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| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning education.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by adding Section 65.105 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (110 ILCS 947/65.105 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 65.105. Adult vocational community college | ||||||
8 | scholarship. | ||||||
9 | (a) The Commission shall, subject to appropriation, | ||||||
10 | establish and administer an adult vocational community college | ||||||
11 | scholarship program. | ||||||
12 | (b) Beginning with the 2020-2021 academic year, the | ||||||
13 | Commission shall, each year, receive and consider applications | ||||||
14 | for scholarships under this Section. An applicant is eligible | ||||||
15 | for a scholarship under this Section if the Commission finds | ||||||
16 | that the applicant meets all of the following qualifications: | ||||||
17 | (1) He or she is over the age of 30. | ||||||
18 | (2) He or she has been unemployed and is actively | ||||||
19 | searching for employment, including being enrolled on the | ||||||
20 | Department of Employment Security's job-search website for | ||||||
21 | at least 6 months prior to the date the application is | ||||||
22 | submitted by the applicant. | ||||||
23 | (3) He or she is enrolled or accepted for enrollment at |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | his or her local community college organized under the | ||||||
2 | Public Community College Act. | ||||||
3 | (4) He or she can identify the specific training | ||||||
4 | certificate, credential, or associate degree that he or she | ||||||
5 | is seeking to obtain; the career that the certificate, | ||||||
6 | credential, or degree will help create; and how long it | ||||||
7 | will take the applicant to reach this goal. | ||||||
8 | Applicants may re-apply for the scholarship under this | ||||||
9 | Section if they can demonstrate continual progress, in terms of | ||||||
10 | grades and attendance, toward the desired certificate, | ||||||
11 | credential, or degree. | ||||||
12 | (c) The scholarship shall be sufficient to cover the cost | ||||||
13 | of tuition and fees to attend the community college, but in no | ||||||
14 | event shall the scholarship exceed $2,000 per scholarship | ||||||
15 | recipient per academic year. | ||||||
16 | The total amount of a scholarship awarded by the Commission | ||||||
17 | under this Section to an individual in any given fiscal year, | ||||||
18 | when added to other financial assistance awarded to that | ||||||
19 | individual for that year, shall not exceed the cost of | ||||||
20 | attendance at the community college at which the student is | ||||||
21 | enrolled. | ||||||
22 | (d) All applications for scholarships to be awarded under | ||||||
23 | this Section shall be made to the Commission in a form as set | ||||||
24 | forth by the Commission. The form of application and the | ||||||
25 | information required to be set forth in the application shall | ||||||
26 | be determined by the Commission, and the Commission shall |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | require eligible applicants to submit with their applications | ||||||
2 | such supporting documents as the Commission deems necessary. | ||||||
3 | (e) Subject to a separate appropriation made for such | ||||||
4 | purposes, payment of any scholarships awarded under this | ||||||
5 | Section shall be determined by the Commission. All scholarship | ||||||
6 | funds distributed in accordance with this Section shall be paid | ||||||
7 | to the community college on behalf of the recipients. | ||||||
8 | Scholarship funds are applicable toward 2 semesters of | ||||||
9 | enrollment within an academic year. Up to 2% of the | ||||||
10 | appropriation for this scholarship program may be used by the | ||||||
11 | Commission for the costs of administering the scholarship | ||||||
12 | program. If funds appropriated for the program are insufficient | ||||||
13 | to provide grants to each eligible applicant, the Commission | ||||||
14 | may prioritize the distribution of grants based on factors that | ||||||
15 | include an applicant's financial need, duration of | ||||||
16 | unemployment, prior level of educational attainment, or date of | ||||||
17 | application. | ||||||
18 | (f) The Commission shall adopt all necessary and proper | ||||||
19 | rules not inconsistent with this Section for its effective | ||||||
20 | implementation.
| ||||||
21 | Section 10. The Unemployment Insurance Act is amended by | ||||||
22 | changing Section 1900 as follows:
| ||||||
23 | (820 ILCS 405/1900) (from Ch. 48, par. 640)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 1900. Disclosure of information.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | A. Except as provided in this Section, information obtained | ||||||
2 | from any
individual or employing unit during the administration | ||||||
3 | of this Act shall:
| ||||||
4 | 1. be confidential,
| ||||||
5 | 2. not be published or open to public inspection,
| ||||||
6 | 3. not be used in any court in any pending action or | ||||||
7 | proceeding,
| ||||||
8 | 4. not be admissible in evidence in any action or | ||||||
9 | proceeding other than
one arising out of this Act.
| ||||||
10 | B. No finding, determination, decision, ruling or order | ||||||
11 | (including
any finding of fact, statement or conclusion made | ||||||
12 | therein) issued pursuant
to this Act shall be admissible or | ||||||
13 | used in evidence in any action other than
one arising out of | ||||||
14 | this Act, nor shall it be binding or conclusive except
as | ||||||
15 | provided in this Act, nor shall it constitute res judicata, | ||||||
16 | regardless
of whether the actions were between the same or | ||||||
17 | related parties or involved
the same facts.
| ||||||
18 | C. Any officer or employee of this State, any officer or | ||||||
19 | employee of any
entity authorized to obtain information | ||||||
20 | pursuant to this Section, and any
agent of this State or of | ||||||
21 | such entity
who, except with authority of
the Director under | ||||||
22 | this Section, shall disclose information shall be guilty
of a | ||||||
23 | Class B misdemeanor and shall be disqualified from holding any
| ||||||
24 | appointment or employment by the State.
| ||||||
25 | D. An individual or his duly authorized agent may be | ||||||
26 | supplied with
information from records only to the extent |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | necessary for the proper
presentation of his claim for benefits | ||||||
2 | or with his existing or prospective
rights to benefits. | ||||||
3 | Discretion to disclose this information belongs
solely to the | ||||||
4 | Director and is not subject to a release or waiver by the
| ||||||
5 | individual.
Notwithstanding any other provision to the | ||||||
6 | contrary, an individual or his or
her duly authorized agent may | ||||||
7 | be supplied with a statement of the amount of
benefits paid to | ||||||
8 | the individual during the 18 months preceding the date of his
| ||||||
9 | or her request.
| ||||||
10 | E. An employing unit may be furnished with information, | ||||||
11 | only if deemed by
the Director as necessary to enable it to | ||||||
12 | fully discharge its obligations or
safeguard its rights under | ||||||
13 | the Act. Discretion to disclose this information
belongs solely | ||||||
14 | to the Director and is not subject to a release or waiver by | ||||||
15 | the
employing unit.
| ||||||
16 | F. The Director may furnish any information that he may | ||||||
17 | deem proper to
any public officer or public agency of this or | ||||||
18 | any other State or of the
federal government dealing with:
| ||||||
19 | 1. the administration of relief,
| ||||||
20 | 2. public assistance,
| ||||||
21 | 3. unemployment compensation,
| ||||||
22 | 4. a system of public employment offices,
| ||||||
23 | 5. wages and hours of employment, or
| ||||||
24 | 6. a public works program.
| ||||||
25 | The Director may make available to the Illinois Workers' | ||||||
26 | Compensation Commission
information regarding employers for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the purpose of verifying the insurance
coverage required under | ||||||
2 | the Workers' Compensation Act and Workers'
Occupational | ||||||
3 | Diseases Act.
| ||||||
4 | G. The Director may disclose information submitted by the | ||||||
5 | State or any
of its political subdivisions, municipal | ||||||
6 | corporations, instrumentalities,
or school or community | ||||||
7 | college districts, except for information which
specifically | ||||||
8 | identifies an individual claimant.
| ||||||
9 | H. The Director shall disclose only that information | ||||||
10 | required to be
disclosed under Section 303 of the Social | ||||||
11 | Security Act, as amended, including:
| ||||||
12 | 1. any information required to be given the United | ||||||
13 | States Department of
Labor under Section 303(a)(6); and
| ||||||
14 | 2. the making available upon request to any agency of | ||||||
15 | the United States
charged with the administration of public | ||||||
16 | works or assistance through
public employment, the name, | ||||||
17 | address, ordinary occupation and employment
status of each | ||||||
18 | recipient of unemployment compensation, and a statement of
| ||||||
19 | such recipient's right to further compensation under such | ||||||
20 | law as required
by Section 303(a)(7); and
| ||||||
21 | 3. records to make available to the Railroad Retirement | ||||||
22 | Board as
required by Section 303(c)(1); and
| ||||||
23 | 4. information that will assure reasonable cooperation | ||||||
24 | with every agency
of the United States charged with the | ||||||
25 | administration of any unemployment
compensation law as | ||||||
26 | required by Section 303(c)(2); and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 5. information upon request and on a reimbursable basis | ||||||
2 | to the United
States Department of Agriculture and to any | ||||||
3 | State food stamp agency
concerning any information | ||||||
4 | required to be furnished by Section 303(d); and
| ||||||
5 | 6. any wage information upon request and on a | ||||||
6 | reimbursable basis
to any State or local child support | ||||||
7 | enforcement agency required by
Section 303(e); and
| ||||||
8 | 7. any information required under the income | ||||||
9 | eligibility and
verification system as required by Section | ||||||
10 | 303(f); and
| ||||||
11 | 8. information that might be useful in locating an | ||||||
12 | absent parent or that
parent's employer, establishing | ||||||
13 | paternity or establishing, modifying, or
enforcing child | ||||||
14 | support orders
for the purpose of a child support | ||||||
15 | enforcement program
under Title IV of the Social Security | ||||||
16 | Act upon the request of
and on a reimbursable basis to
the | ||||||
17 | public
agency administering the Federal Parent Locator | ||||||
18 | Service as required by
Section 303(h); and
| ||||||
19 | 9. information, upon request, to representatives of | ||||||
20 | any federal, State
or local governmental public housing | ||||||
21 | agency with respect to individuals who
have signed the | ||||||
22 | appropriate consent form approved by the Secretary of | ||||||
23 | Housing
and Urban Development and who are applying for or | ||||||
24 | participating in any housing
assistance program | ||||||
25 | administered by the United States Department of Housing and
| ||||||
26 | Urban Development as required by Section 303(i).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | I. The Director, upon the request of a public agency of | ||||||
2 | Illinois, of the
federal government or of any other state | ||||||
3 | charged with the investigation or
enforcement of Section 10-5 | ||||||
4 | of the Criminal Code of 2012 (or a similar
federal law or | ||||||
5 | similar law of another State), may furnish the public agency
| ||||||
6 | information regarding the individual specified in the request | ||||||
7 | as to:
| ||||||
8 | 1. the current or most recent home address of the | ||||||
9 | individual, and
| ||||||
10 | 2. the names and addresses of the individual's | ||||||
11 | employers.
| ||||||
12 | J. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to interfere | ||||||
13 | with the
disclosure of certain records as provided for in | ||||||
14 | Section 1706 or with the
right to make available to the | ||||||
15 | Internal Revenue Service of the United
States Department of the | ||||||
16 | Treasury, or the Department of Revenue of the
State of | ||||||
17 | Illinois, information obtained under this Act.
| ||||||
18 | K. The Department shall make available to the Illinois | ||||||
19 | Student Assistance
Commission, upon request, information in | ||||||
20 | the possession of the Department that
may be necessary or | ||||||
21 | useful to the
Commission in the collection of defaulted or | ||||||
22 | delinquent student loans which
the Commission administers.
| ||||||
23 | L. The Department shall make available to the State | ||||||
24 | Employees'
Retirement System, the State Universities | ||||||
25 | Retirement System, the
Teachers' Retirement System of the State | ||||||
26 | of Illinois, and the Department of Central Management Services, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Risk Management Division, upon request,
information in the | ||||||
2 | possession of the Department that may be necessary or useful
to | ||||||
3 | the System or the Risk Management Division for the purpose of | ||||||
4 | determining whether any recipient of a
disability benefit from | ||||||
5 | the System or a workers' compensation benefit from the Risk | ||||||
6 | Management Division is gainfully employed.
| ||||||
7 | M. This Section shall be applicable to the information | ||||||
8 | obtained in the
administration of the State employment service, | ||||||
9 | except that the Director
may publish or release general labor | ||||||
10 | market information and may furnish
information that he may deem | ||||||
11 | proper to an individual, public officer or
public agency of | ||||||
12 | this or any other State or the federal government (in
addition | ||||||
13 | to those public officers or public agencies specified in this
| ||||||
14 | Section) as he prescribes by Rule.
| ||||||
15 | N. The Director may require such safeguards as he deems | ||||||
16 | proper to insure
that information disclosed pursuant to this | ||||||
17 | Section is used only for the
purposes set forth in this | ||||||
18 | Section.
| ||||||
19 | O. Nothing in this Section prohibits communication with an | ||||||
20 | individual or entity through unencrypted e-mail or other | ||||||
21 | unencrypted electronic means as long as the communication does | ||||||
22 | not contain the individual's or entity's name in combination | ||||||
23 | with any one or more of the individual's or entity's social | ||||||
24 | security number; driver's license or State identification | ||||||
25 | number; credit or debit card number; or any required security | ||||||
26 | code, access code, or password that would permit access to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | further information pertaining to the individual or entity.
| ||||||
2 | P. (Blank).
| ||||||
3 | Q. The Director shall make available to an elected federal
| ||||||
4 | official the name and address of an individual or entity that | ||||||
5 | is located within
the jurisdiction from which the official was | ||||||
6 | elected and that, for the most
recently completed calendar | ||||||
7 | year, has reported to the Department as paying
wages to | ||||||
8 | workers, where the information will be used in connection with | ||||||
9 | the
official duties of the official and the official requests | ||||||
10 | the information in
writing, specifying the purposes for which | ||||||
11 | it will be used.
For purposes of this subsection, the use of | ||||||
12 | information in connection with the
official duties of an | ||||||
13 | official does not include use of the information in
connection | ||||||
14 | with the solicitation of contributions or expenditures, in | ||||||
15 | money or
in kind, to or on behalf of a candidate for public or | ||||||
16 | political office or a
political party or with respect to a | ||||||
17 | public question, as defined in Section 1-3
of the Election | ||||||
18 | Code, or in connection with any commercial solicitation. Any
| ||||||
19 | elected federal official who, in submitting a request for | ||||||
20 | information
covered by this subsection, knowingly makes a false | ||||||
21 | statement or fails to
disclose a material fact, with the intent | ||||||
22 | to obtain the information for a
purpose not authorized by this | ||||||
23 | subsection, shall be guilty of a Class B
| ||||||
24 | R. The Director may provide to any State or local child | ||||||
25 | support
agency, upon request and on a reimbursable basis, | ||||||
26 | information that might be
useful in locating an absent parent |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or that parent's employer, establishing
paternity, or | ||||||
2 | establishing, modifying, or enforcing child support orders.
| ||||||
3 | S. The Department shall make available to a State's | ||||||
4 | Attorney of this
State or a State's Attorney's investigator,
| ||||||
5 | upon request, the current address or, if the current address is
| ||||||
6 | unavailable, current employer information, if available, of a | ||||||
7 | victim of
a felony or a
witness to a felony or a person against | ||||||
8 | whom an arrest warrant is
| ||||||
9 | T. The Director shall make available to the Department of | ||||||
10 | State Police, a county sheriff's office, or a municipal police | ||||||
11 | department, upon request, any information concerning the | ||||||
12 | current address and place of employment or former places of | ||||||
13 | employment of a person who is required to register as a sex | ||||||
14 | offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act that may be | ||||||
15 | useful in enforcing the registration provisions of that Act. | ||||||
16 | U. The Director shall make information available to the | ||||||
17 | Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department | ||||||
18 | of Human Services for the purpose of determining eligibility | ||||||
19 | for public benefit programs authorized under the Illinois | ||||||
20 | Public Aid Code and related statutes administered by those | ||||||
21 | departments, for verifying sources and amounts of income, and | ||||||
22 | for other purposes directly connected with the administration | ||||||
23 | of those programs. | ||||||
24 | V. The Director shall make information available to the | ||||||
25 | State Board of Elections as may be required by an agreement the | ||||||
26 | State Board of Elections has entered into with a multi-state |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | voter registration list maintenance system. | ||||||
2 | W. The Director shall make information available to the | ||||||
3 | State Treasurer's office and the Department of Revenue for the | ||||||
4 | purpose of facilitating compliance with the Illinois Secure | ||||||
5 | Choice Savings Program Act, including employer contact | ||||||
6 | information for employers with 25 or more employees and any | ||||||
7 | other information the Director deems appropriate that is | ||||||
8 | directly related to the administration of this program. | ||||||
9 | X. The Director shall make information available, upon | ||||||
10 | request, to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for the | ||||||
11 | purpose of determining eligibility for the adult vocational | ||||||
12 | community college scholarship program under Section 65.105 of | ||||||
13 | the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. | ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 99-571, eff. 7-15-16; 99-933, eff. 1-27-17; | ||||||
15 | 100-484, eff. 9-8-17.)