Sen. Daniel Biss
Filed: 3/8/2017
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| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1624 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing Sections 10, 15, 75, 80, 90, 95, and 110 as | ||||||
6 | follows: | ||||||
7 | (210 ILCS 9/10) | ||||||
8 | Sec. 10. Definitions. For purposes of this Act: | ||||||
9 | "Activities of daily living" means eating, dressing, | ||||||
10 | bathing, toileting,
transferring, or personal
hygiene. | ||||||
11 | "Assisted living establishment" or "establishment" means a | ||||||
12 | home, building,
residence, or any
other place where sleeping | ||||||
13 | accommodations are provided for at least 3
unrelated adults,
at | ||||||
14 | least 80% of whom are 55 years of age or older and where the | ||||||
15 | following are
consistent with the purposes of this | ||||||
16 | Act: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) services consistent with a social model that is | ||||||
2 | based on the premise
that the
resident's unit in assisted | ||||||
3 | living and shared housing is his or her own home; | ||||||
4 | (2) community-based residential care for persons who | ||||||
5 | need assistance with
activities of
daily living, including | ||||||
6 | personal, supportive, and intermittent
health-related | ||||||
7 | services available 24 hours per day, if needed, to meet the
| ||||||
8 | scheduled
unscheduled needs of a resident; | ||||||
9 | (3) mandatory services, whether provided directly by | ||||||
10 | the establishment or
by another
entity arranged for by the | ||||||
11 | establishment, with the consent of the resident or
| ||||||
12 | resident's
representative; and | ||||||
13 | (4) a physical environment that is a homelike
setting | ||||||
14 | that
includes the following and such other elements as | ||||||
15 | established by the Department:
individual living units | ||||||
16 | each of which shall accommodate small kitchen
| ||||||
17 | and contain private bathing, washing, and toilet | ||||||
18 | facilities, or private washing
toilet facilities with a | ||||||
19 | common bathing room readily accessible to each
| ||||||
20 | Units shall be maintained for single occupancy except in | ||||||
21 | cases in which 2
choose to share a unit. | ||||||
22 | Sufficient common space shall exist to permit
individual | ||||||
23 | and
group activities. | ||||||
24 | "Assisted living establishment" or "establishment" does | ||||||
25 | not mean any of the
following: | ||||||
26 | (1) A home, institution, or similar place operated by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the federal
government or the
State of Illinois. | ||||||
2 | (2) A long term care facility licensed under the | ||||||
3 | Nursing Home Care Act, a facility licensed under the | ||||||
4 | Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, a | ||||||
5 | facility licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act, or a | ||||||
6 | facility licensed under the MC/DD Act.
However, a
facility | ||||||
7 | licensed under any of those Acts may convert distinct parts | ||||||
8 | of the facility to assisted
living. If
the facility elects | ||||||
9 | to do so, the facility shall retain the
Certificate of
Need | ||||||
10 | for its nursing and sheltered care beds that were | ||||||
11 | converted. | ||||||
12 | (3) A hospital, sanitarium, or other institution, the | ||||||
13 | principal activity
or business of
which is the diagnosis, | ||||||
14 | care, and treatment of human illness and that is
required | ||||||
15 | to
be licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act. | ||||||
16 | (4) A facility for child care as defined in the Child | ||||||
17 | Care Act of 1969. | ||||||
18 | (5) A community living facility as defined in the | ||||||
19 | Community Living
Licensing Act. | ||||||
20 | (6) A nursing home or sanitarium operated solely by and | ||||||
21 | for persons who
exclusively upon treatment by | ||||||
22 | spiritual means through prayer in accordance with
the creed | ||||||
23 | or tenants of a well-recognized church or religious | ||||||
24 | denomination. | ||||||
25 | (7) A facility licensed by the Department of Human | ||||||
26 | Services as a
community-integrated living arrangement as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | defined in the Community-Integrated
Arrangements | ||||||
2 | Licensure and Certification Act. | ||||||
3 | (8) A supportive residence licensed under the | ||||||
4 | Supportive Residences
Licensing Act. | ||||||
5 | (9) The portion of a life care facility as defined in | ||||||
6 | the Life Care Facilities Act not licensed as an assisted | ||||||
7 | living establishment under this Act; a
life care facility | ||||||
8 | may
apply under this Act to convert sections of the | ||||||
9 | community to assisted living. | ||||||
10 | (10) A free-standing hospice facility licensed under | ||||||
11 | the Hospice Program
Licensing Act. | ||||||
12 | (11) A shared housing establishment. | ||||||
13 | (12) A supportive living facility as described in | ||||||
14 | Section 5-5.01a of the
Illinois Public Aid
Code. | ||||||
15 | "Department" means the Department of Public Health. | ||||||
16 | "Director" means the Director of Public Health. | ||||||
17 | "Emergency situation" means imminent danger of death or | ||||||
18 | serious physical
harm to a
resident of an establishment. | ||||||
19 | "Involuntary termination of residency" means the full | ||||||
20 | release of any resident from a facility, without the informed | ||||||
21 | consent of the resident, freely given and not coerced. | ||||||
22 | "Involuntary termination of residency" includes an assisted | ||||||
23 | living or shared housing establishment's failure to readmit a | ||||||
24 | resident following hospitalization, other medical leave, or | ||||||
25 | other absence from the establishment. | ||||||
26 | "License" means any of the following types of licenses |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | issued to an applicant
or licensee by the
Department: | ||||||
2 | (1) "Probationary license" means a license issued to an | ||||||
3 | applicant or
that has not
held a license under | ||||||
4 | this Act prior to its application or pursuant to a license
| ||||||
5 | transfer in accordance with Section 50 of this Act. | ||||||
6 | (2) "Regular license" means a license issued by the | ||||||
7 | Department to an
applicant or
licensee that is in
| ||||||
8 | substantial compliance with this Act and any rules | ||||||
9 | promulgated
under this Act. | ||||||
10 | "Licensee" means a person, agency, association, | ||||||
11 | corporation, partnership, or
organization that
has been issued | ||||||
12 | a license to operate an assisted living or shared housing
| ||||||
13 | establishment. | ||||||
14 | "Licensed health care professional" means a registered | ||||||
15 | professional nurse,
an advanced practice nurse, a physician | ||||||
16 | assistant, and a licensed practical
nurse. | ||||||
17 | "Mandatory services" include the following: | ||||||
18 | (1) 3 meals per day available to the residents prepared | ||||||
19 | by the
establishment or an
outside contractor; | ||||||
20 | (2) housekeeping services including, but not limited | ||||||
21 | to, vacuuming,
dusting, and
cleaning the resident's unit; | ||||||
22 | (3) personal laundry and linen services available to | ||||||
23 | the residents
or arranged
for by the | ||||||
24 | establishment; | ||||||
25 | (4) security provided 24 hours each day including, but | ||||||
26 | not limited to,
locked entrances
or building or contract |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | security personnel; | ||||||
2 | (5) an emergency communication response system, which | ||||||
3 | is a procedure in
place 24
hours each day by which a | ||||||
4 | resident can notify building management, an emergency
| ||||||
5 | response vendor, or others able to respond to his or her | ||||||
6 | need for assistance;
and | ||||||
7 | (6) assistance with activities of daily living as | ||||||
8 | required by each
resident. | ||||||
9 | "Negotiated risk" is the process by which a resident, or | ||||||
10 | his or her
may formally
negotiate with | ||||||
11 | providers what risks each are willing and unwilling to assume | ||||||
12 | in
service provision
and the resident's living environment. The | ||||||
13 | provider assures that the resident
and the
resident's | ||||||
14 | representative, if any, are informed of the risks of these | ||||||
15 | decisions
and of
the potential
consequences of assuming these | ||||||
16 | risks. | ||||||
17 | "Owner" means the individual, partnership, corporation, | ||||||
18 | association, or other
person who owns
an assisted living or | ||||||
19 | shared housing establishment. In the event an assisted
living | ||||||
20 | or shared
housing establishment is operated by a person who | ||||||
21 | leases or manages the
physical plant, which is
owned by another | ||||||
22 | person, "owner" means the person who operates the assisted
| ||||||
23 | living or shared
housing establishment, except that if the | ||||||
24 | person who owns the physical plant is
an affiliate of the
| ||||||
25 | person who operates the assisted living or shared housing | ||||||
26 | establishment and has
control over the day to day |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | operations of the assisted living or shared housing
| ||||||
2 | establishment, the
person who owns the physical plant shall | ||||||
3 | incur jointly and severally with the
owner all liabilities
| ||||||
4 | imposed on an owner under this Act. | ||||||
5 | "Physician" means a person licensed
under the Medical | ||||||
6 | Practice Act of 1987
to practice medicine in all of its
| ||||||
7 | branches. | ||||||
8 | "Resident" means a person residing in an assisted living or | ||||||
9 | shared housing
establishment. | ||||||
10 | "Resident's representative" means a person, other than the | ||||||
11 | owner, agent, or
employee of an
establishment or of the health | ||||||
12 | care provider unless related to the resident,
designated in | ||||||
13 | writing by a
resident or a court to be his or her
| ||||||
14 | representative. This designation may be accomplished through | ||||||
15 | the Illinois
Power of Attorney Act, pursuant to the | ||||||
16 | guardianship process under the Probate
Act of 1975, or pursuant | ||||||
17 | to an executed designation of representative form
specified by | ||||||
18 | the Department. | ||||||
19 | "Self" means the individual or the individual's designated | ||||||
20 | representative. | ||||||
21 | "Shared housing establishment" or "establishment" means a | ||||||
22 | publicly or
privately operated free-standing
residence for 16 | ||||||
23 | or fewer persons, at least 80% of whom are 55
years of age or | ||||||
24 | older
and who are unrelated to the owners and one manager of | ||||||
25 | the residence, where
the following are provided: | ||||||
26 | (1) services consistent with a social model that is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | based on the premise
that the resident's unit is his or her | ||||||
2 | own home; | ||||||
3 | (2) community-based residential care for persons who | ||||||
4 | need assistance with
activities of daily living, including | ||||||
5 | housing and personal, supportive, and
intermittent | ||||||
6 | health-related services available 24 hours per day, if | ||||||
7 | needed, to
meet the scheduled and unscheduled needs of a | ||||||
8 | resident; and | ||||||
9 | (3) mandatory services, whether provided directly by | ||||||
10 | the establishment or
by another entity arranged for by the | ||||||
11 | establishment, with the consent of the
resident or the | ||||||
12 | resident's representative. | ||||||
13 | "Shared housing establishment" or "establishment" does not | ||||||
14 | mean any of the
following: | ||||||
15 | (1) A home, institution, or similar place operated by | ||||||
16 | the federal
government or the State of Illinois. | ||||||
17 | (2) A long term care facility licensed under the | ||||||
18 | Nursing Home Care Act, a facility licensed under the | ||||||
19 | Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, a | ||||||
20 | facility licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act, or a | ||||||
21 | facility licensed under the MC/DD Act.
A facility licensed | ||||||
22 | under any of those Acts may, however, convert sections of | ||||||
23 | the facility to
assisted living. If the facility elects to | ||||||
24 | do so, the facility
shall retain the Certificate of Need | ||||||
25 | for its nursing beds that were
converted. | ||||||
26 | (3) A hospital, sanitarium, or other institution, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | principal activity
or business of which is the diagnosis, | ||||||
2 | care, and treatment of human illness and
that is required | ||||||
3 | to be licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act. | ||||||
4 | (4) A facility for child care as defined in the Child | ||||||
5 | Care Act of 1969. | ||||||
6 | (5) A community living facility as defined in the | ||||||
7 | Community Living
Facilities Licensing Act. | ||||||
8 | (6) A nursing home or sanitarium operated solely by and | ||||||
9 | for persons who
rely exclusively upon treatment by | ||||||
10 | spiritual means through prayer in accordance
with the creed | ||||||
11 | or tenants of a well-recognized church or religious
| ||||||
12 | denomination. | ||||||
13 | (7) A facility licensed by the Department of Human | ||||||
14 | Services as a
living arrangement as | ||||||
15 | defined in the Community-Integrated
Living Arrangements | ||||||
16 | Licensure and Certification Act. | ||||||
17 | (8) A supportive residence licensed under the | ||||||
18 | Supportive Residences
Licensing Act. | ||||||
19 | (9) A life care facility as defined in the Life Care | ||||||
20 | Facilities Act; a
life care facility may apply under this | ||||||
21 | Act to convert sections of the
community to assisted | ||||||
22 | living. | ||||||
23 | (10) A free-standing hospice facility licensed under | ||||||
24 | the Hospice Program
Licensing Act. | ||||||
25 | (11) An assisted living establishment. | ||||||
26 | (12) A supportive living facility as described in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 5-5.01a of the
Illinois Public Aid Code. | ||||||
2 | "Total assistance" means that staff or another individual | ||||||
3 | performs the entire
activity of daily
living without | ||||||
4 | participation by the resident. | ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)
| ||||||
6 | (210 ILCS 9/15)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 15. Assessment and service plan requirements. Prior to | ||||||
8 | admission
to any establishment
covered by this Act, a | ||||||
9 | comprehensive assessment that includes an evaluation of
the | ||||||
10 | prospective
resident's physical, cognitive, and psychosocial | ||||||
11 | condition shall be completed.
At least annually,
a | ||||||
12 | comprehensive assessment shall be completed, and upon | ||||||
13 | identification of a
significant change
in the resident's | ||||||
14 | condition, including, but not limited to, a diagnosis of | ||||||
15 | Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia, the resident shall | ||||||
16 | be reassessed.
The Department may by rule specify circumstances | ||||||
17 | under which more frequent
assessments of skin integrity and | ||||||
18 | nutritional status shall be required.
comprehensive | ||||||
19 | assessment shall be completed by a physician. Based on the
| ||||||
20 | assessment, the resident's interests and preferences, | ||||||
21 | dislikes, and any known triggers for behavior that endangers | ||||||
22 | the resident or others, a written
service plan shall be
| ||||||
23 | developed and mutually agreed upon by the provider , and the | ||||||
24 | resident , and the resident's representative, if any . The
| ||||||
25 | service plan, which
shall be reviewed annually, or more often |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as the resident's condition,
preferences, or service needs
| ||||||
2 | change, shall serve as a basis for the service delivery | ||||||
3 | contract between the
provider and the
resident. The resident | ||||||
4 | and the resident's representative, if any, shall be given a | ||||||
5 | copy of the most recent assessment; supplemental assessment, if | ||||||
6 | any, done by the establishment; and service plan. Based on the | ||||||
7 | assessment, the service plan may provide for the
disconnection | ||||||
8 | or
removal of any appliance.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 91-656, eff. 1-1-01.)
| ||||||
10 | (210 ILCS 9/75)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 75. Residency Requirements.
| ||||||
12 | (a) No individual shall be accepted for residency or remain | ||||||
13 | in residence if
establishment cannot provide or secure | ||||||
14 | appropriate
services, if the individual
requires a level of | ||||||
15 | service or type of service for which the establishment is
not | ||||||
16 | licensed or
which the establishment does not provide, or if the | ||||||
17 | establishment does not have
the staff
appropriate in numbers | ||||||
18 | and with appropriate skill to provide such services.
| ||||||
19 | (b) Only adults may be accepted for residency.
| ||||||
20 | (c) A person shall not be accepted for residency if:
| ||||||
21 | (1) the person poses a serious threat to himself or | ||||||
22 | herself or to others;
| ||||||
23 | (2) the person is not able to communicate his or her | ||||||
24 | needs and no
resident representative
residing in the | ||||||
25 | establishment, and with a prior relationship to the person,
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | has been appointed to direct the provision of
| ||||||
2 | (3) the person requires total assistance with 2 or more | ||||||
3 | activities of
| ||||||
4 | (4) the person requires the assistance of more than one | ||||||
5 | paid caregiver at
any given time
with an activity of daily | ||||||
6 | living;
| ||||||
7 | (5) the person requires more than minimal assistance in | ||||||
8 | moving to a safe
area in an
| ||||||
9 | (6) the person has a severe mental illness, which for | ||||||
10 | the purposes of
this Section
means a condition that is | ||||||
11 | characterized by the presence of a major mental
as | ||||||
12 | classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of | ||||||
13 | Mental Disorders,
Edition (DSM-IV) (American | ||||||
14 | Psychiatric Association, 1994), where the individual
is a | ||||||
15 | person with a substantial disability due to mental illness | ||||||
16 | in the areas of
social functioning, | ||||||
17 | activities of community living and work skills, and the
| ||||||
18 | disability
specified is expected to be present for a period | ||||||
19 | of not less than one year, but
does not
mean Alzheimer's | ||||||
20 | disease and other forms of dementia based on organic or
| ||||||
21 | physical disorders;
| ||||||
22 | (7) the person requires intravenous therapy or | ||||||
23 | intravenous feedings
unless self-administered or | ||||||
24 | administered by a qualified, licensed health care
| ||||||
25 | professional;
| ||||||
26 | (8) the person requires gastrostomy feedings unless |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | self-administered or
by a licensed health | ||||||
2 | care professional;
| ||||||
3 | (9) the person requires insertion, sterile irrigation, | ||||||
4 | and replacement of
catheter, except
for routine | ||||||
5 | maintenance of urinary catheters, unless the catheter care | ||||||
6 | is
self-administered or administered by a licensed health | ||||||
7 | care professional;
| ||||||
8 | (10) the person requires sterile wound care unless care | ||||||
9 | is
self-administered or
administered by a licensed health | ||||||
10 | care professional;
| ||||||
11 | (11) the person requires sliding scale insulin | ||||||
12 | administration unless
self-performed or
administered by a | ||||||
13 | licensed health care professional;
| ||||||
14 | (12) the person is a diabetic requiring routine insulin | ||||||
15 | injections unless
the injections
are self-administered or | ||||||
16 | administered by a licensed health care professional;
| ||||||
17 | (13) the person requires treatment of stage 3 or stage | ||||||
18 | 4 decubitus ulcers
or exfoliative
| ||||||
19 | (14) the person requires 5 or more skilled nursing | ||||||
20 | visits per week for
conditions other
than those listed in | ||||||
21 | items (13) and (15) of this subsection for a
period of 3
| ||||||
22 | consecutive weeks or more except when the course of | ||||||
23 | treatment is expected to
extend beyond a 3 week period for | ||||||
24 | rehabilitative purposes and is certified as
temporary by a | ||||||
25 | physician; or
| ||||||
26 | (15) other reasons prescribed by the Department by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | rule.
| ||||||
2 | (d) A resident with a condition listed in items (1) through | ||||||
3 | (15) of
subsection (c) shall have
his or her residency | ||||||
4 | terminated.
| ||||||
5 | (e) Residency shall be terminated when services available | ||||||
6 | to the resident
the establishment
are no longer adequate to | ||||||
7 | meet the needs of the resident. The establishment shall notify | ||||||
8 | the resident and the resident's representative, if any, when | ||||||
9 | there is a significant change in the resident's condition that | ||||||
10 | affects the establishment's ability to meet the resident's | ||||||
11 | needs. The requirements of subsection (c) of Section 80 shall | ||||||
12 | then apply. This provision shall
be interpreted as
limiting | ||||||
13 | the authority of the Department to require the residency | ||||||
14 | termination
of individuals.
| ||||||
15 | (f) Subsection (d) of this Section shall not apply to
| ||||||
16 | terminally
ill residents who
receive or would qualify for | ||||||
17 | hospice care and such care is coordinated by
a hospice program | ||||||
18 | licensed
under the Hospice
Licensing Act or other | ||||||
19 | licensed health care professional employed by a
licensed home | ||||||
20 | health
agency and the establishment and all parties agree to | ||||||
21 | the continued residency.
| ||||||
22 | (g) Items (3), (4), (5), and (9) of subsection (c) shall | ||||||
23 | not apply to
a quadriplegic, paraplegic, or
individual with | ||||||
24 | neuro-muscular diseases, such as muscular dystrophy and
| ||||||
25 | multiple
sclerosis, or other chronic diseases and conditions as | ||||||
26 | defined by rule if the
individual is able
to communicate his or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | her needs and does not require assistance with complex
| ||||||
2 | problems, and the establishment is able to accommodate the | ||||||
3 | individual's needs.
The Department shall prescribe rules | ||||||
4 | pursuant to this Section that address
special safety and | ||||||
5 | service needs of these individuals.
| ||||||
6 | (h) For the purposes of items (7) through (10) of | ||||||
7 | subsection (c), a
licensed health care professional may not
be | ||||||
8 | employed by the owner or operator of the establishment, its | ||||||
9 | parent entity,
or any other entity with ownership common to | ||||||
10 | either the owner or operator of
the establishment or parent | ||||||
11 | entity, including but not limited to an affiliate
of the owner | ||||||
12 | or operator of the establishment. Nothing in this Section is
| ||||||
13 | meant to limit a resident's right to
choose his or her health | ||||||
14 | care provider.
| ||||||
15 | (i) Subsection (h) is not applicable to residents admitted | ||||||
16 | to an assisted living establishment under a life care contract | ||||||
17 | as defined in the Life Care Facilities Act if the life care | ||||||
18 | facility has both an assisted living establishment and a | ||||||
19 | skilled nursing facility. A licensed health care professional | ||||||
20 | providing health-related or supportive services at a life care | ||||||
21 | assisted living or shared housing establishment must be | ||||||
22 | employed by an entity licensed by the Department under the | ||||||
23 | Nursing Home Care Act or the Home Health, Home Services, and | ||||||
24 | Home Nursing Agency Licensing Act.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (210 ILCS 9/80)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 80. Involuntary termination of residency.
| ||||||
3 | (a) Residency shall be involuntarily terminated only
for | ||||||
4 | the following reasons:
| ||||||
5 | (1) as provided in Section 75 of this Act;
| ||||||
6 | (2) nonpayment of contracted charges after the | ||||||
7 | resident and the
representative have received a | ||||||
8 | minimum of 30 days' 30-days written notice of the
| ||||||
9 | delinquency and the resident or the resident's | ||||||
10 | representative has had at least
15 days
to cure the | ||||||
11 | delinquency; or
| ||||||
12 | (3) failure to execute a service delivery contract or | ||||||
13 | to substantially
comply with its
terms and conditions, | ||||||
14 | failure to comply with the assessment requirements
| ||||||
15 | contained in Section 15,
or failure to substantially comply | ||||||
16 | with the terms and
conditions of the lease agreement.
| ||||||
17 | (b) A 30-day 30 day written notice of residency termination | ||||||
18 | shall be provided to
the resident, the resident's | ||||||
19 | representative, or both, the Department, and the long term care
| ||||||
20 | ombudsman, which shall include the reason for the pending | ||||||
21 | action, the date of
the proposed move, and a notice,
the | ||||||
22 | content and form to be set forth by rule, of the resident's | ||||||
23 | right to
appeal, the steps that the resident or the resident's | ||||||
24 | representative must take
initiate an appeal, and a statement | ||||||
25 | of the resident's right to continue to
reside in the | ||||||
26 | establishment until a decision is rendered. The notice shall
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | include a toll free telephone number to initiate an appeal and | ||||||
2 | a written
hearing request form, together with a postage paid, | ||||||
3 | pre-addressed envelope to
the Department. If the resident or | ||||||
4 | the resident's representative, if any,
cannot read English, the | ||||||
5 | notice must be provided in a language the individual
receiving | ||||||
6 | the notice can read or the establishment must provide a | ||||||
7 | translator
has been trained to assist the resident or the | ||||||
8 | resident's representative in the
appeal process. In emergency | ||||||
9 | situations as defined in Section 10 of this Act,
the 30-day | ||||||
10 | provision of the written notice may be waived.
| ||||||
11 | (b-5) If an establishment initiates a termination of | ||||||
12 | residency due to an emergency situation, then the resident and | ||||||
13 | resident's representative, if any, the Department, and the | ||||||
14 | Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman, shall be provided | ||||||
15 | with a written notice of residency termination, in a form to be | ||||||
16 | specified by the Department, containing all of the information | ||||||
17 | specified in subsection (b) prior to the establishment | ||||||
18 | initiating a termination of residency. | ||||||
19 | (c) The establishment shall attempt to resolve with the | ||||||
20 | resident or the
resident's representative, if any, | ||||||
21 | circumstances that if not remedied have the
potential of | ||||||
22 | resulting in an involuntary termination of residency and shall
| ||||||
23 | document those efforts in the resident's file. This action may | ||||||
24 | occur prior to
or during the 30 day notice period, but must
| ||||||
25 | occur prior to the termination of the residency. In emergency | ||||||
26 | situations as
defined in Section 10 of this Act, the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | requirements of this subsection may be waived.
| ||||||
2 | (d) A request for a hearing shall stay an involuntary | ||||||
3 | termination of
residency until a decision has been rendered by | ||||||
4 | the Department, according to a
process adopted by rule. During | ||||||
5 | this time period, the establishment may not
terminate or reduce | ||||||
6 | any service without the consent of the resident or the | ||||||
7 | resident's representative, if any for the purpose of making it | ||||||
8 | more difficult or
impossible for the resident to remain in the | ||||||
9 | establishment .
| ||||||
10 | (e) The establishment shall offer the resident and the | ||||||
11 | resident's
representative, if any, residency termination and | ||||||
12 | relocation assistance
including information on available | ||||||
13 | alternative placement. Residents , and the residents' | ||||||
14 | representatives, if any, shall be
involved in planning the move | ||||||
15 | and shall choose among the available alternative
placements | ||||||
16 | except when an emergency situation makes prior resident | ||||||
17 | involvement
impossible. Emergency placements are deemed | ||||||
18 | temporary until the resident's
input can be sought in the final | ||||||
19 | placement decision. No resident shall be
forced to remain in a | ||||||
20 | temporary or permanent placement.
| ||||||
21 | (f) The Department shall may offer assistance to the | ||||||
22 | establishment and the
resident in the preparation of residency | ||||||
23 | termination and relocation plans to
assure safe and orderly | ||||||
24 | transition and to protect the resident's health,
safety, | ||||||
25 | welfare, and rights. In nonemergencies, and where possible in
| ||||||
26 | emergencies, the transition plan shall be designed and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | implemented in advance
of transfer or residency termination.
| ||||||
2 | (g) An establishment may not initiate a termination of | ||||||
3 | residency due to an emergency situation if (1) a resident has | ||||||
4 | been hospitalized and the resident's physician states that | ||||||
5 | returning to the establishment would not create an imminent | ||||||
6 | danger of death or serious physical harm to a resident; or (2) | ||||||
7 | the emergency can be negated by changes in staffing, | ||||||
8 | activities, health care, personal care, or rooming | ||||||
9 | accommodations, consistent with the license of the | ||||||
10 | establishment. The Department may not find an establishment to | ||||||
11 | be in violation of Section 75 of this Act for failing to | ||||||
12 | initiate an emergency discharge in these circumstances. | ||||||
13 | (h) If the Department determines that an involuntary | ||||||
14 | termination of residency does not meet the requirements of this | ||||||
15 | Act, the Department shall issue a written decision stating that | ||||||
16 | the involuntary termination of residency is denied. If the | ||||||
17 | action of the establishment giving rise to the request for | ||||||
18 | hearings is the establishment's failure to readmit the resident | ||||||
19 | following hospitalization, other medical leave of absence, or | ||||||
20 | other absence, the Department shall order the immediate | ||||||
21 | readmission of the resident to the establishment. | ||||||
22 | (i) If an order to readmit is entered pursuant to | ||||||
23 | subsection (h), the establishment shall immediately comply. A | ||||||
24 | surveyor shall make an on-site inspection of the | ||||||
25 | establishment's compliance with the order within 3 days of the | ||||||
26 | order's entry, unless the resident notifies the Department in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | writing that there is compliance. As used in this subsection, | ||||||
2 | "compliance" means the resident is living in the establishment | ||||||
3 | or the establishment and the resident have agreed on a schedule | ||||||
4 | for readmission. If the resident or resident's representative | ||||||
5 | notifies the Department that the establishment is not complying | ||||||
6 | with an agreed-upon schedule, or that the establishment is not | ||||||
7 | complying with the representation described in subsection (k), | ||||||
8 | a surveyor shall make an on-site inspection to determine | ||||||
9 | compliance within 3 days of the notification. | ||||||
10 | (j) An establishment that does not readmit a resident after | ||||||
11 | the Department has ordered readmission shall be assessed a | ||||||
12 | daily fine of $250, beginning on the day of the surveyor's | ||||||
13 | inspection. The fine shall be imposed for every day thereafter, | ||||||
14 | until the establishment notifies the Department that it is in | ||||||
15 | compliance with the order and a surveyor makes an on-site | ||||||
16 | inspection to determine if there is compliance or the resident | ||||||
17 | confirms to the Department that there is compliance, as defined | ||||||
18 | in subsection (i) of this Section. The on-site inspection shall | ||||||
19 | be made within 3 days of the notification by the establishment. | ||||||
20 | (k) Once a notice of appeal is filed, the Department shall | ||||||
21 | hold a hearing unless the notice of appeal is withdrawn. If the | ||||||
22 | notice of appeal is withdrawn based upon a representation made | ||||||
23 | by the establishment to the resident and the Department, | ||||||
24 | including the hearing officer, that a resident who has been | ||||||
25 | previously denied readmission will be readmitted, failure to | ||||||
26 | comply with the representation shall be considered a failure to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | comply with a Department order pursuant to subsection (h) and | ||||||
2 | shall result in the imposition of a daily fine as provided in | ||||||
3 | subsection (j) of this Section. | ||||||
4 | (l) In addition to any other penalty, an establishment that | ||||||
5 | has improperly terminated the residency of a resident shall be | ||||||
6 | assessed no less than a Type 1 violation. The establishment | ||||||
7 | shall be required to submit an acceptable plan of correction to | ||||||
8 | the Department within 30 days after the violation is affirmed. | ||||||
9 | As used in this subsection, "improperly terminated that | ||||||
10 | residency" does not include issuing a notice of residency | ||||||
11 | termination that the Department finds does not meet the | ||||||
12 | statutory requirements for termination of residency if the | ||||||
13 | establishment complied with the procedural requirements of | ||||||
14 | this Act. | ||||||
15 | (m) A long term care ombudsman may request a hearing on | ||||||
16 | behalf of a resident and secure representation of a resident | ||||||
17 | if, in the judgment of the long term care ombudsman, doing so | ||||||
18 | is in the best interests of the resident and the resident does | ||||||
19 | not object. | ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 91-656, eff. 1-1-01.)
| ||||||
21 | (210 ILCS 9/90)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 90. Contents of service delivery contract. A contract | ||||||
23 | between an
establishment and a resident must be entitled | ||||||
24 | "assisted living
contract" or "shared housing | ||||||
25 | establishment contract" as applicable, shall be
printed in no |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | less
than 12 point type, and shall include at least the | ||||||
2 | following elements in the
body or through
supporting documents | ||||||
3 | or attachments:
| ||||||
4 | (1) the name, street address, and mailing address of | ||||||
5 | the establishment;
| ||||||
6 | (2) the name and mailing address of the owner or owners | ||||||
7 | of the
establishment and, if
the owner or owners are not | ||||||
8 | natural persons, the type of business entity of the
| ||||||
9 | or owners;
| ||||||
10 | (3) the name and mailing address of the managing agent | ||||||
11 | of the
establishment, whether
hired under a management | ||||||
12 | agreement or lease agreement, if the managing agent is
| ||||||
13 | different from the owner or owners;
| ||||||
14 | (4) the name and address of at least one natural person | ||||||
15 | who is authorized
to accept
service on behalf of the owners | ||||||
16 | and managing agent;
| ||||||
17 | (5) a statement describing the license status of the | ||||||
18 | establishment and the
license status
of all providers of | ||||||
19 | health-related or supportive services to a resident under
| ||||||
20 | arrangement with the establishment;
| ||||||
21 | (6) the duration of the contract;
| ||||||
22 | (7) the base rate to be paid by the resident and a | ||||||
23 | description of the
services to be
provided as part of this | ||||||
24 | rate;
| ||||||
25 | (8) a description of any additional services to be | ||||||
26 | provided for an
additional fee by the
establishment |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | directly or by a third party provider under arrangement | ||||||
2 | with the
| ||||||
3 | (9) the fee schedules outlining the cost of any | ||||||
4 | additional services;
| ||||||
5 | (10) a description of the process through which the | ||||||
6 | contract may be
modified, amended,
or terminated;
| ||||||
7 | (11) a description of the establishment's complaint | ||||||
8 | resolution process
available to
residents and notice of the | ||||||
9 | availability of the Department on Aging's Senior
| ||||||
10 | for
| ||||||
11 | (12) the name of the resident's designated | ||||||
12 | representative, if any;
| ||||||
13 | (13) the resident's obligations in order to maintain | ||||||
14 | residency and
services including compliance with | ||||||
15 | all assessments required under Section 15;
| ||||||
16 | (14) the billing and payment procedures and | ||||||
17 | requirements;
| ||||||
18 | (15) a statement affirming the resident's freedom to | ||||||
19 | receive services from
providers with whom the | ||||||
20 | establishment does not have a contractual arrangement,
| ||||||
21 | which may also disclaim liability on the part of the
| ||||||
22 | establishment for those services;
| ||||||
23 | (16) a statement that medical assistance under Article | ||||||
24 | V or Article VI of
the Illinois
Public Aid Code is not | ||||||
25 | available for payment for services provided in an
| ||||||
26 | establishment, excluding contracts executed with residents |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | residing in licensed establishments participating in the | ||||||
2 | Department on Aging's Comprehensive Care in Residential | ||||||
3 | Settings Demonstration Project;
| ||||||
4 | (17) a statement detailing the admission, risk | ||||||
5 | management, and residency
criteria and | ||||||
6 | procedures;
| ||||||
7 | (18) a written explanation, prepared by the Office of | ||||||
8 | State Long Term Care Ombudsman, of statement listing the | ||||||
9 | rights specified in Sections 80 and Section 95 , including | ||||||
10 | an acknowledgement by the establishment and
acknowledging | ||||||
11 | that, by contracting with the assisted
living or shared
| ||||||
12 | housing establishment, the resident does not forfeit those | ||||||
13 | rights;
| ||||||
14 | (19) a statement detailing the Department's annual | ||||||
15 | on-site review process
what documents contained | ||||||
16 | in a resident's personal file shall be reviewed by
the | ||||||
17 | on-site reviewer as defined by rule; and | ||||||
18 | (20) a statement outlining whether the establishment | ||||||
19 | charges a community fee and, if so, the amount of the fee | ||||||
20 | and whether it is refundable; if the fee is refundable, the | ||||||
21 | contract must describe the conditions under which it is | ||||||
22 | refundable and how the amount of the refund is determined ; | ||||||
23 | and . | ||||||
24 | (21) educational material from the Office of State Long | ||||||
25 | Term Care Ombudsman, written in consultation with a State | ||||||
26 | association dedicated to Alzheimer's care, support, and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | research with information on Alzheimer's disease and | ||||||
2 | dementia for residents who have been diagnosed with a | ||||||
3 | dementia, including signs and symptoms, stages, and | ||||||
4 | behaviors, and on a statewide helpline with resources for | ||||||
5 | those affected by Alzheimer's and other dementia operated | ||||||
6 | by a State association dedicated to Alzheimer's care, | ||||||
7 | support, and research; receipt of these educational | ||||||
8 | materials shall require signatures of acknowledgement of | ||||||
9 | receipt by a representative of the establishment, the | ||||||
10 | resident, and the resident's representative, if any.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 93-775, eff. 1-1-05; 94-256, eff. 7-19-05.)
| ||||||
12 | (210 ILCS 9/95)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 95. Resident rights. No resident shall be deprived of | ||||||
14 | any rights,
benefits, or privileges guaranteed by law, the | ||||||
15 | Constitution of the State of
Illinois, or the Constitution of | ||||||
16 | the United States solely on account of his or
her status as a | ||||||
17 | resident of an establishment, nor shall a resident forfeit any
| ||||||
18 | of the following rights:
| ||||||
19 | (1) the right to retain and use personal property and a | ||||||
20 | place to store
items that is locked and secure;
| ||||||
21 | (2) the right to refuse services and to be advised of | ||||||
22 | the consequences
| ||||||
23 | (3) the right to respect for bodily privacy and dignity | ||||||
24 | at all times,
during care and treatment;
| ||||||
25 | (4) the right to the free exercise of religion;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) the right to privacy with regard to mail, phone | ||||||
2 | calls, and visitors;
| ||||||
3 | (6) the right to uncensored access to the State | ||||||
4 | Ombudsman or his or her
| ||||||
5 | (7) the right to be free of retaliation for criticizing | ||||||
6 | the
complaints to appropriate | ||||||
7 | agencies;
| ||||||
8 | (8) the right to be free of chemical and physical | ||||||
9 | restraints;
| ||||||
10 | (9) the right to be free of abuse or neglect or to | ||||||
11 | refuse to perform
| ||||||
12 | (10) the right to confidentiality of the resident's | ||||||
13 | medical records;
| ||||||
14 | (11) the right of access and the right to copy the | ||||||
15 | resident's personal
by the establishment;
| ||||||
16 | (12) the right to 24 hours access to the establishment;
| ||||||
17 | (13) the right to a minimum of 90 days' 90-days notice | ||||||
18 | of a planned
| ||||||
19 | (14) the right to a minimum of 30 days' 30-days notice | ||||||
20 | of an involuntary
termination ,
except where the | ||||||
21 | resident poses a threat to himself or others, or in other
| ||||||
22 | emergency situations, and the right to appeal such | ||||||
23 | termination ; if an establishment withdraws a notice of | ||||||
24 | involuntary termination of residency, then the resident | ||||||
25 | has the right to maintain residency at the establishment ; | ||||||
26 | and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (15) the right to a 30-day notice of delinquency and at | ||||||
2 | least 15 days
right to cure
delinquency ; . | ||||||
3 | (16) the right to not be unlawfully transferred or | ||||||
4 | discharged; | ||||||
5 | (17) the right to retain residency during any hospital | ||||||
6 | stay totaling 10 days or less following a hospital | ||||||
7 | admission; and | ||||||
8 | (18) the right not to be charged for any period during | ||||||
9 | which the resident was unlawfully denied residency.
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 91-656, eff. 1-1-01.)
| ||||||
11 | (210 ILCS 9/110) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 110. Powers and duties of the Department. | ||||||
13 | (a) The Department shall conduct an annual unannounced | ||||||
14 | on-site visit at
assisted living and shared
housing | ||||||
15 | establishment to determine compliance with applicable | ||||||
16 | licensure
requirements and
standards. Additional visits may be | ||||||
17 | conducted without prior notice to the
assisted living
or shared | ||||||
18 | housing
establishment. | ||||||
19 | (b) Upon receipt of information that may indicate the | ||||||
20 | failure of the
assisted living or shared housing
establishment | ||||||
21 | or a service provider to comply with a provision of this Act,
| ||||||
22 | the Department shall
investigate the matter or make appropriate | ||||||
23 | referrals to other government
agencies and entities having
| ||||||
24 | jurisdiction over the subject matter of the possible violation. | ||||||
25 | The Department
may also make
referrals to any public or private |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agency that the Department considers
available for appropriate
| ||||||
2 | assistance to those involved. The Department may oversee and | ||||||
3 | coordinate the
enforcement of State
consumer protection | ||||||
4 | policies affecting residents residing in an establishment
| ||||||
5 | licensed under this Act. | ||||||
6 | (c) The Department shall establish by rule complaint | ||||||
7 | receipt,
resolution, and involuntary
residency | ||||||
8 | termination procedures. Resolution procedures shall provide | ||||||
9 | for
on-site review and
evaluation of an assisted living or | ||||||
10 | shared housing establishment found to be
in violation of this | ||||||
11 | Act
within a specified period of time based on the gravity and | ||||||
12 | severity of the
violation and any pervasive
pattern of | ||||||
13 | occurrences of the same or similar violations. | ||||||
14 | (d) (Blank). | ||||||
15 | (e) The Department shall by rule establish penalties and | ||||||
16 | sanctions, which
shall include, but need not be limited to,
the | ||||||
17 | creation of a schedule of graduated penalties and sanctions to | ||||||
18 | include
closure. | ||||||
19 | (f) The Department shall by rule establish procedures for | ||||||
20 | disclosure of
information to the public, which
shall include, | ||||||
21 | but not be limited to, ownership, licensure status, frequency | ||||||
22 | of
complaints, disposition of
substantiated complaints, and | ||||||
23 | disciplinary actions. | ||||||
24 | (g) (Blank). | ||||||
25 | (h) Beginning January 1, 2000, the Department shall begin | ||||||
26 | drafting rules
necessary for the administration
of this Act. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (i) The Department shall by rule provide for a prohibition | ||||||
2 | on conflicts of interest for surveyors and all persons who | ||||||
3 | conduct involuntary transfer or discharge hearings. As used in | ||||||
4 | this subsection, "conflict of interest" includes, but is not | ||||||
5 | limited to, (1) the existence of any professional relationship | ||||||
6 | within 2 years prior to conducting the survey or the hearing or | ||||||
7 | (2) a financial relationship between a surveyor or person | ||||||
8 | conducting an involuntary transfer or discharge hearing or his | ||||||
9 | or her immediate family and an establishment regulated by the | ||||||
10 | Department. As used in this subsection, "immediate family" | ||||||
11 | means a husband or wife, natural or adoptive parents, children, | ||||||
12 | siblings, stepparents, stepchildren, stepbrothers, | ||||||
13 | stepsisters, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brothers-in-law, | ||||||
14 | sisters-in-law, grandparents, and grandchildren. | ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 96-975, eff. 7-2-10.) | ||||||
16 | Section 10. The Nursing Home Care Act is amended by | ||||||
17 | changing Sections 1-111, 1-114.005, 1-128, 2-104, 2-111, | ||||||
18 | 3-202.05, 3-209, 3-305, 3-401, 3-401.1, 3-402, 3-404, 3-405, | ||||||
19 | 3-410, 3-411, and 3-413 and by adding Sections 3-305.6, | ||||||
20 | 3-413.1, and 3-424 as follows:
| ||||||
21 | (210 ILCS 45/1-111) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4151-111)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 1-111. "Discharge" means the full release of any | ||||||
23 | resident from a facility. "Discharge" includes a nursing | ||||||
24 | facility's failure to readmit following hospitalization, other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | medical leave, or other absence. | ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 81-223.)
| ||||||
3 | (210 ILCS 45/1-114.005) | ||||||
4 | Sec. 1-114.005. High risk designation. "High risk | ||||||
5 | designation" means a violation of a provision of the Illinois | ||||||
6 | Administrative Code or statute that has been identified by the | ||||||
7 | Department through rulemaking or designated in statute to be | ||||||
8 | inherently necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare | ||||||
9 | of a resident. "High risk designation" includes an unlawful | ||||||
10 | discharge of a resident.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 96-1372, eff. 7-29-10.)
| ||||||
12 | (210 ILCS 45/1-128) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4151-128)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 1-128.
"Transfer" means a change in status of a | ||||||
14 | resident's living
arrangements from one facility to another | ||||||
15 | facility. "Transfer" includes a nursing facility's failure to | ||||||
16 | readmit a resident following hospitalization, other medical | ||||||
17 | leave, or other absence, resulting in the resident being moved | ||||||
18 | to another institutional setting.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 81-223.)
| ||||||
20 | (210 ILCS 45/2-104) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4152-104)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 2-104.
(a) A resident shall be permitted to retain the | ||||||
22 | services
of his own personal physician at his own expense or | ||||||
23 | under an individual or
group plan of health insurance, or under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | any public or private
assistance program providing such | ||||||
2 | coverage. However, the facility is
not liable for the | ||||||
3 | negligence of any such personal physician. Every
resident shall | ||||||
4 | be permitted to obtain from his own physician or the
physician | ||||||
5 | attached to the facility complete and current information
| ||||||
6 | concerning his medical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in | ||||||
7 | terms and
language the resident can reasonably be expected to | ||||||
8 | understand. Every
resident shall be permitted to participate in | ||||||
9 | the planning of his total
care and medical treatment to the | ||||||
10 | extent that his condition permits. No
resident shall be | ||||||
11 | subjected to experimental research or treatment
without first | ||||||
12 | obtaining his informed, written consent. The conduct of
any | ||||||
13 | experimental research or treatment shall be authorized and | ||||||
14 | monitored
by an institutional review board appointed by the | ||||||
15 | Director. The
membership, operating procedures and review | ||||||
16 | criteria for the institutional
review board shall be prescribed | ||||||
17 | under rules and regulations of the
Department and shall comply | ||||||
18 | with the requirements for institutional review boards | ||||||
19 | established by the federal Food and Drug Administration. No | ||||||
20 | person who has received compensation in the prior 3 years from | ||||||
21 | an entity that manufactures, distributes, or sells | ||||||
22 | pharmaceuticals, biologics, or medical devices may serve on the | ||||||
23 | institutional review board. | ||||||
24 | The institutional review board may approve only research or | ||||||
25 | treatment that meets the standards of the federal Food and Drug | ||||||
26 | Administration with respect to (i) the protection of human |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subjects and (ii) financial disclosure by clinical | ||||||
2 | investigators. The Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman and | ||||||
3 | the State Protection and Advocacy organization shall be given | ||||||
4 | an opportunity to comment on any request for approval before | ||||||
5 | the board makes a decision. Those entities shall not be | ||||||
6 | provided information that would allow a potential human subject | ||||||
7 | to be individually identified, unless the board asks the | ||||||
8 | Ombudsman for help in securing information from or about the | ||||||
9 | resident. The board shall require frequent reporting of the | ||||||
10 | progress of the approved research or treatment and its impact | ||||||
11 | on residents, including immediate reporting of any adverse | ||||||
12 | impact to the resident, the resident's representative, the | ||||||
13 | Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman, and the State | ||||||
14 | Protection and Advocacy organization. The board may not approve | ||||||
15 | any retrospective study of the records of any resident about | ||||||
16 | the safety or efficacy of any care or treatment if the resident | ||||||
17 | was under the care of the proposed researcher or a business | ||||||
18 | associate when the care or treatment was given, unless the | ||||||
19 | study is under the control of a researcher without any business | ||||||
20 | relationship to any person or entity who could benefit from the | ||||||
21 | findings of the study. | ||||||
22 | No facility shall permit experimental research or | ||||||
23 | treatment to be conducted on a resident, or give access to any | ||||||
24 | person or person's records for a retrospective study about the | ||||||
25 | safety or efficacy of any care or treatment, without the prior | ||||||
26 | written approval of the institutional review board. No nursing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | home administrator, or person licensed by the State to provide | ||||||
2 | medical care or treatment to any person, may assist or | ||||||
3 | participate in any experimental research on or treatment of a | ||||||
4 | resident, including a retrospective study, that does not have | ||||||
5 | the prior written approval of the board. Such conduct shall be | ||||||
6 | grounds for professional discipline by the Department of | ||||||
7 | Financial and
Professional Regulation. | ||||||
8 | The institutional review board may exempt from ongoing | ||||||
9 | review research or treatment initiated on a resident before the | ||||||
10 | individual's admission to a facility and for which the board | ||||||
11 | determines there is adequate ongoing oversight by another | ||||||
12 | institutional review board. Nothing in this Section shall | ||||||
13 | prevent a facility, any facility employee, or any other person | ||||||
14 | from assisting or participating in any experimental research on | ||||||
15 | or treatment of a resident, if the research or treatment began | ||||||
16 | before the person's admission to a facility, until the board | ||||||
17 | has reviewed the research or treatment and decided to grant or | ||||||
18 | deny approval or to exempt the research or treatment from | ||||||
19 | ongoing review.
| ||||||
20 | The institutional review board requirements of this | ||||||
21 | subsection (a) do not apply to investigational drugs, | ||||||
22 | biological products, or devices used by a resident with a | ||||||
23 | terminal illness as set forth in the Right to Try Act. | ||||||
24 | (b) All medical treatment and procedures shall be | ||||||
25 | administered as
ordered by a physician. All new physician | ||||||
26 | orders shall be reviewed by the
facility's director of nursing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or charge nurse designee within 24 hours
after such orders have | ||||||
2 | been issued to assure facility compliance with such orders.
| ||||||
3 | All physician's orders and plans of treatment shall have | ||||||
4 | the authentication of the physician. For the purposes of this | ||||||
5 | subsection (b), "authentication" means an original written | ||||||
6 | signature or an electronic signature system that allows for the | ||||||
7 | verification of a signer's credentials. A stamp signature, with | ||||||
8 | or without initials, is not sufficient. | ||||||
9 | According to rules adopted by the Department, every woman | ||||||
10 | resident of
child-bearing age shall receive routine | ||||||
11 | obstetrical and gynecological
evaluations as well as necessary | ||||||
12 | prenatal care.
| ||||||
13 | (c) Every resident shall be permitted to refuse medical | ||||||
14 | treatment
and to know the consequences of such action, unless | ||||||
15 | such refusal would
be harmful to the health and safety of | ||||||
16 | others and such harm is
documented by a physician in the | ||||||
17 | resident's clinical record. The
resident's refusal shall free | ||||||
18 | the facility from the obligation to
provide the treatment. If a | ||||||
19 | resident's refusal of treatment does not endanger other | ||||||
20 | residents or staff, then the refusal of treatment is not | ||||||
21 | grounds for discharge.
| ||||||
22 | (d) Every resident, resident's guardian, or parent if the | ||||||
23 | resident
is a minor shall be permitted to inspect and copy all | ||||||
24 | his clinical and
other records concerning his care and | ||||||
25 | maintenance kept by the facility
or by his physician. The | ||||||
26 | facility may charge a reasonable fee for
duplication of a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | record.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 99-270, eff. 1-1-16 .)
| ||||||
3 | (210 ILCS 45/2-111) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4152-111)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 2-111.
A resident shall not be transferred or | ||||||
5 | discharged in violation of this Act. A resident may not be | ||||||
6 | charged for any period during which the resident was unlawfully | ||||||
7 | denied the right to reside in a facility. A resident may be | ||||||
8 | discharged from a facility after he gives
the administrator, a | ||||||
9 | physician, or a nurse of the facility
written notice of his | ||||||
10 | desire to be discharged. If a guardian has been appointed
for a | ||||||
11 | resident or if the resident is a minor, the resident shall be | ||||||
12 | discharged
upon written consent of his guardian or if the | ||||||
13 | resident is a minor, his
parent unless there is a court order | ||||||
14 | to the contrary. In such cases, upon
the resident's
discharge, | ||||||
15 | the facility is relieved from any responsibility for the | ||||||
16 | resident's
care, safety or well-being. A resident has the right | ||||||
17 | to not be unlawfully transferred or discharged. An unlawful | ||||||
18 | transfer or discharge is, at minimum, a type A violation.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 81-223.)
| ||||||
20 | (210 ILCS 45/3-202.05) | ||||||
21 | Sec. 3-202.05. Staffing ratios effective July 1, 2010 and | ||||||
22 | thereafter. | ||||||
23 | (a) For the purpose of computing staff to resident ratios, | ||||||
24 | direct care staff shall include: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) registered nurses; | ||||||
2 | (2) licensed practical nurses; | ||||||
3 | (3) certified nurse assistants; | ||||||
4 | (4) psychiatric services rehabilitation aides; | ||||||
5 | (5) rehabilitation and therapy aides; | ||||||
6 | (6) psychiatric services rehabilitation coordinators; | ||||||
7 | (7) assistant directors of nursing; | ||||||
8 | (8) 50% of the Director of Nurses' time; and | ||||||
9 | (9) 30% of the Social Services Directors' time. | ||||||
10 | The Department shall, by rule, allow certain facilities | ||||||
11 | subject to 77 Ill. Admin. Code 300.4000 and following (Subpart | ||||||
12 | S) to utilize specialized clinical staff, as defined in rules, | ||||||
13 | to count towards the staffing ratios. | ||||||
14 | Within 120 days of the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
15 | Act of the 97th General Assembly, the Department shall | ||||||
16 | promulgate rules specific to the staffing requirements for | ||||||
17 | facilities federally defined as Institutions for Mental | ||||||
18 | Disease. These rules shall recognize the unique nature of | ||||||
19 | individuals with chronic mental health conditions, shall | ||||||
20 | include minimum requirements for specialized clinical staff, | ||||||
21 | including clinical social workers, psychiatrists, | ||||||
22 | psychologists, and direct care staff set forth in paragraphs | ||||||
23 | (4) through (6) and any other specialized staff which may be | ||||||
24 | utilized and deemed necessary to count toward staffing ratios. | ||||||
25 | Within 120 days of the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
26 | Act of the 97th General Assembly, the Department shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | promulgate rules specific to the staffing requirements for | ||||||
2 | facilities licensed under the Specialized Mental Health | ||||||
3 | Rehabilitation Act of 2013. These rules shall recognize the | ||||||
4 | unique nature of individuals with chronic mental health | ||||||
5 | conditions, shall include minimum requirements for specialized | ||||||
6 | clinical staff, including clinical social workers, | ||||||
7 | psychiatrists, psychologists, and direct care staff set forth | ||||||
8 | in paragraphs (4) through (6) and any other specialized staff | ||||||
9 | which may be utilized and deemed necessary to count toward | ||||||
10 | staffing ratios. | ||||||
11 | (b) (Blank). Beginning January 1, 2011, and thereafter, | ||||||
12 | light intermediate care shall be staffed at the same staffing | ||||||
13 | ratio as intermediate care. | ||||||
14 | (b-5) For purposes of the minimum staffing ratios in this | ||||||
15 | Section, all residents shall be classified as requiring either | ||||||
16 | skilled care or intermediate care. | ||||||
17 | As used in this subsection: | ||||||
18 | "Skilled care" means skilled nursing care, continuous | ||||||
19 | skilled nursing observations, restorative nursing, and other | ||||||
20 | services under professional direction with frequent medical | ||||||
21 | supervision. | ||||||
22 | "Intermediate care" means basic nursing care and other | ||||||
23 | restorative services under periodic medical direction. | ||||||
24 | (c) Facilities shall notify the Department within 60 days | ||||||
25 | after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th | ||||||
26 | General Assembly, in a form and manner prescribed by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department, of the staffing ratios in effect on the effective | ||||||
2 | date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly for | ||||||
3 | both intermediate and skilled care and the number of residents | ||||||
4 | receiving each level of care. | ||||||
5 | (d)(1) Effective July 1, 2010, for each resident needing | ||||||
6 | skilled care, a minimum staffing ratio of 2.5 hours of nursing | ||||||
7 | and personal care each day must be provided; for each resident | ||||||
8 | needing intermediate care, 1.7 hours of nursing and personal | ||||||
9 | care each day must be provided. | ||||||
10 | (2) Effective January 1, 2011, the minimum staffing ratios | ||||||
11 | shall be increased to 2.7 hours of nursing and personal care | ||||||
12 | each day for a resident needing skilled care and 1.9 hours of | ||||||
13 | nursing and personal care each day for a resident needing | ||||||
14 | intermediate care. | ||||||
15 | (3) Effective January 1, 2012, the minimum staffing ratios | ||||||
16 | shall be increased to 3.0 hours of nursing and personal care | ||||||
17 | each day for a resident needing skilled care and 2.1 hours of | ||||||
18 | nursing and personal care each day for a resident needing | ||||||
19 | intermediate care. | ||||||
20 | (4) Effective January 1, 2013, the minimum staffing ratios | ||||||
21 | shall be increased to 3.4 hours of nursing and personal care | ||||||
22 | each day for a resident needing skilled care and 2.3 hours of | ||||||
23 | nursing and personal care each day for a resident needing | ||||||
24 | intermediate care. | ||||||
25 | (5) Effective January 1, 2014, the minimum staffing ratios | ||||||
26 | shall be increased to 3.8 hours of nursing and personal care |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | each day for a resident needing skilled care and 2.5 hours of | ||||||
2 | nursing and personal care each day for a resident needing | ||||||
3 | intermediate care.
| ||||||
4 | (e) Ninety days after the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
5 | Act of the 97th General Assembly, a minimum of 25% of nursing | ||||||
6 | and personal care time shall be provided by licensed nurses, | ||||||
7 | with at least 10% of nursing and personal care time provided by | ||||||
8 | registered nurses. These minimum requirements shall remain in | ||||||
9 | effect until an acuity based registered nurse requirement is | ||||||
10 | promulgated by rule concurrent with the adoption of the | ||||||
11 | Resource Utilization Group classification-based payment | ||||||
12 | methodology, as provided in Section 5-5.2 of the Illinois | ||||||
13 | Public Aid Code. Registered nurses and licensed practical | ||||||
14 | nurses employed by a facility in excess of these requirements | ||||||
15 | may be used to satisfy the remaining 75% of the nursing and | ||||||
16 | personal care time requirements. Notwithstanding this | ||||||
17 | subsection, no staffing requirement in statute in effect on the | ||||||
18 | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General | ||||||
19 | Assembly shall be reduced on account of this subsection. | ||||||
20 | (f) The Department shall adopt rules by January 1, 2018 | ||||||
21 | establishing a system for determining compliance with minimum | ||||||
22 | direct care staffing standards. Compliance shall be determined | ||||||
23 | at least quarterly using the Center for Medicare and Medicaid | ||||||
24 | Services' payroll-based journal and nursing home facility | ||||||
25 | census and payroll data, which shall be obtained quarterly by | ||||||
26 | the Department. The Department shall, at minimum, use the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | quarterly payroll-based journal and census data to calculate | ||||||
2 | the number of hours provided per resident day, and compare this | ||||||
3 | ratio to the minimums required by this Section. | ||||||
4 | (g) The Department shall adopt rules by January 1, 2018 | ||||||
5 | establishing financial penalties for facilities out of | ||||||
6 | compliance with minimum staffing standards. Monetary penalties | ||||||
7 | shall be imposed beginning no later than October 1, 2018, and | ||||||
8 | quarterly thereafter, for the latest quarter for which the | ||||||
9 | Department has data. Monetary penalties shall be established | ||||||
10 | based on a formula that calculates the cost of wages and | ||||||
11 | benefits for the missing staff hours, and in no circumstances | ||||||
12 | shall be less than twice the calculated cost of wages and | ||||||
13 | benefits for the missing staff hours during the quarter, or the | ||||||
14 | minimum penalty for a Type B violation, whichever is greater. | ||||||
15 | The penalty shall be imposed regardless of whether the facility | ||||||
16 | has committed other violations of this Act during the quarter. | ||||||
17 | The penalty may not be waived. Nothing in this Section shall | ||||||
18 | preclude a facility from being given a high risk designation | ||||||
19 | for failure to comply with this Section that, when cited with | ||||||
20 | other violations of this Act, increases the | ||||||
21 | otherwise-applicable penalty. | ||||||
22 | (h) A violation of the minimum staffing requirements under | ||||||
23 | this Section is, at minimum, a Type B violation. | ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)
| ||||||
25 | (210 ILCS 45/3-209) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-209)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 3-209.
Every facility shall conspicuously post for | ||||||
2 | display in an
area of its offices accessible to residents, | ||||||
3 | employees, and visitors the
| ||||||
4 | (1) Its current license;
| ||||||
5 | (2) A description, provided by the Department, of complaint
| ||||||
6 | procedures established under this Act and the name, address, | ||||||
7 | and
telephone number of a person authorized by the Department | ||||||
8 | to receive
| ||||||
9 | (3) A copy of any order pertaining to the facility issued | ||||||
10 | by the
Department or a court; and
| ||||||
11 | (4) A list of the material available for public inspection | ||||||
12 | under
Section 3-210.
| ||||||
13 | (5) A facility that has received a notice of violation for | ||||||
14 | having violated the minimum staffing requirements of Section | ||||||
15 | 3-202.05 shall display for 3 months following the date that the | ||||||
16 | notice of violation was issued, a notice that it did not have | ||||||
17 | enough staff to meet the needs of the facility's residents | ||||||
18 | during the quarter cited in the notice of violation. | ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 81-1349.)
| ||||||
20 | (210 ILCS 45/3-305) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-305)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 3-305.
The license of a facility which is in violation | ||||||
22 | of this Act
or any rule adopted thereunder may be subject to | ||||||
23 | the penalties or fines
levied by the Department as specified in | ||||||
24 | this Section.
| ||||||
25 | (1) A licensee who commits a Type "AA" violation as defined |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in Section 1-128.5
is automatically issued a conditional | ||||||
2 | license for a period of 6 months
to coincide with an acceptable | ||||||
3 | plan of correction and assessed a fine up to $25,000 per | ||||||
4 | violation.
| ||||||
5 | (1.5) A licensee who commits a Type "A" violation as | ||||||
6 | defined in Section 1-129 is automatically issued a conditional | ||||||
7 | license for a period of 6 months to coincide with an acceptable | ||||||
8 | plan of correction and assessed a fine of up to $12,500 per | ||||||
9 | violation. | ||||||
10 | (2) A licensee who commits a Type "B" violation as defined | ||||||
11 | in Section 1-130 shall be assessed a fine of up to $1,100 per | ||||||
12 | violation or the penalty specified in subsection (g) of Section | ||||||
13 | 3-202.05, whichever is greater .
| ||||||
14 | (2.5) A licensee who commits 10 or more Type "C" | ||||||
15 | violations, as defined in Section 1-132, in a single survey | ||||||
16 | shall be assessed a fine of up to $250 per violation. A | ||||||
17 | licensee who commits one or more Type "C" violations with a | ||||||
18 | high risk designation, as defined by rule, shall be assessed a | ||||||
19 | fine of up to $500 per violation. | ||||||
20 | (3) A licensee who commits a Type "AA" or Type "A" | ||||||
21 | violation as defined in Section 1-128.5 or
1-129 which | ||||||
22 | continues beyond the time specified in paragraph (a) of Section
| ||||||
23 | 3-303 which is cited as a repeat violation shall have its | ||||||
24 | license revoked
and shall be assessed a fine of 3 times the | ||||||
25 | fine computed per resident per
day under subsection (1).
| ||||||
26 | (4) A licensee who fails to satisfactorily comply with an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | accepted
plan of correction for a Type "B" violation or an | ||||||
2 | administrative warning
issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 | ||||||
3 | through 3-413 or the rules promulgated
thereunder shall be | ||||||
4 | automatically issued a conditional license for a period
of not | ||||||
5 | less than 6 months. A second or subsequent acceptable plan of
| ||||||
6 | correction shall be filed. A fine shall be assessed in | ||||||
7 | accordance with
subsection (2) when cited for the repeat | ||||||
8 | violation. This fine shall be
computed for all days of the | ||||||
9 | violation, including the duration of the first
plan of | ||||||
10 | correction compliance time.
| ||||||
11 | (5) For the purpose of computing a penalty under | ||||||
12 | subsections (2) through
(4), the number of residents per day | ||||||
13 | shall be based on the average number
of residents in the | ||||||
14 | facility during the 30 days preceding the discovery
of the | ||||||
15 | violation.
| ||||||
16 | (6) When the Department finds that a provision of Article | ||||||
17 | II has been
violated with regard to a particular resident, the | ||||||
18 | Department shall issue
an order requiring the facility to | ||||||
19 | reimburse the resident for injuries
incurred, or $100, | ||||||
20 | whichever is greater. In the case of a violation
involving any | ||||||
21 | action other than theft of money belonging to a resident,
| ||||||
22 | reimbursement shall be ordered only if a provision of Article | ||||||
23 | II has been
violated with regard to that or any other resident | ||||||
24 | of the facility within
the 2 years immediately preceding the | ||||||
25 | violation in question.
| ||||||
26 | (7) For purposes of assessing fines under this Section, a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | repeat
violation shall be a violation which has been cited | ||||||
2 | during one inspection
of the facility for which an accepted | ||||||
3 | plan of correction was not complied
with or a new citation of | ||||||
4 | the same rule if the licensee is not substantially addressing | ||||||
5 | the issue routinely
throughout the facility.
| ||||||
6 | (7.5) If an occurrence results in more than one type of | ||||||
7 | violation as defined in this Act (that is, a Type "AA", Type | ||||||
8 | "A", Type "B", or Type "C" violation), the Department shall | ||||||
9 | assess only one fine, which shall not exceed the maximum fine | ||||||
10 | that may be assessed for the most serious type of violation | ||||||
11 | charged. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a Type "AA" | ||||||
12 | violation is the most serious type of violation that may be | ||||||
13 | charged, followed by a Type "A", Type "B", or Type "C" | ||||||
14 | violation, in that order. | ||||||
15 | (8) The minimum and maximum fines that may be assessed | ||||||
16 | pursuant to this Section shall be twice those otherwise | ||||||
17 | specified for any facility that willfully makes a misstatement | ||||||
18 | of fact to the Department, or willfully fails to make a | ||||||
19 | required notification to the Department, if that misstatement | ||||||
20 | or failure delays the start of a surveyor or impedes a survey. | ||||||
21 | (9) High risk designation. If the Department finds that a | ||||||
22 | facility has violated a provision of the Illinois | ||||||
23 | Administrative Code that has a high risk designation, or that a | ||||||
24 | facility has violated the same provision of the Illinois | ||||||
25 | Administrative Code 3 or more times in the previous 12 months, | ||||||
26 | the Department may assess a fine of up to 2 times the maximum |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | fine otherwise allowed. | ||||||
2 | (10) If a licensee has paid a civil monetary penalty | ||||||
3 | imposed pursuant to the Medicare and Medicaid Certification | ||||||
4 | Program for the equivalent federal violation giving rise to a | ||||||
5 | fine under this Section, the Department shall offset the fine | ||||||
6 | by the amount of the civil monetary penalty. The offset may not | ||||||
7 | reduce the fine by more than 75% of the original fine, however. | ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)
| ||||||
9 | (210 ILCS 45/3-305.6 new) | ||||||
10 | Sec. 3-305.6. Failure to readmit a resident. A facility | ||||||
11 | that fails to comply with an order of the Department to readmit | ||||||
12 | a resident, shall be assessed a daily fine of $250. The fine | ||||||
13 | shall be assessed beginning on the date of the surveyor | ||||||
14 | inspection required by Section 3-413.1. The fine shall be | ||||||
15 | imposed for every day thereafter until the facility notifies | ||||||
16 | the Department that the facility is in compliance with the | ||||||
17 | order and a surveyor makes an on-site inspection that confirms | ||||||
18 | compliance or the resident or resident's representative | ||||||
19 | confirms to the Department in writing that there is compliance. | ||||||
20 | The on-site inspection shall be made within 3 days of the | ||||||
21 | notification by the facility. | ||||||
22 | As used in this Section, "compliance with the order" means | ||||||
23 | a resident is living in a facility, or a facility and a | ||||||
24 | resident have agreed on a schedule for readmission. If a | ||||||
25 | resident subsequently notifies the Department that a facility |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | is not complying with an agreed-upon schedule, a surveyor shall | ||||||
2 | make an on-site inspection to determine compliance within 3 | ||||||
3 | days of the notification.
| ||||||
4 | (210 ILCS 45/3-401) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-401)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 3-401.
A facility may involuntarily transfer or | ||||||
6 | discharge a resident
only for one or more of the following | ||||||
7 | reasons:
| ||||||
8 | (a) the facility is unable to meet the medical needs of | ||||||
9 | the resident, as documented in the resident's clinical | ||||||
10 | record by his or her physician for medical reasons ;
| ||||||
11 | (b) for the resident's physical safety;
| ||||||
12 | (c) for the physical safety of other residents, the | ||||||
13 | facility staff or
facility visitors; or
| ||||||
14 | (d) for either late payment or nonpayment for the | ||||||
15 | resident's stay, except
as prohibited by Titles XVIII and | ||||||
16 | XIX of the federal Social
Security Act. For purposes of | ||||||
17 | this Section, "late payment" means non-receipt
of payment | ||||||
18 | after submission of a bill. If payment is not received | ||||||
19 | within 45
days after submission of a bill, a facility may | ||||||
20 | send a notice to the resident
and responsible party | ||||||
21 | requesting payment within 30 days. If payment is not
| ||||||
22 | received within such 30 days, the facility may thereupon | ||||||
23 | institute transfer
or discharge proceedings by
sending a | ||||||
24 | notice of transfer or discharge to the resident and | ||||||
25 | responsible
party by registered or certified mail. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | notice shall state, in addition
to the requirements of | ||||||
2 | Section 3-403 of this Act, that the responsible
party has | ||||||
3 | the right to pay the amount of the bill in full up to the | ||||||
4 | date
the transfer or discharge is to be made and then the | ||||||
5 | resident shall have
the right to remain in the facility. | ||||||
6 | Such payment shall terminate the
transfer or discharge | ||||||
7 | proceedings. This subsection does not apply to those
| ||||||
8 | residents whose care is provided for under the Illinois | ||||||
9 | Public Aid Code.
The Department shall adopt rules setting | ||||||
10 | forth the criteria and procedures
to be applied in cases of | ||||||
11 | involuntary transfer or discharge permitted
under this | ||||||
12 | Section.
| ||||||
13 | Prior to issuing the notice of transfer or discharge of a | ||||||
14 | resident under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this Section, an | ||||||
15 | attending physician shall conduct an in-person assessment, | ||||||
16 | with the findings documented in the resident's clinical record. | ||||||
17 | In the absence of other bases for transfer or discharge | ||||||
18 | listed in this Section, and unless it has complied with the | ||||||
19 | prior notice and other procedural requirements of this Act, a | ||||||
20 | facility may not refuse to readmit a resident following a | ||||||
21 | medical leave of absence if the resident's need for care does | ||||||
22 | not exceed the provisions of the facility's license. | ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
| ||||||
24 | (210 ILCS 45/3-401.1) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-401.1)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 3-401.1. (a) A facility participating in the Medical |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Assistance
Program is prohibited from failing or refusing to | ||||||
2 | retain as a resident any
person because he or she is a | ||||||
3 | recipient of or an applicant for the Medical
Assistance | ||||||
4 | Program. A resident who is in the process of appealing the | ||||||
5 | denial of his or her application for the Medical Assistance | ||||||
6 | Program is considered to be a Medicaid applicant under this | ||||||
7 | Section.
| ||||||
8 | (a-5) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of | ||||||
9 | 1997, a facility
of which only a distinct part is certified to | ||||||
10 | participate in the Medical
Assistance Program may refuse to | ||||||
11 | retain as a resident any person who resides in
a part of the | ||||||
12 | facility that does not participate in the Medical Assistance
| ||||||
13 | Program and who is unable to pay for his or her care in the | ||||||
14 | facility without
Medical Assistance only if:
| ||||||
15 | (1) the facility, no later than at the time of | ||||||
16 | admission
and at the time of the resident's contract
| ||||||
17 | renewal,
explains to the
resident (unless he or she is | ||||||
18 | incompetent), and to the resident's
representative, and to | ||||||
19 | the person making payment on behalf of the resident for
the | ||||||
20 | resident's stay, in writing, that the facility may | ||||||
21 | discharge the resident
if the
resident is no longer able to | ||||||
22 | pay for his or her care in the facility without
Medical | ||||||
23 | Assistance;
| ||||||
24 | (2) the resident (unless he or she is incompetent), the | ||||||
25 | resident's
representative, and the person making payment | ||||||
26 | on behalf of the resident for the
resident's stay, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | acknowledge in writing that they have received the written
| ||||||
2 | explanation.
| ||||||
3 | (a-10) For the purposes of this Section, a recipient or
| ||||||
4 | applicant shall be considered a resident in the facility during | ||||||
5 | any
hospital stay totaling 10 days or less following a hospital | ||||||
6 | admission.
The Department of Healthcare and Family Services | ||||||
7 | shall recoup funds from a facility
when, as a result of the | ||||||
8 | facility's refusal to readmit a recipient after
| ||||||
9 | hospitalization for 10 days or less, the recipient incurs | ||||||
10 | hospital bills in
an amount greater than the amount that would | ||||||
11 | have been paid by that
Department (formerly the Illinois | ||||||
12 | Department of Public Aid) for care of the recipient in the | ||||||
13 | facility. The amount of the
recoupment shall be the difference | ||||||
14 | between the Department of Healthcare and Family Services' | ||||||
15 | (formerly the Illinois Department of
Public Aid's) payment for | ||||||
16 | hospital care and the amount that Department
would have paid | ||||||
17 | for care in the facility.
| ||||||
18 | (b) A facility which violates this Section shall be guilty | ||||||
19 | of a business
offense and fined not less than $500 nor more | ||||||
20 | than $1,000 for the first
offense and not less than $1,000 nor | ||||||
21 | more than $5,000 for each subsequent
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
| ||||||
23 | (210 ILCS 45/3-402) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-402) | ||||||
24 | Sec. 3-402. Involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident | ||||||
25 | from a facility
shall be preceded by the discussion required |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under Section 3-408 and by
a minimum written notice
of 30 21 | ||||||
2 | days, except in one of the following instances: | ||||||
3 | (a) When an emergency transfer or discharge is ordered
by | ||||||
4 | the resident's attending physician because of the resident's | ||||||
5 | health
care needs upon an attending physician completing an | ||||||
6 | in-person assessment . | ||||||
7 | (b) When the transfer or discharge is mandated by the | ||||||
8 | physical safety of
other residents, the facility staff, or | ||||||
9 | facility visitors, as
documented in the clinical record.
The | ||||||
10 | Department , the Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman, and | ||||||
11 | the resident's managed care organization, if applicable, shall | ||||||
12 | be notified prior to any such involuntary transfer
or | ||||||
13 | discharge. The Department shall immediately offer transfer, or | ||||||
14 | discharge
and relocation assistance to residents transferred | ||||||
15 | or discharged under this
subparagraph (b), and the Department | ||||||
16 | may place relocation teams as
provided in Section 3-419 of this | ||||||
17 | Act. | ||||||
18 | (c) When an identified offender is within the provisional | ||||||
19 | admission period defined in Section 1-120.3. If the Identified | ||||||
20 | Offender Report and Recommendation prepared under Section | ||||||
21 | 2-201.6 shows that the identified offender poses a serious | ||||||
22 | threat or danger to the physical safety of other residents, the | ||||||
23 | facility staff, or facility visitors in the admitting facility | ||||||
24 | and the facility determines that it is unable to provide a safe | ||||||
25 | environment for the other residents, the facility staff, or | ||||||
26 | facility visitors, the facility shall transfer or discharge the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | identified offender within 3 days after its receipt of the | ||||||
2 | Identified Offender Report and Recommendation. | ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 96-1372, eff. 7-29-10.)
| ||||||
4 | (210 ILCS 45/3-404) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-404)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 3-404.
A request for a hearing made under Section | ||||||
6 | 3-403 shall stay
a transfer or discharge pending a hearing or | ||||||
7 | appeal of the decision, unless a condition
which would have | ||||||
8 | allowed transfer or discharge in less than 30 21 days as | ||||||
9 | described
under paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 3-402 | ||||||
10 | develops in the interim.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 81-223.)
| ||||||
12 | (210 ILCS 45/3-405) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-405)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 3-405. A copy of the notice required by Section 3-402 | ||||||
14 | shall be placed
in the resident's clinical record and a copy | ||||||
15 | shall be transmitted to the
Department, the resident, and the | ||||||
16 | resident's representative , if any, the resident's managed care | ||||||
17 | organization, if applicable, and the Office of State Long Term | ||||||
18 | Care Ombudsman .
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 97-820, eff. 7-17-12.)
| ||||||
20 | (210 ILCS 45/3-410) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-410)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 3-410.
A resident subject to involuntary transfer or | ||||||
22 | discharge from
a facility, the resident's guardian or if the | ||||||
23 | resident is a minor, his parent
shall have the opportunity to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | file a request for a hearing with the Department
within 10 days | ||||||
2 | following receipt of the written notice
of the involuntary | ||||||
3 | transfer or discharge by the facility. A long term care | ||||||
4 | ombudsman may request a hearing on behalf of the resident, and | ||||||
5 | secure representation for the resident, if, in the judgment of | ||||||
6 | the long term care ombudsman, doing so is in the best interests | ||||||
7 | of the resident, and the resident does not object.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 81-223.)
| ||||||
9 | (210 ILCS 45/3-411) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-411)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 3-411. The Department of Public Health, when the basis | ||||||
11 | for
involuntary transfer or discharge is other than action by | ||||||
12 | the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
| ||||||
13 | Department
of Public Aid) with respect to the Title XIX | ||||||
14 | Medicaid recipient, shall
hold a hearing at the resident's | ||||||
15 | facility not later than 10 days after a
hearing request is | ||||||
16 | filed, and render a decision within 14 days after the
filing of | ||||||
17 | the hearing request. Once a request for a hearing is filed, the | ||||||
18 | Department shall hold a hearing unless the request is withdrawn | ||||||
19 | by the resident. If the request for a hearing is withdrawn | ||||||
20 | based upon a representation made by the facility to the | ||||||
21 | resident and the Department, including the hearing officer, | ||||||
22 | that a resident who has been denied readmission will be | ||||||
23 | readmitted, and the resident or resident representative | ||||||
24 | notifies the Department that the facility is still denying | ||||||
25 | readmission, failure to readmit is considered failure to comply |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with a Department order to readmit pursuant to Section 3-305.6, | ||||||
2 | including the imposition of a daily fine under Section 3-305.6.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
| ||||||
4 | (210 ILCS 45/3-413) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-413)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 3-413.
If the Department determines that a transfer or | ||||||
6 | discharge
is authorized under Section 3-401, the resident shall | ||||||
7 | not be required to
leave the facility before the 34th day | ||||||
8 | following receipt of the notice required
under Section 3-402, | ||||||
9 | or the 10th day following receipt of the Department's
decision, | ||||||
10 | whichever is later, unless a condition which would have allowed
| ||||||
11 | transfer or discharge in less than 30 21 days as described | ||||||
12 | under paragraphs
(a) and (b) of Section 3-402 develops in the | ||||||
13 | interim.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 81-223.)
| ||||||
15 | (210 ILCS 45/3-413.1 new) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 3-413.1. Denial of transfer or discharge. If the | ||||||
17 | Department determines that a transfer or discharge is not | ||||||
18 | authorized under Section 3-401, then the Department shall issue | ||||||
19 | a written decision stating that the transfer or discharge is | ||||||
20 | denied. If the action of the facility giving rise to the | ||||||
21 | request for hearings is the facility's failure to readmit the | ||||||
22 | resident following hospitalization, other medical leave of | ||||||
23 | absence, or other absence, then the Department shall order the | ||||||
24 | immediate readmission of the resident to the facility. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | facility shall comply with the order immediately. A surveyor | ||||||
2 | shall make an on-site inspection of the facility's compliance | ||||||
3 | with the order within 3 days of the order's entry unless the | ||||||
4 | resident notifies the Department in writing that there is | ||||||
5 | compliance. | ||||||
6 | (210 ILCS 45/3-424 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 3-424. Conflict of interest. The Department shall | ||||||
8 | adopt rules providing for a prohibition on conflicts of | ||||||
9 | interest for surveyors and all persons who conduct involuntary | ||||||
10 | transfer or discharge hearings. As used in this Section, | ||||||
11 | "conflict of interest" includes, but is not limited to, the | ||||||
12 | existence of any professional relationship within 2 years prior | ||||||
13 | to conducting the survey or the hearing, or a financial | ||||||
14 | relationship between (1) a surveyor or person conducting an | ||||||
15 | involuntary transfer or discharge hearing or their immediate | ||||||
16 | family, and (2) a facility regulated by the Department. As used | ||||||
17 | in this Section, "immediate family" means husband or wife, | ||||||
18 | natural or adoptive parents, children, siblings, stepparents, | ||||||
19 | stepchildren, stepbrothers, stepsisters, father-in-law, | ||||||
20 | mother-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, grandparents, | ||||||
21 | and grandchildren.
| ||||||
22 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
23 | becoming law.".