Sen. Antonio Muñoz

Filed: 5/16/2019





10100HB2708sam003LRB101 10075 RLC 60765 a


2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2708, AS AMENDED, by
3replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
5    "Section 5. The Missing Persons Identification Act is
6amended by changing Sections 5 and 10 as follows:
7    (50 ILCS 722/5)
8    Sec. 5. Missing person reports.
9    (a) Report acceptance. All law enforcement agencies shall
10accept without delay any report of a missing person and may
11attempt to obtain a DNA sample from the missing person or a DNA
12reference sample created from family members' DNA samples for
13submission under paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of Section 10.
14Acceptance of a missing person report filed in person may not
15be refused on any ground. No law enforcement agency may refuse
16to accept a missing person report:



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1        (1) on the basis that the missing person is an adult;
2        (2) on the basis that the circumstances do not indicate
3    foul play;
4        (3) on the basis that the person has been missing for a
5    short period of time;
6        (4) on the basis that the person has been missing a
7    long period of time;
8        (5) on the basis that there is no indication that the
9    missing person was in the jurisdiction served by the law
10    enforcement agency at the time of the disappearance;
11        (6) on the basis that the circumstances suggest that
12    the disappearance may be voluntary;
13        (7) on the basis that the reporting individual does not
14    have personal knowledge of the facts;
15        (8) on the basis that the reporting individual cannot
16    provide all of the information requested by the law
17    enforcement agency;
18        (9) on the basis that the reporting individual lacks a
19    familial or other relationship with the missing person;
20        (9-5) on the basis of the missing person's mental state
21    or medical condition; or
22        (10) for any other reason.
23    (b) Manner of reporting. All law enforcement agencies shall
24accept missing person reports in person. Law enforcement
25agencies are encouraged to accept reports by phone or by
26electronic or other media to the extent that such reporting is



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1consistent with law enforcement policies or practices.
2    (c) Contents of report. In accepting a report of a missing
3person, the law enforcement agency shall attempt to gather
4relevant information relating to the disappearance. The law
5enforcement agency shall attempt to gather at the time of the
6report information that shall include, but shall not be limited
7to, the following:
8        (1) the name of the missing person, including
9    alternative names used;
10        (2) the missing person's date of birth;
11        (3) the missing person's identifying marks, such as
12    birthmarks, moles, tattoos, and scars;
13        (4) the missing person's height and weight;
14        (5) the missing person's gender;
15        (6) the missing person's race;
16        (7) the missing person's current hair color and true or
17    natural hair color;
18        (8) the missing person's eye color;
19        (9) the missing person's prosthetics, surgical
20    implants, or cosmetic implants;
21        (10) the missing person's physical anomalies;
22        (11) the missing person's blood type, if known;
23        (12) the missing person's driver's license number, if
24    known;
25        (13) the missing person's social security number, if
26    known;



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1        (14) a photograph of the missing person; recent
2    photographs are preferable and the agency is encouraged to
3    attempt to ascertain the approximate date the photograph
4    was taken;
5        (15) a description of the clothing the missing person
6    was believed to be wearing;
7        (16) a description of items that might be with the
8    missing person, such as jewelry, accessories, and shoes or
9    boots;
10        (17) information on the missing person's electronic
11    communications devices, such as cellular telephone numbers
12    and e-mail addresses;
13        (18) the reasons why the reporting individual believes
14    that the person is missing;
15        (19) the name and location of the missing person's
16    school or employer, if known;
17        (20) the name and location of the missing person's
18    dentist or primary care physician or provider, or both, if
19    known;
20        (21) any circumstances that may indicate that the
21    disappearance was not voluntary;
22        (22) any circumstances that may indicate that the
23    missing person may be at risk of injury or death;
24        (23) a description of the possible means of
25    transportation of the missing person, including make,
26    model, color, license number, and Vehicle Identification



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1    Number of a vehicle;
2        (24) any identifying information about a known or
3    possible abductor or person last seen with the missing
4    person, or both, including:
5            (A) name;
6            (B) a physical description;
7            (C) date of birth;
8            (D) identifying marks;
9            (E) the description of possible means of
10        transportation, including make, model, color, license
11        number, and Vehicle Identification Number of a
12        vehicle;
13            (F) known associates;
14        (25) any other information that may aid in locating the
15    missing person; and
16        (26) the date of last contact; .
17        (27) a DNA sample of the missing person; and
18        (28) a DNA reference sample created from family
19    members' DNA samples for submission under paragraph (1) of
20    subsection (c) of Section 10.
21    (d) Notification and follow up action.
22        (1) Notification. The law enforcement agency shall
23    notify the person making the report, a family member, or
24    other person in a position to assist the law enforcement
25    agency in its efforts to locate the missing person of the
26    following:



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1            (A) general information about the handling of the
2        missing person case or about intended efforts in the
3        case to the extent that the law enforcement agency
4        determines that disclosure would not adversely affect
5        its ability to locate or protect the missing person or
6        to apprehend or prosecute any person criminally
7        involved in the disappearance;
8            (B) that the person should promptly contact the law
9        enforcement agency if the missing person remains
10        missing in order to provide additional information and
11        materials that will aid in locating the missing person
12        such as the missing person's credit cards, debit cards,
13        banking information, and cellular telephone records;
14        and
15            (C) that any DNA samples provided for the missing
16        person case are provided on a voluntary basis and will
17        be used solely to help locate or identify the missing
18        person and will not be used for any other purpose.
19        The law enforcement agency, upon acceptance of a
20    missing person report, shall inform the reporting citizen
21    of one of 2 resources, based upon the age of the missing
22    person. If the missing person is under 18 years of age,
23    contact information for the National Center for Missing and
24    Exploited Children shall be given. If the missing person is
25    age 18 or older, contact information for the National
26    Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)



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1    organization Center for Missing Adults shall be given.
2        Agencies handling the remains of a missing person who
3    is deceased must notify the agency handling the missing
4    person's case. Documented efforts must be made to locate
5    family members of the deceased person to inform them of the
6    death and location of the remains of their family member.
7        The law enforcement agency is encouraged to make
8    available informational materials, through publications or
9    electronic or other media, that advise the public about how
10    the information or materials identified in this subsection
11    are used to help locate or identify missing persons.
12        (2) Follow up action. If the person identified in the
13    missing person report remains missing after 30 days, but
14    not more than 60 days, the law enforcement agency shall
15    generate a report of the missing person within the National
16    Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), and the
17    law enforcement agency shall attempt to obtain the
18    additional information and materials that have not been
19    received, specified below and the additional information
20    and materials specified below have not been received, the
21    law enforcement agency shall attempt to obtain:
22            (A) DNA samples from family members or from the
23        missing person along with any needed documentation, or
24        both, including any consent forms, required for the use
25        of State or federal DNA databases, including, but not
26        limited to, the Local DNA Index System (LDIS), State



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1        DNA Index System (SDIS), and National DNA Index System
2        (NDIS), and National Missing and Unidentified Persons
3        System (NamUs) partner laboratories;
4            (B) an authorization to release dental or skeletal
5        x-rays of the missing person;
6            (C) any additional photographs of the missing
7        person that may aid the investigation or an
8        identification; the law enforcement agency is not
9        required to obtain written authorization before it
10        releases publicly any photograph that would aid in the
11        investigation or identification of the missing person;
12            (D) dental information and x-rays; and
13            (E) fingerprints.
14        (3) Samples collected for DNA analysis shall be
15    submitted to a National Missing and Unidentified Persons
16    System (NamUs) partner laboratory or other resource where
17    DNA profiles are entered into local, State, and national
18    DNA Index Systems within 30 days All DNA samples obtained
19    in missing person cases shall be immediately forwarded to
20    the Department of State Police for analysis. The Department
21    of State Police shall establish procedures for determining
22    how to prioritize analysis of the samples relating to
23    missing person cases. All DNA samples obtained in missing
24    person cases from family members of the missing person
25    shall not be retained after the location or identification
26    of the remains of the missing person unless there is a



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1    search warrant signed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
2        (4) This subsection shall not be interpreted to
3    preclude a law enforcement agency from attempting to obtain
4    the materials identified in this subsection before the
5    expiration of the 30-day period. The responsible law
6    enforcement agency shall make a National Missing and
7    Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) report on the missing
8    person within 60 days after the report of the disappearance
9    of the missing person.
10        (5) Law enforcement agencies are encouraged to
11    establish written protocols for the handling of missing
12    person cases to accomplish the purposes of this Act.
13(Source: P.A. 99-244, eff. 1-1-16; 99-581, eff. 1-1-17.)
14    (50 ILCS 722/10)
15    Sec. 10. Law enforcement analysis and reporting of missing
16person information.
17    (a) Prompt determination and definition of a high-risk
18missing person.
19        (1) Definition. "High-risk missing person" means a
20    person whose whereabouts are not currently known and whose
21    circumstances indicate that the person may be at risk of
22    injury or death. The circumstances that indicate that a
23    person is a high-risk missing person include, but are not
24    limited to, any of the following:
25            (A) the person is missing as a result of a stranger



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1        abduction;
2            (B) the person is missing under suspicious
3        circumstances;
4            (C) the person is missing under unknown
5        circumstances;
6            (D) the person is missing under known dangerous
7        circumstances;
8            (E) the person is missing more than 30 days;
9            (F) the person has already been designated as a
10        high-risk missing person by another law enforcement
11        agency;
12            (G) there is evidence that the person is at risk
13        because:
14                (i) the person is in need of medical attention,
15            including but not limited to persons with
16            dementia-like symptoms, or prescription
17            medication;
18                (ii) the person does not have a pattern of
19            running away or disappearing;
20                (iii) the person may have been abducted by a
21            non-custodial parent;
22                (iv) the person is mentally impaired,
23            including, but not limited to, a person having a
24            developmental disability, as defined in Section
25            1-106 of the Mental Health and Developmental
26            Disabilities Code, or a person having an



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1            intellectual disability, as defined in Section
2            1-116 of the Mental Health and Developmental
3            Disabilities Code;
4                (v) the person is under the age of 21;
5                (vi) the person has been the subject of past
6            threats or acts of violence;
7                (vii) the person has eloped from a nursing
8            home;
9            (G-5) the person is a veteran or active duty member
10        of the United States Armed Forces, the National Guard,
11        or any reserve component of the United States Armed
12        Forces who is believed to have a physical or mental
13        health condition that is related to his or her service;
14        or
15            (H) any other factor that may, in the judgment of
16        the law enforcement official, indicate that the
17        missing person may be at risk.
18    (b) (2) Law enforcement risk assessment.
19        (1) (A) Upon initial receipt of a missing person
20    report, the law enforcement agency shall immediately
21    determine whether there is a basis to determine that the
22    missing person is a high-risk missing person.
23        (2) (B) If a law enforcement agency has previously
24    determined that a missing person is not a high-risk missing
25    person, but obtains new information, it shall immediately
26    determine whether the information indicates that the



10100HB2708sam003- 12 -LRB101 10075 RLC 60765 a

1    missing person is a high-risk missing person.
2        (3) (C) Law enforcement agencies are encouraged to
3    establish written protocols for the handling of missing
4    person cases to accomplish the purposes of this Act.
5    (c) Law enforcement reporting (3) Law enforcement agency
7        (1) (A) The responding local law enforcement agency
8    shall immediately enter all collected information relating
9    to the missing person case in the Law Enforcement Agencies
10    Data System (LEADS) and the National Crime Information
11    Center (NCIC) databases and the National Missing and
12    Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) within 45 days after
13    the receipt of the report, or in the case of a high risk
14    missing person, within 30 days after the receipt of the
15    report. If the DNA sample submission is to a National
16    Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) partner
17    laboratory, the DNA profile shall be uploaded by the
18    partner laboratory to the National DNA Index System (NDIS).
19    A packet submission of all relevant reports and DNA samples
20    shall be sent to the National Missing and Unidentified
21    Persons System (NamUs) within 30 days for any high-risk
22    missing person cases. The information shall be provided in
23    accordance with applicable guidelines relating to the
24    databases. The information shall be entered as follows:
25            (A) If Department of State Police laboratories are
26        utilized in lieu of National Missing and Unidentified



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1        Persons System (NamUs) partner laboratories, all (i)
2        All appropriate DNA profiles, as determined by the
3        Department of State Police, shall be uploaded into the
4        missing person databases of the State DNA Index System
5        (SDIS) and National DNA Index System (NDIS) after
6        completion of the DNA analysis and other procedures
7        required for database entry. The responding local law
8        enforcement agency shall submit any DNA samples
9        voluntarily obtained from family members to a National
10        Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
11        partner laboratory for DNA analysis within 30 days. A
12        notation of DNA submission shall be made within the
13        National Missing and Unidentified Persons System
14        (NamUs) record.
15            (B) (ii) Information relevant to the Federal
16        Bureau of Investigation's Violent Criminal
17        Apprehension Program shall be entered as soon as
18        possible.
19            (C) (iii) The Department of State Police shall
20        ensure that persons entering data relating to medical
21        or dental records in State or federal databases are
22        specifically trained to understand and correctly enter
23        the information sought by these databases. The
24        Department of State Police shall either use a person
25        with specific expertise in medical or dental records
26        for this purpose or consult with a chief medical



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1        examiner, forensic anthropologist, or odontologist to
2        ensure the accuracy and completeness of information
3        entered into the State and federal databases.
4        (2) (B) The Department of State Police shall
5    immediately notify all law enforcement agencies within
6    this State and the surrounding region of the information
7    that will aid in the prompt location and safe return of the
8    high-risk missing person.
9        (3) (C) The local law enforcement agencies that receive
10    the notification from the Department of State Police shall
11    notify officers to be on the lookout for the missing person
12    or a suspected abductor.
13        (4) (D) Pursuant to any applicable State criteria,
14    local law enforcement agencies shall also provide for the
15    prompt use of an Amber Alert in cases involving abducted
16    children; or use of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory
17    in appropriate high risk cases.
18(Source: P.A. 100-631, eff. 1-1-19; 100-662, eff. 1-1-19;
19100-835, eff. 1-1-19; revised 9-28-18.)
20    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
211, 2020.".