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1 | AN ACT concerning education.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Public Community College Act is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 3-7 and by adding Section 3-7d as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (110 ILCS 805/3-7) (from Ch. 122, par. 103-7)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 3-7. (a) The election of the members of the board of | ||||||
8 | trustees
shall be nonpartisan and shall be held at the time and | ||||||
9 | in the manner provided
in the general election law.
| ||||||
10 | (b) Unless otherwise provided in this Act, members shall | ||||||
11 | be elected to
serve 6
year terms. The term of members elected | ||||||
12 | in 1985 and thereafter shall be from
the date the member is | ||||||
13 | officially determined to be elected to the board by
a canvass | ||||||
14 | conducted pursuant to the Election Code, to the date that the
| ||||||
15 | winner of the seat is officially determined by the canvass | ||||||
16 | conducted
pursuant to the Election Code the next time the seat | ||||||
17 | on the board is to be
filled by election.
| ||||||
18 | (c) Each member must on the date of his election be a | ||||||
19 | citizen of the
States, of the age of 18 years or over, | ||||||
20 | and a resident of the State and
the territory which on the date | ||||||
21 | of the election is included in the
community college district | ||||||
22 | for at least one year immediately preceding
his election.
In | ||||||
23 | Community College District No. 526,
each member elected at the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | consolidated election in 2005 or thereafter must
also be a | ||||||
2 | resident of the trustee
district he or she represents for at | ||||||
3 | least one year immediately preceding
his or her election, | ||||||
4 | except that in the first consolidated election for each
| ||||||
5 | trustee district following reapportionment, a candidate for | ||||||
6 | the board
may be elected from any trustee district that | ||||||
7 | contains a part of the
trustee district in which he or she | ||||||
8 | resided at the time of the
reapportionment and may be | ||||||
9 | reelected if a resident of the new trustee district
or she | ||||||
10 | represents for one year prior to reelection. In each community | ||||||
11 | college district with a population of 300,000 or more | ||||||
12 | inhabitants within the district, other than Community College | ||||||
13 | District No. 522, Community College District No. 526, or a | ||||||
14 | community college district subject to Article VII, and in any | ||||||
15 | community college district with a population under 300,000 | ||||||
16 | inhabitants within the district whose board has approved the | ||||||
17 | election of board members by trustee district under Section | ||||||
18 | 3-7d, each member elected at the consolidated election in 2023 | ||||||
19 | or
thereafter must also be a resident of the trustee district | ||||||
20 | he
or she represents for at least one year immediately | ||||||
21 | preceding
his or her election, except that in the first | ||||||
22 | consolidated
election for each trustee district following | ||||||
23 | reapportionment
by the board, a candidate for the board may be
| ||||||
24 | elected from any trustee district that contains a part of the
| ||||||
25 | trustee district in which he or she resided at the time of the
| ||||||
26 | reapportionment and may be reelected if a resident of the new
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | trustee district he or she represents for one year prior to
| ||||||
2 | reelection.
| ||||||
3 | In the event a person who is a member of a common school
| ||||||
4 | board is elected or appointed to a board of trustees of a | ||||||
5 | community college
district, that person shall be permitted to | ||||||
6 | serve the remainder of his or
her term of office as a member of | ||||||
7 | the common school board. Upon the
expiration of the common | ||||||
8 | school board term, that person shall not be
eligible for | ||||||
9 | election or appointment to a common school board during the
| ||||||
10 | term of office with the community college district board of | ||||||
11 | trustees.
| ||||||
12 | (d) Whenever a vacancy occurs, the remaining members shall | ||||||
13 | fill the
vacancy, and the person so appointed shall serve | ||||||
14 | until a successor is
elected to serve the remainder of the | ||||||
15 | unexpired term at the next regular election for board members | ||||||
16 | and is certified in
accordance with Sections 22-17 and 22-18 | ||||||
17 | of the Election Code. If the
remaining members fail so to act | ||||||
18 | within 60 days after the vacancy occurs,
the chairman of the | ||||||
19 | State Board shall fill that vacancy, and the person so
| ||||||
20 | appointed shall serve until a successor is elected to serve | ||||||
21 | the remainder of the unexpired term at the next regular
| ||||||
22 | election for board members and is certified in accordance with | ||||||
23 | Sections
22-17 and 22-18 of the Election Code. The person | ||||||
24 | appointed to fill the
vacancy shall have the same residential | ||||||
25 | qualifications as his predecessor
in office was required to | ||||||
26 | have. In either instance, if the vacancy occurs
with less than |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 4 months remaining before the next scheduled consolidated
| ||||||
2 | election, and the term of office of the board member vacating | ||||||
3 | the position
is not scheduled to expire at that election, then | ||||||
4 | the term of the person so
appointed shall extend through that | ||||||
5 | election and until the succeeding
consolidated election. If | ||||||
6 | the term of office of the board
member vacating the position is | ||||||
7 | scheduled to expire at the upcoming
consolidated election, the | ||||||
8 | appointed member shall serve
only until a successor is elected | ||||||
9 | and qualified at that election.
| ||||||
10 | (e) Members of the board shall serve without compensation | ||||||
11 | but shall be
reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred | ||||||
12 | in connection with
their service as members. Compensation, for | ||||||
13 | purposes of this Section, means
any salary or other benefits | ||||||
14 | not expressly authorized by this Act to be
provided or paid to, | ||||||
15 | for or on behalf of members of the board. The board
of each | ||||||
16 | community college district may adopt a policy providing for | ||||||
17 | the
issuance of bank credit cards, for use by any board member | ||||||
18 | who requests the
same in writing and agrees to use the card | ||||||
19 | only for the reasonable expenses
which he or she incurs in | ||||||
20 | connection with his or her service as a board
member. Expenses | ||||||
21 | charged to such credit cards shall be accounted for
separately | ||||||
22 | and shall be submitted to the chief financial officer of the
| ||||||
23 | district for review prior to being reported to the board at its | ||||||
24 | next
regular meeting.
| ||||||
25 | (f) The ballot for the election of
members of the board for | ||||||
26 | a community college district shall indicate the
length of term |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for each office to be filled. In the election of a board
for | ||||||
2 | any community college district, the ballot shall not contain | ||||||
3 | any
political party designation.
| ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 100-273, eff. 8-22-17; 100-884, eff. 1-1-19 .)
| ||||||
5 | (110 ILCS 805/3-7d new) | ||||||
6 | Sec. 3-7d. Trustee districts beginning with the 2023 | ||||||
7 | consolidated election. Beginning with the consolidated | ||||||
8 | election in 2023, the election of board members shall be by | ||||||
9 | trustee district rather than at large in each community | ||||||
10 | college district with a population of 300,000 or more | ||||||
11 | inhabitants within the district, other than in Community | ||||||
12 | College District No. 522, Community College District No. 526, | ||||||
13 | or a community college district subject to Article VII, and in | ||||||
14 | any community college district with a population under 300,000 | ||||||
15 | inhabitants within the district whose board approves the | ||||||
16 | election of board members by trustee district by a | ||||||
17 | three-fifths majority vote as follows: | ||||||
18 | (1) In 2023, before the next consolidated election if | ||||||
19 | that year is an election year, the board shall divide the | ||||||
20 | community college district into 7 trustee districts, each | ||||||
21 | of which shall be compact, contiguous, and substantially | ||||||
22 | equal in population to each other trustee district. The | ||||||
23 | division of the community college district into trustee | ||||||
24 | districts must be completed and formally approved by a | ||||||
25 | majority of the members of the board. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) For each at-large seat on the board that is to be | ||||||
2 | filled by election in 2023 or thereafter, the seat shall | ||||||
3 | instead be filled by a trustee elected from a trustee | ||||||
4 | district. The board shall determine which trustee district | ||||||
5 | seat is to replace which at-large seat by lot. | ||||||
6 | (3) In the year following each decennial census after | ||||||
7 | 2023, before the next consolidated election if that year | ||||||
8 | is an election year, the board shall reapportion the | ||||||
9 | trustee districts to reflect the results of the census and | ||||||
10 | shall divide the community college district into 7 trustee | ||||||
11 | districts, each of which shall be compact, contiguous, and | ||||||
12 | substantially equal in population to each other trustee | ||||||
13 | district. The reapportionment must be completed and | ||||||
14 | formally approved by a majority of the members of the | ||||||
15 | board. At the same meeting of the board, the board shall, | ||||||
16 | publicly by lot, divide the trustee districts into 2 | ||||||
17 | groups. Four trustees or their successors from one group | ||||||
18 | shall be elected for successive terms of 4 years and 6 | ||||||
19 | years, and 3 trustees or their successors from the second | ||||||
20 | group shall be elected for successive terms of 6 years and | ||||||
21 | 4 years. One member shall be elected from each such | ||||||
22 | trustee district.
| ||||||
23 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
24 | becoming law.