| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning regulation.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Regulatory Sunset Act is amended by changing | ||||||
5 | Section 4.34 as follows: | ||||||
6 | (5 ILCS 80/4.34) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 4.34. Acts and Section repealed on January 1, 2024. | ||||||
8 | The following Acts and
Section of an Act are repealed
on | ||||||
9 | January 1, 2024: | ||||||
10 | The Electrologist Licensing Act. | ||||||
11 | The Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters and Voice | ||||||
12 | Writer Reporters Act of 1984 . | ||||||
13 | The Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act. | ||||||
14 | The Illinois Public Accounting Act. | ||||||
15 | The Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private | ||||||
16 | Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004. | ||||||
17 | The Registered Surgical Assistant and Registered | ||||||
18 | Surgical Technologist
Title Protection Act. | ||||||
19 | Section 2.5 of the Illinois Plumbing License Law.
| ||||||
20 | The Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice Act of | ||||||
21 | 2004. | ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 98-140, eff. 12-31-13; 98-253, eff. 8-9-13; | ||||||
23 | 98-254, eff. 8-9-13; 98-264, eff. 12-31-13; 98-339, eff. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 12-31-13; 98-363, eff. 8-16-13; 98-364, eff. 12-31-13; 98-445, | ||||||
2 | eff. 12-31-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.) | ||||||
3 | Section 10. The Oaths and Affirmations Act is amended by | ||||||
4 | changing Sections 1 and 2 as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (5 ILCS 255/1) (from Ch. 101, par. 1)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 1. Oaths and affirmations. All courts, and all judges | ||||||
7 | and the clerk thereof, the county clerk,
deputy county clerk, | ||||||
8 | notaries public, and persons certified under the
Illinois | ||||||
9 | Certified Shorthand Reporters and Voice Writer Reporters Act of | ||||||
10 | 1984 have the power to
and affirmations to | ||||||
11 | witnesses and others, concerning anything commenced or
to be | ||||||
12 | commenced, or pending before them respectively.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 90-294, eff. 8-1-97.)
| ||||||
14 | (5 ILCS 255/2) (from Ch. 101, par. 2)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 2. Affidavits and depositions. All courts, and judges, | ||||||
16 | and the clerks thereof, the county clerk, deputy
county clerk, | ||||||
17 | the Secretary of State, notaries public, and
certified | ||||||
18 | under the Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters and Voice | ||||||
19 | Writer Reporters Act of 1984
may administer all
oaths of office | ||||||
20 | and all other oaths authorized or required of any officer
or | ||||||
21 | other person, and take affidavits and depositions concerning | ||||||
22 | any matter
or thing, process or proceeding commenced or to be | ||||||
23 | commenced, or pending in
any court or before them, or on any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | occasion wherein any affidavit or
deposition is authorized or | ||||||
2 | required by law to be taken.
| ||||||
3 | The same functions may be performed by any commissioned | ||||||
4 | officer in
active service of the armed forces of the United | ||||||
5 | States, within or without
the United States. Oaths, affidavits | ||||||
6 | or depositions taken by or
affirmations made before such | ||||||
7 | officers need not be authenticated nor
attested by any seal nor | ||||||
8 | shall any instruments executed or proceedings had
before such | ||||||
9 | officers be invalid because the place of the proceedings or of
| ||||||
10 | the execution is not stated.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 97-36, eff. 1-1-12.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 15. The Department of Professional Regulation Law | ||||||
13 | of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by | ||||||
14 | changing Section 2105-115 as follows:
| ||||||
15 | (20 ILCS 2105/2105-115) (was 20 ILCS 2105/60f)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 2105-115. Certified shorthand reporter or certified | ||||||
17 | voice writer reporter ; transcript. The Department, at its
| ||||||
18 | expense,
shall provide a certified shorthand reporter or | ||||||
19 | certified voice writer reporter
to take down the testimony and | ||||||
20 | preserve a record of all proceedings at the
hearing of any case | ||||||
21 | in which a license may be revoked,
suspended, placed
on | ||||||
22 | probationary status, reprimanded, fined, or subjected to other | ||||||
23 | disciplinary action with
reference to the license when a | ||||||
24 | disciplinary action is
in any licensing Act |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | administered by the Department. The notice,
complaint, and all | ||||||
2 | other documents in the nature of pleadings and written
motions | ||||||
3 | filed in the proceedings, the transcript of testimony, the | ||||||
4 | report
of the board, and the orders of the Department shall be | ||||||
5 | the record of
the proceedings. The Department shall furnish
the | ||||||
6 | record to
any person interested in the hearing upon payment | ||||||
7 | therefor of $1 per page.
The Department may contract for court | ||||||
8 | reporting services, and, in the event it does so, the | ||||||
9 | Department shall provide the name and contact information for | ||||||
10 | the certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
11 | reporter who transcribed the testimony at a hearing to any | ||||||
12 | person interested, who may obtain a copy of the transcript of | ||||||
13 | any proceedings at a hearing upon payment of the fee specified | ||||||
14 | by the certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
15 | reporter . This charge is in addition to any fee charged by the
| ||||||
16 | Department for certifying the record.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 99-227, eff. 8-3-15; 100-262, eff. 8-22-17.)
| ||||||
18 | Section 20. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Act is | ||||||
19 | amended by changing Section 3.40 as follows:
| ||||||
20 | (210 ILCS 50/3.40)
| ||||||
21 | (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 100-1082 )
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 3.40. EMS System Participation Suspensions and
Due | ||||||
23 | Process. | ||||||
24 | (a) An EMS Medical Director may suspend from
participation |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | within the System any EMS personnel, EMS Lead Instructor (LI), | ||||||
2 | individual, individual
provider or other participant | ||||||
3 | considered not to be meeting
the requirements of the Program | ||||||
4 | Plan of that approved EMS
| ||||||
5 | (b) Prior to suspending any individual or entity, an EMS | ||||||
6 | Medical Director
shall provide an opportunity for a hearing | ||||||
7 | before the
local System review board in accordance with | ||||||
8 | subsection (f) and the rules
promulgated by the Department.
| ||||||
9 | (1) If the local System review board affirms or | ||||||
10 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's suspension order, the | ||||||
11 | individual or entity shall have the opportunity for
a | ||||||
12 | review of the local board's decision by the State EMS | ||||||
13 | Disciplinary Review
Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this | ||||||
14 | Act.
| ||||||
15 | (2) If the local System review board reverses or | ||||||
16 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's order, the EMS Medical | ||||||
17 | Director shall have the
opportunity for a review of the | ||||||
18 | local board's decision by the State EMS
Disciplinary Review | ||||||
19 | Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this Act.
| ||||||
20 | (3) The suspension shall commence only upon the | ||||||
21 | occurrence of one of the
| ||||||
22 | (A) the individual or entity has waived the | ||||||
23 | opportunity for a hearing before
the local System | ||||||
24 | review board; or
| ||||||
25 | (B) the order has been affirmed or modified by the | ||||||
26 | local system review
and the individual or entity |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | has waived the opportunity for review by the State
| ||||||
2 | Board; or
| ||||||
3 | (C) the order has been affirmed or modified by the | ||||||
4 | local system review
and the local board's | ||||||
5 | decision has been affirmed or modified by the State
| ||||||
6 | Board.
| ||||||
7 | (c) An EMS Medical Director may immediately suspend an EMR, | ||||||
8 | EMD, EMT, EMT-I, A-EMT, Paramedic, ECRN, PHRN, LI, or other | ||||||
9 | individual or entity if he or she finds that the
continuation | ||||||
10 | in practice by the individual or entity would constitute an
| ||||||
11 | imminent danger to the public. The suspended individual or | ||||||
12 | entity shall be
issued an immediate verbal notification | ||||||
13 | followed by a written suspension order
by the EMS Medical | ||||||
14 | Director which states the
length, terms and basis for the | ||||||
15 | suspension.
| ||||||
16 | (1) Within 24 hours following the commencement of the | ||||||
17 | suspension, the EMS
Medical Director shall deliver to the | ||||||
18 | Department, by messenger, telefax, or other | ||||||
19 | Department-approved electronic communication, a
copy of | ||||||
20 | the suspension order and copies of any written materials | ||||||
21 | which relate
to the EMS Medical Director's decision to | ||||||
22 | suspend the individual or entity. All medical and | ||||||
23 | patient-specific information, including Department | ||||||
24 | findings with respect to the quality of care rendered, | ||||||
25 | shall be strictly confidential pursuant to the Medical | ||||||
26 | Studies Act (Part 21 of Article VIII of the Code of Civil |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Procedure).
| ||||||
2 | (2) Within 24 hours following the commencement of the | ||||||
3 | suspension, the
suspended individual or entity may deliver | ||||||
4 | to the Department, by messenger,
telefax, or other | ||||||
5 | Department-approved electronic communication, a written | ||||||
6 | response to the suspension order and copies of any written
| ||||||
7 | materials which the individual or entity feels are | ||||||
8 | appropriate. All medical and patient-specific information, | ||||||
9 | including Department findings with respect to the quality | ||||||
10 | of care rendered, shall be strictly confidential pursuant | ||||||
11 | to the Medical Studies Act.
| ||||||
12 | (3) Within 24 hours following receipt of the EMS | ||||||
13 | Medical Director's
suspension order or the individual or | ||||||
14 | entity's written response, whichever is later,
the | ||||||
15 | Director or the Director's designee shall determine | ||||||
16 | whether the suspension
should be stayed pending an | ||||||
17 | opportunity for a hearing or
review in accordance with this | ||||||
18 | Act, or whether the suspension should continue
during the | ||||||
19 | course of that hearing or review. The Director or the | ||||||
20 | Director's
designee shall issue this determination to the | ||||||
21 | EMS Medical Director, who shall
immediately notify the | ||||||
22 | suspended individual or entity. The suspension shall | ||||||
23 | remain
in effect during this period of review by the | ||||||
24 | Director or the Director's
| ||||||
25 | (d) Upon issuance of a suspension order for reasons | ||||||
26 | directly related to
medical care, the EMS Medical Director |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | shall also provide the individual or entity
with the | ||||||
2 | opportunity for a hearing before the local System review board, | ||||||
3 | in
accordance with subsection (f) and the rules promulgated by | ||||||
4 | the Department.
| ||||||
5 | (1) If the local System review board affirms or | ||||||
6 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's suspension order, the | ||||||
7 | individual or entity shall have the opportunity for
a | ||||||
8 | review of the local board's decision by the State EMS | ||||||
9 | Disciplinary Review
Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this | ||||||
10 | Act.
| ||||||
11 | (2) If the local System review board reverses or | ||||||
12 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's suspension order, the | ||||||
13 | EMS Medical Director shall have the
opportunity for a | ||||||
14 | review of the local board's decision by the State EMS
| ||||||
15 | Disciplinary Review Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this | ||||||
16 | Act.
| ||||||
17 | (3) The suspended individual or entity may elect to | ||||||
18 | bypass the local System review board
and seek direct review | ||||||
19 | of the EMS Medical Director's suspension order by the
State | ||||||
20 | EMS Disciplinary Review Board.
| ||||||
21 | (e) The Resource Hospital shall designate a local System | ||||||
22 | review board in
accordance with the rules of the Department, | ||||||
23 | for the purpose of providing a
hearing to any individual or | ||||||
24 | entity participating within the
System who is suspended from | ||||||
25 | participation by the EMS Medical Director. The
EMS Medical | ||||||
26 | Director shall arrange for a certified shorthand reporter or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | certified voice writer reporter to make a
stenographic record | ||||||
2 | of that hearing and thereafter prepare a transcript of the
| ||||||
3 | proceedings. The transcript, all documents or materials | ||||||
4 | received as evidence
during the hearing and the local System | ||||||
5 | review board's written decision shall
be retained in the | ||||||
6 | custody of the EMS system. The System shall implement a
| ||||||
7 | decision of the local System review board unless that decision | ||||||
8 | has been
appealed to the State Emergency Medical Services | ||||||
9 | Disciplinary Review Board in
accordance with this Act and the | ||||||
10 | rules of the Department.
| ||||||
11 | (f) The Resource Hospital shall implement a decision of the | ||||||
12 | State Emergency
Medical Services Disciplinary Review Board | ||||||
13 | which has been rendered in
accordance with this Act and the | ||||||
14 | rules of the Department.
| ||||||
15 | (Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)
| ||||||
16 | (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 100-1082 )
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 3.40. EMS System Participation Suspensions and
Due | ||||||
18 | Process. | ||||||
19 | (a) An EMS Medical Director may suspend from
participation | ||||||
20 | within the System any EMS personnel, EMS Lead Instructor (LI), | ||||||
21 | individual, individual
provider or other participant | ||||||
22 | considered not to be meeting
the requirements of the Program | ||||||
23 | Plan of that approved EMS
| ||||||
24 | (b) Prior to suspending any individual or entity, an EMS | ||||||
25 | Medical Director
shall provide an opportunity for a hearing |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | before the
local System review board in accordance with | ||||||
2 | subsection (f) and the rules
promulgated by the Department.
| ||||||
3 | (1) If the local System review board affirms or | ||||||
4 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's suspension order, the | ||||||
5 | individual or entity shall have the opportunity for
a | ||||||
6 | review of the local board's decision by the State EMS | ||||||
7 | Disciplinary Review
Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this | ||||||
8 | Act.
| ||||||
9 | (2) If the local System review board reverses or | ||||||
10 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's order, the EMS Medical | ||||||
11 | Director shall have the
opportunity for a review of the | ||||||
12 | local board's decision by the State EMS
Disciplinary Review | ||||||
13 | Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this Act.
| ||||||
14 | (3) The suspension shall commence only upon the | ||||||
15 | occurrence of one of the
| ||||||
16 | (A) the individual or entity has waived the | ||||||
17 | opportunity for a hearing before
the local System | ||||||
18 | review board; or
| ||||||
19 | (B) the order has been affirmed or modified by the | ||||||
20 | local system review
and the individual or entity | ||||||
21 | has waived the opportunity for review by the State
| ||||||
22 | Board; or
| ||||||
23 | (C) the order has been affirmed or modified by the | ||||||
24 | local system review
and the local board's | ||||||
25 | decision has been affirmed or modified by the State
| ||||||
26 | Board.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) An EMS Medical Director may immediately suspend an EMR, | ||||||
2 | EMD, EMT, EMT-I, A-EMT, Paramedic, ECRN, PHRN, LI, PHPA, | ||||||
3 | PHAPRN, or other individual or entity if he or she finds that | ||||||
4 | the
continuation in practice by the individual or entity would | ||||||
5 | constitute an
imminent danger to the public. The suspended | ||||||
6 | individual or entity shall be
issued an immediate verbal | ||||||
7 | notification followed by a written suspension order
by the EMS | ||||||
8 | Medical Director which states the
length, terms and basis for | ||||||
9 | the suspension.
| ||||||
10 | (1) Within 24 hours following the commencement of the | ||||||
11 | suspension, the EMS
Medical Director shall deliver to the | ||||||
12 | Department, by messenger, telefax, or other | ||||||
13 | Department-approved electronic communication, a
copy of | ||||||
14 | the suspension order and copies of any written materials | ||||||
15 | which relate
to the EMS Medical Director's decision to | ||||||
16 | suspend the individual or entity. All medical and | ||||||
17 | patient-specific information, including Department | ||||||
18 | findings with respect to the quality of care rendered, | ||||||
19 | shall be strictly confidential pursuant to the Medical | ||||||
20 | Studies Act (Part 21 of Article VIII of the Code of Civil | ||||||
21 | Procedure).
| ||||||
22 | (2) Within 24 hours following the commencement of the | ||||||
23 | suspension, the
suspended individual or entity may deliver | ||||||
24 | to the Department, by messenger,
telefax, or other | ||||||
25 | Department-approved electronic communication, a written | ||||||
26 | response to the suspension order and copies of any written
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | materials which the individual or entity feels are | ||||||
2 | appropriate. All medical and patient-specific information, | ||||||
3 | including Department findings with respect to the quality | ||||||
4 | of care rendered, shall be strictly confidential pursuant | ||||||
5 | to the Medical Studies Act.
| ||||||
6 | (3) Within 24 hours following receipt of the EMS | ||||||
7 | Medical Director's
suspension order or the individual or | ||||||
8 | entity's written response, whichever is later,
the | ||||||
9 | Director or the Director's designee shall determine | ||||||
10 | whether the suspension
should be stayed pending an | ||||||
11 | opportunity for a hearing or
review in accordance with this | ||||||
12 | Act, or whether the suspension should continue
during the | ||||||
13 | course of that hearing or review. The Director or the | ||||||
14 | Director's
designee shall issue this determination to the | ||||||
15 | EMS Medical Director, who shall
immediately notify the | ||||||
16 | suspended individual or entity. The suspension shall | ||||||
17 | remain
in effect during this period of review by the | ||||||
18 | Director or the Director's
| ||||||
19 | (d) Upon issuance of a suspension order for reasons | ||||||
20 | directly related to
medical care, the EMS Medical Director | ||||||
21 | shall also provide the individual or entity
with the | ||||||
22 | opportunity for a hearing before the local System review board, | ||||||
23 | in
accordance with subsection (f) and the rules promulgated by | ||||||
24 | the Department.
| ||||||
25 | (1) If the local System review board affirms or | ||||||
26 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's suspension order, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | individual or entity shall have the opportunity for
a | ||||||
2 | review of the local board's decision by the State EMS | ||||||
3 | Disciplinary Review
Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this | ||||||
4 | Act.
| ||||||
5 | (2) If the local System review board reverses or | ||||||
6 | modifies the EMS Medical
Director's suspension order, the | ||||||
7 | EMS Medical Director shall have the
opportunity for a | ||||||
8 | review of the local board's decision by the State EMS
| ||||||
9 | Disciplinary Review Board, pursuant to Section 3.45 of this | ||||||
10 | Act.
| ||||||
11 | (3) The suspended individual or entity may elect to | ||||||
12 | bypass the local System review board
and seek direct review | ||||||
13 | of the EMS Medical Director's suspension order by the
State | ||||||
14 | EMS Disciplinary Review Board.
| ||||||
15 | (e) The Resource Hospital shall designate a local System | ||||||
16 | review board in
accordance with the rules of the Department, | ||||||
17 | for the purpose of providing a
hearing to any individual or | ||||||
18 | entity participating within the
System who is suspended from | ||||||
19 | participation by the EMS Medical Director. The
EMS Medical | ||||||
20 | Director shall arrange for a certified shorthand reporter or | ||||||
21 | certified voice writer reporter to make a
stenographic record | ||||||
22 | of that hearing and thereafter prepare a transcript of the
| ||||||
23 | proceedings. The transcript, all documents or materials | ||||||
24 | received as evidence
during the hearing and the local System | ||||||
25 | review board's written decision shall
be retained in the | ||||||
26 | custody of the EMS system. The System shall implement a
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | decision of the local System review board unless that decision | ||||||
2 | has been
appealed to the State Emergency Medical Services | ||||||
3 | Disciplinary Review Board in
accordance with this Act and the | ||||||
4 | rules of the Department.
| ||||||
5 | (f) The Resource Hospital shall implement a decision of the | ||||||
6 | State Emergency
Medical Services Disciplinary Review Board | ||||||
7 | which has been rendered in
accordance with this Act and the | ||||||
8 | rules of the Department.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 100-1082, eff. 8-24-19.)
| ||||||
10 | Section 25. The Illinois Funeral or Burial Funds Act is | ||||||
11 | amended by changing Sections 3b and 3d as follows:
| ||||||
12 | (225 ILCS 45/3b) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 73.103b)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 3b.
The Comptroller, at his expense, shall provide a | ||||||
14 | certified
shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
15 | reporter to take down the testimony and preserve a record of | ||||||
16 | all
proceedings at the hearing of any case involving the | ||||||
17 | refusal to issue or
renew a license, the suspension or | ||||||
18 | revocation of a license, the imposition
of a monetary penalty, | ||||||
19 | or the referral of a case for criminal prosecution.
The record | ||||||
20 | of any such proceeding shall consist of the notice of hearing,
| ||||||
21 | complaint, all other documents in the nature of pleadings and | ||||||
22 | written
motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of | ||||||
23 | testimony and the
report and orders of the Comptroller. Copies | ||||||
24 | of the transcript of such
record may be purchased from the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
2 | reporter who prepared
the record.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 84-839.)
| ||||||
4 | (225 ILCS 45/3d) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 73.103d)
| ||||||
5 | Sec. 3d.
Any person affected by a final administrative | ||||||
6 | decision of the
Comptroller may have such decision reviewed | ||||||
7 | judicially by the circuit court
of the county where such person | ||||||
8 | resides, or in the case of a corporation,
where the registered | ||||||
9 | office is located. If the plaintiff in the review
proceeding is | ||||||
10 | not a resident of this State, venue shall be in Sangamon
| ||||||
11 | County. The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, as now | ||||||
12 | or
hereafter amended, and any rules adopted thereunder shall | ||||||
13 | govern all
proceedings for the judicial review of final | ||||||
14 | administrative decisions of the
Comptroller. The term | ||||||
15 | "administrative decision" is defined as in the
Administrative | ||||||
16 | Review Law.
| ||||||
17 | The Comptroller is not required to certify the record of | ||||||
18 | the proceeding
unless the plaintiff in the review proceedings | ||||||
19 | has purchased a copy of the
transcript from the certified | ||||||
20 | shorthand reporter or certified voice writer reporter who | ||||||
21 | prepared the record.
Exhibits shall be certified without cost.
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 84-839.)
| ||||||
23 | Section 30. The Medical Practice Act of 1987 is amended by | ||||||
24 | changing Section 39 as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 60/39) (from Ch. 111, par. 4400-39)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2019)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 39. Certified shorthand reporter or certified voice | ||||||
4 | writer reporter ; record. The Department, at its expense, shall
| ||||||
5 | provide a certified shorthand reporter or certified voice | ||||||
6 | writer reporter to take down the testimony and
preserve a | ||||||
7 | record of all proceedings at the hearing of any
case wherein a | ||||||
8 | license may be revoked, suspended, placed on
probationary | ||||||
9 | status, or other disciplinary action taken with
regard thereto. | ||||||
10 | The notice of hearing, complaint and all
other documents in the | ||||||
11 | nature of pleadings and written
motions filed in the | ||||||
12 | proceedings, the transcript of
testimony, the report of the | ||||||
13 | Licensing Board and the orders
of the Department constitute the | ||||||
14 | record of the proceedings.
The Department shall furnish a copy | ||||||
15 | of the record to
any person interested in such hearing upon | ||||||
16 | payment of the fee required
under Section 2105-115 of the | ||||||
17 | Department of Professional Regulation
Law (20 ILCS | ||||||
18 | 2105/2105-115). The Department may contract for court | ||||||
19 | reporting services, and, in the event it does so, the | ||||||
20 | Department shall provide the name and contact information for | ||||||
21 | the certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
22 | reporter who transcribed the testimony at a hearing to any | ||||||
23 | person interested, who may obtain a copy of the record of any | ||||||
24 | proceedings at a hearing upon payment of the fee specified by | ||||||
25 | the certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reporter . This charge is in addition to any fee charged by the | ||||||
2 | Department for certifying the record.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 100-429, eff. 8-25-17.)
| ||||||
4 | Section 35. The Illinois Explosives Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 5004 as follows
| ||||||
6 | (225 ILCS 210/5004) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 1-5004)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 5004. Record of proceedings; transcript. The | ||||||
8 | Department or aggrieved party may
provide at its or his or her | ||||||
9 | expense a certified shorthand reporter or certified voice | ||||||
10 | writer reporter to take down the
testimony and preserve a | ||||||
11 | record of all proceedings at the hearing of any
case involving | ||||||
12 | denial or refusal to issue or renew a license or
certificate, | ||||||
13 | or the suspension or revocation or other discipline of a
| ||||||
14 | license or certificate. Copies of the transcript of such record | ||||||
15 | may be
purchased from the certified shorthand reporter or | ||||||
16 | certified voice writer reporter who prepared the record.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 96-1194, eff. 1-1-11.)
| ||||||
18 | Section 40. The Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters Act | ||||||
19 | of 1984 is amended by changing Sections 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, | ||||||
20 | 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 23.1, 23.3, 23.4, 23.10, | ||||||
21 | 23.13, 25, 26, and 28 as follows:
| ||||||
22 | (225 ILCS 415/1) (from Ch. 111, par. 6201)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 1.
The practice of shorthand reporting and voice | ||||||
3 | writer reporting in the State of Illinois
is hereby declared to | ||||||
4 | affect the public health, safety and welfare and to
be subject | ||||||
5 | to regulation and control in the public interest. This Act
is | ||||||
6 | designed to encourage proficiency in the methods practice of | ||||||
7 | shorthand
reporting and voice writer reporting as a profession; | ||||||
8 | to promote efficiency in court and general
reporting; and to | ||||||
9 | extend to the public the protection afforded by a
standardized | ||||||
10 | profession by establishing standards a standard of competency | ||||||
11 | for
certified shorthand reporters and voice writer reporters . | ||||||
12 | It is further declared that, in order for
the practice of | ||||||
13 | shorthand reporting and voice writer reporting as defined in | ||||||
14 | this Act to merit and
receive the confidence of the public, | ||||||
15 | only qualified persons shall be
authorized to practice | ||||||
16 | shorthand reporting and voice writer reporting in the State of | ||||||
17 | Illinois. This
Act shall be liberally construed to best carry | ||||||
18 | out these subjects and purposes.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 83-73 .)
| ||||||
20 | (225 ILCS 415/2) (from Ch. 111, par. 6202)
| ||||||
21 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 2.
This Act may be cited as the Illinois Certified
| ||||||
23 | Shorthand Reporters and Voice Writer Reporters Act of 1984 .
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 87-481 .)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 415/3) (from Ch. 111, par. 6203)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 3. License required. No person may practice shorthand | ||||||
4 | reporting or voice writer reporting on a temporary or
permanent | ||||||
5 | basis in this State without being certified under this Act.
| ||||||
6 | This Act does not prohibit any non-resident practicing | ||||||
7 | shorthand
reporter or non-resident practicing voice writer | ||||||
8 | reporter from practicing shorthand reporting or voice writer | ||||||
9 | reporting in this State as to one single proceeding.
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
11 | (225 ILCS 415/3.5)
| ||||||
12 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 3.5. Uncertified practice; violation; civil penalty.
| ||||||
14 | (a) Any person who practices, offers to practice, attempts | ||||||
15 | to practice, or
holds oneself out to practice as a shorthand | ||||||
16 | reporter or a voice writer reporter without being certified
| ||||||
17 | under this Act shall, in
addition to any other penalty provided | ||||||
18 | by law, pay a civil penalty to the
Department in an amount not | ||||||
19 | to exceed $10,000 for each offense as determined by
the | ||||||
20 | Department and the assessment of costs as provided under | ||||||
21 | Section 23.3 of this Act. The civil penalty shall be assessed | ||||||
22 | by the Department after a
hearing is held in accordance with | ||||||
23 | the provisions set forth in this Act
regarding the provision of | ||||||
24 | a hearing for the discipline of a licensee.
| ||||||
25 | (b) The Department has the authority and power to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | investigate any and all
unlicensed activity.
| ||||||
2 | (c) The civil penalty shall be paid within 60 days after | ||||||
3 | the effective date
of the order imposing the civil penalty. The | ||||||
4 | order shall constitute a judgment
and may be filed and | ||||||
5 | execution had thereon in the same manner as any judgment
from | ||||||
6 | any court of record.
| ||||||
7 | (d) All moneys collected under this Section shall be | ||||||
8 | deposited into the General Professions Dedicated Fund. | ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
10 | (225 ILCS 415/4) (from Ch. 111, par. 6204)
| ||||||
11 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 4. In this Act:
| ||||||
13 | (1) "Department" means the Department of Financial and | ||||||
14 | Professional Regulation.
| ||||||
15 | (2) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and | ||||||
16 | Professional Regulation.
| ||||||
17 | (3) "Board" means the Certified Shorthand Reporters and | ||||||
18 | Voice Writer Reporters Board appointed by the
| ||||||
19 | (4) "The practice of shorthand reporting" means reporting, | ||||||
20 | by the use
of any system of manual or mechanical shorthand | ||||||
21 | writing, of Grand Jury
proceedings, court proceedings, court | ||||||
22 | related proceedings, pretrial
examinations, depositions, | ||||||
23 | motions and related proceedings of like
character, or | ||||||
24 | proceedings of an administrative agency when the final
decision | ||||||
25 | of the agency with reference thereto is likely to be subject
to |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | judicial review under the provisions of the Administrative | ||||||
2 | Review Law.
| ||||||
3 | (5) "Shorthand reporter" means a person who is technically | ||||||
4 | qualified and
certified under this Act to practice shorthand | ||||||
5 | reporting.
| ||||||
6 | (6) "Stenographic notes" means the original notes by manual | ||||||
7 | or mechanical
shorthand , voice writing, or shorthand writing | ||||||
8 | taken by a shorthand reporter or voice writer reporter of a | ||||||
9 | proceeding
while in attendance at such proceeding for the | ||||||
10 | purpose of reporting the same.
| ||||||
11 | (7) "Address of record" means the designated address | ||||||
12 | recorded by the Department in the applicant's or licensee's | ||||||
13 | application file or license file as maintained by the | ||||||
14 | Department's licensure maintenance unit. It is the duty of the | ||||||
15 | applicant or licensee to inform the Department of any change of | ||||||
16 | address and those changes must be made either through the | ||||||
17 | Department's Internet website or by contacting the Department. | ||||||
18 | (8) "Practice of voice writer reporting" means reporting, | ||||||
19 | by the use of a system of repeating words of the speaker into a | ||||||
20 | closed microphone voice dictation silencer that is capable of | ||||||
21 | digital translation into text, of grand jury proceedings, court | ||||||
22 | proceedings, court-related proceedings, pretrial examinations, | ||||||
23 | depositions, motions, and related proceedings of like | ||||||
24 | character, or proceedings of an administrative agency when the | ||||||
25 | final decision of the agency with reference thereto is likely | ||||||
26 | to be subject to judicial review under the provisions of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Administrative Review Law. | ||||||
2 | (9) "Voice writer reporter" means a person who is | ||||||
3 | technically qualified and certified under this Act to practice | ||||||
4 | voice writer reporting. | ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
6 | (225 ILCS 415/5) (from Ch. 111, par. 6205)
| ||||||
7 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 5. Title. Every person to whom a valid existing | ||||||
9 | certificate as a
certified shorthand reporter has been issued | ||||||
10 | under this Act shall
be designated as a Certified Shorthand | ||||||
11 | Reporter and not otherwise,
and any such certified shorthand | ||||||
12 | reporter may, in connection with
his or her practice of | ||||||
13 | shorthand reporting, use the abbreviation "C.S.R."
or the title | ||||||
14 | "Court Reporter". Every person to whom a valid existing | ||||||
15 | certificate as a certified voice writer reporter has been | ||||||
16 | issued under this Act shall be designated as a certified voice | ||||||
17 | writer reporter and not otherwise, and any such certified voice | ||||||
18 | writer reporter may, in connection with his or her practice of | ||||||
19 | voice writer reporting, use the abbreviation "C.V.W.R." or | ||||||
20 | "Court Reporter".
No person other than the holder of a valid | ||||||
21 | existing certificate
under this Act shall use the applicable | ||||||
22 | titles or designations authorized under this Section title or | ||||||
23 | designation of "Certified
Shorthand Reporter", "Court | ||||||
24 | Reporter",or "C.S.R.", either directly or
in | ||||||
25 | connection with his or her profession or business. A person may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | hold valid certificates both as a certified shorthand reporter | ||||||
2 | and as a certified voice writer under this Act and may use the | ||||||
3 | titles authorized by this Section.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 90-49, eff. 7-3-97 .)
| ||||||
5 | (225 ILCS 415/6) (from Ch. 111, par. 6206)
| ||||||
6 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 6. Restricted certificate. Upon receipt of a written | ||||||
8 | request from the Chief Judge of the reporter's circuit,
the | ||||||
9 | Department shall, upon payment of the required fee, issue to | ||||||
10 | any
reporter who has been appointed in counties of less than | ||||||
11 | 1,000,000 in
population, has been examined under the Court | ||||||
12 | Reporters Act, and has achieved an "A" proficiency rating, a | ||||||
13 | restricted certificate by which
such official court reporter | ||||||
14 | may then lawfully engage in reporting only court
proceedings to | ||||||
15 | which he or she may be assigned by the Chief Judge of his or her | ||||||
16 | circuit.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
18 | (225 ILCS 415/8) (from Ch. 111, par. 6208)
| ||||||
19 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
20 | Sec. 8. Certified Shorthand Reporters and Voice Writer | ||||||
21 | Reporters Board. The Secretary shall appoint a Certified | ||||||
22 | Shorthand Reporters and Voice Writer Reporters Board
as | ||||||
23 | follows: 7 persons who shall be appointed by and shall serve in
| ||||||
24 | an advisory capacity to the Secretary. At least 5 Six members |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | must be certified shorthand
reporters, in good standing, and | ||||||
2 | actively engaged in the practice of shorthand
reporting in this | ||||||
3 | State for 10 ten years . , One member may be a certified voice | ||||||
4 | writer reporter who either is actively engaged in the practice | ||||||
5 | of voice writer reporting and is in good standing in this State | ||||||
6 | or is actively engaged in the practice of voice writer | ||||||
7 | reporting and in good standing in another jurisdiction, and has | ||||||
8 | applied for certification in this State. One and one member | ||||||
9 | must be a member of
the public who is not certified under this | ||||||
10 | Act, or a similar Act of another
jurisdiction. Members of the | ||||||
11 | Board shall have no liability in any action based upon any | ||||||
12 | disciplinary proceeding or other activity performed in good | ||||||
13 | faith as members of the Board.
| ||||||
14 | Members shall serve 4 year terms and until their successors | ||||||
15 | are appointed
and qualified. No member shall be
reappointed to | ||||||
16 | the Board for a term that would cause his or her continuous
| ||||||
17 | service on the Board to be longer than 2 full consecutive | ||||||
18 | terms.
Appointments to fill vacancies
shall be made in the same | ||||||
19 | manner as original appointments, for the unexpired
portion of | ||||||
20 | the vacated term.
| ||||||
21 | In making appointments to the Board,
the Secretary shall | ||||||
22 | give consideration to recommendations by national and
State | ||||||
23 | organizations of the shorthand reporter and voice writer | ||||||
24 | reporter professions profession .
| ||||||
25 | Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A | ||||||
26 | quorum is required for all Board decisions. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | The Secretary may remove or suspend any member of the Board | ||||||
2 | for cause at any time before the expiration of his or her term. | ||||||
3 | The Secretary shall be the sole arbiter of cause.
| ||||||
4 | The Secretary shall consider the recommendations of the | ||||||
5 | Board on questions
involving standards of professional | ||||||
6 | conduct, discipline and qualifications
of candidates and | ||||||
7 | certificate holders under this Act. | ||||||
8 | Members of the Board shall be reimbursed for all | ||||||
9 | legitimate, necessary, and authorized expenses incurred in | ||||||
10 | attending the meetings of the Board.
| ||||||
11 | Members of the Board have no liability in any action based | ||||||
12 | upon any disciplinary proceedings or other activity performed | ||||||
13 | in good faith as members of the Board.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
15 | (225 ILCS 415/9) (from Ch. 111, par. 6209)
| ||||||
16 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
17 | Sec. 9. Qualifications. Applications for original | ||||||
18 | certificates shall be made to the
in writing on | ||||||
19 | forms prescribed by the Department and shall be accompanied
by | ||||||
20 | the required fee, which shall not be returnable. Any such | ||||||
21 | application
shall require such information as in the judgment | ||||||
22 | of the Department
will enable the Department to pass on the | ||||||
23 | qualifications of the applicant
for certification.
| ||||||
24 | In determining competency, the Department shall require | ||||||
25 | proof that the
applicant has a good understanding of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | English language, including reading,
spelling and vocabulary, | ||||||
2 | and that the applicant has sufficient ability to
accurately | ||||||
3 | report any of the matters comprising the practice of shorthand
| ||||||
4 | reporting or the practice of voice writer reporting, as herein | ||||||
5 | defined, by the use of any system of manual or mechanical
| ||||||
6 | shorthand or shorthand writing or by the use of voice writing , | ||||||
7 | and a clear understanding of obligations
between a shorthand | ||||||
8 | reporter and a voice writer reporter and the parties to any | ||||||
9 | proceedings reported,
as well as the provisions of this Act.
| ||||||
10 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
11 | (225 ILCS 415/10) (from Ch. 111, par. 6210)
| ||||||
12 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 10.
The Department shall authorize examinations at | ||||||
14 | such time and place as it may designate. The examination shall | ||||||
15 | be
of a character to give a fair test of the qualifications of | ||||||
16 | the applicant
to practice shorthand reporting or to practice | ||||||
17 | voice writer reporting .
| ||||||
18 | Applicants for examination as certified shorthand | ||||||
19 | reporters and for examination as certified voice writer | ||||||
20 | reporters shall be required
to pay, either to the Department or | ||||||
21 | the designated testing service, a fee
covering the cost of | ||||||
22 | providing the examination. Failure to appear for the
| ||||||
23 | examination on the scheduled date, at the time and place | ||||||
24 | specified, after
the applicant's application for examination | ||||||
25 | has been received and acknowledged
by the Department or the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | designated testing service, shall result in the
forfeiture of | ||||||
2 | the examination fee.
| ||||||
3 | If an applicant neglects, fails or refuses to take the next | ||||||
4 | available
examination offered or fails to pass an examination | ||||||
5 | for certification
under this Act, the application shall be | ||||||
6 | denied. If an applicant for
examination for certification under | ||||||
7 | this Act fails to pass the examination
within 3 years after | ||||||
8 | filing his application, the application shall be
denied. | ||||||
9 | However, such applicant may thereafter make a new application
| ||||||
10 | accompanied by the required fee.
| ||||||
11 | The Department may employ consultants for the purpose of | ||||||
12 | preparing and
conducting examinations.
| ||||||
13 | An applicant has one year from the date of notification of
| ||||||
14 | successful completion of the examination to apply to the | ||||||
15 | Department for a
license. If an applicant fails to apply within | ||||||
16 | one year, the applicant shall
be required to take and pass the | ||||||
17 | examination again unless licensed in
another jurisdiction of | ||||||
18 | the United States within one year of passing the
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
20 | (225 ILCS 415/11) (from Ch. 111, par. 6211)
| ||||||
21 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
22 | Sec. 11. Qualifications; application. A person shall be | ||||||
23 | qualified for certification as a certified
shorthand reporter | ||||||
24 | or for certification as a certified voice writer reporter if:
| ||||||
25 | A. That person has applied in writing in form and substance |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to the
Department; and
| ||||||
2 | (1) (Blank);
| ||||||
3 | (2) Is of good moral character, the determination of | ||||||
4 | which shall take
into account but not be totally based upon | ||||||
5 | any felony conviction of the
applicant; and
| ||||||
6 | (3) Has graduated from a high school or secondary | ||||||
7 | school or its
equivalent; and
| ||||||
8 | B. That person has successfully completed the examination | ||||||
9 | authorized by
the Department.
| ||||||
10 | Additional qualifications for the practice of shorthand | ||||||
11 | reporting or for the practice of voice writer reporting may be | ||||||
12 | set by the Department by rule. | ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
14 | (225 ILCS 415/13) (from Ch. 111, par. 6213)
| ||||||
15 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 13.
No action or suit shall be instituted, nor | ||||||
17 | recovery therein be
had, in any court of this State by any | ||||||
18 | person for compensation for any
act done or service rendered, | ||||||
19 | the doing or rendering of which is prohibited
under the | ||||||
20 | provisions of this Act to other than certified shorthand | ||||||
21 | reporters or certified voice writer reporters .
| ||||||
22 | (Source: P.A. 83-73 .)
| ||||||
23 | (225 ILCS 415/14) (from Ch. 111, par. 6214)
| ||||||
24 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 14. Expiration, renewal, and military service. The | ||||||
2 | expiration date and renewal period for each certificate issued
| ||||||
3 | under this Act shall be set by rule.
| ||||||
4 | Any certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
5 | reporter who has permitted his or her certificate to expire
or | ||||||
6 | who has had his or her certificate on inactive status may have | ||||||
7 | his or her certificate
restored by making application to the | ||||||
8 | Department, filing proof acceptable
to the Department of his or | ||||||
9 | her fitness to have his or her certificate restored and
paying | ||||||
10 | the required restoration fee. The Department may consider a
| ||||||
11 | certificate expired less than 5 years as prima facie evidence | ||||||
12 | that the
applicant is fit. If a certificate has expired or has | ||||||
13 | been placed on
inactive status and the applicant has practiced | ||||||
14 | in another jurisdiction
during such period, satisfactory proof | ||||||
15 | of fitness may include
sworn evidence certifying to active | ||||||
16 | practice in another jurisdiction.
| ||||||
17 | If the certified shorthand reporter or certified voice | ||||||
18 | writer reporter has not maintained an active practice
in | ||||||
19 | another jurisdiction satisfactory to the Department, the | ||||||
20 | Department shall
determine, by an evaluation program | ||||||
21 | established by rule, his or her fitness to
resume active status | ||||||
22 | and shall, by rule, establish procedures and requirements for | ||||||
23 | restoration.
| ||||||
24 | However, any certified shorthand reporter or certified | ||||||
25 | voice writer reporter whose certificate expired while
he or she | ||||||
26 | was (1) in Federal Service on active duty with the Armed Forces |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the
United States, or the State Militia called into service | ||||||
2 | or training, or
(2) in training or education under the | ||||||
3 | supervision of the United States
preliminary to induction into | ||||||
4 | the military service, may have his or her certificate
renewed | ||||||
5 | or restored without paying any lapsed renewal fees if within 2 | ||||||
6 | years
after termination of such service, training or education | ||||||
7 | except under
conditions other than honorable, he or she | ||||||
8 | furnished the Department with
satisfactory evidence to the | ||||||
9 | effect that he or she has been so engaged and that
his or her | ||||||
10 | service, training or education has been so terminated.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
12 | (225 ILCS 415/15) (from Ch. 111, par. 6215)
| ||||||
13 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 15. Inactive status. Any certified shorthand reporter | ||||||
15 | or certified voice writer reporter who notifies the Department
| ||||||
16 | in writing on forms prescribed by the Department, may elect to | ||||||
17 | place his or her
certificate on an inactive status and shall, | ||||||
18 | subject to rules of the
be excused from payment of | ||||||
19 | renewal fees until he or she notifies the Department
in writing | ||||||
20 | of his or her desire to resume active status.
| ||||||
21 | Any certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
22 | reporter requesting restoration from inactive status
shall be | ||||||
23 | required to pay the current renewal fee and shall be required | ||||||
24 | to
restore his or her certificate, as provided in Section 14.
| ||||||
25 | Any certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reporter whose certificate is in an inactive status
shall not | ||||||
2 | practice shorthand reporting or voice writer reporting in the | ||||||
3 | State of Illinois.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
5 | (225 ILCS 415/16) (from Ch. 111, par. 6216)
| ||||||
6 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 16. Endorsement; licensure without examination. The | ||||||
8 | Department may certify as a certified
shorthand reporter or as | ||||||
9 | a certified voice writer reporter , without examination, on | ||||||
10 | payment of the required fee,
an applicant who is a certified | ||||||
11 | shorthand reporter or certified voice writer reporter | ||||||
12 | registered under the
laws of another jurisdiction, if the | ||||||
13 | requirements for certification of
certified shorthand | ||||||
14 | reporters or certified voice writer reporters in that | ||||||
15 | jurisdiction were, at the date of his or her
certification, | ||||||
16 | substantially equivalent to the requirements in force in
this | ||||||
17 | State on that date.
| ||||||
18 | Applicants have 3 years from the date of application to | ||||||
19 | complete the
application process. If the process has not been | ||||||
20 | completed in 3
years, the application shall be denied, the fee | ||||||
21 | forfeited and the
applicant must reapply and meet the | ||||||
22 | requirements in effect at the time
of reapplication.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
24 | (225 ILCS 415/23) (from Ch. 111, par. 6223)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 23. Grounds for disciplinary action.
| ||||||
3 | (a) The Department may refuse to issue or renew, or may | ||||||
4 | revoke,
suspend, place on probation, reprimand or take other | ||||||
5 | disciplinary
or non-disciplinary action as the Department may | ||||||
6 | deem appropriate, including imposing fines not to
exceed | ||||||
7 | $10,000 for each violation and the assessment of costs as | ||||||
8 | provided for in Section 23.3 of this Act, with regard to any | ||||||
9 | license for any one
or combination of the following:
| ||||||
10 | (1) Material misstatement in furnishing information to | ||||||
11 | the Department;
| ||||||
12 | (2) Violations of this Act, or of the rules promulgated | ||||||
13 | thereunder;
| ||||||
14 | (3) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | ||||||
15 | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by | ||||||
16 | sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, | ||||||
17 | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | ||||||
18 | conditional discharge, or first offender probation under | ||||||
19 | the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States: (i) that | ||||||
20 | is a felony or (ii) that is a misdemeanor, an essential | ||||||
21 | element of which is dishonesty, or that is directly related | ||||||
22 | to the practice of the profession;
| ||||||
23 | (4) Fraud or any misrepresentation in applying for or | ||||||
24 | procuring a license under this Act or in connection with | ||||||
25 | applying for renewal of a license under this Act;
| ||||||
26 | (5) Professional incompetence;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (6) Aiding or assisting another person, firm, | ||||||
2 | partnership or corporation
in violating any provision of | ||||||
3 | this Act or rules;
| ||||||
4 | (7) Failing, within 60 days, to provide information in | ||||||
5 | response to a
written request made by the Department;
| ||||||
6 | (8) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical or | ||||||
7 | unprofessional conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | ||||||
8 | defraud or harm the public;
| ||||||
9 | (9) Habitual or excessive use or abuse of drugs defined | ||||||
10 | in law as controlled substances, alcohol, or any other | ||||||
11 | substances that results in the inability to practice with | ||||||
12 | reasonable judgment, skill, or safety;
| ||||||
13 | (10) Discipline by another state, unit of government, | ||||||
14 | government agency, the District of Columbia, a territory,
| ||||||
15 | or foreign nation, if at least one of the grounds for the | ||||||
16 | discipline is
the same or substantially equivalent to those | ||||||
17 | set forth herein;
| ||||||
18 | (11) Charging for professional services not rendered, | ||||||
19 | including filing false statements for the collection of | ||||||
20 | fees for which services were not rendered, or giving, | ||||||
21 | directly or indirectly, any gift or anything of value to | ||||||
22 | attorneys or their staff or any other persons or entities | ||||||
23 | associated with any litigation, that exceeds $100 total per | ||||||
24 | year; for the purposes of this Section, pro bono services, | ||||||
25 | as defined by State law, are permissible in any amount;
| ||||||
26 | (12) A finding by the Board that the certificate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | holder, after having
his or her certificate placed on | ||||||
2 | probationary status, has violated the terms of
| ||||||
3 | (13) Willfully making or filing false records or | ||||||
4 | reports in the practice
of shorthand reporting or in the | ||||||
5 | practice of voice writer reporting , including but not | ||||||
6 | limited to false records filed
with State agencies or | ||||||
7 | departments;
| ||||||
8 | (14) Physical illness, including but not limited to, | ||||||
9 | deterioration through
the aging process, or loss of motor | ||||||
10 | skill which results in the inability
to practice under this | ||||||
11 | Act with reasonable judgment, skill or safety;
| ||||||
12 | (15) Solicitation of professional services other than | ||||||
13 | by permitted
| ||||||
14 | (16) Willful failure to take full and accurate | ||||||
15 | stenographic notes of
any proceeding;
| ||||||
16 | (17) Willful alteration of any stenographic notes | ||||||
17 | taken at any proceeding;
| ||||||
18 | (18) Willful failure to accurately transcribe verbatim | ||||||
19 | any stenographic
notes taken at any proceeding;
| ||||||
20 | (19) Willful alteration of a transcript of | ||||||
21 | stenographic notes taken at
any proceeding;
| ||||||
22 | (20) Affixing one's signature to any transcript of his | ||||||
23 | stenographic notes
or certifying to its correctness unless | ||||||
24 | the transcript has been prepared
by him or under his | ||||||
25 | immediate supervision;
| ||||||
26 | (21) Willful failure to systematically retain |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | stenographic notes or transcripts on paper or any | ||||||
2 | electronic media for 10 years
from the date that the notes | ||||||
3 | or transcripts were taken;
| ||||||
4 | (22) Failure to deliver transcripts in a timely manner | ||||||
5 | or in accordance
with contractual agreements;
| ||||||
6 | (23) Establishing contingent fees as a basis of | ||||||
7 | compensation;
| ||||||
8 | (24) Mental illness or disability that results in the | ||||||
9 | inability to practice under this Act with reasonable | ||||||
10 | judgment, skill, or safety; | ||||||
11 | (25) Practicing under a false or assumed name, except | ||||||
12 | as provided by law; | ||||||
13 | (26) Cheating on or attempting to subvert the licensing | ||||||
14 | examination administered under this Act; | ||||||
15 | (27) Allowing one's license under this Act to be used | ||||||
16 | by an unlicensed person in violation of this Act. | ||||||
17 | All fines imposed under this Section shall be paid within | ||||||
18 | 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the fine | ||||||
19 | or in accordance with the terms set forth in the order imposing | ||||||
20 | the fine. | ||||||
21 | (b) The determination by a circuit court that a certificate | ||||||
22 | holder is
subject to involuntary admission or judicial | ||||||
23 | admission as provided in the
Mental Health and Developmental | ||||||
24 | Disabilities Code, operates as an automatic
suspension. Such | ||||||
25 | suspension will end only upon a
finding by a court that the | ||||||
26 | patient is no longer subject to involuntary
admission or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | judicial admission, an order by the court so finding and
| ||||||
2 | discharging the patient. In any case where a license is | ||||||
3 | suspended under this Section, the licensee may file a petition | ||||||
4 | for restoration and shall include evidence acceptable to the | ||||||
5 | Department that the licensee can resume practice in compliance | ||||||
6 | with acceptable and prevailing standards of the profession.
| ||||||
7 | (c) In cases where the Department of Healthcare and Family | ||||||
8 | Services has previously determined a licensee or a potential | ||||||
9 | licensee is more than 30 days delinquent in the payment of | ||||||
10 | child support and has subsequently certified the delinquency to | ||||||
11 | the Department, the Department may refuse to issue or renew or | ||||||
12 | may revoke or suspend that person's license or may take other | ||||||
13 | disciplinary action against that person based solely upon the | ||||||
14 | certification of delinquency made by the Department of | ||||||
15 | Healthcare and Family Services in accordance with item (5) of | ||||||
16 | subsection (a) of Section 2105-15 of the Civil Administrative | ||||||
17 | Code of Illinois. | ||||||
18 | (d) In enforcing this Section, the Department, upon a | ||||||
19 | showing of a possible violation, may compel any individual who | ||||||
20 | is certified under this Act or any individual who has applied | ||||||
21 | for certification under this Act to submit to a mental or | ||||||
22 | physical examination and evaluation, or both, which may include | ||||||
23 | a substance abuse or sexual offender evaluation, at the expense | ||||||
24 | of the Department. The Department shall specifically designate | ||||||
25 | the examining physician licensed to practice medicine in all of | ||||||
26 | its branches or, if applicable, the multidisciplinary team |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | involved in providing the mental or physical examination and | ||||||
2 | evaluation, or both. The multidisciplinary team shall be led by | ||||||
3 | a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its | ||||||
4 | branches and may consist of one or more or a combination of | ||||||
5 | physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of its | ||||||
6 | branches, licensed chiropractic physicians, licensed clinical | ||||||
7 | psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed | ||||||
8 | clinical professional counselors, and other professional and | ||||||
9 | administrative staff. Any examining physician or member of the | ||||||
10 | multidisciplinary team may require any person ordered to submit | ||||||
11 | to an examination and evaluation pursuant to this Section to | ||||||
12 | submit to any additional supplemental testing deemed necessary | ||||||
13 | to complete any examination or evaluation process, including, | ||||||
14 | but not limited to, blood testing, urinalysis, psychological | ||||||
15 | testing, or neuropsychological testing. | ||||||
16 | The Department may order the examining physician or any | ||||||
17 | member of the multidisciplinary team to provide to the | ||||||
18 | Department any and all records, including business records, | ||||||
19 | that relate to the examination and evaluation, including any | ||||||
20 | supplemental testing performed. The Department may order the | ||||||
21 | examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary team | ||||||
22 | to present testimony concerning this examination and | ||||||
23 | evaluation of the certified shorthand reporter , certified | ||||||
24 | voice writer reporter, or applicant, including testimony | ||||||
25 | concerning any supplemental testing or documents relating to | ||||||
26 | the examination and evaluation. No information, report, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | record, or other documents in any way related to the | ||||||
2 | examination and evaluation shall be excluded by reason of any | ||||||
3 | common law or statutory privilege relating to communication | ||||||
4 | between the licensee or applicant and the examining physician | ||||||
5 | or any member of the multidisciplinary team. No authorization | ||||||
6 | is necessary from the certified shorthand reporter or applicant | ||||||
7 | ordered to undergo an evaluation and examination for the | ||||||
8 | examining physician or any member of the multidisciplinary team | ||||||
9 | to provide information, reports, records, or other documents or | ||||||
10 | to provide any testimony regarding the examination and | ||||||
11 | evaluation. The individual to be examined may have, at his or | ||||||
12 | her own expense, another physician of his or her choice present | ||||||
13 | during all aspects of the examination. | ||||||
14 | Failure of any individual to submit to mental or physical | ||||||
15 | examination and evaluation, or both, when directed, shall | ||||||
16 | result in an automatic suspension, without hearing, until such | ||||||
17 | time as the individual submits to the examination. If the | ||||||
18 | Department finds a certified shorthand reporter or certified | ||||||
19 | voice writer reporter unable to practice because of the reasons | ||||||
20 | set forth in this Section, the Department shall require the | ||||||
21 | certified shorthand reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
22 | reporter to submit to care, counseling, or treatment by | ||||||
23 | physicians approved or designated by the Department, as a | ||||||
24 | condition for continued, reinstated, or renewed certification. | ||||||
25 | When the Secretary immediately suspends a certificate | ||||||
26 | under this Section, a hearing upon the person's certificate |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | must be convened by the Department within 15 days after the | ||||||
2 | suspension and completed without appreciable delay. The | ||||||
3 | Department shall have the authority to review the certified | ||||||
4 | shorthand reporter's or certified voice writer reporter's | ||||||
5 | record of treatment and counseling regarding the impairment, to | ||||||
6 | the extent permitted by applicable federal statutes and | ||||||
7 | regulations safeguarding the confidentiality of medical | ||||||
8 | records. | ||||||
9 | Individuals certified under this Act, affected under this | ||||||
10 | Section, shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate to the | ||||||
11 | Department that they can resume practice in compliance with | ||||||
12 | acceptable and prevailing standards under the provisions of | ||||||
13 | their certification. | ||||||
14 | (e) (Blank). | ||||||
15 | (f) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend | ||||||
16 | without hearing, as provided for in the Code of Civil | ||||||
17 | Procedure, the license of any person who fails to file a | ||||||
18 | return, to pay the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a filed | ||||||
19 | return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty, or | ||||||
20 | interest as required by any tax Act administered by the | ||||||
21 | Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the | ||||||
22 | requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied in accordance | ||||||
23 | with subsection (g) of Section 2105-15 of the Civil | ||||||
24 | Administrative Code of Illinois. | ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 100-872, eff. 8-14-18.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 415/23.1) (from Ch. 111, par. 6224)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 23.1. Injunctive actions; order to cease and desist. | ||||||
4 | (a) If any person violates the provisions of this Act,
the | ||||||
5 | Secretary may, in the name of the People of the State of | ||||||
6 | Illinois, through
the Attorney General of the State of Illinois | ||||||
7 | or the State's Attorney of the county in which the violation is | ||||||
8 | alleged to have occurred, petition for an order enjoining
such | ||||||
9 | violation or for an order enforcing compliance with this Act. | ||||||
10 | Upon the
filing of a verified petition in such court, the court | ||||||
11 | may issue a temporary
restraining order, without notice or | ||||||
12 | bond, and may preliminarily and
enjoin such | ||||||
13 | violation. If it is established that such person has violated
| ||||||
14 | or is violating the injunction, the court may punish the | ||||||
15 | offender for contempt
of court. Proceedings under this Section | ||||||
16 | shall be in addition to, and not
in lieu of, all other remedies | ||||||
17 | and penalties provided by this Act.
| ||||||
18 | (b) If any person practices as a certified shorthand | ||||||
19 | reporter or certified voice writer reporter or holds
himself or | ||||||
20 | herself out as a certified shorthand reporter or certified | ||||||
21 | voice writer reporter without being licensed
under the | ||||||
22 | provisions of this Act then any certified shorthand reporter, | ||||||
23 | any certified voice writer reporter,
any interested party or | ||||||
24 | any person injured thereby may, in addition to the
Secretary, | ||||||
25 | petition for relief as provided in subsection (a).
| ||||||
26 | (c) Whenever in the opinion of the Department any person |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | violates any
provision of this Act, the Department may issue a | ||||||
2 | rule to show cause why
an order to cease and desist should not | ||||||
3 | be entered against that individual. The rule
shall clearly set | ||||||
4 | forth the grounds relied upon by the Department and shall
| ||||||
5 | provide a period of 7 days from the date of the rule to file an | ||||||
6 | answer to
the satisfaction of the Department. Failure to answer | ||||||
7 | to the satisfaction
of the Department shall cause an order to | ||||||
8 | cease and desist to be issued
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
10 | (225 ILCS 415/23.3) (from Ch. 111, par. 6226)
| ||||||
11 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 23.3. Records of proceedings. The Department, at its | ||||||
13 | expense, shall preserve a record
of all proceedings at the | ||||||
14 | formal hearing of any case.
The notice of hearing, complaint | ||||||
15 | and all other documents in the nature of
pleadings and written | ||||||
16 | motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of
testimony, | ||||||
17 | the report
of the Board and orders of the Department, shall be | ||||||
18 | the record of such
proceeding. Any certified shorthand reporter | ||||||
19 | or certified voice writer reporter who is found to have | ||||||
20 | violated this Act or who fails to appear for a hearing to | ||||||
21 | refuse to issue, restore, or renew a license or to discipline a | ||||||
22 | licensee may be required by the Department to pay for the costs | ||||||
23 | of the proceeding. These costs are limited to costs for court | ||||||
24 | reporters, transcripts, and witness attendance and mileage | ||||||
25 | fees. All costs imposed under this Section shall be paid within |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the | ||||||
2 | fine.
| ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
4 | (225 ILCS 415/23.4) (from Ch. 111, par. 6227)
| ||||||
5 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 23.4. Subpoenas; oaths. The Department may subpoena | ||||||
7 | and bring
before it any person and to take the oral or written | ||||||
8 | testimony or compel the production of any books, papers, | ||||||
9 | records, or any other documents that the Secretary or his or | ||||||
10 | her designee deems relevant or material to an investigation or | ||||||
11 | hearing conducted by the Department with the same fees and | ||||||
12 | mileage and in the same manner
as prescribed by law in judicial | ||||||
13 | procedure in civil cases in courts of this
| ||||||
14 | The Secretary, the designated hearing officer, any member | ||||||
15 | of the Board, or a certified shorthand court reporter or a | ||||||
16 | certified voice writer reporter may have power to administer | ||||||
17 | oaths at any hearing which the
Department conducts. | ||||||
18 | Notwithstanding any other statute or Department rule to the | ||||||
19 | contrary, all requests for testimony and production of | ||||||
20 | documents or records shall be in accordance with this Act.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
22 | (225 ILCS 415/23.13) (from Ch. 111, par. 6236)
| ||||||
23 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 23.13. Summary suspension. The Secretary may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | summarily suspend the certificate of
a certified shorthand | ||||||
2 | reporter or a certified voice writer reporter without a | ||||||
3 | hearing, simultaneously with the
institution of proceedings | ||||||
4 | for a hearing provided for in Section 23.2 of
this Act, if the | ||||||
5 | Secretary finds that the evidence indicates
that a certified | ||||||
6 | shorthand reporter's or a certified voice writer reporter's | ||||||
7 | continuation in practice would constitute
an imminent danger to | ||||||
8 | the public. In the event that the Secretary summarily
| ||||||
9 | the certificate of a certified shorthand reporter or a | ||||||
10 | certified voice writer reporter without a hearing, a
hearing | ||||||
11 | shall be commenced within 30 days after such suspension has
| ||||||
12 | occurred and shall be concluded as expeditiously as possible.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| ||||||
14 | (225 ILCS 415/25) (from Ch. 111, par. 6241)
| ||||||
15 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 25. Home rule. The regulation and licensing of a | ||||||
17 | shorthand reporter or a voice writer reporter are exclusive | ||||||
18 | powers and functions of the State. A home rule unit may not | ||||||
19 | regulate or license a shorthand reporter or the practice of | ||||||
20 | shorthand reporting or regulate or license a voice writer | ||||||
21 | reporter or the practice of voice writer reporting . This | ||||||
22 | Section is a denial and limitation of home rule powers and | ||||||
23 | functions under subsection (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of | ||||||
24 | the Illinois Constitution.
| ||||||
25 | (Source: P.A. 98-445, eff. 12-31-13.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (225 ILCS 415/26) (from Ch. 111, par. 6242)
| ||||||
2 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 26.
Every shorthand reporter and voice writer reporter | ||||||
4 | shall print his or her name
and license or restricted license | ||||||
5 | number on each transcript reported.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 87-481; 87-576 .)
| ||||||
7 | (225 ILCS 415/28)
| ||||||
8 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
9 | Sec. 28. Payment for services. A person certified under | ||||||
10 | this Act may hold an attorney, firm, or
any other entity | ||||||
11 | personally responsible for payment of shorthand reporting
| ||||||
12 | services or voice writer reporting services rendered at the | ||||||
13 | request of that attorney, firm, or entity.
| ||||||
14 | (Source: P.A. 90-295, eff. 8-1-97 .)
| ||||||
15 | Section 45. The Illinois Public Accounting Act is amended | ||||||
16 | by changing Section 20.2 as follows:
| ||||||
17 | (225 ILCS 450/20.2) (from Ch. 111, par. 5523)
| ||||||
18 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
| ||||||
19 | Sec. 20.2. Subpoenas; depositions; oaths. | ||||||
20 | (a) The Department may subpoena and bring before it any
| ||||||
21 | person to take the oral or written testimony or compel the | ||||||
22 | production of any books, papers, records, or any other |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | documents that the Secretary or his or her designee deems | ||||||
2 | relevant or material to any investigation or hearing conducted | ||||||
3 | by the Department with the same fees and mileage as prescribed | ||||||
4 | in
civil cases in circuit
courts of this State and in the same | ||||||
5 | manner as prescribed by this Act and its rules.
| ||||||
6 | (b) The Secretary, any member of the Committee designated | ||||||
7 | by the Secretary, a certified shorthand reporter or certified | ||||||
8 | voice writer reporter , or any hearing officer appointed may | ||||||
9 | administer oaths at any hearing which the Department conducts. | ||||||
10 | Notwithstanding any statute or Department rule to the contrary, | ||||||
11 | all requests for testimony, production of documents, or records | ||||||
12 | shall be in accordance with this Act.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 98-254, eff. 8-9-13.)
| ||||||
14 | Section 50. The Real Estate Appraiser Licensing Act of 2002 | ||||||
15 | is amended by changing Section 15-15 as follows:
| ||||||
16 | (225 ILCS 458/15-15)
| ||||||
17 | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2022)
| ||||||
18 | Sec. 15-15. Investigation; notice; hearing.
| ||||||
19 | (a) Upon the motion of the Department
or the Board or
upon | ||||||
20 | a complaint in
writing of a person setting forth facts that, if | ||||||
21 | proven, would constitute
grounds for suspension, revocation,
| ||||||
22 | or other disciplinary action against a licensee or applicant | ||||||
23 | for licensure, the Department
shall investigate the actions of | ||||||
24 | the licensee or applicant. If, upon investigation, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department believes that there may be cause for suspension, | ||||||
2 | revocation, or other disciplinary action, the Department shall | ||||||
3 | use the services of a State certified general real estate | ||||||
4 | appraiser, a State certified residential real estate | ||||||
5 | appraiser, or the Real Estate Coordinator to assist in | ||||||
6 | determining whether grounds for disciplinary action exist | ||||||
7 | prior to commencing formal disciplinary proceedings.
| ||||||
8 | (b) Formal disciplinary proceedings shall commence upon | ||||||
9 | the issuance of a
written complaint
describing the charges that | ||||||
10 | are the basis of the disciplinary action and
delivery of the | ||||||
11 | detailed complaint to the address of
record of the licensee or | ||||||
12 | applicant. The Department
shall notify the licensee or
| ||||||
13 | applicant
to file a verified written
answer within 20 days | ||||||
14 | after the service of the notice and complaint.
notification | ||||||
15 | shall inform the licensee or applicant of his or her
right to | ||||||
16 | be heard in person or by
legal counsel; that the hearing will | ||||||
17 | be afforded not sooner than 30 days after
of the | ||||||
18 | complaint; that failure to file an answer will result in a | ||||||
19 | default being
entered against the licensee or applicant;
that | ||||||
20 | the license may be suspended, revoked, or placed on
| ||||||
21 | probationary status; and that other
disciplinary action may be | ||||||
22 | taken pursuant to this Act, including limiting the
scope, | ||||||
23 | nature, or extent of the licensee's
practice. If the licensee | ||||||
24 | or applicant fails to file an answer after service of
notice, | ||||||
25 | his or her license may,
at the discretion of the Department, be | ||||||
26 | suspended,
revoked, or placed on probationary
status and the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Department
may take whatever disciplinary
action it deems | ||||||
2 | proper,
including limiting the scope, nature, or extent of the | ||||||
3 | person's practice,
without a hearing.
| ||||||
4 | (c) At the time and place fixed in the notice, the Board | ||||||
5 | shall conduct
hearing of the charges, providing
both the | ||||||
6 | accused person and the complainant ample opportunity to present | ||||||
7 | in
or by counsel such statements, testimony, evidence, | ||||||
8 | and argument as may be
pertinent to the charges or
to a defense | ||||||
9 | thereto.
| ||||||
10 | (d) The Board shall present to the Secretary
a written | ||||||
11 | report of its
findings and
recommendations. A copy of the | ||||||
12 | report shall be served upon the licensee or
either | ||||||
13 | personally or by certified
mail. Within 20 days after the | ||||||
14 | service, the licensee or applicant may present
the Secretary
| ||||||
15 | with a motion in writing
for either a rehearing, a proposed | ||||||
16 | finding of fact, a conclusion of law, or an
alternative | ||||||
17 | sanction, and shall
specify the particular grounds for the | ||||||
18 | request. If the accused orders a
transcript of the record
as | ||||||
19 | provided in this Act, the time elapsing thereafter and before | ||||||
20 | the transcript
is ready for delivery to the
accused shall not | ||||||
21 | be counted as part of the 20 days. If the Secretary
not | ||||||
22 | satisfied that
substantial justice has been done, the Secretary
| ||||||
23 | may order a rehearing by
the Board or other
special committee | ||||||
24 | appointed by the Secretary, may remand the matter to the
Board | ||||||
25 | for its
reconsideration of the matter based on the pleadings | ||||||
26 | and evidence presented to
the Board, or may enter
a final order |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | in contravention of the Board's recommendation. | ||||||
2 | Notwithstanding a licensee's or applicant's failure to file a | ||||||
3 | motion for rehearing, the Secretary
shall have the right to | ||||||
4 | take any of
the actions specified in this
subsection (d). Upon | ||||||
5 | the suspension or revocation of a license, the licensee
| ||||||
6 | be required to surrender his
or her license to the Department, | ||||||
7 | and upon failure or refusal to do so, the Department
shall have
| ||||||
8 | the right to seize the
| ||||||
9 | (e) The Department
has the power to issue subpoenas and
| ||||||
10 | subpoenas duces tecum
to bring before it any person in this | ||||||
11 | State, to take testimony, or to require
production of any | ||||||
12 | records
relevant to an inquiry or hearing by the Board in the | ||||||
13 | same manner as prescribed
by law in judicial
proceedings in the | ||||||
14 | courts of this State. In a case of refusal of a witness to
| ||||||
15 | attend, testify, or to produce
books or papers concerning a | ||||||
16 | matter upon which he or she might be lawfully
examined, the | ||||||
17 | circuit court
of the county where the hearing is held, upon | ||||||
18 | application of the Department
or any
party to the proceeding, | ||||||
19 | may compel obedience by proceedings as for contempt.
| ||||||
20 | (f) Any license that is suspended indefinitely or revoked | ||||||
21 | may not be
restored for a minimum period
of 2 years, or as | ||||||
22 | otherwise ordered by the Secretary.
| ||||||
23 | (g) In addition to the provisions of this Section | ||||||
24 | concerning the conduct of
hearings and the
recommendations for | ||||||
25 | discipline, the Department
has the authority to negotiate
| ||||||
26 | disciplinary and non-disciplinary
settlement agreements |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | concerning any license issued under this Act. All such
| ||||||
2 | agreements shall be
recorded as Consent Orders or Consent to | ||||||
3 | Administrative Supervision Orders.
| ||||||
4 | (h) The Secretary
shall have the authority to appoint an | ||||||
5 | attorney duly
licensed to practice law in the
State of Illinois | ||||||
6 | to serve as the hearing officer in any action to suspend,
| ||||||
7 | revoke, or otherwise discipline
any license issued by the | ||||||
8 | Department. The Hearing Officer
shall have full authority
to | ||||||
9 | conduct the hearing.
| ||||||
10 | (i) The Department, at its expense, shall preserve a record | ||||||
11 | of all formal hearings of
any contested case involving
the | ||||||
12 | discipline of a license. At all hearings or pre-hearing | ||||||
13 | conferences, the Department
and the licensee shall be
entitled | ||||||
14 | to have the proceedings transcribed by a certified shorthand | ||||||
15 | reporter or certified voice writer reporter .
A copy of the | ||||||
16 | transcribed
proceedings shall be made available to the licensee | ||||||
17 | by the certified shorthand
reporter or certified voice writer | ||||||
18 | reporter upon payment of
the prevailing contract copy rate.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 100-831, eff. 1-1-19 .)
| ||||||
20 | Section 55. The Animal Welfare Act is amended by changing | ||||||
21 | Section 15 as follows:
| ||||||
22 | (225 ILCS 605/15) (from Ch. 8, par. 315)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 15.
Any person affected by a final administrative | ||||||
24 | decision of
the Department may have such decision reviewed |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | judicially by the circuit
court of the county wherein such | ||||||
2 | person resides, or in the case of a
corporation, wherein the | ||||||
3 | registered office is located. If the plaintiff
in the review | ||||||
4 | proceeding is not a resident of this state, the venue
shall be | ||||||
5 | in Sangamon County. The provisions of the Administrative Review
| ||||||
6 | Law, and all amendments and modifications
thereof, and the | ||||||
7 | rules adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply to and
govern all | ||||||
8 | proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative
| ||||||
9 | decisions of the Department hereunder. The term | ||||||
10 | "administrative
decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the | ||||||
11 | Code of Civil Procedure.
| ||||||
12 | The Department shall not be required to certify the record | ||||||
13 | of the
proceeding unless the plaintiff in the review | ||||||
14 | proceedings has purchased
a copy from the certified shorthand | ||||||
15 | reporter or certified voice writer reporter who prepared the | ||||||
16 | record. Exhibits
shall be certified without cost.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 82-783.)
| ||||||
18 | Section 60. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by | ||||||
19 | changing Section 7-9 as follows:
| ||||||
20 | (235 ILCS 5/7-9) (from Ch. 43, par. 153)
| ||||||
21 | Sec. 7-9.
Except as provided in this Section, any order or | ||||||
22 | action of a
local liquor control commissioner levying a fine or | ||||||
23 | refusing to levy a fine
on a licensee, granting or refusing to | ||||||
24 | grant a license,
revoking or suspending or refusing to revoke |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or suspend a license or
refusing for more than 30 days to grant | ||||||
2 | a hearing upon a complaint to
revoke or suspend a license may, | ||||||
3 | within 20 days after notice of such
order or action, be | ||||||
4 | appealed by any resident of the political
subdivision under the | ||||||
5 | jurisdiction of the local liquor control
commissioner or any | ||||||
6 | person interested, to the State Commission.
| ||||||
7 | In any case where a licensee appeals to the State | ||||||
8 | Commission from an
order or action of the local liquor control | ||||||
9 | commission having the effect of
suspending or revoking a | ||||||
10 | license, denying a renewal application, or
refusing to grant a | ||||||
11 | license, the licensee shall resume the operation of the
| ||||||
12 | licensed business pending the decision of the State Commission | ||||||
13 | and the
expiration of the time allowed for an application for | ||||||
14 | rehearing. If an
application for rehearing is filed, the | ||||||
15 | licensee shall continue the
operation of the licensed business | ||||||
16 | until the denial of the application or,
if the rehearing is | ||||||
17 | granted, until the decision on rehearing.
| ||||||
18 | In any case in which a licensee appeals to the State | ||||||
19 | Commission a
suspension or revocation by a local liquor control | ||||||
20 | commissioner that is the
second or subsequent such suspension | ||||||
21 | or revocation placed on that licensee
within the preceding 12 | ||||||
22 | month period, the licensee shall
consider the suspension or | ||||||
23 | revocation to be in effect until a reversal of
the local liquor | ||||||
24 | control commissioner's action has been issued by the State
| ||||||
25 | Commission and shall cease all activity otherwise authorized by | ||||||
26 | the
license. The State Commission shall expedite, to the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | greatest extent
possible, its consideration of any appeal that | ||||||
2 | is an appeal of a second or
subsequent suspension or revocation | ||||||
3 | within the past 12 month period.
| ||||||
4 | The appeal shall be limited to a review of the official | ||||||
5 | record of the
proceedings of such local liquor control | ||||||
6 | commissioner if the county board,
city council or board of | ||||||
7 | trustees, as the case may be,
has adopted a resolution | ||||||
8 | requiring that such review be on the record. If such
resolution | ||||||
9 | is adopted, a certified official record of the proceedings
| ||||||
10 | taken and prepared by a certified court reporter , or certified | ||||||
11 | shorthand
reporter , or certified voice writer reporter shall be | ||||||
12 | filed by the local liquor control commissioner within 5
days | ||||||
13 | after notice of the filing of such appeal, if the appellant | ||||||
14 | licensee
pays for the cost of the transcript.
The State | ||||||
15 | Commission
review the propriety of the order or action of | ||||||
16 | the local liquor control
commissioner and shall consider the | ||||||
17 | following questions:
| ||||||
18 | (a) whether the local liquor control commissioner has | ||||||
19 | proceeded in
the manner provided by law;
| ||||||
20 | (b) whether the order is supported by the findings;
| ||||||
21 | (c) whether the findings are supported by substantial | ||||||
22 | evidence in
the light of the whole record.
| ||||||
23 | The only evidence which may be considered in the review, | ||||||
24 | shall be the
evidence found in the certified official record of | ||||||
25 | the proceedings of
the local liquor control commissioner. No | ||||||
26 | new or additional evidence
shall be admitted or considered. The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State Commission shall render a
decision affirming, reversing | ||||||
2 | or modifying the order or action reviewed
within 30 days after | ||||||
3 | the appeal was heard.
| ||||||
4 | In the event such appeal is from an order of a local liquor | ||||||
5 | control
commissioner of a city, village or incorporated town of | ||||||
6 | 500,000 or more
inhabitants, granting or refusing to grant a | ||||||
7 | license or refusing for
more than 30 days to grant a hearing | ||||||
8 | upon a complaint to revoke or
suspend a license, the matter of | ||||||
9 | the propriety of such order or action
shall be tried de novo by | ||||||
10 | the license appeal commission as expeditiously
as | ||||||
11 | circumstances permit.
| ||||||
12 | In the event such appeal is from an order or action of a | ||||||
13 | local liquor
control commissioner of a city, village or | ||||||
14 | incorporated town of 500,000
or more inhabitants, imposing a | ||||||
15 | fine or refusing to impose a fine on a
licensee, revoking or | ||||||
16 | suspending or refusing to revoke or
suspend a license, the | ||||||
17 | license appeal commission shall determine the
appeal by a | ||||||
18 | review of the official record of the proceedings of such
local | ||||||
19 | liquor control commissioner. A certified record of the | ||||||
20 | proceedings
shall be promptly filed with the license appeal | ||||||
21 | commission by such local
control commissioner after | ||||||
22 | notice of the filing of such
appeal if the appellant licensee | ||||||
23 | pays for the cost of the transcript
and promptly delivers the | ||||||
24 | transcript to
the local liquor control commission or its | ||||||
25 | attorney.
The review by the license appeal commission shall be | ||||||
26 | limited to
the questions:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a) whether the local liquor control commissioner has | ||||||
2 | proceeded in
the manner provided by law;
| ||||||
3 | (b) whether the order is supported by the findings;
| ||||||
4 | (c) whether the findings are supported by substantial | ||||||
5 | evidence in
the light of the whole record.
| ||||||
6 | No new or additional evidence in support
of or in opposition to | ||||||
7 | such order or action under appeal shall be
received other than | ||||||
8 | that contained in such record of the proceedings.
Within 30 | ||||||
9 | days after such appeal was heard,
the license appeal
commission | ||||||
10 | shall render its decision in accordance with the provisions
of | ||||||
11 | Section 7-5.
| ||||||
12 | In cities, villages and incorporated towns having a | ||||||
13 | population of
500,000 or more inhabitants, appeals from any | ||||||
14 | order or action shall lie
to the license appeal commission of | ||||||
15 | such city, village or incorporated
town. All of the provisions | ||||||
16 | of this Section and Section 7-10 relative
to proceedings upon | ||||||
17 | appeals before the State Commission
and relative to appeals | ||||||
18 | from the decisions of the State Commission shall
apply also to | ||||||
19 | proceedings upon appeals before any license appeal
commission | ||||||
20 | and appeals from the decisions of license appeal commission.
| ||||||
21 | In any trial de novo hearing before the State Commission or | ||||||
22 | license
appeal commission, the local liquor control | ||||||
23 | commissioner shall be
entitled to 10 days notice and to be | ||||||
24 | heard. All such trial de novo
hearings shall be open to the | ||||||
25 | public and the Illinois Liquor Control
Commission and the | ||||||
26 | license appeal commission shall reduce all evidence
offered |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | thereto to writing.
| ||||||
2 | If after trial de novo hearing or review as provided | ||||||
3 | herein, the
State Commission or the license appeal commission | ||||||
4 | (as the case may be)
shall decide that the license has been | ||||||
5 | improperly issued, denied,
revoked, suspended or refused to be | ||||||
6 | revoked or suspended or a hearing to
revoke or suspend has been | ||||||
7 | improperly refused or that the licensee has been
improperly | ||||||
8 | fined or not fined, it shall enter an order
in conformity with | ||||||
9 | such findings, which order shall be in writing.
| ||||||
10 | A certified copy of the order shall be transmitted to the | ||||||
11 | particular
local liquor control commissioner and it shall be | ||||||
12 | the duty of the local
liquor control commissioner to take such | ||||||
13 | action as may be necessary to
conform with the order.
| ||||||
14 | In any trial de novo hearing before the State Commission or | ||||||
15 | the
license appeal commission, the licensee shall submit to | ||||||
16 | examination and
produce books and records material to the | ||||||
17 | business conducted under the
license in like manner as before | ||||||
18 | the local liquor control commissioner,
and the failure of the | ||||||
19 | licensee to submit to such an examination or to
produce such | ||||||
20 | books and records, or to appear at the hearing on such
appeal, | ||||||
21 | shall constitute an admission that he has violated the
| ||||||
22 | provisions of this Act. In the event the appeal is from an | ||||||
23 | order of the
local liquor control commissioner
denying a | ||||||
24 | renewal application, the
licensee shall have on deposit with | ||||||
25 | the local liquor control
commissioner an amount sufficient to | ||||||
26 | cover the license fee for the
renewal period and any bond that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may be required.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 88-613, eff. 1-1-95.)
| ||||||
3 | Section 65. The Salvage Warehouse and Salvage Warehouse | ||||||
4 | Store Act is amended by changing Section 10 as follows:
| ||||||
5 | (240 ILCS 30/10) (from Ch. 114, par. 410)
| ||||||
6 | Sec. 10.
The Department, at its expense, shall provide a | ||||||
7 | stenographer
to take down the testimony and preserve a record | ||||||
8 | of all proceedings at
the hearing of any case involving the | ||||||
9 | refusal to issue or renew, or the
suspension or revocation of a | ||||||
10 | license. The notice of hearing, complaint
and all other | ||||||
11 | documents in the nature of pleadings and written motions
filed | ||||||
12 | in the proceedings, the transcript of testimony, and orders of | ||||||
13 | the
Department shall be the record of such proceedings. Any | ||||||
14 | interested person
may purchase a copy of the transcript of the | ||||||
15 | record from the certified shorthand
reporter or certified voice | ||||||
16 | writer reporter who prepared the record.
| ||||||
17 | In any case involving the refusal to issue or renew or the | ||||||
18 | suspension
or revocation of a license, a copy of the | ||||||
19 | Department's report shall be
served upon the respondent by the | ||||||
20 | Department, either personally or by
registered or certified | ||||||
21 | mail as provided in this Act for the service of
the notice of | ||||||
22 | hearing. Within 20 days after such service, the respondent
may | ||||||
23 | present to the Department a motion in writing for a rehearing, | ||||||
24 | which
written motion shall specify the particular grounds |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | therefor. If no
motion for rehearing is filed, then upon the | ||||||
2 | expiration of the time
specified for filing such a motion, or | ||||||
3 | if a motion for rehearing is
denied, then upon such denial, the | ||||||
4 | Director may enter an order. If the
respondent shall order and | ||||||
5 | pay for a transcript of the record within the
time for filing a | ||||||
6 | motion for rehearing, the 20 day period within which
such a | ||||||
7 | motion may be filed shall commence upon the delivery of the
| ||||||
8 | transcript to the respondent.
| ||||||
9 | (Source: P.A. 81-750.)
| ||||||
10 | Section 67. The Court Reporters Act is amended by changing | ||||||
11 | Section 5 as follows: | ||||||
12 | (705 ILCS 70/5) (from Ch. 37, par. 655)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 5. Means of reporting; transcripts.
The court reporter | ||||||
14 | shall make a full reporting by means of stenographic
hand or | ||||||
15 | machine notes, voice writer reporting, or a combination | ||||||
16 | thereof, of the evidence and such
other proceedings in trials | ||||||
17 | and judicial proceedings to which he is
assigned by the chief | ||||||
18 | judge, and the court reporter may use an electronic
instrument | ||||||
19 | as a supplementary device. In the event that the court
utilizes | ||||||
20 | an audio or video recording system to record the proceedings, a
| ||||||
21 | court reporter shall be in charge of such system; however, the | ||||||
22 | appointment
of a court reporter to be in charge of an audio or | ||||||
23 | video recording system
shall not be required where such system | ||||||
24 | is the judge's personal property or
has been supplied by a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | party or such party's attorney. To the extent that
it does not | ||||||
2 | substantially interfere with the court reporter's other | ||||||
3 | official duties,
the judge to whom, or a judge of the division | ||||||
4 | to which, a reporter is
assigned may assign a reporter to | ||||||
5 | secretarial or clerical duties arising
out of official court | ||||||
6 | operations.
| ||||||
7 | Unless and until otherwise provided in a Uniform Schedule
| ||||||
8 | of Charges which may hereafter be provided by rule or order of | ||||||
9 | the employer
representative, a court reporter may charge not to | ||||||
10 | exceed 25ยข per 100 words for
making transcripts of his notes. | ||||||
11 | The fees for making transcripts shall be
paid in the first | ||||||
12 | instance by the party in whose behalf such transcript is
| ||||||
13 | ordered and shall be taxed in the suit.
| ||||||
14 | The transcripts shall be filed and remain with the papers | ||||||
15 | of the case.
When the judge trying the case shall, of his own | ||||||
16 | motion, order a transcript
of the court reporter's notes, the | ||||||
17 | judge may direct the payment of the
charges therefor, and the | ||||||
18 | taxation of the charges as costs in such manner
as to him may | ||||||
19 | seem just. Provided, that the charges for making but one
| ||||||
20 | transcript shall be taxed as costs and the party first ordering | ||||||
21 | the
transcript shall have preference unless it shall be | ||||||
22 | otherwise ordered by
the court.
| ||||||
23 | The change made to this Section by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
24 | 1987 is
intended to apply retroactively from and after January | ||||||
25 | 1, 1987.
| ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 94-98, eff. 7-1-05.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 70. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by | ||||||
2 | changing Section 5-5-5 as follows:
| ||||||
3 | (730 ILCS 5/5-5-5) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005-5-5)
| ||||||
4 | Sec. 5-5-5. Loss and restoration of rights.
| ||||||
5 | (a) Conviction and disposition shall not entail the loss by | ||||||
6 | the
defendant of any civil rights, except under this Section | ||||||
7 | and Sections 29-6
and 29-10 of The Election Code, as now or | ||||||
8 | hereafter amended.
| ||||||
9 | (b) A person convicted of a felony shall be ineligible to | ||||||
10 | hold an office
created by the Constitution of this State until | ||||||
11 | the completion of his sentence.
| ||||||
12 | (c) A person sentenced to imprisonment shall lose his right | ||||||
13 | to vote
until released from imprisonment.
| ||||||
14 | (d) On completion of sentence of imprisonment or upon | ||||||
15 | discharge from
probation, conditional discharge or periodic | ||||||
16 | imprisonment, or at any time
thereafter, all license rights and | ||||||
17 | privileges
granted under the authority of this State which have | ||||||
18 | been revoked or
suspended because of conviction of an offense | ||||||
19 | shall be restored unless the
authority having jurisdiction of | ||||||
20 | such license rights finds after
investigation and hearing that | ||||||
21 | restoration is not in the public interest.
This paragraph (d) | ||||||
22 | shall not apply to the suspension or revocation of a
license to | ||||||
23 | operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
| ||||||
24 | (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or upon a
person's discharge from probation or at any time | ||||||
2 | thereafter, the committing
court may enter an order certifying | ||||||
3 | that the sentence has been
satisfactorily completed when the | ||||||
4 | court believes it would assist in the
rehabilitation of the | ||||||
5 | person and be consistent with the public welfare.
Such order | ||||||
6 | may be entered upon the motion of the defendant or the State or
| ||||||
7 | upon the court's own motion.
| ||||||
8 | (f) Upon entry of the order, the court shall issue to the | ||||||
9 | person in
whose favor the order has been entered a certificate | ||||||
10 | stating that his
behavior after conviction has warranted the | ||||||
11 | issuance of the order.
| ||||||
12 | (g) This Section shall not affect the right of a defendant | ||||||
13 | to
collaterally attack his conviction or to rely on it in bar | ||||||
14 | of subsequent
proceedings for the same offense.
| ||||||
15 | (h) No application for any license specified in subsection | ||||||
16 | (i) of this
Section granted under the
authority of this State | ||||||
17 | shall be denied by reason of an eligible offender who
has | ||||||
18 | obtained a certificate of relief from disabilities, as
defined | ||||||
19 | in Article 5.5 of this Chapter, having been previously | ||||||
20 | convicted of one
or more
criminal offenses, or by reason of a | ||||||
21 | finding of lack of "good moral
character" when the finding is | ||||||
22 | based upon the fact that the applicant has
previously been | ||||||
23 | convicted of one or more criminal offenses, unless:
| ||||||
24 | (1) there is a direct relationship between one or more | ||||||
25 | of the previous
criminal offenses and the specific license | ||||||
26 | sought; or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) the issuance of the license would
involve an | ||||||
2 | unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare | ||||||
3 | of
specific individuals or the general public.
| ||||||
4 | In making such a determination, the licensing agency shall | ||||||
5 | consider the
following factors:
| ||||||
6 | (1) the public policy of this State, as expressed in | ||||||
7 | Article 5.5 of this
Chapter, to encourage the licensure and | ||||||
8 | employment of persons previously
convicted of one or more | ||||||
9 | criminal offenses;
| ||||||
10 | (2) the specific duties and responsibilities | ||||||
11 | necessarily related to the
license being sought;
| ||||||
12 | (3) the bearing, if any, the criminal offenses or | ||||||
13 | offenses for which the
was previously convicted will | ||||||
14 | have on his or her fitness or ability to perform
one or
| ||||||
15 | more such duties and responsibilities;
| ||||||
16 | (4) the time which has elapsed since the occurrence of | ||||||
17 | the criminal
offense or offenses;
| ||||||
18 | (5) the age of the person at the time of occurrence of | ||||||
19 | the criminal
offense or offenses;
| ||||||
20 | (6) the seriousness of the offense or offenses;
| ||||||
21 | (7) any information produced by the person or produced | ||||||
22 | on his or her
behalf in
regard to his or her rehabilitation | ||||||
23 | and good conduct, including a certificate
of relief from | ||||||
24 | disabilities issued to the applicant, which certificate | ||||||
25 | shall
create a presumption of rehabilitation in regard to | ||||||
26 | the offense or offenses
specified in the certificate; and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (8) the legitimate interest of the licensing agency in | ||||||
2 | protecting
property, and
the safety and welfare of specific | ||||||
3 | individuals or the general public.
| ||||||
4 | (i) A certificate of relief from disabilities shall be | ||||||
5 | issued only
for a
license or certification issued under the | ||||||
6 | following Acts:
| ||||||
7 | (1) the Animal Welfare Act; except that a certificate | ||||||
8 | of relief from
disabilities may not be granted
to provide | ||||||
9 | for
issuance or restoration of a license under the | ||||||
10 | Animal Welfare Act for any
person convicted of violating | ||||||
11 | Section 3, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.03-1, or 4.01 of
the Humane | ||||||
12 | Care for Animals Act or Section 26-5 or 48-1 of the | ||||||
13 | Criminal Code of
1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012;
| ||||||
14 | (2) the Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act;
| ||||||
15 | (3) the Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetics, Hair Braiding, | ||||||
16 | and Nail Technology Act of 1985;
| ||||||
17 | (4) the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Repairer Regulation | ||||||
18 | Act;
| ||||||
19 | (5) the Boxing and Full-contact Martial Arts Act;
| ||||||
20 | (6) the Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters and | ||||||
21 | Voice Writer Reporters Act of 1984 ;
| ||||||
22 | (7) the Illinois Farm Labor Contractor Certification | ||||||
23 | Act;
| ||||||
24 | (8) the Registered Interior Designers Act;
| ||||||
25 | (9) the Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of | ||||||
26 | 1989;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (10) the Illinois Landscape Architecture Act of 1989;
| ||||||
2 | (11) the Marriage and Family Therapy Licensing Act;
| ||||||
3 | (12) the Private Employment Agency Act;
| ||||||
4 | (13) the Professional Counselor and Clinical | ||||||
5 | Professional Counselor
Licensing and Practice
| ||||||
6 | (14) the Real Estate License Act of 2000;
| ||||||
7 | (15) the Illinois Roofing Industry Licensing Act; | ||||||
8 | (16) the Professional Engineering Practice Act of | ||||||
9 | 1989; | ||||||
10 | (17) the Water Well and Pump Installation Contractor's | ||||||
11 | License Act; | ||||||
12 | (18) the Electrologist Licensing Act;
| ||||||
13 | (19) the Auction License Act; | ||||||
14 | (20) the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989; | ||||||
15 | (21) the Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Act; | ||||||
16 | (22) the Environmental Health Practitioner Licensing | ||||||
17 | Act; | ||||||
18 | (23) the Funeral Directors and Embalmers Licensing | ||||||
19 | Code; | ||||||
20 | (24) (blank); | ||||||
21 | (25) the Professional Geologist Licensing Act; | ||||||
22 | (26) the Illinois Public Accounting Act; and | ||||||
23 | (27) the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989.
| ||||||
24 | (Source: P.A. 100-534, eff. 9-22-17; 100-920, eff. 8-17-18.)
| ||||||
25 | Section 75. The Code of Civil Procedure is amended by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | changing Section 2-1003 as follows:
| ||||||
2 | (735 ILCS 5/2-1003) (from Ch. 110, par. 2-1003)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 2-1003. Discovery and depositions. | ||||||
4 | (a) Discovery, such as admissions of
fact and of | ||||||
5 | genuineness of documents, physical and mental examinations of | ||||||
6 | parties and other persons, the taking of any depositions, and | ||||||
7 | interrogatories,
shall be in accordance with rules.
| ||||||
8 | (b) (Blank).
| ||||||
9 | (c) (Blank).
| ||||||
10 | (d) Whenever the defendant in any litigation in this State | ||||||
11 | has the right
to demand a physical or mental examination of the | ||||||
12 | plaintiff pursuant to
statute or Supreme Court Rule, relative | ||||||
13 | to the occurrence and extent of
injuries or damages for which | ||||||
14 | claim is made, or in connection with the
plaintiff's capacity | ||||||
15 | to exercise any right plaintiff has, or would have
but for a | ||||||
16 | finding based upon such examination, the plaintiff has the
| ||||||
17 | right to have his or her attorney, or such other person as the | ||||||
18 | plaintiff
may wish, present at such physical or mental | ||||||
19 | examination.
| ||||||
20 | (e) No person or organization shall be required to furnish | ||||||
21 | claims,
loss or risk management information held or provided by | ||||||
22 | an insurer, which
information is described in Section 143.10a | ||||||
23 | of the " Illinois Insurance Code " .
| ||||||
24 | (f) Unless a verbatim record of the testimony or deposition | ||||||
25 | is prepared and certified by an individual certified under the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters and Voice Writer | ||||||
2 | Reporters Act or a court reporter under the Court Reporters | ||||||
3 | Act, no testimony taken in any litigation in this State by | ||||||
4 | deposition shall be offered in any court in this State and no | ||||||
5 | testimony offered in the record of administrative proceedings | ||||||
6 | in an appeal under the Administrative Review Law shall be | ||||||
7 | considered part of the administrative record. Testimony taken | ||||||
8 | outside of this State shall be deemed to be in conformity with | ||||||
9 | this Section if the testimony was prepared and certified by a | ||||||
10 | court reporter authorized to prepare and certify deposition | ||||||
11 | testimony in the jurisdiction in which the testimony was taken. | ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 99-110, eff. 1-1-16 .)
| ||||||
13 | Section 80. The Illinois Pre-Need Cemetery Sales Act is | ||||||
14 | amended by changing Sections 9 and 11 as follows:
| ||||||
15 | (815 ILCS 390/9) (from Ch. 21, par. 209)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 9.
The Comptroller may upon his own motion investigate | ||||||
17 | the actions
of any person providing, selling, or offering | ||||||
18 | pre-need sales contracts
or of any applicant
or any person or | ||||||
19 | persons holding or claiming to hold
a license under this Act. | ||||||
20 | The Comptroller shall make such an investigation
on receipt of | ||||||
21 | the verified written complaint of any person setting forth
| ||||||
22 | facts which, if proved, would constitute grounds for refusal, | ||||||
23 | suspension,
or revocation of a license.
Before refusing to | ||||||
24 | issue, and before suspension or revocation of a license,
the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Comptroller shall hold a hearing to determine whether the | ||||||
2 | applicant or
hereafter called the respondent, is | ||||||
3 | entitled to hold
such a license. At
least 10 days prior to the | ||||||
4 | date set for such hearing, the Comptroller shall
notify the | ||||||
5 | respondent in writing that on the date designated a hearing
| ||||||
6 | will be held to determine his eligibility for a license and | ||||||
7 | that he may
appear in person or by counsel. Such written notice | ||||||
8 | may be served on the
respondent personally, or by registered or | ||||||
9 | certified mail sent to the
business address as | ||||||
10 | shown in his latest notification to the Comptroller and
shall | ||||||
11 | include sufficient information to inform the respondent of the | ||||||
12 | general
nature of the charge. At the hearing, both the | ||||||
13 | respondent and the complainant
shall be accorded ample | ||||||
14 | opportunity to present in person or by counsel such
statements, | ||||||
15 | testimony, evidence and argument as may be pertinent to the
| ||||||
16 | charges or to any defense thereto. The Comptroller may | ||||||
17 | reasonably continue
such hearing from time to time.
| ||||||
18 | The Comptroller may subpoena any person or persons in this | ||||||
19 | State and take
testimony orally, by deposition or by exhibit, | ||||||
20 | in the same manner and with
the same fees and mileage as | ||||||
21 | prescribed in judicial proceedings in civil cases.
| ||||||
22 | Any authorized agent of the Comptroller may administer | ||||||
23 | oaths to witnesses
at any hearing which the Comptroller is | ||||||
24 | authorized to conduct.
| ||||||
25 | The Comptroller, at his expense, shall provide a certified | ||||||
26 | shorthand reporter or certified voice writer reporter
to take |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | down the testimony and preserve a record of all proceedings at | ||||||
2 | the
hearing of any case involving the refusal to issue a | ||||||
3 | license, the suspension
or revocation of a license, the | ||||||
4 | imposition of a monetary penalty, or the
of a case for | ||||||
5 | criminal prosecution. The record of any such proceeding shall
| ||||||
6 | consist of the notice of hearing, complaint, all other | ||||||
7 | documents in the
nature of pleadings and written motions filed | ||||||
8 | in the proceedings, the
of testimony and the report | ||||||
9 | and orders of the Comptroller. Copies of the
transcript of such | ||||||
10 | record may be purchased from the certified shorthand
reporter | ||||||
11 | or certified voice writer reporter
who prepared the record or | ||||||
12 | from the Comptroller.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
| ||||||
14 | (815 ILCS 390/11) (from Ch. 21, par. 211)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 11.
Any person affected by a final administrative | ||||||
16 | decision of the
Comptroller may have such decision reviewed | ||||||
17 | judicially by the circuit court
of the county where such person | ||||||
18 | resides, or in the case of a corporation,
where the registered | ||||||
19 | office is located. If the plaintiff in the review
proceeding is | ||||||
20 | not a resident of this State, venue shall be in Sangamon | ||||||
21 | County. The
provisions of the "Administrative Review Law", | ||||||
22 | approved August 19, 1981,
all amendments and modifications | ||||||
23 | thereto, and any rules adopted under it
govern all proceedings | ||||||
24 | for the judicial review of final administrative
decisions of | ||||||
25 | the Comptroller. The term "administrative decision" is defined
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as in the "Administrative Review Law".
| ||||||
2 | The Comptroller is not required to certify the record of | ||||||
3 | the proceeding
unless the plaintiff in the review proceedings | ||||||
4 | has purchased a copy of the
transcript from the certified | ||||||
5 | shorthand reporter or certified voice writer reporter who | ||||||
6 | prepared the record or
from the Comptroller. Exhibits shall be | ||||||
7 | certified without cost.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 84-239.)
| ||||||
9 | Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes | ||||||
10 | changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text | ||||||
11 | that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section | ||||||
12 | represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does | ||||||
13 | not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes | ||||||
14 | made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other | ||||||
15 | Public Act. |