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1 | AN ACT concerning violence research.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Impact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | of Crime-related Violence on Public Health Research Act. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Section 5. Definition. As used in this Act, "Center" means | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | the Impact of Crime-related Violence on Public Health Research | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Center. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Section 10. Impact of Crime-related Violence on Public | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Health Research Center. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | (a) An Impact of Crime-related Violence on Public Health | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Research Center to study the impact of crime-related violence | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | on the public health of vulnerable and diverse populations in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | the State is established to be administered by the University | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | of
Illinois under the following principles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | (1) Interdisciplinary work of the Center shall address | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | the
following: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | (A) The nature of crime-related violence, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | including individual and
societal determinants of risk | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | for involvement in crime-related violence,
whether as | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | a victim or a perpetrator. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | (B) The individual, community, and societal public |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | health consequences and economic impact of
| ||||||
2 | crime-related violence, including clinical care, | ||||||
3 | long-term care consequences for victims, health | ||||||
4 | services research, medical education, and | ||||||
5 | community-based studies, with the goal of improving | ||||||
6 | the health of the citizens of this State by the | ||||||
7 | significant reduction of crime-related violence. | ||||||
8 | (C) Prevention and treatment of crime-related | ||||||
9 | violence at the
individual, community, and societal | ||||||
10 | levels. | ||||||
11 | (2) The Center shall conduct basic, translational, and
| ||||||
12 | transformative research with a mission to provide the | ||||||
13 | scientific
evidence on which sound crime-related violence | ||||||
14 | prevention policies and
programs can be based. Its research | ||||||
15 | shall include, but is not limited to, the
effectiveness of | ||||||
16 | existing laws and policies intended to reduce | ||||||
17 | crime-related violence, including, but not limited to, the | ||||||
18 | criminal misuse of a weapon, and efforts to reduce and | ||||||
19 | deter any criminally violent activities. | ||||||
20 | (3) The Center shall work on a continuing basis with
| ||||||
21 | policymakers in the General Assembly and State agencies to | ||||||
22 | identify,
implement, and evaluate innovative crime-related | ||||||
23 | violence prevention
policies and programs. | ||||||
24 | (4) To help ensure a long-term and successful effort to
| ||||||
25 | understand and prevent crime-related violence, the Center | ||||||
26 | shall recruit
and provide specialized training |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | opportunities for new researchers,
including experienced | ||||||
2 | investigators in related fields who are
beginning work on | ||||||
3 | crime-related violence, young investigators who have
| ||||||
4 | completed their education, postdoctoral scholars, doctoral | ||||||
5 | students,
and undergraduates. | ||||||
6 | (5) The Center may enter into contracts or agreements | ||||||
7 | with any agency or department
of this State or any other | ||||||
8 | state or states' agencies, private universities, | ||||||
9 | organizations, or institutions, or the United States to | ||||||
10 | carry out the provisions
of this Act. | ||||||
11 | (6) The Center may receive and disburse funds in | ||||||
12 | accordance with the purposes stated
in this Act. | ||||||
13 | (b) On or before
December 31, 2019, and every 5 years | ||||||
14 | thereafter, the University
of Illinois shall transmit | ||||||
15 | programmatic, as well as financial, reports
to the General | ||||||
16 | Assembly and the Governor, including a report on the grants | ||||||
17 | made, pending grants,
program accomplishments, and the future | ||||||
18 | direction of the Center. | ||||||
19 | (c) Subject to the conditions and requirements established
| ||||||
20 | elsewhere in law, State agencies, including, but not
limited | ||||||
21 | to, the Criminal Justice Information Authority, the Department | ||||||
22 | of State Police, the Department of
Public Health, the | ||||||
23 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services, and the
Secretary | ||||||
24 | of State, and local agencies, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
25 | sheriffs, state's attorneys, municipal police departments, | ||||||
26 | coroners, and medical examiners shall provide to the Center, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | upon
proper request, the data necessary for the Center to | ||||||
2 | conduct its
research. The Center may share any information | ||||||
3 | collected by it with other state violence research centers | ||||||
4 | similar to it and any crime laboratory or violence research | ||||||
5 | center connected with a college or university. | ||||||
6 | (d) The Center and all recipients of grants supported by | ||||||
7 | the
Center shall provide copies of their research publications
| ||||||
8 | to the General Assembly and to agencies supplying data used in | ||||||
9 | the
conduct of that research as soon as is practicable | ||||||
10 | following
publication. The Center shall establish a website for | ||||||
11 | the purpose of electronically publishing the Center's research | ||||||
12 | publications, submitting data or other information, and | ||||||
13 | receiving suggestions for research requests. | ||||||
14 | (e) The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois | ||||||
15 | shall establish and operate an Impact of Crime-related Violence
| ||||||
16 | Research Center and administer the Center and grant program | ||||||
17 | consistent with the principles and goals
of this Act. | ||||||
18 | Section 15. Fund; grants. | ||||||
19 | (a) An Impact of Crime-related
Violence on Public Health | ||||||
20 | Research Center Fund is created as a special fund in the State | ||||||
21 | treasury and shall be used to support the research and | ||||||
22 | activities of the Impact of Crime-related
Violence on Public | ||||||
23 | Health Research Center. Moneys from fees, gifts, grants, and | ||||||
24 | donations received by the Center shall also be deposited into | ||||||
25 | the Impact of Crime-related
Violence on Public Health Research |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Center Fund. The Center may also seek
additional federal, | ||||||
2 | State, and private funds. | ||||||
3 | (b) As a supplement to its own research, the Impact of | ||||||
4 | Crime-related
Violence on Public Health Research Center shall
| ||||||
5 | administer a small grants program for research on crime-related | ||||||
6 | violence,
funded through the Crime-related Violence
on Public | ||||||
7 | Health Research Center Fund. All research funds shall be | ||||||
8 | awarded on
the basis of scientific merit as determined by an | ||||||
9 | open, competitive
peer review process that assures | ||||||
10 | objectivity, consistency, and high
quality. All qualified | ||||||
11 | investigators, regardless of institutional
affiliation, shall | ||||||
12 | have equal access and opportunity to compete for
the funds. The | ||||||
13 | peer review process for the selection of grants awarded
under | ||||||
14 | this program shall be modeled on the process used by the
| ||||||
15 | National Institutes of Health in its grantmaking process. | ||||||
16 | Section 105. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | ||||||
17 | Section 5.878 as follows: | ||||||
18 | (30 ILCS 105/5.878 new) | ||||||
19 | Sec. 5.878. Impact of Crime-related
Violence on Public | ||||||
20 | Health Research Center Fund. | ||||||
21 | Section 110. The University of Illinois Act is amended by | ||||||
22 | adding Section 12.6 as follows: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (110 ILCS 305/12.6 new) | ||||||
2 | Sec. 12.6. Impact of Crime-related
Violence on Public | ||||||
3 | Health Research Center. The University of Illinois shall carry | ||||||
4 | out the duties and responsibilities required of it under the | ||||||
5 | Impact of Crime-related Violence on Public Health Research Act.