| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning local government.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 1. Legislative intent. It is the intent of the | ||||||
5 | General Assembly that this Act further the intent of Section 5 | ||||||
6 | of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, which states, in | ||||||
7 | relevant part, that townships "may be consolidated or merged, | ||||||
8 | and one or more townships may be dissolved or divided, when | ||||||
9 | approved by referendum in each township affected". | ||||||
10 | Transferring the powers and duties of one or more dissolved | ||||||
11 | McHenry County townships into the county, as the supervising | ||||||
12 | unit of local government within which the township or townships | ||||||
13 | are situated, will reduce the overall number of local | ||||||
14 | governmental units within our State. This reduction is declared | ||||||
15 | to be a strong goal of Illinois public policy. | ||||||
16 | Section 5. The Election Code is amended by changing Section | ||||||
17 | 28-7 as follows:
| ||||||
18 | (10 ILCS 5/28-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 28-7)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 28-7.
Except as provided in Article 24 of the Township | ||||||
20 | Code, in In any case in which Article VII or paragraph (a) of | ||||||
21 | Section 5 of
Transition Schedule of the Constitution | ||||||
22 | authorizes any action to be
taken by or with respect to any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | unit of local government, as defined in
Section 1 of Article | ||||||
2 | VII of the Constitution, by or subject to approval
by | ||||||
3 | referendum, any such public question shall be initiated in
| ||||||
4 | accordance with this Section.
| ||||||
5 | Any such public question may be initiated by the governing | ||||||
6 | body of the
unit of local government by resolution or by the | ||||||
7 | filing with the clerk or
secretary of the
governmental unit of | ||||||
8 | a petition signed by a number of qualified electors
equal to or | ||||||
9 | greater than at least 8% of the total votes cast for candidates | ||||||
10 | for Governor in the preceding gubernatorial election, | ||||||
11 | requesting the submission of the proposal
for such action to | ||||||
12 | the voters
of the governmental unit at a regular election.
| ||||||
13 | If the action to be taken requires a referendum involving 2 | ||||||
14 | or more
units of local government, the proposal shall be | ||||||
15 | submitted to the voters
of such governmental units by the | ||||||
16 | election authorities with jurisdiction
over the territory of | ||||||
17 | the governmental units. Such multi-unit proposals
may be | ||||||
18 | initiated by appropriate
resolutions by the respective | ||||||
19 | governing bodies or by
petitions of the voters of the several | ||||||
20 | governmental units filed with the
respective clerks or | ||||||
21 | secretaries.
| ||||||
22 | This Section is intended to provide a method of submission | ||||||
23 | to
referendum in all cases of proposals for actions which are | ||||||
24 | authorized by
Article VII of the Constitution by or subject to | ||||||
25 | approval by referendum
and supersedes any conflicting | ||||||
26 | statutory provisions except those
contained in Division 2-5 of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Counties Code or Article 24 of the Township Code .
| ||||||
2 | Referenda provided for in this Section may not be held more | ||||||
3 | than once
in any 23-month period on the same proposition, | ||||||
4 | provided that in any
municipality a referendum to elect not to | ||||||
5 | be a home rule unit may be held
only once within
any 47-month | ||||||
6 | period.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
| ||||||
8 | Section 10. The Motor Fuel Tax Law is amended by changing | ||||||
9 | Section 8 as follows:
| ||||||
10 | (35 ILCS 505/8) (from Ch. 120, par. 424)
| ||||||
11 | Sec. 8. Except as provided in Section 8a, subdivision
| ||||||
12 | (h)(1) of Section 12a, Section 13a.6, and items
13, 14, 15, and | ||||||
13 | 16 of Section 15, all money received by the Department under
| ||||||
14 | this Act, including payments made to the Department by
member | ||||||
15 | jurisdictions participating in the International Fuel Tax | ||||||
16 | Agreement,
shall be deposited in a special fund in the State | ||||||
17 | treasury, to be known as the
"Motor Fuel Tax Fund", and shall | ||||||
18 | be used as follows:
| ||||||
19 | (a) 2 1/2 cents per gallon of the tax collected on special | ||||||
20 | fuel under
paragraph (b) of Section 2 and Section 13a of this | ||||||
21 | Act shall be transferred
to the State Construction Account Fund | ||||||
22 | in the State Treasury;
| ||||||
23 | (b) $420,000 shall be transferred each month to the State | ||||||
24 | Boating Act
Fund to be used by the Department of Natural |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Resources for the purposes
specified in Article X of the Boat | ||||||
2 | Registration and Safety Act;
| ||||||
3 | (c) $3,500,000 shall be transferred each month to the Grade | ||||||
4 | Crossing
Protection Fund to be used as follows: not less than | ||||||
5 | $12,000,000 each fiscal
year shall be used for the construction | ||||||
6 | or reconstruction of rail highway grade
separation structures; | ||||||
7 | $2,250,000 in fiscal years 2004 through 2009 and $3,000,000 in | ||||||
8 | fiscal year 2010 and each fiscal
thereafter shall be | ||||||
9 | transferred to the Transportation
Regulatory Fund and shall be | ||||||
10 | accounted for as part of the rail carrier
portion of such funds | ||||||
11 | and shall be used to pay the cost of administration
of the | ||||||
12 | Illinois Commerce Commission's railroad safety program in | ||||||
13 | connection
with its duties under subsection (3) of Section | ||||||
14 | 18c-7401 of the Illinois
Vehicle Code, with the remainder to be | ||||||
15 | used by the Department of Transportation
upon order of the | ||||||
16 | Illinois Commerce Commission, to pay that part of the
cost | ||||||
17 | apportioned by such Commission to the State to cover the | ||||||
18 | interest
of the public in the use of highways, roads, streets, | ||||||
19 | or
pedestrian walkways in the
county highway system, township | ||||||
20 | and district road system, or municipal
street system as defined | ||||||
21 | in the Illinois Highway Code, as the same may
from time to time | ||||||
22 | be amended, for separation of grades, for installation,
| ||||||
23 | construction or reconstruction of crossing protection or | ||||||
24 | reconstruction,
alteration, relocation including construction | ||||||
25 | or improvement of any
existing highway necessary for access to | ||||||
26 | property or improvement of any
grade crossing and grade |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | crossing surface including the necessary highway approaches | ||||||
2 | thereto of any
railroad across the highway or public road, or | ||||||
3 | for the installation,
construction, reconstruction, or | ||||||
4 | maintenance of a pedestrian walkway over or
under a railroad | ||||||
5 | right-of-way, as provided for in and in
accordance with Section | ||||||
6 | 18c-7401 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
The Commission may order | ||||||
7 | up to $2,000,000 per year in Grade Crossing Protection Fund | ||||||
8 | moneys for the improvement of grade crossing surfaces and up to | ||||||
9 | $300,000 per year for the maintenance and renewal of 4-quadrant | ||||||
10 | gate vehicle detection systems located at non-high speed rail | ||||||
11 | grade crossings. The Commission shall not order more than | ||||||
12 | $2,000,000 per year in Grade
Crossing Protection Fund moneys | ||||||
13 | for pedestrian walkways.
In entering orders for projects for | ||||||
14 | which payments from the Grade Crossing
Protection Fund will be | ||||||
15 | made, the Commission shall account for expenditures
authorized | ||||||
16 | by the orders on a cash rather than an accrual basis. For | ||||||
17 | purposes
of this requirement an "accrual basis" assumes that | ||||||
18 | the total cost of the
project is expended in the fiscal year in | ||||||
19 | which the order is entered, while a
"cash basis" allocates the | ||||||
20 | cost of the project among fiscal years as
expenditures are | ||||||
21 | actually made. To meet the requirements of this subsection,
the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Commerce Commission shall develop annual and 5-year | ||||||
23 | project plans
of rail crossing capital improvements that will | ||||||
24 | be paid for with moneys from
the Grade Crossing Protection | ||||||
25 | Fund. The annual project plan shall identify
projects for the | ||||||
26 | succeeding fiscal year and the 5-year project plan shall
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | identify projects for the 5 directly succeeding fiscal years. | ||||||
2 | The Commission
shall submit the annual and 5-year project plans | ||||||
3 | for this Fund to the Governor,
the President of the Senate, the | ||||||
4 | Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker of the
House of | ||||||
5 | Representatives, and the Minority Leader of the House of
| ||||||
6 | Representatives on
the first Wednesday in April of each year;
| ||||||
7 | (d) of the amount remaining after allocations provided for | ||||||
8 | in
subsections (a), (b) and (c), a sufficient amount shall be | ||||||
9 | reserved to
pay all of the following:
| ||||||
10 | (1) the costs of the Department of Revenue in | ||||||
11 | administering this
| ||||||
12 | (2) the costs of the Department of Transportation in | ||||||
13 | performing its
duties imposed by the Illinois Highway Code | ||||||
14 | for supervising the use of motor
fuel tax funds apportioned | ||||||
15 | to municipalities, counties and road districts;
| ||||||
16 | (3) refunds provided for in Section 13, refunds for | ||||||
17 | overpayment of decal fees paid under Section 13a.4 of this | ||||||
18 | Act, and refunds provided for under the terms
of the | ||||||
19 | International Fuel Tax Agreement referenced in Section | ||||||
20 | 14a;
| ||||||
21 | (4) from October 1, 1985 until June 30, 1994, the | ||||||
22 | administration of the
Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law, | ||||||
23 | which amount shall be certified monthly by
the | ||||||
24 | Environmental Protection Agency to the State Comptroller | ||||||
25 | and shall promptly
be transferred by the State Comptroller | ||||||
26 | and Treasurer from the Motor Fuel Tax
Fund to the Vehicle |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Inspection Fund, and for the period July 1, 1994 through
| ||||||
2 | June 30, 2000, one-twelfth of $25,000,000 each month, for | ||||||
3 | the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2003,
one-twelfth | ||||||
4 | of
each month,
and $15,000,000 on July 1, 2003, | ||||||
5 | and $15,000,000 on January 1, 2004, and $15,000,000
| ||||||
6 | July
1 and October 1, or as soon thereafter as may be | ||||||
7 | practical, during the period July 1, 2004 through June 30, | ||||||
8 | 2012,
and $30,000,000 on June 1, 2013, or as soon | ||||||
9 | thereafter as may be practical, and $15,000,000 on July 1 | ||||||
10 | and October 1, or as soon thereafter as may be practical, | ||||||
11 | during the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015, | ||||||
12 | for the administration of the Vehicle Emissions Inspection | ||||||
13 | Law of
2005, to be transferred by the State Comptroller and | ||||||
14 | Treasurer from the Motor
Fuel Tax Fund into the Vehicle | ||||||
15 | Inspection Fund;
| ||||||
16 | (5) amounts ordered paid by the Court of Claims; and
| ||||||
17 | (6) payment of motor fuel use taxes due to member | ||||||
18 | jurisdictions under
the terms of the International Fuel Tax | ||||||
19 | Agreement. The Department shall
certify these amounts to | ||||||
20 | the Comptroller by the 15th day of each month; the
| ||||||
21 | Comptroller shall cause orders to be drawn for such | ||||||
22 | amounts, and the Treasurer
shall administer those amounts | ||||||
23 | on or before the last day of each month;
| ||||||
24 | (e) after allocations for the purposes set forth in | ||||||
25 | subsections
(a), (b), (c) and (d), the remaining amount shall | ||||||
26 | be apportioned as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (1) Until January 1, 2000, 58.4%, and beginning January | ||||||
2 | 1, 2000, 45.6%
shall be deposited as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (A) 37% into the State Construction Account Fund, | ||||||
4 | and
| ||||||
5 | (B) 63% into the Road Fund, $1,250,000 of which | ||||||
6 | shall be reserved each
month for the Department of | ||||||
7 | Transportation to be used in accordance with
the | ||||||
8 | provisions of Sections 6-901 through 6-906 of the | ||||||
9 | Illinois Highway Code;
| ||||||
10 | (2) Until January 1, 2000, 41.6%, and beginning January | ||||||
11 | 1, 2000, 54.4%
shall be transferred to the Department of | ||||||
12 | Transportation to be
distributed as follows:
| ||||||
13 | (A) 49.10% to the municipalities of the State,
| ||||||
14 | (B) 16.74% to the counties of the State having | ||||||
15 | 1,000,000 or more inhabitants,
| ||||||
16 | (C) 18.27% to the counties of the State having less | ||||||
17 | than 1,000,000 inhabitants,
| ||||||
18 | (D) 15.89% to the road districts of the State.
| ||||||
19 | If a township is dissolved under Article 24 of the | ||||||
20 | Township Code, McHenry County shall receive any moneys that | ||||||
21 | would have been distributed to the township under this | ||||||
22 | subparagraph, except that a municipality that assumes the | ||||||
23 | powers and responsibilities of a road district under | ||||||
24 | paragraph (6) of Section 24-35 of the Township Code shall | ||||||
25 | receive any moneys that would have been distributed to the | ||||||
26 | township in a percent equal to the area of the dissolved |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | road district or portion of the dissolved road district | ||||||
2 | over which the municipality assumed the powers and | ||||||
3 | responsibilities compared to the total area of the | ||||||
4 | dissolved township. The moneys received under this | ||||||
5 | subparagraph shall be used in the geographic area of the | ||||||
6 | dissolved township. If a township is reconstituted as | ||||||
7 | provided under Section 24-45 of the Township Code, McHenry | ||||||
8 | County or a municipality shall no longer be distributed | ||||||
9 | moneys under this subparagraph. | ||||||
10 | As soon as may be after the first day of each month the | ||||||
11 | Department of
Transportation shall allot to each municipality | ||||||
12 | its share of the amount
apportioned to the several | ||||||
13 | municipalities which shall be in proportion
to the population | ||||||
14 | of such municipalities as determined by the last
preceding | ||||||
15 | municipal census if conducted by the Federal Government or
| ||||||
16 | Federal census. If territory is annexed to any municipality | ||||||
17 | subsequent
to the time of the last preceding census the | ||||||
18 | corporate authorities of
such municipality may cause a census | ||||||
19 | to be taken of such annexed
territory and the population so | ||||||
20 | ascertained for such territory shall be
added to the population | ||||||
21 | of the municipality as determined by the last
preceding census | ||||||
22 | for the purpose of determining the allotment for that
| ||||||
23 | municipality. If the population of any municipality was not | ||||||
24 | determined
by the last Federal census preceding any | ||||||
25 | apportionment, the
apportionment to such municipality shall be | ||||||
26 | in accordance with any
census taken by such municipality. Any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | municipal census used in
accordance with this Section shall be | ||||||
2 | certified to the Department of
Transportation by the clerk of | ||||||
3 | such municipality, and the accuracy
thereof shall be subject to | ||||||
4 | approval of the Department which may make
such corrections as | ||||||
5 | it ascertains to be necessary.
| ||||||
6 | As soon as may be after the first day of each month the | ||||||
7 | Department of
Transportation shall allot to each county its | ||||||
8 | share of the amount
apportioned to the several counties of the | ||||||
9 | State as herein provided.
Each allotment to the several | ||||||
10 | counties having less than 1,000,000
inhabitants shall be in | ||||||
11 | proportion to the amount of motor vehicle
license fees received | ||||||
12 | from the residents of such counties, respectively,
during the | ||||||
13 | preceding calendar year. The Secretary of State shall, on or
| ||||||
14 | before April 15 of each year, transmit to the Department of
| ||||||
15 | Transportation a full and complete report showing the amount of | ||||||
16 | motor
vehicle license fees received from the residents of each | ||||||
17 | county,
respectively, during the preceding calendar year. The | ||||||
18 | Department of
Transportation shall, each month, use for | ||||||
19 | allotment purposes the last
such report received from the | ||||||
20 | Secretary of State.
| ||||||
21 | As soon as may be after the first day of each month, the | ||||||
22 | Department
of Transportation shall allot to the several | ||||||
23 | counties their share of the
amount apportioned for the use of | ||||||
24 | road districts. The allotment shall
be apportioned among the | ||||||
25 | several counties in the State in the proportion
which the total | ||||||
26 | mileage of township or district roads in the respective
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | counties bears to the total mileage of all township and | ||||||
2 | district roads
in the State. Funds allotted to the respective | ||||||
3 | counties for the use of
road districts therein shall be | ||||||
4 | allocated to the several road districts
in the county in the | ||||||
5 | proportion which the total mileage of such township
or district | ||||||
6 | roads in the respective road districts bears to the total
| ||||||
7 | mileage of all such township or district roads in the county. | ||||||
8 | After
July 1 of any year prior to 2011, no allocation shall be | ||||||
9 | made for any road district
unless it levied a tax for road and | ||||||
10 | bridge purposes in an amount which
will require the extension | ||||||
11 | of such tax against the taxable property in
any such road | ||||||
12 | district at a rate of not less than either .08% of the value
| ||||||
13 | thereof, based upon the assessment for the year immediately | ||||||
14 | prior to the year
in which such tax was levied and as equalized | ||||||
15 | by the Department of Revenue
or, in DuPage County, an amount | ||||||
16 | equal to or greater than $12,000 per mile of
road under the | ||||||
17 | jurisdiction of the road district, whichever is less. Beginning | ||||||
18 | July 1, 2011 and each July 1 thereafter, an allocation shall be | ||||||
19 | made for any road district
if it levied a tax for road and | ||||||
20 | bridge purposes. In counties other than DuPage County, if the | ||||||
21 | amount of the tax levy requires the extension of the tax | ||||||
22 | against the taxable property in
the road district at a rate | ||||||
23 | that is less than 0.08% of the value
thereof, based upon the | ||||||
24 | assessment for the year immediately prior to the year
in which | ||||||
25 | the tax was levied and as equalized by the Department of | ||||||
26 | Revenue, then the amount of the allocation for that road |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | district shall be a percentage of the maximum allocation equal | ||||||
2 | to the percentage obtained by dividing the rate extended by the | ||||||
3 | district by 0.08%. In DuPage County, if the amount of the tax | ||||||
4 | levy requires the extension of the tax against the taxable | ||||||
5 | property in
the road district at a rate that is less than the | ||||||
6 | lesser of (i) 0.08% of the value
of the taxable property in the | ||||||
7 | road district, based upon the assessment for the year | ||||||
8 | immediately prior to the year
in which such tax was levied and | ||||||
9 | as equalized by the Department of Revenue,
or (ii) a rate that | ||||||
10 | will yield an amount equal to $12,000 per mile of
road under | ||||||
11 | the jurisdiction of the road district, then the amount of the | ||||||
12 | allocation for the road district shall be a percentage of the | ||||||
13 | maximum allocation equal to the percentage obtained by dividing | ||||||
14 | the rate extended by the district by the lesser of (i) 0.08% or | ||||||
15 | (ii) the rate that will yield an amount equal to $12,000 per | ||||||
16 | mile of
road under the jurisdiction of the road district. | ||||||
17 | Prior to 2011, if any
road district has levied a special | ||||||
18 | tax for road purposes
pursuant to Sections 6-601, 6-602 and | ||||||
19 | 6-603 of the Illinois Highway Code, and
such tax was levied in | ||||||
20 | an amount which would require extension at a
rate of not less | ||||||
21 | than .08% of the value of the taxable property thereof,
as | ||||||
22 | equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue,
or, in | ||||||
23 | DuPage County, an amount equal to or greater than $12,000 per | ||||||
24 | mile of
road under the jurisdiction of the road district, | ||||||
25 | whichever is less,
such levy shall, however, be deemed a proper | ||||||
26 | compliance with this
Section and shall qualify such road |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | district for an allotment under this
Section. Beginning in 2011 | ||||||
2 | and thereafter, if any
road district has levied a special tax | ||||||
3 | for road purposes
under Sections 6-601, 6-602, and 6-603 of the | ||||||
4 | Illinois Highway Code, and
the tax was levied in an amount that | ||||||
5 | would require extension at a
rate of not less than 0.08% of the | ||||||
6 | value of the taxable property of that road district,
as | ||||||
7 | equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue or, in | ||||||
8 | DuPage County, an amount equal to or greater than $12,000 per | ||||||
9 | mile of road under the jurisdiction of the road district, | ||||||
10 | whichever is less, that levy shall be deemed a proper | ||||||
11 | compliance with this
Section and shall qualify such road | ||||||
12 | district for a full, rather than proportionate, allotment under | ||||||
13 | this
Section. If the levy for the special tax is less than | ||||||
14 | 0.08% of the value of the taxable property, or, in DuPage | ||||||
15 | County if the levy for the special tax is less than the lesser | ||||||
16 | of (i) 0.08% or (ii) $12,000 per mile of road under the | ||||||
17 | jurisdiction of the road district, and if the levy for the | ||||||
18 | special tax is more than any other levy for road and bridge | ||||||
19 | purposes, then the levy for the special tax qualifies the road | ||||||
20 | district for a proportionate, rather than full, allotment under | ||||||
21 | this Section. If the levy for the special tax is equal to or | ||||||
22 | less than any other levy for road and bridge purposes, then any | ||||||
23 | allotment under this Section shall be determined by the other | ||||||
24 | levy for road and bridge purposes. | ||||||
25 | Prior to 2011, if a township has transferred to the road | ||||||
26 | and bridge fund
money which, when added to the amount of any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | tax levy of the road
district would be the equivalent of a tax | ||||||
2 | levy requiring extension at a
rate of at least .08%, or, in | ||||||
3 | DuPage County, an amount equal to or greater
than $12,000 per | ||||||
4 | mile of road under the jurisdiction of the road district,
| ||||||
5 | whichever is less, such transfer, together with any such tax | ||||||
6 | levy,
shall be deemed a proper compliance with this Section and | ||||||
7 | shall qualify
the road district for an allotment under this | ||||||
8 | Section.
| ||||||
9 | In counties in which a property tax extension limitation is | ||||||
10 | imposed
under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, road | ||||||
11 | districts may retain
their entitlement to a motor fuel tax | ||||||
12 | allotment or, beginning in 2011, their entitlement to a full | ||||||
13 | allotment if, at the time the property
extension limitation | ||||||
14 | was imposed, the road district was levying a road and
bridge | ||||||
15 | tax at a rate sufficient to entitle it to a motor fuel tax | ||||||
16 | allotment
and continues to levy the maximum allowable amount | ||||||
17 | after the imposition of the
property tax extension limitation. | ||||||
18 | Any road district may in all circumstances
retain its | ||||||
19 | entitlement to a motor fuel tax allotment or, beginning in | ||||||
20 | 2011, its entitlement to a full allotment if it levied a road | ||||||
21 | and
bridge tax in an amount that will require the extension of | ||||||
22 | the tax against the
taxable property in the road district at a | ||||||
23 | rate of not less than 0.08% of the
assessed value of the | ||||||
24 | property, based upon the assessment for the year
immediately | ||||||
25 | preceding the year in which the tax was levied and as equalized | ||||||
26 | by
the Department of Revenue or, in DuPage County, an amount |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | equal to or greater
than $12,000 per mile of road under the | ||||||
2 | jurisdiction of the road district,
whichever is less.
| ||||||
3 | As used in this Section the term "road district" means any | ||||||
4 | road
district, including a county unit road district, provided | ||||||
5 | for by the
Illinois Highway Code; and the term "township or | ||||||
6 | district road"
means any road in the township and district road | ||||||
7 | system as defined in the
Illinois Highway Code. For the | ||||||
8 | purposes of this Section, "township or
district road" also | ||||||
9 | includes such roads as are maintained by park
districts, forest | ||||||
10 | preserve districts and conservation districts. The
Department | ||||||
11 | of Transportation shall determine the mileage of all township
| ||||||
12 | and district roads for the purposes of making allotments and | ||||||
13 | allocations of
motor fuel tax funds for use in road districts.
| ||||||
14 | Payment of motor fuel tax moneys to municipalities and | ||||||
15 | counties shall
be made as soon as possible after the allotment | ||||||
16 | is made. The treasurer
of the municipality or county may invest | ||||||
17 | these funds until their use is
required and the interest earned | ||||||
18 | by these investments shall be limited
to the same uses as the | ||||||
19 | principal funds.
| ||||||
20 | (Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11; 98-24, | ||||||
21 | eff. 6-19-13; 98-674, eff. 6-30-14.)
| ||||||
22 | Section 15. The Counties Code is amended by adding Section | ||||||
23 | 5-1184 as follows: | ||||||
24 | (55 ILCS 5/5-1184 new) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 5-1184. Dissolution of townships in McHenry County. If | ||||||
2 | a township in McHenry County dissolves as provided in Article | ||||||
3 | 24 of the Township Code, McHenry County shall assume the | ||||||
4 | powers, duties, and obligations of each dissolved township as | ||||||
5 | provided in Article 24 of the Township Code. | ||||||
6 | Section 20. The Township Code is amended by adding Article | ||||||
7 | 24 as follows: | ||||||
8 | (60 ILCS 1/Art. 24 heading new) | ||||||
11 | (60 ILCS 1/24-10 new) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 24-10. Definition. As used in this Article, "electors" | ||||||
13 | means the registered voters of any single township in McHenry | ||||||
14 | County. | ||||||
15 | (60 ILCS 1/24-15 new) | ||||||
16 | Sec. 24-15. Dissolving a township in McHenry County. By | ||||||
17 | resolution, the board of trustees of any township located in | ||||||
18 | McHenry County may submit a proposition to dissolve the | ||||||
19 | township to the electors of that township at the election next | ||||||
20 | following in accordance with the general election law. The | ||||||
21 | ballot shall be as provided for in Section 24-30. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (60 ILCS 1/24-20 new) | ||||||
2 | Sec. 24-20. Petition requirements; notice. | ||||||
3 | (a) Subject to the petition requirements of Section 28-3 of | ||||||
4 | the Election Code, petitions for a referendum to dissolve a | ||||||
5 | township located in McHenry County must be filed with the | ||||||
6 | governing board of the township, the county board of McHenry | ||||||
7 | County, and the McHenry County Clerk not less than 122 days | ||||||
8 | prior to any election held throughout the township. Petitions | ||||||
9 | must include:
| ||||||
10 | (1) the name of the dissolving township;
| ||||||
11 | (2) the date of dissolution; and
| ||||||
12 | (3) signatures of a number of electors as follows: (A) | ||||||
13 | for any township, the number of signatures shall be the | ||||||
14 | larger of (i) 5% of the total ballots cast in the township | ||||||
15 | in the immediately preceding election that is of an | ||||||
16 | election type comparable to the election for which the | ||||||
17 | petition is being filed, or (ii) 250 signatures. All | ||||||
18 | signatures gathered under this paragraph (3) must be signed | ||||||
19 | within 180 days prior to the filing of a petition.
| ||||||
20 | (b) The proposed date of dissolution shall be at least 90 | ||||||
21 | days after the date of the election at which the referendum is | ||||||
22 | to be voted upon.
| ||||||
23 | (c) If a valid petition is filed under subsection (a), then | ||||||
24 | the McHenry County Clerk shall, by publication in one or more | ||||||
25 | newspapers of general circulation within the county and on the | ||||||
26 | county's website, not less than 90 days prior to the election |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | at which the referendum is to be voted on, give notice in | ||||||
2 | substantially the following form: | ||||||
3 | NOTICE OF PETITION TO DISSOLVE (dissolving township).
| ||||||
4 | Residents of (dissolving township) and McHenry County are | ||||||
5 | notified that a petition has been filed with (dissolving | ||||||
6 | township) and McHenry County requesting a referendum to | ||||||
7 | dissolve (dissolving township) on (date of dissolution) | ||||||
8 | with all real and personal property, and any other assets, | ||||||
9 | together with all personnel, contractual obligations, and | ||||||
10 | liabilities being transferred to McHenry County.
| ||||||
11 | (60 ILCS 1/24-25 new) | ||||||
12 | Sec. 24-25. Ballot placement. A petition that meets the | ||||||
13 | requirements of Section 24-20 shall be placed on the ballot in | ||||||
14 | the form provided for in Section 24-30 at the election next | ||||||
15 | following. | ||||||
16 | (60 ILCS 1/24-30 new) | ||||||
17 | Sec. 24-30. Referendum; voting. | ||||||
18 | (a) Subject to the requirements of Section 16-7 of the | ||||||
19 | Election Code, the referendum described in Section 24-25 shall | ||||||
20 | be in substantially the following form on the ballot: | ||||||
21 | -
| ||||||
22 | Shall the (dissolving
| ||||||
23 | township), together with any road
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | districts wholly within the YES
| ||||||
2 | boundaries of (dissolving
| ||||||
3 | township), be dissolved on (date --------------
| ||||||
4 | of dissolution) with all of
| ||||||
5 | the township and road district
| ||||||
6 | property, assets, personnel, NO
| ||||||
7 | obligations, and liabilities being
| ||||||
8 | transferred to McHenry County?
| ||||||
9 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||||
10 | (b) The referendum is approved when a majority of those | ||||||
11 | voting in the election from the dissolving township approve the | ||||||
12 | referendum.
| ||||||
13 | (60 ILCS 1/24-35 new) | ||||||
14 | Sec. 24-35. Dissolution; transfer of rights and duties. | ||||||
15 | When the dissolution of a township has been approved under | ||||||
16 | Section 24-30:
| ||||||
17 | (1) On or before the date of dissolution, all real and | ||||||
18 | personal property, and any other assets, together with all | ||||||
19 | personnel, contractual obligations, and liabilities of the | ||||||
20 | dissolving township and road districts wholly within the | ||||||
21 | boundaries of the dissolving township shall be transferred | ||||||
22 | to McHenry County. All funds of the dissolved township and | ||||||
23 | dissolved road districts shall be used solely on behalf of | ||||||
24 | the residents of the geographic area within the boundaries | ||||||
25 | of the dissolved township. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | After the transfer of property to the county under this | ||||||
2 | paragraph, all park land, cemetery land, buildings, and | ||||||
3 | facilities within the geographic area of the dissolving | ||||||
4 | township must be utilized for the primary benefit of the | ||||||
5 | geographic area of the dissolving township. Proceeds from | ||||||
6 | the sale of the park land, cemetery land, buildings, or | ||||||
7 | facilities after transfer to the county must be utilized | ||||||
8 | for the sole benefit of the geographic area of the | ||||||
9 | dissolved township.
| ||||||
10 | (2) On the date of dissolution, the dissolving township | ||||||
11 | is dissolved.
| ||||||
12 | (3) On and after the date of dissolution, all rights | ||||||
13 | and duties of the dissolved township may be exercised by | ||||||
14 | the McHenry County Board solely on behalf of the residents | ||||||
15 | of the geographic area within the boundaries of the | ||||||
16 | dissolved township. The duties that may be exercised by the | ||||||
17 | county include, but are not limited to, the administration | ||||||
18 | of a dissolved township's general assistance program, | ||||||
19 | maintenance and operation of a dissolved township's | ||||||
20 | cemeteries, and the Chief County Assessment officer of | ||||||
21 | McHenry County exercising the duties of the township | ||||||
22 | assessor. | ||||||
23 | (4) The McHenry County Board shall not extend a | ||||||
24 | property tax levy that is greater than 90% of the property | ||||||
25 | tax levy extended by the dissolved township or road | ||||||
26 | districts for the duties taken on by McHenry County. This |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | property tax levy may not be extended outside the | ||||||
2 | boundaries of the dissolved township. In all subsequent | ||||||
3 | years, this levy shall be bound by the provisions of the | ||||||
4 | Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. | ||||||
5 | A tax levy extended under this paragraph may be used | ||||||
6 | for the purposes allowed by the statute authorizing the tax | ||||||
7 | levy or to pay liabilities of the dissolved township or | ||||||
8 | dissolved road districts that were transferred to the | ||||||
9 | county under paragraph (1). The taxpayers within the | ||||||
10 | boundaries of the dissolved township are responsible to pay | ||||||
11 | any liabilities transferred to the county: the county shall | ||||||
12 | reduce spending within the boundaries of the former | ||||||
13 | township in the amount necessary to pay off any liabilities | ||||||
14 | transferred to the county under paragraph (1) that are not | ||||||
15 | covered by the assets enumerated in paragraph (1) or taxes | ||||||
16 | under this paragraph. | ||||||
17 | (5) All road districts wholly within the boundaries of | ||||||
18 | the dissolving township are dissolved on the date of | ||||||
19 | dissolution of the dissolving township, and all powers and | ||||||
20 | responsibilities of each road district are transferred to | ||||||
21 | McHenry County except as provided in paragraph (6). | ||||||
22 | (6) The county board of McHenry County shall give | ||||||
23 | written notice to each municipality whose governing board | ||||||
24 | meets within the boundaries of a dissolving township that | ||||||
25 | the municipality may make an offer, on or before 60 days | ||||||
26 | after the date of dissolution of the dissolving township, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | that the municipality will assume all of the powers and | ||||||
2 | responsibilities of a road district or road districts | ||||||
3 | wholly inside the dissolving township. The notice shall be | ||||||
4 | sent to each municipality on or before 30 days after the | ||||||
5 | date of dissolution of the township. Any eligible | ||||||
6 | municipality may, with consent of its governing board, make | ||||||
7 | an offer to assume all of the powers and responsibilities | ||||||
8 | of the dissolving township's road district or road | ||||||
9 | districts. A municipality may offer to assume the powers | ||||||
10 | and responsibilities only for a limited period of time. If | ||||||
11 | one or more offers are received by McHenry County on or | ||||||
12 | before 60 days after the date of dissolution of the | ||||||
13 | dissolving township, the county board of McHenry County | ||||||
14 | shall select the best offer or offers that the board | ||||||
15 | determines would be in the best interest and welfare of the | ||||||
16 | affected resident population. If no municipality makes an | ||||||
17 | offer or if no satisfactory offer is made, the powers and | ||||||
18 | duties of the dissolving township's road district or road | ||||||
19 | districts are retained by McHenry County. The municipality | ||||||
20 | that assumes the powers and duties of the dissolving | ||||||
21 | township's road district or road districts shall not extend | ||||||
22 | a road district property tax levy under Division 5 of | ||||||
23 | Article 6 of the Illinois Highway Code that is greater than | ||||||
24 | 90% of the road district property tax levy that was | ||||||
25 | extended by the county on behalf of the dissolving | ||||||
26 | township's road district or road districts for the duties |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | taken on by the municipality. | ||||||
2 | (7) On the date of dissolution of the township or road | ||||||
3 | district, elected and appointed township officers and road | ||||||
4 | commissioners shall cease to hold office. An elected or | ||||||
5 | appointed township official or township road commissioner | ||||||
6 | shall not be compensated for any other duties performed | ||||||
7 | after the dissolution of the township or road district that | ||||||
8 | they represented. An elected township official or township | ||||||
9 | road commissioner shall not have legal recourse relating to | ||||||
10 | the ceasing of their elected or appointed positions upon | ||||||
11 | the ceasing of their position.
| ||||||
12 | Section 25. The Illinois Highway Code is amended by adding | ||||||
13 | Section 6-140 as follows: | ||||||
14 | (605 ILCS 5/6-140 new) | ||||||
15 | Sec. 6-140. Abolishing a road district within Lake County | ||||||
16 | or McHenry County with less than 15 miles of roads. Any | ||||||
17 | township in Lake County or McHenry County shall abolish a road | ||||||
18 | district of that township if the roads of the road district are | ||||||
19 | less than 15 centerline miles in length, as determined by the | ||||||
20 | county engineer or county superintendent of highways. A road | ||||||
21 | district is abolished on the expiration of the term of office | ||||||
22 | of the highway commissioner of the road district facing | ||||||
23 | abolition following the determination by the county engineer or | ||||||
24 | county superintendent of highways of the length, in centerline |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | mileage, of the roads within the road district to be abolished. | ||||||
2 | On the date of abolition: all the rights, powers, duties, | ||||||
3 | assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and | ||||||
4 | responsibilities of the road district shall by operation of law | ||||||
5 | vest in and be assumed by the township; the township board of | ||||||
6 | trustees shall assume all taxing authority of a road district | ||||||
7 | abolished under this Section and shall exercise all duties and | ||||||
8 | responsibilities of the highway commissioner as provided in | ||||||
9 | this Code; and for purposes of distribution of revenue, the | ||||||
10 | township shall assume the powers, duties, and obligations of | ||||||
11 | the road district. The township board of trustees may enter | ||||||
12 | into a contract with the county, a municipality, or a private | ||||||
13 | contractor to administer the roads added to its jurisdiction | ||||||
14 | under this Section. | ||||||
15 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
16 | becoming law. |