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1 | AN ACT concerning revenue.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Sections 11-80.1, 11-85, and 11-90 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (35 ILCS 200/11-80.1) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 11-80.1. High-speed passenger rail project. Due to the | ||||||
8 | importance of developing high-speed or faster rail service, the | ||||||
9 | General Assembly finds that it should encourage freight | ||||||
10 | railroad owners to participate in State and federal government | ||||||
11 | programs, including cooperative agreements designed to | ||||||
12 | increase the speed of passenger rail service, that | ||||||
13 | participation in those programs should not result in increased | ||||||
14 | property taxes, and that such an increase in property taxes | ||||||
15 | could negatively impact the participation in those programs. | ||||||
16 | Therefore, the Department shall take into consideration any | ||||||
17 | potential increase in a property's overall valuation that is | ||||||
18 | directly attributable to the investment, improvement, | ||||||
19 | replacement, or expansion of railroad operating property on or | ||||||
20 | after January 1, 2010, through State or federal government | ||||||
21 | programs, including cooperative agreements, necessary for | ||||||
22 | higher speed passenger rail transportation. Any such increase | ||||||
23 | in the property's overall valuation that is directly |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | attributable to the investment, improvement, replacement, or | ||||||
2 | expansion of railroad operating property on or after January 1, | ||||||
3 | 2010, through State or federal government programs necessary | ||||||
4 | for higher speed passenger rail transportation, including | ||||||
5 | cooperative agreements, shall be excluded from the valuation of | ||||||
6 | its real property improvements under Section 11-80. This | ||||||
7 | Section applies on and after the effective date of this | ||||||
8 | amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly and through | ||||||
9 | December 31, 2029 December 31, 2019 .
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 97-481, eff. 8-22-11.)
| ||||||
11 | (35 ILCS 200/11-85)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 11-85. Property schedules. Every railroad company | ||||||
13 | shall, on or before
June 1 of each year, when required, make | ||||||
14 | out and file with the Department a
statement or schedule | ||||||
15 | showing the property held for right of way, whether
owned, | ||||||
16 | leased, or operated under trackage right agreement, and the | ||||||
17 | length of
the first, second, third and other main and all side | ||||||
18 | tracks and turnouts, and
the number of acres of right of way in | ||||||
19 | each county of this State and in each
taxing district of this | ||||||
20 | State, through or into which the road may run. It shall
| ||||||
21 | describe all improvements and stations located on the right of | ||||||
22 | way, giving the
quantity, quality, character and original cost | ||||||
23 | of each. It shall also report
all non-operating personalty | ||||||
24 | owned or controlled by the company on January 1,
giving the | ||||||
25 | quantity, quality, character and location of the same. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | report shall also include any potential increase in the | ||||||
2 | property's overall valuation that is directly attributable to | ||||||
3 | the investment, improvement, replacement, or expansion of | ||||||
4 | railroad operating property on or after January 1, 2010, | ||||||
5 | through State or federal governmental programs, including | ||||||
6 | cooperative agreements, necessary for higher speed passenger | ||||||
7 | rail transportation through December 31, 2029 December 31, | ||||||
8 | 2019 . New companies
shall make the statement on or before the | ||||||
9 | June 1 after the location of their
| ||||||
10 | When the statement has once been made, it is not necessary | ||||||
11 | to report the
description as required above unless directed to | ||||||
12 | do so by the Department, but
the company shall, on or before | ||||||
13 | June 1, annually, report all additions or
changes in its | ||||||
14 | property in this State as have occurred.
| ||||||
15 | The return required by this Section should be made by the | ||||||
16 | using company, but
all property which is operated under one | ||||||
17 | control shall be returned as provided
in this Section.
| ||||||
18 | (Source: P.A. 97-481, eff. 8-22-11.)
| ||||||
19 | (35 ILCS 200/11-90)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 11-90. Information schedules. Each year every | ||||||
21 | railroad company in this
State shall return to the Department, | ||||||
22 | in addition to any other information
required by this Code, | ||||||
23 | sworn statements or schedules as follows:
| ||||||
24 | (a) The amount of capital stock authorized and the | ||||||
25 | total number of
shares of capital stock.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) The amount of capital stock issued and outstanding.
| ||||||
2 | (c) The market value, or if no market value then the | ||||||
3 | estimated
value, of the shares of stock outstanding.
| ||||||
4 | (d) The total amount of all bonds outstanding and all | ||||||
5 | other
| ||||||
6 | (e) The market value, or if no market value then the | ||||||
7 | estimated
value, of all bonds outstanding and all other | ||||||
8 | indebtedness.
| ||||||
9 | (f) A statement in detail of the entire gross receipts | ||||||
10 | and net
earnings of the company during the 5 calendar years | ||||||
11 | preceding the
assessment date within this State, and of the | ||||||
12 | entire system from all
| ||||||
13 | (g) The length of the first, second, third and other | ||||||
14 | main tracks and
all side tracks and turnouts showing the | ||||||
15 | proportions within this State and
| ||||||
16 | (h) The reproduction cost of the property within | ||||||
17 | Illinois and the
total reproduction cost of all property of | ||||||
18 | the company. The
reproduction cost, so far as applicable, | ||||||
19 | shall be as last determined by
the United States Interstate | ||||||
20 | Commerce Commission, or other competent
authority, plus | ||||||
21 | additions and betterments, less retirements and
| ||||||
22 | depreciation to the December 31 preceding the assessment | ||||||
23 | date.
| ||||||
24 | (i) An enumeration and classification of all rolling | ||||||
25 | stock and
car equipment owned or leased by the company. The | ||||||
26 | classification shall show
type of equipment and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | circumstances of ownership and use. The enumeration
shall | ||||||
2 | include rolling stock used over the track of other | ||||||
3 | companies under any
trackage right agreement. All other | ||||||
4 | property used in connection with a trackage
right agreement | ||||||
5 | shall be listed.
| ||||||
6 | (j) Any other information the Department may require to | ||||||
7 | determine the
fair cash value of the property of any | ||||||
8 | railroad company, or necessary to carry
out the provisions | ||||||
9 | of this Code, including information pertaining to any | ||||||
10 | potential increases in the property's overall valuation | ||||||
11 | that is directly attributable to the investment, | ||||||
12 | improvement, replacement, or expansion of railroad | ||||||
13 | operating property on or after January 1, 2010, through | ||||||
14 | State or federal governmental programs, including | ||||||
15 | cooperative agreements, necessary for higher speed | ||||||
16 | passenger rail transportation through December 31, 2029 | ||||||
17 | December 31, 2019 .
| ||||||
18 | Such statements or schedules shall conform to the | ||||||
19 | instructions and forms
prescribed by the Department.
| ||||||
20 | In cases where a railroad company uses property owned by | ||||||
21 | another, the return
shall be made by the using company and all | ||||||
22 | property operated under one control
shall be returned as | ||||||
23 | provided above.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 97-481, eff. 8-22-11.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
26 | becoming law.