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1 | AN ACT concerning State government.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Legislative Information System Act is | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | amended by changing Section 5.09 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (25 ILCS 145/5.09)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 5.09. Public computer access; legislative | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | information. To
make available to the public
all of the | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | following information in
electronic form:
| |||||||||||||||||||
10 | (1) On or before July 1, 1999, the weekly schedule of | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | legislative floor
for each of the 2 houses of the | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | General Assembly together with a list of
matters pending | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | before them and the weekly schedule of legislative
| |||||||||||||||||||
14 | committee hearings together with matters scheduled for | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | their consideration.
| |||||||||||||||||||
16 | (2) On or before July 1, 1999,
a list of the committees | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | of the General Assembly and their
| |||||||||||||||||||
18 | (3) On or before July 1, 1999,
the text of each bill | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | and resolution introduced
and of each engrossed, enrolled, | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | and re-enrolled bill
and resolution and the text of each
| |||||||||||||||||||
21 | adopted amendment and conference committee report.
| |||||||||||||||||||
22 | (4) On or before July 1, 1999, a synopsis of items | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | specified in
paragraph (3) of this Section, together with
a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | summary of legislative and gubernatorial actions regarding | ||||||
2 | each bill
and resolution introduced.
| ||||||
3 | (5) On or before July 1, 1999, the Rules of the House | ||||||
4 | and the
Senate of the General Assembly.
| ||||||
5 | (6) Before the conclusion of the Ninety-second General
| ||||||
6 | Assembly, the text of Public Acts.
| ||||||
7 | (7) Before the conclusion of the Ninety-second General
| ||||||
8 | Assembly,
the Illinois Compiled Statutes.
| ||||||
9 | (8) Before the conclusion of the Ninety-second General
| ||||||
10 | Assembly, the Constitution of the United States and the | ||||||
11 | Constitution
of the State of Illinois.
| ||||||
12 | (9) Before the conclusion of the Ninety-second General
| ||||||
13 | Assembly, the text of the Illinois Administrative Code.
| ||||||
14 | (10) Before the conclusion of the Ninety-second | ||||||
15 | General
Assembly, the most current
issue of the Illinois | ||||||
16 | Register published on or after the effective date of this
| ||||||
17 | amendatory Act of 1998.
| ||||||
18 | (11) Any other information that the Joint Committee on | ||||||
19 | Legislative Support
elects to make available.
| ||||||
20 | The information shall be made available to the public
| ||||||
21 | through a website maintained by the System.
The information may | ||||||
22 | also be made
available by any other means of access that would | ||||||
23 | facilitate public access to
the information.
| ||||||
24 | Any documentation that describes the electronic digital | ||||||
25 | formats of the
information shall be made available
through a | ||||||
26 | website maintained by the System.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Personal information concerning a person who accesses this | ||||||
2 | public information
may be
maintained only for the purpose of | ||||||
3 | providing service to the person.
| ||||||
4 | No fee or other charge may be imposed by the Legislative | ||||||
5 | Information System
as a condition of accessing the information, | ||||||
6 | except that a reasonable fee may
be charged for any customized | ||||||
7 | services and shall be deposited into the General
Assembly | ||||||
8 | Computer Equipment Revolving Fund.
| ||||||
9 | The electronic public access provided through the System's | ||||||
10 | website
shall be in addition to any other electronic or print | ||||||
11 | distribution of the
| ||||||
12 | Within one-year after August 24, 2017 ( the effective date | ||||||
13 | of Public Act 100-320) this amendatory Act of the 100th General | ||||||
14 | Assembly , to the extent practicable, the System shall use a | ||||||
15 | free translation tool to enable translation into multiple | ||||||
16 | languages of the information made available to the public | ||||||
17 | through the website maintained by the System. The translation | ||||||
18 | tool shall, at a minimum, translate the following content on | ||||||
19 | the website maintained by the System: the home page; | ||||||
20 | information regarding the members of the House of | ||||||
21 | Representatives and the Senate, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
22 | each member's biography, committee assignments, and sponsored | ||||||
23 | bills; information regarding the membership of, bills assigned | ||||||
24 | to, and meeting schedules of each standing and special | ||||||
25 | committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate; | ||||||
26 | information on the procedural status of each bill and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | resolution, together with any amendments thereto, and | ||||||
2 | appointment message filed in the House of Representatives or | ||||||
3 | the Senate, including both general information and | ||||||
4 | user-selected information (through the "My Legislation" | ||||||
5 | function or otherwise), but not including the synopsis or text | ||||||
6 | of any bill or resolution, or any amendment thereto, or any | ||||||
7 | appointment message, Public Act, or Executive Order; | ||||||
8 | information regarding previous General Assemblies, not | ||||||
9 | including the synopsis or text of any bill or resolution, or | ||||||
10 | any amendment thereto, or any appointment message, Public Act, | ||||||
11 | or Executive Order; contact information for the General | ||||||
12 | Assembly, legislative support service agencies, and other | ||||||
13 | related offices in the Capitol Complex; and information | ||||||
14 | regarding access for persons with disabilities. The System may, | ||||||
15 | in its discretion, provide for additional content to be | ||||||
16 | translated. The languages available for translation shall be | ||||||
17 | those provided by the translation tool. Before a user accesses | ||||||
18 | translated information, the System shall ensure that a | ||||||
19 | disclaimer is first displayed, stating that: the translated | ||||||
20 | information is offered as a convenience and should not be | ||||||
21 | considered accurate as to the translation of the text in | ||||||
22 | question; and the English language version is the official and | ||||||
23 | authoritative version of the text in question. | ||||||
24 | As soon as practicable after the effective date of this | ||||||
25 | amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, the System shall | ||||||
26 | make available to the public an Internet website link to each |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | General Assembly member's voting record, to the extent that | ||||||
2 | record exists, which shall be placed alongside each member's | ||||||
3 | biographical information on the website maintained by the | ||||||
4 | System. | ||||||
5 | No action taken under this Section shall be deemed to alter | ||||||
6 | or relinquish any
copyright or other proprietary interest or | ||||||
7 | entitlement of the State of Illinois
relating to any of the | ||||||
8 | information made available under this Section.
| ||||||
9 | The information shall be made available as provided in this | ||||||
10 | Section in the
practicable time after it is publicly | ||||||
11 | available in any other form;
provided that
the System may make | ||||||
12 | information available under this Section only if the
| ||||||
13 | availability in no way reduces the quality and timeliness of
| ||||||
14 | service available to and required under this Act for
| ||||||
15 | legislative users and does not unduly burden the General | ||||||
16 | Assembly or its
support services agencies. Failure to provide | ||||||
17 | information under this Section
does not affect
the validity of | ||||||
18 | any action of the General Assembly. The General Assembly and
| ||||||
19 | the State of Illinois are not liable for the accuracy, | ||||||
20 | availability, or use of
the information provided under this | ||||||
21 | Section.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 100-320, eff. 8-24-17.)