| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning transportation.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 2-123 and 6-118 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (625 ILCS 5/2-123) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 2-123)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 2-123. Sale and Distribution of Information.
| ||||||
8 | (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the | ||||||
9 | Secretary may make the
driver's license, vehicle and title | ||||||
10 | registration lists, in part or in whole,
and any statistical | ||||||
11 | information derived from these lists available to local
| ||||||
12 | governments, elected state officials, state educational | ||||||
13 | institutions, and all
other governmental units of the State and | ||||||
14 | Federal
requesting them for governmental purposes. | ||||||
15 | The Secretary shall require any such
applicant for services to | ||||||
16 | pay for the costs of furnishing such services and the
use of | ||||||
17 | the equipment involved, and in addition is empowered to | ||||||
18 | establish prices
and charges for the services so furnished and | ||||||
19 | for the use of the electronic
equipment utilized.
| ||||||
20 | (b) The Secretary is further empowered to and he may, in | ||||||
21 | his discretion,
furnish to any applicant, other than listed in | ||||||
22 | subsection (a) of this Section,
vehicle or driver data on a | ||||||
23 | computer tape, disk, other electronic format or
computer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | processable medium, or printout at a fixed fee of
$250 for | ||||||
2 | orders received before October 1, 2003 and $500 for orders | ||||||
3 | received
on or after October 1, 2003, in advance, and require | ||||||
4 | in addition a
further sufficient
deposit based upon the | ||||||
5 | Secretary of State's estimate of the total cost of the
| ||||||
6 | information requested and a charge of $25 for orders received | ||||||
7 | before October
1, 2003 and $50 for orders received on or after | ||||||
8 | October 1, 2003, per 1,000
units or part
thereof identified or | ||||||
9 | the actual cost, whichever is greater. The Secretary is
| ||||||
10 | authorized to refund any difference between the additional | ||||||
11 | deposit and the
actual cost of the request. This service shall | ||||||
12 | not be in lieu of an abstract
of a driver's record nor of a | ||||||
13 | title or registration search. This service may
be limited to | ||||||
14 | entities purchasing a minimum number of records as required by
| ||||||
15 | administrative rule. The information
sold pursuant to this | ||||||
16 | subsection shall be the entire vehicle or driver data
list, or | ||||||
17 | part thereof. The information sold pursuant to this subsection
| ||||||
18 | shall not contain personally identifying information unless | ||||||
19 | the information is
to be used for one of the purposes | ||||||
20 | identified in subsection (f-5) of this
Section. Commercial | ||||||
21 | purchasers of driver and vehicle record databases shall
enter | ||||||
22 | into a written agreement with the Secretary of State that | ||||||
23 | includes
disclosure of the commercial use of the information to | ||||||
24 | be purchased. | ||||||
25 | (b-1) The Secretary is further empowered to and may, in his | ||||||
26 | or her discretion, furnish vehicle or driver data on a computer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | tape, disk, or other electronic format or computer processible | ||||||
2 | medium, at no fee, to any State or local governmental agency | ||||||
3 | that uses the information provided by the Secretary to transmit | ||||||
4 | data back to the Secretary that enables the Secretary to | ||||||
5 | maintain accurate driving records, including dispositions of | ||||||
6 | traffic cases. This information may be provided without fee not | ||||||
7 | more often than once every 6 months.
| ||||||
8 | (c) Secretary of State may issue registration lists. The | ||||||
9 | Secretary
of State may compile a list of all registered
| ||||||
10 | vehicles. Each list of registered vehicles shall be arranged | ||||||
11 | serially
according to the registration numbers assigned to | ||||||
12 | registered vehicles and
may contain in addition the names and | ||||||
13 | addresses of registered owners and
a brief description of each | ||||||
14 | vehicle including the serial or other
identifying number | ||||||
15 | thereof. Such compilation may be in such form as in the
| ||||||
16 | discretion of the Secretary of State may seem best for the | ||||||
17 | purposes intended.
| ||||||
18 | (d) The Secretary of State shall furnish no more than 2 | ||||||
19 | current available
lists of such registrations to the sheriffs | ||||||
20 | of all counties and to the chiefs
of police of all cities and | ||||||
21 | villages and towns of 2,000 population and over
in this State | ||||||
22 | at no cost. Additional copies may be purchased by the sheriffs
| ||||||
23 | or chiefs of police at the fee
of $500 each or at the cost of | ||||||
24 | producing the list as determined
by the Secretary of State. | ||||||
25 | Such lists are to be used for governmental
purposes only.
| ||||||
26 | (e) (Blank).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (e-1) (Blank).
| ||||||
2 | (f) The Secretary of State shall make a title or | ||||||
3 | registration search of the
records of his office and a written | ||||||
4 | report on the same for any person, upon
written application of | ||||||
5 | such person, accompanied by a fee of $5 for
each registration | ||||||
6 | or title search. The written application shall set forth
the | ||||||
7 | intended use of the requested information. No fee shall be | ||||||
8 | charged for a
title or
registration search, or for the | ||||||
9 | certification thereof requested by a government
agency. The | ||||||
10 | report of the title or registration search shall not contain
| ||||||
11 | personally identifying information unless the request for a | ||||||
12 | search was made for
one of the purposes identified in | ||||||
13 | subsection (f-5) of this Section. The report of the title or | ||||||
14 | registration search shall not contain highly
restricted | ||||||
15 | personal
information unless specifically authorized by this | ||||||
16 | Code.
| ||||||
17 | The Secretary of State shall certify a title or | ||||||
18 | registration record upon
written request. The fee for | ||||||
19 | certification shall be $5 in addition
to the fee required for a | ||||||
20 | title or registration search. Certification shall
be made under | ||||||
21 | the signature of the Secretary of State and shall be
| ||||||
22 | authenticated by Seal of the Secretary of State.
| ||||||
23 | The Secretary of State may notify the vehicle owner or | ||||||
24 | registrant of
the request for purchase of his title or | ||||||
25 | registration information as the
Secretary deems appropriate.
| ||||||
26 | No information shall be released to the requestor until |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expiration of a
10 day period. This 10 day period shall not | ||||||
2 | apply to requests for
information made by law enforcement | ||||||
3 | officials, government agencies,
financial institutions, | ||||||
4 | attorneys, insurers, employers, automobile
associated | ||||||
5 | businesses, persons licensed as a private detective or firms
| ||||||
6 | licensed as a private detective agency under the Private | ||||||
7 | Detective, Private
Alarm, Private Security, Fingerprint | ||||||
8 | Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004, who are employed by or are
| ||||||
9 | acting on
behalf of law enforcement officials, government | ||||||
10 | agencies, financial
institutions, attorneys, insurers, | ||||||
11 | employers, automobile associated businesses,
and other | ||||||
12 | business entities for purposes consistent with the Illinois | ||||||
13 | Vehicle
Code, the vehicle owner or registrant or other entities | ||||||
14 | as the Secretary may
exempt by rule and regulation.
| ||||||
15 | Any misrepresentation made by a requestor of title or | ||||||
16 | vehicle information
shall be punishable as a petty offense, | ||||||
17 | except in the case of persons
licensed as a private detective | ||||||
18 | or firms licensed as a private detective agency
which shall be | ||||||
19 | subject to disciplinary sanctions under Section 40-10 of the
| ||||||
20 | Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, | ||||||
21 | Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004.
| ||||||
22 | (f-5) The Secretary of State shall not disclose or | ||||||
23 | otherwise make
available to
any person or entity any personally | ||||||
24 | identifying information obtained by the
of State in | ||||||
25 | connection with a driver's license, vehicle, or title | ||||||
26 | registration
unless the information is disclosed for one |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the following purposes:
| ||||||
2 | (1) For use by any government agency, including any | ||||||
3 | court or law
enforcement agency, in carrying out its | ||||||
4 | functions, or any private person or
entity acting on behalf | ||||||
5 | of a federal, State, or local agency in carrying out
| ||||||
6 | functions.
| ||||||
7 | (2) For use in connection with matters of motor vehicle | ||||||
8 | or driver safety
and theft; motor vehicle emissions; motor | ||||||
9 | vehicle product alterations, recalls,
or advisories; | ||||||
10 | performance monitoring of motor vehicles, motor vehicle | ||||||
11 | parts,
and dealers; and removal of non-owner records from | ||||||
12 | the original owner
records of motor vehicle manufacturers.
| ||||||
13 | (3) For use in the normal course of business by a | ||||||
14 | legitimate business or
its agents, employees, or | ||||||
15 | contractors, but only:
| ||||||
16 | (A) to verify the accuracy of personal information | ||||||
17 | submitted by
an individual to the business or its | ||||||
18 | agents, employees, or contractors;
| ||||||
19 | (B) if such information as so submitted is not | ||||||
20 | correct or is no
longer correct, to obtain the correct | ||||||
21 | information, but only for the
purposes of preventing | ||||||
22 | fraud by, pursuing legal remedies against, or
| ||||||
23 | recovering on a debt or security interest against, the | ||||||
24 | individual.
| ||||||
25 | (4) For use in research activities and for use in | ||||||
26 | producing statistical
reports, if the personally |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | identifying information is not published,
redisclosed, or | ||||||
2 | used to
contact individuals.
| ||||||
3 | (5) For use in connection with any civil, criminal, | ||||||
4 | administrative, or
arbitral proceeding in any federal, | ||||||
5 | State, or local court or agency or before
| ||||||
6 | self-regulatory body, including the service of process, | ||||||
7 | investigation in
anticipation of litigation, and the | ||||||
8 | execution or enforcement of judgments and
orders, or | ||||||
9 | pursuant to an order of a federal, State, or local court.
| ||||||
10 | (6) For use by any insurer or insurance support | ||||||
11 | organization or by a
self-insured entity or its agents, | ||||||
12 | employees, or contractors in connection with
claims | ||||||
13 | investigation activities, antifraud activities, rating, or | ||||||
14 | underwriting.
| ||||||
15 | (7) For use in providing notice to the owners of towed | ||||||
16 | or
impounded vehicles.
| ||||||
17 | (8) For use by any person licensed as a private | ||||||
18 | detective or firm licensed as a private
detective agency | ||||||
19 | under
the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private | ||||||
20 | Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of
2004, | ||||||
21 | private investigative agency or security service
licensed | ||||||
22 | in Illinois for any purpose permitted under this | ||||||
23 | subsection.
| ||||||
24 | (9) For use by an employer or its agent or insurer to | ||||||
25 | obtain or verify
information relating to a holder of a | ||||||
26 | commercial driver's license that is
required under chapter |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 313 of title 49 of the United States Code.
| ||||||
2 | (10) For use in connection with the operation of | ||||||
3 | private toll
transportation facilities.
| ||||||
4 | (11) For use by any requester, if the requester | ||||||
5 | demonstrates it has
obtained the written consent of the | ||||||
6 | individual to whom the information
| ||||||
7 | (12) For use by members of the news media, as defined | ||||||
8 | in
Section 1-148.5, for the purpose of newsgathering when | ||||||
9 | the request relates to
operation of a motor vehicle or | ||||||
10 | public safety.
| ||||||
11 | (13) For any other use specifically authorized by law, | ||||||
12 | if that use is
related to the operation of a motor vehicle | ||||||
13 | or public safety. | ||||||
14 | (f-6) The Secretary of State shall not disclose or | ||||||
15 | otherwise make
available to any
person or entity any highly | ||||||
16 | restricted personal information obtained by the
Secretary of
| ||||||
17 | State in connection with a driver's license, vehicle, or
title | ||||||
18 | registration
record unless
specifically authorized by this | ||||||
19 | Code.
| ||||||
20 | (g) 1. The Secretary of State may, upon receipt of a | ||||||
21 | written request
and a fee as set forth in Section 6-118 of | ||||||
22 | $6 before October 1, 2003 and a fee of $12 on and after | ||||||
23 | October
1, 2003 , furnish to the person or agency so | ||||||
24 | requesting a
driver's record or data contained therein . | ||||||
25 | Such document may include a record of: current driver's
| ||||||
26 | license issuance information, except that the information |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | on judicial driving
permits shall be available only as | ||||||
2 | otherwise provided by this Code;
convictions; orders | ||||||
3 | entered revoking, suspending or cancelling a
| ||||||
4 | license or privilege; and notations of accident | ||||||
5 | involvement. All other
information, unless otherwise | ||||||
6 | permitted by
this Code, shall remain confidential. | ||||||
7 | Information released pursuant to a
request for a driver's | ||||||
8 | record shall not contain personally identifying
| ||||||
9 | information, unless the request for the driver's record was | ||||||
10 | made for one of the
purposes set forth in subsection (f-5) | ||||||
11 | of this Section. The Secretary of State may, without fee, | ||||||
12 | allow a parent or guardian of a person under the age of 18 | ||||||
13 | years, who holds an instruction permit or graduated | ||||||
14 | driver's license, to view that person's driving record | ||||||
15 | online, through a computer connection.
The parent or | ||||||
16 | guardian's online access to the driving record will | ||||||
17 | terminate when the instruction permit or graduated | ||||||
18 | driver's license holder reaches the age of 18.
| ||||||
19 | 2. The Secretary of State shall not disclose or | ||||||
20 | otherwise make available
to any
person or
entity any highly | ||||||
21 | restricted personal information obtained by the Secretary | ||||||
22 | of
State in
connection with a driver's license, vehicle, or | ||||||
23 | title
registration record
unless specifically
authorized | ||||||
24 | by this Code. The Secretary of State may certify an | ||||||
25 | abstract of a driver's record
upon written request | ||||||
26 | therefor. Such certification
shall be made under the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | signature of the Secretary of State and shall be
| ||||||
2 | authenticated by the Seal of his office.
| ||||||
3 | 3. All requests for driving record information shall be | ||||||
4 | made in a manner
prescribed by the Secretary and shall set | ||||||
5 | forth the intended use of the
requested information.
| ||||||
6 | The Secretary of State may notify the affected driver | ||||||
7 | of the request
for purchase of his driver's record as the | ||||||
8 | Secretary deems appropriate.
| ||||||
9 | No information shall be released to the requester until | ||||||
10 | expiration of a
10 day period. This 10 day period shall not | ||||||
11 | apply to requests for information
made by law enforcement | ||||||
12 | officials, government agencies, financial institutions,
| ||||||
13 | attorneys, insurers, employers, automobile associated | ||||||
14 | businesses, persons
licensed as a private detective or | ||||||
15 | firms licensed as a private detective agency
under the | ||||||
16 | Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, | ||||||
17 | Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act
of 2004,
who are | ||||||
18 | employed by or are acting on behalf of law enforcement | ||||||
19 | officials,
government agencies, financial institutions, | ||||||
20 | attorneys, insurers, employers,
automobile associated | ||||||
21 | businesses, and other business entities for purposes
| ||||||
22 | consistent with the Illinois Vehicle Code, the affected | ||||||
23 | driver or other
entities as the Secretary may exempt by | ||||||
24 | rule and regulation.
| ||||||
25 | Any misrepresentation made by a requestor of driver | ||||||
26 | information shall
be punishable as a petty offense, except |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in the case of persons licensed as
a private detective or | ||||||
2 | firms licensed as a private detective agency which shall
be | ||||||
3 | subject to disciplinary sanctions under Section 40-10 of | ||||||
4 | the Private
Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, | ||||||
5 | Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004.
| ||||||
6 | 4. The Secretary of State may furnish without fee, upon | ||||||
7 | the written
request of a law enforcement agency, any | ||||||
8 | information from a driver's
record on file with the | ||||||
9 | Secretary of State when such information is required
in the | ||||||
10 | enforcement of this Code or any other law relating to the | ||||||
11 | operation
of motor vehicles, including records of | ||||||
12 | dispositions; documented
information involving the use of | ||||||
13 | a motor vehicle; whether such individual
has, or previously | ||||||
14 | had, a driver's license; and the address and personal
| ||||||
15 | description as reflected on said driver's record.
| ||||||
16 | 5. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the | ||||||
17 | Secretary of
State may furnish, without fee, information | ||||||
18 | from an individual driver's
record on file, if a written | ||||||
19 | request therefor is submitted
by any public transit system | ||||||
20 | or authority, public defender, law enforcement
agency, a | ||||||
21 | state or federal agency, or an Illinois local | ||||||
22 | intergovernmental
association, if the request is for the | ||||||
23 | purpose of a background check of
applicants for employment | ||||||
24 | with the requesting agency, or for the purpose of
an | ||||||
25 | official investigation conducted by the agency, or to | ||||||
26 | determine a
current address for the driver so public funds |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | can be recovered or paid to
the driver, or for any other | ||||||
2 | purpose set forth in subsection (f-5)
of this Section.
| ||||||
3 | The Secretary may also furnish the courts a copy of an | ||||||
4 | abstract of a
driver's record, without fee, subsequent to | ||||||
5 | an arrest for a violation of
Section 11-501 or a similar | ||||||
6 | provision of a local ordinance. Such abstract
may include | ||||||
7 | records of dispositions; documented information involving
| ||||||
8 | the use of a motor vehicle as contained in the current | ||||||
9 | file; whether such
individual has, or previously had, a | ||||||
10 | driver's license; and the address and
personal description | ||||||
11 | as reflected on said driver's record.
| ||||||
12 | 6. Any certified abstract issued by the Secretary of | ||||||
13 | State or
transmitted electronically by the Secretary of | ||||||
14 | State pursuant to this
to a court or on request of | ||||||
15 | a law enforcement agency, for the record of a
named person | ||||||
16 | as to the status of the person's driver's license shall be
| ||||||
17 | prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated and if the | ||||||
18 | name appearing
in such abstract is the same as that of a | ||||||
19 | person named in an information or
warrant, such abstract | ||||||
20 | shall be prima facie evidence that the person named
in such | ||||||
21 | information or warrant is the same person as the person | ||||||
22 | named in
such abstract and shall be admissible for any | ||||||
23 | prosecution under this Code and
be admitted as proof of any | ||||||
24 | prior conviction or proof of records, notices, or
orders | ||||||
25 | recorded on individual driving records maintained by the | ||||||
26 | Secretary of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 7. Subject to any restrictions contained in the | ||||||
2 | Juvenile Court Act of
1987, and upon receipt of a proper | ||||||
3 | request and a fee as set forth in Section 6-118 of $6 | ||||||
4 | before October 1,
2003 and a fee of $12 on or after October | ||||||
5 | 1, 2003 , the
Secretary of
State shall provide a driver's | ||||||
6 | record or data contained therein to the affected driver, or | ||||||
7 | the affected
driver's attorney, upon verification. Such | ||||||
8 | record shall contain all the
information referred to in | ||||||
9 | paragraph 1 of this subsection (g) plus: any
recorded | ||||||
10 | accident involvement as a driver; information recorded | ||||||
11 | pursuant to
subsection (e) of Section 6-117 and paragraph | ||||||
12 | (4) of subsection (a) of
Section 6-204 of this Code. All | ||||||
13 | other information, unless otherwise permitted
by this | ||||||
14 | Code, shall remain confidential.
| ||||||
15 | (h) The Secretary shall not disclose social security | ||||||
16 | numbers or any associated information obtained from the Social | ||||||
17 | Security Administration except pursuant
to a written request | ||||||
18 | by, or with the prior written consent of, the
individual | ||||||
19 | except: (1) to officers and employees of the Secretary
have | ||||||
20 | a need to know the social security numbers in performance of | ||||||
21 | their
official duties, (2) to law enforcement officials for a | ||||||
22 | lawful, civil or
criminal law enforcement investigation, and if | ||||||
23 | the head of the law enforcement
agency has made a written | ||||||
24 | request to the Secretary specifying the law
enforcement | ||||||
25 | investigation for which the social security numbers are being
| ||||||
26 | sought, (3) to the United States Department of Transportation, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or any other
State, pursuant to the administration and | ||||||
2 | enforcement of the Commercial
Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, | ||||||
3 | (4) pursuant to the order of a court
of competent jurisdiction, | ||||||
4 | (5) to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services | ||||||
5 | (formerly Department of Public Aid) for
in the | ||||||
6 | child support enforcement duties assigned to that Department | ||||||
7 | under
provisions of the Illinois Public Aid Code after the | ||||||
8 | individual has received advanced
meaningful notification of | ||||||
9 | what redisclosure is sought by the Secretary in
accordance with | ||||||
10 | the federal Privacy Act, (5.5) to the Department of Healthcare | ||||||
11 | and Family Services and the Department of Human Services solely | ||||||
12 | for the purpose of verifying Illinois residency where such | ||||||
13 | residency is an eligibility requirement for benefits under the | ||||||
14 | Illinois Public Aid Code or any other health benefit program | ||||||
15 | administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
16 | Services or the Department of Human Services, (6) to the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Department of Revenue solely for use by the Department | ||||||
18 | in the collection of any tax or debt that the Department of | ||||||
19 | Revenue is authorized or required by law to collect, provided | ||||||
20 | that the Department shall not disclose the social security | ||||||
21 | number to any person or entity outside of the Department, or | ||||||
22 | (7) to the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs for the | ||||||
23 | purpose of confirming veteran status.
| ||||||
24 | (i) (Blank).
| ||||||
25 | (j) Medical statements or medical reports received in the | ||||||
26 | Secretary of
State's Office shall be confidential. Except as |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | provided in this Section, no confidential information may be
| ||||||
2 | open to public inspection or the contents disclosed to anyone, | ||||||
3 | except
officers and employees of the Secretary who have a need | ||||||
4 | to know the information
contained in the medical reports and | ||||||
5 | the Driver License Medical Advisory
Board, unless so directed | ||||||
6 | by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction. If the | ||||||
7 | Secretary receives a medical report regarding a driver that | ||||||
8 | does not address a medical condition contained in a previous | ||||||
9 | medical report, the Secretary may disclose the unaddressed | ||||||
10 | medical condition to the driver or his or her physician, or | ||||||
11 | both, solely for the purpose of submission of a medical report | ||||||
12 | that addresses the condition.
| ||||||
13 | (k) Disbursement of fees collected under this Section shall | ||||||
14 | be as follows: (1) of the $12 fee for a driver's record, $3 | ||||||
15 | shall be paid into the Secretary of State Special Services | ||||||
16 | Fund, and $6 shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund; (2) | ||||||
17 | 50% of the amounts collected under subsection (b) shall be paid | ||||||
18 | into the General Revenue Fund; and (3) all remaining fees shall | ||||||
19 | be disbursed under subsection (g) of Section 2-119 of this | ||||||
20 | Code.
| ||||||
21 | (l) (Blank).
| ||||||
22 | (m) Notations of accident involvement that may be disclosed | ||||||
23 | under this
Section shall not include notations relating to | ||||||
24 | damage to a vehicle or other
property being transported by a | ||||||
25 | tow truck. This information shall remain
confidential, | ||||||
26 | provided that nothing in this subsection (m) shall limit
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | disclosure of any notification of accident involvement to any | ||||||
2 | law enforcement
agency or official.
| ||||||
3 | (n) Requests made by the news media for driver's license, | ||||||
4 | vehicle, or
title registration information may be furnished | ||||||
5 | without charge or at a reduced
charge, as determined by the | ||||||
6 | Secretary, when the specific purpose for
requesting the | ||||||
7 | documents is deemed to be in the public interest. Waiver or
| ||||||
8 | reduction of the fee is in the public interest if the principal | ||||||
9 | purpose of the
request is to access and disseminate information | ||||||
10 | regarding the health, safety,
and welfare or the legal rights | ||||||
11 | of the general public and is not for the
principal purpose of | ||||||
12 | gaining a personal or commercial benefit.
The information | ||||||
13 | provided pursuant to this subsection shall not contain
| ||||||
14 | personally identifying information unless the information is | ||||||
15 | to be used for one
of the
purposes identified in subsection | ||||||
16 | (f-5) of this Section.
| ||||||
17 | (o) The redisclosure of personally identifying information
| ||||||
18 | obtained
to this Section is prohibited, except to the | ||||||
19 | extent necessary to effectuate the
for which the | ||||||
20 | original disclosure of the information was permitted.
| ||||||
21 | (p) The Secretary of State is empowered to adopt rules
| ||||||
22 | effectuate this Section.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 99-127, eff. 1-1-16 .)
| ||||||
24 | (625 ILCS 5/6-118)
| ||||||
25 | Sec. 6-118. Fees. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) The fee for licenses and permits under this
Article is | ||||||
2 | as follows: | ||||||
3 | Original driver's license .............................$30 | ||||||
4 | Original or renewal driver's license | ||||||
5 | issued to 18, 19 and 20 year olds .................. 5 | ||||||
6 | All driver's licenses for persons | ||||||
7 | age 69 through age 80 .............................. 5 | ||||||
8 | All driver's licenses for persons | ||||||
9 | age 81 through age 86 .............................. 2 | ||||||
10 | All driver's licenses for persons | ||||||
11 | age 87 or older .....................................0 | ||||||
12 | Renewal driver's license (except for | ||||||
13 | applicants ages 18, 19 and 20 or | ||||||
14 | age 69 and older) ..................................30 | ||||||
15 | Original instruction permit issued to | ||||||
16 | persons (except those age 69 and older) | ||||||
17 | who do not hold or have not previously | ||||||
18 | held an Illinois instruction permit or | ||||||
19 | driver's license .................................. 20 | ||||||
20 | Instruction permit issued to any person | ||||||
21 | holding an Illinois driver's license | ||||||
22 | who wishes a change in classifications, | ||||||
23 | other than at the time of renewal .................. 5 | ||||||
24 | Any instruction permit issued to a person | ||||||
25 | age 69 and older ................................... 5 | ||||||
26 | Instruction permit issued to any person, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under age 69, not currently holding a | ||||||
2 | valid Illinois driver's license or | ||||||
3 | instruction permit but who has | ||||||
4 | previously been issued either document | ||||||
5 | in Illinois ....................................... 10 | ||||||
6 | Restricted driving permit .............................. 8 | ||||||
7 | Monitoring device driving permit ...................... 8 | ||||||
8 | Duplicate or corrected driver's license | ||||||
9 | or permit .......................................... 5 | ||||||
10 | Duplicate or corrected restricted | ||||||
11 | driving permit ..................................... 5 | ||||||
12 | Duplicate or corrected monitoring | ||||||
13 | device driving permit .................................. 5 | ||||||
14 | Duplicate driver's license or permit issued to | ||||||
15 | an active-duty member of the | ||||||
16 | United States Armed Forces, | ||||||
17 | the member's spouse, or | ||||||
18 | the dependent children living | ||||||
19 | with the member ................................... 0 | ||||||
20 | Original or renewal M or L endorsement ................. 5 | ||||||
22 | The fees for commercial driver licenses and permits | ||||||
23 | under Article V
shall be as follows: | ||||||
24 | Commercial driver's license: | ||||||
25 | $6 for the CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund | ||||||
26 | (Commercial Driver's License Information |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | System/American Association of Motor Vehicle | ||||||
2 | Administrators network/National Motor Vehicle | ||||||
3 | Title Information Service Trust Fund); | ||||||
4 | $20 for the Motor Carrier Safety Inspection Fund; | ||||||
5 | $10 for the driver's license; | ||||||
6 | and $24 for the CDL: ............................. $60 | ||||||
7 | Renewal commercial driver's license: | ||||||
8 | $6 for the CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund; | ||||||
9 | $20 for the Motor Carrier Safety Inspection Fund; | ||||||
10 | $10 for the driver's license; and | ||||||
11 | $24 for the CDL: ................................. $60 | ||||||
12 | Commercial learner's permit | ||||||
13 | issued to any person holding a valid | ||||||
14 | Illinois driver's license for the | ||||||
15 | purpose of changing to a | ||||||
16 | CDL classification: $6 for the | ||||||
17 | CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund; | ||||||
18 | $20 for the Motor Carrier | ||||||
19 | Safety Inspection Fund; and | ||||||
20 | $24 for the CDL classification ................... $50 | ||||||
21 | Commercial learner's permit | ||||||
22 | issued to any person holding a valid | ||||||
23 | Illinois CDL for the purpose of | ||||||
24 | making a change in a classification, | ||||||
25 | endorsement or restriction ........................ $5 | ||||||
26 | CDL duplicate or corrected license .................... $5 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | In order to ensure the proper implementation of the Uniform | ||||||
2 | Commercial
Driver License Act, Article V of this Chapter, the | ||||||
3 | Secretary of State is
empowered to pro-rate the $24 fee for the | ||||||
4 | commercial driver's license
proportionate to the expiration | ||||||
5 | date of the applicant's Illinois driver's
license. | ||||||
6 | The fee for any duplicate license or permit shall be waived | ||||||
7 | for any
person who presents the Secretary of State's office | ||||||
8 | with a
police report showing that his license or permit was | ||||||
9 | stolen. | ||||||
10 | The fee for any duplicate license or permit shall be waived | ||||||
11 | for any
person age 60 or older whose driver's license or permit | ||||||
12 | has been lost or stolen. | ||||||
13 | No additional fee shall be charged for a driver's license, | ||||||
14 | or for a
commercial driver's license, when issued
to the holder | ||||||
15 | of an instruction permit for the same classification or
type of | ||||||
16 | license who becomes eligible for such
license. | ||||||
17 | (a-5) The fee for a driver's record or data contained | ||||||
18 | therein is $12. | ||||||
19 | (b) Any person whose license or privilege to operate a | ||||||
20 | motor vehicle
in this State has been suspended or revoked under | ||||||
21 | Section 3-707, any
provision of
Chapter 6, Chapter 11, or | ||||||
22 | Section 7-205, 7-303, or 7-702 of the Family
| ||||||
23 | Responsibility Law of this Code, shall in addition to any other
| ||||||
24 | fees required by this Code, pay a reinstatement fee as follows: | ||||||
25 | Suspension under Section 3-707 .....................
| ||||||
26 | Suspension under Section 11-1431 ....................$100 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Summary suspension under Section 11-501.1 ...........$250
| ||||||
2 | Suspension under Section 11-501.9 ...................$250 | ||||||
3 | Summary revocation under Section 11-501.1 ............$500 | ||||||
4 | Other suspension ......................................$70 | ||||||
5 | Revocation ...........................................$500 | ||||||
6 | However, any person whose license or privilege to operate a | ||||||
7 | motor vehicle
in this State has been suspended or revoked for a | ||||||
8 | second or subsequent time
for a violation of Section 11-501, | ||||||
9 | 11-501.1, or 11-501.9
of this Code or a similar provision of a | ||||||
10 | local ordinance
or a similar out-of-state offense
or Section | ||||||
11 | 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012
| ||||||
12 | and each suspension or revocation was for a violation of | ||||||
13 | Section 11-501,
11-501.1, or 11-501.9 of this Code or a similar | ||||||
14 | provision of a local ordinance
or a similar out-of-state | ||||||
15 | offense
or Section
9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the | ||||||
16 | Criminal Code of 2012
shall pay, in addition to any other
fees | ||||||
17 | required by this Code, a
fee as follows: | ||||||
18 | Summary suspension under Section 11-501.1 ............$500 | ||||||
19 | Suspension under Section 11-501.9 ...................$500 | ||||||
20 | Summary revocation under Section 11-501.1 ............$500 | ||||||
21 | Revocation ...........................................$500 | ||||||
22 | (c) All fees collected under the provisions of this Chapter | ||||||
23 | 6 shall be disbursed under subsection (g) of Section 2-119 of | ||||||
24 | this Code,
except as follows: | ||||||
25 | 1. The following amounts shall be paid into the Drivers | ||||||
26 | Education Fund: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (A) $16 of the $20
fee for an original driver's | ||||||
2 | instruction permit; | ||||||
3 | (B) $5 of the $30 fee for an original driver's | ||||||
4 | license; | ||||||
5 | (C) $5 of the $30 fee for a 4 year renewal driver's | ||||||
6 | license;
| ||||||
7 | (D) $4 of the $8 fee for a restricted driving | ||||||
8 | permit; and | ||||||
9 | (E) $4 of the $8 fee for a monitoring device | ||||||
10 | driving permit. | ||||||
11 | 2. $30 of the $250 fee for reinstatement of a
| ||||||
12 | summarily suspended under Section 11-501.1 or suspended | ||||||
13 | under Section 11-501.9 shall be deposited into the
Drunk | ||||||
14 | and Drugged Driving Prevention Fund.
However, for a person | ||||||
15 | whose license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle
in | ||||||
16 | this State has been suspended or revoked for a second or | ||||||
17 | subsequent time for
a violation of Section 11-501, | ||||||
18 | 11-501.1, or 11-501.9 of this Code or Section 9-3 of the
| ||||||
19 | Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012,
$190 of | ||||||
20 | the $500 fee for reinstatement of a license summarily
| ||||||
21 | suspended under
Section 11-501.1 or suspended under | ||||||
22 | Section 11-501.9,
and $190 of the $500 fee for | ||||||
23 | reinstatement of a revoked license
shall be deposited into | ||||||
24 | the Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Fund. $190 of the | ||||||
25 | $500 fee for reinstatement of a license summarily revoked | ||||||
26 | pursuant to Section 11-501.1 shall be deposited into the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Fund. | ||||||
2 | 3. $6 of the original or renewal fee for a commercial | ||||||
3 | driver's
license and $6 of the commercial learner's permit | ||||||
4 | fee when the
permit is issued to any person holding a valid | ||||||
5 | Illinois driver's license,
shall be paid into the | ||||||
6 | CDLIS/AAMVAnet/NMVTIS Trust Fund. | ||||||
7 | 4. $30 of the $70 fee for reinstatement of a license | ||||||
8 | suspended
under the
Financial Responsibility Law | ||||||
9 | shall be paid into the Family Responsibility
Fund. | ||||||
10 | 5. The $5 fee for each original or renewal M or L | ||||||
11 | endorsement shall be
deposited into the Cycle Rider Safety | ||||||
12 | Training Fund. | ||||||
13 | 6. $20 of any original or renewal fee for a commercial | ||||||
14 | driver's
license or commercial learner's permit shall be | ||||||
15 | paid into the Motor
Carrier Safety Inspection Fund. | ||||||
16 | 7. The following amounts shall be paid into the General | ||||||
17 | Revenue Fund: | ||||||
18 | (A) $190 of the $250 reinstatement fee for a | ||||||
19 | summary suspension under
Section 11-501.1 or a | ||||||
20 | suspension under Section 11-501.9; | ||||||
21 | (B) $40 of the $70 reinstatement fee for any other | ||||||
22 | suspension provided
in subsection (b) of this Section; | ||||||
23 | and | ||||||
24 | (C) $440 of the $500 reinstatement fee for a first | ||||||
25 | offense revocation
and $310 of the $500 reinstatement | ||||||
26 | fee for a second or subsequent revocation. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 8. Fees collected under paragraph (4) of subsection (d) | ||||||
2 | and subsection (h) of Section 6-205 of this Code; | ||||||
3 | subparagraph (C) of paragraph 3 of subsection (c) of | ||||||
4 | Section 6-206 of this Code; and paragraph (4) of subsection | ||||||
5 | (a) of Section 6-206.1 of this Code, shall be paid into the | ||||||
6 | funds set forth in those Sections. | ||||||
7 | (d) All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by | ||||||
8 | this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall be | ||||||
9 | deposited into the Capital Projects Fund. | ||||||
10 | (e) The additional fees imposed by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
11 | the 96th General Assembly shall become effective 90 days after | ||||||
12 | becoming law. | ||||||
13 | (f) As used in this Section, "active-duty member of the | ||||||
14 | United States Armed Forces" means a member of the Armed | ||||||
15 | Services or Reserve Forces of the United States or a member of | ||||||
16 | the Illinois National Guard who is called to active duty | ||||||
17 | pursuant to an executive order of the President of the United | ||||||
18 | States, an act of the Congress of the United States, or an | ||||||
19 | order of the Governor. | ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 98-176 (see Section 10 of P.A. 98-722 and Section | ||||||
21 | 10 of P.A. 99-414 for the effective date of changes made by | ||||||
22 | P.A. 98-176); 98-177, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; | ||||||
23 | 98-1172, eff. 1-12-15; 99-127, eff. 1-1-16; 99-438, eff. | ||||||
24 | 1-1-16; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16; 99-933, eff. 1-27-17.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
26 | becoming law.