6 | the dissolving road district.
| ||||||
7 | (60 ILCS 1/25-15)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 25-15. Selection of county governing body; election | ||||||
9 | Election of county commissioners . When township organization
| ||||||
10 | ceases in any county as provided in this Article, the county | ||||||
11 | board may by ordinance or resolution restructure into a | ||||||
12 | commission form of government on or before 180 days after a | ||||||
13 | township organization ceases. If the county board votes to | ||||||
14 | assume a commission form of government, an election shall be | ||||||
15 | held in
the county at the next general election in an | ||||||
16 | even-numbered year for 3 county
commissioners who shall hold | ||||||
17 | office for 2, 4, and 6 years, respectively, and
until their | ||||||
18 | successors are elected and qualified. Terms shall be determined | ||||||
19 | by
lot. At each succeeding general election after the first, | ||||||
20 | one commissioner
shall be elected.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
| ||||||
22 | (60 ILCS 1/25-25)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 25-25. Disposal of township records and property. When | ||||||
24 | township
organization is discontinued in any county, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | records of the several
townships shall be deposited in the | ||||||
2 | county clerk's office. The county
board or board of county | ||||||
3 | commissioners of the county may close up all unfinished | ||||||
4 | business of the several
townships and sell or and dispose of | ||||||
5 | any of the property belonging to a township
for the benefit of | ||||||
6 | the inhabitants of the township, as fully as might have been
| ||||||
7 | done by the townships themselves. The county board or board of | ||||||
8 | county commissioners may pay all the
indebtedness of any | ||||||
9 | township existing at the time of the discontinuance of
township | ||||||
10 | organization and cause the amount of the indebtedness, or so | ||||||
11 | much as
may be necessary, to be levied upon the property of the | ||||||
12 | township.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
| ||||||
14 | (60 ILCS 1/Art. 29 heading new) | ||||||
18 | (60 ILCS 1/29-5 new) | ||||||
19 | Sec. 29-5. Resolutions to discontinue and abolish a | ||||||
20 | township. The township board and the corporate authorities of a | ||||||
21 | coterminous, or substantially coterminous, municipality may by | ||||||
22 | resolutions of the board and corporate authorities, and after | ||||||
23 | referendum of the voters of the township and municipality: (1) | ||||||
24 | discontinue and abolish the township; (2) transfer all the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, | ||||||
2 | obligations, and responsibilities of the township to the | ||||||
3 | municipality; and (3) cease and dissolve all township road | ||||||
4 | districts with the district's jurisdiction and authority | ||||||
5 | transferred to the municipality upon the dissolution of the | ||||||
6 | township. | ||||||
7 | (60 ILCS 1/29-10 new) | ||||||
8 | Sec. 29-10. Notice. | ||||||
9 | (a) Before passing resolutions under Section 29-5, the | ||||||
10 | township board and the corporate authorities of the | ||||||
11 | municipality shall hold public hearings on those matters after | ||||||
12 | notice of the hearing has been published in a newspaper having | ||||||
13 | general circulation in the township and municipality. The | ||||||
14 | notice shall be published at least 30 days before the date of | ||||||
15 | the hearing. | ||||||
16 | (b) Before a referendum is placed on the ballot under | ||||||
17 | Section 29-15, each township board shall publish a copy of the | ||||||
18 | resolution adopted under Section 29-5 in a newspaper of general | ||||||
19 | circulation in the township and municipality affected. The | ||||||
20 | notice shall be published at least 30 days before the date of | ||||||
21 | the general election in which the referendum will appear. | ||||||
22 | Each township board shall additionally mail a copy of the | ||||||
23 | adopted resolution, along with a copy of the referendum | ||||||
24 | language, the date the referendum will appear, and a list of | ||||||
25 | all taxes levied in the affected townships, to every registered |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | voter in each township affected. The notice shall be mailed at | ||||||
2 | least 30 days before the date of the election in which the | ||||||
3 | referendum will appear. | ||||||
4 | (60 ILCS 1/29-15 new) | ||||||
5 | Sec. 29-15. Referendum for cessation of township. Upon the | ||||||
6 | adoption of resolutions under Section 29-5 by both the township | ||||||
7 | and municipality, the township board and corporate authorities | ||||||
8 | of the municipality shall certify the question to the election | ||||||
9 | authority and the authority shall cause to be submitted to the | ||||||
10 | voters of the township and municipality at the next election a | ||||||
11 | referendum to discontinue the township and to transfer all the | ||||||
12 | rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, | ||||||
13 | obligations, and responsibilities of the township to the | ||||||
14 | municipality. The referendum shall be substantially in the | ||||||
15 | following form: | ||||||
16 | Shall the township of (name
of township) Township | ||||||
17 | cease? | ||||||
18 | The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No". The | ||||||
19 | referendum is approved when a majority of the voters, in both | ||||||
20 | the township and municipality, approve the referendum. | ||||||
21 | If the referendum is approved there shall be no further | ||||||
22 | nominations or elections for clerks, assessors, collectors, | ||||||
23 | highway commissioners, supervisors, or trustees of the | ||||||
24 | township or highway commission, and the terms of all such | ||||||
25 | officers currently serving shall continue until the third |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Monday of May of the year of the consolidated election in which | ||||||
2 | township officials are elected next following the approval of a | ||||||
3 | referendum under this Section. | ||||||
4 | (60 ILCS 1/29-20 new) | ||||||
5 | Sec. 29-20. Cessation of township. On the third Monday in | ||||||
6 | May in the year of the consolidated election in which township | ||||||
7 | officials are elected next following the approval of a | ||||||
8 | referendum under Section 29-15: | ||||||
9 | (1) the township is discontinued and abolished and all | ||||||
10 | the rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, | ||||||
11 | obligations, and responsibilities of the township shall | ||||||
12 | vest in and be assumed by the municipality, including the | ||||||
13 | authority to levy property taxes for township purposes in | ||||||
14 | the same manner as the dissolved township without an | ||||||
15 | additional ordinance, resolution, or referendum; | ||||||
16 | (2) all township officers shall cease to hold office; | ||||||
17 | (3) the municipality shall exercise all duties and | ||||||
18 | responsibilities of the township officers as provided in | ||||||
19 | the Township Code, the Illinois Public Aid Code, the | ||||||
20 | Property Tax Code, and the Illinois Highway Code, as | ||||||
21 | applicable. The municipality may enter into an | ||||||
22 | intergovernmental agreement with the county or the State to | ||||||
23 | administer the duties and responsibilities of the township | ||||||
24 | officers for services under its jurisdiction; and | ||||||
25 | (4) any road district located within the township is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | abolished and its jurisdiction, rights, powers, duties, | ||||||
2 | assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and | ||||||
3 | responsibilities shall vest in and be assumed by the | ||||||
4 | municipality and the highway commissioner of the abolished | ||||||
5 | road district shall cease to hold office. The corporate | ||||||
6 | authorities of the municipality shall: exercise the taxing | ||||||
7 | authority of a road district abolished under this Section; | ||||||
8 | exercise all duties and responsibilities of the highway | ||||||
9 | commissioner as provided in the Illinois Highway Code; and | ||||||
10 | for purposes of distribution of revenue, assume the powers, | ||||||
11 | duties, and obligations of the road district in the | ||||||
12 | discontinued township. The corporate authorities of a | ||||||
13 | municipality may enter into an intergovernmental agreement | ||||||
14 | or a contract with the county, another municipality, or a | ||||||
15 | private contractor to administer the roads which were under | ||||||
16 | the jurisdiction of the abolished road district. | ||||||
17 | (60 ILCS 1/29-25 new) | ||||||
18 | Sec. 29-25. Business, records, and property of | ||||||
19 | discontinued township. The records of a township discontinued | ||||||
20 | under this Article shall be deposited in the municipality's | ||||||
21 | city clerk's office. The municipality may close up all | ||||||
22 | unfinished business of the township and sell and dispose of any | ||||||
23 | of the property belonging to the township for benefit of the | ||||||
24 | inhabitants of the municipality.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (60 ILCS 1/65-20)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 65-20. Road district treasurer; new township; | ||||||
3 | multi-township
officers. | ||||||
4 | (a) Compensation of township officers shall be set by the | ||||||
5 | township board
at least 180 days before the beginning of the | ||||||
6 | terms of officers,
including compensation of the road district | ||||||
7 | treasurer, which shall be not less
than $100 or more than | ||||||
8 | $1,000 per year.
Compensation of a township assessor and | ||||||
9 | collector shall be set at the same
time as the compensation of | ||||||
10 | the township supervisor. Compensation of a
multi-township | ||||||
11 | assessor shall be set at least 150 days before his or her
| ||||||
12 | election.
| ||||||
13 | (b) The compensation to be paid to each officer in a new | ||||||
14 | township
established under Section 10-25 shall be determined | ||||||
15 | under this Section by
the township board of the township the | ||||||
16 | whole or a part of which
comprises the new township and that | ||||||
17 | has the highest equalized assessed
valuation (as of December | ||||||
18 | 31, 1972) of the old townships that comprise the new
| ||||||
19 | (c) At least 150 days before the
election of multi-township | ||||||
20 | officers, the multi-township board may establish
additional | ||||||
21 | pay of those board members for their services in an amount not | ||||||
22 | to
exceed $25 per day for each day of services.
| ||||||
23 | (d) For the first term of a township consolidated or merged | ||||||
24 | under Article 22 or 23, compensation for township officers of | ||||||
25 | the consolidated or merged township shall be set by the | ||||||
26 | Transition Township Board no later than the first day in April |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | before the consolidated election at which the township officers | ||||||
2 | are to be elected. | ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 90-210, eff. 7-25-97.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 920. The Illinois Highway Code is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 6-130 and by adding Section 6-130.5 as | ||||||
6 | follows:
| ||||||
7 | (605 ILCS 5/6-130) (from Ch. 121, par. 6-130)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 6-130. Mandatory and permissive road district | ||||||
9 | abolishment. | ||||||
10 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the | ||||||
11 | contrary,
township road district may continue in existence | ||||||
12 | if the roads forming a
part of the district do not exceed a | ||||||
13 | total of 4 miles in length as determined by the county engineer | ||||||
14 | or county superintendent of highways . For purposes of this | ||||||
15 | Section, the roads forming a part of a township road district | ||||||
16 | include those roads maintained by the district, regardless of | ||||||
17 | whether or not those roads are owned by the township. On the
| ||||||
18 | first Tuesday in April of 1975, or of any subsequent year next | ||||||
19 | succeeding
the reduction of a township road system to a total | ||||||
20 | mileage of 4 miles or
less, each such township road district | ||||||
21 | shall, by operation of law, be
abolished. The roads comprising | ||||||
22 | that district at that time shall thereafter
be administered by | ||||||
23 | the township board of trustees by contracting with the
county, | ||||||
24 | a municipality or a private contractor. The township board of |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | trustees
shall assume all taxing authority of a township road | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | district abolished under
this Section.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | (b) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | township road district may be abolished as provided in Section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 6-130.5 of this Act, if the roads forming part of the district | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | are less than a total of 15 miles in length. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 94-884, eff. 6-20-06.)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | (605 ILCS 5/6-130.5 new) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Sec. 6-130.5. Abolishing a road district with less than 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | miles of roads. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | (a) Any township may abolish a road district of that | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | township if the roads of the district of that township are less | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | than 15 miles in length, as determined by the county engineer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | or county superintendent of highways, by resolution of a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | majority of the board of trustees to submit a referendum to | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | abolish the road district of that township. The referendum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | shall be submitted to the electors of that township at the next | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | general election or consolidated election in accordance with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | the general election law. The ballot shall be in substantially | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | the following form: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
3 | (b) If a majority of the electors voting on the referendum | |||||||||||
4 | under subsection (a) of this Section are in favor of abolishing | |||||||||||
5 | the township road district, then the road district is abolished | |||||||||||
6 | on the January 1 following the approval of the resolution or | |||||||||||
7 | referendum. | |||||||||||
8 | On the date of abolishment: all the rights, powers, duties, | |||||||||||
9 | assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and | |||||||||||
10 | responsibilities of the road district shall by operation of law | |||||||||||
11 | vest in and be assumed by the township; the township board of | |||||||||||
12 | trustees shall assume all taxing authority of a road district | |||||||||||
13 | abolished under this Section; any highway commissioner of the | |||||||||||
14 | abolished road district shall cease to hold office; the | |||||||||||
15 | township shall exercise all duties and responsibilities of the | |||||||||||
16 | highway commissioner as provided in the Illinois Highway Code; | |||||||||||
17 | and for purposes of distribution of revenue, the township shall | |||||||||||
18 | assume the powers, duties, and obligations of the road | |||||||||||
19 | district. The township board of trustees may enter into a | |||||||||||
20 | contract with the county, a municipality, or a private | |||||||||||
21 | contractor to administer the roads added to its jurisdiction | |||||||||||
22 | under this Section. | |||||||||||
23 | Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | |||||||||||
24 | 1, 2018.".